Joel Kim Booster | Train Like | Men's Health

  • 4 days ago
00:00Hey, I'm Joel Kim Booster and today I'm going to show you a little bit about what my workout
00:21looks like.
00:22The yoga has been very helpful though, I like that a lot.
00:24My fitness journey started several years ago.
00:27For me, like in this industry, there's not a lot that you can control and so when I started
00:33working out, it really was about the one thing in my life that I could actually control.
00:38There's not been like a specific role that I've ever needed to get in shape for.
00:42I will say I have been cast as like a number of different levels of narcissists.
00:47Guys are obsessed with me, what do you want a medal?
00:50So it is helpful to sort of look fit for those roles.
00:54I will say the one thing that probably does shift if I'm actually getting ready to shoot
00:58something is my diet more than anything.
01:00When I'm not shooting, I don't count calories anymore.
01:03I don't necessarily track carbs or fats, but I do make sure that I am hitting my daily
01:08protein goal.
01:09That all gets a little bit more dialed in if I am shooting.
01:12I have never worked out with one of my co-stars before.
01:16I don't think anyone's ever given me tips.
01:18Definitely co-stars have given me like severe body dysmorphia, I will say that.
01:22Shout out to Zane Phillips.
01:24Today I'm going to take you through sort of a full body workout, hitting some of the major
01:27lifts that I focus on, on each muscle group day.
01:30Let's get into it.
01:34First exercise I'm going to do today is a dumbbell chest press.
01:38I really like this exercise a lot because you can do a lot of adjustments to it to make
01:43it harder, easier, focus on different elements of the chest.
01:47I will say I prefer dumbbell chest press to a barbell press because the stabilization
01:53aspect of the dumbbells really fires up my chest in a very different way than the barbell
02:00And you can get a good focus on both strength and size depending on how you do the workout.
02:05I love chest day, it's the day that I can move some of the most weight, feel really
02:11good about that.
02:12Obviously, like aesthetically for me, like it's the area that I think I had the most
02:16insecurity about when I was like in high school.
02:19And so now it's something that I really like to focus on.
02:22It feels really good and it feels like I've accomplished a lot at the end of the chest
02:28Second exercise is the Bulgarian split squat, which is my least favorite exercise on the
02:32For me, I am old and I have a lot of lower back issues, so barbell squats have sort of
02:37exited my life as of late.
02:39But the Bulgarian split squat is really great because it's a unilateral exercise.
02:43It works both parts of the legs and it also is a really great glute exercise as well.
02:48It's really difficult, but it's extremely rewarding.
02:50My least favorite exercise is, I mean, like everybody else, leg day is a struggle.
02:54I don't skip it.
02:55It is hard.
02:56It feels bad.
02:57It's the only day I've ever puked at the gym, but it's the largest muscle group in your
03:03You'll see bigger and better gains in the rest of your body if you're focusing on leg
03:06day as well.
03:08For shoulders, this is the day that we really focus a lot more on volume.
03:12So we usually do just a regular shoulder press, dumbbell shoulder press.
03:16When I'm filming, like my workout schedule is all over the place, but I try to maintain
03:20at least four days a week.
03:22And that means prioritizing going before shooting or getting in at the end of the day, which
03:27can be difficult because like sometimes you're shooting for 12, 14 hours a day and getting
03:31up at five is not ideal.
03:33But for me, like making, working out, like the first thing I do in the day always sets
03:37me up for a better day.
03:39Not just like physically how I feel, but mentally as well.
03:42Lower back issues.
03:43I used to love deadlifting.
03:44I think my PR was somewhere around 415 before I injured my back.
03:49I now do mostly deadlifting with either a sumo deadlift, which is easier on my lower
03:54back or what we're doing today, which is a hex bar deadlift.
03:57And that just, it takes a lot of the emphasis off the lower back for me and it focuses more
04:01on the full back.
04:02So we'll be doing that today against mainly focusing on load and not necessarily volume.
04:08I'm not usually doing a ton of volume on deadlifts.
04:11It's mostly just three to five reps at a heavy weight.
04:15I try to do some functional cardio throughout the week.
04:20I will walk for half an hour to an hour around the LA reservoir, which I live very close
04:25by to, and I don't have a huge focus on cardio because I am not somebody who needs to cut
04:32all the time and I have asthma and I smoke a lot of weed.
04:36So I try to avoid it as much as I can get away with.
04:39And then finally, we usually try to work in some accessory work, whether that be triceps
04:44or biceps.
04:45Today we'll be focusing on the biceps and doing hammer curls, which is a really good
04:49way to get that burn in your bicep and specifically hit sort of the longer head of the bicep.
04:54Really focused obviously initially on looking really good, but the thing that really clicked
04:59in for me when I started working out was realizing that there was objective gains that I actually
05:04see and it wasn't aesthetic.
05:06It was like, if I'm lifting heavier, if I'm lifting more weight than I was lifting last
05:10week, then that is like an objective goal that I have reached.
05:15If you focus mostly on the strength gains, I think that is a healthier outlook for you
05:20in the gym.
05:21And that was a little look into some of my daily workouts.
05:25Thanks for watching.
