Eb Samuel | Protein Playbook | Men's Health

  • 3 months ago
00:00My name is Ebenezer Samuel, and I'm the fitness director for Men's Health.
00:05In that role, I wind up training a lot, because when I'm at work, I wind up filming videos.
00:11That's lightweight, so that's not too intense, but then when I go home, five to six days
00:14a week, I wind up training, aiming to go pretty hard and pretty heavy with lifting weights.
00:19So that winds up pushing me to my limits.
00:21That means I need to get my protein in, and that is why this is my protein playbook.
00:27So every single day, I wind up training hard, and that breaks into a couple different categories.
00:31I'll get in five to six days of weight training.
00:34I'll also get in some mobility and flexibility work, and then I have another side of me where
00:38I'm getting in some sprint work, trying to work on speed, and trying to work on some
00:42high-intensity interval training.
00:44That way, I'm training my heart and pushing my heart rate as well.
00:47All of that requires a ton of protein, which is why every single day, I'm aiming for 180
00:52grams of protein in my day.
00:55To start things out, we open with breakfast, and I get that as soon as I wake up in the
01:00That's usually around 6 a.m.
01:01I keep it pretty simple here.
01:02I'm going to have a scoop and a half of protein.
01:05That works out to 37 and a half grams of protein to start my day.
01:08Does not taste great.
01:09It's just chocolate protein, but it gives me a really, really good base to start things
01:14For two and a half hours after that, around 8.30 or 9 o'clock, I'm usually at the office
01:17by then, and then I go downstairs, and I make sure to get my eggs in.
01:20I'm looking for three to four eggs.
01:22I'll get them scrambled with a little bit of bacon and spinach, and I'll have some potatoes
01:26on the side of that, too.
01:28Usually that has me around 27, 30 grams of protein.
01:31I'm already up to 37 and a half grams of protein.
01:34Just by 9 o'clock, it gives me a really, really strong base for my day.
01:37A couple hours after that, around noon, it is lunchtime.
01:40This is my weakest protein meal of the day.
01:43I wind up just getting a spicy tuna roll with avocado.
01:47It's solid.
01:48It's not a whole ton of protein, but I'm usually around 12, 15, 18 grams by then, so it's
01:52giving me a little bit more protein.
01:54It's a light meal that I can eat without going crazy in between meetings.
01:58Around 2.30 or 3 p.m., I'll have another meal.
02:01Usually this one is another weak protein meal.
02:03I'll have a little bit of smoked salmon, and then I'll have some kind of Greek yogurt.
02:07That's around 20, 25 grams of protein, so not too bad.
02:10I know I'm going to have to get caught up in the evening after all that.
02:13Once I get home, it's around 5.30, and I'm usually about to hit the gym, so I don't want
02:17anything heavy, so then I go right back to another protein shake.
02:20I'm looking at another scoop and a half of chocolate protein.
02:23Again, not great tasting, but I love the fact that I'm getting 37.5 grams more of protein
02:28by then.
02:29And then when I get home from my workout, it usually winds up being 8.30 or 9 o'clock.
02:33This is my favorite meal of the day.
02:35It is six to eight ounces of salmon.
02:37I'll have that with some green vegetables, some brown rice, and then the best part, I
02:40will also have a Yasso Greek yogurt bar off to the side of that.
02:44That is four grams of stealth protein in that Yasso bar, in addition to the 30 to 35 grams
02:50of protein I'm getting from the salmon.
02:52It's a really, really great pulse-lift meal and a really strong protein hit.
02:55Then two and a half hours after that, it is ready for bedtime.
02:58That gives me a little bit more time for one final meal.
03:02For that, I will go to some rolled oats.
03:04They are high-protein rolled oats, so I wind up getting 13, 14 grams of protein in there.
03:09I will sometimes throw in a one-scoop shake with that, just to get in a little bit of
03:13extra protein.
03:14That's another 25 grams of protein.
03:15By the end of the day, I wind up around 180 to 200 grams.
03:19I've had some meals I don't like, but some stuff I really do like, like the Yasso bar
03:23and the rolled oats, and it all keeps me full.
03:25It all has me ready and humming for all of my workouts.
