MI5. Spooks S06 E06 - The Courier

  • 3 months ago
00:19Harry's told Bakshi.
00:21We've agreed to let him prepare his own cover story.
00:26Rose, I should never have put you in that position, or Anna.
00:28We all cross boundaries.
00:31Goes with the territory.
00:37I probably said a lot of strange things last night, but if one of the mistakes, I meant it.
00:52Iran is joining the atomic club.
00:55The Home Secretary will need reliable intelligence.
00:58We know the Iranians are racing to enable triggers for the missiles they've already bought.
01:02Not least because they're surrounded by U.S. carriers in the Gulf.
01:04Harry, I...
01:05But the blueprints we intercepted were useless fakes.
01:08Our asset has just confirmed Iran has sourced working circuit boards.
01:11Plug and play.
01:13A fully armed nuclear adversary.
01:15This source of yours, did he give us anything else?
01:18She. Anna Bakshi.
01:21Wife of the Iranian special consul.
01:23She won't be giving us anything now.
01:25Anna died last night whilst trying to kill one of my officers.
01:28Adam Carter, her handler.
01:30Klugen Dagger Harry.
01:32Honey traps.
01:34Didn't nobody tip you off the Berlin Wall came down yet?
01:36Six were hearing nothing on the ground in Tehran.
01:38Anna gave us everything.
01:39And the rest.
01:40While Adam was gazing in her eyes, she slipped a little something in his drink and left him to die.
01:44Not my idea of foreplay.
01:45She told us the real circuit boards fly today.
01:47From London.
01:50They must have known the blueprints were a decoy.
01:52Is Bob right, Harry?
01:54Is a leak on our side?
01:56Do I have to ask you to search the grid?
01:58My agency is requesting guarantees you'll ground all flights to Tehran
02:02to ensure those triggers don't leave the U.K.
02:04I trust Section D are already one step ahead
02:07and will be cooperating with our American friends.
02:15So three airlines leave for Tehran today.
02:17Persepolis charter 1430.
02:19British Intercontinental 1505.
02:21DLG 1650 with a stop in Frankfurt.
02:23Where's Bakshi's brother?
02:25If he was sent to collect the doctor blueprints
02:27then he must be first in line for the real set.
02:29We've been all over him since the handover.
02:31If he bought so much as a packet of crisps, we'd know it.
02:33They must be using a new courier.
02:35Spoiling for a fight, Harry?
02:37If Iran goes nuclear, Israel will escalate the standoff
02:39and America will be forced into a preemptive strike.
02:41Not even Hogan dares risk that.
02:43By the way, the Joint Intelligence Committee
02:45seems to think that we, here in Section D, have a mole.
02:47They'll be conducting a full sweep of the grid.
02:53By the way, the Joint Intelligence Committee
02:55seems to think that we, here in Section D, have a mole.
02:59Connie, get me the head of the Air Force Authority.
03:01We let everyone board, then hold the flights on the ground
03:03until we find our target.
03:06I wouldn't do that, Harry.
03:08We've just received an anonymous e-mail.
03:10I don't know what it's about.
03:12I don't know what it's about.
03:13Harry, we've just received an anonymous e-mail.
03:16Fifty litres of dimethylmercury
03:18are waiting to be released in your water supply.
03:20Unless the courier with the circuit boards
03:22reaches Tehran safely, we will activate the device.
03:25Any attempt to disarm it will be monitored.
03:31Nobody outside this room apart from Rolf and Hogan
03:33knows we know about the circuit boards.
03:35Fifty litres, that's enough to take out an entire city.
03:38Whoever the poisoner is, he knows what he's doing.
03:40He also knows what we're doing.
03:42He also knows what we're doing.
03:58We can't confront the courier smuggling the circuit boards
04:00or he'll send a panic signal to release the poison.
04:02We let all aircraft take off as usual
04:04but we track everyone flying to Tehran
04:06while we locate and neutralise the poison.
04:08Malcolm, what do we have?
04:09Colourless liquid neurotoxin.
04:11A gram is enough to kill a million people.
04:13The last scientist who studied it
04:15spilled a drop on her protective glove.
04:17Within 15 seconds, it had penetrated the latex
04:19and reached the skin.
04:21Once it had crossed the blood-brain barrier,
04:23she began to suffer from ataxia, sensory disturbance,
04:25blurred vision, and they found 80 times
04:27the toxic levels in her bloodstream.
04:29She never came out of the coma.
04:31Over 100 pumping stations alone feed London.
04:33If they're monitoring the target,
04:35then we can't involve the police.
04:37Assuming we can find it, can we contain the contamination?
04:39It's a closed system.
04:41And if not, hundreds of reservoirs.
04:43A single bird watcher could dip a thermos of cyanide
04:45into one no one would notice for days.
04:47There are 10,000 miles of mains in London alone.
04:49248 people on three aircraft
04:51and the first flight leaves in three hours.
04:53Connie, you know how to charm six.
04:55I'll hit Interpol, OK?
04:57Red flags, recent movements,
04:59and unusual financial transactions.
05:03Harry, if Anna did know about the real circuit boards,
05:05she could only have found out from her husband.
05:07We seduced her, we used her.
05:09She's often betrayed.
05:11I don't know anything he says or thinks right now
05:13will advance our cause.
05:15Before we go after the triggers,
05:17we have to find the mercury ourselves.
05:19Harry Pearce, I've been instructed by the Home Office
05:21to sound a surveillance sweep of bug extermination.
05:23We've set up a blocking frequency,
05:25so you'll have to patch all mobiles through to landlines.
05:27It's all yours.
05:29Right, come on. This way.
05:39Come on.
06:04You spies, you love your mystery, don't you?
06:06I'm taking a wild guess
06:07that Yalta are behind the real circuit boards.
06:09You're being too modest.
06:11We couldn't possibly have set this up without you.
06:15Iran could become a nuclear power within 24 hours.
06:18I agreed to help you stabilise international diplomacy,
06:21not fuel a war.
06:23Nobody wants that.
06:25There are alpha forces in Washington who want it.
06:27They fear Iran's power, they want her resources.
06:29If we help Iran withstand American tyranny,
06:31we can finally break their dominance.
06:33Nagasaki, Milai, Guantanamo, what's next?
06:43Harry's having the grid swept for bugs.
06:45There are two left, one in his office.
06:48If they find them...
06:50If they find them, you'll be no more use to us.
06:53Order Harry.
07:11Adam's patching through from a secure line.
07:13He says it's urgent.
07:17Where the hell is he?
07:19Sounds like it's a restaurant.
07:27Wow, thanks.
07:33Excuse me.
07:35Can I have a glass of water, please?
07:37Thank you.
07:39How is the band?
07:41She has had to return to Tehran.
07:43Tehran could die.
07:45That's Banksy.
07:47Sly, is that American?
07:57Who's this?
07:59Why are they speaking Russian?
08:01Something about their blueprint.
08:05He and Courier, Adam, what's the word?
08:09He's British.
08:11So we know the target.
08:13How many leaving have UK passports?
08:18Come on, Adam.
08:20Very funny.
08:34Every British passenger on every flight has been cleared to security.
08:37No red flags.
08:39Is Banksy helping to plant the circuit boards on someone?
08:41An unwitting mule.
08:43He must know we can track them.
08:45He knows we can't do a damn thing unless we find 50 litres of dimethylmercury.
08:47OK, this is what Banksy said.
08:49They thought they could force our hand,
08:51but Iran will make her own moves.
08:53Then Denaker answers, how did you find out?
08:55Banksy says, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
08:58That's when they laugh, and he goes on, we have working circuits now.
09:01Our man flies today.
09:03What an irony, the Courier should be British.
09:05And Denaker replies, if the Americans challenge you,
09:07Russia will respond with equal force.
09:11Come on, again.
09:13We're not getting any leads on the mercury or the passengers.
09:16It's 52 British travellers with no previous security records.
09:19Not six, not CIA, not Interpol, all the police.
09:22The Persepolis flight leaves in two hours.
09:24If Banksy knows about the circuit boards,
09:26there's no way he doesn't know about the mercury.
09:28I've checked his phone records for the last two weeks.
09:30If he's involved, he's using another handset.
09:32Well, then, let's get that handset.
09:37Oh, sorry.
09:39Oh, I'm sorry.
09:41Are you OK?
09:57How's your Russian?
09:59I explicitly forbade you to follow him.
10:01No, you explicitly forbade me not to get caught by him.
10:03Get to the airport now. It's a British Courier.
10:05We need to make sure every damn one of them boards safely.
10:06Then what?
10:08We're working on it.
10:10With three planes and no leads,
10:12it looks like I'll be tossing a coin.
10:14You'd better send me a bag and a passport.
10:16We're tracking a device.
10:18It has to arrive safely.
10:20Some kind of electronics.
10:22Could be as small as a pack of cards.
10:24Now, I don't care if you hear a bag ticking or see a lit fuse.
10:26You just tag it and let it through.
10:28Everything gets on that plane.
10:31Connie, we're downloading Banksy's phone records now.
10:33Well, let's hope it's something there.
10:34A JTAC advising we shut off water to the whole southeast.
10:42This is Joe Connor, Section D.
10:44Hang up before the download's complete.
10:50We have to tell Banksy the truth about Anna.
10:52What would that gain us right now?
10:54He has the power to stop the triggers and the mercury.
10:56He's in no fit state to decide what he wants.
10:58Harry, please.
11:00We have to tell him she's alive.
11:02We have to make him see sense.
11:05Last night you fired a shot
11:07to make Adam believe that Anna was dead.
11:09Help him break her spell, you said.
11:11I agreed to hold Anna in a safe house
11:13until we'd secured the circuit boards.
11:15That way, Banksy would never know
11:17that she'd told us about the real set.
11:19Unless you've got better intelligence.
11:21Sounds like a pretty solid plan to me.
11:23Find the poison, Ross.
11:25Banksy had a second phone.
11:27He copied the sim.
11:29Everyone he called in the last 24 hours
11:31and everyone they've called.
11:33Needles or haystacks, better start dialling.
11:35The settler's flight leaves in 30 minutes.
11:37Do we let Adam fly after last night?
11:39Did you get any leads from the phone?
11:41We've only just got it.
11:43Then he flies. And if it's the wrong one,
11:45Ross, you take the next.
11:47And if that's the wrong one?
11:49Then my passport's in my desk.
11:51Just a minute.
11:53Passengers, fly on.
11:55Settler's charter flight 772.
11:57The gate is now closed.
11:59Would passenger tenants
12:01Adam, the Russian word, we were wrong.
12:03It's not courier, it's carrier.
12:05It's not a British passport, it's a British flight.
12:07British Intercontinental 1505.
12:0984 passengers.
12:11We'll get you more as soon as we can.
12:13Joe's still working on the water.
12:15We're going to need some way to communicate with those planes.
12:17Better get Malcolm to Heathrow.
12:19What's the worst in the Mercury?
12:21If we fail to prevent it,
12:23mass evacuation, panic,
12:25hundreds dead, economic chaos.
12:26This morning we tasked you
12:28to track a simple piece of electronics
12:30to a third world country
12:32for a rocket they can hardly afford to build.
12:34Now you've managed to put the lives
12:36of half the city under threat.
12:38How close are we?
12:40We don't know where the device is yet.
12:42Hello, can I ask you a question?
12:44Mr. Alexander,
12:46can I ask how long
12:48it's been since David's left the country today?
12:50It's been six months since your last appointment
12:52and we wondered if you'd like to make another.
12:57Have you fixed the screens in row 28?
13:00If there's any more moaning, I'm going to kill someone.
13:02What ever happened to a good old fashioned book?
13:05OK, we're sending the engineers unit.
13:07Can we have a look at it in the meantime?
13:09We can't fix it, sir.
13:11Fine, just get back to the terminal.
13:13Tell the carrier that the aircraft has failed safety.
13:15Airport security need to know too.
13:19Sir, the flame arrestor's been disabled.
13:21I've got bare wires hanging over 6,000 gallons of jet hay.
13:23The flame arrestors have been smashed.
13:24Both engines.
13:26Can she fly without them?
13:28If she hits turbulence, there's nothing to protect the fuel vapour.
13:30If she flies through an electrical storm,
13:32she's a sitting duck.
13:34Spare aircraft?
13:36Not unless we delay.
13:38No delay, Bax, you will know.
13:40You released the poison, arming Iran.
13:42After everything we've been fighting for.
13:44Just let me find them.
13:46I won't move until I know the poison's safe.
13:55Tell the engineers to report the fault when the plane returns.
13:59I'm boarding now.
14:07Please don't tell me bringing down that aircraft
14:09in a fireball over Europe was one of your schemes.
14:11We cripple three planes to keep the circuit boards here safe.
14:15You're the one condemning 84 passengers
14:17by letting them take off.
14:19That flight leaves on time,
14:21or this city faces mass evacuation.
14:22The slightest cock-up causes a delay.
14:24Bax, you will know we're stalling.
14:26Think global, Harry.
14:28You already lost one empire.
14:46I can't hold.
14:48You need to get your manager on the phone now.
14:52Roz, I've got something.
14:54This is the security service.
14:56We urgently need the name of the person
14:58who called you at 6.54 yesterday evening.
15:00One of Baxia's contacts placed an emergency call
15:02to the health and safety office.
15:04Yeah, I'm sending over our access code.
15:07Please just read the call log.
15:09An engineer reported an exposed mains feed,
15:12refused to work until it was made safe.
15:16Where did he say the fault was?
15:19Molden House.
15:23Do you have any idea
15:25what that amount of dimethylmercury can do?
15:28I deliver information, not poison.
15:30Baxia's only using the threat
15:32to guarantee the safe arrival of the triggers.
15:34Just tell me who the courier is.
15:36That hardly matters.
15:38If you stop Iran from getting the circuits today,
15:40you know damn well I'll buy them
15:42from someone else tomorrow.
15:44Think big, Roz.
15:46Bigger than Harry, at least.
15:48What I'm doing for you is treason.
15:49Harry knows them all.
15:51Are you afraid of him?
15:53Or are you afraid of a world
15:55where Section D answers to Hogan
15:57because America arrives roughshod
15:59over the rest of us?
16:01You're still in this contest, don't you?
16:03Real people are going to die today.
16:05People who did not sign up for your grand crusade.
16:19I don't know what you're talking about.
16:49I don't know what you're talking about.
17:31Excuse me.
17:33Listen, Malcolm.
17:35The only Paul Aistel who worked for Health and Safety
17:37died two months ago.
17:39Looks like somebody used his ID to get into Molden House.
17:41If they're watching, I'm going to need some help
17:43getting past their security.
17:45I'm on my way.
17:50Thank you.
17:52Thank you, sir.
18:08Hey, darling. Missing you already.
18:10Everyone's boarded now.
18:12Eighty-one are cleared.
18:14They're mostly Iran nationals,
18:16plus the usual run of businessmen,
18:17have red flags.
18:19Nicolas Faure,
18:21advisor to the French nuclear program
18:23till he was carpeted for taking kickbacks.
18:25Anastasia Poselskaya,
18:27ex-FSB, no known employer,
18:29but she's hiding 12 grand a month in cash.
18:31And Ibrahim Yanati,
18:33Iranian passport, no available records.
18:35What, nothing?
18:37He's either very clean or very clever.
18:39We're waiting on the seat numbers.
18:41I'm sorry, sir, but all phones must be switched off.
18:43Don't dally, darling.
18:45I'll be in the air before you know it.
18:47Searched and X-rayed.
18:49If the circuit boards are on that flight,
18:51they're in there with you.
18:53Is the water still shut off?
18:55I hate to leave you without sorting it all out.
18:57Look, Jo's on her way.
18:59Harry says under no circumstances are you to make a move
19:01until she's clear.
19:03We know where the mercury is, just sit tight, Adam.
19:05Promise to let me know the moment you're safe and sound.
19:07Any message?
19:09I'll find a way.
19:11We are authorized to remove personal equipment
19:13if passengers contravene the safety regulations.
19:15I'll call you as soon as I get the seating plan.
19:17Thank you.
19:43All bags must be stowed for take-off.
19:45Please give me the bag, sir, and I will stow it for you.
19:47Our security's still on the jetway.
19:49Excuse me, she's worried about the bag.
19:51Could you please sit down, sir? We will take care of this.
20:11This person's phone is switched off.
20:13Please try again later.
20:15British Ships Continental 434, clear for take-off.
20:17Clear for take-off, British Ships Continental 434.
20:29Adam's in the air, waiting on our all clear.
20:31We can't contact the control room.
20:33Whoever set the mercury will be watching it.
20:35There's a loading bay round the back.
20:37All right, now go quietly.
20:39The whole plan may be bugged.
20:45Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking.
20:47We are now cruising at 41,000 feet.
20:49The weather ahead looks good
20:51and we should be making an on-time arrival
20:53at Imam Khomeini.
20:55We are currently just crossing over the channel
20:57and the cabin crew will be serving drinks shortly.
20:59I do hope you enjoy your stay.
21:01Thank you.
21:14Please relax, sit back and enjoy the flight.
21:22Would you like red or white with your meal, sir?
21:26I'd stick to water.
21:29Very dehydrating, all this flying.
21:33I'm expecting a message in the cockpit.
21:35Our ground staff patched a private channel
21:37to the handset in the recali.
21:39No news yet.
21:41In case things get bumpy?
21:44No, not yet.
22:15I'm sorry.
22:17I'm just looking for a pen.
22:19I know it's here somewhere.
22:24Someone's been here.
22:26There could be a tripwire.
22:28Could be a contact,
22:30a magnet or a metal strip.
22:58Got it.
23:22Must be a cut-out.
23:27I'll have to try and short it.
23:29Drop the voltage.
23:31Easy does it.
23:33Even fingertips can pass current.
23:36I should have been a surgeon.
23:39How are we looking?
23:42I'm there.
23:44We're home and dry.
23:58It's a trap.
24:00It's a trigger.
24:02They must have reversed the switch.
24:28Are you in?
24:29Yeah, I'm here, but they said a trip.
24:31A double bus.
24:32How's the poison been, Moody's?
24:34I don't know.
24:35There's something wrong here, Harry.
24:37Badly wrong.
24:49Don't they train you new girls?
24:51I usually do first.
24:53Proper plates.
24:55This is chicken.
24:57I specifically requested a vegetarian meal.
24:59I'm so sorry, sir.
25:01I'll get you one in a minute.
25:24Emergency services.
25:42It's just gone nuts.
25:44I'm down to three bar on seven and nine.
25:46Emergency services. There's been an industrial leak.
25:48Ground water. What's the hazard code?
25:50What's the alarm?
25:51Pressure failure on two main risers.
25:52In English.
25:53He must have dropped something.
25:54Well, show me.
26:24272, 288.
26:26Full feed pressure should be five minimum.
26:28Okay, where are the pipes?
26:30How do we get to them?
26:32This whole building runs 300 feet underground.
26:34We've pumped water up from the reservoir.
26:52Danger. Contamination alert.
26:54Danger. Contamination alert.
26:56Danger. Contamination alert.
27:22What's the pump output on seven and nine?
27:25900 litres per second.
27:27What kind of poison is it?
27:29We cannot allow any water to reach the main supply.
27:31There's enough dimethyl mercury in the system right now
27:33to kill any person who opens a tap between Canterbury and Reading.
27:39We need to close down every valve between here and the main entry.
27:42What's the diameter?
27:4460 centimetres.
27:46I could reroute it through the holding tank, sorry.
27:48I could lift it round the oxidisers.
27:49A flow speed of just over three metres per second.
27:51350 metres.
27:53We have just under two minutes.
27:57But it all leads to the mains.
27:59I've routed it myself. I wrote the software.
28:01You designed an entire pumping station
28:03with no way to shut it down.
28:05We'll just balance the supply.
28:07We lift it into the system.
28:09You pump it?
28:11Yeah, from the underground repository.
28:13Gravity, man. Where's the mains feed?
28:15Electricity, not water.
28:19Come on.
28:26It starts now.
28:29I'm so sorry.
28:35You stupid freak!
28:37Get your hands off me.
28:39Don't move.
28:41I don't believe you, asshole.
28:43Give me your hand.
28:45You aren't a man.
28:46I'm such an idiot! I can't believe I did that!
29:17You'll crash the system?
29:19Yeah, we don't need luck.
29:22Forty seconds!
29:32Wait, it's getting to you, Joy.
29:34Not better.
29:46Two, one!
30:17Connie, any news from the pumping station?
30:19Not yet, but we have another problem.
30:21Met Office says there's a storm building over southern Turkey and it's pretty severe.
30:25Without those flame arresters, a single bolt of lightning could ignite the tanks.
30:28I'm trying to contact Adam.
30:47Everyone, we red flagged. It's clean.
30:49What do we tell Harry?
30:50We tell him the truth. There's nothing we do do now until the poison's secure.
30:52He has to be here.
30:54There's two hours until we land. Between us, we checked all 84 passengers.
30:58What? No, absolutely not. Connie had the manifest. She confirmed it when we took off.
31:01I counted them three times. There are 85 of them.
31:03I don't believe it.
31:04I don't believe it.
31:05I don't believe it.
31:06I don't believe it.
31:07I don't believe it.
31:08I don't believe it.
31:09I don't believe it.
31:10I don't believe it.
31:11I don't believe it.
31:12I don't believe it.
31:13I don't believe it.
31:14I don't believe it.
31:15I counted them three times. There are 85 passengers on board.
31:26Have you seen the landing cards?
31:28I haven't.
31:36Sorry. Not feeling very well.
31:38I can't find the landing cards.
31:39That happened to me last month on the way into Moscow.
31:41I'll have to make a list.
31:55It's falling. Back to the reservoir.
31:57Is it sealed?
31:58So long as those pumps are dead it's going nowhere.
32:05Contained. Thank God.
32:06Where's the aircraft now? We need them to turn around right away.
32:08Turkey, traffic control on the line. I'll tell Adam he can tear that aircraft apart.
32:12But you may not need to. I'm going to do a little interrogation of my own.
32:20Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize.
32:23I request you to collect all your passports now prior to our arrival in Amman.
32:28Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to land in Amman airport.
32:42No ice. You never know what's in the water.
32:57Four million lives for a circuit board.
33:00I don't know what you mean. I serve the wishes of my country.
33:05Is that what your country wishes, Darius?
33:07Your government just authorized 70 billion pounds for a new Trident missile system.
33:12More than my country's entire foreign reserve.
33:15You call it defense. Why should we not, too?
33:19Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking.
33:21As you may have noticed, we are experiencing some turbulence at this level.
33:24Unfortunately, we have to remain at this level until we are outside Euro control and cleared to climb.
33:29So for your own safety, please remain seated until the seatbelt light switches off.
33:37Sir, how to board?
33:44Open the gate!
34:05You know that any attempt to arm Iran now will be seen as provocation.
34:08The stakes are too high.
34:16How the hell did he get on board without being listed on the manifest?
34:19At least we found our man.
34:20Don't do anything too hasty. He could still trigger the mercury.
34:24There's nothing we can do.
34:27Your officer seduced my wife.
34:29He poisoned her loyalty to her country.
34:32And to me.
34:33You sent Adam Carter and you knew what he would do because you dared not come to me yourself.
34:43I'm here now.
34:49You can talk to Anna yourself.
34:51Find out what really happened.
35:06Anna, my love.
35:08Are you safe?
35:11Are you hurt?
35:13I'm okay now.
35:15They wouldn't let me talk to anyone.
35:2330 minutes till we leave European airspace.
35:26I always wanted to see Tehran.
35:28Preferably not through the files of an interrogation cell.
35:33Tell us where the circuit boards are hidden.
35:35And you can finish the conversation.
35:38I am a diplomat, Harry.
35:40Not a terrorist.
35:53Excuse me.
35:55I think I mixed them all up.
35:56Simon Tennant, sure. I got yours.
36:00I hope this isn't a taste of things to come.
36:02I'm told that doing business in Tehran is a comedy of errors.
36:05Well, I'm sure our embassies are used to sorting out this kind of mess.
36:07Have you been there a lot?
36:08Well, I have a colleague who represents my business there.
36:10All right. Listen, I managed to get a room at the Estaglal on Pasteran,
36:13but I hear mixed reports.
36:15Do you think I should keep looking around or what?
36:17Well, you're not in Kansas anymore, Simon.
36:19The Estaglal is fine.
36:23Ladies and gentlemen, we are still experiencing considerable turbulence.
36:27Please remain in your seats with your seatbelt fastened.
36:33Excuse me.
36:35It's him.
36:36It's him.
36:37We'll find a way to get the circuit boards provided we don't fall out of the sky first.
36:40I didn't have you down as an air force flyer.
36:42You might be too if Malcolm had told you we were sitting over 2,000 gallons of unshielded fuel.
36:46Without the flame arrestors, this thing isn't a plane, it's a bomb.
36:49Well, it's certainly one way of dealing with the Triggers.
36:56All I know is the Triggers fly today on a British aircraft.
37:01Perhaps they have arrived already.
37:03Perhaps you know more than me.
37:06Let's go.
37:32What do you mean you can't get in touch with the aircraft?
37:34I can't pilot through the emergency channels. He has to land immediately.
37:37His fuel could blow if he doesn't get out of that storm.
37:40British Intercontinental 434, this is Elazig Tower.
37:45Turn heading 045 degrees.
37:48This will be radar vector for the ILS zone 3.
37:52Is it live landing?
38:01Blast. The water's safe. Do what you have to to get the Triggers.
38:11They found it. We're clear.
38:18I need to set you back.
38:19I'm warning you to sit down.
38:20Put your hands where I can see them.
38:27I'm American. You've got the wrong guy.
38:31You've never been to Tehran.
38:32Yes, Tehran is the only hotel where an American would stay.
38:35But it's not on Pass Tehran.
38:56Stay down. Stay down.
38:59Stay down.
39:05You all right?
39:08Move. Move. Go to the back of the plane.
39:10Everybody just stay calm. Stay calm.
39:14Stay calm, everyone.
39:15Excuse me.
39:16Stay seated.
39:18We'll make sure you're safe.
39:23If they land the plane in Iran, they'll just lock it down.
39:25Why hasn't Harry authorized the pilot to turn back?
39:27I don't know.
39:28What's going on over there?
39:29I don't know.
39:37It's got to be in the laptop.
39:43You need to turn this aircraft around.
39:45You receive orders from traffic control.
39:52Connie, we have the courier. His name's Frank Lowell.
39:55You have to authorize the pilot to turn back.
39:57I did. Open channels, emergency codes. I'll try again.
40:00You must not proceed to Tehran.
40:03Why, when they land?
40:04The crew have orders not to divert if they suspect a hijack.
40:07Listen to me. You have to land this aircraft now.
40:09I'm not prepared to negotiate with terrorists.
40:14Everyone, back in your seats, please. Back in your seats.
40:17How long till we cross into Iraq?
40:18Any time now.
40:19Connie's on with Al-Azhar.
40:20They've authorized the pilots to turn back.
40:23Calm down, ladies and gentlemen.
40:33They'll be entering Iraqi airspace in four minutes.
40:36We're about to lose the triggers.
40:43We're not turning. At least they won't get the triggers.
41:01Flight is refusing to divert. They're on course for Tehran.
41:04Who's the pilot?
41:05Al and Patrick are clearing their cell.
41:07At their current speed, they'll enter Iraqi airspace in 90 seconds.
41:09Roz, we have one more chance to get you back.
41:12I need you to get your phone and switch your Bluetooth on.
41:16I want you to text in the following number.
41:19Get everybody seated safely.
41:21Everybody, take your seats and fasten your seatbelts.
41:24Fasten your seatbelts. Sit down and fasten your seatbelts.
41:27You're all fastened your seatbelts.
41:32You should have five seconds.
41:34You're all fastened your seatbelts.
41:46Sir. Sir, sit down. Now.
41:49Signal 4.
42:03I set a charge to take out the fuel pumps.
42:06You said we might have to force a landing.
42:08It must have ruptured the fuselage.
42:10The pressure loss won't harm them if they get down fast enough.
42:40We have a problem.
42:42We have a problem.
43:10We have a problem.
43:41Mayday. Mayday.
43:43This is British Intercontinental 434 initiating descent.
43:46Diverting to Elazig Airport for emergency landing.
43:49British Intercontinental 434, this is Elazig Tower.
43:52We acknowledge your mayday and you are clear to set a fixed runway 3 at Elazig.
43:56You'll be remaining on my frequency until you're down.
43:59Elazig. NATO base.
44:01Connie, get ready for takeoff.
44:04Elazig. You'll be remaining on my frequency until you're down.
44:07Elazig. NATO base.
44:09Connie, get me the commander.
44:11I don't want the courier interrogated by anyone outside Section D.
44:13Do we have a name?
44:14Frank Lowell, travelling as an American.
44:16I've told Hogan repeatedly, US passports are too easy to fake.
44:24Harry, how's the Global Village?
44:26We forced the Tehran flight down at Elazig.
44:29Need my help to clean up the mess?
44:30Your mess.
44:31The courier carrying the circuit boards was travelling on an American passport, Frank Lowell.
44:36Harry, Lowell's ours.
44:39We put him on in case they got him screwed up.
44:42You got the wrong guy.
45:31Ladies and gentlemen, we have successfully executed a controlled emergency landing into Elazig airbase.
45:39Ladies and gentlemen, we have successfully executed a controlled emergency landing into Elazig airbase.
45:43If I could ask you to be patient whilst we wait for the ground staff to be all clear, then we can disembark.
45:48Thank you for your cooperation.
45:50I'll be waiting for you.
45:52Thank you.
45:53Thank you.
45:54Thank you.
45:55Thank you.
45:56Thank you.
45:57Thank you.
45:58Thank you.
45:59Thank you.
46:00Thank you.
46:01Thank you.
46:02Thank you.
46:03Thank you.
46:04Thank you.
46:05Thank you.
46:06Thank you.
46:07Thank you for your cooperation.
46:34Harry, Lowell's dead.
46:36Lowell, you destroyed the circuit board.
46:37Lowell, CIA.
46:39The only thing you destroyed was our relationship with the United States.
46:42I need you to find out why the pilot disobeyed clear orders to turn back.
46:45Stop the pilot. Stop the pilot. Search his bag.
46:47I'm a member of the British Security Services.
46:49That man has a trigger for a nuclear warhead in his bag.
46:53I'm with the British Security Services. My name is Adam Carter.
47:01Your passport says Simon Tennant.
47:03Look, I'm with the British Security Services.
47:56Stop the bag!
48:00You're destroying the bag!
48:11Ross, it's the pilot.
48:14I have him.
48:17How did Berkshire get to him?
48:19He has no links to Iran. No red flags.
48:21We've no idea who he's playing for.
48:25Give me that bag.
48:26Give me the bag!
48:29Miss, get off her on the floor.
48:31What are you doing?
48:32Please, give them back to me.
48:51Harry. Harry, he's clean.
48:54It's not here.
49:03It's not there!
49:04Give me the bag!
49:06The key!
49:07Stop that key!
49:09Stop that key!
49:19Ross destroyed two already.
49:21Eight grand each, those transmitters.
49:23Find the last one in Harry Pearce's office.
49:25Does he know?
49:27We can't afford to burn, Ross.
49:30We can't afford to burn, Ross.
49:32Not yet.
49:59Not yet.