MI5. Spooks S04 E08 - The Russian

  • 3 months ago
00:00country-wide crisis in the National Health Service has been highlighted by
00:25leaked report of planned emergency measures being put into action
00:28immediately. The report details a black hole of 100 million pounds of debt owed
00:33by London hospitals. Last night a leading consultant claimed that at least three
00:37hospital trusts in the capital are on the verge of bankruptcy. The leaked report
00:41comes as Labour backbench MP Malcolm Stackley confronted Clare Stacey,
00:45Junior Minister of Health, in a heated session at the House of Commons Select
00:49Committee on Health last night.
00:58...plugging off bankrupt hospitals to private firms who think they can make a quick buck...
01:02...this is about people having treatment free when they visit their loved ones...
01:06...they are not earning more money...
01:08...so who are these firms buying into hospitals and borrowing?
01:11...it is an open, regulated market...
01:14...will it be clogged up with barrows too?
01:46Arise ye workers from your slums...
01:50...Arise ye criminals...
01:55...for reason and revolt now fund...
02:25...how the first and the last rose...
02:29...who is the last and only...
02:33...unite the human race...
02:38...oh Hugo...
02:46...thirty years ago...
02:52...what was I saying in 1975?
02:56...no gentleman of the press?
02:58...we don't count any more Hugo...
03:01...don't bet on it...
03:06...are there other scum here?
03:08...oh Hugo, no...
03:16...please, please spare me...
03:18...tell Harry Pearce I haven't changed...
03:23...I haven't...
03:28...I keep on going over and over it to see myself standing there outside doing nothing...
03:32...you can't blame yourself, Fiona knew what she was doing...
03:35...I knew it was going to get her killed...
03:37...listen to me Jo, you can't think like that...
03:39...I know...
03:40...just imagine what Adam's going through...
03:42...I thought this job would be cool...
03:44...imagine that, cool...
03:46...but you know, sometimes it helps to stick together...
03:49...a flat...
03:51...when will you take that room after all?
03:53I don't know...
03:54...I don't know if I even want this job anymore...
03:56...oh ok, well none of us...
03:58...the personnel have got the keys if you want to look the place over...
04:00...thanks sir...
04:16...thank you...
04:32...you cannot stop the operation...
04:34...we've been told in no uncertain terms to end the investigation...
04:36...to end the surveillance and to close the whole op down...
04:39...no room for an over?
04:41...look, I thought the deal was going to happen in the autumn...
04:43...but the government have brought the whole thing forward...
04:45...to when?
04:46...the end of next week...
04:47...can they do that?
04:48...the government can do what it likes...
04:49...this deal could wreck the whole economy...
04:51...it'll be a disaster for the National Health Service...
04:53...I agree...
04:56...I'm afraid I do too...
04:58...then you must go on...
05:01...that means that MI5 in effect...
05:03...will be conducting a conspiracy against the government...
05:05...cometh the hour...
05:06...cometh the conspirators...
05:08...now let us understand our position...
05:10...if we are to fail...
05:11...then a lot of...
05:13...unpleasantness will come our way...
05:16...then we mustn't fail...
05:25...Mr Stackley...
05:26...Adam Carter...
05:27...I'm a great admirer, I hope I can help you...
05:28...well you've got to...
05:29...the whole bloody thing will go down the pan...
05:30...what thing?
05:31...the whole health service...
05:32...you mean that the...
05:33...flagging NHS hospitals to a foreign billionaire...
05:35...Howell Macmillan called it...
05:36...selling off the family silver...
05:37...shall we?
05:45...how was the oboe?
05:46Well it's just a couple of boring old commies...
05:47...what's this about selling hospitals...
05:48...what foreign billionaire?
05:50Oh come on Ruth...
05:51...what's Harry cutting me out of?
05:52I can't say...
05:54...Adam I'm sorry...
05:58...look should you be here?
06:00Busy busy, you know...
06:01...keep the gremlins away...
06:15There was a message for you...
06:16...in the cover stories voice box...
06:18...from Fiona's father...
06:22...he asks if Fiona's still coming to see them this weekend...
06:27...you haven't told them yet...
06:29...or where's...
06:31...Adam you've got to...
06:34...arrange a memorial service...
06:35No I don't want that...
06:36...I know you wanted to do the funeral alone...
06:37...but all of us here...
06:38...we want to...
06:39Well have a good cry over memoirs...
06:47...come now...
06:55...what happened?
07:11Yeah it's Adam Carter...
07:12...Miss Evershed just sent a file to Operation Songbird...
07:15...she meant for me to see it...
07:16...could you send it from the station please?
07:19Eyes only...
07:37I haven't changed anything...
07:43...thank you...
08:06Is he alive?
08:07No Hugo...
08:09...he died in 1985...
08:13I should have been told...
08:15I thought you had enough to bear...
08:30Comrade Boris Kandinsky...
08:33Comrade Boris Kandinsky...
08:37Comrade Boris Kandinsky...
08:45Go and say goodbye to Daddy...
08:49Bye bye Daddy...
08:50Bye bye, I'll see you on Saturday OK?
08:52Are we going for lunch in the ponds?
08:55Will Mum ride a boat with me?
08:57Where's I told you, no need to worry...
08:59In Egypt so she won't need to go back to the ponds?
09:04Come on you, up to bed...
09:06Wes please...
09:12I love you...
09:14Bye bye Daddy...
09:17Bye bye...
09:20So Fiona won't be here at the weekend?
09:25We have had Wes for a whole week already...
09:27I really appreciate it honestly...
09:29You and Fiona are alright?
09:32Clive please, just take her for a couple more days...
09:36Please, do it for me...
09:38Give her a big hug...
09:39Give her a big hug...
09:59So how...
10:01How do you...
10:03Are you trying to ask me how I feel?
10:06I don't know...
10:10You know we're all upset beyond anything we can say...
10:12Yeah, yeah, well...
10:14Why have you got me doing chores and taking snaps of some burnt out old traitor?
10:18Hugo Ross was one of the biggest spies for the Soviet Union ever jailed in this country...
10:23When I was a young officer I had the job of going to see him in jail, once a month...
10:26Never gave me anything...
10:28I came to admire him...
10:30A dangerous man of course...
10:33Did you let him spot you?
10:34Yeah, he shouted at me, tell Harry Pierce I've not changed...
10:38Hugo Ross, keeper of the communist faith...
10:41Harry, you've got me doing slops and I know there's something big on...
10:43Just let me get back into the...
10:44Well, I'm afraid it's slops or go to train...
10:46I don't need the sight tank...
10:47That was the order from the...
10:48What's the thinking here? Because my wife died I'm going bonkers...
10:50Adam, calm down...
10:51I need some real work, something to fill the day, fill my mind...
10:53Give me a buzz, not this Mickey Mouse stuff...
10:56Adam, stick with Hugo Ross for the moment, please...
10:59Did you get the bug in his house?
11:01Yeah, Malcolm's taking care of it...
11:04What is it with you and this old rat anyway?
11:07Okay, okay...
11:33Oleg Korsakov's life is one of the most extraordinary stories to come out of the new Russia...
11:37Mr. Korsakov never gives press interviews, but it's believed he never knew his father and mother...
11:42He was brought up in a state orphanage in the Russian city of Gorky...
11:46But recently the American magazine Wealth Watch placed him as the third richest man in the world...
11:51After the collapse of Soviet Russia he suddenly emerged as a brilliant entrepreneur...
11:56He was accused by some of using brutal and illegal means...
11:59But for a while he was fated as a hero of the new Russia...
12:02Then in 2001 the Kremlin launched an investigation into his business empire...
12:07He was charged with fraud and massive tax evasion...
12:10Then last year the charges were suddenly dropped...
12:13Mr. Korsakov came to live in Britain...
12:15World Russia panelist Roger Vindner is with me in the studio...
12:18Roger, one foreign investor owing so much in Britain...
12:21Good or bad for the country?
12:26Anything interesting?
12:29It's an old movie...
12:36Dockhouse, two hours...
13:03Adam, you look terrible...
13:05Ask Harry for a few days off...
13:07Go home...
13:10Operation Songbird, Oleg Korsakov...
13:12God, Adam, how do you know?
13:13You know me, things passing through my skin...
13:16You want to tell me, you know you do...
13:20We were given a tip-off...
13:22Oleg Korsakov may be running a mall at GCHQ Cheltenham...
13:25Who's the tip-off?
13:26Malcolm Stackley...
13:27How does he know?
13:28He's obsessed with Korsakov...
13:30He had a suspicion...
13:31Which turned out to be true...
13:32Looks likely...
13:33Who's the mall?
13:36Her name is Sally Curtis...
13:37She's an analyst on a commercial desk...
13:39What's she like?
13:40She's single, likes clubbing, though she's in her early thirties...
13:43Getting a bit old for it...
13:44Gets wasted on the weekends, but sees her mother on Tuesdays...
13:46So, good girl, bad girl...
13:48What's she selling?
13:49Information on British and American firms in the health sector...
13:52Deep financial analysis...
13:54How's she dropping the material?
13:55Electronically, from her computer...
13:57Through GCHQ files?
13:59Is that possible?
14:00Korsakov could afford the best IT in the world...
14:03How did he turn off Sally?
14:09So what, Korsakov seduced her?
14:12No, he sent a pro...
14:13Real stud...
14:14Picked her up in a club...
14:16They meet in a London hotel that Korsakov owns...
14:18She's blown, why haven't you lifted her yet?
14:22Oleg Korsakov is about to make a huge investment in the NHS...
14:25Not directly in his name, of course...
14:27But through various companies he owns...
14:28So the public don't know?
14:29Treatment's free...
14:30Ministers assume people won't care who owns the hospitals...
14:32Blowed great chunks of it off to a crook...
14:34It's just, you can suddenly not recognise the country you're living in...
14:36Calm down...
14:37Can this Korsakov do anything he wants?
14:38Governments see him as a saviour...
14:41But the nightmare is that Korsakov may do in Britain what he did in Russia...
14:44Asset strip, sell off...
14:47Goodbye NHS...
14:49Ruth, if Korsakov's the golden goose...
14:51What does the government think about us trying to bring him down?
14:55They've told us to stop...
14:57A direct order?
14:58From the cabinet, yes...
15:02And Harry and Julio?
15:03Have said, carry on...
15:08It's desperate...
15:09The government are going to sign a deal with Korsakov next week...
15:13So M05 are deliberately trying to wreck a government policy?
15:18Isn't that illegal, is it?
15:20So illegal it's very nearly treason...
15:23Very nearly treason...
15:26Why hasn't Harry told me this?
15:43Oh no...
15:44He shouldn't be here, should he?
15:45Let him in...
15:49Friendly visit...
15:50Friendly visit...
15:53Donuts anyone?
15:55Look, Zev...
15:56I know you're running this in the field...
15:57I'm just here out of interest, that's all...
16:03That's Korsakov...
16:04The whole top floor of the hotel is reserved for him...
16:06His technology's a nightmare...
16:07He's turned the entire top floor into a high-tech paradise...
16:10It's a very advanced version of a Faraday cage...
16:12Can stop any hostile signal getting in or out...
16:15You've found a way of getting through it, though...
16:17Practically, I've no idea...
16:18It's the boyfriend...
16:19He's going to meet Oleg Korsakov...
16:20This should be interesting...
16:21He's switching the cage on...
16:26So he must know we're bugging...
16:28You can't risk it, you've got to pick up Sally Curtis...
16:29It's not on our brief...
16:30The neutralizers are out of place...
16:31Just pick her up, I can't turn her...
16:32Adam, I need you to step out...
16:34You and I both know you're not meant to be anywhere near this op...
16:36Adam, I think Zev's right...
16:38You shouldn't be here...
16:53I'm sorry I spoke to you like that...
16:54No, no...
16:55You were right...
16:58You should know...
17:01I'm going to resign from the service...
17:05Because my wife died?
17:08If I can still do this job, so can you...
17:12How can you bear it?
17:14You just try to lead a normal life...
17:15Is this normal?
17:17All I know is...
17:20If I left, I'd be nothing...
17:24Right now you're still an MI5 officer on duty, get back in there...
17:40Oleg Koskov left the hotel an hour and a half ago...
17:42What about the boyfriend?
17:43He's still inside...
17:47We've got an arrival on Sully Curtis...
17:50Harry, are you sure you don't want us to lift her after all?
17:53No, repeat, no...
17:54Continue to observe...
17:55Will do...
17:56Delta 6 out...
17:59Maybe Adam should be at Tring...
18:00He doesn't want to go...
18:03We're running out of time to crack Korsakov...
18:06You need Adam...
18:08You need his instinct...
18:10With Adam in his present condition, you think you can really trust his instinct?
18:12I know he's not his usual...
18:13charming self...
18:16He needs to work to save himself...
18:17Save himself?
18:18What, at the expense of national security?
18:20I can't take the risk...
18:22If this arm fails, we could all go to jail...
18:26I'll always trust Adam...
18:28He's a friend...
18:29In this job, Ruth, none of us have friends...
18:31Colleagues who we'd die for...
18:33But no friends...
18:43I'm sorry...
19:06It's Diana, boyfriend...
19:08Here they go...
19:13Let's go...
20:11Stay on it...
20:13What's he doing here?
20:14I'll show you another...
20:17Who the hell do you think you are?
20:18My name is John, and I'm MI5...
20:21Sally, you've been hit...
20:22The man you were with has injected you with something...
20:24I've got to get you to hospital...
20:25You're crazy!
20:26Listen to me!
20:27You've been passing GCHQ product onto Oleg Korsakov...
20:29Yes, Sally?
20:32You're MI5...
20:33It's alright, it's alright...
20:34I'm sorry, what have I done?
20:35It's alright, we can help you...
20:36Just tell us what you know, right?
20:40Who did you say you are?
20:42My name's John, and I'm MI5...
20:44Five what?
20:46What the hell are you doing?
20:47She's been hit!
20:48Ambulance, now!
20:49Sally! Sally!
20:50It's an emergency call...
20:51Just say something, just say something, Sally...
20:53I'm sorry...
20:54Who did you say you are?
21:05The drug they injected her with was anoxide diethylamide...
21:09It was developed during the Cold War, we made it at Porton Down...
21:13It was assumed the Soviets did too, in the KGB's Minsk laboratories...
21:18It was a prototype for a battlefield weapon...
21:20And it?
21:21It destroys the frontal lobe memory centres of the cerebrum...
21:23It wipes her memory?
21:26A drug that wipes your mind?
21:28Is there any hope that...
21:29There is an antidote, but it's a prototype, and it's too late for Sally...
21:33Adam was right, Harry...
21:35You should have lifted her...
21:36In the matter of Adam Carter...
21:38How did he find out about Songbird and Oleg Korsakov?
21:40One of you told him...
21:42I don't want to know who, but it was misplaced loyalty...
21:45This is a very dangerous operation for the country, and particularly for this service...
21:49I want no more indiscipline...
21:59Adam, you know how much we all sympathise with you...
22:01But you joined an operation without orders to do so...
22:03Yes, I did...
22:04You are on compulsory leave, in training...
22:06No, I don't need the psych tank...
22:07Then the DG will dismiss you from the service...
22:09What does Hugo Ross have to do with Oleg Korsakov?
22:11I know there's a connection somewhere...
22:13Adam, give yourself time...
22:14I beg you, as a friend...
22:16You told me once in this job, we can't have friends...
22:26The government have granted Korsakov British citizenship...
22:29His application has been fast-tracked...
22:31The usual back-channel from the Home Secretary's office...
22:34No time...
22:36Are we anywhere near a hard evidence?
22:38I would have thought running a murder at GCHQ and all but murdering her was evidence enough...
22:42We need a smoking gun, Harry...
22:44Why is the government so far up the behind of this Russian billionaire?
22:49Have you picked anything up?
22:56It's not new information, it's more of a rethink after a heavy discussion...
22:59With whom?
23:00With whom?
23:01It was put to me at a very high level...
23:03The public has no idea how bad the NHS situation is...
23:06Hospitals are going to have to close their doors right across the country...
23:10The great unspeakable truth at the heart of British politics is the NHS is collapsing...
23:14We know that, so why are you telling us?
23:16Because I have to tell you that I agree with Downing Street...
23:21I can't be party to what you're doing...
23:26What we are doing?
23:28You told us about Korsakov, you asked us to start Songbird...
23:31I was wrong...
23:32Korsakov has assured the Prime Minister of his moral standing...
23:35He's the only hope of the NHS, that's clear to me...
23:40Is it?
23:42What have they offered you, you shabby little man?
23:45Don't take that tone with me...
23:47I'm an elected representative, you two are just servants...
23:52Stop the operation as you were told to do...
23:54And leave Korsakov alone...
23:57And don't be reckless...
24:02What are you going to do?
24:04Be reckless...
24:05We've got 48 hours at the most before the JIC start checking up on what we're doing...
24:10You're going to have to entrap Korsakov fast...
24:13I've been thinking of a way...
24:15What can you possibly want from him after all these years?
24:18This is a courtesy call...
24:20From British counterintelligence...
24:24Harry, what am I doing here?
24:26I want your fresh eyes and ears...
24:29You're going to work with him...
24:36Harry Pearce...
24:40The sight of enemies embracing each other embarrasses your young companion...
24:44Oh, forgive me, this is Zephyr Eunice...
24:46Mr Eunice, you must understand that during the so-called Cold War...
24:51We could salute each other across the ideological divide...
24:53And sometimes kill each other...
24:55But it's a war...
24:58I enjoyed your visits...
25:00Why did you stop coming?
25:01You cease to be of importance...
25:06I think so...
25:08Fascinated by the sight of the dinosaur let out of his cave, Zephyr?
25:11I read up about you...
25:13Did you indeed?
25:14House and hamster teeth this size have got to be worth what?
25:17Two million?
25:18The housing market is disgusting...
25:20Deeply immoral...
25:22Oh, I don't know...
25:23Houses have to be bought and sold somehow...
25:25Oh, no they don't...
25:26Shelter is a human right...
25:28Housing should be held in common and given when needed...
25:31You mean concrete council tower blocks for all?
25:39Well, this is very entertaining...
25:41But did you really come to talk housing policy?
25:45Boris Kandinsky?
25:48Boris Kandinsky...
25:49Was Mr Ross's control?
25:51My KGB contact at the Russian embassy...
25:53To whom you sold information that cost the lives of British agents?
25:56And saved many others...
25:58You were a fast-tracked civil servant in the Ministry of Defence...
26:01And you gave Kandinsky the names of agents in the Soviet missile programme...
26:05The KGB executed them...
26:07What I did helped to keep the nuclear stalemate between West and East...
26:11The KGB executed the men you betrayed...
26:15Terrible times require terrible things to be done...
26:20Forgive me, Mr Ross...
26:22To my generation, communism is all propaganda and gobbledygook...
26:281985 when he died, wasn't it?
26:31Yes, then...
26:32Did you know he had a son?
26:33No, Boris never married...
26:35He always felt that as a KGB officer in the field, he might make himself vulnerable...
26:38Oh, he married...
26:39His wife was kept away from Moscow...
26:41They never appeared in public together...
26:43She died about a year after he did...
26:46And the son?
26:47Took another name...
26:48Had a cover story as an orphan...
26:50He's hugely successful...
26:51Oleg Korsakov...
26:53The entrepreneur?
26:54The man who stole half the Soviet shipbuilding industry?
26:58That rabid young dog of a capitalist is Boris' son?
27:02He's acquired many businesses in this country...
27:04Amongst them, a chain of hotels...
27:06He has his London headquarters in one...
27:08The Excelsior...
27:11You should give him a call...
27:13Why do you think that I would do anything to them if I suggested?
27:16Well, aren't you fascinated?
27:18I mean, one's a spy...
27:43Morning, sir...
27:46Mr. Carter...
27:48I'm Diana Jewell...
27:49Yeah, entering, I know...
27:51If we could just do the formalities, then we can show you to your room...
27:55Do you have any reading material with you?
27:59Well, you have to surrender them...
28:00We don't want you to have distractions...
28:03Are you fond of Jane Austen?
28:06She noticed things...
28:07And do you have a mobile phone?
28:12Jonathan will show you to your room...
28:33Can I call you Adam?
28:35Familiarity, first step...
28:40Tell me...
28:41What's the most attractive thing about being a spy?
28:44You won't get anywhere with me, you know...
28:46I helped devise the MI6 interrogators course...
28:50We fit?
28:53You're the mind breaker, I'm the mind healer...
28:58The most attractive thing about being a spy...
29:01The most attractive thing about spying is telling lies...
29:04Did you just tell one?
29:10And how deep does your lying go?
29:13How do you mean?
29:14Do you lie to yourself?
29:16Of course, every time you go in the field you have to leave your real self in the box...
29:20But do you lie to yourself?
29:22About what?
29:23Your love for your dead wife...
29:26I don't lie about that...
29:28How do you know?
29:31I don't lie about that...
29:33Are you sure?
29:34I don't lie about that...
29:39But you lie to yourself about her being dead...
29:48What about his blocking device?
29:49Not turned on yet...
29:50It's common protocol...
29:52Gives people like me less time to crack it...
29:55What is this error?
30:04What's he talking about?
30:07This guy is meant to be the financial master of the universe...
30:09The guy the government thinks is going to rescue the NHS...
30:11He's the boy...
30:12Which is exactly why we've been told not to do what we're doing...
30:14I mean, of course, I will break the fingers of little children in Taiwan any day...
30:19But for good product, useful product...
30:21Like rabbit chickens...
30:23No, don't laugh...
30:24I have sold rabbit chickens in Siberia...
30:28Here we go...
30:31Hugo Ross...
30:32He's in...
30:33What passes have Evans through to you?
30:35Two thousand dollars a pair...
30:53I am so glad you called me...
30:56You're kind, Mr Kandinsky...
30:59No, no, no, no...
31:00You must call me Gorsakov...
31:04Your old dreads knew all about false names...
31:07Trotsky's name wasn't Trotsky, Lenin's wasn't Lenin...
31:12The new Russia...
31:14The Soviet Union...
31:16Best and present glories of the Muslim...
31:19I can drink to that...
31:25When you telephoned and asked to see me...
31:28I had something sent from Moscow...
31:33What is it?
31:44The highest battlefield honor of the Soviet Union...
31:48You were awarded it in 1975...
31:51And were sentenced to jail...
31:53It could not be announced, of course...
31:56The Soviet authorities never acknowledged their agent's public...
32:00The order of the Red Banner...
32:07Police... Sentimental men...
32:10Harry, what are you after?
32:16So, Hugo...
32:18Now that you're a free man...
32:20What are you going to do?
32:22What can I do?
32:23I'm 73...
32:25And what the Americans call an ex-con...
32:27Who will employ me?
32:29I will...
32:32I can always find work for ruthless men...
32:36I don't mean to offend you, but I know what you've done to Russia...
32:40The asset stripping of the state-owned industries, the corruption...
32:43People unemployed in their millions...
32:46And the socialism...
32:48Unemployment was unknown in Russia...
32:52Six men to open one hotel door...
32:54You Russian capitalists...
32:58So-called masters of the world...
33:00You're gangsters...
33:02You've stolen Russia...
33:04You have become the enemy your father sought to destroy...
33:07The old man's got guts...
33:09Beautiful, beautiful...
33:11This is exactly why you're here...
33:17I have job for you...
33:22Malcolm, I've adjusted the phasing, this time we'd...
33:25Oh no...
33:31Damn it...
33:47Anyone fancy a beer?
33:55Freddie Frost!
33:56How are you doing?
33:57I didn't know you were in here...
33:59Yeah, it was after the Beirut business...
34:01That was...
34:02Yeah, a while ago...
34:04But I'm doing well...
34:06Look, there is a grapevine even in here...
34:12I was gutted when I heard...
34:16Fancy that beer?
34:19My drug regimen, you know?
34:22I'll see you later...
34:24See you...
34:27Why am I shut up with nutters?
34:29You're not shut up, you're free to leave...
34:31You're not free to go back in the service...
34:33Also, the guests here are all distinguished intelligence officers, like yourself...
34:37My problem, if I have a problem, is grief, ordinary common grief...
34:40And how are you dealing with it?
34:42That doesn't concern you...
34:44But it does concern the service...
34:46The security of the state depends on my state of mind...
34:48Doesn't it?
34:49That's too much to lay on me...
34:50But your job does lay it on you...
34:54Have you told your son his mother's dead?
34:57Have you told her parents?
35:12So, Korsakov has got the better of you and the whiz techies of C-Department...
35:15At this point in time, this is the worst day of my life...
35:19Well, it's not over yet...
35:20Fix it...
35:30You're not ready to leave, Adam...
35:32If I stay here, I never will be...
35:34I'll end up babbling about some bar in Beirut...
35:38How do you know if I'm over it? Here, anyway...
35:40Only you will know that...
35:42And you don't, do you?
35:44Do you?
35:46So long, Diana...
35:48Thanks for the rest...
35:51You went to see Oleg Korsakov...
35:53Meaning you listened to our conversation in the hotel room?
35:58Like the old days...
36:00Enter an empty room and say, hello...
36:02What did you think of the job he offered me?
36:04We didn't hear...
36:06His anti-bugging devices defeated us...
36:10Just like his father...
36:12Always one step ahead of the game...
36:16Impeccable manners...
36:20Very attractive...
36:24Wants me to write his father's biography...
36:26Did you agree?
36:28Certainly not...
36:30He offered me an advance of $100,000...
36:32These westerners, they think they can buy anyone...
36:35I want to buy you, Hugo...
36:37But not with money...
36:39I've got something very urgent to talk to you about...
36:42I should ask you to sign the Official Secrets Act, really, but...
36:47These are highly sensitive documents...
36:51Go back to Tring...
36:53What's the link between Boris Kandinsky and Oleg Korsakov?
36:58Ruth, come on, this is me, this is what I do...
37:01Oleg's father...
37:03Was Boris Kandinsky...
37:05The KGB agent that recruited Hugo Ross?
37:10I'm sure you know who he is...
37:12I don't...
37:14I don't...
37:16I don't...
37:18I don't...
37:20So Harry's had Hugo in mind all along, just in case it became useful...
37:24Harry, what the fuck...
37:29I want you to persuade Harry to take me back on the Ark, talk to him...
37:33Do this for me...
37:38I need this...
37:46We have no time...
37:47He's going to sign a contract with the government in three days, he's going to totally destroy the NHS...
37:51Why don't you shoot him in the back of the neck?
37:53Oh, sorry...
37:55The veneer of bourgeois democracy doesn't permit that...
37:57What we need is information that will completely discredit him, something concrete, final...
38:02Hugo, I'm asking you to fight the good fight...
38:05Against capitalism, as you always have...
38:07I need you to bring down Korsakov...
38:11You're recruiting me?
38:13To work for MI5?
38:18All right...
38:21I'll do it...
38:23Well, that Korsakov is a disgrace to his father's memory...
38:28Better see how rusty I am at the game...
38:32We'll babysit...
38:34Zaffer, I'm going to leave him with you...
38:38Welcome back...
38:48Where is he now?
38:50In the canteen...
38:52I've had Diana Jewell on the phone, she wants her star inmate back...
38:57All right, ask him to come up...
39:01You need me to go in undercover with Ross...
39:03Zaff's doing that...
39:05He's not experienced enough...
39:09All right, if Zaff's undercover, who's riding shotgun?
39:11You know it should be me...
39:13You need me to do this, and I need to do it...
39:14Do you know what will happen if we fail on this?
39:16We are acting against the explicit instructions of the cabinet...
39:21Very well, time is of the essence, get up to speed...
39:35We have visuals, we have audio, game plan on...
39:38All right, we screw this up and part of England disappears...
39:45Who's this?
39:47This is Sikandar Khan, we met in jail...
39:49Mr. Khan is going to be my secretary...
39:51Very bright boy...
39:53What were you in prison for, Sikandar?
39:55Identity theft...
39:57State of the art criminal...
40:00Forgive this, it's...
40:04It's not my fault...
40:06It's not your fault...
40:08It's not your fault...
40:10It's not your fault...
40:12It's not your fault...
40:14It's not your fault...
40:22Comrade Ross is catching up with the modern world...
40:45What is this for?
40:47Personal use...
40:49Violent man, are you?
40:51When it's personal...
40:57Interesting company you keep, Hugo...
41:00You know where you are with criminals...
41:03Let in like bank robbers...
41:07So, we have material here, it's a family archive, it's got right there...
41:10So, we have material here, it's a family archive, it's got right there...
41:14To my great-great-grandfather...
41:16He was in the Tsar's secret palace...
41:19See, the blood that flows in me, it will flow in your book...
41:22I have cleared the whole day...
41:24We will organize a book, chapter one...
41:26Of my childhood and my father...
41:29The ego explodes...
41:31My mother told me of the night Stalin died...
41:34My father left...
41:36The great helmsman was dead...
41:38That man has talked seven hours non-stop...
41:41She deported him for yapping...
41:43That's all we've got on him so far...
41:45Hugo and Zaffer have got to get him to blow off about the NHS takeover...
41:48I want him here...
41:50Which he was...
41:52Good, good...
41:54What does that?
41:56A drink?
41:58Mr. Ross tells me you're one of Moscow's sharpest operators...
42:01Stole half of Russia...
42:03Yes, Oleg...
42:05Why aren't you in prison?
42:07Where the other robber barons of the 1990s are...
42:12My father had close friends...
42:17To the Kremlin...
42:19But doesn't that fly in the face of everything your father believed in?
42:21I told you, my father is hero to me...
42:23How can that be?
42:26I am continuing his work...
42:28Is this it?
42:30Go on...
42:32Go on, tell us...
42:34My father wanted to change the vest...
42:36So do I...
42:38Change? In what way?
42:41Ironic, isn't it?
42:43What my father and all the communist armies, institutions of the state, KGB...
42:49Could not do...
42:51I can...
42:53Exactly what do you mean?
42:57No, no, no...
42:59I have gone far enough, Hugo...
43:01This session has been delightful...
43:03Oh, no...
43:05Are you sure there's nothing else you want to discuss?
43:07I think we have covered nearly everything from first day...
43:10Get writing, my friend...
43:12It will be more than biography of my father...
43:15It will be the great Russian novel of our time...
43:17But a real story...
43:19Is there nothing we can do?
43:21Ross' mobile number, you got it?
43:23Dial it now...
43:25Excuse me...
43:29Mr. Ross, this is your estate agent here...
43:31It's about the quote we gave you...
43:33I'm afraid it's not working...
43:35No, absolutely...
43:37I'm in a meeting at the moment, so I'll return your call...
43:40See if you got a message...
43:42Message? What message?
43:44Pushy estate agent...
43:46I'm selling my house...
43:48Joining the world of property speculation...
43:51Welcome to the club...
43:53Hugo Ross, you are a born field agent...
43:55What have you done?
43:57There's something else I want to join...
44:01Your organization...
44:03Hugo, I don't think...
44:09Here comes the cage...
44:11Theory become reality, please, please...
44:14Is it working?
44:16I always kept this quiet, but I had doubts about a backup system...
44:20I've done it, success is within...
44:26This man...
44:28Is an MI5 officer...
44:36I don't know, kill him...
44:38What is this?
44:40MI5 gave me no alternative...
44:42They sent me in here with this boy to mind me...
44:45This child!
44:47I want to join you because I am sick of what your father represented...
44:50I've paid my dues...
44:5230 years in prison...
44:54It's a new world, new delights...
44:56I want to join you because I am sick of what your father represented...
44:59I've paid my dues...
45:0130 years in prison...
45:03It's a new world, new delights...
45:05I want a decadent old age...
45:07And what use can you be to me?
45:09I can be your mole in MI5, I can walk out of this room your creature...
45:12And what about your minder?
45:14He can walk out too...
45:16Put him in a car, drive him somewhere quiet...
45:18And lose him...
45:20I'll say that he disappeared...
45:22MI5 are desperate to have me close to you...
45:26You want to be double agent?
45:31My age...
45:42I lived with security services in Russia...
45:45That close to me...
45:47Spies are just molecules in the air I breathe...
45:50You're nothing but a cheap criminal...
45:52I am new breed of merchant which will change the world...
45:55Your father thought he could change the world...
45:57Democratic government stopped him...
45:59Democratic government, thieves and bigmy's...
46:02What they think, my billions was enough...
46:05To save their pathetic socialistic health service...
46:08I will squeeze it for profit...
46:10Strip it bare...
46:12If hospital is on valuable land, sell it...
46:14Let there be casino...
46:16Let the market work...
46:21I'll inject him...
46:23I'll destroy his mind, like I did to the wretched girl at GCHQ...
46:27That's it, send him in...
46:29Delta 6 to Mercury 1, activate all units...
46:38A triple agent, Hugo?
46:40What ambition...
46:42You're a disgrace to the memory of your father...
46:44Under your country...
46:46And you're a speck of dust up the chimney of history...
46:54Go there, go there...
47:07Sir, all right?
47:09He's been hit with a needle...
47:12What is it?
47:18OK, Sergeant, this is great work, thanks...
47:20I'll just have a look around...
47:38MI5 agent, estate agent...
47:41It's great, great work...
47:43Welcome back...
47:50Thanks, thanks Harry...
48:05Welcome back...
48:29Malcolm, are you all right with that last bit of tape?
48:38So, how's Adam Carter?
48:40Back to his old self?
48:41I'm not so sure...
48:43Although Diane Jewell has given him a clean bill of health...
48:45Oh, good...
48:46Actually, she was rather gushing about him...
48:49And Korsakov?
48:51Well, he arrived back in Moscow three hours ago, where he was arrested at the airport...
48:55Bundled into an unmarked van...
48:57Someone at the Kremlin must have seen those hotel tapes...
49:00But now the Korsakov deal has fallen through...
49:02Money to save the NHS has to come from somewhere...
49:05So, they're going to put 5p on the basic rate of income tax...
49:09Oh my God...
49:10I know Harry, what have we done?
49:17We're selling the house...
49:19We want to live in France...
49:21Can you help us with the French authorities?
49:22My record...
49:23I'm sure...
49:26I'll leave you...
49:29Why the change on the house?
49:30Oh, it's for her...
49:31How's Zafar?
49:33Yes, he did well...
49:34A good little bourgeois spy in the making...
49:36I'm pleased with him...
49:37What of our other friend?
49:39The transcripts of your discussions have been delivered to all members of the cabinet...
49:43There is a general shock...
49:45The Minister of Health's career is looking, shall we say, sickly...
49:48It is true that men make their own history...
49:51But not always just as they please...
49:54The dead past lies like a nightmare on the minds of the living...
50:00You know, I really thought...
50:01When you visited me as a young man while I was in jail, that I could turn you...
50:05But you turned me in the end...
50:07Not really...
50:08You wanted Korsakov destroyed too...
50:12The minds of the living...
50:15Who said that?
50:17Karl Marx...
50:21To the 20th Congress of the Party of the Soviet Union...
50:26It was that that made me join them...
50:31Who made that speech?
50:36The antidote!
50:37It's failing!
50:39Why are you looking like that?
50:40Hugo, what is this?
50:41I think I can remember...
50:43Remember what it was I believed in...
50:46Hugo, what is the first line of the Communist Manifesto?
50:48A spectre is haunting Europe...
50:52A spectre of...
50:54Of what?
50:56Look straight ahead now...
50:57Four litres of O2, nurse...
50:58What is your name, sir?
50:59Can you answer me?
51:00What's your name, sir?
51:01Her first name is...
51:19I'm so sorry...
51:21In God's name...
51:23What kind of a world are you people living in?
51:27We need to know how she died, Adam!
51:31I can't tell you much...
51:36She died in the line of service...
51:39Protecting the people she loved...
51:41Were you there?
51:47Did she...
51:50Say anything before she...
51:54She said, look after Wes...
52:01There'll be a memorial service at the...
52:04At the Foreign Office Chapel...
52:07It'll have to be private because of security...
52:21I'm going to tell him now...
52:30I'm going to tell him...