MI5. Spooks S03 E02 - The Sleeper

  • 3 months ago
00:00Now, that's what a star's first degree looks like.
00:08Have you got one too, Daddy?
00:09No, actually, I've managed to be surpassed by his daughter.
00:13Let me, let me.
00:14Would you just look at me?
00:20This is a wonderful day.
00:30Hello, Fred.
00:41In the flesh, though that flesh be older.
00:43This is my family.
00:45My wife, Helen.
00:46Darling, this is Harry...
00:50Pleased to meet you, Mr. Pierce.
00:52How do you do?
00:53My daughter, Gemma.
00:54Ah, the graduate, congratulations.
00:56Liz, Sophie.
00:58Would you excuse us for a moment?
01:02Activate me.
01:03You knew this would happen someday.
01:05Oh, but Harry, what, that was 20-odd years ago.
01:0724 years.
01:08It was bravado, saying yes to you.
01:10I didn't take it that seriously.
01:12I did.
01:13Young MI5 officer, you were the first sleeper I recruited.
01:16I'll never hear from you again.
01:17We never contact sleepers till we wake them.
01:19No, no, whatever it is you want me to do, no.
01:23My life's set.
01:26Nobel Prize winner, but did you really deserve it?
01:30What the hell are you suggesting?
01:32The work that won you the Nobel.
01:35Your discovery of the chemical imbalance between neurons in the brain.
01:38That basic research came from nerve gas experiments at Porton Down,
01:42which we made sure you were given.
01:47You're saying MI5 manufactured my whole career?
01:53We opened doors for you, and to your credit, you barged right through them.
01:57That was the agreement.
01:59We'd help you become an expert in your field,
02:01and if we ever wanted to call on your expertise, we would.
02:04What am I, Faust?
02:06I sold my soul to the devil for my success.
02:09Sold your soul to your country.
02:10What's wrong with that?
02:12Are you coming to our party too?
02:14Yes, please.
02:16The explosion destroyed an entire floor of a residential block
02:19in the east end of London.
02:20Footage taken by an eyewitness and from security cameras on the estate
02:23shows the impact of the blast.
02:25Due to the extent of the damage, the building faces demolition.
02:28Deputy Assistant Commissioner Patrick Clacey,
02:30head of the anti-terrorist branch, Greater London Police,
02:32made this statement earlier.
02:34All the indications are that the device exploded at about 8.15 this morning.
02:38Two people are believed to have perished in the explosion.
02:41This was a bomb.
02:42First indications are yes.
02:44The remains of two people who were in the flat at the time of the explosion
02:47have not yet been identified.
02:49No one else was injured by the blast.
02:57Mum, where's Dad?
03:00He's upstairs still talking to that vile man.
03:03I thought maybe he'll ask me to do something.
03:05First I was prepared for him.
03:07But as the years went by, I forgot.
03:11I didn't pick his name, Mary. I retire next year.
03:13You're one of the most famous chemists in the country.
03:16People will believe you've done it.
03:17Done what?
03:18Made red mercury.
03:20Red mercury is a scientific impossibility. It doesn't exist.
03:24There are rumours it does.
03:25Yeah, I've heard all that stuff.
03:27It's a poppycock. Science fiction, right?
03:29It's meant to be an explosive trigger that can fire a nuclear reaction in plutonium.
03:35It's incredibly efficient and totally impossible.
03:37Is MI5 reading comics or what? You can't believe this.
03:41I don't, but there are others who do.
03:43What others? Schoolboys on the net?
03:45Serious people.
03:48What do you mean? Terrorists?
03:50Yes. And you're going to pretend to make it and sell it to them.
03:54Well, this is laughable.
03:56No. It's a deadly serious operation of vital importance to national security.
04:02You can't make it. Go away.
04:06What is going to happen is going to happen.
04:08What do you mean?
04:10Well, first you're going to get a visit from the police.
04:13Go back into the woodwork, you spook.
04:20With pleasure.
04:31I've been in a cell all night.
04:33No explanation, no solicitor. I'm staying out without a lawyer.
04:39Oh, so you're staying out too.
04:47Put that thing on. I want to make a protest.
04:53Am I in England?
04:59My name's Michael. This is Sally.
05:03Hi. Hello.
05:04We'll give you backup throughout Operation Flytrap.
05:06I told Harry Pearce I'm taking part in no operation.
05:10Don't you think you owe it to the service to at least let us brief you?
05:15What, after you had policemen drag me out of my house in front of my family and friends?
05:26All right. Brief away.
05:29An explosion took place yesterday in Mortimer Street, EC22.
05:33We caused it.
05:35That bomb on the news?
05:37Two people died.
05:39It was a top story for public consumption.
05:41So no one died. It was a big lie.
05:43No, the big lie is the bottom story, which we put out as a rumour.
05:46Left-wing magazines, the net.
05:48I had no idea lying had such a complex molecular structure.
05:52What's the bottom story?
05:54It's that the two dead bombers...
05:56Who never existed?
05:57Yeah. Had an accident handling red mercury.
05:59Red mercury is a myth.
06:01But plutonium isn't.
06:04Five weeks ago, some kids playing at the back of a house in Fulham found this.
06:09One of them took it home, and three days later, this happened to him.
06:13Radiation burns. He's critical.
06:16The street was evacuated. The public told that it was a gas leak.
06:19But expert analysis later concluded that a quantity of plutonium had been discovered in the basement.
06:24There was some sort of accident, and whoever was responsible had fled.
06:30A terrorist organisation in London are trying to make an atomic bomb.
06:33Puts cosy family parties into perspective, doesn't it?
06:39The technical people have gone over the bits and pieces we've found.
06:44They conclude that whoever is behind this are having trouble making a trigger to set the device off.
06:50So who's doing this?
06:51We don't know.
06:52You don't know?
06:53Well, none of the groups that we're monitoring has access to nuclear material.
06:56These people are off our radar.
06:58We're blind.
06:59Good God.
07:00We staged the explosion in the East End to create a rumour on the terrorist underground.
07:03Red mercury has been made.
07:05The perfect trigger for an atomic bomb is up for sale. By you.
07:11Even if it were possible to make this vile material, I'd never sell it to terrorists. Never.
07:16Why would anyone think I would?
07:19Your gambling habit.
07:21You owe Park Lane Casino's PLC £600,734.42.
07:27I've never been in a casino.
07:29You do the GGs too. And the dogs.
07:31And your wife doesn't know it, but you've taken out a second mortgage on your house.
07:34We have the papers to prove it.
07:38Your latest bank statements.
07:40As you can see, your two savings accounts are cleaned out and your current account is pretty rocky.
07:48Your money and your savings will be transferred to a special account at the Treasury.
07:51It's routine for agents in the field.
07:52I am a citizen in a democracy.
07:55The security services can't go rummaging through my bank account.
07:58We can.
08:00And so can the terrorists.
08:02Your cover has got to be perfect.
08:04You're selling the red mercury to extricate yourself from a desperate position.
08:07That's why we've made it look like you've been questioned under the Anti-Terrorism Act.
08:12No, no. I'm walking away from...
08:14Come on, Professor.
08:16You let Harry Pearce recruit you.
08:18Don't you fancy it?
08:20Famous scientist, famous spy.
08:22Oh. Is that what's on my file?
08:26Vein susceptible to fluttering?
08:29You can do this.
08:31We'll be with you every step of the way.
08:33Catch these bastards. You'll be a hero.
08:36If I don't, what will happen?
08:40Well, we made you. We can destroy you.
08:43Your reputation will be mud.
08:50Sign the Official Secrets Act.
08:53Sign the Official Secrets Act.
09:12The man has been helping us with our inquiries on a serious matter.
09:16But no charges have been brought and he's not under arrest.
09:19That is all I can say at this stage.
09:21Was it Red Mercury?
09:22I'm sorry, I have no further comment at this stage.
09:24Well, you've really rearranged the furniture in his life.
09:26Brave guy.
09:27He's an idiot. He lived a lie and now he's paying.
09:29Here we are. I'm back on the Birmingham knife.
09:31We can do with you on our boat.
09:33Danny! Time to hit the wife.
09:38They're in the garden.
09:40Dad, they're actually in the garden watching us.
09:42Oh, Fred. Talk to me.
09:45Helen, you've got to trust me.
09:47You were arrested. In front of our children.
09:50He just wanted to interview me, that's all.
09:52Yeah, about an explosion in which two people died.
09:55You're all over the news.
09:59Tell me what this is.
10:06Don't answer that.
10:08I've got to read over tomorrow's lecture notes.
10:22Mrs Roberts?
10:24I'm ringing about your visa card.
10:26Oh. Yes.
10:28Joint account with your husband?
10:30I'm afraid there's a problem.
10:33If I could take you through some security checks.
10:35Do you have your account details to hand?
10:36From your password, could I take a look?
10:38Do you have your account details to hand?
10:39From your password, could I take a look?
10:57What was the point of rattling the wife?
10:59A test.
11:01If he tells her about the gambling debts we're on, you approve?
11:04You're a gamekeeper in this up?
11:06Yes, I am.
11:08Am I patched through for image and sound?
11:10Insert jack plugs into line three.
11:13Thank you very much, Malcolm.
11:14Inserting now.
11:25Tell me.
11:29Tell me!
11:34I gamble.
11:35Yes! Yes! Game on!
11:37We're game on!
11:42Where are you going?
11:43Watch for flies.
11:44Okay. Great.
11:47When would you gamble?
11:49I'd tell you I was in a faculty meeting.
11:51And you'd be at the casino?
11:58And the car being over its limit?
12:03Oh, no, no, no.
12:04You've not touched...
12:05Not the Nobel money and the girls' trust funds.
12:07It's going to be all right.
12:09Oh, Fred.
12:11If you love me at all, then tell me what it is you got involved with.
12:19I gave up my career for you.
12:22There were the children, this house and that,
12:24and after all these years, you suddenly...
12:26No, just get away. I beg you. I...
12:28I can't bear the sight of you!
12:37I'll go to Aunt Jilly's house in Leeds.
12:50All right?
12:51Yeah. Um, yeah.
12:54Listen, uh, Adam Carter.
12:56I've asked him to stick around for a bit.
12:58There's nothing for him over at six at the moment.
13:00Flytrap, how's Fred Roberts bearing up?
13:02He's playing the cover story to his wife. He's hooked.
13:04No, I mean, how's he bearing up emotionally?
13:06Uh, I... Uh, fine.
13:09I don't know. Yeah, good. Fine.
13:12Tom, this is a vital and a dangerous operation.
13:14Are you happy running it?
13:17You mean, am I up to running it?
13:19After what happened with, uh, Herman Joyce?
13:23Why wouldn't I be?
13:25Good, then.
13:27Why wouldn't I be?
13:29Good, then.
14:18Did you put another team on the house?
14:23I think we've got our first flies.
14:26They look like a professional team.
14:28The car had false number plates.
14:29Surveillance team means serious organisation.
14:31We've got to know who these people are.
14:33Lift them and ask them.
14:34No. No.
14:35They can see we're crawling all over Fred Roberts. That's what attracts them.
14:37Our interest makes it seem like Fred really can make the red mercury.
14:40We keep babysitting.
14:41And what about the family in need? Do we get them to a safe house?
14:43No, I don't think so.
14:44We have to leave the family hanging out to dry.
14:46Don't we, Tom?
14:47Yeah, that's the trap.
14:48Good. Now we wait, we watch.
14:57God, you'd think we'd blown a hole big enough to get someone's attention.
15:01But nothing.
15:02Nothing at all.
15:07Photograph them?
15:10Don't look like the local branch of Al-Qaeda to me.
15:12No, that's the trouble, though, isn't it, these days?
15:14Anyone could be anyone.
15:19How do you think Tom is?
15:21Oh, he doesn't even go there.
15:23Doesn't even go there.
15:27How do you think he is?
15:29Kind of sets my teeth on edge.
15:39Who's this?
15:44It's more press.
15:51Oh, I think he spotted us.
15:54No, can't have that.
15:55I'll go.
15:56No, I will.
15:57No, no, no, I'll go.
16:04Call of the wild, Zoe.
16:15Oh, she's mad.
16:20I'm afraid I can't let you do that, sir.
16:22Why not?
16:24Are you accredited?
16:26Agence Presse Francaise.
16:31Why France?
16:32Because I am French.
16:34Well, actually, I freelance there a lot.
16:36In fact, if I'm going to Paris this weekend, you could come.
16:41Just give me the camera.
16:43What are you, six? Five?
16:48So what, Thames House is getting picky about their glamour shots now, are they?
16:51The camera.
16:52How will I get it back?
16:54It'll be returned to Presse Francaise tomorrow.
16:56I tell you what, I could come into Thames House tomorrow and pick it up, if you like.
16:59Just give me the camera.
17:00Or what?
17:02I'll correctly chop my sensitive parts.
17:09Be gentle with it.
17:10My camera is part of my body.
17:13We'll submit it to routine tests.
17:14For red mercury?
17:17Oh, come on, this is what it's all about, isn't it?
17:19Sites about red mercury are being pulled off the net.
17:21You know, you're just a fund of information, aren't you?
17:24Yeah, I know.
17:25What's your name?
17:26I mean, obviously give me a false name, just one that I can...
17:29think of.
17:31It's Zoe.
17:33Is your real name as pretty?
17:36Don't you want to know my name?
17:38I'll find out your name.
17:39And everything else about you.
17:41Why do you do that?
17:44Turn around.
17:46Yes, yes, yes, yeah.
18:15It'll be all right.
18:17It will.
18:20It will.
18:25What's he done?
18:26I thought it was about him gambling.
18:29I don't know.
18:30Tell me, Mum.
18:31I want to help.
18:34I don't think you can.
18:35Now go on, get inside.
18:36It's cold.
18:50Helen, Helen.
18:52What am I doing?
19:06What is it?
19:07I don't know.
19:08Has someone come to collect Daddy's gambling debts, perhaps?
19:11Oh, Gemma.
19:15She can't sleep.
19:16Oh, come on.
19:18My mobile's still dead.
19:35Well, I see the molecular transfer of energy is suddenly wildly popular.
19:41I'm sorry to disappoint anyone who's here to be stunned by details of my criminal career.
19:46But in this lecture, we shall be considering questions of solid absorption or...
19:58Where are they?
19:59Why don't they contact me?
20:01They're waiting, like we are.
20:03I'm no good at this.
20:04No, you're doing very well.
20:06Oh, bugger.
20:10It's all right, I've got it.
20:11How do you live like this?
20:13How do you deal with the fear?
20:16You get to like it.
20:18Destroy it, though, won't it?
20:22You know what Nietzsche said?
20:25If you look into the abyss, the abyss will look into you.
20:32Pizza or lasagna?
20:34Leave yourself.
20:47Will North. You really want to go out with this man?
20:55Takes a good snap.
20:57He's obviously troublesome.
21:00Then again, if he wasn't, you wouldn't like him, would you?
21:05Have you filled in your S-24?
21:09Permission for socialization?
21:12Embarrassing form, but I'm glad you went through channels.
21:14Thank you, Harry.
21:17Any news on the op?
21:19No, not yet.
21:21Well, while we're waiting, you may as well live your life.
21:25I'll try.
21:27Thank you, Harry.
21:5627461, all clear.
22:00Change that now, eh?
22:02Because of you.
22:03Thank you.
22:19That's your real name, then?
22:23Yeah, right.
22:24Yeah, it is.
22:25William Regis North.
22:28I'll let you know my second name is...
22:32You've checked me out.
22:35What, have you had me vetted?
22:37Fifteen parking fines.
22:40Very naughty.
22:42Well, next you'll be telling me that five searched my flat.
22:51Oh, wow.
22:54We've demonstrated already that a layered distribution of active catalysts is coupled...
23:00...with a diffusion barrier.
23:01Therefore, one has to conclude we're looking at a novel biphasic process.
23:05Immiscible when cold, yet homogenising when heated, allowing acylation to take place.
23:14Thank you all very much.
23:18Professor Roberts.
23:22I'm worried about the molecular structure of the gas under minus 214 Celsius.
23:31He's talking to a student. He'll be out in a minute.
23:34Enjoy your lecture.
23:36Really good, yeah.
23:41I've just got one more question.
23:44Are MI5 running you?
23:48We know they're watching you.
23:50They're all over the campus.
23:51If this is some kind of adolescent game you're playing, I suggest you stop.
23:57I have the honour of being a messenger from the Aleph Command.
24:02We want to buy Red Mercury from you.
24:04That is a very serious request.
24:07We are serious people.
24:10What happened in the East End?
24:12I... I made a small quantity.
24:17They ignored simple handling instructions.
24:20But the Red Mercury was stable?
24:21As much as it ever can be.
24:22You really have made it?
24:23Oh, yes. The holy grail of terrorism.
24:26If there was a Nobel Prize for warmongering, I'd pick that up as well.
24:32How much do you have?
24:34What do you mean?
24:35I use the university lab.
24:37I'm not going to pop it into a test tube on a rack at the end of the day, am I?
24:41I want you to make us five grams.
24:45You'll have to give me a lot of money for that.
24:47Five million dollars.
24:49I want my family's safety guaranteed.
24:51Of course.
24:52And I want to disappear.
24:56The casinos of the world await you, Professor.
25:02But if you are an MI5 trap,
25:05be very afraid for your family.
25:08We know where they are.
25:11Ten Elmert Crescent Leeds.
25:14Ten Elmert Crescent Leeds.
25:18How do you know that?
25:19The revolution also has its spies.
25:26Three days.
25:31How will you take delivery?
25:33You'll get instructions.
25:36Thanks for the advice, Professor.
25:44Ten Elmert Crescent Leeds.
25:54Colin, there's something wrong.
25:56Danny, Zoe, what's going on?
25:57Tom, he's just standing there against the column. Tom!
26:03All right, leave it to me.
26:10They know where Helen and the girls are.
26:13The student. Danny, Zoe.
26:15What's his name?
26:17The student who talked to you, what's his name?
26:18I don't know him.
26:23I've got a visual.
26:24Do you want me to track him?
26:28Do I track him?
26:29No, back off. Back off. Repeat, back off.
26:32Are you sure?
26:34I've still got a visual.
26:35Yeah, we can't risk it.
26:36I don't think you've got away with it.
26:44Come on, I'll take you home.
26:46I've got a home. I'll go anywhere.
27:10Must be a student somewhere.
27:11Probably a postcard.
27:15Well, get on the network and help me, people.
27:21I tried to ring Helen, the phone didn't work.
27:24Tried a mobile, that didn't work either.
27:26Is that you?
27:33Don't you think of us as human beings at all?
27:38I know this is difficult for you,
27:39but can we just go through exactly what this young man said to you again, please?
27:43He wants the red mercury in three days.
27:45He'll let me know how it'll be collected.
27:48What about my family?
27:49They'll be all right.
27:50Can you guarantee that?
27:54I can't go through with this.
27:55Listen, we cannot stop this operation now.
27:57You have to realise that.
27:58The only way out now is to make it work.
28:00What? I'm to go calmly into the lab
28:02and pretend to make more red mercury?
28:10You know,
28:11the really horrible thing,
28:15I could almost enjoy this.
28:18When I was talking to that young man,
28:20I was this
28:21gambling criminal chemist.
28:24I was this other self.
28:26People in the field,
28:27in a foreign country, have to do that for years.
28:30And do they love it?
28:32What, like you?
28:34I love it.
28:35I love it.
28:36And do they love it?
28:38What, like you think you do?
28:43Oh, I warn you, Fred, that way madness lies.
28:47No, you, um,
28:50you have to put your real self
28:52in a box.
28:57And only when you come home
29:00do you open up the box and say,
29:02hello, real me.
29:04What if the box
29:06got lost?
29:10You'd have to reinvent yourself.
29:16I think you lot are clinically insane.
29:20No, we're professional.
29:25Spies gotta have a fatal flaw.
29:29I think I'll make mine this.
29:48He's asleep.
29:51I think we need to keep Fred Roberts happy.
29:53I think we've got to move his family.
29:55You know we can't do that, Tom.
29:57He'll go to pieces.
29:58Then lie to him.
30:03I'm destroying a man.
30:08Are we still linked?
30:11Not linked.
30:13Not anymore.
30:15Tom, are you with us?
30:18I can hear you.
30:19What have we got on the student?
30:20So he's got CCTV still coming in.
30:22I'll talk later.
30:37Oh, I'm going to be sick.
30:53Fred, I've had your family moved.
30:55They're in an MI5 safe house.
30:58They're not in Leeds anymore?
31:00Why didn't you tell me?
31:02Security rules.
31:03So they're safe?
31:04Yeah, they're safe.
31:06Thank God.
31:16Oh, oh, everyone, I've got him.
31:18Lauren Sale, 24 years old,
31:20postgraduate chemistry student.
31:22His address is in Bristol.
31:25Well done, Sam.
31:29We don't want to alarm you, Mrs. Sale.
31:31Lawrence is a brilliant postgraduate,
31:32but sometimes students can be a little bit highly strung.
31:35Not Lawrence.
31:36Do you have any idea where he could have gone?
31:38Any friends or...?
31:40But he wasn't going anywhere?
31:43I mean, if he was going back to Asia,
31:45he would have told me.
31:48It sounds lovely.
31:49Where in Asia?
31:50It's called Kyrgyzstan.
31:52I think he's got a girlfriend there.
32:02Would you like a cup of tea?
32:04Very much, thank you.
32:05Thank you.
32:26Chocolate bookies.
32:30Mrs. Sale,
32:32we have some very bad news for you.
32:42The Y Division have translated the cards for us.
32:44Now, they're all signed,
32:46Aleph Command.
32:47They're in two groups.
32:48Some make up a mini terrorist handbook
32:50to handle detonators, explosives.
32:52The others are ideological.
32:53They look forward to the overthrow of Saudi Arabia
32:55and the establishment of the House of Islam
32:57with a caliphate in Baghdad.
32:59Al-Qaeda's stated aims.
33:01These postcards.
33:02They were sent from several towns in the Fagana Valley.
33:05A number of Al-Qaeda personnel are known to have settled there
33:07after the Americans moved into Afghanistan.
33:09I've seen this postcard thing before.
33:11What do you mean?
33:12The Syrian Secret Service use it.
33:14This Aleph Command, I think it's something new.
33:16I think it's operating like us.
33:18Surveillance teams, tradecraft.
33:20You mean it's like a terrorist M.O.F.?
33:22Yeah. We've activated our sleeper.
33:23They've activated theirs.
33:25Lawrence Sale.
33:27Okay, this would be my plan.
33:28We let Lawrence contact Fred,
33:29but don't pick him up until the money's paid.
33:31Criminal evidence is the key.
33:33The family in Leeds put special forces on the house,
33:35but out of sight.
33:36This is about waiting.
33:37Wide awake.
33:43Hello, Professor.
33:48These are the details of how to access an account
33:50in the Cayman Islands.
33:52The money will be in the account one hour
33:54before I collect.
33:55Tomorrow night.
33:56Can I check that?
33:57Oh, they'll pay.
33:59They're honourable.
34:01And we want to collect it from you personally.
34:08He's tortured about his family,
34:09so I told him we'd move them to a safe house.
34:11Well, good.
34:12Well, we haven't. No, they are.
34:13They're still in the house in Leeds.
34:14Well, he can't ring to check.
34:15We've blocked the line and the local mobile tax.
34:16No, you don't get my point.
34:17No, I don't think I do.
34:18We are tearing this man apart.
34:19We're putting his family at terrible risk.
34:21We've got a special unit 500 yards away, ready to go.
34:23It was his choice to be a sleeper.
34:25Exactly. He knew what he was doing.
34:26No, I don't think he did, Ben.
34:27I don't think he does now.
34:28There's part of him that wants to play the big, bad spy.
34:30What's your point?
34:31My point is that the service is exploiting him.
34:34We're crucifying a man here.
34:36Fred Roberts or you?
34:57I think we should cancel the operation.
35:00We're asking this man to walk off the cliff.
35:02What is the matter?
35:03I don't have faith in the operation.
35:04Then you don't have faith in yourself.
35:07Flytrap is working better than we dared hope.
35:09We've flushed out a vicious terrorist group.
35:11Have we?
35:12Our only lead is a set of postcards.
35:14Have we found their base?
35:16Do we know when they'll contact Fred again?
35:19I think we should cancel the operation.
35:21We're asking this man to walk off the cliff.
35:23What is the matter?
35:24I don't have faith in the operation.
35:25Do we know when they'll contact Fred again?
35:27It's like we're running a hen house waiting for a fox to call.
35:29The university lab is one huge flypaper.
35:32But we're using Fred Roberts like bait.
35:34Of course.
35:35Well, what are we?
35:36We're just automatons, scared to wake up.
35:39Tom, when did you last sleep?
35:43I'm relieving you for eight hours.
35:44Go home, have a glass or two of decent meadow or whatever,
35:47sleep, and be back in the morning.
35:54Tom, we're going to have a great success.
36:09Adam, when Tom's left the grid, would you come in here, please?
36:50Where's Zoe?
36:51She's at Tim's house, of course.
36:53What's up?
36:54I think Harry's going to take me off the operation.
36:58Probably put in Adam to run it.
37:01Because I want to close it down.
37:02But it's going like clockwork.
37:03No, it's all going to end with everything shot to pieces.
37:05And there's some people dead.
37:06I don't really know what we're doing here anymore, Danny.
37:08Running an entrapment scam.
37:10It's immoral.
37:12You've done it often enough.
37:13No, it stinks.
37:14You were really hot for this.
37:16You worked the professor hard.
37:17Come on.
37:19What is this?
37:20All I want to know...
37:23...is are you for me or against me?
37:25Oh, Tom.
37:27In doing what?
37:30You are one of them.
37:33You're not awake.
37:34You think you're awake, but you're not.
37:36You think you know what you're saying, but you don't.
37:41You're being really scary here, Tom.
37:46I know.
37:48I know.
37:53It's brilliant, Leo.
37:54It's brilliant.
37:55You're doing great work, too.
38:21Oh, Mike.
38:23We've got to leave.
38:25Your family is still in Leeds.
38:26You told me you had them in a safe house.
38:27I always thought that if we moved them,
38:28the Aleph Khmer would know you were working for us.
38:29You bastard.
38:30I trusted you.
38:31I'll take you to them.
38:33And then you can all go somewhere really safe.
38:35I don't know.
38:42You and your family are at terrible risk now.
38:44I'm in charge of this operation.
38:45I'm closing it down.
38:46I want you to come with me now.
38:47What is this?
38:48Some kind of crisis of conscience?
38:50I thought you left all that in a box.
38:53I must do this for you.
38:54Come with me.
38:55I'm begging you.
38:57All right.
39:02Is everything all right?
39:04We'll just go and put it up for sale.
39:06Lock yourself out, sir.
39:12Maybe you took the professor home.
39:14No sign of him at the house.
39:15Have they snatched him or what?
39:16I saw this happen to someone at GCHQ.
39:17What happened?
39:18Well, their conscience exploded.
39:20An exploding conscience?
39:22No, thanks.
39:23Three agents in the field got killed.
39:25I think Ruth may be right.
39:27Right about what?
39:32Look, I'll explain to your wife what we asked you to do.
39:34So you'll say,
39:35look, MI5 asked your husband to pretend to be a terrorist,
39:38but I personally don't think that's a good idea.
39:40And you, me, Helen and the girls,
39:43we're going to run away from everyone forever.
39:46Fred, I have to get you out of this.
39:48Maybe I don't want to get out of it.
39:49You don't realise what lengths the security service will go to.
39:52War of terror.
39:54It's changed the way they think.
39:55What, Mike?
39:56My real name's Tom.
39:59Peeling the onion, are you?
40:01Layer after layer of lies.
40:07He's in a poor car.
40:08He's trashed the tracker device.
40:10It's Tom.
40:11He went through four speed cameras.
40:12He's on the A roads.
40:13So what's he doing?
40:14He's taking the professor to his family,
40:15then he'll try and make them disappear.
40:16Is that a guess?
40:17A certain guess.
40:18It's a serious operation.
40:19What's the situation at the Leeds house?
40:21There are still two Aleph Command men watching.
40:23Tom's just going to go blundering in there.
40:25When he arrives with the professor,
40:26special forces go in, lift everyone out to safety.
40:28No, sorry, Harry, but let's try and save this up.
40:30How long till they get to the Leeds house?
40:35Yes, but I want to go on with what we've started.
40:37No, you don't realise.
40:38I realise a nuclear bomb could go off at any time.
40:41We're not in control.
40:42The operation will go pear-shaped.
40:43They'll chew you up and they'll spit you out.
40:45Bloody hell!
40:46Let's go!
40:55Don't do anything!
40:56I told you, I told you.
40:57Get out.
40:58Get out.
41:08I'm so sorry, Fred.
41:10Professor Roberts, can you go with these officers, please?
41:12He's not going anywhere.
41:14I'm collecting his family and I'm taking them to safety.
41:16Tom, this is all wrong.
41:17Turn up to the house and the terrorists will know
41:19the professor is working for us.
41:20What's the matter with you, Tom?
41:21What's the matter with me?
41:22I've woken up to this job.
41:23That's what's the matter with me.
41:24I'll go back.
41:25I want to finish this.
41:26Thank you, Professor.
41:27They're right.
41:28They will leave you with nothing.
41:29I think the professor knows his own mind.
41:30No, he doesn't, because we've pressured him
41:31and we've threatened him.
41:32Well, just stop it.
41:33This is your operation, Tom.
41:34Why are you reacting like this?
41:35I'm not reacting.
41:36I'm not reacting.
41:40After everything we've been through together, please.
41:42You owe this to us.
41:43Don't let me do something I can't go back on, Tom.
41:47You're a free man.
41:48You're a free man.
41:49You don't have to do this.
41:50I want to.
41:51I've made my choice.
41:52No, Fred, I am begging you.
41:53Please, don't.
41:59I'm decommissioning you, Tom.
42:00That would be ridiculous, Harry.
42:01You are no longer an officer of the service.
42:04Danny, Zoe!
42:05Come on.
42:07Just leave him.
42:08Come on, back me up!
42:11How exactly can we do that?
42:12Because we understand each other!
42:13We always have!
42:16Not anymore.
42:23I'm really sorry.
42:34Are you armed?
42:37I mean, I would have armed myself.
42:40Don't get caught with a gun, Tom.
42:42Not again.
42:55Take him back.
43:07Do you understand?
43:37I love you.
43:54I want it.
43:561, 2, 3, 4, 5.
44:06Come on, boy! Where are you?
44:08Come on!
44:10Come on!
44:12Come on!
44:14Come on!
44:16Come on, boy!
44:36That's it.
44:38Oh, yes.
44:48It is written,
44:50as for those that have done evil,
44:52evil shall be rewarded
44:54with like evil.
44:56That's right, isn't it, Lawrence?
44:58Chili powder mixed with a little oil.
45:06You've been had, Lawrence.
45:08It's a sting
45:10called Operation Fly Trap
45:12and you've been well and truly stung.
45:18Come on!
45:20Come on, boy! Where are you?
45:22Come on!
45:24Come on, boy!
45:26Right, come on, boy.
45:28Come on. Come on, where are you?
45:30Come on, now.
45:32Whatever you say,
45:34I won't betray my brothers.
45:36We've got all the money paid to the Professor.
45:38Do you think your brothers will be pleased
45:40when they know that their five million dollars
45:42is safe and snug in the British Treasury?
45:44You're going to be ours, Lawrence.
45:46Your compadre is in lead.
45:50Answer me!
45:52Yes. Ring him to check you've got the mercury.
45:54Give me time.
45:56If you tell him you have the stuff, they'll leave the area.
45:58Yes? And if you don't?
46:02Look at me.
46:04If your brothers move against the Professor's family,
46:06Special Forces will shoot them dead.
46:08I want to save lives here.
46:10Take your phone out
46:12and tell them you've got the mercury.
46:14Take your phone out.
46:16Face two, now.
46:32Stay down!
46:34Stay down!
46:36Calm down. Everything's going to be all right.
46:38Everything's going to be all right.
46:40What's going on?
46:42What's going on?
46:44Everything's going to be all right.
46:46What's going on?
46:56Are you all right? Are you hurt?
47:00We're here.
47:02So it's worked.
47:04I am so, so
47:06sorry I ever got you into this.
47:10I did it for MI5.
47:14I made them a promise years ago.
47:16I was what they called a sleeper.
47:18I don't know
47:20who you are.
47:22I don't know
47:24why you did this to us.
47:26I did it for the country.
47:28You did it for yourself.
47:30Because it was exciting.
47:50It can be hard for the people around us.
47:52Yeah, yeah.
48:00Mike, or Tom,
48:02what's going to happen to him?
48:04Sorry, Professor. Classified.
48:12All right.
48:42All right.
49:12All right.
49:42Everybody safe?
49:44Fred's family?
49:48What about Laurence Sayle?
49:50You get him?
49:52You can't.
49:54Of course you can't tell me.
49:56But I'm a member of the public now.
49:58You are.
50:00I envy you.
50:02I doubt that.
50:04No, I mean, if this thing is really
50:06leaving you,
50:08I don't know what to do.
50:10If this thing is really
50:12leaving you, then...
50:14The spy thing?
50:16The urge to be secret.
50:18To give a false name.
50:20Lead a false life.
50:22You'll get the really
50:24very generous special pension.
50:26Pay off the rogue officers here.
50:28You won't be disciplined, Tom.
50:32Thanks for that.
50:34And of course you realise
50:36we'll never meet again.
50:40Good luck in the real world.