God Shave The Queens S02E12 (2022)

  • 2 months ago
00:00I'm trying to think, how do I describe the many split personas of Laurence Chaney?
00:19Laurence Chaney's act at its core is just silly Scottish humour. I love being very crass
00:27and swearing quite a lot.
00:29Proper Niagara Falls in there by the way, so it's not my fault.
00:32What do you mean a shit load of someone's shit?
00:34It splashes into the water and just hits the toilet.
00:37That wouldn't be happening if people just pissed in my mouth.
00:41Yeah, it's seemed to work for me so far. RuPaul likes it.
00:46We have the common theme of Drag Queen.
00:51Swearing just like Chaney.
00:53And we're going to change it.
00:55It's really weird being reunited with everyone because the TV show aired a year ago.
01:02You know, this very day I'm sure an episode was broadcast.
01:05So I was nervous meeting together as a cast because I didn't want there to be any resentments.
01:10I'm really glad it's gone without a hitch and no one's tearing anyone's wigs off.
01:20Get my knee. Get my knee in.
01:23Talk about being robbed, I'll fucking rob a wig off, you know.
01:36I'm like the Loch Ness Monster.
01:40A legend.
01:42My name is Lawrence Chaney, I'm 23 years old and I'm Scottish Drag Royalty.
01:48Which basically means no one in England knows who I am.
01:52It was such a standout season with so many memorable cast members.
01:57I remember turning up to film it and I was like,
02:00God, who the hell's going to win this?
02:03Because obviously I looked at everyone and I was like,
02:05I can see Ginny Lemon in the final holding that scepter.
02:08I can see Astine in the final with that scepter.
02:11I could see everyone's rite of passage to the crown.
02:17I just remember for years when Drag Race was just in America,
02:21I was like, well, here's how I would have done this.
02:24This is what I would have done for this runway.
02:26And now it was my prime time to do that for myself.
02:31The UK's next Drag Race superstar is...
02:37Lawrence Chaney.
02:47When I won, there was a lot of controversy.
02:50And I welcome that controversy. I'm a Drag Race fan, oh my God.
02:54I know what people are saying on Reddit.
02:57I've said some of it myself.
02:59But I know some people weren't happy when I won,
03:03but if all someone can say is that someone was robbed of an accolade
03:07they were never given, then I don't think it matters too much.
03:12You've got to understand that you are in a privileged situation
03:16as a winner of a series.
03:18So you just always need to be...
03:20Keep it cute and remember you're a winner
03:23and hold yourself like a winner, but don't be an arsehole.
03:26And that's where some people get stuck.
03:28But I don't want to.
03:30And then you go here.
03:32Yeah, can you put the brake down?
03:34And then it's...
03:36I think I can almost have them hold it.
03:38Yeah, OK.
03:43I'm really nervous.
03:46Because I'm not a dancer.
03:48But I've learnt quite a lot of new moves.
03:51And it's really good, really exciting,
03:54but there's just that added pressure.
04:05So this get-up is inspired by a baked potato I once had.
04:11No, it's inspired by space.
04:14And we don't know that much about it, so I'm fascinated by it.
04:17And I think where there's things that you don't know about something,
04:21you can add so much, like, stupidity to it.
04:28I do have an opening voice-over from RuPaul.
04:31That was so weird because I was like,
04:33there's no way RuPaul's going to do a voice-over
04:35because of how mental this number is.
04:40The final frontier.
04:43These are the voyages of Laurence Journey.
04:53Laurence is what you imagine drag to be.
04:56You know, she's camp, she's...
04:58Everything's big, like, big hair, big costumes.
05:01Very well-rounded.
05:03Knows who they are.
05:05Laurence is amazing, what she does, because no-one really does what she does.
05:09That's how I fell in love with Laurence,
05:11because of her unique style of performing.
05:13Growing up and seeing her, it inspired me to start doing drag, actually.
05:16It did, yeah, yeah.
05:22Yes, bitch!
05:24You camp twat.
05:38How are you today?
05:40Yeah, I'm alive.
05:42I'm as good as you can be.
05:46The first show was all just kind of working out the kinks.
05:50And again, I've worked out I am a kinky fucker.
05:54But it's just, you know, now it's just kind of upping
05:57everything that was perfect about last show
06:00and just making it even better.
06:02But we are headed to Edinburgh next,
06:06and then Glasgow.
06:08It's going to be a wild show, both sold out.
06:11I started drag in Edinburgh.
06:15You know, I shedded my hip verse on UK Hun.
06:19I went from Helensburgh to Edinburgh,
06:21but made my name in Glasgow City.
06:23So, yeah, no, I'm just really excited.
06:25Really, really excited.
06:28I was always that kid that, you know,
06:30I had the bowl cut and the Velcro shoes,
06:32so I was just bullied all the time.
06:34It was very difficult to get make-up back in the day
06:37that was thick enough.
06:38You know, all I had was my mum's dream matte mousse.
06:40So I started using acrylic paint on my face.
06:45So I was like, yeah, I'm my own canvas.
06:48I'll just paint this face on.
06:50And then you do it, you finish it,
06:52and then you go, oh, look nice.
06:55Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack.
06:57You look like Heath Ledger as the Joker.
06:59But that's where I started learning the shapes
07:02and what angles you needed to draw
07:04a traditionally feminine-looking face.
07:07And then I turned 18,
07:09and I went to see Jinx Monsoon's show,
07:12and that was just such a mind-blowing moment.
07:15I met someone off the TV.
07:17And that's when I realised, you know,
07:18I realised that even when trying to hide and blend in
07:23and, oh, I hope no one looks at me,
07:24you know, a switch turned in my mind,
07:26and I said, well, I can play around with make-up
07:29and wear make-up,
07:30and people are still going to look at me
07:32because they're always going to look at me.
07:42This is Lawrence's hometown.
07:44And a horror, like, when we walked in,
07:46a horror said to us that Lawrence
07:48has got the biggest dressing room.
07:50It's massive. It's about 40 square feet.
07:52It's got neon lights.
07:53It's got a sofa. It's got a spa.
07:55It's got a chandelier.
07:56I'm fuming.
07:57So let's go check it out, shall we?
07:59And then also we'll go tell Lawrence.
08:01We'll compare it with the truth, the horror's truth.
08:04Where is she, then? Where is she?
08:08This way, this way.
08:09This way, girlies.
08:10This way.
08:11Queen of Glasgow.
08:12Is she in?
08:14Look at that.
08:21Hi, there's a small camera crew here.
08:23Look at your massive dressing room.
08:26Oh, my God!
08:28You've got your own bathroom, neon lights.
08:30A wet room.
08:31A sofa.
08:32Is that a pool round there?
08:33But how wet is it?
08:35Is that the wet room?
08:36Is that there?
08:37No, that's where the maid sleeps.
08:39Is that the maisonette?
08:41Hello, darling.
08:42It's the one that I hate.
08:45Hello, darling.
08:46I'm so nervous of it.
08:48It's your hometown show, darling.
08:50Just scary.
08:52It's going to be amazing.
08:53The last time my mum was here, she saw Liza here.
08:58And now, from one beat-out alcoholic to another.
09:03I can't believe it.
09:05You know, staggering through the song.
09:07Staggering through the show.
09:09It's going to be great, though.
09:10It's going to be a great show tonight.
09:12Oh, yeah.
09:13Yeah, you are.
09:14Stop that.
09:15Yeah, you are.
09:29I'm so excited to meet you guys.
09:31It's dedication.
09:33Dedication is flying from Los Angeles just for this show.
09:37I'm so excited.
09:39I'm so excited.
09:41I love meeting greats.
09:43I love meeting people.
09:46Because I just know how some other people have treated the fans.
09:53Because I was the fan.
09:54I was the fan at the meet and greet.
09:56I can tell you what was a good experience and what was a bad experience
09:59and how that person made me feel comfortable when I was nervous.
10:04So I think we owe a lot to the gay people, the trans people,
10:10the lesbians, the queer people, the straight people.
10:14Well, straight people.
10:15But we owe a lot to a lot of people because we're allowed to do this
10:21and make money from this.
10:24I'm just very aware of how much the fans do for you.
10:29Like, I think you owe a lot to the people that come to these shows.
10:33Fans need to come first.
10:35Well, hey.
10:36There's always a sexual pun.
10:38I don't mean it.
10:50I'm nervous.
10:53I'm already counting down the minutes.
10:57You've got to psych yourself up that when you walk out,
11:01you may not get a standing ovation and you may not get cheers
11:05just because of a TV show.
11:07So I'm just nervous as always,
11:11but that's just a little niggling feeling in my head.
11:15A little bit of the fear.
11:18I get nervous all the time because I care a lot.
11:25I want the show to be good
11:27because the audience have paid loads of money to see us.
11:31The audience members, some of the kids, these kids that come to it,
11:34they've said, hmm, do I spend that money now on chocolate, sweets,
11:38fags, booze, you know, whatever it is,
11:40or do I save this up and then buy a ticket for these weird cross-dressers?
11:45You are nervous in Scotland,
11:48where you could walk out there and have a shit on stage
11:51and they'd go, that's our fucking queen.
11:54I mean, to be fair, the only other, like, representation we have
11:58is Susan Boyle and Nicola Sturgeon.
12:00I don't think that's saying much.
12:03I do feel a lot of pressure sometimes
12:05because not only am I the winner of that season,
12:08it was such a standout season with so many memorable cast members.
12:13You know, you've got to understand that you are in a privileged situation,
12:18but that adds to the pressure.
12:23I'm always ready too early.
12:25You hear it because I have anxiety because there's so many moving parts,
12:29loading the gun, getting all these clipped on, turned on,
12:32styling the way, you know, getting this all perfect.
12:36Before In The Wings, I, like, need to become
12:41the purest form of brain-dead, like, disassociation
12:46because I need to be, like, brain-dead, reboot,
12:50and then you go, bang, bang, my name's Laurence Chaney,
12:55and then you turn it on because that's who people want to see.
12:58That's what the energy people want to see from me.
13:03Laurence! Laurence! Laurence! Laurence! Laurence!
13:23The final frontier.
13:26These are the voyages of Laurence Chaney!
13:35I love sci-fi. Ever since I was young, I loved Doctor Who, Star Wars,
13:40all these, you know, cheap CGI effects sometimes.
13:44I love that Campery and Barbarella.
13:47I love all that kind of genre of film.
13:51But it's one of the things that makes me unique,
13:55and I remember when I was younger, I would be a big fan of Doctor Who
13:59and I would get bullied for it.
14:01But I just like taking things that I'm made to feel different for liking.
14:08When I see that spaceship, it just makes me smile.
14:12And that's also, it's like, that's drag.
14:15It's taking the most ridiculous thing
14:18and making a number that's just fun.
14:21I just wanted to kind of make the Laurence Chaney equivalent of a B-movie.
14:27So I think I've done it pretty well.
14:31Leave my planet alone!
14:34Is that right?
14:36Well, we've got this saying on Earth, and on series too, in fact,
14:39and it goes,
14:41Big Bang for Kiddo.
14:48Was the footage good?
14:50Did they like it?
14:52Oh, my God. What a relief.
14:55I know I'm very self-conscious and I like perfection.
14:59I'm a big perfectionist because I collectively want the season I represent
15:04to look amazing.
15:08But I am able to detach and go, well, they loved it.
15:12Give it up for our winner of season two, Laurence Chaney!
15:28There's just not a day I don't not think about the show
15:32and think about how much fun it was.
15:34What Drag Race did for me as a young person
15:39who didn't have any hopes and dreams,
15:43or I didn't have a pathway when I was younger,
15:46and now it's so weird being part of the machine that I watch,
15:53but now I'm going and doing the shows.
15:56Yeah, drag is the perfect culmination of all my skills that I was given,
16:01and it's what I'm meant to do.
16:03I'm here in my hometown of Glasgow now, Laurence Chaney,
16:06and repeat after me, Glasgow, Laurence Chaney!
16:10Yes, and that's one for the way back.
16:12Make some noise yourselves.
16:14In the kindest possible way, fuck off.