God Shave The Queens S02E05 (2022)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Each show I'm trying to catch everybody, so I'll get ready either later or earlier so
00:11I can make sure I get to see absolutely everyone on the bloody show.
00:17Now tonight's night, this is Jimmy, working class advil, DJ Hiddink!
00:24I overdrive, I overdrive, I overdrive.
00:38I love my fanciest slice!
00:45My name is Joe Black, and I am three owls in a trench coat.
00:51Hoot, hoot.
01:01This is the first time we've all been together at the same time, and it's wild because there
01:07was pretty much a year between the filming and the actual release, and then another year
01:11later we do the tour.
01:12It feels amazing to be part of such a revered cast.
01:19Alright boys, so they're going to play from Joe's intro video.
01:24I've seen this!
01:36I know what you're thinking.
01:38God, Glenn Close looks rough.
01:41Yes, bitch!
01:45I am the international cabaret sensation, Joe Black.
01:51Come on, crystal ball.
01:56The whole reason I did Rail Race, it wasn't for like, you know, sponsor posts or ads or
02:00campaigns, like I just wanted to do shows and to be able to reach a larger audience,
02:08but still carrying on doing me.
02:11Because otherwise what's the point in going on it if you're not, you know, going to go
02:15on as you and then come out a heightened, bigger version of yourself?
02:20My dad stopped asking me if I'm, um, so how long do you reckon you could do this for?
02:25So that was nice.
02:26What else happened?
02:28I did a video for H&M, that was quite fun.
02:35If it is from H&M, you better glitter the fuck out of it and make it something special.
02:40I don't want to see any fucking H&M.
02:44That wouldn't have happened otherwise.
02:46Well, do you know what hasn't happened?
02:48Alan Cumming still won't reply to me on Instagram DMs.
02:51Alan Cumming messaged Cherry Valentine because people said that Cherry Valentine looked like
02:56Alan Cumming.
02:57She doesn't even know who the man is.
02:59And he won't even reply to me.
03:03Got me.
03:10I've never been involved in a production this big before.
03:12Sometimes I've done events and stuff and I'm like, oh, I feel so special and rock star
03:17but nothing, you know, not compared to this.
03:19How many people get to experience this?
03:21It's crazy.
03:22We should all feel very, very, very lucky.
03:25Oh, there we are.
03:27La, la, la.
03:29Ladies, we're screaming.
03:31Yes, please.
03:32So come, tell us what you know.
03:36We're just going to drop the level on your mic.
03:38So as long as it's still loud enough on stage?
03:42Yeah, we'll match it to what it was.
03:45It's just because you're pretty powerful.
03:47Screaming is what you mean.
03:49Well, if you want to be technical, yeah.
03:51I'm excited to, I'm nervous, but in like a, I want it, it's going to be fantastic
03:58and it's just getting that first hurdle out of the way, isn't it?
04:01We all know it's going to be incredible.
04:03It's just doing it that first time and going, it is what we all thought it was going to be.
04:08One, two, three, four.
04:14Well, I thought, you know what, I'm never going to have dancers again.
04:17What's something I enjoy that has dancers?
04:19And do you know what does?
04:21So I thought, well, if I've got a chance for a big production, I'm going for a big musical.
04:26But, you know, I've kept telling people that, you know, I was the cabaret one,
04:30so I might as well do something from cabaret, you know, it makes sense, doesn't it?
04:33But it's nice to be here, it's nice to get out the house.
04:40Nice one.
04:41Quite aggressive.
04:44Jo, I love Jo, Jo's quite fabulous.
04:47Hello, it's me, international drag cabaret, Jo Black.
04:53I love Jo, she's daft as a fucking bag of frogs. Bag of frogs?
04:59Jo Black is mad as a box of frogs, like, absolutely nutcase and love him to pieces.
05:05Jo sort of, like, has a niche and an energy that gives you sort of, like, a haunted Victorian ghost.
05:13I love, like, she's the little witch, the little Glenn Close that she is.
05:16Jo's one of the most kookiest people I've ever met.
05:18Literally, like, a 60-year-old woman inside of Jo Black.
05:22There is a 60-year-old woman living inside of Jo Black.
05:26I do think Jo might be lying about his age, because I think Jo is about 105, though.
05:31But she's just an amazing performer.
05:34I've been going to Jo's shows for a long time and I will continue going to Jo's shows.
05:38Like, Jo is...
05:41...chef's kiss.
05:42Welcome back, darlings, I'm here to haunt you.
05:46It's Jo Black, nice to see you.
05:49And guess what, the Cambridge is back.
05:52Here for my close-up, I'm with my girl band, Zigga Zigga.
05:56Know what you're thinking, Glenn Close, but no cigar.
06:06Well, I started in 2007 doing sort of cabaret-style sets, but in music shows.
06:14So I would always consider myself more of a cabaret performer.
06:18And drag was an eventual aesthetic that I made my way to.
06:24My aesthetic's quite clowny, which forgives all manner of sins.
06:29You know, you can say and do things that are socially unacceptable.
06:40Uh-oh, Jo's gone crazy.
06:43Sorry, gone even more crazy.
06:46Is your funny or two?
06:49Jo, have more.
06:52This week, how much whiskey has Jo Black consumed?
06:57We can assume a lot.
07:01This is the clown that actually shows up at your birthday party and ruins your birthday.
07:06I'm here to have a lovely time.
07:09For me, it's not really a character thing.
07:11It's just like a heightened version of myself.
07:14I mean, it's my actual name as well.
07:16But there's an element of kind of chaotic, impish nature, I guess.
07:33Not being rude to people, of course,
07:35but being a little more on the bizarre side.
07:39And people go, oh, look at him.
07:41Isn't he a silly bastard?
07:43Hello, it's me, international drag cabaret superstar Jo Black!
07:48International cabaret, isn't he?
07:50Jo, tell them.
07:51They all just take the piss out of me.
07:53I don't understand why!
07:55It's showtime!
07:59It's showtime!
08:01It's showtime!
08:05That'll be in the advert.
08:09So, yeah, there's sort of a heightened chaos to it,
08:12but it's not... I'm not becoming someone else.
08:15I mean, people always joke that out of the make-up,
08:17I look exactly the same anyway,
08:19so I've got a bit of sparkle on, got my cigarette holder.
08:22Oh, Jo's in drag again.
08:24There's no cigarette in this!
08:26George, we've got to set up an example.
08:29One of the things I like about wearing big, big costumes
08:32is when you're acting like an idiot while looking like that,
08:35it's even funnier.
08:37Oh, thank you. Where's the boa? That's the expensive bit.
08:40There's something, I think, inherently funny
08:43about someone taking glamour so seriously.
08:46Where's my £300 of dead ostrich?
08:51It wasn't about that much money, actually.
08:53Do you get the ethically sourced...
08:55No, you can't get ethically sourced fucking ostrich.
08:57Yes, you can. You can get loads of ostriches that just had a heart attack.
09:01People go, oh, it's ethically sourced feathers.
09:04Do you think those birds want some fucking middle-aged man
09:07to chase them and pull them off?
09:09Of course they're not...
09:11You want middle-aged men to chase you and pull you off, don't you?
09:15Right, OK, everyone, bye.
09:17I am a middle-aged man,
09:19and I've got about 30 minutes till I need to go back on.
09:22Can you really take complete glamour seriously? I don't know.
09:26There's a campness to it, cos it's just all of this, like,
09:30serious, like, unattainable glamour,
09:32and there'll be a little kind of, like...
09:34I like it because it's fucking stupid.
09:37Someone all in jewels and furs and...
09:43..fucking clouds.
09:45Love it.
09:51Elizabeth Taylor got nothing on me, and do you know why?
09:54Cos she's dead.
10:19You keep that shut there, wait, I'll be back in a second.
10:22The seaside attracts weirdos, which is what I like.
10:25I don't know what it is, the kind of most eccentric dregs of society
10:30go to the seaside, and I am one of those dregs.
10:37I've gone to the shops and I've got...
10:40..fuck all.
10:54What the hell is going on here?
10:59Stood in my bag?
11:01Around the bag. What's this all say, my bloody...
11:05How are you feeling, Joe?
11:06Do you know, I was like, oh, I'm going to go downstairs
11:09and say hello to Lawrence and Cherry,
11:11so I don't get dressed too early.
11:13And Cherry is fully dressed, so it's given me the fear now,
11:16so I've come to get entirely dressed.
11:18So I think being with the two of you has given me a false sense
11:21of security, even though we have all the time in the world.
11:24So I'm going to put on the outfit that takes me...
11:27..about 15 seconds to put on, out of fear.
11:31Why don't you put it on 15 seconds before you have to go,
11:34as a challenge?
11:38I can't do that.
11:40Speaking of, how much make-up has Veronica got on?
11:44This show is like, you get the snapshot of who everyone is,
11:48so I wanted to do something that people go, that makes sense.
11:53I don't think drag is a performance genre,
11:56because there are drag people that do every manner of things.
12:00You know, singers, dancers, poets.
12:02It's merely an aesthetic, I think.
12:05I don't think it can just be one thing,
12:07but I have, like, a specific kind of vibe in mind.
12:11Like, people always say, they go, you're so cabaret.
12:14Yes, well, that's what I want to embody.
12:16Make some noise for the incomparable Joe Black!
12:25Hello, Portland!
12:28So, this one, it's, like, classic.
12:31It's the right vibe.
12:33I was originally going to do a villain mega-mix
12:36and go through all, like, the big villain songs,
12:38but I wasn't sure how to include the dancers on that one,
12:41because I've never had dancers before,
12:43and I didn't want to use them for the sake of it.
12:46I wanted something that would benefit a song that I enjoyed,
12:51and it all benefits each other, like, they'll look great,
12:55cos I'm being silly doing this,
12:57and I'll look great cos they're beautifully framing me,
13:00or they're, like, assisting, lifting me up and all of that stuff.
13:03You know, screaming at lovely dancer boys to pick you up.
13:06Let me down! Let me down!
13:09I quite like it when stuff goes wrong, to a degree.
13:12Like, falling through the stage is not a chaos you can control,
13:16but forgetting, like, one line.
13:19I've forgotten the words, I'm so sorry!
13:23There's something quite thrilling about standing in front of 3,000 people
13:26and going, oh, I fucked that up, didn't I?
13:29It's nice little, I don't want to say human moments,
13:32cos I'm up there looking like a fucking glamour clown
13:34in front of 3,000 people,
13:36but I think if I'd tried to ignore it and gone...
13:39It would have been more awkward.
13:41People would then go, aww, for you,
13:43but you don't want them to feel sorry for you,
13:45you need them to fear you!
13:53I think what I'll take away from this is how lucky we are
13:58and how wonderful it is that we got to be part of such a big production.
14:02Cos, you know, I'll go back to doing, you know, my shows,
14:06but then maybe in the future to aspire to have that level of set
14:13and all of that, because I've got a taste of it now.
14:16Make some noise for the incomparable Joe Black!
14:23Do you see yourself doing it forever?
14:25I think acts will naturally develop,
14:27but I think, you know, I'm just going to continue doing what interests me.
14:31I had no aspirations to be, like,
14:34a serious actor or musical theatre person.
14:37Like, I specifically was like, right, I want dodgy cabaret clubs,
14:41people drinking cocktails, being a chaotic little twat,
14:45and I genuinely really love it.
14:48I want to be Joan Rivers, like, not specifically exactly Joan Rivers,
14:52but I want to go till the end,
14:55and I think I'm interested to see what I'll look like at 70 doing this.
14:59Oh, it's going to be grim.