Descendants of the Sun Ep 10 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 months ago
00:30Save him.
00:33Do your duty as a doctor.
00:36If I have to kill him,
00:40I will do my duty.
00:47Please don't save him.
00:49Please let him die.
00:53Shut her up.
00:55Kill her.
01:02He's bleeding a lot.
01:04We have to treat him soon.
01:07It's your call.
01:12You can put your gun down and move him inside.
01:15Or just let him die here.
01:21I recommend choosing the latter.
01:34Hold him tight.
01:37It hurts like hell.
01:40Did you give me any painkillers?
01:49I forgot to give you painkillers.
01:51Because I'm not a good doctor.
02:00I'm talking to you.
02:02Big Boss.
02:03Big Boss.
02:04Big Boss, can you hear me?
02:05Do you copy?
02:06I think the Korean army is coming.
02:08Should we leave?
02:10If the Korean army is here,
02:13then we should retreat.
02:18they're not for you guys.
02:21Then we should head back.
02:25You can't take him.
02:27I've taken out the bullets,
02:29but you should go to the hospital first.
02:32You'll be treated there.
02:34And maybe you'll live.
02:41Fatima, when I see you again,
02:44promise that you won't die with that lovely face.
02:49If you're going to leave,
02:52run as fast as you can
02:54and as far away as you can.
02:58My kindness is up to here.
03:21Has Agus really left the army?
03:26He smuggles weapons.
03:29I saw him downtown last time.
03:34People sell their conscience to start a new life.
03:38Leaving the special forces and making money the wrong way.
03:43That's never happened before.
03:55People say it's normal to have measles and cholera after an earthquake.
03:59They're right.
04:02We saved a world leader,
04:04suffered an earthquake,
04:05and now this deadly pandemic.
04:07That's why I said, let's get out of here.
04:11Shall we go now?
04:12If you're brave...
04:13Come on.
04:14Good boy.
04:15Come with me.
04:16His fever's gone down, but he's not out of danger yet.
04:19According to the reports, it looks like pneumonia.
04:23It's not that serious.
04:25We can treat it.
04:27Go change.
04:29And wash your hands.
04:31What were you doing?
04:45Save him.
04:47Do your duty as a doctor.
04:52If I have to kill him,
04:54I will do my duty.
05:03You know you're with a dangerous man.
05:06There's more chance of getting hurt
05:08being around a guy with a gun.
05:11Ha ha ha!
05:20Dr. Moyan!
05:22The girl you brought along
05:24wants to leave.
05:26What do I do?
05:36Eat first.
05:39Why did you save him?
05:41You should have just let him die.
05:47You stopped me from becoming a murderer.
05:50But you can't stop me from being killed.
05:58Army, you want me to trust the soldiers.
06:01Have you experienced a war?
06:04Have you seen a soldier in a war?
06:08I don't think so.
06:10So get out of my way.
06:12Because I'm leaving.
06:14What are you doing?
06:16You can blame me for whatever you want.
06:20eat first.
06:25If you want to run, you have to be strong.
06:33Go on.
06:34That's why we ran away.
06:36More than half of the power plant was stuck in the ground.
06:39And it felt like the earth was going to explode.
06:41The dump truck was like a beer can.
06:43Patients were coming and going.
06:45People were panicking.
06:47There was devastation everywhere.
06:50Then why did you all stop?
06:52Why didn't you run away from such a dangerous place?
06:54We all had to come.
06:56But there were a lot of patients there.
06:58And there were very few doctors.
07:00We stayed there for so many days,
07:02but we didn't even know.
07:04We all felt very bad.
07:08Sorry to interrupt your story.
07:10But why didn't Jinsu come?
07:12His name was on the passenger list.
07:14Then why didn't he sit in the plane?
07:16Oh yes, I remember.
07:18Before we left, a serious patient was admitted.
07:21He had to get a courier.
07:23Wow, now he's a real doctor.
07:25Didn't he come because of the patient?
07:27Did he make a girlfriend?
07:29Why isn't he answering any of my calls?
07:33Try again.
07:35Is there something else?
07:38He was acting strange.
07:40He said he wasn't feeling well.
07:42But he wasn't telling anyone.
07:45Who was he?
07:47The same idiot who took Jinsu's seat.
07:49First he pretended to get a ticket.
07:51Then he didn't even board the plane.
07:53We tried to find him.
07:55Then we had to leave him here.
07:57That's too much.
07:58There was one more. He also left.
08:02My soul.
08:09Dr. Song talks so sweetly.
08:11Isn't he cute?
08:13What happened, Minzy?
08:19All the measles have spread to the refugee camp.
08:22And the UN has issued measles alert.
08:25Yes, I know.
08:27We have the vaccination stock.
08:29Don't worry.
08:30There are a lot of kids here.
08:32I should go with you.
08:34Are you out of your mind?
08:37Don is the security in charge here.
08:40And you're a civilian.
08:42So stay away from me.
08:44Okay, I won't go.
08:46What time are you leaving in the morning?
08:49You agreed so easily.
08:51Our fight is over.
08:52Yes, because I'm smarter than you.
08:55Okay, I'm leaving.
09:01Whatever I do, it doesn't matter.
09:08What a beautiful day!
09:12The one sitting next to me is also nice.
09:17So how does it feel to join the mission with a boring soldier?
09:21My taste is not that bad.
09:24Are you sure about that?
09:26Don't you look in the mirror every day?
09:30If you don't, come in front of me every day.
09:33I'll look at you.
09:39By the way, what if you do something else in life instead of being a soldier?
09:45Are you asking me?
09:47No, I'm asking myself.
09:50I don't understand.
09:52Look, this mission is dangerous.
09:54And we'll be away from each other all the time.
09:58Are you saying all this for my happiness or are you worried about me?
10:04Actually, I'm worried about us.
10:08To be honest, I used to care about you.
10:12But not anymore.
10:15I like you the way you are.
10:19And the Don I know, I like him the most in the army uniform.
10:25So what's my problem?
10:28And don't ever take off your uniform without my orders.
10:49There's no one here.
10:52Where did everyone go?
11:01Do you know who he is?
11:02He's the Major of the U.S. Army, August.
11:04He's now an Arms Dealer.
11:06We found out that he was a part of the operation
11:09in which we killed a lot of people.
11:11He's the one who killed a lot of people.
11:14We found out that he was a part of the operation
11:17in which we lost Captain Kim.
11:20Yes, sir.
11:30The CIA has asked the UN Chief of the General Staff
11:33to cooperate with us.
11:35Is this a joint operation to end smuggling?
11:38This mission is not about justice anymore.
11:41It's about politics.
11:45Sir, this is Colonel Amon from North Rook.
11:48With his help, he wants to set up his pro-American government
11:51in North Rook.
11:53For this, he will supply weapons to Colonel Amon
11:56through August.
12:05A soldier from the U.S. Delta Force is already involved in the operation.
12:08And I think you know him.
12:21Until the operation is over,
12:23remember that August is important to us.
12:26He doesn't want any kind of trouble.
12:29Sir, no one will take any action on our behalf.
12:31It's our duty to keep peace.
12:34You switch it on.
12:35All right, sir.
12:36A simple Field Commanding Officer is being ordered by the Commander.
12:40He's not telling the situation.
12:42I'm just telling you that you don't have to do anything stupid.
12:45I'm leaving in 10 minutes.
12:47I'm just telling you that I did what I could.
12:50This is my order.
12:52And from now on,
12:53there should be no interference in this matter.
12:58Yes, sir.
13:01I spoke to the police.
13:02They said that the children were taken out of the village
13:05and sent to the city's orphanage.
13:07But I think there's something wrong.
13:13Sir, are you listening?
13:17For now, we can't interfere in August's work.
13:25Because this order was given to me by the Commander.
13:30And what I'm going to tell you now
13:33is very confidential.
14:13Thank you.
14:15Did you drink it?
14:18But I think you need it.
14:26By the way, did you find out what happened to the children in the village?
14:29How are they now?
14:31The matter has been solved.
14:34The Uruk government has sent them to a safe place.
14:36That's great news.
14:38The children we brought to MediCube are recovering very well.
14:43Is that why you were so busy?
14:45You didn't even get time to tie your hair.
14:50Hold this.
14:53Whenever you say that, you're always mischievous.
14:57Oh, no, no.
14:58I didn't wash my hair today.
15:01Is the water over?
15:03I know you don't wash your hair every day.
15:06That's a lie.
15:08Then when will I meet the real Muyaan?
15:15I can do it myself.
15:18I know that.
15:20But if there's someone who loves you, he should do it.
15:23I want to do something for you too.
15:26Something that you can do yourself.
15:30Remember the promise.
15:45Housemaid speaking.
15:46Couriers have arrived with medicines and personal packages.
15:49Oh, the packages are here.
15:53You're leaving me for a parcel?
15:57Are they more precious?
15:58Not at all. You're more precious.
16:05This is for you.
16:08Finally, the package has arrived.
16:13It smells so good.
16:16And what's in your parcel?
16:21Oh, this is for Sergeant C.O.D. Uncle.
16:23It's a little heavy.
16:24Take it easy.
16:31Is there something for you?
16:32Why are you worried about me?
16:34Worry about your package.
16:38What's in this?
16:42Found it.
16:51This is for you.
16:53Size 7.
16:54Am I right?
16:58Dr. Song.
17:02No need to thank me.
17:03I wear size 6 shoes.
17:07It's okay.
17:08No one will mind.
17:11You're crazy.
17:31C.O.D. Uncle.
17:32Sergeant Cheong has sent you a parcel.
17:34Come quickly. Over.
17:37Where are you now?
17:41I'm waiting here.
17:42In the cafeteria.
17:59Let's go.
18:25Move. Let me see what's in this.
18:28It says, you're brave and hard.
18:30I miss you and heart again.
18:35His sister must have sent it.
18:38But he is the only son.
18:39Why are you shouting at me?
18:43What are you doing?
18:56Look at this.
18:57Show me. Shijin is also in it.
19:04Shijin, this picture is for you.
19:09How dare he?
19:11Mionju, I need a gun.
19:16It's nothing like that.
19:17There is some misunderstanding.
19:21Is it?
19:23Now you will say that this picture is lying.
19:27You were smiling as if you were enjoying the picture.
19:30I am not smiling.
19:32It just looks like I am smiling in the picture.
19:35Isn't it, CEO?
19:36He is my cousin.
19:38And you know that my cousin is a flight attendant.
19:40Cousin is his and parcel has also been sent to him.
19:43Then why did you run with him?
19:45Because both of them are lying.
19:49Okay, tell me which one is your cousin?
19:52Both of you will answer together.
19:53Which one is your cousin?
19:55One, two, three.
19:56The one on the left.
20:00The one on the left.
20:05I did this for Captain Yu.
20:07There is nothing else in this picture.
20:12Can't you keep your mouth shut?
20:14You got it right, sir.
20:16You must have talked to him even after coming back from Uruk.
20:19Otherwise, how would you know his address?
20:21You used to talk to him?
20:23How can you do this, Sergeant CEO?
20:26I didn't expect this from you.
20:29Do you know how much I tried to make him understand?
20:31But he doesn't understand.
20:32Are you done?
20:33Let's go out.
20:35Okay, I will also come.
20:36You stay here.
20:39I thought he told me.
20:42I have a habit of following orders.
20:45Why haven't you left yet?
20:48Now I will have a lot of class.
20:58It's not what you think.
21:00It's just a picture of the past.
21:01Enough of jokes. Let's get to the point.
21:05First tell me, when did you take this picture?
21:08This is Sol's picture.
21:11I told you I am right.
21:12They went on a date.
21:14That day was Sergeant Pak's son's first birthday party.
21:17And they left from there very early.
21:19Oh no.
21:22It was a lie that a friend's father passed away.
21:25They didn't go to the same school.
21:27So it doesn't make any sense.
21:28They don't even know how to make up stories.
21:31I don't know what they were doing that day.
21:33As if they came to Sergeant Pak's own wedding.
21:38So that's why you were running away from me.
21:40And I thought my dad was the obstacle between us.
21:43Your dad was the obstacle.
21:44What nonsense is this?
21:45What nonsense is this?
21:48So what did I say now?
21:49Tell me.
21:50How far did it go?
21:51To Konkuk University Station.
21:55I am asking you what happened between you two.
21:58How many limits did you cross?
22:00Not at all.
22:02It's not what you think.
22:04We just had coffee together.
22:05Wow. You are very decent.
22:07Yes, I am.
22:08Then you must have had coffee with a lot of girls.
22:11You were in such a bad condition when I was not around.
22:14I thought you must have felt bad.
22:15But it doesn't matter to you.
22:17Only when you get time from a blind date.
22:20We didn't go on a date.
22:22I was just sitting with the CO.
22:24As a friend.
22:26Aren't you ashamed of lying?
22:29You looked so happy in the photo.
22:30As if you've never been this happy before.
22:34You didn't even look at the photo carefully.
22:36I was sitting blankly in it.
22:39I was drinking coffee with a long face.
22:41How can I trust you?
22:43How would I know?
22:44You took her on a long drive.
22:46No, I didn't.
22:49Lying ruins relationships.
22:54Yes, we went on a drive.
22:57It wasn't my car.
22:58It was Captain Yu's.
23:01I don't even know why he brought his car there.
23:06And I can't trust your stories.
23:08I don't even remember his name.
23:10Why don't you forget him?
23:12How can you remember his name?
23:14You ran away when you heard my voice.
23:18I'm telling the truth.
23:19Stop it or I'll get angry.
23:24You got away with a phone call.
23:26Show me who he is.
23:28You have no right to ask me that.
23:31Why do you care if I talk to anyone?
23:33Because I want to take him out for dinner.
23:36Thanks for that.
23:39Mr. Han is calling.
23:47Mr. Han is calling. Okay?
23:52Yes, tell me.
23:53I've sent you a gift.
23:55At least call and thank me.
23:58You got that gift, right?
24:00I haven't opened it yet.
24:03You're so busy.
24:05You're with the captain.
24:06I heard you kissed him.
24:07Are you two dating?
24:09How do you know?
24:10People told me.
24:12I heard there was a fight today.
24:14Who told you that?
24:16I guessed.
24:18I think someone is going crazy in love.
24:21Stop it.
24:23Jang wants to talk to you.
24:27Hello, Muyaan.
24:28This is Jang.
24:30Everyone is saying that Jinju is fine.
24:32But there's no sign of her.
24:34What do you mean?
24:35Didn't you talk to her yet?
24:39I think she's going to divorce me.
24:42That's not possible.
24:45I'll find out.
24:59This is a painkiller.
25:01This is a painkiller.
25:03It'll only hurt a little.
25:06Tell me something.
25:08Why don't you leave?
25:10I don't even want to see your face anymore.
25:17Don't touch me.
25:19Do you want to hurt me?
25:22Would you treat me if you were in my place?
25:25You must be sad that I'm still alive.
25:29Can't you hear me?
25:31Get out of here.
25:32I don't need you.
25:40Please help me.
25:50Get me out of here.
25:54I was so scared.
25:58I know how you feel.
26:03I couldn't do my duty.
26:10I'm sorry that I ran away.
26:20You're so selfish.
26:22I get it.
26:23You're saying all this
26:25to get rid of the burden on your mind.
26:29I didn't do all this to please you.
26:33To be honest,
26:36I don't know what to do.
26:40You tell me.
26:42I'll do whatever you say.
26:46No matter how hard I try,
26:49except for you,
26:52there's no one else I can talk to.
26:55I don't care.
26:56Don't expect anything from me.
26:58You left me alone.
27:01Did you try to save me?
27:05Don't try to talk to me.
27:08Remember, I'll never forgive you.
27:11I'm sorry.
27:20Okay, I'll ask Dr. Song to check you.
27:24And give you an injection.
27:42Hello, Lee Ji Hoon.
27:44Where are you?
27:45Why didn't you come to MediCube?
27:47If you haven't come yet...
28:02Are you sick?
28:10What are you doing here?
28:13Why are you alone?
28:17Don't you have anyone to talk to?
28:28Tell me what's wrong.
28:35I don't know where he is.
28:39Dr. Moyan!
28:41Come to the warehouse.
28:42There's a problem.
28:43Hurry up.
28:54This lock is broken.
28:56Which medicine do you have?
28:58I don't know.
28:59I don't know anything.
29:01This lock is broken.
29:03Which medicine is missing?
29:04Narcotic drugs have been stolen.
29:06All the medicines are missing.
29:07Codeine, morphine, and many more.
29:09All of them.
29:10When was the last time you checked him?
29:12Around 11 o'clock.
29:13No stranger has come in.
29:15And no patient is missing.
29:16I don't know what happened.
29:19I know who did this.
29:21He's not a patient.
29:23I'm calling from MediCube.
29:24Find out where Fatima is.
29:28Tommy, it's me.
29:30I stole the things that you told me to.
29:33Where should I bring them?
29:37Miss you a lot.
29:38We should run away after selling this.
29:40I love you.
29:43I don't think we'll find Fatima here.
29:46But we'll get some information.
29:51How's everything?
29:52Looks like you're looking for something.
29:55What do you want?
30:00A red dress?
30:01A 15-year-old girl.
30:04She's selling narcotics.
30:06I've told you.
30:08We sell everything here.
30:10Except women and information.
30:14You don't have to.
30:15But there must be someone here who could.
30:20Hey, please help us.
30:22She's only 15 years old.
30:25We need to find her.
30:27Before someone else does.
30:36Where's the black market for narcotics?
31:00The girl must be here.
31:02How will we find her here?
31:04This is a big place.
31:07I heard a noise from there.
31:21You lied to me all this time?
31:23No, Fatima.
31:25You trusted me too much.
31:27Now get out of here.
31:28Before I hit you again.
31:31You're crazy.
31:32I'll kill you.
31:34Don't hit him.
31:36Is he a soldier?
31:37Why is he here?
31:39Doesn't matter.
31:40We have a lot of weapons.
31:47I don't know what you're looking for.
31:49But we're not them.
31:51Guns again?
31:52Why does everyone have guns here?
31:54Because you always do things without a plan.
31:57Shut up.
31:58Fatima wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for me.
32:00You did the right thing.
32:01Fatima will survive, but we'll die.
32:04What are you talking about?
32:06Who cares?
32:07Put your guns down if you don't want to die.
32:11What do we do now?
32:13I have an idea.
32:15There are seven of us here.
32:17You go to the right.
32:19I'll go to the left.
32:22Don't worry, I'm here.
32:28Let's make a deal.
32:30I'll drop my weapon.
32:32Let the girls go, okay?
32:34Are you out of your mind?
32:36Put your guns down.
32:38And girls, get down right now.
32:45I thought he'd agree.
32:46Is this the time to joke?
32:47Okay, I'll stop joking.
32:50Now listen to me carefully.
32:51When I say, run,
32:53run and bring the car to the warehouse.
32:56Wait for five minutes.
32:58If I'm not there, run away.
33:01Don't wait for me, or you'll die too.
33:04Got it?
33:07What is he talking about?
33:10Shut up and put your guns down.
33:18I'm putting them down.
33:22Should I keep it here?
33:29It's of no use to me now.
33:33Even if I use it,
33:35I'll have to write 100 reposts.
33:38So give me your gun.
34:31It's been five minutes. Why isn't he here yet?
34:34I'll have to do something.
34:51Get in the car.
35:01Get in the car.
35:09Fatima, get in the car.
35:22That was fun.
35:24I hope no one is following us.
35:27We did it.
35:29I can't believe it.
35:31Is this why you became a soldier?
35:34I defeated Guddu.
35:36I could have lost my life because of you.
35:38I knew you'd handle it.
35:40But look at my bravery.
35:42How did she become a doctor?
35:45She's out of her mind.
35:51Get in the car.
36:01What happened to the car?
36:04You don't know?
36:06How were you driving?
36:08You've ruined the third car so far.
36:22I don't want a sergeant as my son-in-law.
36:25You'll have to leave the army.
36:28And you'll have to join my family business.
36:31Think about it till the end of this mission.
36:34And whatever it is, decide it before you go to Korea.
36:43I'm sorry.
36:45I'm sorry.
36:47I'm sorry.
36:49I'm sorry.
36:52I'm sorry.
36:55You're so stubborn.
36:58I told you to stay in the safe zone.
37:00It's dangerous here.
37:05The safe zone is boring.
37:09Take a few steps to the left.
37:11And stand in front of me.
37:15What are you looking at?
37:17Won't you follow your seniors' orders?
37:18Hurry up and face me.
37:26Take a step forward.
37:36What are you doing?
37:38Can't you see what I'm doing?
37:40Can't I even touch you?
37:42Everyone else is watching.
37:44Everyone else has other things to do.
37:46Don't you think this is wrong?
37:48Because I'm not an air hostess?
37:56Because she's acting like a lieutenant.
38:02Leave it. Everyone's watching.
38:06They'll get beaten up by me.
38:19Big Boss, this side.
38:21I'm 15 kilometers away from the downtown barracks.
38:26Our car has broken down.
38:28If anyone's listening, answer me.
38:31I have to go now.
38:33Because I can't kill this guy.
38:35I don't like Shijin anyway.
38:38Wolf, I'm talking to you.
38:40What happened to the mindset that was being erased from Ghost Village?
38:43Why do you always have a bone in your kebab?
38:46I don't know.
38:48Send someone here quickly.
38:50Copy that. I'll send Sergeant Kong.
39:03I don't understand why he stole only narcotics and painkillers.
39:08I think he learned all this to make money.
39:11For cheap drugs.
39:12The drugs that save people's lives are all cheap.
39:16Whether it's antibiotics or vaccines.
39:19I wish Fatima knew about these drugs.
39:25What should I say to make her regret what she did?
39:32It looks like she's in guilt.
39:36Listen carefully.
39:38Do as I say.
39:39Do as I say.
39:41You don't have a choice.
39:43Go back to school first.
39:45Why do you even care?
39:47You have to listen because I saved your life.
39:49Don't argue with me.
39:51And if you argue, I'll have to explain to you.
39:53And my time is very precious.
39:55You know that, right?
39:57I'll pay your fees too.
39:59So go to school and study.
40:01And this is not charity.
40:03Think of it as a loan.
40:05Which you have to pay in the future.
40:07Got it?
40:10What do you think?
40:12Did he understand what I said?
40:14He must have understood what you said for free.
40:17Yes, I said a lot.
40:20I even made a promise.
40:28I didn't wash my hair.
40:40What are you doing?
40:42I'm drying my hair.
40:44It dries quickly under the fan.
40:46So finally you washed your hair.
40:49You really washed your hair.
40:51You got water, right?
40:53Go to sleep.
40:56Why should I waste such a beautiful night?
41:00Will you eat noodles?
41:02What did you say?
41:04Is that all you can do for me?
41:05What did you say?
41:07Is that all you can do for me?
41:11This is a very honest way.
41:20Sir, your water has boiled.
41:22So go and make two bowls of noodles.
41:24As you say, sir.
41:28What happened to the car?
41:30Can it be repaired?
41:32Yes, send it for repair.
41:33You didn't pay for Daniel's car and ruined the other one too.
41:37On top of that, tuition fees.
41:39Are you really going to pay Fatima's school fees?
41:42Yes, why?
41:44I think you earn a lot of money.
41:47You know, reaching out for help is a big responsibility.
41:52I think I will do as much as I can for her.
41:56I haven't thought about anything else.
42:00Do you remember who said this?
42:01Yes, I did.
42:03Do you think my memory is very sharp?
42:05You can't take everyone's responsibility in life.
42:08You can't change the whole world alone.
42:10I know I can't change the world.
42:12But I can definitely change Fatima's life.
42:15This means that Fatima's world will change forever.
42:19And that's enough for me.
42:21But you are not that kind of doctor.
42:24Yes, but you told me that I am like that.
42:26How much more will you impress me?
42:28I am already crazy in your love.
42:32I have a huge debt on me.
42:34And I can even leave such people.
42:40Thank you for saving my life.
42:47Your hot ramen is ready.
42:50Thank you so much.
42:52This looks delicious too.
42:55Oh no!
42:57The light was supposed to go off at this time.
42:59What will we do now?
43:01Do you have a lantern?
43:03The food is getting cold.
43:05Let's eat like soldiers today.
43:09What an idea!
43:11I can see it now.
43:13I can do fun things with my soldier boyfriend.
43:17Why don't you join the army?
43:20You have all the qualities to become a soldier.
43:22What else can I do?
43:24Can I play football?
43:26I will go back to Korea and tell my friends about this.
43:30Let's start eating.
43:33Let's do that.
43:42Finally, we are coming out.
43:45I drank water just for this.
43:54Let's eat.
44:55Oh God!
45:13I am feeling nauseous.
45:17Thank you.
45:25Thank you.
45:33Did you catch Jin at the airport?
45:37He was using a fake passport.
45:39But the Moroo police took him away.
45:41Instead of going to the American army or Interpol,
45:43the Korean embassy has asked us to check his identity.
45:46That means someone has bribed the Moroo police to catch Jin.
45:51I hope it's not about the diamonds.
45:52If there are so many diamonds,
45:55how many will there be?
45:57What do you mean?
46:01Tell me the whole story.
46:03One day when he came back with the supply truck,
46:05I saw him keeping it in the locker.
46:19In the supply truck?
46:20In the supply truck?
46:22The one that comes from the border?
46:24Yes. I remember that Mr. Jin checked the truck himself.
46:29One day I saw blood on his clothes.
46:36Were those real diamonds?
46:38I knew it.
46:40He must have done something wrong.
46:42But why are you telling me all this now?
46:44You know that I was playing with life and death.
46:46I forgot.
46:47That's why he was so anxious to go to his office.
46:51Yes, you are right.
46:54What will be the price of all these diamonds?
46:57I think there is something wrong.
46:59In such cases, they call the police for identification.
47:03Yes, that can only be Mr. Jin.
47:06I think a long report is going to be made.
47:09And I think I will have to do this paperwork.
47:13Listen to me.
47:15What will be the price of diamonds?
47:18I think he doesn't know anything.
47:40We have searched everywhere.
47:42We can't find anything.
47:44Did you really?
47:48You didn't look through his stomach.
47:53Keep the table here.
48:28Stop! Stop!
48:48Don't move.
48:51If you do,
48:54you will die this time.
49:03Target is safe.
49:17Target is safe.
49:23Do we have to leave the rest behind?
49:30According to the plan,
49:32we will only take the target.
49:35Alpha team, get ready to leave.
49:47Alpha team, get ready to leave.
50:13Are the diamonds you have belong to August?
50:20What diamonds?
50:22I was brought here in my underwear.
50:25I don't have anything.
50:31Tell me the truth.
50:33What is the price of you and that hero August?
50:36You will have to pay for saving your life.
50:42I am in pain.
50:45Call the doctor.
50:47The doctor is here.
50:49I think I have found what you were looking for.
50:52I think diamonds don't digest in human body.
50:58Did he swallow everything?
51:03Stupid man!
51:05Stop pretending to be sick.
51:06Do you understand?
51:16He is out of breath.
51:18And his pulse is weak.
51:20I think he is bleeding internally because of the diamonds.
51:24This is an emergency case.
51:25Prepare the OR for the operation.
51:34I have called Dr. Song.
51:35Why did you come here?
51:36He is not well.
51:37So I called Dr. Miyonju.
51:39I am replacing him.
51:41His BP is getting low.
51:43Let's start.
51:44I have to operate his stomach.
51:51So much bleeding?
51:53Did he really swallow the diamonds?
51:57We are going to remove the real diamonds from his stomach.
52:00It will be very messy.
52:01Hold this.
52:08What happened?
52:10I think I cut the wrong vein.
52:11I understood.
52:19This is not a blood vessel.
52:22He has a tumour in the lymph node.
52:24But the bleeding was because of the diamonds.
52:27What does this tumour mean?
52:29Tell me.
52:33He was coughing and had trouble breathing.
52:40Everyone stop.
52:41Move away from the operating table.
52:43Right now.
52:47Coughing and difficulty in breathing.
52:49Bleeding gastric mucous membrane and adenia.
52:51According to my medical knowledge,
52:53these symptoms
52:55seem to be symptoms of viral febrile infection.
52:57These are pernicious pestilence.
52:59It is caused by M-type virus.
53:01Until we get the full information,
53:03we have to stop this operation here.
53:09Yun and I are contaminated with this.
53:12All of you have to save yourselves.
53:14What about the surgery?
53:16I think we have to complete the surgery.
53:28What is this M-type virus?
53:30Explain it to me.
53:32WHO has described it as the most lethal virus.
53:36To know if it is M2 or M3,
53:38we have to do a PCR test.
53:43What is the difference between the two?
53:46M2 is worse than any flu.
53:50And M3 is worse than Ebola.
53:52M3 is worse than Ebola.
53:57Wait, you can't go in.
53:59You have to talk to him.
54:01Are you alright?
54:03Tell me quickly.
54:05It doesn't seem to be working so fast.
54:07We have to wait.
54:09They are taking my blood sample.
54:15Yes, Myeongju.
54:17When the parcel arrived,
54:19you didn't run so fast.
54:22Are you alright?
54:27I saw him scared for the first time.
54:36What do you want?
54:38I will do everything. Tell me quickly.
54:42The girl who made the heart on the parcel,
54:45which side was she sitting in the photo?
54:47Left or right?
54:49Left. She was very beautiful.
54:50Okay, I understand.
54:52She was very beautiful, right?
54:57I didn't think you would answer like this.
55:02This is not the time to joke.
55:07It feels like we are going to die.
55:10And he is asking our last wish.
55:17Why are you hanging your face like this?
55:20We are not going to die so soon.
55:22You won't die.
55:24The sample is ready.
55:26But we need a hospital lab where we can do BCR test.
55:30There is a CD hospital here.
55:32But it won't open till tomorrow morning.
55:35There is a lab of American Army at a distance of 20 minutes.
55:38But will they help us?
55:40Leave all that to me.
55:42And I will take out the car quickly.
56:02Don't worry.
56:04A virus outbreak is a problem too.
56:08Her BP and pulse rate is normal.
56:13We tried our best as a surgeon.
56:16What's next?
56:18We have to wait for the test result.
56:21The patient's and ours too.
56:29The blood sample that you guys gave,
56:31it is confirmed to be M3 virus.
56:35Are you sure it's the M3 virus?
56:38The patients tested positive.
56:40And one of the two doctors also tested positive.
56:42And one of the two doctors also tested positive.
56:48Which ones tested positive?
57:00These are really blood diamonds.
57:04But are they real diamonds?
57:08What will be their price?
57:12Only we know their price.
57:15What if we steal one?
57:18I didn't know you were so smart.
57:23It's a good idea.
57:42Go out.
57:44Have you gone mad?
57:46I am in isolation.
58:12So I am positive?
58:42I am positive.
59:01She has a good immune system.
59:03There shouldn't be any problem.
59:05What should we do?
59:07I think they know about the operation.
59:09They know our capabilities too.
59:10That's what I was afraid of.
59:12The car that was delivering the medicines,
59:14has been hijacked.
59:16She had the medicines too.
59:18No matter what, I will catch her.
59:21Where is Dr. Kang?
59:23I can't see her.
59:25The local police came yesterday and took Fatima with them.
59:27What did you say?
59:29This is August. Over.
59:31Let's make a deal.
