MI5. Spooks S02 E09 - Seventh Division

  • 3 months ago
00:01The money from that agent of mine.
00:03Is it safe?
00:04The money's safe.
00:06Tess has been running Phantom Agents.
00:09I'm sorry, Tess.
00:11I'm going to throw you to the wolves.
00:12Do you want to go out with me, or do you want to get into Tom and Harry's good books?
00:15First bit.
00:16Thought you'd never ask.
00:17No fraternising with foreign operatives, even if they are friendless.
00:20You and I both know there's no such thing in our world.
00:22The next time I see you, you're a single man.
00:31ETA, Dover in half an hour.
00:32All units continue to stand by.
00:34Status report, please, Whiskey 7. Over.
00:36In position, Alpha 1.
00:39It's the final of my son's football tournament tonight.
00:41Is he any good?
00:44He's absolute crap.
00:47But he loves it.
00:48So I tell him he's the next Thierry Henry.
00:52You've got kids, haven't you?
00:53Yeah, I've got two.
00:54Zoe and Danny.
00:55Zoe's great.
00:56She's great.
00:57She's too clever for her own good sometimes.
00:58Danny's at a difficult age.
01:00He's always getting into trouble.
01:08Listen, I really need to take a leak.
01:11If you want decent reception, you need to go right up into the field.
01:16You want to check up on the kids?
01:20It's okay, but don't be too long.
01:23Back in a sec.
01:36Twenty-three calls.
01:37Male deer, four.
01:47Status report from Braveheart Control.
01:49Still awaiting Charlotte Cartel shipment.
01:50We'll confirm when it arrives.
01:52My ETA at the Dover safe house is 0200 hours.
01:54Three pronged spear, seven letters.
01:58Well, it's Trident, isn't it?
02:49And their faces, Harry.
02:51Three lives taken in that matter of minutes.
02:53Spanish warned us.
02:54Sit down, Tom.
02:55It's eight lives.
02:56We need another surveillance van as well.
02:58And the customs and excise officer supposedly undercover was found on a beach near Deal.
03:02Compared to him, the others were lucky.
03:05I think I'm being so clever gate-crushing on a customs and excise operation,
03:08try and skim off a Charlotte Cartel soldier, and then they do this.
03:10They are miles ahead of us already.
03:12Where's their number one? Where's Raffer?
03:13He's lying low in a hotel while others do his dirty work.
03:15We've been watching him for a week. What have we learned?
03:18Apart from a little Colombian girlfriend who seems to use the R&R.
03:22It's already eight nil to Raffer.
03:24We need a breakthrough fast.
03:25But we mustn't cut corners.
03:26Colombians, cartels.
03:28A friend of mine in six who was out in Bogota was telling me...
03:32Good morning, Minister.
03:36Thanks. Bye.
03:38What are our colleagues in Spain saying, sir?
03:39Told you so.
03:40Well, there must be more than that. Get back on to Julio.
03:42Promise him dinner. Promise him you'll marry him.
03:44Promise him anything.
03:45I need you to do something for me.
03:47Charlotte Cartel couldn't have set up this ambush without collusion.
03:49I need you to look at everyone who could have provided them with information.
03:51It will take a little time.
03:52Fast as possible, please.
03:56Thank you.
04:00Raffer Morientes.
04:06Don't ask if I'm OK.
04:07I wasn't going to.
04:12You know what's going to happen this morning, Zoe?
04:15An 11-year-old kid who last night thought he was Thierry Henry
04:18will be told that his mother has been murdered.
04:21Tom, I spoke to Julio again, and it's bad.
04:25I think we should get everyone to hear this.
04:30You know, when the news first came in, we weren't sure if you were with them in the van,
04:33so that's why everybody's asking if you're OK.
04:36I know.
04:40The Spanish disco bomb, three months ago.
04:42The ETA blaster killed 30 teenagers.
04:44Except it wasn't ETA.
04:45The blast came immediately after the deportees had left.
04:47So we give London to the Charla Cartel or they turn Bournemouth into Bali?
04:50You can see the temptation for them.
04:52London's got the fastest-growing Colombian community outside of Madrid,
04:55and, of course, the hugely lucrative drugs market.
04:57We must do something, and fast. I just got off the phone to the Home Office.
05:00They've authorised additional resources.
05:02We must make this our number-one priority. They're very jumpy.
05:05And with good reason.
05:06If the Charla Cartel have that sort of firepower in Spain,
05:08they are certain to have it here.
05:10We make this strictly a need-to-know from now on, even the Home Office.
05:16There's never a right time for this sort of thing, Bertrand.
05:18I'm dealing with it, Harry.
05:19Have you spoken to Christie?
05:20I said, I'm dealing with it.
05:29This is Echo Two. I've got Rafa. He's on the move.
05:32All watchers in position.
05:34We will shoot when the second group is in position.
05:37This is Rafa. He's on the move.
05:39All watchers in position.
05:41We will shoot when the second group is in position.
05:43Bravo Three to Alpha Team. Visual in taxi.
05:46Identifying target.
05:47Here is Rafa. He's in the ground.
06:01That's all I asked you to do.
06:02I don't like meeting humans.
06:05So go. No more complaining.
06:11OK, take the girl, Bravo Three.
06:15Bravo Five, take Rafa.
06:17Let's send the bin men in.
06:20All watchers in position.
06:33Hold on. She's getting into a car.
06:35Bentley 60CJN. Identification, please.
06:39Hello, Mariela.
06:41Looking as lovely as ever.
06:43Thank you, Rafa.
06:46So the Bentley belongs to Ross Vaughan,
06:48finance director of Petcal UK.
06:51Can anybody tell me why one of our leading oil executives
06:54is giving a lift to the girlfriend of one of our leading narco-terrorists?
06:58This is the infamous Shala,
07:00provincial capital of a lawless region.
07:02Mountains, jungle, left-wing guerrillas,
07:04right-wing paramilitaries, drug lords, American special forces.
07:07OK, I'll cancel the holiday. What's the link?
07:09If you want to build a pipeline from the Colombian oil fields to a seaport,
07:12you can't avoid Shala.
07:13So you need protection.
07:14During the 1980s, the most senior Petcal executive in Colombia was...
07:19...Ross Vaughan.
07:20So Rafa and Vaughan are old mates?
07:22He bought protection from the Shala cartel.
07:24Now they're getting protection from him.
07:26Another reason why the Shala cartel see London as a window of opportunity.
07:29So what have we got on the girlfriend?
07:31She only ever goes to the gym.
07:33No friends, family, no letters from home,
07:35even as an MBA caused by correspondence.
07:37Stay on her. We've got two targets now.
07:39She links both of them.
07:40Can we get some tea? Where the hell's Sam?
07:54Hello. Yes, it's about the pantop you're advertising.
07:57I want to know a little bit more about games capacity.
08:00Does it have giraffe?
08:02And hardball?
08:05Yeah, I understand. When?
08:11Take a look at these guys, Tom.
08:12They're a few of the Colombians who work as cleaners for Petcal.
08:15These names check out against a list of Shala cartel members sent to us from Spain.
08:19One of them matches a man Rafa met on the first day of surveillance.
08:22It's a perfect cover for them.
08:24A bit risky for Vaughan having them on his doorstep, isn't it?
08:26Yeah, but he's on the 25th floor. They're in the basement.
08:28The director of finance can't be expected to even know the names of the cleaning staff.
08:31So the basement is where they plan their drug drops and casual massacres.
08:34If we can get in there, hopefully we can find out where their weapons are stored.
08:37One of these men will have an Achilles heel. Let's find it, use it.
08:43Hey, Mohammed. Did you order a mountain?
08:53Oh, very nice.
08:57What are you doing? Downloading Danny's diary?
09:00No. I got this for my birthday and I want to be able to connect it to a proper monitor.
09:04When I try it at home, though, it just won't work. I don't understand.
09:07Well, you've got generous friends.
09:09Shall I have a look?
09:11Sure. But can we do it tomorrow? I've just got to meet somebody.
09:14Oh, yeah, whatever. If I'm not around, I'll ask Malcolm. Blasphemy of his ego.
09:17Please, I'm just a feeble little girl who doesn't understand all this new technology.
09:20What does the on button do?
09:23Meeting anyone nice?
09:25An old school friend.
09:27Right. Night, Sam.
09:34So you want to tell me why you've been ignoring my calls?
09:37Work. And, you know, work.
09:40I'm afraid I don't.
09:42It's been pointed out to me that our liaison is not in the interests of national security.
09:48National security. How I've grown to love that expression.
09:52It's our job.
09:54Yeah, but we're good at subterfuge, right? And that's how we got our jobs.
09:58That's what makes it kind of exciting, not playing by the rules.
10:08You don't agree.
10:10I'm in the middle of an operation right now.
10:13And maybe afterwards, you know, we can take stock.
10:17Take stock? God, you are a nation of shopkeepers after all.
10:21Something happened. It shouldn't have.
10:26I think you should talk to me.
10:28I mean, you're right that it's our job, but it's not our life.
10:31Isn't it?
10:38I'll take a rain check.
10:47Do you see?
10:52The cases look identical, but check out the one she gets out of the car with.
10:58Handle's black. This one isn't.
11:00They're swapping briefcases. She makes sure that Vaughn and Ruffin never have to meet.
11:03If we find out what's in the cases, then we find out what Vaughn is doing for Ruffin and vice versa.
11:06OK. You'll be working with me on that, Zoe. We'll turn the girl. She can get Vaughn to talk.
11:10And what does she get Vaughn to tell us, exactly?
11:13She gets Vaughn to tell us what the going rate for a judge is nowadays.
11:16Or how much does it cost to buy a member of special branch?
11:19Or is someone in the Home Office reporting for the Shaller cartel what we're doing as we speak?
11:24How much were the lives of eight customs and excise officers worth?
11:28Because we don't know, do we? Who they've already got?
11:31Do you think Tom's OK?
11:33Whatever you do, don't ask him, all right?
11:35Who's not OK?
11:37Sam, you could catch a bloody antelope with those stalking skills.
11:39Sorry. Sorry, Zoe. I was just...
11:41It's all right. Just talking about my brother. Private matter.
11:46So, Katie...
11:51You work in publishing.
11:53Impulsive, generous-spirited, a little over-the-top sometimes.
11:56I have to arrange that.
11:58Generous-spirited, a little over-the-top sometimes.
12:00I have to rein you in.
12:02You're a risk analyst. Withdrawn.
12:04Slightly aloof. Cold, even.
12:06People never know what you're thinking.
12:08I thought we were supposed to be assuming new personalities here.
12:12Just a form of protection.
12:15Underneath, you're really sensitive.
12:18Family holiday. Sharing them.
12:21You were three.
12:23I was five. You kept getting lost.
12:25We were laughing at you crying cos you're only a few yards from our parents.
12:28Our parents?
12:30Mum was a lecturer. Dad was a top-seven servant.
12:32His big hobby was ornithology.
12:34Always wanted to go to Latin America.
12:36But tragically, on the way back from Sheringham,
12:39a car meets a lorry. They were both killed.
12:42We were in the back. You remember. I don't.
12:45We went to stay with our grandparents.
12:47I remember the train journey. I was shocked at how yellow the fields of rape were.
12:50You ate too much chocolate.
12:52You were sick.
12:54We were doing it as always.
12:56And you looked after me.
12:58We've taken care of each other ever since.
13:00We're a family.
13:04We'll always look after each other.
13:11Excuse me. Sorry. I thought your 20 minutes was up.
13:20Guys, will you never get off the machine? There's a girl waiting.
13:51Do you think there's a fire?
13:54Oh, thank you.
13:56You like jolleroyo?
13:58Yeah. Do you know?
14:00I'm Colombian.
14:02Wow. I love jolleroyo.
14:05Yep. They were my two New Year's resolutions.
14:07Get fit and learn to salsa
14:09before I go to South America with my brother.
14:11How are you doing with the salsa?
14:13Not as well as my brother.
14:16This is going to take ages. I might go and get coffee.
14:18What one?
14:20It's OK. I'll just wait here.
14:22I'll buy you a cake.
14:24Come on. You could eat a whole bakery and it wouldn't make any difference.
14:27Go on.
14:34OK. Where are they now?
14:36Zoe knows to sit by the window.
14:40There's no point going back now. I think I might just wait for Jack.
14:42Your boyfriend?
14:44No, no, no. He's my brother.
14:46You'd like him. Girls do.
14:48No, I haven't got a boyfriend of you.
14:50Someone from home.
14:52He's always buying me presents.
14:54He really spoils me.
14:56I met him when I was very young.
14:58Oh. Childhood sweethearts.
15:00That's very nice.
15:02Here he is.
15:04Hey. Hey.
15:06This is Mariella from the gym.
15:10She's Colombian and she dances salsa. Isn't that amazing?
15:12Not particularly, Katie.
15:14Hello. Hello. I'm Jack. How do you do?
15:16I had a silly idea.
15:18I thought maybe you could cook us something
15:20and you could teach us...
15:22well, teach me just a few steps.
15:24What do you think?
15:26Leave the poor girl alone, Katie.
15:28My sister's the impulsive one.
15:30Do you want any more coffee?
15:42So, Camila, you work for the Sharla cartel.
15:45I don't know what you're talking about.
15:48Do you know what these are?
15:52They're visiting orders for Castle Haven Prison.
15:55You're quite a regular, Camila.
15:57It must be a great comfort to your mother
15:59to know she has such a dedicated son.
16:01Yeah, it's a terrible thing, losing a mother.
16:05Prisons can be very dangerous places.
16:09Hijo de puta.
16:13Oh, I'm sorry. I thought the puta in question
16:15was your drug-trafficking whore of a mother.
16:20All right.
16:24You know nothing about my mother.
16:26Everything she did, she did for us.
16:29For my family.
16:31I have to be near her.
16:35I apologise, Camila. That was just a little test.
16:46Your boss is a real bastard.
16:48Worse than yours.
16:51We know you work for Rafa.
16:54What do you want me to do for you?
16:56The Sharla cartel have a substantial armoury.
16:58Where is it?
17:00I don't know.
17:02I'm just a messenger.
17:04OK, here's the deal.
17:06We met on Clapham Common playing football.
17:08You're going to vouch for me to get me a job
17:10and then you're going to show me a job.
17:12Clapham Common playing football.
17:14You're going to vouch for me to get me a job
17:16and then you're going to show me exactly
17:18where the Sharla cartel hold their meetings.
17:20They'll kill us both if they find out.
17:22They won't find out.
17:24They won't find out.
17:41You missed a bit.
17:43You're late.
17:47Show me where they hold their meetings.
17:50This is not the best idea you ever had, eh?
17:55That's where they meet.
17:57Door on the right.
17:59The cleaners' room.
18:01OK, keep an eye out.
18:03I'll be a few seconds max.
19:03You hold down the doors.
20:08Harry, these are transcripts from the room in Petco
20:11that Danny bugged. You have to read them.
20:15Red Flash, Tom, Danny and Zoe make arrangements to bring them in.
20:20The Sharla cartel are going to swap a shipment of drugs
20:22for surface-to-air missiles.
20:24That's crazy. Why do drug traffickers...
20:26It was an accident.
20:28When the Columbians cracked down on the drug cartels in the 1990s,
20:30it really wasn't advisable to take an internal flight.
20:32They do that here?
20:34Well, they incinerated 30 teenagers in Madrid because of two deportations, remember?
20:37That's how they operate. Leave us alone or we really hurt you.
20:40So why don't we leave them alone? Why prod the snake?
20:42That's a good idea, Ruth. Yeah, that's great.
20:44Let's leave everyone alone, give every snake what it wants,
20:46then the world can be one big happy nest of vipers
20:48and you can go back to GCHQ.
20:56Sorry, Ruth.
20:57Well, at least we can stop them getting hold of the missiles.
21:00I've got to go. Operation briefcase.
21:02Why wrong? It won't be difficult to spot where the swap takes place.
21:05OK, we intercept the missiles.
21:07To use Ruth's analogy, that's a little bit like grabbing hold of the snake's tail
21:10before we got rid of its venom.
21:12The snake have a tail?
21:13I'm not going to let the Sharla cartel take control of these missiles.
21:15It's too dangerous. It's our only option.
21:17We put a tracker on the missile. That leads us to the rest of the weapons.
21:19We lock down their armoury until we're ready to strike. Come on, Harry.
21:22It's not a problem, it's a breakthrough. How do we get the tracker on?
21:24Your man Camillo.
21:26We let a stack of illegal drugs into the country
21:28and allow them to be traded by God knows which Eastern European mafia
21:31for highly lethal weapons.
21:32We can, however, all sleep easily
21:34by coercing a Colombian renegade to stick a tracker onto them for us.
21:37I can hardly wait to tell the Home Secretary.
21:40And your plan is what, Harry?
21:54Target one has been dropped off by Bourne in possession of briefcase.
21:56You've 20 seconds.
22:08Hey, Mariella.
22:09Hey, T.
22:10How are you?
22:11Good. Have you been to the gym?
22:12Yeah, yeah, yeah.
22:13I just did a step class.
22:14That instructor's a bloody Nazi. I'm shattered.
22:17What are you doing? Do you fancy going for a coffee?
22:20Oh, great.
22:22And then?
22:23She just moved in.
22:25Just after a few days.
22:26One week.
22:28And you just don't do that.
22:29I think it's a bit much.
22:30That's crazy.
22:31Oh, God.
22:32Oh, Katie.
22:34I'm really, really sorry.
22:36It's all right.
22:37It's fine.
22:38It's fine.
22:39It's fine.
22:41Katie, someone's taken my case.
22:42Someone's taken my case.
22:43Have you seen the case?
22:45It's not my case, Katie.
22:46You don't understand.
22:47I have to prove it.
22:48I have to prove it.
22:49I have to prove it.
22:50I have to prove it.
22:51You don't understand.
22:52I have to find it.
22:53Has somebody seen a case?
22:54Somebody's probably put it up on a stake.
22:55I know.
22:56I'll turn it.
22:57There's an old one.
22:58I lost it.
23:00This must be yours.
23:01That's mine.
23:02I picked up the wrong one.
23:04I thought I'd lost it.
23:05I'm so sorry.
23:07What did I say?
23:28You're letting them get the weapons?
23:31Yours is not the reason why, Camillo.
23:33Tracking device.
23:34Oh, no.
23:35Oh, yes.
23:36You simply attach this, it couldn't be easier.
23:38No way.
23:40These come with new identities in the United States
23:42and an early parole hearing for your mother.
23:47What options have you got?
23:50I was thinking of forming a bank, bank, bank.
23:56OK, here's what you'll do.
23:59Briefcase parsing between Rafa and Vaughan Tate at the bees.
24:08Don't spend it all at once.
24:13Bearer bonds. Anonymous shares in dummy companies
24:16which can be exchanged as easily as cash but not traced.
24:18Explains why I found no dirt on anybody yet.
24:20And details of drug pick-ups.
24:23Vaughan uses the huge ped-cal apparatus to help bring the drugs in
24:26and then make the money vanish.
24:28If this ever got out... This will never get out, Ruth.
24:30Whatever happens to the Schaller cartel, this will have to be smothered.
24:36Ha-ha-ha! OK, I get it.
24:38Hi. Yeah. OK, open up.
24:41Whoo! Whoo!
24:43OK, now, forget it.
24:45Stop laughing at me!
24:47Katie, I thought you said you were good.
24:49I am good. No, no, I'm very good. I give up. I give up.
24:52Can I have a glass of wine or something? I'll do the dinner.
24:57Well done.
24:59Ah, he's a nicer brother.
25:01He's all right. A real English gentleman.
25:11He told me about your parents.
25:14My whole family were murdered, Katie.
25:18My father was the mayor of Schaller,
25:20and they killed him,
25:22along with my mother,
25:24brother and sister.
25:29I'm so sorry.
25:31Were you... Were you there? Did you see it?
25:34No, it was just before my 15th birthday.
25:37I went to town to buy a dress with my grandmother.
25:41It was a very hot day,
25:43and I just stopped and had a bottle of coconut coffee.
25:51That's very pretty.
25:56Look inside.
26:04I mean... Mm-hm.
26:06A mi querida hija.
26:08To my darling daughter.
26:11Fourth of May, 1991.
26:15It's really beautiful.
26:17My father and I share the same birthday,
26:19so my mother gave us identical rings.
26:21They never found my father's ring.
26:24You know, they even stole their jewellery after they killed him.
26:33Cognac, aguisado con coco.
26:37Oh, my God.
26:39Oh, I hope you cook better than you dance.
26:44He doesn't.
27:03Where have you been?
27:09I didn't think you would come tonight.
27:15The girl from the gym, she invited me to her house.
27:18And who else was there?
27:21Nobody. Just us.
27:23What did I say to you, huh?
27:36You've been drinking.
27:38We only had a bottle of wine between us.
27:42Don't be angry.
27:44I had a nice time with a friend.
27:46Why should that make you so angry?
27:50Hmm? I'm young.
27:55It would be better for whoever this girl is
27:58if you didn't see her again. Do you understand me?
28:03You understand me?
28:06You don't see her again.
28:09You want to help me, don't you?
28:16I bought you some cakes.
28:26It will soak up the alcohol.
28:35It's all right.
28:43The story about the family was terrible.
28:45I know. Poor little thing.
28:50Playing on her loneliness seems a bit...
28:54Hmm. Morally questionable?
28:58This is the world we live in, really.
29:01How far do we go in this?
29:06Well, a drugs cartel is about to secure missiles
29:08which could take out a plane full of innocent people.
29:11One of our top businessmen is laundering money for them.
29:13Someone in customs and excise
29:16probably received some of the stolen funds
29:18in exchange for a massacre of his own men.
29:23Go as far as it takes.
29:27So he nearly caught me with this.
29:29What did she say?
29:31She wanted to see it, said it wasn't standard issue.
29:33It certainly isn't. Poor Harry would go into budgetary arrest.
29:35What did you say?
29:37I said it was a birthday present.
29:39– Does she believe you? – Yeah, I'm certain.
29:43I think it's about time that Zoe and I had that little chat
29:46I've been so looking forward to.
29:48Zoe, this just arrived. It's my private.
30:06Hello, stranger.
30:08Tessa, we never had a chance to say goodbye properly, did we, Zoe?
30:12– I'm not big on fond farewells. – Oh, I rather like them.
30:16I was most disappointed at your decision.
30:19I thought you were a lot cleverer.
30:22How's Tom doing?
30:24– Tom's fine. – Really?
30:26I would have thought Hally would have taken rather a dim view
30:28of interagency and liaisons.
30:31Tessa, if you want to discuss Tom, then I suggest we talk about Tom.
30:34If you want to discuss Tom, then I suggest you organise your next rendezvous with him.
30:38OK. Let's, er, talk about Raffa.
30:44Raffa? You're never going to turn Mariella Hernandez by playing happy families.
30:49I have clients in Spain who know a lot about Raffa.
30:51They can help you with some information that will have her dancing to your tune.
30:58In return, all they require is that you allow them to dispose of Raffa at the end.
31:02I'll have to get back to you on that.
31:04All right. Get back to me when you've OKed it with Tom and Hally.
31:11I'd do it again. You know that, don't you?
31:15I've never once regretted that I reported you.
31:19Oh, Zoe.
31:21You're so like me in some ways.
31:24Always wanting the last word.
31:31You did what?
31:34That was dangerous.
31:35Dangerous? That woman has the morality of a puff adder.
31:39If that information could turn Mariella, then we need it.
31:41What I want to know... No, let me rephrase that.
31:43What I insist upon knowing is how she knew about our operation.
31:48If Tess can find out...
31:51Do the deal. Let's find that bloody leak.
31:56I'm sorry.
32:09The Charleroi cartel were disguised as guerrillas.
32:12It's a classic tactic.
32:15Raffa killed Mariella's family.
32:17Then he just took over her life like she was some sort of war trophy.
32:20She was only 15.
32:21Must have appeared as her saviour at the time.
32:23Makes me wonder if she'll believe all this after so long.
32:26If we break cover and she doesn't, then her whole operation's blown.
32:29We'll need something else. Something concrete.
32:37Her father's ring.
33:19You know what we're about to do, don't you?
33:22We're about to destroy her.
33:29Jack, what are you doing here?
33:32Our names are not Katie and Jack, Mariella.
33:34Get in. What do you mean?
33:36Jump in.
34:05We took the box from Raffa's hotel room this morning.
34:22Like many murderers, he often removes a souvenir from his victims.
34:41And sometimes photographs their execution.
35:21What have you done?
35:27We will look after you.
35:30I promise.
35:36Where's Tom?
35:37You've been bursting into my office rather a lot lately, Ruth.
35:41Tom's with the Colombian girl in the safe house.
35:43I see.
35:44Is it something I can help with?
35:48We've found out who's been leaking to Tessa.
35:51Her palm top is a highly sophisticated device and Zoe saw...
35:54No, it wasn't Zoe. She saw the person at Danny's station
35:56about to download material and then Sam said it was a birthday present.
35:59Ruth, take a deep breath and in one word, tell me the name of the mole.
36:09All this time with him,
36:12sometimes I felt as if my life was just a dream.
36:18And then you came and I thought,
36:20maybe I can have a normal relationship.
36:24You can, Mariella, and you will.
36:28Not with you, though.
36:30No, not with us.
36:33You know, we don't get much chance at a normal relationship either.
36:42What do I do now?
36:46Mariella, you are one of Rather's victims, too.
36:50But you can get away from him.
36:52You need to get back to base. They're hauling Sam in on your good cop.
36:56I'll stay here.
37:12Sam, where's the palm top?
37:14I lost it. I was playing giraffe in the bath and I must have left it there.
37:18Don't lie to us, Sam.
37:20Please. Who gave it to you?
37:23Did Tessie give it to you?
37:29Look at me, Sam.
37:34I said, look at me!
37:37How many people do you think I've interrogated?
37:40Some are harder than others.
37:42You imagine I'll have any difficulty breaking a silly little girl like you?
37:46You're hurting me.
37:48Just tell us, Sam, and then we can help you.
37:51Where is the palm top?
37:58I've seen things, Mariella.
38:01People who have died in terrible ways.
38:04And the men who killed them, men like Rather, they have something missing.
38:10He remembers the swans.
38:12Do you love him?
38:15He's the only man I've ever known.
38:21I can't do anything for you.
38:23You know, he never tells me anything about his work.
38:26We want Vaughan.
38:30I want you to let him take you out for dinner.
38:33Afterwards, take him back to your house.
38:35You'll wear an undetectable wire within your clothing. Make him talk.
38:39Vaughan is a deeply corrupt man, and we need to know who else he's involved with.
38:43And how do you want me to do that?
38:56So where's Sam now?
38:57In the interrogation room.
38:59She's holding up bloody well, treacherous little bitch.
39:03Anyway, Danny, that shouldn't concern you. Is Camilla ready for this operation?
39:06It's ready. Understands about the tracking device, where to put it, everything.
39:09We're taking a massive gamble here.
39:11If we lose these missiles, our heads are on the block.
39:14Camilla knows what's at stake here.
39:24Tell Sam that the bar is now open.
39:28It's over.
39:30Oh, that was so cruel.
39:34James said it'd be bad, but that was too much.
39:36I really hope he didn't grab my chin like that.
39:38Who's Jane?
39:39Jane from training. The one you have been reporting to.
39:41The one who gave me the palm top.
39:45Your boss, Jane.
39:49Your boss, Jane?
39:50Tessa got to her in training, persuaded her she'd have to take part
39:52in a special intelligence-gathering exercise
39:55and then put her aside as an asset for a rainy day.
39:57Once Tessa got the green light from the Spanish, she brought Sam in,
39:59who thought that our silence on the operation was all part of the game.
40:02The, er... bar is open stuff. It was just a taunt to us.
40:06Sam's not really a traitor if she thought it was an M.I.F.F. exercise.
40:09Well, no, Harry's angrier with Tessa.
40:11That your boss, Jane, bit was the last straw.
40:13He's gone straight to the Spanish to cut Tessa out of the loop.
40:16No payment for naughty Tessa or the Spanish don't get rougher.
40:19And don't get revenge for the disco bomb.
40:20Absolutely no way. The last thing we need now
40:22is Harry and Tessa sitting down to a game of one-upmanship.
40:29So what happens to Sam?
40:30Well, you're right, it wasn't her fault.
40:31She's not exactly the fastest car on the grid, is she, Danny?
40:34No, that would be you, Zoe.
40:35You stay out there on your own in pole position.
40:42What's the location?
40:43It's a field about seven miles out of Folkestone.
40:45That blue light is Camilo, so the drugs have arrived.
40:48They must be making the exchange.
40:54Come on, Camilo, you can do this.
40:59There it is, we've got them.
41:01Missiles are on the way to the Shaller cartel armory.
41:03Well done, Danny. Your cleaning assignment's over.
41:05We're in the endgame with this lot.
41:10We did a deal with Tessa, we can't go back on it.
41:12Are you feeling sorry for her?
41:13No, it's too risky.
41:15Risky? On your recommendation,
41:16I've just allowed Colombian drug traffickers
41:18to swap a ton of cocaine for surface-to-air missiles.
41:20Talk to me about risky.
41:21The weapons are being stored on a farm which we have under surveillance.
41:25They can't use them, or any of their other weapons.
41:27Vaughn's the final piece in the jigsaw.
41:32Let's not complicate things!
41:36Now, this is the most agreeable thing about working with Rafa.
41:41Aren't you worried that you might get caught?
41:46Well, he's away, isn't he?
41:49Oh, I see what you mean.
41:52There are not many people who don't have a weakness.
41:55Or who can't be bought.
41:58You get him talking, Mariela.
42:00So, you're a very rich man?
42:03You're a very rich man?
42:06What is your weakness?
42:08Apart from money.
42:11You know what my weakness is.
42:12That's a weakness that could get you into a lot of trouble.
42:17Rafa laughs at you.
42:19He says you're just a typical guero who takes the money
42:23and doesn't want to know about the dirty work.
42:27Well, what I do is not without risk, but...
42:30I do have powerful friends that make our work a lot easier.
42:34You mean, other businessmen?
42:36In business.
42:40And in government.
42:46Tell me.
42:47Tell you what?
42:48Exciting things about powerful people.
42:51You find power exciting?
42:55Sometimes just being the messenger is boring.
43:00And what do I get in return?
43:02How far are we going to let this go?
43:05You want me to kiss you, don't you?
43:11Are you playing games with me?
43:16I want to learn things and not tell Rafa so that when he speaks to me
43:22and when he treats me like a little girl,
43:26I want to be smiling inside because of tonight.
43:37I could tell you about the most powerful people in Britain.
43:44Like the Prime Minister?
43:46Or some of his courtiers.
43:50Thomas, this is getting dangerous.
43:51It's about being in the loop.
43:54The inner circle.
43:58What loop?
43:59I don't understand.
44:02It's all about power.
44:06I have a contact at the highest level of government.
44:11And this man respects the relationship between power and money
44:15more than most men.
44:16Who could be like this?
44:18No more talking.
44:23I'm going to get him off that.
44:54Ross Vaughn?
44:56You don't know who I am, but I have some information you might find very valuable.
45:01Who are you? What's this about?
45:02You have a songbird in your ranks.
45:05I don't know what you're talking about.
45:07Oh, I think you do.
45:19So, what is this? I thought you didn't like meeting me.
45:22That's what Mariella's for.
45:24That's what I need to discuss with you.
45:27I'm afraid your little songbird has been singing to MI5.
45:32She would never betray me.
45:34I'm quite sure about that.
45:39Somebody in government's protecting Vaughn.
45:42This is a very delicate situation, Tom.
45:44He's the finance director of one of our leading companies.
45:46He thinks he's immune.
45:48Is he immune, Harry?
45:50We can find out more from him.
45:54It's just arrived, Harry. It's much urgent.
45:58It's from Tess.
46:11I have the ring.
46:14What ring? What are you talking about?
46:21You stole it from my father after you killed him.
46:29You lied to me.
46:32You have made my whole life a lie.
46:36You betrayed me, Mariella.
46:38After everything I did for you.
46:40My parents, Rafa.
46:42My family.
46:44I was your family.
46:46But you betrayed me.
46:49I was your family.
46:50You stole me.
46:52I saved you.
46:54You would have been nothing without me.
46:56But am I now?
46:58You destroyed us, Mariella.
47:00How could you do it?
47:02How could you do it to me?
47:05You think you have avenged your family?
47:08You're wrong, pajarita.
47:14There's something I want you to know.
47:19When Ross Vaughn was here, he said I was his weakness.
47:25I was angry with you, and so I let him.
47:30He took my clothes off on that sofa.
47:33And we did it there.
47:37And then we went into the bedroom.
47:40And we did it again.
47:42In the same bed we have shared.
47:45It was better than I expected.
47:57Hello, Harry.
47:59By the time you see this, I will be on a plane to distant shores.
48:03Faced with the prospect of you double-crossing me
48:06and leaving me with no money,
48:08I had to find some way of covering the considerable expense
48:11this project has cost me.
48:16I thought it only fair, however, to give you advance warning
48:19that Ross Vaughn now knows about Mariella Hernandez.
48:22And I've no doubt he will pass this information on to Rafa.
49:10Mi vestido de fiesta.
49:13My blue dress is as blue as the sky, Jack.
49:24My name's not Jack.
49:28My name's not Jack, it's Tom.
49:32It's Tom Quinn.
49:36My name's...
49:40No, no.
50:39It was a shame, I know, that Vaughan came out of this unscathed.
50:42It's a shame that someone in the government was protecting him. Who, Harry?
50:47I can't disclose that.
50:49So we're just sweeping under the carpet?
50:52Besides, revelations that one of Petcalfe's most senior executives was laundering drug money is hardly the shot in the arm our jittery economy needs right now.
50:59No, especially not when that senior executive just green-lit. A substantial donation to the party wouldn't look too good.
51:04I've discussed that with the Home Secretary. The donation will not be accepted.
51:08He's assured me this will be handled at the highest level.
51:11Forgive me if that doesn't fill me with confidence.
51:14They wanted to pretend this was all just a Columbian problem.
51:17It's a testimony to the success of the operation that we found out about it.
51:21Our principal objective was to stop the Schaller cartel. We've done that.
51:25They've lost their leader, their weapons and their support networks.
51:28Mariella lost her life.
51:32As I say, we achieved our principal objective.
51:37Now, you're all aware of the situation with Sam.
51:43I've decided to give her a second chance, but I want to make one thing clear now.
51:46The next person who breaks the rules, the next person who messes up, the next paperclip that goes astray from this office and you are out.
51:54Is that clear?
51:55Oh, physician, heal thyself.
52:02What did you say?
52:04Do you know what Raffer did to her, Harry?
52:08He cut the tendons in her wrists and her feet so she couldn't move,
52:11and then he stabbed her in such a way that she would bleed very slowly to death.
52:16I could do nothing for her.
52:18I do.
52:20I warned you, Harry!
52:24I understand that you and Zoe are distressed by the girl's death.
52:28Right, that's it for now. Well done, everyone.
52:34Come on.
52:39I'm worried by what I'm seeing, Tom.
52:42Don't let this happen.
53:00This had better be good, Tom Quinn.
53:03I'm going to build for D'Urberville.
53:06Only a slight difference.
53:09Right and wrong is a fine line.
53:13You make your decision and somehow the consequence of those decisions keeps unraveling.
53:26I want you.
53:29And I need you.
53:31No more stock-taking.
53:48It's a game.
53:51Harry, it was like someone had captured his bishop.
53:55We're all players.
53:56I mean, Harry played with Tessa because she wanted his job.
54:00And now there's someone who should never have died.