Bonkers Episode 7 (Cartoon for kid) HD

  • 2 months ago


00:00Tune Drive? Oh, I know better than to trust a tune, especially behind the wheel of a car.
00:23Besides, the last time you drove, I ended up in my shorts on top of City Hall. I don't
00:29like looking ludicrous. You call that ludicrous? This is ludicrous.
00:40What's wrong with this car? Don't touch a thing. Not a thing. I'll take care of this
00:44little problem. Let me see. Let's take this little baby here. Just this. Gotta connect
00:51that in. Oh! Oh, no, they're done.
01:02Ho, ho, ho! Get a load of that cop. My fog lights are brighter than he is. Course, we
01:08could use a cop like that, right, boys? Oh, that's all right, ma. That's a fact. Yes,
01:15ma'am. And why would that be? I don't know. Because we steal car parts. And you know who
01:23has the finest bumpers, headlights, fenders, and engines? The city's finest. Now, all I
01:31have to do is get on their good side, and we'll have all the cop car parts we need to
01:36win the contest. Okay, Lucky. Now, it's my turn to fix the car. Sorry, but the following
01:48scene may contain violence unsuitable for children. Now, try it. So, what do you say?
02:03I fixed the car. Now, can I drive it? Okay, but be careful. Right. I just had it cleaned.
02:10No problemo. Remember, we're on patrol. Relax. They don't call me Bonkers D. Bobcat for nothing,
02:16you know. The D stands for driver extraordinaire. Yeah, right. Last week, you said it stood
02:20for D deserves a raise. Trust me. What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Bonkers?
02:36When the sign says the speed limit is 20, how fast are you supposed to go? Is this a
02:41trick question? The answer is 20, 20, 20. 20, 20, 20. So, that would be 16, right? That's
02:51it. Pull over. Pull over? Oh, you mean turn. Get him out of here.
03:09Well, once again, you drive and I end up looking ludicrous. Yeah, but on you, it looks so good.
03:36Oh, yoo-hoo, sonny boy. You need some help? A toon tow truck. Oh, boy, oh, we're saved.
03:44A toon tow truck. Great. Just what I need. Another toon in my life. Sounds like you could
03:51use some of my special home-baked cookies. Thanks. I am a little peckish. Not bad. You
04:00gotta try them. Go ahead, Captain. Have a cookie. Well, technically, I'm just a lieutenant.
04:07Almost a lieutenant. Oh, of course. I should have known a captain wouldn't be so young
04:14looking. Don't expect me to fall for that toon flattery. It's not bad, though. Cinnamon,
04:23right? Yeah, I love cinnamon. See, Lucky, if you just give toons a chance, you might
04:30like them. Yeah, that is cinnamon. Yeah, right, fine. Now, just get me back to the station,
04:36okay? You got it. Ma's towing service aims to please. Everything's free of charge. You
04:46just relax, sit back, and put your feet up. Not a lot of room in this thing. Never rode
04:53a toon before. Don't forget me. Sorry, no room. Subordinate's right in the back. And
05:04it's bonkers B, B for driving Bobcat. Leading the pack round the turn. Don't miss straight
05:08away. He passes Cornelli, Confetti, Spaghetti, and across the finish line to take the checkered
05:12flag. Lucky! Yahoo! Did someone say something? Oh, it's just a little annoying rattle. Here,
05:21have some milk. Now, anything else that Ma can do to make your life easier? Well, not
05:28unless you can fix that pathetic patrol car. Oh, I'll not only fix your car, I'll have
05:34it painted and polished to look like you. You'd do all that? What do you know? Never
05:41do toons like to work. What about me? I like to work, sorta, kinda, once in a while. And
05:47speaking of work, how's about you and me chasing down some crooks, Lucky, old pal, old buddy,
05:51old partner, old... There's that annoying little rattle again. You know, I'm starting
05:58to see why Lucky doesn't like toons. Maybe I can help you chase down some crooks. Now
06:03wait just a rootin' tootin' minute. You can't help him, that's my job. Besides, there's
06:10the police garage and you've gotta drop this car off. You're absolutely right. Maybe I
06:21should've rephrased that. Where's Bonkers going? Oh, well, he said something about dropping
06:27the car off at the police garage. Have another cookie. You know, I don't think she likes
06:52me. Good thing I was wearing a helmet. Just as I thought. Everything is working out slick
07:05as motor oil. Just look at all those lovely cop car parts. I mean, have you ever seen
07:12a bumper with such beauty? Yeah, but are you sure working out of the police garage is safe?
07:20Safe as a seatbelt. That human cop thinks I'm the greatest thing on four wheels. The
07:27only problem might be that pesky toon cop. Now gather up all those parts and let's chrome
07:34them. Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. Someone's coming. Quick, hide. Hey, what are you doing
07:49here? And who are you talking to? Goodness, aren't we the ones full of questions? Yeah,
07:56I got them from this book I checked out from the library called Questions to Ask While
08:00Being Ignored by Your Partner and His New-Toon Friend. Catchy title. Say, what's this? Is
08:08that another question from your book? You don't like me, do you? In case you're wondering,
08:21that's question number 256. You know, I'd say I was gonna miss you, but I'm not. Gee,
08:32does this mean I'll be overdue on my library book? You know, Ma, I think you and I gotta
08:38talk. Better save your breath. Probably be your last. Bonkers. Are you in there? Close
08:50one. Oh, Officer Paquelle, I was just about to fix your old partner. I mean, your old
09:00patrol car. No time for that. Chief Kniffke called me at home. We got positive ID on those
09:05crooks we've been chasing. Oh, my goodness, I don't believe it. What is it? Oh, no, no,
09:12it's nothing. Besides, I shouldn't get involved in police business. I'm just a toon tow truck.
09:21Don't be ridiculous. What is it? Well, it's just that I've seen those two before. In fact,
09:27I think I could lead you right to them. Then what are we waiting for? Let's go. Lucky,
09:33can we talk? Alone. Don't let that little gas gasman fool you. My toon intuition tells
09:39me not to trust her. Are you kidding? You could learn a lot from that toon. She's a
09:44hard worker. That was fun. So the way I got it figured. There must be a ringleader. And
09:58somewhere in this police file, there's bound to be a clue. Pardon me, Ma. Is something
10:06wrong? Something wrong? Sure. But who am I to complain? There are amusement parks that
10:11charge good money for a ride like this. Well, just hold tight. Here comes a truck. I don't
10:21see a truck. Bonkers. Will you stop pulling around? We're on a case, remember? Oh, bonkers.
10:34Oh, bridge. Hiya, Bonko. What's the matter? You seem a little winded. You know, for somebody
10:53who goofs off so much, you sure tire easily. Here, make yourself useful. Take a peek at
10:58this. See if you can come up with any leads. You got it, partner. Oh, this is great. You
11:03and me, solving crimes. What a team. Amigos, compadres, pals to the end. Whatever. Perfect.
11:10Now I can get rid of that toon cop and the police file. Aha, I figured it out. You did?
11:17Yep. Whoever's taking these crime scene photos must be holding the camera upside down. You're
11:23holding the file upside down. Upty. What is it with you? All day, all you want to do
11:46is play, play, play. Will that be air mail or parcel post? Australia's not what I thought
12:12it would be. There's definitely something not right about that, ma. If only I could
12:23prove something. If only I could get a clue. Get some evidence. Get it. Lucky break. Hey,
12:37you two, stop, cease, desist. Uh-oh. As the duly authorized officer of the law, I think
12:45I've seen you two guys before, haven't I? Yeah, we wasn't the ones you saw on that wanted
12:51poster. Them was two completely other guy guys. Then what, may I ask, are these? These
13:02ain't stolen. We found them. And we're returning them now to the rightful owners. Who says
13:10the youth of today aren't out to help? Still, there's something about those two mugs that
13:16seems familiar. Mugs, that's it. Boy, are you glad to see me? I don't think so.
13:33Say, aren't you supposed to be on a case? Ma's handling it. She's been off looking for
13:38those crooks while you've been playing. In fact, she ought to be bringing them in any
13:42time now. I finally found a tune I can count on. Unlike some tunes I know. By the way,
13:49where have you been? Research. I have incontrovertible proof that Ma is the most wanted tow truck
13:56in America. Wanted for what? The best cookies in town? Or do I smell jealousy? Jealousy?
14:04No, no, I just know a good tune from a bad tune. Here, take a look, see if this mug's
14:10sharp. I don't believe it. That's Ma. Better known to her friends as Ma Parker, the notorious
14:20and noxious queen of crime. Ma was the first tune I ever trusted, and she turns out to
14:29be the ringleader I've been looking for. Boy, did she take me for a ride. Well, she is a
14:36tow truck. We'll kick the dog and spit in the fire here. Looks like your plan worked,
14:42Ma. Your masterpiece almost finished. You're half right. Your plan didn't work. But you
14:49are finished. Oh, but that's where you're wrong. You're the ones who are finished. Let's
14:58crumb them, boys. Boy, yo, who would have thought that sweet old Ma could be a no good
15:10criminal? You did. We got her where we want her now. Brilliant. Look, why don't you just
15:18dip us and get it over with? Cause then we couldn't tell you's our plan. So all this
15:24time you lied about everything. Not everything. She fixed our patrol car. I can't believe
15:32I'll suck her by a tune. Well, if you can't believe that, wait until you see this. Okay,
15:39boys, lower down. You like my new outfit? We made it ourselves from genuine stolen top
15:55car parts. I'm competing in today's monster truck demolition competition. And with this
16:04armor protecting me, nobody else has got a chance. You can't go around stealing and
16:10tying up detectives. Yeah, you'll pay for this. Wrong. I'm going to get paid for this.
16:16When I win, I'll be up to my rear view mirrors in product endorsements. And you two will
16:24be nothing but a couple of chrome-coated ornaments. Come on, boys. We got a race to win.
16:40That's all right. Bye-bye, officer. We're doomed. Doomed, I say. And you know what?
16:49Doomed always makes me so thirsty. Ah, that's much better. Messina, where was he? Oh, yeah.
17:00We're doomed. Doomed, I say. Bonkers. I didn't get you a soda. Bonkers. You're unchained.
17:07You're free. Hey, what do you know? Come on. Better hurry before Mark gets away. Aren't
17:15you forgetting something? Ah, let me see. I turned off the lights before I left the
17:19house. I brushed under every meal. And I... Get me down! Ten-four. Ooh, chrome shoes.
17:38Now that is a old-fashioned statement. I can't drive like this. No problemo. Here's your
17:51limo. Oh, boy. Yes, I have never seen anything like it, folks. This year's Monster Truck
17:59is the finest underpenner of all time. The thrills, the smells, the scents, the thrashing
18:04of metal and glass. My, oh, my, oh, my! Hooray! I hope I'm not too late. And looky here. Yet
18:22another late entry, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, boy, oh, this is my dream come true. My
18:28nightmare. Just remember, be careful. We're here on police business. Hey, where are you
18:33going? All right. Here, you better wear this. I hope you know what you're doing. Trust me.
18:51Ready, guys? Rock and roll. Pull over, Matt. We're taking you in. Not now, Neep, you're
19:03not. Don't go away. Bonkers, wait. I can't drive. I got chrome shoes. Shh, everybody
19:18about that. Oh, God, look. Okay. Bunkers, will you just arrest her and stop clowning
19:34around? That's it, folks. We're down to the final two. Count up two competitors.
19:47This one is going to be quite a battle. Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my! Just have to pull your
19:55plugs. Lucky. Oh, no. Say, you don't have to be ticklish, do you? Knock that off. Hey,
20:14give me back my horse. Excuse me, I'll just check under the hood. No, no, no, no, there's
20:22no beer. Gotcha. Nice work, partner. Now, will you toons get me down from here? Sure,
20:39pal, no problem. Not so fast, boys. Oh, my, oh, my! Looks like we've got a new winner.
20:58Anything you'd like to say to the folks at home? The folks at home? Well, it's really
21:04quite an honor, and, you know, I couldn't have done it without Bunkers D, D for driver,
21:10Bobcat. My, oh, my, oh, my!