God Shave The Queens S02E10 (2022)

  • 2 months ago
00:04Hello, everyone. Are you registered?
00:10Oh, hello, MCC Junior.
00:12It's you. It's me. It's us.
00:16Hello, hello, Savaloy. How the fuck are you doing, you little bitch?
00:19Have you missed me? I'm here. I'm queer. Let's go.
00:23Ooh, that coffee's hitting me, girl. Wow! Let's go, bitch!
00:31Got it.
00:36It's rehearsal day, baby. We're here. We're queer. We're an Epswitch.
00:39We've had some little malfunctions, but that's what rehearsals are for.
00:42I think I need to do a thicker heel cos I know one of these days
00:45that treadmill and me are not going to be friends.
00:48So I need to wear a nice big thick heel. But I'm excited. I'm happy.
00:51I can't believe we're finally here doing it.
00:53How does it feel like being reunited with all the rest of the gang?
00:56Absolutely horrible. I hate them all.
00:58And I can't wait to see the backs of those bastard bitches.
01:01These rat packs! I'm going to give them trouble.
01:04Trouble in spade loads, which I don't want, but I will.
01:07Nah, they're gorgeous. I mean, last time we were all together
01:11was literally recording the show.
01:14So that's, like, what, nearly two years ago now.
01:16So it's crazy and surreal to see everyone just be in the same room
01:19all at once at the same time. It's the reason this show sold out.
01:22Like, every single number is so different. No one is just like the other.
01:25There's so much variety, diversity, and I love it.
01:31Ready? Let's do it.
01:42Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:44This doesn't look like Barry Island, but it sure will do.
01:49Oi, oi, oi, Savaloy.
01:51I'm Tase, I'm 25, and I'm from New York.
01:54I'm 25, and I'm from Newport, South Wales, baby.
01:58Let's go. Get it, bitch.
02:01Tase is the energiser bunny personified.
02:07Tase is just, like, a bundle of energy.
02:10Like, if you ever need any energy, just plug right in.
02:13It takes her walking in going,
02:15girls, let's get this face of make-up on.
02:18Yes, girls.
02:20My face is on by the end of that sentence that she's just said.
02:23Tase, as an artist, is phenomenal.
02:25Like, I was always in awe of Tase,
02:27even before the show when I'd go to see their performances.
02:30Tase has always been, like, that bitch, you know?
02:34You're giving them, like, a full Super Bowl half-time show
02:37at a brunch on a Saturday afternoon.
02:39I'm like, you are a superstar.
02:41She can perform better than anyone else
02:43and not break a sweat and still look gorgeous.
02:46The way she can pick up choreography,
02:48I've never seen anything like it in my life.
02:50I'm standing next to her and I'm thinking,
02:52I'm supposed to dance stood next to you.
02:54But it's, like, she's amazing.
02:56Tase does it for themselves and, like, does it because they love it.
02:59There's passion there, there's fire,
03:01and, yeah, I really respect Tase a lot.
03:09Tase is a camp bitch, an absolute hound,
03:13a wonder from Wales.
03:15Diamonds come from the rough and from Newport.
03:17It's a bit of a shithole, but it's my shithole,
03:19and, yeah, I've been doing drag for about five years.
03:22Five years, I'd say.
03:24And here I am on tour with Drag Race,
03:26living it up, shaking it down, moving it all around, baby.
03:28One, two, three, come and lick my knee.
03:30Honestly, I think, with me, it's very what you see is what you get.
03:33I am very loud.
03:35And Tase wants to give us some...
03:40I can be quite obnoxious.
03:42I'm like, whoa! In your face.
03:44Hi-ya! Yeah!
03:47A lot of energy, sometimes way too much.
03:49Bam! Bam!
03:51Let's go!
03:53Like me, out of any drag, I'm exactly the same.
03:56My character doesn't really change that much.
03:58If anything, I just look different.
04:00Ah, it's raining! Get me into the umbrella!
04:03That's why my name's my name.
04:05My name's Tase, the name my parents gave me from birth,
04:07and I thought, well, I don't know anyone in the world called Tase,
04:10so why change it to something like Penny Pussy Driver
04:12when it could just be my name, which is unique as fuck,
04:15and I am unique, so bang, bang, one and two make three, baby.
04:17No, it doesn't. One and one makes two.
04:19Oh, no, your synthetic long hair is stuck.
04:22Oh, shut the fuck up, bitch!
04:24I could never. I would never.
04:26It's not me.
04:28I knew I was always going to be doing something.
04:30I always did.
04:31From the minute I sashayed out my mum's foof,
04:33I would work for it until the cows come home.
04:36When I was 16, I came out to London on my own,
04:39then I went to, like, 15 modelling agencies around London.
04:43Every single one said no, and I was like,
04:45if I can get on Strag Race, I can use that platform
04:47to then go on to other things,
04:49and now I'm with a modelling agency, the Squads,
04:51I'm going to do some Fashion Week stuff,
04:53I just did the British Fashion Awards.
04:55Yeah, I've done it all, and now I'm here,
04:57and I think everything's happened at the right time,
04:59nothing was handed to me, I've worked for it,
05:01and now I'm reaping the rewards, I guess.
05:04The stories I get are wild.
05:06It's about shagging.
05:09It's like saying to...
05:11Casey, are you having an hour?
05:13Are you having an hour?
05:15What? No, I was going to ask if you want a cuddle.
05:18No, I don't want anything.
05:20Oh, for fuck's sake.
05:23Oh, what was that?
05:27Good day to be tight.
05:37That's right, another day, another fucking dollar.
05:41So come on, get your dicks out. Let's go.
05:54It's a new day in Bournemouth.
05:56No, it's not, we're not in Bournemouth.
05:59It's a new day in Nottingham, and do you know what?
06:02I'm feeling a bit more like me today, I'm not going to lie.
06:05We are, let the record show, Covid-free.
06:08I've just been running down with a cold,
06:10so do you know what I thought I'd do today?
06:15Yeah, I think that's going to do it.
06:17I've got myself some multivitamins.
06:20Because I don't really take vitamins, so maybe I should stop.
06:23They say take one a day, but this is my third now.
06:26Don't tell anyone.
06:31Oh, Mama, honestly, my piss this morning,
06:33it was like Homer Simpson's semen, it was crazy.
06:42So I think if I put all of these into a big fat cauldron,
06:46nuke it up, it'll get rid of this cold.
06:49So, see you on the other side, kids.
06:52If I don't die, if I'm shitting out flames later,
06:55you know, you know why, all right?
06:57You're shitting a lot.
07:02It's a tumour, eh?
07:11Back to health, back to life, back to reality.
07:15I'm not a very vulnerable person.
07:17I'm not very emotional in, like, a crying way,
07:19it's just not how I'm wired.
07:21Like, I literally haven't properly cried in five, six, seven years.
07:24Like, I just don't cry, I'm not a crier.
07:26I'm too busy having fun, having a great time,
07:28and if I'm in a mood or something, you, you know,
07:30sit in your sadness for a bit and that's fine,
07:32and then you move on and you carry on and you, you know,
07:34bum, bum, bum, brush it off.
07:36Listen here, missy, you want trouble, which I don't want,
07:41I'll give it to you in spade loads, all right?
07:44You horrible, horrible little stinky minge.
07:52I don't feel pretty!
07:54Are we up to speed now, Taze?
07:56Does we look up to speed? We're not up to speed.
07:58Women, what time have we got to be on that meet-and-greet stage?
08:01Let's have a look at the time. That's quite bad.
08:04So, 50... 55 minutes.
08:06Worst comes to worst, I'll just do my base,
08:08stick a big fat pair of glasses on,
08:10Bob's your uncle and does your aunt call it a day?
08:12You'll get there. I believe.
08:15I've walked in on gigs where you've just walked on stage
08:18as the music started playing.
08:20Oh, that was me in memory last night.
08:22I was running down the stage and then she straight up...
08:27Fucking hell!
08:29Half my boot up.
08:31You'll be fine. I was just in a stressy mood earlier.
08:34Which is rare.
08:36It's not rare.
08:40It's never rare.
08:42We're trying meltdowns, really.
08:46Where's the tequila?
08:48Oh, that's not a meltdown. That's an addiction.
08:53That's a problem.
08:55That's a problem.
08:57And the problem is, where's the tequila?
08:59Where's the fucking tequila?
09:01I never cared what people's opinions of me are.
09:03Like, you know, to be black, to be Welsh, to be queer.
09:06Me growing up, you know, there was not really someone like me.
09:09I was walking around with nails on and victory rolls in my hair.
09:12Like, I would have people spit at me sometimes,
09:16call me different names.
09:18And my mum, she would be like,
09:20I just want to poke everyone's eyes or just gawk.
09:22I'm like, Mum, I look like this. Of course they are going to look.
09:25You know, it is what it is. The minute you care about that,
09:28the minute you let people get into your head, you've lost.
09:31And if I dim my light or my shine in any way, that's them winning.
09:34So, you know, you've just got to be you, be true to yourself
09:37and hopefully people can look at you and look up to that.
09:40Make some noise for the wonderful Teice!
09:47My number.
09:49Where do I begin?
09:52It's quite sexual, quite horny.
09:56Ah, ah, ah.
09:58It's quite... It's down there. It's down low, let's say.
10:02And, you know, if you don't step out of your comfort zone,
10:05you don't really grow, so I was like, let's just attack it.
10:08I hear songs, and when I hear them straight away,
10:11I always think of how I would perform it or what I would do.
10:14I can see, like, the stage in my head,
10:16what I would wear, how I would wear it.
10:18I want to give it, like, a bit of a Janet Jackson,
10:21robot-y, Mugler-y vibe.
10:23Aiden Vis Predator, Xenomorph, bitch.
10:28I want people to gag in that first show.
10:30I saw some reactions in the crowd, and that was what I wanted.
10:33It wasn't just one, you know, aargh!
10:36It was like, OK, so this person's living, this person wants to cry,
10:40and this one's fingering herself.
10:43And that's what I want.
10:44I'm getting the smorgasbord of emotion, baby.
10:47Ten out of ten, 100%, untouchable, turn the lights up,
10:51cameras, action, and watch me work, baby.
10:57Mum, get me some water.
11:25Way better than last night.
11:27You're marvellous.
11:28But, no, it was like, it was on today.
11:30It was good.
11:31The cold is leaving us.
11:33They're nottingham bitches.
11:34They're good, they camp.
11:36We're living it up, shaking it down.
11:38And then we're going to get ready for the final number,
11:40so I'll see you in a minute, baby.
11:42What does drag mean to me?
11:45I mean, to me, it's wearing what you want to wear,
11:47doing what you want to do, not giving a fuck.
11:49It's very punk, and I love that.
11:51I feel powerful.
11:52I feel untouchable.
11:53I feel like that bitch.
11:55Yeah, I perform just in me.
11:56It's in my blood.
11:57It's what I do.
11:58It's what I live for.
11:59So it just seemed right to get on stage and fuck shit up,
12:01like I do.
12:02Make some noise for the one and only Chase!
12:12Do you see yourself doing drag forever?
12:17I see myself performing forever.
12:20How I'm going to be performing may change.
12:22You know, I might get to 50 and I might not want to put on heels
12:25every day any more, but I've got to get into music.
12:27I've always wanted to be a musician.
12:29My dad was a musician, he was a bassist in Wham!
12:31So that's something I definitely want to do
12:33and, like, carry that on for my dad.
12:35I'll always be in some kind of entertainment,
12:37in the entertainment world.
12:39I think in life, do what you want,
12:41as long as you're not hurting anyone and it makes you happy.
12:44And if I'm a bit loud, then put some earplugs in, bitch.