• 2 months ago
Recomp Blitz Workout | Body Recomp | Men's Health
00:00Yep, there we go.
00:02That's the spot.
00:03And I'll tell you what, feet up is always better.
00:06If I don't put you down, I did something wrong.
00:08If I don't put you down, I did something wrong.
00:12I need to attack this thing.
00:18There's no rest here.
00:24We are here for a body recomp blitz workout.
00:28I want to add more muscle to my frame without gaining fat.
00:32I turn to Dr. Pat Davidson, an exercise physiologist and strength and conditioning trainer based
00:37in New York.
00:38Body recomposition is this idea that you're going to stay the same weight, but we're going
00:43to have you get leaner and have more muscle that makes up that total weight.
00:49Now, to pull this off, you're going to have to work very hard, particularly with the resistance
00:54We're going to have to push you to the point where every session, you're getting right
00:59to your limits and we need to continue to progress that.
01:02We only have a limited frame of time.
01:05And that's something that guys at home who want to try this, they're going to be faced
01:09with that.
01:10You know, you can do a lot of damage in a very short time.
01:14If you pick big exercises that are going to attack the really big swaths of muscle tissue
01:19around your body, hips, thighs, shoulder girdle on the front side and backside, big
01:25hinge, big squat, the big push, and some kind of a big pull.
01:28If we're going to hit all of those areas, we're going to do something that I affectionately
01:32refer to as the double deuce, two minute work window.
01:36And inside that two minutes, you're going to try to get as many reps as you possibly
01:40can with the movement that you're doing.
01:43Then you'll have a two minute break before we move on to our next movement.
01:47We're going to go with a lower body movement followed by an upper body movement, lower
01:51body movement, upper body movement.
01:53I think it's time to take on this double deuce.
01:57Let's give it a try.
01:59You're going to have two minutes here at deadlift.
02:01You are not going to be able to deadlift this barbell for two straight minutes.
02:05You're going to have to go with a burst.
02:07You're going to have to recover.
02:08You're going to hit another burst.
02:10Most people get about three bursts in this with progressively less reps per burst.
02:16After you get done with this, you're going to have a two minute break before we start
02:18our next exercise.
02:19And we're going to wash, rinse, and repeat this.
02:22We're going to go deadlift, pull ups, squat, bench press.
02:25Two minutes on, two minutes off.
02:27We're going through it twice.
02:28That's why it's called the double deuce.
02:30Double deuce.
02:31All right.
02:32I want you to attack this thing.
02:33We're going to start this sucker in five, four, three, two, one, go.
02:47Find your zone.
02:52Stay in it.
02:54Work hard.
02:55Don't think too much.
03:01This is looking good.
03:04Stay in the pocket.
03:06That's it.
03:09Couple more.
03:10Two more.
03:13One more.
03:15Yes, sir.
03:19How many did you get there?
03:20Nine or 10?
03:21I was 11.
03:24That's perfect.
03:25We're in a good place.
03:26Now, you've got a minute and 13 seconds still to go here in this round.
03:30Give yourself some recovery time.
03:31I would not go, if I were you, until that thing's at 50 seconds.
03:36And that means you've got another 12 seconds from now.
03:38Now, if you got 11 on that first one, you're going to be about five or six on this one.
03:44So, we're going again in a few seconds.
03:46Three, two, one, grip it, rip it.
03:49Let's go.
03:52There's three on this one.
03:59Four, one more.
04:03There we go.
04:04Now, we're going to have one more effort that's going to come up here.
04:08You're at 30 seconds to go.
04:09Give yourself another 15 seconds.
04:11We're going to shoot for three.
04:13So you got, you're at 16 reps right now.
04:16We're going to try to get about 19.
04:21And give yourself a few more seconds.
04:22We're going to start when that's at 10.
04:24So five, four, three, two, one.
04:28Here we go.
04:32One more.
04:37There's the timer.
04:41There's the timer.
04:42So that's two minutes.
04:43We've got two minutes break.
04:44I always recommend leaning on something.
04:47No, don't sit because you're going to have to stand up from that sit and nobody likes
04:51to do that.
04:53If you stand and lean, you're going to stay in the game, but you're taking a little bit
04:58of weight off yourself and you're recovering a little bit better.
05:01Can you tell me why it's better to take a full two mats?
05:08You are going to have an absolute garbage set of pull-ups if you try to do it right
05:14If you could normally do 10 pull-ups and you try to do it right after deadlift, you're
05:19going to get about two pull-ups and that would be what we would call junk volume, which means
05:25you did something, but it was nowhere near your normal effort that you're capable of.
05:32You're not getting a whole lot of return on investment if you are underproducing.
05:3720 seconds.
05:3820 seconds.
05:39All right.
05:40It'll be interesting with the pull-ups.
05:45Yeah, you should feel almost ready to go right now.
05:49I'm going to take a wire grip.
05:533, 2, 1, go.
06:01All the way down.
06:02Yep, good.
06:03All the way down.
06:05Pull back up.
06:07No half-reppers in the house.
06:11There we go.
06:14Good work.
06:15That's good.
06:18How many you got there?
06:19That was eight.
06:20That's a good number right there.
06:22When I'm thinking about how many reps people should get on this, I want them to be over
06:2812 and under 30.
06:31Total in the two minutes.
06:32All right.
06:33I'm in good shape with eight.
06:36You've got a minute and 15 seconds left in this round.
06:40Maybe around a minute, which is going to be in 10 seconds.
06:43All right.
06:44I'm watching.
06:45All right.
06:46Let's see.
06:47I'd say if you get eight on the first burst, somewhere around four or five on this one.
06:512, 1, here we go.
07:02Get the fourth one.
07:13You got one more go.
07:14You've got 38 seconds, so you got another 30 seconds or so.
07:19We're at 30, so you got about 20 seconds before you go again.
07:23You're going to get two or three here.
07:26That vertical pull is tough.
07:28That's something that I've been working on.
07:31Do you have any tips for guys who are trying to eke out those pull-ups?
07:37I do.
07:38We'll talk about them right after.
07:39All right.
07:40We're going in 3, 2, 1.
07:43Here we go.
07:47One more.
07:48One more.
07:50That's good.
07:52And time.
07:53Four vertical pull or any kind of movement that I think is one where you're trying to
07:58get a little bit more out of it, squeeze a little bit more out of that thing.
08:02Lengthened partials at the end of the set are a really good option.
08:05So even if you can't get all the way to the top of that pull-up and you're down here at the bottom,
08:11just any kind of movement down there.
08:15Really, the research is showing that that will give you a similar response to doing the whole rep.
08:20So even if you get a couple of lengthened partials, two of those,
08:23it's basically the equivalent of getting two reps of full range.
08:27So you're building those up over time.
08:30That will result in more strength gains, right?
08:33So you'll be working out to doing more reps, right?
08:36In my mind, the whole thing is like a big spreadsheet.
08:39And if you're doing more reps, you're going to create more adaptation.
08:43Don't do it in the short position, which is what most people do, where it's like eat, eat, eat the top.
08:48Kind of just, okay.
08:49Same approach for squat.
08:50Same approach.
08:51All right.
08:52The bar's a little bit shifted over to the right.
08:55So just be aware of that.
08:56Yes, thank you.
08:58We've got another 15 seconds before you go.
09:01It's like just enough time.
09:04Just barely.
09:0610 seconds.
09:09Spin six, five, four.
09:13Get under there.
09:14Walk it out.
09:16And here we go.
09:22That's it.
09:25I got you if you get in trouble.
09:28Keep getting the depth.
09:34Butt to the heels.
09:50Okay, good.
09:52I think I was going to say one more, but I'm okay with stopping shorter rather than getting too far in.
09:57I know we've got another round of this.
10:01So you got a minute and 15 seconds left in this work window.
10:05I would go at 50 seconds on this.
10:07Generally with the lower body ones, you need a little bit more of a rest.
10:11Is that real?
10:13Real CNS challenge.
10:1410 seconds before you go again.
10:16So while I'm moving.
10:18Start getting under that bar.
10:20That's how we about.
10:24Let's get this second burst going.
10:25We'll talk after.
10:27Get in there and work right now.
10:30Butt to the heels.
10:31Drive it up.
10:47Now I'm going to push you to pretty much your limits in this last one, and you're going again real soon here.
10:54You got another 10 seconds before you go, and I want three reps.
10:58Three reps.
10:59Five seconds.
11:02Let's get under the bar.
11:03I want three reps here.
11:05Get your feet set.
11:16Buzzer beater.
11:18You get a little bit of autonomy as the person doing this thing to try to figure out the best approach.
11:25But I don't care how you try to slice this thing.
11:29It's going to serve you up a big dish of humble pie.
11:32And this does work if you're trying to do this, particularly if you've got a partner.
11:38You know, like, we're able to switch this and make this work inside of these work-to-rest windows.
11:45Pretty effective.
11:46I think that's okay.
11:47Does that look about right for me?
11:51So when you do this with a partner, would it be alternating work and rest periods?
11:56You know, you could do it that way.
11:58I was just thinking more from the standpoint of actually switching the bar if you've got one barbell and you're trying to make this work.
12:07I mean, you could do it where partner A goes first, has their half hour, and then partner B goes second, has their half hour.
12:18Half hour power.
12:21All right.
12:22Ooh, I'm feeling it in the legs.
12:26Strong first round.
12:27Ten seconds.
12:28All right.
12:30The position here.
12:32Yep, you look pretty good.
12:33Pretty square away.
12:37Here we go.
12:49Yes, sir.
12:56Couple more.
12:58One more.
13:03I'm always looking at the speed of the barbell.
13:05Once I see that barbell speed start to slow down, I know you're getting close to failure.
13:10I don't want you to fail in the first burst or the second burst.
13:14If you fail on the third burst, I'm kind of okay with that.
13:20Now, you've got some time here.
13:22If you don't see any fatigue, what does that tell you?
13:25Tells me nothing happened.
13:26Tells you nothing happened.
13:28Tells me you came to the gym.
13:29You put some weights on things.
13:31You moved, but you're going to get nothing for that effort.
13:35So, we want to ramp up.
13:38Ten seconds.
13:41Oh, boy.
13:42Five seconds.
13:47Here we go.
13:55One more.
13:56Big drive.
13:58Yes, sir.
13:59All right.
14:00That was four.
14:01What did you get on the first one?
14:03Okay, so we're at 14 total.
14:04We've been in the sweet spot for every exercise so far, which is great.
14:09I'm feeling it.
14:11You've got 25 seconds.
14:27Let's go.
14:36All right.
14:37Back to the beginning again.
14:40All right, I've got to switch this bar quick.
14:42All right?
14:44So, I'm going to need you to stand up.
14:48All right.
14:49I'm going to get my workout in here with this quick bar transition.
14:52All right.
14:53That's it.
14:54You gotta be tough and aggressive and attack the sets.
15:02There's no doubt in your head when you're doing this stuff.
15:06There's no wavering.
15:10There's no questioning.
15:12It's just, when that timer says it's time to go,
15:15you are in the pocket.
15:16Time to go.
15:17And you are fighting.
15:19I think it's gonna be a puppy.
15:2310 seconds.
15:24All right.
15:26Don't think, this is Pavlovian, man.
15:28Timer goes off.
15:30Three, two, one, go.
15:37Yup, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
15:54Seven, one more, eight, well done.
16:03Lots of time, lots of time.
16:04Minute and 30 seconds left here.
16:06That gives you about 40 seconds of rest
16:08before your second burst.
16:12Round two is where it gets real.
16:14Yeah, this sucks.
16:17I like things that creep up on you a little bit, you know?
16:21I'm all for the car crash,
16:22but I like it when it's like,
16:24kind of eases you in and then, wham.
16:27That's what you need, right?
16:29We're at 103.
16:31You got another 10 seconds before you go.
16:34We need that stimulus.
16:36You're shooting for about four or five reps.
16:39Four, three, two, one, here we go.
16:51Two more.
17:00Well done.
17:03Now you got some recovery time
17:05and it's gonna be one or two reps
17:07that you're gonna finish with.
17:09You got it in you to give me one more big rep.
17:1320 seconds.
17:17We're gonna go again in five.
17:19Three, two, one.
17:22I want one.
17:25Grip, grip.
17:26Yes, sir, you're done.
17:29Well done, well done.
17:32That's what I'm talking about.
17:36You got two minutes, we're back to pull-ups.
17:38You're gonna wanna lean and breathe.
17:42You're gonna capture your mind and your calmness
17:47by focusing on your breath.
17:51If you can get the inhale to come in through your nose
17:54with the tongue on the roof of the mouth,
17:57that's gonna bring your mind back to you.
18:00You're gonna focus on the task at hand,
18:04which is when that timer says it's time to go,
18:07you're putting your hands on that pull-up bar
18:11and you're bringing your chest up to the bar.
18:13Five, four, three, two, one.
18:32You're gonna have maybe four bursts on this.
18:36You got a minute 40.
18:39I'm feeling it, I have to switch those bars, you know?
18:43I know you've got it tough, but I've got it, you know?
18:45You've got it hard too.
18:48All right.
18:50You got a minute 30.
18:51I'd say in 115 is a good next time to go.
18:57You're at five reps on this right now.
19:01So three, two, one, on the bar.
19:09Let's get three.
19:15You're at eight right now and you've got a minute to go.
19:19Let's shoot for somewhere around 15 as your end point.
19:22I think that's a good place to get to.
19:26You got 50 seconds.
19:29Let's go again in 10.
19:34Five, four, three, two, one.
19:38Let's get three.
19:43Nope, get off the bar.
19:46You're at 30 seconds.
19:48You got 10 reps.
19:49We're gonna go again in five and I want two.
19:53Three, two, one, get two.
20:02All right, we're gonna go again in five seconds
20:06and I want one.
20:07You got 12 reps.
20:09We're gonna get 13.
20:11Two, one, here we go.
20:13Pull, pull, pull, pull.
20:15Good work.
20:16I'll get the weights, you recover.
20:21I look at this as if I'm gonna make something work
20:26in a 30 minute time frame,
20:28it's still gotta be kind of heavy.
20:30There's gotta be big movements.
20:32You know, how do I pull that off?
20:34You know, I'm trying to deal with the weight
20:36You know, I'm trying to deal with the logistics
20:38of the situation and still give you the right kind
20:41of stimulus to give you a muscular response,
20:44which means it's gotta be heavy enough.
20:47I also don't wanna hurt you,
20:49so I need to make it safe enough.
20:52This to me kind of solves for a lot of those things.
20:54It's heavy, but it's not backbreaking heavy.
20:58Super taxing metabolically,
21:00but there's still enough rest built in
21:02to where you're clear headed
21:04before you start this next task.
21:06I hope so.
21:07You will be.
21:08You got a minute to go.
21:11Breathe, recover.
21:14When it's time to go, when the clock says go,
21:16it's automatic.
21:18So this is gonna be something that especially
21:21if you've trained and you have movement patterns
21:25and grain, that's gonna help.
21:29I'm going by muscle memory right now.
21:30That's how I want you to be in this.
21:33I don't like people overthinking when they're training.
21:36There's a time to think and there's a time to just respond.
21:40Time to start thinking about getting under the bar.
21:43Time to start getting under the bar.
21:46Three, two, one, go.
22:03You're looking good and strong.
22:06I want 10.
22:12Oh, you're screaming through these.
22:19One more.
22:23Well done.
22:25You actually got one more rep in the first burst.
22:27This go around than you did last one.
22:31Now this is the real gut check exercise in this, okay?
22:36You're gonna go again in another 20 seconds.
22:41When you go, this is the one that's like soul crushing,
22:44but I need you to fight through that.
22:48You got 10 seconds.
22:52This is the hardest burst of the thing.
22:54Five, four, three, two, one.
22:58I want five.
23:01Give me five.
23:05You got it.
23:06It's moving fast.
23:09You can do it.
23:10It's whether you want to do it.
23:15Give me that fifth one.
23:21You got one more effort on this.
23:24And then after it's the icing on the cake
23:25with some bench press.
23:2820 seconds.
23:2920 seconds, you're going again in 10 seconds.
23:31And I want three, five seconds.
23:36Start getting under the bar, hands on the bar.
23:39Get under the bar.
23:41Walk it out.
23:44You're gonna have time for two.
23:46Two reps.
23:50Drop it in the bucket again.
23:52Drive it out.
23:53And you're done.
23:58Okay, one more exercise.
24:00Relax, recover.
24:01I got you on this.
24:05It's hard.
24:06This is no joke, dude.
24:08There's no fluff in this.
24:11This is all the big compound movements put together.
24:16Every piece of tissue on your body
24:17is getting stressed really hard right now.
24:21Biggest thing you've got to focus on,
24:22the only thing you can control is your mind right now.
24:25You're right.
24:30All you got to do with your mind
24:33is just get it to say yes to this.
24:37Yes, I can do another rep.
24:40Yes, I can deal with this discomfort.
24:44Certainly not comfortable.
24:46If you're comfortable, nothing's happening.
24:47That's a problem.
24:49Growth does not take place when you're comfortable.
24:53Change does not take place when you're comfortable.
24:57I don't care what you're talking about on this planet.
25:01Nothing changes and progresses and grows
25:05when it's comfortable.
25:0715 seconds.
25:12Find your grip.
25:13Five, four, three, two, one.
25:18Let's party.
25:23Three, four, five, six.
25:35Let's do four.
25:38You've got a minute and 40 seconds left now,
25:41so plenty of time.
25:43Plenty, plenty, plenty of time.
25:47We're gonna go for the next one at one minute,
25:51which is in 30 seconds,
25:53and I think you might be able to get five.
25:56This is it though, man.
25:57This is the last exercise.
26:01If we don't get to the point where I'm helping you
26:03with the last rep,
26:04you're selling yourself a little short.
26:08You got 12 seconds in the tunnel.
26:12Stay in it.
26:15Five, lay down.
26:17Hands on the bar.
26:19Two, one.
26:20Here we go.
26:30I got you.
26:31One, two, three.
26:33Now that one just kind of, you lost it on that one.
26:36I did.
26:37All right.
26:38You're gonna get one more go here.
26:41This is where I want you to really just stay focused
26:43with your mind at the task at hand.
26:46There's nothing else in the world except this right now,
26:49and I want three reps.
26:52It's just hands on the bar, grip, set up,
26:56and go for three.
26:59You're going in five.
27:01Find your grip.
27:01Find your mind.
27:05On rack, and let's get three.
27:18Didn't have it.
27:19If you are able to finish on bench press without some help,
27:24I think that that is a tell
27:26that you didn't have enough weight
27:28or didn't try hard enough.
27:30What I saw is that we really hit the sweet spot.
27:33We hit that sweet spot.
27:35For the record, I trained chest yesterday.
27:39I just want to say you did an amazing job.
27:41Like seriously, you put the effort in on this
27:45that I want to see.
27:46That was exactly the way I want this session to unfold.
27:49That was great work.
27:51I can feel it.
27:52What are the most important two things I need to remember
27:54if I'm going to attack this type of session?
27:55I think that this is as mental as it is physical.
27:59And if you're going to progress on this next time,
28:04you're going to have to kind of put your feet in the fire
28:07mentally, because this is not easy anytime that you do it.
28:11And so if you think that you're going to come back in
28:13and next time this is going to be easier,
28:16it's the wrong approach.
28:17Like you need to beat your numbers from this time
28:21the next time you do this workout.
28:23So if you want to try this,
28:25remember this is only one point on the journey,
28:28especially if you have a goal like recap.
28:31So get ready and give it all for this All Out Blitz workout.
28:39Yep, there we go.
28:40That's the spot.
28:40And I'll tell you what, feet up is always better.
28:44If I don't put you down, I did something wrong.
