MI5. Spooks S04 E09 - The Sting

  • 3 months ago
00:00The Americans are drowning us in paperwork, Juliet.
00:03Their paranoia knows no bounds. To them, everyone is a potential terrorist.
00:06You know as well as I do that the PM values his relationship with the Americans above all others,
00:10so if the CIA want to...
00:12But what they're asking for is so over-the-top as to be ludicrous.
00:15I mean, have you seen what they want? Take a look at this list.
00:17Their requests for assistance would monopolise my entire staff.
00:20That is what they're paid for, Harry.
00:22We have more important things to do.
00:23Tell that to the Foreign Office.
00:28She's not staying for a cup of tea, then?
00:31What are these?
00:32Just couriered over by the CIA.
00:34Latest updates and profiles on the people they're watching.
00:39When can I tell them we'll give feedback?
00:42Right, I think my phone's ringing.
00:46The US military build-up on the borders of Iran continued today,
00:50this time with the arrival of the USS Enterprise,
00:53which was used extensively during the Iraq war.
00:56Despite the build-up, the President issued assurances today
00:59that the US wants to avoid war at all costs.
01:02They're going to run out of countries to invade.
01:04I don't think the Americans or their President have the appetite for another war.
01:07Well, when did that ever stop it from happening?
01:09There's another extradition. Private chopper, Isle of Dogs.
01:12Oh, for God's sake.
01:23Oh, God.
01:53That's our guy. Get him out of here.
02:24Adam Carter. How can we help you?
02:27A word of advice.
02:29When you're out kidnapping a foreign citizen from his home country,
02:32make sure none of his neighbours see your goons piling him into a van.
02:35It kind of gives it away.
02:36I'll remember that. Next time.
02:38There won't be a next time. Not in this country.
02:42You see, we have this pesky 1963 Act,
02:44which gives us the right to check all documents
02:46relating to immigration and departure issues.
02:48Well, there won't be a problem then.
02:50Since we don't have any documentation.
02:52We can't keep getting away with this, Harry.
02:54This is the third time in a month.
02:56If you want to extradite this man, you go through the due process.
02:59We'd love to.
03:01Dammit, Adam, don't you see the news?
03:03The world's on the brink of war.
03:05If we let people like him spout off, or worse,
03:07all hell could break loose in Iran.
03:09You're not taking him, Alex.
03:11As long as you're standing on this soil, you're under UK law.
03:13No. I'm under US law.
03:16And that allows us to pick up anyone who we believe
03:18to be a threat to our national security.
03:20Anywhere in the world.
03:24Let's have coffee sometime.
03:32Now listen to me, Alex, and listen carefully.
03:36I don't care if the man you're holding killed Abraham Lincoln himself.
03:38You are not kidnapping any more British citizens.
03:40Not on my watch.
03:42You're going to hand him over to us, or so help me God,
03:44I'm ordering Adam to use whatever force necessary
03:46to bring you and your cohorts back here
03:48to sample the minimalist charms of our basement holding cells.
03:50Have you even seen the files on this guy?
03:52You're missing the point.
03:54Whatever you're accusing him of, he's a British citizen.
03:56He still has rights.
03:58Don't mess with us, Harry. Not on this one.
04:00Try me. You getting this, Adam?
04:02Every word.
04:04We're putting an end to this ridiculous roundup, here and now.
04:14Let's go.
04:36Lewis Kirbin.
04:38There's nothing in his report we haven't already seen.
04:40It's your call, Harry. Are we going to detain him or not?
04:42He's way more dangerous than any of the other
04:44hundreds of disgruntled radicals out there.
04:46I know these are difficult times, but what are we supposed to do?
04:48Lock them all up? It just fuels their anger.
04:50Let him go. Keep him under surveillance.
04:52If he steps out of line, pull him in, like the others.
05:04Subject has arrived home at 5.47pm.
05:06Switching to internal surveillance.
05:12That's the log for the day.
05:14Anything interesting?
05:16I'll give it a U rating.
05:20I'm back to Tim's house. Give me a call if it gets more exciting.
05:42Police reports are still coming in about yesterday's murder of two government officers.
06:00A leaked memo suggests that a British-Iranian man suspected of terrorist activities could be involved.
06:06There was nothing in Lewis Kirbin's file to suggest that he was a clear and present danger to either this country or the US.
06:10One of those officers had three-year-old twins.
06:12I have read the personnel files.
06:14You must see how this looks, Harry.
06:16The CIA quite rightly feel vindicated.
06:18You cannot override the White House and expect no repercussions.
06:22Just when did this country formally become a US colony?
06:24Oh, for God's sake.
06:26Lewis Kirbin cold-bloodedly murdered two of my officers in daylight.
06:28Broad daylight.
06:30I think he did that because whatever he's planning is bigger.
06:32Much bigger than a double murder.
06:34My priority now is to track him down and prevent him from perpetrating that act.
06:44Our relationship with the Americans is so important right now.
06:48No one wants a war with Iran.
06:50You let the guy go, for God's sake.
06:52It was a judgment call.
06:54It was the wrong one.
06:56So what?
07:00If there was something I could do, I would.
07:06You're out, Harry.
07:08I'm sorry.
07:38Look, I am prepared to stick my neck out for my friends,
07:40but not when the odds are stacked so heavily against them that it's pointless.
07:42I'll try to remember that.
07:44Yes, you do that, because I'm not going to be here babysitting you lot forever.
07:46So the sooner they figure out who's going to run this place, the better.
07:48And that could well be you.
07:50Don't you think you should at least wait for the outcome of the disciplinary hearing
07:52before you start redecorating his office?
07:54Adam, the outcome is a foregone conclusion.
07:56The PM and the Americans...
07:58Give me a break, Juliet.
08:00There's such a load of bollocks.
08:02If every politician who's screwed up got away with it,
08:04I'm not going to be here.
08:06There's such a load of bollocks.
08:08If every politician who's screwed up got the sack,
08:10there wouldn't be any left.
08:12Harry is finished.
08:14So, if you play your cards right...
08:20You've been sitting behind a desk for way too long.
08:24Lewis Kirvin is a highly dangerous terrorist,
08:26and I want him found.
08:28Anything else can wait.
08:30What about the CIA's assistance requests?
08:32They're still coming in by the dozen.
08:34That's what Harry would have said,
08:36but somehow it sounds better coming from him.
08:38You'll get used to it.
08:40Look, I know this is very unfortunate.
08:42You're all fiercely loyal to Harry,
08:44and I respect that.
08:46But we have a job to do.
08:48And I'm sure that finding Lewis Kirvin
08:50is what Harry would want most.
08:52More importantly, it's what I want.
08:54Do I make myself clear?
08:56Now, do remember that Harry is still under investigation,
08:58which means that he is strictly off-limits
09:00in case any of you were thinking otherwise.
09:04Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like
09:06strapping her to a car battery?
09:08She had a point, though.
09:10Excuse me?
09:12Harry made the wrong call, and because of that,
09:14the two men I was talking to just minutes earlier are dead.
09:16Yeah, well, maybe if the Americans didn't think it was okay
09:18to go around grabbing people off our streets indiscriminately,
09:20it wouldn't have come to this.
09:22Well, obviously not so indiscriminate, considering what Kirvin's just done.
09:24It doesn't matter, anyway.
09:26Harry wouldn't have stayed on.
09:28And after something like this, I'm sure he was thinking of resigning.
09:30They just beat him to it.
09:32We have to find Kirvin.
09:34And meanwhile...
09:36And meanwhile, nothing.
09:38Look, if Kirvin launches an attack,
09:40it could light the blue touch paper
09:42that sends us into an all-out conflict with Iran.
09:44We find Kirvin.
09:56I'm ready.
09:58Against a backdrop of increased military build-up
10:00in the area,
10:02the U.S. president today repeated his accusation
10:04of Iranian support of international terrorism.
10:06The prime minister is expected to issue
10:08a statement in the House today.
10:10Lewis Kirvin, 27, born in Tehran.
10:12Father Iranian, mother Irish, hence Lewis.
10:14Family moved here when he was six.
10:16He's also not a fan of the Americans.
10:18Our cells would be pretty full
10:20if we detained everyone sharing that sentiment.
10:22What else?
10:24He was on our radar, but no more so
10:26than a lot of the Internet freak show.
10:30It is time for Righteous Brothers to rise up
10:32in defense of those slaughtered by the Crusaders
10:34in Chechnya, Iraq, et cetera.
10:36It's not like we haven't heard that before.
10:38He was, however, a fan of Mushta Islam,
10:40which in Farsi means...
10:42Fist of Islam.
10:44If Kirvin had those kind of connections, then...
10:46Mushta Islam specialize in smashing cars
10:48filled with high explosives into government buildings
10:50and police stations.
10:52OK, I want to make sure we've got security increase
10:54at all high-profile targets, especially around Westminster,
10:56or it gets worse. You'd better take a look at this.
11:00This has just been sent over from our friends at the CIA.
11:02And believe me, if you could pixelate
11:04an accompanying sneer, we'd be looking at it right now.
11:06Oh, dear. It doesn't look like a paintball outing, does it?
11:08According to the Americans, this is Kirvin
11:10at a Mushta Islam training camp last July.
11:12Well, why wasn't this in the file they originally sent over?
11:14We did know there was a two-month gap in the file.
11:16How convenient. These should just pop up now.
11:18I'm sorry. This has got fake backstory all over it.
11:20They wanted him. We let him go.
11:22This is just their way of getting carte blanche the next time.
11:24Pretty clever, though, if they can fake two men with their brains all over the wolf.
11:26We always have to come back to that question, Ruth.
11:28He killed two of my five officers
11:30just so that he could slip back under the wire.
11:32What's he going to do next?
11:34OK, I want every single connection chased down,
11:36starting with the neighbours who called us about his arrest.
11:38I want that photo pulled to pieces
11:40to check its authenticity.
11:42I'm off to inform Juliet that we have a substantial lead
11:44on Kirvin's whereabouts.
11:46Find me one.
12:22Look, I don't know Harry as well as you.
12:26I mean, I think you made a mistake.
12:30Getting picked up like that, with no due process,
12:32no day or night,
12:34no Red Cross visits.
12:36Harry was right to insist
12:38that we be absolutely sure before we let them do that
12:40to a British citizen.
12:50The guys that Kirvin shot,
12:52they were joking with me
12:54just before it happened.
13:02I wasn't trying to undermine Harry.
13:08I don't understand, you know.
13:16Can Ollie do it?
13:18Two more questions between you
13:20and £50,000.
13:22Ollie, geography.
13:24What is the current name of the country
13:26formerly known as Portuguese West Africa?
13:32No, Angola.
13:34Last chance, entertainment.
13:36Who played the role of Sheriff Wyatt Earp
13:38in the 1946 John Ford movie
13:40My Darling Clementine?
13:42Henry Fonda.
13:44Kevin Costner?
13:46Costner. I wasn't even born then.
13:48The US military build-up on the borders of Iran
13:50extensively during the Iraq war.
13:52Despite the build-up, the President assured us
13:54that the US wants to avoid war at all costs.
13:56And has repeated his request for talk...
13:58I'm sorry.
14:00Well, please do give us a call if you remember anything relevant.
14:04Talk about a sense of belonging.
14:06You'd think Kirvin lived in a bubble.
14:08It's the same story all along the street.
14:10Nobody wants to invent anything.
14:12If someone was concerned enough
14:14to dial 999 and tell us Kirvin was being kidnapped,
14:16why won't they talk to us now?
14:18Come on, let's go.
14:22So, you have no target, you have no weapon,
14:24and you say from looking at Kirvin's file
14:26you have no idea of what he's planning.
14:28Do you call that headway?
14:30We've hit a brick wall. Suddenly nobody wants to know the guy.
14:32What about the neighbour?
14:34We've traced the 999 call to a pay-as-you-go mobile
14:36paid in cash. I've spoken to everyone in Kirvin Street,
14:38but no one wants to own up to having made that call.
14:40I spoke to our man at Special Branch ten minutes ago.
14:42They're not making any headway either.
14:44Plus, I've got the Secret Service swamping us with more requests.
14:46We can't wait.
14:48We've completed the preliminary analysis of the training camp photo.
14:50You want the bad news first?
14:52We cross-matched the topography
14:54of the mountain range in the background.
14:56It's near Farah, close to the Afghan-Iran border.
14:58A Mushta Islam stronghold.
15:00Do we know when the photo was taken?
15:02Yeah, well, using the date on this newspaper
15:04and the position of the sun,
15:06we have a time and a rough date
15:08of when the shot was taken.
15:10Which was?
15:12July 28th of last year. Give or take a week,
15:14Well, that fits with the months that Kirvin was missing.
15:16If he was at the Farah camp, then he was definitely...
15:18He was extremely highly trained, and he was released.
15:20Good news.
15:22Actually, it's just worse news.
15:24The photo's genuine.
15:26Now, we looked at matching the resolutions of the shadows
15:28and the area around the ears and the neck.
15:30Those are the usual weaknesses when people are photoshopping,
15:32but there was nothing out of place.
15:34So Kirvin was definitely there?
15:36Well, either he was there, or this is an incredibly well-made fake.
15:38Why don't we run his file through link analysis?
15:40I'm just saying.
15:42I mean, I know it's a big file.
15:44It's a radical new way of accessing, organizing data,
15:46known as the waterfall.
15:48Look, Kevin, I know exactly what it is.
15:50The problem is that throws up too many links.
15:52Kirvin knows we'll be chasing him,
15:54so he'll be looking to strike quickly.
15:56We just haven't got time.
15:58In the absence of the 40-odd thousand analysts
16:00that they have at the NSA,
16:02I have to say that I agree with Ruth.
16:04I agree, of course. You're right.
16:06Only, you see, we've managed to tweak their software somewhat.
16:08Tweak it?
16:12We've layered a waiting algorithm onto it
16:14so that it doesn't just throw up a ton of links for us to check out.
16:16It lists them according to importance.
16:18Relevance, if you like.
16:20And it's Colin.
16:24So what are you waiting for, Colin?
16:30So the Americans were right about Kirvin.
16:32And we let him go.
16:34And we let him go.
16:40A secret report leaked today in Washington
16:42claims that Louis Kirvin, the Iranian terrorist
16:44thought to be responsible for the deaths
16:46of two government officials,
16:48was originally flagged as a security risk by the CIA
16:50up to three months ago.
16:54Downing Street has refused to comment on the leak.
17:04All right.
17:24Morning, Matt.
17:34Thank you.
18:04It's been chewing up his bank details,
18:06credit cards, travel movements,
18:08college classmates and tutor lists,
18:10mobile phone records and cell positioning.
18:14What if the Americans have done all this?
18:16Yes, but we have access to information
18:18from our surveillance that they don't have.
18:20By marrying the two,
18:22we can find new links that they won't.
18:24Anyway, so far it hasn't found anything
18:26hugely out of the ordinary.
18:28Except for this.
18:30Anyway, so far it hasn't found anything
18:32hugely out of the ordinary.
18:34Except for this.
18:36He used this cashpoint in Paternoster Square
18:38three times in the last month.
18:40We can pinpoint which route he took
18:42to get there from his underground travel pass.
18:44Interestingly, he never took the most direct route.
18:46So he took three trips to the city
18:48and he always took an odd route,
18:50and the cashpoint's nowhere near anywhere
18:52he would normally need to go to.
18:54Not his college, not his mosque, no friends or work.
18:56It's something.
18:58I don't know. Keep running it.
19:06Why was Kervin using this particular cashpoint?
19:08Why was he here?
19:10What do you see?
19:12Well, they're all here,
19:14because it's where they work.
19:16There are no outsiders.
19:18So Kervin was here to meet someone,
19:20and whoever it was will work close by.
19:24look for a link between Kervin
19:26and all the officers within 100 metres of this spot.
19:28Calls, fax, email, anything.
19:30Adam, there are a lot of officers around.
19:32What if we can't find anything?
19:34We don't find anything.
19:36We'll expand the radius to 200 metres and keep going.
19:38He had to be here for a reason.
19:40Who's that?
19:46Thank you very much.
19:48What was that all about?
20:14Interesting choice for a doghouse, Harry.
20:16Thought you'd appreciate the irony.
20:18Next trial's in five minutes.
20:20Trial? What's that?
20:22It's how they work out their grading.
20:24How fast they go.
20:26Whether they run better on the rail, off it.
20:28It's also a good opportunity to inspect the form.
20:32Are you OK?
20:34Eating well?
20:36Ruth's just worried about you.
20:38She's worried that you're living off crisps and canned tuna.
20:42No, the food she sent was more than enough.
20:44She'll be pleased.
20:46So, any luck tracking down our elusive Mr Kerbin?
20:48I can't talk about that, Harry.
20:50You know how it is.
20:54Thanks for coming.
20:56You'll get a bollocking when you get back.
20:58The wonder is they can afford the manpower to keep me under so much surveillance.
21:00I mean, what do they think I'm going to do?
21:02I guess it's standard procedure for someone in your position.
21:04You're living under a cloud right now.
21:06Don't come down here checking up on me, Harry.
21:12How's Wes?
21:14He's down here, you know.
21:16Father, son bonding, all that.
21:18He'd like that.
21:20It's hard for him without his mum.
21:22How are you doing?
21:28Feels like something's broken that can never be fixed.
21:32I'm selling the house.
21:34Wes and I need a clean start.
21:38Come on, let's walk.
21:44Come on.
22:02I want you to get me a copy of Kerbin's file.
22:04Everything we've got.
22:06We're missing something.
22:08I don't know what it is, but I know that we are.
22:10We've got to find it.
22:12I'm going to miss working with you.
22:14Good to meet you.
22:20The strongest connection the link analysis software found is this.
22:22Cardassia Financial Services.
22:24They buy bad debt.
22:26When you default on your credit card, they come after you for twice the amount.
22:28And Kerbin owed money on his credit card?
22:32He had three of them with over 11 grand outstanding
22:34and paid Cardassia several visits.
22:36That doesn't seem right.
22:38Mujtahid Islam are not short of wealthy sponsors.
22:40Why would they leave one of their leading lights for a load of bad debt?
22:42Surely the point of a debt recovery agency
22:44is that they come after you.
22:46Which is all very promising, because we like unusual.
22:48There's something else that doesn't seem quite right.
22:50They've got state-of-the-art firewalls.
22:52Which you'd hope for from a company that has
22:54financial and personal details of maybe thousands of people.
22:56Yes, but you wouldn't really
22:58expect them to also have eBing.
23:00Oh, well, you've lost me there.
23:04A computer that isn't linked to the outside world
23:06via a phone line presents certain problems
23:08for us to hack into.
23:10We tried using transient electromagnetic
23:12pulse emanation surveillance technology.
23:16A technique which recognises the pattern of characters on the screen
23:18via the tiny amounts of radiation they let off.
23:20Tempest can read through walls?
23:22It can read through pretty much anything.
23:24But Tempest couldn't read Cardassia's computers.
23:26No, because they have eBing,
23:28which disguises the screen with a cloud of radiation.
23:30A bit like a plane firing out chaff
23:32to fool a missile.
23:34Somewhat over the top for a debt recovery company.
23:36So, uh,
23:38who is Kervin's bailiff at Cardassia?
23:40This man.
23:42Mr Nick Pollard.
23:44He's American. Been in the country for nine months.
23:46Came here to set up Cardassia.
23:48We're running background checks on him and GCHQ
23:50are monitoring his calls, but
23:52he seems clean.
23:54A terrorist
23:56with credit card debts
23:58who visited the company to whom he owed money.
24:00And a debt collection company
24:02with technology out of all proportion to their daily activities.
24:06We focus all our attention on this Mr Pollard.
24:08Joe, you and I are going to
24:10break into his office and find out whatever he's hiding
24:12behind his little cloud in Cardassia.
24:22That's not my best angle.
24:24What were you doing?
24:26What does it look like?
24:28I'd hate to speculate.
24:30I was just making sure he was alright.
24:32Is that all?
24:34I know the protocol.
24:36Besides, I assume you've already read the transcripts, haven't you?
24:38You know the rules about contacting people
24:40facing disciplinary...
24:42Yes, of course I do, but I also know that you need to bend the rules a little bit
24:44when it comes to supporting a friend.
24:46I know this hasn't been the easiest year for you,
24:48but Adam, are you sure you're as committed
24:50to this job as you need to be?
24:52If I've given anyone any reason to doubt that,
24:54I'd like to hear it.
24:56Just don't disappoint me, that's all I'm saying.
24:58Well, that depends on what your expectations are.
25:00Now, if that's it, I've got to break into plan.
25:04Mr. Corling.
25:06The Victorian headmistress.
25:08Ruth, I need you to copy the Hulk Hogan file
25:10onto a memory card for me, discreetly, very discreetly.
25:14It's for Harry.
25:16How is he?
25:20Your contract cleaner's working for a maintenance company.
25:22Here are your IDs.
25:24Electronic swipe card.
25:26We programmed it to allow you up to the sixth floor
25:28where Pollard's offices are.
25:30Bear in mind, every doorway in this building is equipped with a scanner
25:32so security can see where everyone is at any given moment.
25:34If you go anywhere a cleaner isn't supposed to be,
25:36you'll trip an alarm.
25:38So memorize your route and stick to it.
25:48Adam, how are you doing?
25:50We're ready to go.
25:54Half the team's set.
25:58Half the three and four are in position and have vision.
26:00We are go.
26:02Repeat, we are go.
26:04Eyes on. Pollard is on the move.
26:06Adam, he's on the move.
26:08Handing over visual to Alpha 2.
26:12Target heading for west exit.
26:14Alpha 2, you in position?
26:16Affirmative, Scorpion.
26:18Let's not crowd him.
26:20Give him space, guys.
26:22Got him.
26:40The security system's logged you into the building.
26:42Go to the end of this corridor and turn left.
26:44Breaking off now.
26:50He's on course for the river.
26:54Subject heading south on grid reference 2-2-F.
27:24Alpha 3 moving to primary position.
27:32He's crossing the road.
27:36What's he doing?
27:38Alpha 5 on Alpha 3.
27:40No visual on subject.
27:44That guy's had counter-surveillance training.
27:46You can tell by the way he ties his shoelace.
27:48Show me that again, Malcolm.
27:52Zoom in.
27:54His shoelaces weren't undone.
27:56Zaph, don't let your people get too close. Pollard is on the lookout for a tail.
27:58Adam, be careful in Pollard's office.
28:00I think he's a professional.
28:08One second.
28:10He seems to have changed the code.
28:12You do surprise me.
28:14Try that.
28:16Thank you, Malcolm.
28:18I think we'll take it from here.
28:20When the future lets you down.
28:22Bravo 1.
28:24Ready for handover on grid reference 2-4-A.
28:28Roger, Bravo 1.
28:34Let's hope he hasn't changed it.
28:36Wait, don't touch anything.
28:44Everything on the desk is carefully arranged around them.
28:46To the naked eye, it just seems haphazard.
28:48They sometimes use bits of cotton
28:50and piles of clothing or papers.
28:52Either way, if we move anything, he's going to know about it.
28:54How do you know which files to download?
28:56I don't.
28:58I'm going to tell you.
29:00How do you know which files to download?
29:02I don't.
29:06Subject is on a breach.
29:08Alpha 2, proceed with caution.
29:12Everyone be careful.
29:14This breach might be the best show point in London.
29:18Subject turn 180.
29:20Alpha 2 compromised.
29:22He's turned back. Repeat, he's turned back.
29:24My whole team is now in Dublin.
29:26Adam, Pollard is on his way back.
29:28Shit, how long?
29:30It took him 2.30 to get where he was.
29:32So, I'd say two minutes.
29:34Bravo 1 to Bravo 2, stand down.
29:36Repeat, stand down.
29:38Adam, he's speeding up. I think he must be on to us.
29:40Get your stuff and go.
29:42Go on.
29:44Pollard's put a thing out of place. We're screwed.
29:48Come on, come on.
29:50He's definitely speeding up.
29:52Zaph, he needs to be slowed down.
29:54Can't do it. My team are redundant.
29:56I've got eyes on him.
29:58OK, pull out now. We can't risk Pollard catching you.
30:00No, Julia. We've got no leads to COVID
30:02other than what's on this hard drive.
30:04But if he catches you in there, we'll have nothing.
30:08He's crossing the square.
30:1030 seconds.
30:12He's coming through the front entrance.
30:1420 seconds.
30:16Got him. Crossing the lobby, Adam.
30:18Adam, pull out now. That's an order.
30:20I'm going to get as much as I can. It's our only hope.
30:22He's getting into the lift. 11 seconds.
30:24Second floor.
30:26Third floor.
30:28Adam, come on.
30:30Sixth floor. He's on your level.
30:54Nice night out.
31:00I thought you were some weirdo.
31:02I mean, I'll be your boss anymore, Ruth.
31:04There's no need to be insulting.
31:08How did you know I'd be here?
31:10A couple of months ago, I passed you
31:12standing at the bus stop in the pouring rain.
31:14I was being driven home.
31:16Too many people.
31:18I didn't want to bother you.
31:20I was standing at the bus stop in the pouring rain.
31:22I was being driven home.
31:24To my eternal shame.
31:26And now regret.
31:28I didn't stop.
31:32It's fine.
31:36I like the bus.
31:42I have something for you.
31:56Keep an eye on Adam for me.
31:58At least...
32:02Thank you.
32:22Something terrible's happened.
32:26The plan of the office for the break-in.
32:28I've just been going through everything.
32:30I can't find it anywhere.
32:32I think I left it on Pollard's desk.
32:34Well, that's it.
32:36We're dead. It's over.
32:38Oh, God.
32:42You bastard.
32:44Yeah, maybe. Sometimes.
32:48Where's Pollard's computer?
32:50Not so good, I'm afraid. There's one folder we can't crack yet.
32:52The encryption is highly sophisticated.
32:54Unusual for a civilian.
32:56I have put GCHQ on it.
32:58The rest of his files are just personal information needed for credit cards.
33:00Including information on Kerwin?
33:04You can get a pretty good idea about somebody with all this information.
33:06Spending habits, where and when he's been to certain places.
33:08Plus, credit card companies share data with different agencies.
33:10It's all here.
33:12This debt collection agency is a great way to recruit potential candidates.
33:16You think Pollard's CIA?
33:18Well, it would explain all this high-tech wizardry.
33:20You said yourself the guy was using counter-surveillance techniques.
33:22Well, why would the CIA recruit Kerwin and then ship him off to Guantanamo?
33:24Why don't you ask the CIA?
33:46I don't know what you're talking about.
33:48I don't know what you're talking about.
33:50I don't know what you're talking about.
33:52I don't know what you're talking about.
33:54I don't know what you're talking about.
33:56I don't know what you're talking about.
33:58I don't know what you're talking about.
34:00I don't know what you're talking about.
34:02I don't know what you're talking about.
34:04I don't know what you're talking about.
34:06I don't know what you're talking about.
34:08I don't know what you're talking about.
34:10I don't know what you're talking about.
34:12I don't know what you're talking about.
34:14I don't know what you're talking about.
34:16I don't know what you're talking about.
34:22I ran him through our systems.
34:24He's not one of ours.
34:26You sure about that?
34:28Juliet, we've never heard of this pollard.
34:30You want my advice? Concentrate on Kirby.
34:32Why are you wasting your time on some American businessman instead of
34:34getting your guys to work with us on the stuff that really matters?
34:36Because his name came up?
34:38Sounds like one of Harry Pierce's wild ideas.
34:40It's not.
34:42You wouldn't be trying to help him out by finding a connection where there isn't one, would you?
34:46You know me better than that, Alex.
34:48I also know that Harry isn't just another water cooler buddy to you.
34:54That's history.
34:55You sure about that?
34:57Run another check on Pollard. He's American, for God's sake. You must be able to find some dirt on him.
35:12I'm sorry.
35:15I'm sorry.
35:30Pull him up.
35:43Come on.
35:44I'm a bit rusty, but I'm pretty sure we're on our own, Harry.
36:11We've never let it down before.
36:12It's been a while.
36:13It certainly has.
36:14Not too much chocolate. I think they've been spoiling her lately.
36:17Yeah, but Jack Russell has a tendency towards portly-ness.
36:21Not in her earshot. Very sensitive.
36:26Adam, you need to see this.
36:31I was going over Kervin's link analysis files.
36:33He was prescribed painkillers last year, so I followed that trail.
36:37It turns out he had an infected tooth that required several treatments over a three-week period.
36:41It was in July of last year, the same month we have him posing for holiday snaps in that training camp.
36:45The photos are fake. Probably the best we've ever seen.
36:48We've been bloody played.
36:49Has anyone seen Harry?
36:51He's disappeared.
37:04Michael Gorman.
37:05You're a difficult man to track down.
37:07Not difficult enough, it seems.
37:09The Agency think you're in South America.
37:11Well, it's a big enough place. It ought to keep them occupied for a while.
37:16Hear about Belgrade?
37:17Three dead American construction workers.
37:19Yeah, they sent a kill team after me.
37:21Like they don't have enough to do with their time.
37:23I want to pick your brains.
37:25About Pollard?
37:26He smells like agency.
37:28Sure, but which agency? Central Intelligence? National Security?
37:32Things aren't black and white for men like this.
37:35Men like you?
37:36I'm retired.
37:37Your head of station brought you up on charges for an illegal black op and you blew up his car.
37:42Exactly what kind of pension plan do they give you for that?
37:44It's only supposed to scare him.
37:47I notice we're not talking in your cozy Thames House office over a glass of brandy.
37:52It's very difficult to get a security pass for someone who no longer exists.
37:56Sure. That and you don't have an office anymore?
37:59Word is out.
38:01That weight you like to throw around, seems like you've slimmed down, my friend.
38:07Men like Pollard? Nixon used to call them the horribles.
38:11Howard Hunt and Gordon Liddy.
38:13The Watergate burglars.
38:14Not a good day.
38:16Freelancers. Deniables.
38:18Want something dirty done? You don't want to get bit in the ass somewhere down the line?
38:22Government work?
38:23Believe me, I'd love to point the finger at the agency.
38:26This hasn't got their dirty paw prints on it.
38:29They may have trained him, but they don't own him anymore.
38:33Who does?
38:35Want to who?
38:36Look at the why.
38:38Look at Iraq.
38:40Reconstruction work.
38:41Construction contracts.
38:43Oil drilling rights.
38:45A lot of powerful people making a lot of money.
38:48You want the Middle East and they want it piece by piece.
38:51Right wing Christians, oil barons, you take your pick.
38:55But Iraq wasn't too popular.
38:57Nobody wants Iran next.
38:59Not me.
39:00Not you.
39:01Not you.
39:02Not the people or the administrations of either of our countries.
39:05We need a catalyst.
39:06What's it going to take for the British public to get behind a war in Iran?
39:10And a lot of dead bodies in Britain.
39:12Got a man like Pollard.
39:14Put him in London.
39:15Have him look for disaffected Iranians.
39:17Not terrorists maybe, not yet.
39:19But men and women of extremist sympathies.
39:22Maybe left to their own devices they're going to make some speeches.
39:26Write some articles.
39:27Go on a march.
39:28But mean it hard enough.
39:30Give him times and places and the means.
39:33You'd turn them into soldiers?
39:35Pollard already has his fall guy.
39:37His Lee Harvey Oswald.
39:39Smart money says he's arming him up as we speak.
39:42Telling him what his target is, when to pull the trigger.
39:45The legend is prepared.
39:46The patsy is ready.
39:48Whatever Pollard and his masters have planned,
39:52when it comes down,
39:54you get Pollard's boy handed to you, gift wrapped,
39:57in an Iranian flag.
39:59A new face of terrorism.
40:01And they shall have their war.
40:15Did Roscoe know what was happening?
40:17Is that why they tried to take Kervin out of the picture?
40:19Roscoe's a foot soldier.
40:21He's told only what he needs to know.
40:23I can't help thinking to forcibly remove Kervin from his house,
40:26put him into orange overalls,
40:28and attempt to transport him to Guantanamo Bay,
40:30may have just been the final push that sent him over the edge.
40:33You think Pollard said it all?
40:35I don't think we'll ever know how much influence Pollard and his superiors have.
40:39Did Joe manage to trace the neighbour who made the phone call?
40:41No. Pollard.
40:44Tipped us off? Stopped the extradition?
40:47Whether it was an unlucky coincidence or a daring ploy to get our attention,
40:50he couldn't risk having Kervin taken off the playing field.
40:53We think the photo of Kervin sent to the CIA, the one in the training camp, was a fake.
40:57Pollard's manufacturing a legend for Kervin, making him the bogeyman.
41:01If Pollard's setting Kervin up as the ultimate Iranian terrorist,
41:05what better way of getting our attention than two dead MI5 officers?
41:10Colin's still trying to decrypt the files on Pollard's hard drive.
41:13Until then, we've got no way of knowing what these two are up to.
41:15Whatever he's planning,
41:17it's got to be something big enough to drive this country into war.
41:20Big enough to sway public opinion behind an invasion of Iran.
41:23Something catastrophic.
41:25Lockerbie, Bali, World Trade Centre.
41:28It's on our doorstep.
41:30And on our watch.
41:51Bravo team, stand by. Stand by to take eyeball.
41:56Alpha One, he's gone. Repeat, he's gone.
41:59Confirming that. No sign of him.
42:01What do you mean he's gone? He can't just disappear.
42:07Ruth, Colin, CCTV. Any sign?
42:11Not yet. If we lose him, we'll have nothing.
42:29Team, join your forces. Kervin. Kervin, heading south.
42:33Alpha Two, I'm on him.
42:34They've made contact. The attack must be imminent.
42:36Alphas One to Three, stay with Kervin. I'll send backup.
42:39Four and Five, stay and find Pollard.
42:45What's the news on Kervin?
42:46He's hiding out in a cottage one hour outside London.
42:49No sign of movement.
42:50And Colin's still trying to crack the encrypted folder from Pollard's computer.
42:53Where is Pollard?
42:54At the office. Working late.
42:57Without a weapon or a target, we've got nothing.
43:01We need a smoking gun.
43:04Zav, stand down. Joe and I will take the night shifter.
43:19Kervin's on the move.
43:50Take these.
43:51What are you doing?
43:52I want you to do the looking.
43:53Better be quick. I can't see a thing.
43:56Hey, slow. Stop.
43:59Which way?
44:08OK, left hander in a hundred yards.
44:13Left or right?
44:17Left or right?
44:25Braking twenty, then sharp right.
44:29Do you want me to back you?
44:30No, not until we find him.
44:34Zav, I thought you'd gone home.
44:36Yeah, I got bored. I wanted to play with you.
44:38Twenty minutes behind you.
44:43Brake, then sharp right.
44:58OK, panic over. We've got Kervin's taillights.
45:01Well done.
45:03Adam, GCHQ have cracked Pollard's encryption.
45:05The file contains terminal blueprints and air traffic control data.
45:08Now, according to your GPS, you're two miles west of the airport.
45:13Adam, you're directly beneath transatlantic flight approach.
45:17He's marked out the approach zones to the runways.
45:19He's going to bring down a plane.
45:21Kervin's on the move.
45:22Adam, take him in.
45:23Let's go.
45:24Kervin's on the move.
45:25Adam, take him in.
45:26Let's go.
45:27Kervin's on the move.
45:28Adam, take him in.
45:29Kervin's on the move.
45:30Adam, take him in.
45:31Let's go.
45:32Ruth, keep the armed response teams back and tilt my signal.
45:34I don't want them scaring you off.
45:35Adam, I'm calling in the team.
45:37We have to find the missile. Kervin will lead us straight to it.
45:39There could be hundreds of people on that plane.
45:41I cannot have them bellying into one of the terminals.
45:43God knows what the death count would be.
45:45We won't get a second chance to find this weapon.
45:47It has to be this way.
45:48The first plane's coming in.
46:01God damn it.
46:52What was that?
46:53A radar flash for a missile.
46:54Adam, it's a surface-to-air missile.
46:56You've got 53 seconds.
46:59The missile fully charges and they can fire.
47:0240 seconds.
47:17He's got a lock on.
47:27I wouldn't.
47:2910 seconds.
47:5910 seconds.
48:20I don't think we've met.
48:25Roscoe, I'm sending the package over.
48:54What the hell is this?
48:55Where's Kervin?
48:56He was shot dead whilst attempting to commit a terrorist act.
48:58Which is why we were trying to extradite him in the first place.
49:01Except it wouldn't have happened without this man.
49:03An American citizen who is being charged under the Prevention of Terrorism Act
49:07with conspiracy and incitement to commit an act of terrorism.
49:10We'll be holding on to him too.
49:12If he's an American citizen...
49:13You want him back? You'll have to go through the proper channels.
49:18In the meantime, Alex,
49:19inform your superiors to put their own house in order
49:22before they even think about messing about in mine again.
49:39I think we've picked a surefire winner there, Wes.
49:42How about you, Adam? What have you backed?
49:44Sweet Juliet had to be really, didn't it?
49:46How about you?
49:49You don't have to offer me your job.
49:51I thought you might. What did you say?
49:52I told her they couldn't afford me.
49:54Don't tell me that my one's the undersized one.
49:57Trap five. Sweet Juliet. Yes, it is.
50:00I get the feeling I'm being set up here.
50:02You're not part of some race-fixing syndicate or something, are you?
50:05Are you in on this with him?
50:06You're one of them.
50:08Come on, Harry, which one's yours?
50:10It's a red coat.
50:11You want a red coat? That's twice the size of mine!
50:18It's time to get drunk on, Harry, Wes.
50:21Come on, Jimmy!
50:23That's bad luck. That's bad luck.
50:25Come on, Jimmy's last!
50:31Come on, Mike!
50:34£20 on the nose, a winner.
50:40That's been a really long day, Harry.
50:44Can we have another go at the dogs, Uncle Harry?
50:46I don't see why not.
50:47Maybe this time we'll let your father choose the dog.
50:49Dad doesn't know anything about dogs. He's more of a cat man.
50:53Says it all.
51:11It's good to have you back.
51:13It's good to be back.
51:15I'd better get up to speed. Lots of files to read.
51:18Wouldn't want to miss anything.
51:21Don't work too late.
51:24I'll get the last bus.
51:45Thank you.