• 4 ay önce
S.u.e.ñ.o.s-d.e-l.i.b.e.r.t.a.d-Cap 111
00:06Yo creo Luis que padre y madre se casaron muy jóvenes y padre pues no sabía lo que le pasaba
00:13y él se pensaba que estaba enamorado de madre pero no está como la dejamos
00:17tú estuviste sobre todo la parte de arriba
00:25Brasil es un país enorme y buscar ahora entiendes como buscar una aguja en un pajar
00:29Pues yo creo que ha cogido un poco de peso y apeteciente bien
00:32cuando siempre ha sido muy venidita y si te soy sincero tampoco me animo a volver al lugar donde casi te pierdo para siempre
00:39me estás diciendo que sa
00:42Esa sosay estirada es lo mejor que has encontrado
00:45no no no no no hija no
00:48Ay la virgen
00:51Estoy muy a gusto contigo es muy fácil hablar estar no paraba de soltar improperios acerca de
00:57del amor y de vivir engañado y de cosas así que no está borracho porque yo también deseo
01:04vivir más noches de insomnio a tu lado
01:12Este reportaje va a ser muy importante para la empresa ya está hecho
01:17ya está hecho
01:27Sueños de libertad
01:30vivir de otra manera
01:32alas para volar
01:34donde el alma quiera sueños de libertad el corazón no espera
01:41viviendo otra oportunidad
01:44Sueños de libertad aunque el pasado duela volver a comenzar
01:51amar a quien yo quiera
01:54gritarles mi verdad
01:56vivir sin miedo y sin mirar atrás
02:14Ah sueños de libertad
02:35Como estas
02:43Tu no has dormido
02:46Yo no necesito dormir mucho
02:48Prefiero quedarme atenta como transcurría la noche
02:56La inyección de morfina me dejó cao
02:59De eso se trataba Jaime
03:01De que dejaras de sufrir
03:04No no no tuvimos una buena cita
03:06Aunque acabará como acabó
03:11Está claro que no estoy para muchos excesos
03:17Fue una cena estupenda
03:23Menuda relación la nuestra
03:26Siempre que vengo a tu casa
03:29Tengo una crisis una relación loca y salvaje
03:34Bueno yo no busco una relación loca y salvaje
03:37Y que buscas una relación la que ejercer de médico las 24 horas
03:44Supongo que esta la gracia de todo esto que yo ya no buscaba nada no buscabas nada y
03:51te encontraste con esto
03:54No me arrepiento de un solo minuto de todos los que pasado contigo
04:15Pero Jaime yo no voy a estar contigo 24 horas
04:19Y siento tener que decirte esto pero
04:22Vas a ir a peor que pasará si sufres otra crisis yo no estoy a tu lado luz
04:27Marta te podría cuidar con todo el cariño del mundo debes contarle la verdad voy a contar nada Marta
04:33Marta está con la persona de la que está enamorada
04:36No es incompatible si lo es
04:38Porque si se lo cuento querrá cuidarme y eso puede afectar a su relación y yo no quiero que eso pase
04:45Es muy generoso por tu parte que pienses tanto en ella pero a veces hay que ser un poco egoísta
04:55Hija la visible si pasa mamá
05:06Que te has dormido
05:08tu que crees
05:10Pues mal mal por lo que se ve mal lo que no entiendo es cómo puede dormir tú por las noches
05:15quién es el padre
05:17pues si que venimos fuerte si lo va a decir ya vamos a esperar que nazca el niño
05:24Que no sabes quién es el padre
05:26Como no voy a saber quién es el padre porque me toma me hagas contestarte a esa pregunta
05:31claudia que era una mujer soltera y embarazada bastante tenemos ya
05:37El padre estacio
05:41Estacio el marido de carmen
05:44y el marido de carmen
05:48Pero cómo puede ser
05:50Tuve que darle un empujón a marta para que reaccionara y vivir a su amor sin miedo
05:57Tenía tanto miedo de hacerle daño a su amante que prefería romper con todo
06:02la convencí para que no se resignara y que fuera valiente
06:07eres admirable
06:08si ahora le digo que tengo un tumor volverá a mí
06:11para cuidarme
06:14Y yo no quiero que nadie está conmigo por pena
06:19Claro que lo entiendo
06:25Luz no estoy dispuesto a hipotecar la felicidad de nadie por esta maldita enfermedad de nadie
06:32que quieres decirme
06:35que quiero liberarte de lo que está por venir
06:37esa decisión tendré que tomarla yo no crees
06:40tal vez no necesite que me liberes de nada yo no necesito
06:44si te libero a ti me libero a mí
06:47No quiero seguir teniendo esta luz
06:49Luz escúchame por favor escúchame
06:51He recuperado la fe en el amor gracias a ti y te juro que en otras circunstancias movería cielo y tierra para mantenerte a mi lado
06:58pero ahora no
07:00Tú lo has dicho antes esto va a ir a peor y de verdad quieres estar atada a un hombre
07:07Que se va a morir
07:13Lo único que digo es que para ser un reportaje de la familia podrían haber hablado un poco más de nosotros
07:18que sólo tenían ojos para vosotros que totalmente de acuerdo contigo maría
07:22en vez de un reportaje familiar más bien parece un monográfico sobre el insigne don jesús de la reina
07:28Una mención andrés ni a marta pero que queréis es un reportaje de sociedad y aquí el objetivo era publicitar
07:34esencias de la reina en los de mujer la empresa y eso lo ha conseguido no
07:37Me vas a decir que ese trato de favor no tiene que ver con tu amistad con el periodista y dale como tengo que decirte
07:43que rodolfo y yo no somos amigos que solo hemos coincidido un par de veces por eso habla de ti como
07:49Sustituto natural de don damián de la reina e impulsor de muchos de los proyectos de éxito de la empresa como el estuche anhelos de mujer
07:56No, no sé supongo que sacó sus propias conclusiones claro cuánto le has pagado
08:01bueno bueno bueno así que ya
08:04Begoña montes la exquisita y discreta mujer que hay detrás del gran hombre de la familia ni una mención a tu labor de enfermera
08:10pero si al de madre y devota esposa
08:13te merecías mucho más
08:15parece que todos hemos salido mal parados no es jesús que raro marque tú haciendo frente común contra el despiadado hermano mayor
08:22hablé de vosotros hablé de la familia hablé de la empresa pero yo no decido qué es lo que se pone o se quita de
08:27un artículo en fin mejor no hacer más sangre es un reportaje superficial que no muestra la realidad
08:33y así lo verán las expertas lectoras
08:35si yo me voy que es tarde no merece la pena seguir perdiendo el tiempo con con esta frivolidad
08:44Que tengáis buen día
08:56Que a ti también te ha decepcionado el artículo
08:59Me ponen de mujer florero jesús ya
09:02y no sabes lo que me fastidia porque insistí y mucho en que además de mi mujer eres enfermera
09:07es verdad que no hay ni una sola mención
09:10Quieres que llame a rodolfo para quejarme porque lo hago pero vamos ya jesús por favor de qué serviría si españa entera está leyendo el
09:16reportaje ahora mismo
09:17y la idea era dar a conocer la empresa no
09:20Objetivo cumplido
09:22me sabe mal pero gracias por entenderlo
09:24Voy a buscar a julia que al final llegamos tarde al colegio
09:27llévate la revista y enséñasela
09:29seguro que se pone muy contenta
09:40Aquí tienes
09:48Buenos días
09:58Te voy a relajar para que no te voy a robar otra botella y te voy a pedir nada de ver
10:05De hecho si me puedes servir un café bien cargado por favor
10:13Oye yo
10:15te quería dar las gracias por
10:17sólo me preocupo por ti joaquín ya ya lo sé que
10:22Ayer está muy borracho y no sabía lo que decía de verdad
10:28Y te voy a comprar otra botella para compensarte no no ni se te ocurra
10:32que no quiero verte con una botella ni para eso me has entendido
10:36que me llevarás así a casa en ese estado
10:38para eso está los amigos joaquín y precisamente por eso porque soy tu amigo en esta cantina no se te va a volver a servir
10:45entiendes sí sí sí sí lo entiendo lo entiendo
10:47pero no te preocupes no puedo volver
10:51A caer no le puedo hacer eso a mi madre y a mi hermano otra vez no puedo no te preocupes y a tu mujer
10:59Anoche estaba desolada pero se puede saber cosa ha pasado
11:06Nada olvídalo
11:08Gemma me dijo que estaba a ir atravesando un bache pero no me dio más detalles
11:14Te considero mi amigo joaquín y es que me empiezo a preocupar
11:16Bueno ya te he dicho que no tienes por qué preocuparte de verdad Gaspar
11:20estaré bien ya pero imagínate es que verte así de repente con con lo bien que estabas últimamente
11:26ha pasado algo tan grave como para que tengas que darle nuevo al pimple
11:33Ya sabes que las recaídas son peligrosas
11:35y no se sale de alcohol tan fácilmente y sé de lo que hablo
11:39que aquí le veo de todo y a lo mejor deberías hablar con tu mujer para intentar solucionar lo que sé que haya pasado
11:44Venga hombre no sois ni el primer matrimonio ni el ultimo en pasar una crisis
11:49y no es que esté yo ahora precisamente para dar consejos de pareja pero
11:54estáis hechos el uno para el otro se ve claramente
11:56Si eso pensaba yo también si pues entonces que ha pasado hombre
12:00no puede ser para tanto
12:05Me ha sido infiel
12:07Pero tu estas seguro de eso?
12:09Si si si
12:11No se se
12:13se hizo pasar por una mujer rica para poder
12:15asistir a
12:17a eventos de ricos en Madrid
12:19en Toledo
12:21no se hasta que
12:23hasta que acabo cayendo en las redes de un estafador
12:25que no me puedo creer lo que me estas contando
12:27que no me puedo creer
12:29que no me puedo creer
12:31que no me puedo creer
12:33que no me puedo creer
12:35que no me puedo creer lo que me estas contando
12:37como que un estafador?
12:39si lo se lo se
12:41no lo se Gaspar
12:43parece que soy un tipo
12:45demasiado aburrido
12:49ella necesita
12:51emociones fuertes
12:55pero mira
12:57ya sabes lo que dicen
12:59ten cuidado con lo que deseas
13:01me lo vas a tener que contar todo de pie a pa
13:05o ya me estas poniendo otro café
13:07porque si no
13:13por favor
13:15es que no me lo puedo creer con un casado
13:17pero mamis que yo no te he enseñado nada a ti en todos estos años
13:19no mama cuando eso paso no estaban casados
13:21ah es que erais novios
13:23pues eso creia yo pero resulta que no
13:25bueno pero si te llevo al huerto algo erais
13:27pues yo una ingenua
13:29y el un hombre
13:31pero que paso con carmen sabiendo que tu estabas embarazada
13:33no mama primero estaba conmigo
13:35lo dejo conmigo y empezó con carmen
13:37se casaron antes de enterarse
13:39de que yo estaba
13:41y cuales son sus intenciones
13:43porque digo yo que ahora que sabe que va a ser padre
13:45algo habrá pensado
13:49pues le va a dar los apellidos al niño
13:51y yo voy a criar a mi hijo sola
13:57que le va a poner
13:59a todo un hombre casado a tu hijo
14:01porque no te complica un poco mas la vida
14:03bueno pues se te ocurre algo a ti mejor mama
14:05tu no vas a criar sola un niño
14:07una madre soltera en este mundo
14:09es una mujer señalada por vida
14:11tu no le vas a hacer eso a la criatura ni a ti misma
14:13bueno ni a mi por supuesto
14:15bueno mama pues ya esta decidido
14:17ya te diré yo cuando esta decidido
14:19quiero conocer a cetasio
14:21pero mama por favor
14:23hoy y venga
14:25a hacer la cama
14:27que la tienda nos atiende sola
14:37buenos dias
14:39hola marta
14:41andres acaba de comunicarme que la destileria de olite
14:43esta empezando a dar sus frutos
14:45aqui tienes el informe
14:47la lavanda nos esta saliendo a un precio irrisorio
14:49si la comparamos al precio que estabamos pagando
14:51cuando no la cultivabamos nosotros
14:55yo voy a tener respirandome en la nuca cada vez que os pida un gasto extra
14:57para el laboratorio
14:59y que tal vez mas adelante podamos afrontar la ampliación de la que os hable
15:01no te emociones
15:03que todavía tenemos que amortizar toda la inversión
15:05pero vamos por el buen camino no
15:09incluso te podria decir que ultimamente
15:11la vida me sonrie
15:15me alegro mucho despues de todo
15:17despues de todo a que te refieres
15:19pues que supongo que
15:21no ha sido facil para ti prima
15:23la distancia con jaime
15:25todo este tiempo
15:27y ahora las cosas parece que estan mas tranquilas
15:31si estamos mas tranquilos
15:33incluso te podria decir
15:35que estamos mejor que nunca
15:37me alegro
15:39te dejo que sigas
15:41derrochando materiales
15:43me voy al despacho
15:45no quiero que me utilices como corjillo de indias
15:47para esas creaciones tuyas
15:53luis merino
15:59si si
16:01dile que voy ahora mismo a la garita
16:13la ciudad sitiada
16:15de clarice lispector
16:17es una autora muy buena brasileña
16:19este libro era uno de los primeros
16:21de mi hijo
16:23transcurre en una ciudad llamada
16:25sao geraldo
16:27crees que servira
16:29cree que valentin pudo instalarse en esa ciudad
16:31cuando abrio esta novela
16:33igual es una tonteria
16:35pero puede que no
16:37a lo mejor este dato ayuda a tu amigo
16:39claro que si
16:41le diré a cristobal que indague en sao geraldo
16:43gracias hijo
16:45gracias por buscar a tu primo
16:47no tiene por que darmelas
16:49al fin y al cabo valentin tambien es de mi familia
16:53todavia sigues por aqui
16:55si olvido unos informes y
16:57he vuelto a recogerlos pero ya me iba
16:59y ese libro
17:01este libro es mio
17:03no lo haya perdido
17:05bueno me tengo que ir
17:07hasta luego
17:09hasta luego hijo
17:15y este es el laboratorio
17:17apenas ha cambiado
17:21este tambien era el de tu padre
17:23asi es
17:25y por eso decidi instalarme aqui
17:29bueno como le dije por telefono
17:31queria disculparme por el desencuentro
17:33que tuvimos el otro dia
17:35no, no pasa nada
17:37entiendo tu confusion
17:39yo tampoco fui muy claro contigo
17:41y yo entiendo que usted quiera protegerse
17:43le agradezco que se haya sincerado con mi hermano
17:45tendriais una conversacion
17:47muy interesante no
17:51colocar las piezas de este
17:55y ha valido la pena
17:57bueno ha servido para responder
17:59algunas preguntas
18:01aunque es doloroso darse cuenta
18:03de que no conocia a mi padre
18:05que no conocieras su secreto no significa
18:07que no le conocieras a el
18:09tu padre
18:11era un excelente perfumista
18:13y eso de el
18:15ademas no fue
18:17Gervasio quien te inoculo
18:19el gusanillo por este oficio
18:21pues si asi es
18:23pues solo eso
18:25ya significa que le conocias
18:27muy bien
18:29ya es hora de que te
18:31acostumbres a que te sirvan a ti
18:35lo necesitamos todos
18:37que se ocupen de nosotros
18:39y que el se ocupa de ti
18:41mis hijos se ocupan de mi
18:43cuando nos estan discutiendo entre ellos
18:45eso mismo
18:47podria decir yo de los mios
18:49tu tienes a los tuyos
18:51y ademas tienes a Andres que tambien cuida de ti
18:53y ademas ultimamente
18:55hasta compartis confidencias
18:57no se a que te refieres
18:59os he oido hablar de Valentin
19:03yo te conté lo de Tasio porque no queria
19:05que hubiesen secretos entre nosotros pero
19:07para eso es fundamental
19:09que seamos los dos sinceros
19:11lo entiendes verdad
19:13Andres esta intentando
19:15localizar a mi hijo en Brasil
19:19y porque esta Andres buscando a Valentin
19:21tiene muchas preguntas
19:23sobre lo que paso igual que yo
19:25ademas son primos se querian mucho
19:27pero eso no tiene sentido
19:29Valentin huyo porque no queria que nadie lo encontrase
19:31yo quiero encontrarlo
19:35por muy horrible que sea todo lo que hizo
19:37sigue siendo mi hijo
19:39puede que te parezca una egoista pero es lo que mas deseo en el mundo
19:45saber si ha podido salir adelante todos estos años
19:47puede que hasta tenga a alguien
19:49y Andres
19:51tiene ya alguna pista
19:53bueno ha contactado con un amigo
19:55del ejercito alli
19:57y esta intentando
19:59ayudarlo desde Brasil
20:01bueno Brasil es muy grande
20:03solo te pido que no te hagas ilusiones
20:05no te preocupes
20:07hace tiempo que perdí las ilusiones
20:15voy a seguir con las tareas
20:19no le digas nada Andres
20:21no por supuesto
20:23le prometi que esto quedaria entre nosotros
20:27no deja esto por favor
21:03queria hablar con el señor Herrera
21:05de parte de
21:07Damián de la Reina
21:11ya veo que estas en tu notaria
21:13de Madrid hoy
21:15mira queria pedirte un favor
21:17es un asunto muy delicado
21:19si se trata de algo parecido
21:21a lo de la otra vez
21:23se que no va a ser barato pero
21:25estoy seguro de que llegaremos a un acuerdo
21:29puedo hacerle una pregunta Mario
21:31si claro
21:33como se conocieron
21:35bueno un dia estaba yo
21:37haciendo unos estudios topograficos
21:39en las inmediaciones de la fabrica
21:41y mi coche me dejo tirado
21:43tu padre paso por alli
21:45me vio y
21:47me ayudo a cambiar la rueda
21:49se le daban bien esas cosas
21:51sin embargo a mi no
21:53luego lo invite
21:55a almorzar para devolverle el favor
21:57y fue entonces cuando
21:59comenzaron a verse
22:01no que va
22:03tu padre estuvo
22:05digamos que
22:07estuvo reprimiendo lo que sentia
22:09durante mucho tiempo
22:11pero yo sabia que
22:13algo estaba surgiendo
22:15hay algo que casi no me atrevo
22:17ni a preguntar
22:21en algún momento
22:23llego a plantearse abandonarnos
22:27tu padre era un hombre
22:29muy familiar
22:31luchaba cada dia contra sus sentimientos
22:33adoraba a tu madre
22:35y os adoraba
22:37a vosotros
22:39pero estaba enamorado de usted
22:43hay ciertas cosas que
22:45no se pueden cambiar
22:47espero que lo entiendas
22:49cuanto mas hablo contigo
22:51mas veo a
22:53Gervasio en ti
22:55tienes una
22:57sensibilidad muy especial
22:59como la que tenia el
23:03la parte practica
23:05claramente la ha heredado tu hermano
23:09cuanto tiempo estuvieron
23:13no te lo podria decir con certeza
23:15al principio
23:17mantuvimos la relacion a escondidas
23:19y luego
23:21le enviamos a las cartas
23:23y tras esperar yo
23:25inutilmente respuesta
23:27a la ultima
23:29que le envie
23:33me entere
23:35de lo que habia hecho
23:37y me sumi en el infierno
23:41no sabra de veces que nos hemos preguntado
23:43como pudo llegar a hacer lo que hizo
23:47mi madre aun se culpa
23:49de todo aquello
23:51no es capaz de perdonarse
23:53el no haberse dado cuenta de lo mal que estaba
23:55tu madre
23:57no tiene la culpa de nada
24:01ni vosotros tampoco
24:03ni siquiera yo
24:05es muy generoso por su parte
24:07compartir todo esto conmigo
24:09es lo minimo que podia hacer
24:11y gracias a usted
24:13me siento
24:15de alguna manera mas cerca de mi padre
24:19hoy dia una operacion de amigalas
24:21requiere de muy poco posoperatorio
24:23asi que en poco tiempo estaras
24:25haciendo vida normal
24:27no quiero operarme
24:29de verdad no hay otra solucion
24:31bueno al menos hay una
24:33ojala todo fuera tan facil de solucionar
24:35lo que usted diga doctor
24:37no hay otra
24:41no hay otra
24:45no hay otra
24:47lo que usted diga doctor
24:49hasta luego
24:51hasta luego
24:57que le pasa
24:59parecia enfadado
25:01esta aterrado porque le he aconsejado
25:03que se extirpe las amigalas
25:05desde luego la gente no sabe la suerte que tiene
25:07entiendo que te enfade pero ellos no tienen
25:09la culpa de lo que te esta pasando
25:11es que me llevan los demonios al escuchar problemas
25:13que son tan faciles de solucionar
25:15y en cambio lo mio
25:17es irreversible
25:19porque no te coges unos dias libres
25:21no no no
25:23asi estoy bien
25:25llevo todo el dia sin apenas molestias
25:27no lo digo solo por lo fisico
25:29lo digo por todo lo demas
25:31es normal que pierdas la paciencia con tus pacientes
25:33mira en este momento me cae mal todo el mundo
25:37menos tu
25:39y si no descansas un rato
25:41hasta yo te caere mal a final del dia
25:43no de verdad es que no se si es eso lo que necesito
25:47y que necesitas
25:49dejar de pensar
25:51dejar de darle vueltas a todo
25:53de analizar cada variable
25:55dejar de estar dentro de mi cabeza
25:57eso necesito
25:59bueno pues si no puedes salir de tu cabeza porque no me dejas entrar a mi
26:01no luz
26:03no voy a aprovecharme asi de ti
26:05jaime yo estoy aqui porque quiero
26:07soy mas feliz contigo y no es por pena de verdad
26:09tienes que creerme
26:11luz conmigo no hay futuro
26:13y por lo que viste anoche tampoco presente
26:17yo no quiero estar contigo mañana
26:19ni pasado ni el año que viene
26:21yo quiero estar contigo ahora
26:37pero tu de donde sales
26:41es que
26:43le tenia que confesar una cosa mas
26:45pero es que
26:47es que lo peor que le puede pasar a una madre
26:49vamo de verdad se lo digo
26:51Ramona me estas asustando
26:53es que no es por menos
26:55es Claudia
26:57que pasa
26:59que esta embarazada
27:03lo se
27:05y tambien sabes que tus namorada
27:07I know.
27:09Do you also know that you're a married man?
27:12I also know that.
27:14Don't you get jealous?
27:16Well, sometimes in life, things happen that we can't remedy.
27:21But the important thing is that Claudia is repentant.
27:24And what's the use of repentance now?
27:27On a practical level, maybe nothing.
27:31But on a spiritual level, your daughter is at peace with God.
27:34Well, I'm not.
27:36Not with God, not with the Father, not with my daughter, not with the saint who brought her.
27:40Ramona, calm down. Sit down.
27:47Let's see, Ramona.
27:49Sometimes in life, things happen that we can't remedy.
27:54And we can't fight against reality.
27:57But my daughter doesn't understand.
27:59I don't want her to be alone.
28:01I'm not going to be here forever.
28:02But your daughter isn't going to be alone.
28:04She's a wonderful, fun, happy woman.
28:07Who's going to love a woman with a child?
28:09I'm telling you, no one.
28:11Your daughter still has a future, even if it's not what you expected.
28:14And she's going to move on, because she's a great woman.
28:16No, she's not.
28:18She's a chicken that just came out of the shell, and it's my fault.
28:22I've failed as a mother.
28:24Well, I'm very sorry to see you like this.
28:26You can't see it any other way. I don't like hot clothes.
28:27But well, my failure will also be my solution.
28:34Mother of a father.
28:43It looks like you're running out of work.
28:45Yes, the truth is that lately I've been going from here to there.
28:48I'm going to have to organize myself better from now on.
28:50And how is it that you're so elegant?
28:52Do you have a special plan?
28:54Well, I'm meeting Carmen later to go for a walk.
28:56And I didn't want to go with my work clothes.
29:01Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.
29:03Tarsio, I was looking for you.
29:05We're short of syringes, and I was waiting for a package.
29:07It hasn't arrived yet, and I assumed you might have lost it here.
29:10Well, I'll look for it right now.
29:12Thank you.
29:14Don't rush me too much.
29:16As long as it's by the end of the day, I'm fine with it.
29:18Here it is.
29:20It's just that sometimes it happens and they bring it here.
29:22They make a mistake with so many boxes.
29:23I don't know what to do. Have a good day.
29:29Do you have a minute?
29:31Yes, of course.
29:34Don't get me wrong.
29:36I'm not the type to meddle in other people's lives,
29:38but there's something that worries me, and I have to tell you.
29:41Go ahead.
29:43Lately I've been seeing Marta especially happy.
29:47And that worries you?
29:49She tells me that you're having a good time.
29:54I know the life you're leading, Jaime,
29:57and the truth is that it's not comfortable
30:00to be hiding something like that from my cousin.
30:02Luis, you shouldn't worry about that.
30:04I don't want you to hurt her.
30:06Understand it.
30:08She's happy because she lives outside of reality.
30:10My wife is not going to suffer.
30:12I promise you.
30:14And how are you so sure of that?
30:16Well, there are details of our private life
30:18that I can't or should not share with you.
30:20I'll just tell you that I'm not that kind of man.
30:23A man who plays two sides when there are going to be victims.
30:26And Marta is not a victim.
30:28No, she's not.
30:30She's fine. We're fine at a good time.
30:32Look, don't you think it's better if she knows?
30:35At first it's going to be hard to convince her,
30:37but in the long run it's much better than living in a lie, Jaime.
30:40Luis, it's an honor to worry about your cousin's happiness.
30:43Right now I can only tell you to please trust me.
30:46She's fine. She's happy.
30:48Then she doesn't understand anything.
30:50Luis, just trust me.
31:02But, Father,
31:04how are you going to let Mr. Damián drive again so early?
31:07Don't you realize he's doing it for you?
31:09For your own good.
31:11What he wants is, what we all want,
31:13that he recovers well, little by little, without taking risks.
31:16It's clear that you are all against me.
31:18No, Father.
31:19Don't complain so much.
31:21With the diet and food, we're already making a big deal out of it.
31:23Well, one thing leads to another.
31:26Well, how are you?
31:28Are you still happy with the job?
31:32And with everything else?
31:34Yes, yes, yes. I'm happy.
31:36I'm very happy to say the least.
31:38Yes, yes, I believe you. These days you seem very radiant.
31:41Can I know what you owe me?
31:46Come on, let go.
31:49You told me to...
31:51to look for my happiness and to be brave.
31:56Well, that's what I've done.
31:59I'm back with...
32:01with her.
32:05With her?
32:07With the same...?
32:09Yes, yes, the same, the same.
32:13Well, I'm very happy, darling.
32:16If that's what you want, go ahead, gentlemen.
32:19Hey, but...
32:21you must be very careful because you know what could happen to you.
32:24Yes, yes.
32:26You don't have to be discreet.
32:28You have to be invisible.
32:30I know.
32:32It's unfair and it's very absurd, but...
32:35but yes, we have to be careful.
32:37Good. Don't tell me to say it.
32:39No, no.
32:41Don't worry, Father.
32:43I know exactly what I'm getting into.
32:46you have to be happy, but...
32:48but also very prudent.
32:51Which is exactly what you're going to do with your health.
32:54We're already on the tip of the iceberg.
32:57There he comes.
32:59Hey, darling.
33:01It's always a pleasure to see you.
33:03Are you staying for dinner?
33:04You know I'm a man of my word.
33:08if you offer it to me, I won't say no.
33:10Now I'm going to the kitchen to help.
33:11Very good.
33:12Thank you very much.
33:13Well, I'll let them talk about their things.
33:15See you later.
33:16See you later.
33:17See you later.
33:21She's more beautiful every day.
33:22You'll have the door of the house full of suitors.
33:25Well, some boyfriend already.
33:31Man, Gemma.
33:33Now we hardly even cross paths.
33:36Well, there's a lot to organize after the flood.
33:39And I spent a lot of time at home.
33:41Well, but everything is almost ready, right?
33:44Well, I don't know.
33:45Believe me.
33:46The truth is that we need a little more time.
33:51you can't imagine the smell of paint that is still in the house.
33:55You'll have a headache at the end of the day.
33:56But Luis's room has been beautiful.
33:59And you know what, Digna?
34:00We would love for the house to be perfect when you come back.
34:04So we need a little more time, don't you think?
34:07Well, daughter, as you prefer.
34:09Thank you, Gemma.
34:12How are you?
34:13Well, I went for a walk with my father.
34:14He also saw me and invited me to eat.
34:17Well, you're lucky.
34:19It smells good.
34:21The puchero came out delicious.
34:23I'm late, so I'll go back to the alcoves.
34:33Do you want cheese?
34:38What's wrong?
34:39Do I have monkeys on my face?
34:41By the way,
34:42yesterday I met Ramona,
34:44a woman who worked here as a waitress for more than 20 years.
34:48So many have passed through here.
34:50Yes, but she was no longer a waitress.
34:53Even once they gave her the diploma of the best employee of the month.
34:57Precisely one of those times,
34:59you gave her a trip to Chinchón for two for your contribution to the company.
35:04Now that you mention it,
35:06I do remember her.
35:07A fantastic saleswoman.
35:08A fantastic saleswoman.
35:10Well, what is she doing here?
35:11She is the mother of one of Claudia's dependents.
35:14I didn't know.
35:16Well, let's see if I have a chance to say hello to her while she's here.
35:20Thanks to those people, we are what we are today.
35:22But to say hello, you would have to leave your house and ...
35:26I don't know, but lately it seems that something is holding you back here.
35:31What are you ...
35:34Nothing, nothing, Dina.
35:35You have a special shine in your eyes today.
35:40Come on.
35:46How was dinner with Don Damián?
35:49And why do you suppose it was with Damián?
35:52Woman, because the dinner was at this house.
35:55And you were spectacularly beautiful, and I don't think my father is.
35:58So there is not much to assume.
36:01Well, it was a dinner like that.
36:03It was a dinner without ...
36:07It's been a while since I've enjoyed a summer so much.
36:10You don't have to be very smart to realize what's going on in this house.
36:13Well, I don't try to hide it.
36:16So you're ...
36:18In love.
36:19Come on, I'm not even 15 years old.
36:23Well, let's see.
36:24Are you going to continue the interrogation?
36:26Yesterday he did seem to be 15 years old.
36:30Okay, you got me.
36:35They are ...
36:36They are together.
36:37Oh my God, Dina.
36:41It is true that we understand each other very well.
36:44But I don't want to keep talking about this.
36:48Because there are stories that are doomed to die.
36:51Like poppies.
36:53They are beautiful.
36:54Of an intense color.
36:56But ephemeral.
36:57But his story has been failing for years.
37:01Like the poppies.
37:03And honestly, there is nothing that prevents them from being together.
37:06Because they are two adult, free people who have fallen in love.
37:11The carriage will turn into a pumpkin when I leave here and go home.
37:16And this will be a mirage.
37:18I've seen how she looks at me.
37:20And how she enjoys my side.
37:22It's been a long time since you wanted this, Damian.
37:26To see her there with those teenage eyes, in love.
37:31It's nice.
37:32It's a dream come true.
37:35I feel like a young man who discovers love for the first time.
37:40And she feels the same.
37:42Then I can only congratulate them both.
37:45I will do everything in my power to make this work.
37:48I don't want to lose her.
37:50It doesn't seem like she wants to go anywhere.
37:52It seems like a relationship.
37:54But without a future.
37:55Why do you say that?
37:57When you reach my age, there will be things you know without further ado.
38:03Well, I'm very sorry to hear that.
38:05Because who wants a future having a present?
38:09Isn't it better for poppies to exist even if they have very little time to live than not to exist?
38:15Well, yes, you're right.
38:17Well, that's it.
38:19Let's enjoy the present, Digna.
38:23I'm going to do it.
38:25Why am I going to miss it?
38:27Let's celebrate today.
38:30Because tomorrow is...
38:32Uncertain for both of them.
38:34Especially because things are going to change when he gets home.
38:39I'm afraid...
38:42that he'll have doubts about us when we get back to our routine.
38:48And Jesus is already having problems.
38:49And I'm sure his children will say something.
38:52Has Jesus told you?
38:55We have an age, Isidro.
38:57Why wait for good news?
38:59Because Jesus and Digna don't get along very well.
39:02Well, he'll have to respect his father's wishes.
39:05And my wishes have a proper name.
39:08According to what you say, there seems to be some obstacle on the way.
39:12But if you're so sure.
39:15It's the clearest thing I have in my life.
39:19I'm going to give up on this relationship.
39:25I'm here.
39:26Have you managed to find Anselmo?
39:28Yes, he was in the sanatorium.
39:30But I had to make sure he would come for his check-up.
39:33Well, I hope so.
39:34Because I want to make sure that he has recovered.
39:36Of course.
39:37Have you been able to read the report?
39:39No, sorry.
39:41I took a look at it, but I haven't been able to read it in depth.
39:44Don't worry.
39:45There's no need, I'll summarize it for you.
39:47Don Jesús de la Reina is a great businessman with a great vision and drive.
39:50And I am the sweet wife who supports him from a discreet background.
39:55But why didn't you tell them that in addition to being an excellent wife, you were also a great nurse?
39:59I told Luz, but she wasn't interested in the least.
40:01And what does Don Jesús de la Reina think of this?
40:04Well, he tried to hide it from me, but...
40:07Deep down, he's delighted to be the protagonist of the report.
40:10Do you know the worst part?
40:12I wanted to scream while I was reading it.
40:14And I have limited myself to saying that, well, nothing happens.
40:17The important thing is the company.
40:19Someday you will explain to me the game you bring to yourself by putting up with what you put up with.
40:24Time to time, Luz.
40:26I still don't feel strong enough to face anything else.
40:30What took you so long, daughter?
40:32I'm going out to the street, Mom. I'm combing my hair.
40:34Yeah, well, come on, get dressed, I don't want to be late.
40:36I'm so excited to see that bastard's face.
40:39Well, but let's have a good time, Mom, please.
40:43Come in.
40:49What are you doing here?
40:50Mrs. Marta, did the man enter the women's room?
40:52No, no.
40:53No, no, I was waiting in the store, but since you weren't there, well...
40:57Mom, he's Estasio.
41:00The father of the child.
41:02And Carmen's husband, right?
41:04The store clerk?
41:06Yes, that's me, precisely.
41:08Well, look, the first thing I wanted to tell you is that I'm going to take care of the child,
41:11and you won't be missing anything at all.
41:13I'm going to need a father to get started, which is not a small thing.
41:16Absolutely, yes, I'm going to exercise as a father, and I'm not going to be misunderstood.
41:19Maybe you won't be misunderstood about the child, but you're going to be misunderstood about my daughter,
41:23who, coincidentally, is the mother of the child.
41:27I'm going to do everything I can to make sure they're both well.
41:30You could have done everything you could to avoid this when you deceived my daughter to take you to the garden.
41:34For God's sake, huh?
41:35She's going to raise a child alone.
41:37While these two enjoy their marriage, you're going to be in the crib.
41:41No, no, no.
41:42Carmen and I are never going to leave Claudia alone.
41:45You can't have anything for sure in this life.
41:47The only sure thing is that she's going to suffer, or she's going to say no.
41:50Well, tell me what I can do to convince her.
41:52Travel in time and keep the gate closed.
41:55Please, I'm asking you, huh?
41:56And what does your husband say?
41:57Does he think it's right for him to have a child with another woman?
42:00Look, ma'am, it's clear that this is not the best situation, but everything that happened, happened.
42:05And Carmen and I, the only thing we want is to do things right, nothing else.
42:08Well, you can't.
42:09Blah, blah, blah.
42:10That she's going to take care of the child, that she's going to take care of my daughter.
42:12But when it comes to the truth, my grandson is going to miss a father.
42:15And my daughter is going to miss a husband.
42:19There are times when I feel...
42:22I don't know, I've lost my strength.
42:25I feel vulnerable.
42:27And a little light.
42:29If you say it because of what happened at the cabin, it's normal.
42:32No, you say it's normal, but that reaction is not usual in me.
42:36I am a brave woman, I have always been.
42:38You have been a woman who has endured a lot.
42:41It's not the same.
42:43Now I need you to regain your strength.
42:45That you remain whole to fight against everything you have to fight and that that damn house binds you.
42:52You have suffered a panic attack after a traumatic event.
42:55Even the bravest would have collapsed in your situation.
42:58I want to go back to the cabin.
43:06It's not to discourage you, but the same thing happens again.
43:08No, that's not going to happen.
43:10This time I'm going to go to the cabin and I'm going to stay whole.
43:13I need to prove to myself that I'm still the same Luz, the one I was.
43:16And you said it yourself, right?
43:18That I have to regain strength to be able to face what I have on me.
43:22Are you sure?
43:24It's the only way to get rid of those nightmares.
43:27I think overcoming that fear is going to be my salvation.
43:30Okay, I'll go with you.
43:31No, no.
43:33I need to go alone.
43:36Good morning, Doctor.
43:38Anselmo, I was going to see you.
43:40Please go undressing, waist up.
43:42I'm with you right now.
43:43As you wish.
43:45Wait, Luz.
43:46I'll be fine.
43:48If Jesus asks for me, tell him I want to pay him a visit.
43:50I'll take the suitcase so he doesn't suspect anything.
43:58Anselmo, give me a second, please.
44:00I'm with you right now.
44:10I need you to do me a favor.
44:12What do you think people are going to say?
44:16I honestly don't think about that, ma'am.
44:18Because at the end of the day, rumors can't be controlled.
44:20It's much more than that.
44:22My grandson is going to be empty when they find out that his father is married to another woman.
44:26Claudia will be empty when they find out that she's a single mother.
44:29And in the end, everyone is a bastard.
44:31And you can't control that either.
44:33Ma'am, it's all my fault.
44:35Come on, don't tell me.
44:40I have very clear priorities.
44:42And they all go through the same thing.
44:44To raise my son and make him happy.
44:46To take care of Claudia and be able to give your grandson a good future.
44:49I understand that you now doubt me and have your reasons.
44:52But I swear by my life that I will do everything possible so that my son feels proud of his family.
44:58And that he doesn't feel ashamed like you are now.
45:01I assure you that I will never turn my back on your daughter.
45:03And you shouldn't either.
45:05Because I guess you want to be a good grandmother for that child.
45:11If you'll excuse me.
45:18Come on, let's go.
45:20You're coming with me to town.
45:22Mom, I'm not going, I already told you.
45:23Of course, I have a plan.
45:25I'm going to be a grandmother.
45:26And I'll solve this.
45:52Come on.
46:23Are you okay?
46:24Goodbye, Andres.
46:26What a fright to see you here.
46:28Luz told me what you were going to do.
46:32Maybe Luz was right and this wasn't a good idea.
46:36Do you want me to leave?
46:39I was just trying to prove to myself that...
46:42That I'm able to overcome my nightmares, but...
46:46But now I feel that...
46:48That I can't.
46:50But now I feel that...
46:52That this torture will never end.
46:57Calm down.
46:59Calm down, come here.
47:05Do you remember what I told you when you were here?
47:07Postponed to the point of death.
47:13You said a lot of things, I don't remember.
47:16That I would never leave you alone.
47:20That you would be safe with me.
47:23I'm not safe with myself anymore, Andres.
47:27All those demons overwhelm me.
47:29In my head.
47:31And it's unbearable.
47:34Sometimes I think it would have been better to die here.
47:37Don't say that, Begoña.
47:39Look at me, please.
47:41If you die, I die.
47:44You don't understand, Andres.
47:45I'm already dead.
47:47I live in a golden cage that I don't even know how to get out of.
47:50And I'm slowly consuming myself next to your brother.
47:53I know you're not happy, Begoña.
47:55No matter how hard you try, I'm not.
47:59But now...
48:01You and I witnessed it.
48:06A man and a woman.
48:11In love.
48:13In love.
48:16They can barely resist temptation.
49:10I think I'm falling in love.
49:12I'm glad.
49:13Are you sure?
49:14Yes, well, I'm a little surprised.
49:17That you could fall in love like that so soon.
49:20If I had known that love was this...
49:23I would never have married Jesús.
49:25Don't think about it.
49:27I want him to take me with him to town, Mateo.
49:29So that no one gets lost.
49:30Not the girl, not the father, not the mother.
49:32He wants me to marry Joselito.
49:34I've tried to explain to him that nothing has happened to that man.
49:37Nothing important.
49:38But he doesn't even want to...
49:39He's not even able to look me in the eye.
49:42He's also distorting you to make you do dirty work.
49:45And that can be reported to the Civil Guard.
49:48Also to my father.
49:51You should know that it's not funny to see me forced to talk to you.
49:55And what do you want us to do?
49:56To live in the same house as two strangers?
49:59He's going to point where he's going and where he's coming from.
50:02In case it happens again that your husband and your boss, or me, come looking for her.
50:07But how are we both going to go to Paris alone?
50:10What is everyone going to think?
50:14People aren't going to think anything if we go to our honeymoon.
