Charlies Angels S05E09

  • 3 months ago
00:00Once upon a time, there were three beautiful girls.
00:07Two of them graduated from the police academy.
00:11The other graduated from a top school for models.
00:16And they each reaped the rewards of their exciting careers.
00:22But I took them away from all that, and now they work for me.
00:26My name is Charlie.
01:26This is our day, darling.
01:45I know, I know.
01:48Now you two stay here. I'll be right back with the good stuff.
01:51I'd like our share and a cashier check, please.
01:54It's the only way to fly.
02:04Aren't you sorry now?
02:06Sorry about what?
02:08About John.
02:09Aren't you sorry you doubted him, and aren't you ashamed?
02:12No, I'm not ashamed.
02:14As your older sister, it's my duty to protect our investments.
02:18You just can't accept it, can you?
02:20You just can't accept the idea that someone like John could love someone like me.
02:24Okay, I accept, I accept.
02:26Now I'm going to go get a paper.
02:40Are you certain you want to carry all this cash, Mr. Fogler?
02:44I love the feel of cash.
02:46Crisp, friendly.
02:52It was nice having a corporation with you, Mr. Harrison.
02:55Short-lived, though it was.
02:58I've always found that life's brief encounters are sweeter somehow.
03:02Do you mind if I use your back door?
03:31What's wrong?
03:38That creep, he's running out on us.
03:40What are you talking about?
03:42John, he had a car stashed in back, and he's splitting with our money.
03:46I don't believe it.
03:47No, you wouldn't.
03:55Are you hurt?
03:58Well, then shut up.
04:09Miss Stone, how much did Mr. Thornwood cost you and your sister before he fled San Francisco?
04:15Mr. Thornwood relieved my sister of $100,000.
04:21Unfortunately, since our parents' death, we have a mutual account.
04:25And her loss is my loss.
04:28This John Thornwood, his scam is a South American oil exploration venture?
04:34Yes, he put up $100,000 of good-faith money, which we matched in a corporation he set up.
04:42The corporation was legitimate.
04:45But the oil well wasn't.
04:50John, Mr. Thornwood lied very convincingly.
04:55You've been to the San Francisco police, of course.
04:57And the state attorney general, and a few other minions of the law.
05:02The bottom line is that with two countries involved and all the red tape, the legal fees and the time lost will cost us more than the $100,000 we lost.
05:11So you want us to try to recover your money.
05:14Is that right, Miss Stone?
05:16But equally important, I want Mr. John Thornwood punished for what he's done.
05:21Well, Miss Stone, we might be able to recover your money, but we're not in the business of punishing people.
05:28Oh, I don't mean that you should beat him up or anything that gross, even though he does deserve it.
05:34I just want him off the streets so he doesn't take advantage of other silly young ladies.
05:41Miss Stone, do you have any idea where Mr. Thornwood is at the moment?
05:46Well, just what I told Mr. Townsend.
05:48I heard he was down here in Los Angeles.
05:50I may have a line on him, Bosley.
05:52A friend of mine at City Hall, Department of Rent Control, says a man named John Thornwood has moved into a new luxury apartment in the valley called the Wiltern Arms.
06:03All right, Charlie, we'll check it out.
06:05Then you will be staying here in Los Angeles, Miss Stone?
06:09Oh, yes, to watch you hang him out to dry.
06:40Just hold on, madam. You hornswoggled me.
06:43Just keep your voice down, Tex.
06:45You cheated me.
06:47Is that anything like hornswoggled?
06:49You're darn right it is, little lady.
06:51But the police got another name for it.
06:55Look, either you keep your voice down or I'm going to call the police and have them come and toss you out of here.
07:00You are crazy.
07:02You get me out of $50,000 and you're going to call the police.
07:06If you think you have any kind of case against me, then you go talk to the attorney general or something.
07:11In the meantime, either you get out of here or you're going to be parking your boots in the hoose scout at night.
07:15Me? You're loco.
07:17You are loco!
07:25I'm sorry. Did the noise disturb you?
07:27No, no. I was just getting in.
07:31Your boyfriend seems a little upset.
07:35Oh, no. He's just a business acquaintance.
07:38We had this little venture together and it didn't work out for us.
07:42He's not taking it too well.
07:44Too bad.
07:46Oh, since we're neighbors, my name's Chris Monroe.
07:49John Thornwood. In case you want to borrow a cup of sugar or anything.
07:53You'll be the first one I'll call.
08:08Your cup runneth empty.
08:11Well, you know what they say. Empty cup, full heart.
08:15It must be chilly out there.
08:27I'm sorry.
08:29I'm sorry.
08:31I'm sorry.
08:34Something wet?
08:36Sounds wonderful.
08:53Well, who would have believed it?
08:55Who would have believed what?
08:57Well, my evening started out so unpleasantly and it's ending so nicely.
09:03But it hasn't ended yet.
09:05I do have to go home.
09:09Don't con a conner.
09:11What do you mean?
09:13Now, listen. Don't play games with me, okay?
09:16I'm the one that saw you blowing off that mark in the hallway, remember?
09:22Baby, drop it. It takes one to know one, right?
09:27You made a $50,000 score. I'm impressed.
09:32Well, fancy that.
09:34Birds of a feather living right on the same roost.
09:57I wonder what Mr. Thornwood's doing up so early in the morning.
10:01From what Chris could learn last night,
10:03she gets the impression he's working another con here in L.A.
10:06Shall we follow?
10:31Oh, shit.
11:02Come on.
11:16How very pretty you look today, Miss Regis.
11:19Oh, Professor Thornwood.
11:21I don't know what to do when you say things like that.
11:24The only thing you can do, Miss Regis, believe everything I tell you.
11:28I found that material you were asking about on American Folk Art, Professor Thornwood.
11:33Oh, please. Call me John.
11:37Professor Thornwood?
11:40Well, we know who Thornwood's next victim is.
11:43A lady who works in a gallery?
11:46It doesn't make sense.
11:48Why don't you find out who she is, and I'll ease drop a little.
11:52Is the material helpful, Professor Thornwood?
11:55I mean John.
11:58Very, very helpful.
12:02I, um, I was wondering...
12:07Would you, um, think me terribly forward
12:10if I ask you to join me for dinner
12:12to discuss a project I'm considering?
12:16No, not tonight, but soon.
12:18Tomorrow night?
12:19That soon?
12:20Night after tomorrow?
12:22Well, whenever you're available.
12:23I'm available tomorrow night.
12:29I'll pick you up when you close.
12:32I'll be waiting.
12:41Pardon me.
12:44I couldn't help noticing such a handsome man.
12:47Is he a friend of yours?
12:49Yes, he's my friend.
12:52Actually, we're nearly engaged.
12:56Oh, you're a very lucky girl.
12:59Yes, I am.
13:01I love him.
13:03Very much.
13:13Find out who she is?
13:15Yes, her name's Monica Regis.
13:17She owns this place.
13:26What's next, Mark?
13:36You're telling me, Kelly,
13:38that Monica Regis fancies herself
13:40in love with Professor Thornwood?
13:43Well, I heard him ask her out
13:45on their first dinner date.
13:46The next thing, she told me
13:47he was about to become her fiancé.
13:49When a nice, intelligent woman
13:51like Monica Regis lies, Charlie,
13:53she's definitely in love.
13:55Oh, is that how a man tells
13:57when a woman's in love, Julie?
13:59She lies?
14:01And to think that I've spent half my life
14:03in search of an honest woman.
14:05A fool's pursuit, Bosley.
14:08Chris, do you think you'd be able
14:10to persuade Thornwood to become your partner?
14:14Well, I'm working on it.
14:16There's one thing that worries me.
14:18Which is?
14:19Monica Regis.
14:20I get the impression that there's been very few,
14:22if any men in her life at all.
14:24She could get hurt very badly by Thornwood.
14:27Perhaps if you became her confidante, Kelly,
14:29you could advise her.
14:31Well, I'll try.
14:33By the way, Bosley,
14:34did you come up with anything
14:36on Monica Regis' background?
14:38Well, I'm not really sure, Charlie.
14:41You see, there seem to be some discrepancies.
14:44Yes, I couldn't find any kind
14:46of family background on her.
14:48But although she does own the Regis Gallery,
14:50it was originally purchased in her behalf
14:53by TransAllied,
14:54which is some sort of a financial holding company.
14:57Maybe I should check that out, Charlie.
14:59Good idea.
15:00The more we know about Thornwood's victim,
15:02the better we can protect her.
15:04Well, if there's a local listing for TransAllied,
15:07I'll look in on them in the morning.
15:08Be careful, Julie.
15:10There's a rumor that TransAllied
15:11is syndicate-connected.
15:13Meanwhile, I have to get back to my new apartment.
15:16I've invited Professor Thornwood
15:18for a quiet little dinner.
15:21How do you intend to keep him at your table
15:23and out of your bedroom?
15:26Well, I'm not.
15:28You are.
15:30See you again.
15:58Time for a little something smooth.
16:07Why don't we have something smooth in there?
16:27Oh, hello, Mr. Papadopoulos.
16:30How are you this evening?
16:31Cold and uncomfortable.
16:34How nice.
16:36Well, have you thought about my Egyptian project?
16:39You have?
16:42Would you like to become involved financially?
16:48Six months?
16:50Oh, I'm afraid I can't wait that long.
16:54Yes, I understand.
16:56Well, perhaps another project another time.
16:59Goodbye, Mr. Papadopoulos.
17:17Spill it.
17:21Your Egyptian project.
17:24It wasn't very important.
17:26You're frowning.
17:27That makes it important.
17:29Your mark just blew in empty, right?
17:32No, he'll take the hook.
17:34He just can't come up with the money soon enough.
17:42What's the setup?
17:45I never mix business with pleasure.
17:49Business is best when it is pleasure.
17:55Okay, I'll tell you.
17:57I did all this research.
17:58I learned the lingo.
18:00I set up this phony mailing address in Egypt.
18:03It's a buried Egyptian gold scam.
18:05Sounds like you've done your homework.
18:06I have.
18:07What are you using for bait?
18:13And the mark puts up matching funds.
18:17It's an old saw, but it always works.
18:21But why settle for $50,000 when we can make it $150,000?
18:28I don't follow.
18:29I've got $100,000.
18:32Are you saying you want in on this?
18:33Oh, you pick up quick.
18:36Okay, okay.
18:37What's the split?
18:39Equal to investment.
18:40I double my $100,000.
18:42You double your $50,000.
18:43Wait a minute.
18:44I did all the groundwork.
18:46Yes, but you just lost your mark.
18:48And I've got one who can go the whole bundle.
18:57Well, you certainly don't waste any strokes, do you, John?
19:01Here's to sticking it to the suckers.
19:05My very thought.
19:10Boss, are you sure I've got the right address?
19:13Trans-Allied, 1930 West 57th Street.
19:18But this doesn't look like a financial holding company.
19:21It looks like a meat packing factory, which it is.
19:25Well, that's the address in the phone book.
19:27They're the ones who bought the Regis Gallery.
19:29Okay, all right.
19:30I'll check it out and get back to you.
19:35Who do you want to see, exactly?
19:38The boss, exactly.
19:40You'll have to give me his name.
19:42You don't know your boss's name?
19:45The question is not, do I know?
19:48The question is, do you know?
19:51I represent a group of cattlemen from the Midwest
19:55who might be interested in doing some business for this company.
19:59Well, if you'll give me the information.
20:02Oh, no, no, they insist I speak to the head man personally
20:05since a great deal of money is involved.
20:11All right.
20:13I'll let you see Mr. Fennell.
20:15But you better be who you say you are.
20:18Hey, what are you doing?
20:21Like I said, you better be who you say you are.
20:32Come on.
20:41Check out a purse and call me back.
20:49Sit down, Miss...
20:50Rogers, Julie Rogers.
20:53You represent some cattlemen?
20:57What do they want with me?
21:00They heard a lot of nice things about you.
21:04They did?
21:06I mean, they said you were a decent sort of fellow.
21:10I am?
21:12Aren't you?
21:20Towns an agency.
21:22What's that?
21:30Oh, get her!
21:40Hey! Grab her!
22:00So, the lady is a detective.
22:04I can explain.
22:06No, I'll explain.
22:08The first rule around here is nobody lies to Joe.
22:15Joe. Me. I'm Joe.
22:18Good. Let's use first names.
22:21You want to know what the second rule around here is?
22:24How many guesses do I get?
22:26None, because I'm going to tell you.
22:28The second rule around here is you don't lie to Joe.
22:33Wasn't that the first rule around here?
22:35That's the first and the second rule.
22:38Now, does that tell you anything?
22:40You don't like to be lied to?
22:44Which means, little lady,
22:46that you are in big, big trouble.
22:59You're in big trouble.
23:09Young lady, I'm getting tired of this.
23:12Maybe you should sit down.
23:15Who are you, and what are you doing here?
23:18Listen, this is all a mistake.
23:20Why don't I just take a walk and we'll forget the whole thing?
23:23Look, you better start talking,
23:25or the only way you'll get out of here is feet first.
23:31Okay. Okay, I'll level with you.
23:38Okay, I'm listening.
23:40You're right.
23:42I am a detective,
23:44and my boss, Mr. Charles Townsend,
23:46was interested in donating
23:49some very valuable art pieces to the Regis Gallery.
23:52Art pieces?
23:54But he wanted to make sure
23:57that Monica Regis was legitimate.
24:00And her background, however, was a little muddled,
24:04and then when we learned
24:06that trans-allied associates purchased the gallery in her behalf,
24:10well, we wondered why.
24:12And your boss wants to donate something to this gallery?
24:17So that's what this is all about.
24:20Okay, I'll make a deal with you.
24:23I'll take it.
24:25The truth is, Monica Regis is my daughter.
24:28Your daughter?
24:30That I care about. A lot.
24:34But why? How come...?
24:37That she uses a different name?
24:40Well, in my business,
24:43I tangle with the law sometimes.
24:45You tangle with the law?
24:47Sometimes with the government.
24:50Wait a minute.
24:52Joseph Fennell, Senate Rackets Committee,
24:55about six weeks ago.
24:57They tried to frame me. They didn't make it stick.
25:00Oh, I get it.
25:02You don't want your daughter touched by anything publicly embarrassing.
25:06Which is why we changed her name.
25:08Joe, you don't have to worry about a thing.
25:11Your secret's safe with me and Mr. Townsend.
25:14And your boss will still make that donation to my little girl's gallery?
25:18Oh, absolutely.
25:21I'll be anxious to see what it is.
25:23Oh, yeah, me too.
25:43It's about time for Thornwood and Chris
25:45to lay the hook on Monica Regis.
25:52Your choice of exhibits is most elegant.
25:54You're very kind, Miss Garrett.
25:56I thought we agreed.
25:58You were gonna call me Kelly, and I was gonna call you Monica.
26:08Ah, there's that handsome fiancé of yours.
26:13Excuse me.
26:17Thank you.
26:23What is the total capitalization necessary?
26:26Three hundred thousand.
26:28So with your 50,000 and my 100,000,
26:31we've got half of what we need.
26:33Yes, but unfortunately, time is running out.
26:36I mean, we need that other 150,000 very quickly.
26:39That's not gonna be easy.
26:41No, but this could prove to be
26:43the most historically significant discovery of the century.
26:46I mean, not to mention the financial rewards.
26:49Well, the financial rewards would be pleasant, of course,
26:52but you see, I'm much more interested
26:54in what we can accomplish aesthetically.
26:57How like you, Professor.
27:01Darling, I don't believe you've met my associate,
27:04Professor Monroe.
27:05Professor, this is my very good friend, Monica Regis.
27:10Well, I'll be running.
27:11There are a couple of other possible investors
27:13I'd like to go talk to.
27:20Uh, I couldn't help but overhear you.
27:23It sounds like you're involved with something interesting.
27:26Oh, just a personal dream of mine with certain problems.
27:30Nothing you should be concerned with.
27:32Oh, come on.
27:33We have dinner reservations in half an hour.
27:35But maybe there's some way I can help you.
27:37I don't think so, darling.
27:38Oh, tell me, please.
27:40Well, if you insist.
27:42You see...
27:44Wait a minute.
27:45Run that by me again.
27:47You did what?
27:48I asked Miss Regis to marry me.
27:51An hour ago.
27:52Right after I reluctantly explained to her
27:54how we needed $150,000.
27:56But why?
27:57Why did you ask her to marry you?
27:59I always ask the mark to marry me
28:01before I ask her for the money.
28:07Hey, relax.
28:09I only ask.
28:10I never do it.
28:14So what did she say?
28:16Well, yes, of course, to the proposal.
28:19And the $150,000.
28:27It seems Professor Thornwood
28:29has given us a rather naughty problem, angels.
28:32If Monica gets hurt, and I know she will, Charlie,
28:35I'll personally crucify Thornwood.
28:37She's really in love with him, Charlie.
28:39We could simply tell her the truth about him.
28:42Well, I doubt that she'd believe us.
28:45Wait a minute.
28:47Maybe we could beat Thornwood at his own game.
28:50What do you mean, Chris?
28:52Well, if we could set it up
28:54so that Thornwood had to marry Monica Regis
28:56to get the money, he'd back out,
28:58and she'd realize what he was up to.
29:00Well, it would save Monica a lot of future heartache.
29:03Of course, it would blow our chance to nail Thornwood.
29:06Well, I think we can find another way to nail Thornwood.
29:10Seems to me Miss Regis' feelings
29:12are the most important consideration now.
29:14I agree, Charlie.
29:16Having met Monica's father, I can tell you
29:18making her unhappy could be very dangerous.
29:20Oh, yes, you're right.
29:22I checked out Joe Fennell.
29:24Eastern syndicate type. Very tough.
29:26Now, Chris, when are you and Thornwood
29:28supposed to set up your phony corporation
29:30with Monica Regis?
29:32Tomorrow morning.
29:34Have you picked the bank you're going to use?
29:36Not yet.
29:38Because the president of Certified National Bank,
29:40Bill Connors, is a friend of mine.
29:42I'll call him.
29:44Maybe we can give Professor Thornwood
29:46some corporate complications.
29:57Mr. Connors, I don't understand.
29:59Why can't Miss Regis deposit
30:01her $150,000 in the corporation now?
30:04Well, she could, but since you and Miss Regis
30:07are going to be married, it would be wise
30:09for her to make her deposit after the wedding.
30:12Otherwise, we have to do all the paperwork twice.
30:15And there is the community property thing to consider.
30:19But you see, we're in a bit of a bind.
30:23Time-wise, I mean.
30:25I mean, we could lose this whole project, right?
30:30Wait a minute.
30:32I've got an idea.
30:34Why don't you and the professor get married right away?
30:37Right away?
30:40I know this doctor.
30:41We could rush through the blood tests.
30:43We could pull a few strings at City Hall.
30:45You could be married at my house tomorrow.
30:48John, did you hear that?
30:50Uh, yes, yes, I heard.
30:53Mr. Connors.
30:55Here are two cashier's checks.
30:57The professor's for $100,000,
30:59mine for $50,000.
31:00Start the paperwork.
31:03Now, the minute Monica and the professor get married,
31:05she'll come in, she'll sign, make her deposit.
31:07We'll push the whole thing through full-court price.
31:09Good idea?
31:11Yes, I think that might work.
31:14Is something wrong?
31:20There's nothing wrong, darling.
31:22In fact, I think it's a wonderful idea.
31:25Let's get married right away.
31:27I think I'm gonna cry.
31:34Me too.
32:00You were absolutely brilliant.
32:02How shall we set it up?
32:04Set what up?
32:05The phony marriage ceremony.
32:07What else?
32:08Phony marriage ceremony?
32:11Hey, what's wrong with you?
32:13It was your idea.
32:14Why are you acting like such a dummy all of a sudden?
32:16Oh, oh, I was just trying to remember
32:19who I worked with last time I did the phony marriage scam.
32:24Well, if you can't remember,
32:25there's a guy I've used.
32:27I think he still lives in San Francisco.
32:29Oh, no, no, no.
32:30My guy's right here in L.A.
32:32Do I know him?
32:33What's his name?
32:36Reverend John Bosley.
32:39Reverend Bosley?
32:41Chris, I'm afraid you've got us all a little confused.
32:44You want us to help Thornwood set up
32:47a phony marriage ceremony?
32:50No, Charlie.
32:51I want us to make Thornwood think it's a phony ceremony.
32:54But I think that Thornwood and Monica
32:56should be married for real.
32:58For real?
32:59Are you crazy?
33:00Well, maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
33:02But let's talk about it.
33:04We just did. You're crazy.
33:06Am I?
33:07Look, Monica is so crazy about Thornwood,
33:10she'd probably make him the world's best wife.
33:12And he would make her the world's worst husband.
33:15True, if Monica's father was anyone but who he is.
33:19Wait a minute.
33:21You're saying that Papa Joe would keep Thornwood in line?
33:24Well, since you've met Papa Joe and we haven't,
33:27you'd have to be the one to answer that.
33:30You know, it's a very interesting premise.
33:34Now you wait a minute.
33:36Are you saying that Papa Joe could keep Thornwood in line?
33:39Well, let's put it this way.
33:41If Thornwood made Monica anything but happy,
33:44he would really, really regret it.
33:46It seems to me, angels, the question is,
33:49are we better off revealing a painful truth to Monica
33:52which could hurt her the rest of her life,
33:55or should we be kinder, constructing a lie
33:58that might make her deliriously happy the rest of her life?
34:26You sure this is the church Monica said she called?
34:29Right. She talked to a Reverend Benedictine.
34:32And you're sure she's never seen or met this Reverend Benedictine?
34:35Positive. Whoever shows up at the wedding saying he's a Reverend Benedictine,
34:38she'll believe him.
34:40Sounds good.
34:42The only thing Monica seems worried about is me meeting her father.
34:46Yeah, well, the less you see of the family,
34:49the easier this will come down. We don't want to delay the ceremony.
34:52That's Reverend Benedictine?
34:54Must be.
34:56So we grab him,
34:58and your fellow Bosley shows up at your apartment for the ceremony, right?
35:02Right. All you have to do is pretend that Bosley is Reverend Benedictine
35:06and nobody will be the wiser.
35:08All you have to do is pretend that Bosley is Reverend Benedictine
35:11and nobody will be the wiser.
35:31Are you Reverend Benedictine?
35:35I am.
35:37Good. We've got the right man.
35:41Bless me, child.
35:44Sorry, Reverend. Now I want you to get up and walk into that building with me.
35:49My child, why are you doing this?
35:53No time to explain, Reverend. Walk.
36:08Inside, Reverend.
36:13Please, I... I have a wedding to perform.
36:16Uh-huh. That's been taken care of.
36:21May the Lord forgive you, for you know not what you do.
36:26You don't mess around, do you?
36:28Come on. You have to get dressed for your wedding.
36:55Come on.
37:26Monica doesn't suspect anything?
37:28She's brimming with joy.
37:30How did it go with Bosley?
37:32Good. Now, so Thornwood won't know who Monica's father is until the last possible moment,
37:37we're gonna go and do our little delaying tactics with Papa Joe.
37:41Okay. Make sure Papa Joe gets here just a little before noon.
37:45By then, things will be moving so fast, Thornwood won't have time to think.
38:02Well, how do I look?
38:04You look beautiful.
38:06I shouldn't do that.
38:08Do what?
38:09You shouldn't lie.
38:11I'm not lying. All brides are beautiful.
38:14Didn't you know that?
38:16On a good day, I'm ordinary.
38:20Kelly, I don't know exactly why John wants to marry me.
38:25Well, if at first he seems a little uneasy or scared, don't let it bother you.
38:33Kelly, whatever it takes to make him happy, that's what I'll do.
38:38I know he's not perfect.
38:40I know he's probably not quite what he appears to be.
38:44But none of us really are.
38:46It doesn't matter.
38:48Because I've got enough love for both of us.
38:52Monica, you're a very wise lady.
38:55I've got my first love and my first friend.
38:58I'm very lucky to know you, Kelly.
39:02Well, I'm pretty lucky myself.
39:22Mr. Fennel, what happened?
39:24I've got enemies. What are you doing here?
39:27I was coming here to see you.
39:29About what?
39:30Business. But I see you're all dressed up to go out.
39:33Yeah, to my daughter's wedding.
39:35Now I have no wheels again.
39:37I've got a lot of work to do.
39:39I've got a lot of work to do.
39:41I've got a lot of work to do.
39:43I've got a lot of work to do.
39:45I've got a lot of work to do.
39:47I've got a lot of work to do.
39:49Quit whining.
39:50Now I have no wheels to get there.
39:53I'll tell you what.
39:54We'll give you a ride to your daughter's wedding.
39:56You can call a garage, get your limo fixed
39:58and have it driven to her place
39:59and then pick it up after the ceremony.
40:01That's very nice of you.
40:03No problem. I love weddings anyway.
40:05Oh, leave the keys in the ignition.
40:07I've got a phone in here.
40:09You can call the garage on the way.
40:11That's a very nice lady you got there.
40:13Oh, she's a peach.
40:19My, don't you look handsome, Professor Thornwood.
40:31Have you met Reverend Benedictine?
40:33No, I haven't.
40:35Here he is.
40:37Here's the nervous groom.
40:38Ah, Professor Thornwood.
40:46Excuse me.
40:48You look like you're about ready to choke on that collar.
40:57This is Mr. Fennell, the bride's father.
41:00How do you do?
41:01How do you do?
41:08Well, we have a very nervous bride in there and a very anxious groom out here.
41:12So, uh, what say we get them hitched before one of them has a nervous collapse?
41:18Professor, this is Monica's father, Joe.
41:21And Joe, this is the man your little girl's gonna marry.
41:24Uh, pleased to meet you, sir.
41:26Pleased to meet you.
41:30You look familiar to me, Joe.
41:32Like, uh, maybe I've seen you someplace before.
41:37I don't think so.
41:39The newspaper, maybe.
41:42I don't think so.
41:44Well, shall we get the bride, Joe?
41:47Uh, everybody into position.
41:52Hey, have you seen her old man before?
41:55I don't believe I've ever seen him in my parish.
42:00You're a laugh a minute.
42:15And I now pronounce you man and wife.
42:19You may kiss the bride.
42:45Bosley, where's she going?
42:49What did you say?
42:51I said, where's she going?
42:52No, no, no, I mean, what did you call me?
42:55Yeah, so?
42:57My name is Benedictine.
42:59Reverend Benedictine, remember?
43:01Now, look, Bosley, we don't have to keep up a scam anymore.
43:05Professor, I don't know what's wrong or why you're saying these things,
43:08but I assure you, I am Reverend Benedictine.
43:43Thank you.
44:43Buzz, where are you going?
45:04I know a shortcut to the bank.
45:06Assuming Thornwood is going to the bank.
45:08Well, he's definitely going to the bank.
45:47Well, I think it's time we phoned our clients.
46:16What do you mean the corporation's been dissolved?
46:29I mean it's been dissolved.
46:31Miss Monroe withdrew the $150,000 you and she deposited.
46:36About an hour ago.
47:49I don't know what you're up to, running out on my little girl's wedding.
47:54Personally, you look like a pansy to me, but she's chosen you as her husband.
47:58So whatever it is that makes you go flying around like a spastic spider, put it out of your mind.
48:05Say, aren't you Joe Fennell?
48:09Mr. Fennell to you.
48:12Are you listening to what I'm saying?
48:14Yes. Yes, Mr. Fennell. I'm listening. I'm listening.
48:18Because unless you keep my little girl smiling for the next 50 years or so, I'm going to come down on you.
48:25Real hard. You understand?
48:31Put him in the car, but don't bruise him.
48:34He's got a long night ahead of him.
48:36Let's go.
48:48Well, it's not a marriage made in heaven, but it will do.
49:06Why are you crying?
49:09You got back your $100,000.
49:12Because I wanted to marry John.