• 3 months ago


00:00Attention, shoppers! Mikey Muffin from Butterman's Bakeries is now in the parking lot giving
00:19away free samples! Butterman's Bakery? Wow! It's no secret, they have the best pastries
00:26and pies in town! Oh boy! Oh my! There's new cakes and pies! Oh boy! Oh my! There's
00:33new cakes and pies! I told you it was no secret!
00:38Oh man, I hate diets. Look at this stuff. Celery, lettuce, carrots. This isn't food,
00:59it's a floral arrangement. What's the matter, Lucky? Bet your daughters can say something
01:10else. Didn't you hear? They're giving away Butterman's Pastries! Let's go! Hey, what's
01:16all this? You plantin' a garden? Very funny. Hey Celery, you want a mambo, hmm? Will you
01:30be serious? Our physicals are next week. Cops who don't make way get suspended!
01:46Hiya, fall apart! I think this is yours, cocks. You know, whenever I want to lose, I just
02:07do a few jumping jacks. You're kidding. And that helps you lose weight? Well, no. Usually
02:13I just lose an arm or leg or, you know, something like that. You see? Oh my garden seeds, what
02:25was that? Sounded like an explosion. Check the back bunkers, I'll take the front. Right,
02:29gotcha, I'm gone. I'm a job, outta here. It's a history of flexibility thereof, stuff like
02:33that. Hey, where did everyone go? What an explosion! Tragic! Horrific! Honey, get the
02:40camera. Alright everybody, alright, police comin' through, make way. Oh boy, what a mess.
02:58You there, Muffin Man, is this truck yours? The name is Mucky Muffin, and yes sir, this
03:05truck is from Butterman's Bakeries. So what happened? Well, I didn't see. I was signing
03:14autographs, making the little kitties happy, with a billy! Everything is safe out back.
03:21What about here? All quiet on the ground, sweet friend? No! Say it isn't true! Oh, poor
03:29Mikey, once the famous spokes dude for Butterman's Bakeries, but now, alas, he's died a broken
03:37muffin, felled in a ghastly pool of... Mmm, strawberry frosting. Bunkers? That's a statue.
03:47This is Mikey. Oh, sure, I knew that. Look, here's how I see it. It's hot out, the yeast
03:53in the cake's heated up, and uh, kablooey, there was an explosion. You're probably right.
03:58Well, back to the autographs. But Lucky, what if someone is after Muffin? Maybe they want
04:04Butterman's secret recipe. Oh, maybe it's a conspiracy! Bake great trucks today, tomorrow
04:10in the world! And there goes your bowling neck. Besides, we have to look out for Mikey. He's
04:14a toon! And toons stick together. Sick or thin, sick or swim, regularity can. So, what
04:20do you say? Hey, Muffin, hold it! What's in the bag? The, uh, bag? Yeah, the, uh, bag.
04:30This, uh, bag? Yeah, that, uh, bag. What's in it? Uh, samples, yeah, from, uh, Butterman's
04:38Bakeries, uh-huh. Uh, chocolate chip cheesecake, your favorite, right? Chocolate chip cheesecake,
04:46yeah, right, thanks. Now, don't forget to share! Willpower, that's the real secret to
04:57losing weight! Mmm, chocolate chip cheesecake, that's your favorite, isn't it, Lucky? Mmm,
05:06very good. My pastry, he ate my pastry. Oh, man, what I wouldn't give for a nice, big,
05:18juicy... You know, Lucky, most people can't stick to a diet the way you have. Lucky, you're
05:24the best. Right. I'm really proud of you. Right. You've got real willpower. Right. No,
05:28seriously. Right. I really mean it. Right! Now, be a good partner and file this release
05:33report upstairs. The dieter's number one rule, always have a snack snuck away. It's gone.
05:58Like a FedEx? He ate my candy bar, too. You know, if you were a toon, it would be even
06:12harder to practice willpower. On account of, because, when a toon is hungry, all she has
06:17to do is think of the food and voila! Yep! See, if I want a chocolate mug or an ice cream
06:23sundae or some stuff like that, I just reach up and grab it. Just reach up and grab it.
06:30Out of my way! One ice cream sundae coming up. Hey! Got it!
06:54Detective Bonkers! An explosion at Butterman's Bakery? We're on our way!
07:05Say, want a fancy cherry? I do like cherry, too. I'm afraid this explosion was no accident.
07:22Any idea who might have done something like this? Well, I have no enemies. You know, all
07:26my life, they've called me Gentle Ben Butterman. Well, of course, there was a time when they
07:31called me Blueberry Ben, but that's when the big old blueberries were in season.
07:37Well, you don't have to worry now. We've got a plan.
07:42You see, getting a foot lift is easy, and you thought I was gonna have a problem, you big nut!
07:56Don't you worry. We'll find out who's doing this. We're going to lure the crook out with
08:00this trailer full of pastries. It'll be a piece of cake.
08:04Guys! Bonkers! Don't worry, Mr. Butterman! We got everything! And I got you!
08:24Careful! Watch it!
08:27Oh, no, no, no! Not when it comes to that!
08:37Finally, they're gone. Now, to make sure that they don't come back, made from my very own
08:47special recipe. A little flour, a little yeast, and lots of bearing to save the least
08:58dough bombs.
09:03So much for your plan. We drove around the whole city, and not one person tried to blow
09:07us up. Boy, what is this city coming to? A truck full of pastries, and all I get to eat
09:13is this pathetic little carrot.
09:18Maybe if I close my eyes, I can imagine that it's some delicious, calorie-laden, delectable
09:24delight. Hey, what do you know? It's working. I can almost smell the aroma of freshly baked...
09:34Bonkers! The bakery is supposed to lure the criminal into the open, not you. We're on
09:40a stakeout. Now, get back into the truck.
09:50Don't do that.
09:54Hey, I've been sitting in this thing for six hours with a little genie creeper here.
10:29Oh, uh, Bonkers, how about giving your old partner Rooney a bite?
10:59Hey, did you hear something?
11:00Just dough bombs.
11:01Dough bombs?
11:05Well, congratulations, Lucky. Looks like your plan worked.
11:31Lucky, where are you? Oh, there you are.
11:41Mmm, cinnamon. Lucky? Lucky? Is that you? You look so pale, so pasty looking. However,
11:55you have lost a few pounds. See, I knew that willpower would work. Now, don't try to move.
12:00First, let me make sure everything is A-OK.
12:03Bonkers, what are you doing?
12:05Checking to make sure you have a heartbeat.
12:07I have a heartbeat.
12:09You do? That ought to make you feel happy.
12:12That's not me. I'm me.
12:15Oh, yeah? Well, do you have a heartbeat?
12:18Well, of course I have a heartbeat. A very rapid one at this point.
12:21Well, so does he. So he must be you.
12:23That's just a blob of dough. How can it possibly have a heart?
12:30Funny. Sounds just like a heartbeat.
12:38Fine. Diets and dough bombs are the life of a cop.
12:43I talked to Fetterman. He's not worried about the damage to his truck, but he is worried
12:49about Mikey. In fact, he wants us to stop by his house.
12:58Will you two!
13:00Now, Mr. I've-got-all-the-answers-pants, just how are we supposed to get to Mikey's?
13:08Fall Apart Rabbit. I called, and he's coming over to pick us up in his Fall Apart car.
13:21I don't know, Fall Apart. This car doesn't look very safe.
13:25Either does this one.
13:28That's what he said.
13:30Yeah, that's probably where I heard it, too.
13:32Say, my arms are tired. Would you mind driving?
13:34Sure. Just pull over and...
13:49Want me to wait and give you a ride back to the station?
13:54Okay. Bye-bye.
14:01Some house.
14:03Muffin's done pretty good making commercials for Butterman's bakeries.
14:09No answer. Probably out playing patty cake with a couple of blueberry-eyed popovers.
14:13Or he could be the next victim getting popped by the dough bomber.
14:17Oh, lookie here. An open window.
14:20Yeah, well, stay away from it, all right?
14:22Remember, breaking and entering applies to police, too.
14:25Not if we suspect the owner's life to be in jeopardy.
14:29Yikers. Look at this place, Lucky.
14:31Either Mikey's a really messy cook, or the dough bomber's already been here.
14:37What's this?
14:41You're right on both counts. Mikey is the dough bomber.
14:45Mikey? The dough bomber?
14:47Why, that would mean that he was...
14:49Trying to put Butterman out of business.
14:51Yes. And why would he do that?
14:53To start his own business.
14:56Unless, of course, he wanted to start his own business.
15:09This is my fault. I should have been helping you look for Mikey instead of munching on muffins.
15:14Yeah, and I should have known you were coming so I could have baked you a cake.
15:18Well, don't worry. I baked you a cake bomb instead.
15:23And when this goes off, kaboomy, they all go off.
15:29You have to admit, he is a clever little cookie.
15:32For a muffin, that is.
15:34Oh, and you might be interested to know, I've added a special ingredient to my dough bombs.
15:41Real dynamite!
15:45I still don't get it. Why bomb Butterman's bakeries?
15:49Like I told you, I'm going into business for myself.
15:53And I want to make sure Mikey's muffins are numero uno.
15:57Don't you watch your own commercials?
16:00No pastry is as good as a Butterman's pastry.
16:03You're right. But mine soon will be.
16:07Reminds me, I've got a secret recipe to steal.
16:12Muffin, wait! Think about it! This is all wrong!
16:15Yeah, I know. But hey, even muffins go bad. See ya!
16:22Well, Lucky, make a wish. I'm about to blow out the candle on our cake bomb.
16:33Oops! I think my wish was, I wish I didn't do that.
16:42I hope this tastes as good as it looks.
16:49Sorry, forgot you were on a diet.
17:10I learned that at school.
17:12You learned that at a police academy school?
17:15No, elementary, my dear Lucky. Elementary.
17:19You just slipped out of the rope.
17:23But you could have just walked over and snuffed out the fuse.
17:26That's not funny.
17:28Well, what are we waiting for? We've got a muffin to stomp.
17:32Muffin to stomp.
17:57Mmm. Oh.
18:00Nothing like having a couple of cookies with a close friend.
18:04I knew I should have hired that tune cupcake.
18:15Now, how about that secret recipe?
18:19Okay, okay. The recipe's in my desk drawer.
18:23Thanks. And, uh, oh.
18:25Here, have a cookie before you go.
18:33Turn out the lights, Mikey. The party's over.
18:36It's just an expression. Now turn on the lights.
18:40Well, I guess you caught me fair and square.
18:44But, before you take me in, do you think I could have one last cookie, please?
18:53A tune brownie.
18:54That's who I should have hired. Why, they work even cheaper than muffins.
18:58Go ahead, bonkers. Give the muffin a cookie.
19:00After all, he is being cooperative.
19:02Let's see. Do you want a chocolate chip, blueberry, pecan?
19:06How about a nice surprise?
19:15I think I'll keep this just in case someone wants to shut off your little lab.
19:20Not so fast, muffin man.
19:25I sure you wouldn't like some chocolate chip cheesecake.
19:29Your favorite.
19:31Willpower, Mikey. Willpower.
19:35Right. Willpower.
19:38Sorry I'm on a diet, and you're under arrest.
19:41You have to catch me first.
19:44Why, even a tuned Danish would never behave this way.
20:15Mummy, I'm here.
20:20Oh, well, that's the way the cookie crumbles.
20:28Well, Lucky, looks like we caught ourselves a real hardened criminal this time.
20:34Of course, I could have hired a peach cobbler, or maybe a tuned raspberry tart,
20:39or a couple of cute cream puffs, or maybe a little bit of everything.
20:45Yes, I did it. I lost the weight. How are you doing?
20:49Fine. All it takes is a little bit of power.
20:54You're good.