MI5. Spooks S06 E07 - The Broadcast

  • 3 months ago
00:00In the past few hours, hopes have been renewed for a lasting peace in the Persian Gulf, following
00:09reports of a binding trade agreement between the United States and Iran. The BBC has learned
00:14that the ink has been put to paper on a new bilateral agreement. Signifying the confidence
00:20of all three governments, tonight's special broadcast of Ask the Question will give a
00:24studio audience the chance to interrogate the panel, engage whether this deal ushers
00:29in a new dawn in Western-Iranian relations. A press release just issued by the government
00:34states that Iran and the United States have been working towards this deal behind the
00:38scenes under British government stewardship.
00:41Recent reports that Iran had been developing biological weapons meant moves towards strong
00:52diplomatic relations in the shape of the Regional Charter for Stability had stumbled.
00:57What time does the plane leave?
00:59Transit team are arriving straight after the transmission.
01:01May Vancouver is prettier this time of year.
01:05... London and Washington, all seeking a new agreement on peace in the region.
01:09Tonight's broadcast will be a chance for the 30 strong audience, selected from across the
01:14country to debate the qualification of this agreement, which has been heralded as a diplomatic
01:20triumph for the government, in particular for the Foreign Secretary, Ruth Chambers.
01:24The latest headlines for you now, new plans for health care...
01:31Afternoon, Julia.
01:32Where have you been?
01:33I got a lead from an asset, Red Herring. Are we on schedule?
01:39Here comes our hack.
01:42Late, of course.
01:43Yeah, well, as long as he writes the story.
01:47I thought you were writing it for him.
01:49Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
01:52Tommy, can we just check the panel microphone?
01:57John, camera two. Philip, camera one. Hurry, please.
02:05Welcome, everyone, and thank you for coming at such short notice.
02:08Could those of you asking questions please raise your hand? Thank you very much.
02:11Three minutes from transmission, Stephen. I'm bringing in the guests.
02:14Would you give our guests for this evening a very warm welcome, ladies and gentlemen?
02:19Wide shot on the panel, please.
02:21Let's just see. The panellists in singles.
02:27Yeah, just zoom up a little.
02:28Yeah, perfect.
02:31How is Bakshi looking?
02:33Someone announced the most important political agreement of the decade.
02:36He seems pretty chilled.
02:38You'd better play ball.
02:39OK, everyone, ten seconds.
02:44That's five, four, three...
02:48Roll VT.
02:55Good evening, and welcome to a unique international Ask the Question.
02:59In 1863, Abraham Lincoln wrote,
03:02Peace does not appear so distant as it did.
03:05I hope it will come soon and come to stay.
03:08And so come as to be worth the keeping in all future time.
03:12In the last six months, I doubt many of us thought that peace between Iran and the West was close.
03:17What is it?
03:19Beside me are two men and one woman who have been instrumental in developing this agreement.
03:24The British Foreign Secretary, Ruth Chambers.
03:29Check out seat B3.
03:31Special aid to the ambassador of the United States of America, Robert Hogan.
03:34I'm checking the list.
03:40Caroline Bell.
03:41Office manager from Crawley, no political history.
03:43And the Iranian special consul, Dario Shpakshi.
03:50This evening, an audience selected by the BBC and drawn from voters across the political spectrum...
03:53Seat C10.
03:55...have the unique opportunity to ask the question to our guests,
03:58is this agreement the start of a new era of collaboration between the Islamic and the Western worlds?
04:06Robert Stiers from Birmingham, no connection with the first woman.
04:09And I'm going to hand you over to the panel so that they can introduce the agreement.
04:12Foreign Secretary.
04:13Thank you.
04:14As British Foreign Secretary for the last six...
04:17Jason Trinder from Glasgow, no connection with the other two.
04:21What the hell's Kaplan playing at?
04:23This has been a sensitive process, but tonight...
04:25There must be a connection.
04:28Please match them with our records.
04:32...ensuring lasting peace between our countries.
04:35Thank you, Mr. President.
04:36Let's have the first question, please.
04:38Jason Trinder from Glasgow.
04:39Does Iran have a nuclear bomb?
04:43Harry, something's not right here.
04:46Harry, that man's not who he says he is.
04:51Don't move!
04:52Do not cut transmission!
04:55Stay on air! Stay on air!
05:00Answer the question!
05:03Does Iran have a nuclear bomb?
05:12Do not cut transmission!
05:14If you cut transmission, I'm going to shoot her!
05:29You look pale and interesting.
05:30I've just left an all-night session at the JIC.
05:33The decision was unanimous.
05:35Triggers was successfully smuggled to Iran yesterday.
05:38Somewhere in the middle of the Persian desert,
05:40a scientist is at this moment connecting them to nuclear missiles.
05:44For decades, we've had the ultimate deterrent.
05:46Now they have it, too.
05:48When Israel finds out, they won't see it as a deterrent,
05:50so much as a declaration of war.
05:52Which is exactly why Israel must not find out.
05:54Are you suggesting I lie to my closest ally?
05:56That's your second closest ally, and that's exactly what I'm suggesting.
05:59The time for aggression is over, Bob.
06:01We have to move to appeasement.
06:04How the hell do we do that?
06:09Oh, come on.
06:14You all right, Harry?
06:15Yesterday I gave Iran the power to destroy the planet,
06:18so for some reason I found sleep a stranger.
06:20And then, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse,
06:23we ran out of coffee filters.
06:25I managed to find some blotting paper in Connie's desk.
06:27Where's Harry?
06:29He's with Hogan, trying to find a way to stop Iran
06:31from telling the world about their new toy.
06:33Well, if they announce that they won't survive the day,
06:35they need to do a deal.
06:36Yeah, well, let's hope they realise that.
06:38Darius Bakshi at the helm, I somewhat doubt it.
06:41Do I detect a slight bitterness at being stitched up by his wife?
06:44Thanks for reminding me.
06:45So your taste in women hasn't always been impeccable.
06:47I don't know.
06:50I've had my moments.
06:53Glad to see I'm not the only one losing sleep now, are we?
06:55Fine, just don't ask for coffee.
06:57How's Hogan?
06:59We think we have something to offer Iran.
07:01I need to speak to Bakshi, off the record.
07:03Arrange it for me.
07:05Arrange it for me.
07:15He's coming towards you now.
07:19Got him.
07:30Look at the memorial.
07:31Lose the muscle.
07:32We need to talk alone.
07:59Apologies for disturbing your run, Special Counsel.
08:01Don't say anything foolish with me, and the consequences will be severe.
08:04Actually, we have a deal to offer you.
08:06Why can't it wait until working hours?
08:08Because by then, you might already have several Israeli Harpoon cruise missiles exploding in the heart of Tehran.
08:13And trust me when I tell you you don't want that.
08:15We made them.
08:18That would be a grave mistake of Israel.
08:20As it would be for your government to issue any kind of press release about your nuclear capability.
08:24The people who need to know, know.
08:28So, when do our presidents meet?
08:30You know it can't work like that.
08:32Ashamed to be seen talking to us?
08:40I've spoken to a couple of friends in Washington.
08:44My president wants a way out of this, but it has to be without 90% of his administration knowing what's going on.
08:50There are people in the Pentagon who, if they found out what you've now got, would press the red button without a second thought.
08:56We have to work behind the scenes.
08:58So, what are you offering?
09:01The Prime Minister and the President are willing to propose a full retreat from your waters,
09:05and a complete cessation of military operations against you.
09:08We'll also make Iran a primary trade partner, and restore full diplomatic relations with immediate effect.
09:14And what do you want from us?
09:16To denounce Hezbollah and the insurgents within Iraq.
09:19And to keep your nuclear capability quiet.
09:22A brave new world, Darius.
09:25The creation of a peace process so real that Israel and the warlords would have no option but to play ball.
09:30They'd be international pariahs if they didn't.
09:32And no one will even ask about nuclear weapons.
09:35No one would believe it.
09:37We say we've been working on a deal for six months.
09:39A deal so sensitive that only the top level of governments on both sides knew anything about it.
09:43We make it real by making it public.
09:46But we need to make it public fast.
09:48And how do you propose of doing that?
09:55Is he biting?
09:57They're still talking.
09:59Do we trust him to deliver?
10:01Well, there's every chance some Iranian hardline is going to want to boast about their nuclear capacity today,
10:05so we don't have much choice.
10:07Unless you're planning on a one-man mission to Tehran by tea time.
10:11Don't put it past me.
10:16I'm not going to let you get away with this.
10:19Don't put it past me.
10:24We put out a one-hour BBC special tonight
10:27announcing the seeds of a unique peace agreement
10:30and a possible process for the signing of the deal.
10:33Who's in the program?
10:35A high-level American government official.
10:37A senior British cabinet minister.
10:42And you.
10:44Whatever has passed between us, Dariush,
10:46none of us want to go down in history as men who caused world war.
10:50You're holding all the aces.
10:52The question is, how are you going to play?
11:01Put the guns down!
11:04Please, don't shoot her.
11:06Shut up!
11:08Do not cut transmission or we shoot!
11:17I am breaking news.
11:19We're hearing reports of an armed siege right here at the BBC.
11:22In the studio for us, the question,
11:24two men and a woman, all armed with handguns.
11:28Hold your position. Repeat, hold your position.
11:31Keep filming. Point the camera towards me.
11:36I want the bodyguards to leave.
11:38Leave or I pull the trigger.
11:43We have to send the bodyguards out.
11:45I will not give in to terrorist intimidation.
11:47I will not see a member of the British public killed for my sake.
11:50Adam, if that lunatic kills a woman on live television,
11:52it will destroy the entire agreement.
11:54You have to get Bakshi to calm down.
11:56I'm ordering my detail to leave.
11:58Who are they? Why are they doing this?
12:08I'll order my men to leave.
12:10If you let some of these people go, you don't need them all.
12:13You're not the one in charge here.
12:15Nonetheless, that is my offer.
12:20This section only. Stand.
12:22Hands on head. To the door. Go!
12:25Hands on head. Out the door. Go!
12:28Keep your hands on your head. Go! Move!
12:33Can you let that woman go, please? She's old.
12:35Shut up and get out!
12:37That's pathetic.
12:38For that, you can replace her.
12:41Keep moving. Come on, quickly.
12:46Come on. Move.
12:53Now get your men out of here.
13:01And yours too.
13:06Please, Special Consul.
13:10I'll give you three seconds and then she dies.
13:13Three! Two!
13:15Adam, stop him.
13:16Please, don't shoot.
13:17Now, or they both die!
13:29All right.
13:34And you, tell them to lock the door.
13:37Lock the door, please.
13:52Now we can begin.
13:57Connie, the BBC website's close to collapsing.
14:00Sit on your seats.
14:08Camera's on me.
14:15Read this.
14:19Camera on him.
14:23Tonight's answer to the question
14:25tackles the question of whether Islamic power
14:28is taking over the planet,
14:30to what extent Western governments
14:32are timidly letting it happen.
14:37It also asks what lies behind
14:39today's apparently historic agreement.
14:41Is there more than meets the eye?
14:43Ask him the first question.
14:45Special Consul Bakshi, how far progressed
14:47is Iran's uranium enrichment programme?
14:49Camera on him and tell the truth.
14:55We have begun the uranium enrichment programme.
14:58And have you completed it?
15:00Enough to run a nuclear power station, yes.
15:03And enough to power a nuclear missile.
15:05To power a nuclear missile requires
15:07an infinitely more refined uranium.
15:10And do you have that?
15:13Next question.
15:20The Director General of the BBC has agreed to the transmission.
15:23Apparently keen to sex up a tired format.
15:26PM wants the Foreign Secretary to represent the British government
15:29and briefing her at midday.
15:30Any Americans?
15:31Bob Hogan's sending the only person in the world
15:34Any news on Bakshi?
15:35We've heard nothing.
15:36It's been nearly three hours, you know.
15:38Yes, thanks to the excellence of my grammar school education
15:40I am in fact able to tell the time myself.
15:42We'll go ahead as if he's agreed.
15:45Connie, we need a better small studio audience.
15:47No political affiliations.
15:4870% white, 20% Muslim, 10% the rest.
15:51Shia or Sunni Muslim?
15:52Pacifist Sunni poets, preferably.
15:54All three politicians will have their own bodyguards in the studio.
15:57Ros and I will be in the audience.
15:58Hopefully my presence will encourage Bakshi to stick to the script.
16:01Malcolm, I want complete control over the transmission.
16:03I want you to be able to cut the studio feed from here.
16:05BBC will love that.
16:07Don't tell them.
16:08What about the press?
16:09I'm meeting with Ben Kaplan in one hour.
16:10Let's keep this to ourselves.
16:12I don't want anyone outside these four walls to know what's going on.
16:21Well, that was a text I didn't expect.
16:24Is it business or pleasure?
16:26The answer's right behind you.
16:47You're asking me to take part in a piece of shameless government propaganda?
16:51I'm offering you the inside story of the year, mate.
16:53Why do you need me?
16:54I need some honest reporting, untinged by modern cynicism.
16:57You need a pro-Iranian piece, something to please the Mullahs.
17:00We want them to get the credit they deserve.
17:03I'm disgusted by this attempt to compromise my journalistic integrity.
17:07You'll find a way to live with it.
17:09I want something in return.
17:15What's this?
17:16Just something I've been working on.
17:18Why, do you know it?
17:19No, but I can ask around.
17:24He said no, I suppose.
17:26Very funny.
17:27What are you doing after?
17:29Post-op debrief.
17:30Then after that?
17:49Thank you.
17:50Thank you.
17:58My government is ready to listen to your proposal.
18:01There is, however, a condition.
18:04There are currently, as you know, six permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
18:09We would like there to be a seventh.
18:14You've got to be kidding me.
18:17You seriously think I'm going to get that through?
18:19It is a necessary sign of faith in us.
18:21It is impossible.
18:23It's cloud cuckoo land.
18:26Forget it, Harry.
18:27We're wasting our time here.
18:30This broadcast is not going to happen.
18:39Where do you want to meet?
18:43For one so concerned about our association, you're increasingly lax in your methods of contact.
18:48I don't have time for protocol.
18:51Thanks to you, Iran's now fully nuclear.
18:53Thanks to us.
18:54Don't belittle your own role in the success.
18:56It'll only be a success if the endgame's played out correctly.
18:59Is that why you're here?
19:00The Americans are offering an olive branch.
19:02They know what they're dealing with and they're scared.
19:04They'll offer Iran a place at the top table in exchange for them keeping their mouths shut about the triggers.
19:08America has returned to the negotiating table.
19:10It's not a negotiation, no. It's a direct deal.
19:12They've capitulated just as Yalta wanted.
19:14So we just need Iran to accept the offer?
19:16Which may not be easy.
19:18In fact, she's asking for too much.
19:22Then use what else you have on him.
19:24Isn't there a reason he might play ball?
19:26Sitting in a safe house somewhere in London right now?
19:38Do you recognise her?
19:42No. Why?
19:44It's just something that Kathleen was working on.
19:46Leave it, Connie. She can run it through the system.
19:55How long are you going to keep me here?
19:58I want to talk to my family.
20:04Answer me.
20:06Answer me!
20:11Have you thought about what to do with Anna?
20:13Leave it until after I divert it to global catastrophe. Why?
20:16I thought we could kill two birds with one stone.
20:19Encourage Bakshi to play ball.
20:21Deal with the Anna problem forever.
20:23Offer her as a reward?
20:25Give her a new life far away from here which only Bakshi would know about.
20:28Tehran would think she was dead. Adam would think she was dead.
20:31She stays safe and in Bakshi's reach.
20:34Could just be the carrot we need.
20:52You enjoy casting yourself in the world of victim, don't you?
20:55You do realise you could get 15 years for what you did?
20:58Do you think I wanted to kill Adam?
21:00I have no idea what you wanted.
21:02My husband is a jealous man.
21:05He lost his mind when he found out about us.
21:09He threatened to expose me and hand me over to Iranian intelligence.
21:14Do you know what they do to adulteresses in Tehran?
21:18To Western whores?
21:20And that was justification to poison your lover.
21:23You care about it anyway.
21:28Maybe you're jealous too.
21:32Can I get you anything?
21:38But you have to go out.
21:44You're kidding.
21:47Special Consul, we have to find a way around this.
21:50Mr Pierce, please, don't waste my time.
21:52I have already told you my terms.
21:54What if I were to make you another offer?
21:58There's a plane leaving tonight for Vancouver.
22:00Your wife could be on it with a new identity.
22:07And later, in a different world, in a more peaceful world, who knows?
22:11You could even be with her.
22:15I can make that happen with one phone call.
22:17But only if tonight's television program goes ahead.
22:19Only if you make that happen.
22:30Do another test.
22:31It's not wrong.
22:33I know.
22:36Do you know whose it is?
22:39Do you know whose it is?
22:43My husband's.
22:46He wants a child so much.
22:51Well, I suggest we keep it between ourselves for now until everything's sorted out, okay?
22:57Vancouver. Tonight.
22:59What is it?
23:03You ever been to Canada?
23:08Anna's flight to Canada. It leaves at what time?
23:10Assuming the broadcast goes ahead.
23:12Ten o'clock.
23:17And you will keep Adam Carter out of the way?
23:19He'll be with you in the studio.
23:21I'm sure you'll enjoy his company.
23:23If Taran knows she's alive and in your hands...
23:25Darius, only a handful of people in my unit have any idea of her whereabouts.
23:29Even Adam thinks she's dead.
23:31Please, Harry, make sure she gets that plane.
23:35Baxia's agreed.
23:37We have a green light. You can issue the press release now.
23:39This is the BBC's list of audience. We've vetted all of them.
23:42Created legends for Adam and Ros. Adam, you're Stephen Wright, an ex-soldier from Rygate.
23:45Lifelong Tory fan.
23:46Where's Ros?
23:47I've no idea.
23:48What can I tell?
23:50No one.
23:51My mother? My sister?
23:55Think of the benefits. A new life, a new start.
23:58And with the chance that one day your husband can come back to you and your child.
24:03Where are you going?
24:06To make sure your husband keeps his side of the bargain.
24:14Good luck.
24:25I'm on my way. She's ready to go.
24:27No hitches?
24:29She's pregnant.
24:31Good God. Adam must not find out.
24:34Let's get her out of there, and quickly.
24:38I'm here to make sure the transit happens smoothly.
24:40Be back?
24:43That's exactly the luggage of a diplomat's wife.
24:47What time does the plane leave?
24:49The transit team are arriving straight after the transmission.
24:53The air in Vancouver is pretty this time of year.
25:17Next question.
25:19Foreign Secretary, how long have the talks with Iran been going on?
25:25Just over six months.
25:28Is that right? Think very carefully.
25:34And you were at those talks, were you?
25:36Some of them, yes.
25:37And where were they?
25:38Mostly they took place in the Balearic Islands, but also here in London.
25:41Harry, he knows something.
25:46Next question.
25:47Mr. Hogan, what has America agreed to?
25:51In principle, the U.S. is prepared to offer Iran a withdrawal from the Gulf region.
25:56That is correct.
25:57I didn't ask you.
25:59Why has America suddenly agreed to make peace with Iran?
26:02The United States has always wanted peace in the region.
26:05The Iranians are now able to give us the assurances we need concerning terrorism, Hezbollah...
26:11You're lying!
26:12Tell them the real reason. Why are they doing deals with you?
26:15How far down the uranium enrichment process are you?
26:18As I said, we have an extended uranium enrichment program.
26:21And what does a bomb with sufficiently enriched uranium require for it to be detonated?
26:26I don't understand the question.
26:28What else do you need apart from uranium?
26:30I'm not a scientist.
26:31You need triggers, don't you?
26:37Maybe, yes.
26:46And do you have those?
26:49Harry, you know it's cut transmission.
26:50If you cut transmission, he'll kill someone. We'll have British blood on our hands.
26:54Harry, cut transmission.
26:57What happened two days ago?
27:04What's going on?
27:05They've cut the broadcast.
27:10Why are the great superpowers of the world bowing to your every whim?
27:20They've cut the feed. Call them and tell them to put it back on.
27:23One minute or I'll kill someone.
27:26I don't have a phone.
27:27He could use mine.
27:31This is MI5. Please talk to me as though I were head of technical services.
27:35They want the feed restored.
27:37You have one minute or they say they'll kill someone.
27:40Tell them we're working on it, but we need longer.
27:44They say they're working on it, but they need longer.
27:46What did you mean?
27:47They're cutting transmission.
27:48You have one minute or they'll kill someone.
27:50I don't have a phone.
27:51He could use mine.
27:52I don't have a phone.
27:53You have one minute or they say they'll kill someone.
27:55Tell them we're working on it, but we need longer.
27:58What did you mean?
27:59They lied to us.
28:02He received a call. Someone told him the feed was cut.
28:04Malcolm, they've got somebody on the outside. Find out who.
28:07They came in under false names.
28:08Their real names are Paul Mills, Sharon Carson and Carl Reed.
28:11They were members of the BNP,
28:12but they left three years ago to form a splinter group, Whites Against Islam.
28:16Their false identities were given complete security clearance by our services.
28:21Well, someone from the security services must have helped them.
28:29Do you recognise her?
28:34Harry, security on the door.
28:36I recognised him from somewhere.
28:40Who was talking?
28:42Was somebody on the phone?
28:46Search him.
28:47Everybody stay! Take out your phones!
28:50I have security on CCTV.
28:53I know him. His name is John Richardson, MI5, Unit Factory. He's one of us.
28:57What's he doing with BBC security without our knowledge?
28:59Tracking him on all available CCTV.
29:01I'll bring up his file.
29:05What's in that pocket?
29:06Empty your pockets!
29:08All phones in the bag!
29:10Raise your hands. Empty your pockets.
29:12Empty them.
29:15No, you can keep that.
29:16Empty your phone.
29:17In the bag.
29:23Take the veil off.
29:25Open it.
29:26You've got no right.
29:28I say, take it off.
29:30Give me that phone, please. It must go in the bag.
29:32Put all your phones in the bag now.
29:34Everyone, back in their seats.
29:39I've lost contact with Adam and Ros.
29:41The cameraman and the director's gallery.
29:43It's all closed circuit. They won't anticipate anything.
29:53Oh, my God.
29:59It's OK.
30:01Harry, Captain just texted. He's still in the studio.
30:03Ask him if Adam knows he's there.
30:04Doing it now.
30:06What's going on?
30:07It's OK.
30:14Call them. Tell them they've got one more minute.
30:17You have one more minute.
30:18You'll need to delay.
30:23Would you please tell us what all this is about?
30:28Yesterday, this man smuggled nuclear triggers out of London.
30:34Iran is now capable of launching a nuclear attack on the West.
30:37Oh, my God.
30:38Oh, my God.
30:39Oh, my God.
30:40Oh, my God.
30:41Oh, my God.
30:42Oh, my God.
30:43Oh, my God.
30:44Oh, my God.
30:46You expect any of us to believe that?
30:48Well, as a key agent of the CIA, Bob, I expect you to.
30:52You tried to stop it.
30:54And you failed.
31:06Richardson left Television Centre and turned up Wood Lane to a row of terrorist houses.
31:10I'm getting the studio recon van over there now.
31:16Where is he?
31:17For the last three years, Richardson's been deep undercover.
31:20Doing what?
31:21There's nothing in the files. No-one's seen him for three years.
31:23How the hell did he know about tonight?
31:28Harry, he's texted back.
31:29Rose and Adam have no idea he's in the studio with them.
31:31Tell him to make contact with them now.
31:38Where have you seen the guy from security before?
31:41I can't remember.
31:45Where is he?
31:50Got him. He's in a ground-floor flat.
31:52We need to restore the television feed from the studio to that flat only.
31:57Fifteen seconds.
31:58We can transmit a direct satellite signal to the recon van
32:00and cable it from there to the box outside the flat.
32:02And we can also send a high-frequency satellite signal here to Temp's house
32:05so we can see what's going on.
32:06How long do you need?
32:07Two minutes.
32:09He won't give us two minutes.
32:11Time's up.
32:13Is he broadcasting?
32:15OK, call me if that changes.
32:18Still not on.
32:19They're working on it.
32:20You don't work on it, you sick ass wimp!
32:21I'll call them again!
32:22Please, give them more time!
32:25I'm going to send them a message.
32:30Wait, get out of my way!
32:31Silly Alex, aren't we?
32:33I know these people are born liars, but you do that and you lose me
32:35and half the country who agree with you.
32:37Well, then you call them
32:38and you tell them to put that feed right back on.
32:46Hello, this is Stephen Wright.
32:47Hello, Adam.
32:48He's going to shoot a member of the audience.
32:50One more step.
32:51I'm creating a false feed to his accomplice.
32:55Well, what he's going to...
32:56Stop pissing us around and flick the switch.
32:59Flick the switch!
33:00Flick the switch!
33:01Flick the switch!
33:02Flick the switch!
33:03Flick the switch!
33:04Flick the switch!
33:05Flick the switch!
33:06Flick the switch!
33:07Do it now!
33:11Hello, this is the head of technical services.
33:13I'm afraid when an emergency cut in transmission occurs,
33:16there are several security procedures that need to be cleared.
33:18We need a little more time.
33:23You're talking bollocks!
33:24I'm going to kill this man!
33:25Get out of my way, soldier, or I'll put a bullet in you too.
33:29Would you do that to one of your own?
33:31Out of my way.
33:34You've got ten seconds to get that feed.
33:36Back on.
33:49We've done it.
33:52I don't believe you.
33:57We have connection restored.
34:13You sure?
34:15Stick that camera on me.
34:17Can you see me now?
34:23Just in time.
34:29Get him in here, now.
34:34Don't move!
34:37Suspect is chained and in transit.
34:43Well, what we know is three armed people stormed the studio,
34:46seemingly intent on disrupting the agreement...
34:48Two men and a woman held guns to the heads of the studio audience
34:52and demanded that the transmission should not be cut.
34:55How long do you think that will take?
34:58Same security guard.
35:04Find out if they're OK.
35:06Trust us.
35:08Do you have any idea what my husband must have risked to appear on this programme?
35:11And you can't even guarantee his safety!
35:14Anna, we're doing the best we can.
35:17Like you always do.
35:20But to be frank, we really don't know what's going on in that studio at the moment.
35:27Camera on the Iranian special console.
35:29And this time, the truth.
35:32How developed is your nuclear programme?
35:37Our programme is fully developed.
35:40Enough for a nuclear weapon?
35:46And the triggers?
35:49We smuggled them out of Britain yesterday.
35:52And that's why the Americans came to you with this agreement?
35:58So, this whole deal has been a sham.
36:02It appears you've achieved what you wanted.
36:04World War, probably.
36:08Three years ago, you disappeared off the intelligence radar.
36:11Where have you been?
36:15Come on, John.
36:16You've won.
36:17The whole world is watching this.
36:20At least fill me in.
36:24There's a secret organisation called IOTA.
36:28I've never heard of them.
36:29They've embedded themselves right across European intelligence.
36:32They want Iran to be a global nuclear power.
36:35A bulwark against America.
36:38It's liberalism gone crazy.
36:39A kind of insane mindset that thinks McDonald's is as great a human rights violator as Osama Bin Laden.
36:45Three years ago, I infiltrated IOTA.
36:48I thought it was a deadly nothing happening.
36:50But recently, they've woken up.
36:53They've got someone on the inside of the security services.
36:55Who knows?
36:56Everything you're doing.
36:58They're pushing this bogus peace deal.
37:01Pushing Iran to the top table.
37:03I had to be stopped.
37:05This was the only way.
37:08I don't trust anyone, Piers.
37:10Not newspaper editors.
37:11Not politicians.
37:13Not intelligence officials.
37:15It could all be IOTA.
37:18But I do trust Paul Mills and his crazy racist gang of thugs.
37:23I trust the British people.
37:25And I trust what I see with my own eyes.
37:28They intend the siege to continue.
37:30This is, of course, now a crisis situation.
37:34I'll do my best to see how the situation will develop.
37:39What is IOTA?
37:42Answer the question.
37:44IOTA is a secret organisation.
37:48And they've got a secret agenda.
37:50IOTA is a secret organisation.
37:53And they've got sources right inside the British intelligence services, haven't they?
37:57And high up, from what I understand.
37:59What is all this about?
38:00Keep your mouth shut!
38:11Harry, look at this.
38:15Malcolm, can you zoom in?
38:17LX. Lighting rig.
38:20Are the ladders up to the lighting rig?
38:22There's a ladder on the east wall.
38:23Text him.
38:39What does he say?
38:40I'm a journalist, not a sodding action hearer.
38:42We've got enough of those. Give me that.
38:44What have IOTA helped you do?
38:47Strategic political assistance, nothing more.
38:50Such as helping you threaten to poison London's water supply?
38:56The truth, Bakshi.
39:01You're Islamic terrorists.
39:02We are a democratically elected body.
39:04You intend to bring Sharia law to the West.
39:06The Koran insists upon jihad against all non-believers.
39:09The Koran was written in prison.
39:10The Koran insists upon jihad against all non-believers.
39:13The Koran was written in precise time of history in reaction to terrible oppression.
39:16You intend to take over the planet. We know you are.
39:19Do you seriously expect us to trust these lunatics with a nuclear weapon?
39:23We won't stand by and let you sign away all our power, all our control to these freaks.
39:27This man is a murderer.
39:29Put the camera on him.
39:31You have admitted to conspiring to kill millions of British people.
39:35Now our government may not care about that.
39:38But I do.
39:41I am here on behalf of the British people to bring you to justice.
39:46What does he mean by that?
39:51For God's sake.
39:52No, please.
39:53Let's talk about this.
39:54The talking is over.
39:55This is justice the only way these people understand.
39:58I am a Sunni Iraqi.
40:00I am no friend of Iran, but this is crazy what you're doing.
40:06Tell me one thing.
40:07What we've been saying, does it sound like the truth to you?
40:11You see?
40:12You have no friends here, so why don't you sit down?
40:18Captain's on the rig.
40:19Come on, Adam.
40:20What do you want him to do?
40:21If you kill him, this makes us no better than them.
40:23Please stop.
40:24I'm just taking a leaf out of the Al-Qaeda textbook.
40:26He's not Al-Qaeda.
40:27He's not even Arab.
40:28He's Iranian, for Christ's sake.
40:29What the hell has he got to do with Al-Qaeda?
40:31It's all connected.
40:32It is not connected.
40:34You want him to drop the lights?
40:35It's an auto-drop system.
40:36I can overload the voltage from here, but I don't know if they're in the right position.
40:39Text him, fast.
40:46What was that?
40:53Just get on with it, please.
40:55Don't do this.
40:57On behalf of the British government...
40:58You're not my government.
41:00Someone stop him.
41:01Why should we stop him?
41:03You've lied to us.
41:05Our government has lied to us.
41:09This man is scum.
41:13Go on.
41:15Roll him over.
41:17Roll him over.
41:18Oh, don't be so stupid.
41:19You can't talk to people like that.
41:20It's disrespectful.
41:21This is meant to be a great country.
41:22Why don't you just take your...
41:23Sit down. Shut up.
41:24...little conscience to some country where somebody might actually give a shit.
41:26Sit down.
41:27Wait, listen to me.
41:28Wait, wait.
41:29I'm on your side here.
41:33We've been completely set up by our government.
41:35By you, you.
41:36You've treated us with utter contempt.
41:38There's no excuse to revert to mob rule.
41:40Look, we have to fight their wars for them.
41:41We have immigrants taking our jobs.
41:43We have a right to know.
41:44It's time we taught them not to ignore the British public.
41:48Adam, when can we drop it?
41:50Special Consul, on behalf of the British nation,
41:54I send your government a message
41:56that the period of appeasement is over.
41:59We also can declare a holy war.
42:19MR5, kill him or I'll kill you!
42:22What difference does it make?
42:24Put the gun down.
42:25We can do a deal.
42:30It's too late.
42:32The whole world knows the truth.
42:34I don't think so.
42:35The ratings for the broadcasts weren't quite as high as you might have hoped.
42:40What do you mean?
42:41We didn't reinstate the feed.
42:44So, whatever you do, we'll cover it up.
42:48No one will ever know.
42:51You've lost, Paul.
42:55And at least he can lose too.
43:06It's all right.
43:27He's been shot in the stomach.
43:28We don't know if he'll live.
43:29The transit team are on their way.
43:31Don't tell her anything.
43:35My husband?
43:37He's fine.
43:38Thank you.
43:40Thank you, thank you.
43:42And the transit team will be here in 20 minutes.
43:48We're getting no word at all from either the police or the intelligence services
43:52as to when it might end.
43:53The latest from here is that the siege is still continuing.
43:55We have no word from the police.
44:05Last year, I was doing this story on racism in south-east London.
44:08I followed Paul Mills and his mates for eight months.
44:10There was this one guy who...
44:11You should talk about your article.
44:13Moving a camp without 15 innocent people
44:15prevented white extremists from derailing a major peace agreement
44:17and your own heroic role within that.
44:19Hang on, you can't possibly be expecting me to sit on this story.
44:21Unless you're intent on unleashing World War III, then yes, I do.
44:25Well, thank you for your advice.
44:28I'll think about it.
44:36It's not advice, Ben.
44:40Come with me.
44:49By the way, here's your photo back.
44:51Drew a blank, I'm afraid.
44:52That's the guy I was talking about, the friend of Mills.
44:54Do you know the woman?
44:55Nothing came up.
44:58Follow me.
44:59What's going on?
45:06Good evening.
45:07Good evening, everyone.
45:09I'd like to thank you on behalf of the British government
45:12for your bravery throughout this terrible ordeal.
45:16The world outside does not yet know that the siege has ended
45:20and it cannot know until we have agreed what happened here tonight.
45:24I have a job offer for you.
45:28As of this moment, you are all invited to become
45:30employees of Her Majesty's Intelligence.
45:32As of this moment, you are all invited to become
45:34employees of Her Majesty's Intelligence.
45:36Although you will return to your normal lives,
45:38you will remain in our employ until the day you die.
45:41You'll experience huge pressure to tell what you know,
45:43but no one must know what was said in here tonight.
45:46Now, on the back of the paperwork, there's a copy of the Official Secrets Act.
45:49No one leaves this room until both the terms of the contract
45:51and the Secrets Act have been agreed to.
45:53We're in no rush, but there can be no refusals.
45:56We're all spies now.
45:59Andy, I'm just getting unofficial reports that the siege may be over.
46:03The police are expected to hold a press conference
46:05within the next few minutes.
46:07I realise things didn't turn out as planned.
46:09Not exactly. No story, nothing on the photo.
46:12And thank you, now I'm a spy.
46:14What photo?
46:15Richardson and one of his contacts.
46:17Can I take a look?
46:21Do you know her?
46:23I was following Mills and his clan
46:25and then made regular contact with this thug and he led me to her,
46:28but I can't get a thing on him.
46:30Can I keep this?
46:38Thank you.
46:41A gun to the head of an Iranian diplomat, live on British television.
46:44It's being beamed around the world as we speak.
46:47We'll be lucky to salvage any kind of peace after this.
46:50How did Mills know about the broadcast?
46:52John Richardson infiltrated Yalta three years ago.
46:55How did Yalta know?
46:57Richardson says Yalta has someone inside him, I find.
47:07How is she?
47:08How is Anna?
47:13She'll be fine.
47:26I thought you came to the studio.
47:30Where were you?
47:36You lied to me.
47:37You were out of control.
47:38Where is she?
47:39You could not be relied upon to act responsibly.
47:41Where is she?
47:42She's safe.
47:43Safe? You just told me that Yalta infiltrated the security services.
47:46How do you know she's safe?
47:47Only myself and key members of my team have control over her.
47:50How do you know she's safe?
47:51Only myself and key members of my team have any idea of her whereabouts.
47:53The security people we're using have no idea who she is.
47:55Isn't there a reason he might play ball?
47:57Sitting in a safe house somewhere in London right now?
47:59If Tehran want her dead, they won't be able to find her.
48:01The transit's on its way.
48:03Anna will be out of the country within the hour,
48:05and I forbid either of you from getting involved.
48:11She's at 26 Fournier Street. I'm coming with you.
48:16Why does it say the siege is not over?
48:18It's just protocol. Don't worry about it.
48:23Ros, is everything okay down there?
48:25Fine. The transit team are on their way.
48:27We're coming over.
48:29Back up. Anything strange, call me.
48:32The car's here.
48:48Have you any idea what they'll do to her?
48:50A female adulterer with a Western spy.
48:52Maybe they don't know where she is.
48:53They've known everything about her, so what makes you so sure they don't know about this?
49:00This is just ridiculous!
49:15Did you cancel the transit team?
49:16No. Why?
49:17What is it?
49:18Well, someone called them to cancel. They gave a code name.
49:20Ros, what is it?
49:31Yeah? Transit team's arrived.
49:33They cancelled the transit! Get her out of there!
49:37Anna, wait!
50:17One of the studio guests, sir, the Iranian special consul Darius Bakshi,
50:22has been shot during the siege.
50:24We understand he's been taken to hospital where his condition is stable.
50:27However, the effect this may have on a day when there should have been
50:31vital diplomatic progress between the West and Iran is anybody's guess.
50:35And we can now go to a statement from the Foreign Secretary.
50:39Tonight's appalling events must not hold us back on the path to peace in the Middle East.
50:45Iran, the UK and the US have been working for months to create this agreement.
50:51We will not be put off by terrorist...
50:54Why didn't you tell me?
50:56We didn't think we could trust you.
50:58You trust me?
51:00You were in love with her. We all thought...
51:01I was not in love with her!
51:05Don't bullshit me.
51:06Look, she killed someone because of me. I was responsible.
51:09Didn't you take this responsibility seriously?
51:13Whose idea was it to send her away?
51:14I have no idea. Harry arranged it with the Canadians.
51:16Oh, come on, Roz. I know you too well.
51:19You arranged the whole thing. Why?
51:24I saw an opportunity to get back to you on side and deal with a residual problem.
51:28Is that what she was? A residual problem?
51:29Yeah, that's exactly what she was.
51:34She really had you wrapped around her little finger, didn't she?
51:37With her big, beautiful brown eyes like a bloody deer.
51:40When will you get it into your skull that I was not in love with her?
51:42I did not leave you for her.
51:43You didn't leave me at all. This is not about us.
51:45Isn't it?
51:46Look, what happened between us was a stupid mistake.
51:48So why every time I spoke to you about it, did it feel like I was betraying you?
51:51I did not encourage that.
51:52You sure? Look closer. You're a spy. You can deceive yourself just like you deceive everyone else.
51:57And who are you deceiving?
52:06Anna was work.
52:07Someone safe.
52:09If we step over the line, there's nothing to protect us.
52:12I know.
52:25We know too much about each other. It's not safe.
52:28I know.
52:38I know.