• last year
Boat Story 2023 S01E05


00:00Last time,
00:02Take it, have another day.
00:04Janet and Samuel were given a day to find the tailor's money.
00:06It's not what you must try to climb out above.
00:08So Janet said,
00:10I need to poo.
00:12Which she didn't. She just slipped away to do this.
00:14Then she showed it to Vinnie.
00:18And said they'd all be next.
00:22And also that,
00:24I said I'd meet them tonight.
00:26They won't be expecting you to be there.
00:30You know for some people it's music or love, but for me it was a vase.
00:32And Taylor was having a date with Pat.
00:34That got weird.
00:36So Vinnie and his crew turned up
00:38to confront the tailor.
00:40Which he wanted all along.
00:42He had arranged it all.
00:44To bring you up to the surface.
00:46And then he was all like, kill them all.
00:48And I believe that's what they used to call a cliffhanger.
00:52Did I say that right?
00:58Kill them all.
01:06Come on, man!
01:20Jesus Christ.
01:22How many men did Vinnie bring?
01:24Let's hope they all shoot each other and die then.
01:26Vinnie! Cover me!
01:40Let's go, let's go, let's go.
01:42Alright you two.
01:44There's nowhere to hide now.
01:56Get them work out how you hoped, innit?
02:00Let's not straighten this out, eh?
02:02Come on.
02:24Hey boss.
02:26I got them all.
02:28Good boy.
02:32Let's go, let's go.
02:42We should make a run for it.
02:44No, no way. They'll shoot us.
02:46They're too busy shooting each other.
02:48Killing fun.
03:02If we both go, then we'll have better odds.
03:06We're not gonna make it.
03:08Grab the gun!
03:14Pull your back in, Vinnie.
03:38Alright then.
03:40Now you gotta reload, and I'm betting
03:42that you ain't got the first fucking clue
03:44how to do that, have you?
03:50Is this who you wanna be?
03:52A murderer?
03:54You could be so much more than that.
03:56You could...
03:58You could make pots, like your grandfather.
04:00What the fuck are you talking about?
04:02Life's short, guy.
04:04So fucking short.
04:06Remember what you said to me at the hospital?
04:08The way you talked about it?
04:10You gotta live your dream.
04:12Remember your grandfather, remember that...
04:14Don't you shut up!
04:16Please, please don't kill us.
04:18I'm just doing my job.
04:20Which you don't love.
04:22You could be so much more than this.
04:24Us might not even live,
04:26so then killing us, that'll be on you.
04:28Is that who you want to be?
04:34Don't live a life of regret
04:36because it won't work for me.
04:50If this goes wrong,
04:54you remember I know where you live.
05:00Thank you, thank you.
05:02We should go.
05:22We should go. We can't be found here.
05:26My place. Camilla and Anya are at her parents'.
05:32Come on!
05:34Did I just kill him, Samuel?
05:38We need to go. You bring that with you.
05:40We might need it.
05:42Oh, boy.
05:44Now we got dead bodies all over the joint.
05:48I remember when this was just a...
06:02Get up.
06:16What the fuck just happened?
06:18What did we just do?
06:20It's fine. We're fine.
06:22I can't believe I actually shot someone.
06:26I didn't think it would be like that.
06:32We should call the hospital.
06:34Find out if he's still alive.
06:36Do you really think I killed him?
06:38I really hope you have.
06:40Because if he's not dead,
06:42we are.
06:48Look, a friend of ours was brought in
06:50with a gunshot wound.
06:52I just wanted to know
06:54if you could tell me if he's OK.
06:56What's his name?
06:58I don't know.
07:00He goes by the name
07:02of the tailor.
07:04He's French.
07:06So he's about 60. He would have been brought in.
07:16They only give information out to relatives
07:18and we don't even have a name.
07:22We're going to have to go to the hospital.
07:26Look, listen.
07:28We're going to need a few fillers.
07:30It's all going to need proper cleaning up.
07:32I've got to go.
07:34Did you bring in the man
07:36with the gunshot wound?
07:40Who's next of kin?
07:42No. And to be honest with you,
07:44I don't know who that would be.
07:46Right. Can I ask your relationship
07:48to the patient?
07:52I'm just a guy who works for him.
07:54Right. Well, he's lost a lot of blood,
07:56OK, thanks.
07:58Don't you want to wait?
08:00I've waited long enough. Thank you, Doctor.
08:02Hang on, hang on.
08:04We can't just walk into the hospital.
08:06What if that bloke and guy is there?
08:08Well, he had a chance to kill us before and he didn't.
08:12So let's hope for the best.
08:14That's a hell of a plan, innit?
08:16It's got us this far, hasn't it?
08:20Come on. Let's go.
08:34Samuel, are you at the door?
08:40Oh, hiya, sweetheart.
08:42Uh, I thought you were staying the night.
08:44Oh, yeah, Dad said
08:46he was feeling sick, so he just turned round.
08:48Why have you locked the door?
08:50Oh, I didn't realise I had.
08:58Go upstairs to your bedroom.
09:00Go upstairs.
09:02Why's Sally here?
09:04Oh, we were just catching up.
09:06With the door locked from the inside?
09:08Are you having an affair?
09:10No. No.
09:12But I should go.
09:14Did we move up here so you could be closer to her?
09:16No. She's hardly my type, is she?
09:18It's very strongly not mine, like at all, at all, at all, ever, ever.
09:20Love, I would never cheat on you.
09:22Just tell her.
09:24Tell me what?
09:26Just tell her everything about the money, the gambling.
09:28Just tell her all of it.
09:30What does she mean?
09:32Just tell her.
09:34It's true.
09:38Sally's a gambling addict.
09:42She's an ex-client.
09:44I had no idea she'd moved up here
09:46until I ran into her the other day,
09:48and she said she'd burnt through her family's bank account,
09:50and so I lent her some money to help her out,
09:52and now that's gone, so she came over to borrow some more,
09:56Is this true?
09:58Yeah. Yeah.
10:02I should go.
10:04Yeah. I think that would be a good idea.
10:12Better see her out.
10:15Thanks for playing along.
10:17Fuck yourself.
10:19I only did it cos I've got bigger things to worry about right now.
10:23Listen, I know I said I'd go with you to the hospital,
10:26but I think I'd better stay here and smooth things out with Camilla.
10:28Not yet, cos it's only our lives at stake, innit?
11:06Hiya. Where would someone with a gunshot wound be taken?
11:10Put the clothes down.
11:26Hiya. Yeah.
11:28My friend was brought in this evening.
11:30I wanted to see if he were OK. Visiting hours are over.
11:33I really need to know if he's OK.
11:35OK? He was shot.
11:37There can't be that many old French blokes brought in with gunshot wounds.
11:41You know who I'm talking about, don't you?
11:43Erm, please, I just... I really need to know.
11:46We're short-staffed. I really don't have time for this.
11:49Come back tomorrow. See what our reception team can do for you.
13:04Hiya. Hiya.
13:06I need you to do me a favour.
13:08Why are you always here?
13:10I need you to get me into ICU.
13:12There's someone there and I need to find out if he's going to live.
13:14Or what? You tell my wife about the dick pics?
13:16Too late, you blue-haired temptress.
13:18She already found out.
13:28I'm so sorry to hear about that.
13:30Oh. Yeah.
13:33She's not happy.
13:35She wants a divorce.
13:37So have you tried apologising?
13:39Many times, but...
13:41there are a lot of pictures.
13:46It's horrible making mistakes, isn't it?
13:48It's like a world of shame that you can't run away from.
13:51I always sort of thought of myself as a good guy.
13:54And you find yourself doing things you never thought were possible.
13:57Appreciate you checking in on me.
14:01You can change, Dr Weathers.
14:04We both can.
14:06Maybe it's true and we really can make our own luck.
14:11God, you're hot. Oh, fuck off!
14:13You randy bastard!
14:15You got into my car!
14:17A...a drink at least.
14:19No, definitely not! I don't understand.
14:21You saw my penis, right? Ugh!
14:27You're a very confusing woman!
14:51You all right, pet? We shouldn't be in here at this time.
14:54Yeah, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to check if my friend were all right.
14:57He's lost a lot of blood, but he's tough.
14:59We think he's going to be just fine.
15:01So you can sleep all right tonight, OK?
15:03Yeah. Visiting hours start at nine tomorrow.
15:07OK, thanks. That's such...such great news.
15:19Yeah? He's alive.
15:21Shit. Yeah.
15:23A great big steaming pile of very dangerous shit.
15:26What shall we do? We need to meet.
15:29OK, where? What about that place Guy were talking about?
15:32In the car, Shang something or other.
15:34You're kidding, right? No, I'm not!
15:36I am stressed as fuck, Samuel.
15:38I need to bury my feelings in a great big plate of noodles.
15:59Hello? It's me. I'm on.
16:04Where is everyone?
16:07Hey! Did you not hear me come in?
16:10Oh, sorry, darling. I was just...
16:12Where? Dad's back.
16:17All right?
16:24Could you, er, put the pins out?
16:27Thank you, darling. And, um, feed Kenny.
16:30Right, OK.
16:32Right, OK.
16:34And that pipe has gone a bit funny again.
16:42Guy was home.
16:44But sometimes being home somehow doesn't feel like home.
16:50It feels like another life entirely.
16:59Come on! Who are you?
17:02Pick her up for the TV!
17:19What? It's all you can eat and right now it feels like
17:22every meal might be our fucking last.
17:27How did he look?
17:29Asleep. He looked asleep.
17:32He's got them oxygen tubes.
17:34The nurse said that she thinks he's going to be fine.
17:40So, we're going to have to go back.
17:43And we're going to have to.
17:45I don't think we have any choice but to kill him.
17:49I can't believe you just said that out loud.
17:51What else are we supposed to do?
17:53I don't know. Leave? Like, just run?
17:55He'll come after us. Shall we keep running?
17:57What, take our families? Just destroy everyone's lives?
18:01And what about your son? Are you just going to leave him here?
18:04We saw what they did to each other.
18:07Yeah, but what if it don't end with him?
18:09The tailor doesn't seem like a man who...
18:12..who works for anyone.
18:14No-one knows what we look like or how we're connected,
18:17except Guy, and he's gone.
18:19So, once we...
18:21..do this...
18:23..then it's over.
18:25And I wish I'd never met you on that beach.
18:28I wish we'd never met on the beach that morning.
18:31Maybe it was fate.
18:33Maybe we were meant to meet.
18:35You and I are two sides of the same coin, Janet.
18:38I'm not sure I can do this.
18:40We can do it...together.
18:56I just...I just don't think I can do it.
18:59If we don't do it, he will. That man is capable of anything.
19:02He's a monster. If we do this, then aren't we just stooping to his level?
19:06Think about that police station. Everyone who died.
19:09Don't they deserve justice?
19:11And the families of all those police officers that were gunned down,
19:14don't they...
19:15Any desserts? Oh, no, thanks.
19:18Thank you very much. Thanks.
19:24So, did you tell your wife the truth?
19:26The bit about the shit-tonne of cocaine
19:28or the bit about the massive fucking gunfight?
19:30The bit about you being a gambling addict, not me.
19:32You pissing away all of her money.
19:34No. Not yet.
19:36No, she's going to find out sooner or later.
19:38So, what are we going to do?
19:41Well, we can't do anything until the morning, so let's decide then.
19:44Come on.
19:47Oi! I'll go and dutch on this one.
19:49What? You hear everything? Credit card now.
19:59How you doing? You all right? Yeah.
20:01Can we split it 50-50, please?
20:15You need to pay your bill.
20:17I'm on a stakeout. I'm following suspects.
20:19You still need to pay! I'm on a stakeout!
20:26Police. See?
20:29Going to need to see their receipts.
20:32Oh, and more porr on a black bean to go.
20:34I've got a long night ahead.
20:48Oh, brilliant.
20:57Janet Campbell.
20:59Is that with or without a B?
21:03Brilliant. Thanks so much for your help.
21:05All right. Bye.
21:17And so it was.
21:19Officer Two started looking into Janet Campbell and Samuel Wells,
21:23pulling at threads that would unravel the fabric of everything.
21:45C'est moi.
21:47Madame Béthune.
21:51Madame Béthune?
21:54Madame Béthune?
21:57Tout ira bien.
22:01Comment c'est possible?
22:04C'est un tel chaos.
22:08Prends ma main.
22:10Ouvre les yeux.
22:12Nous allons écrire une nouvelle histoire.
22:18Oh, you...
22:21You're here.
22:24You're awake.
22:29It all makes sense, meeting you.
22:32Things we have...
22:35You just rest up, love.
22:39I'm not going anywhere.
22:58Where exactly is he? In the hospital?
23:01He's in the ICU, by the window, in the room closest to the door.
23:04There's three or four nurses.
23:06There's no way someone wouldn't see us coming in and out.
23:08Well, if we go at the right time...
23:11..maybe people would be too busy to notice us.
23:14Do you notice us killing someone?
23:16It sounds so fucking stupid out loud.
23:20We both know what he will do to us if he gets out of that hospital.
23:23Yeah, but they'll don't make it right.
23:25What if he has kids and they lose their dad cos of us?
23:27It's him or us, Janet.
23:30And if you can't do it, I fucking will.
23:38Can you put that away, please, Samuel? In there.
23:41You're not fucking Rambo, you turnip.
23:46What if we inject air into his IV?
23:49No, that's a myth, because the ebbables take hours to work their way through the blood
23:53and even then it don't always kill you.
23:55I saw it in a documentary.
23:59I don't know.
24:15We could suffocate him with a pillow.
24:19It's right there, I suppose, isn't it?
24:22The murder weapon.
24:25How long do you think it would take?
24:28I don't know.
24:29We can't go through with this.
24:32He'll be with us forever, there's no going back.
24:37If you want to live, this is our only choice.
24:41Ah, there's always a choice.
24:46Always a chance to just walk away.
24:53You'll need to move on.
24:55You what?
24:57Isabel says you've been watching her nearly an hour now and it's not OK, man.
25:02Who's Isabel?
25:04The instructor. She says you've been watching her.
25:07It's not the girl I'm looking at.
25:10It's the pots.
25:26Where did you tell Camilla you were going?
25:29I left a note saying I was walking the dog.
25:36Where's the dog?
25:40Just tell her.
25:42Oh, for Christ's sake, like I said, she will find out eventually.
25:49They got it right when they gave you this, didn't they?
25:51They were so desperate for people to admire you.
25:53Well, now you can admire yourself all day long.
25:58I can't believe I ever listened to you at that fucking age.
26:01You're not so innocent in all this, you know.
26:03You made your own decisions.
26:07OK, yeah, right.
26:10I am vain.
26:12Yes, I did what everyone would think I was the big man.
26:19I don't want to be that man anymore.
26:40Good morning, sir. I'm PC Ben 2 from Ayrside Police.
26:44Just wondering if I could speak to a Janet Campbell.
26:47She doesn't live here any more. What's this about?
26:50I'm not at liberty to say. Police business.
26:52Now, I just want to make sure that I've got the right Janet Campbell,
26:55cos I've met two already today.
26:57So, um, could you describe her for me?
26:59Fucking irritating.
27:01Fucking irritating.
27:04How about physically?
27:06Tall, long face, not fat.
27:08OK. And in terms of, er...
27:12..number of hands?
27:14Just the one. Right.
27:16The left bat, shall I?
27:18Ah! Very good.
27:21Um, can I ask what your relationship is to Miss Campbell?
27:24She's my ex, and, er, look, whatever it is she's got herself into,
27:28it's nothing to do with me.
27:30Why do you say that?
27:32Cos I happen to know she recently came into it.
27:34She owed her money.
27:38She even offered me some.
27:40I may have said no, of course.
27:42Interesting. Very interesting.
27:45Do you know a Samuel Wells?
27:47Well-dressed, bald, er...
27:49..not white.
27:52I saw her with a fella like that, yeah.
27:57You wouldn't happen to have a forward in a dress, by any chance?
28:03First, smack it.
28:05Then wet it.
28:07Then squeeze it between your hands,
28:09pushing it up between your fingers.
28:11Spin the wheel at a moderate speed,
28:13and with your left hand on the side of the clay
28:15and your right hand on top of the clay,
28:17press down.
28:25Then you just want to make your hole
28:27and press straight down.
28:33And lift.
28:35Right up.
28:40And with Guy finally following his dream,
28:43it was time for Janet and Samuel
28:48to go put an end to their nightmare.
29:47Not easy to kill a man, eh?
29:49You will have to push that pillow down into my mouth
29:52and hold it for up to five minutes.
29:54I will claw at your skin.
29:57My nails will burrow into you.
29:59You will feel me struggle,
30:02desperate to survive.
30:04Hiya, love. Oh.
30:06Oh, you're awake again.
30:08Oh, hiya, love.
30:15I am extremely glad you're alive.
30:19Hello. Hi.
30:21I'm Pat, a friend of the Taylors.
30:26I'm Samuel.
30:28Oh, nice to meet you. You too.
30:31So, how did you get yourself shot?
30:35I don't know. I didn't see who did it.
30:38What? He was just walking down the street and he got shot?
30:42Jesus Christ!
30:45You didn't see anything at all?
30:47No, nothing. One minute I was full of life
30:50and the next I was shot and not full of life.
30:55Oh, sorry. How do you know our friend here?
31:00I met them in Paris when I was studying men's fashion.
31:04Men's fashion?
31:06Oh. Parlez-vous Francais?
31:09Oui, oui, j'ai vécu là-bas pendant longtemps,
31:13avant de rentrer au Royaume-Uni à la fin des années 90.
31:18Sorry, love, I don't understand a word.
31:20Oh, OK.
31:24Fabrics, yeah.
31:26Yeah, I'm in fabrics.
31:32I'd best push off and open up.
31:34Yeah, we should go as well.
31:38Just stay. I insist.
31:42I'll sneak you in one of me pasties.
31:47Nice to meet you. And you.
31:54Now, she has seen you.
32:00If I die, yours will be the first names she speaks.
32:04When I'm strong again,
32:06I will come for you, cut you open as you breathe.
32:12How long do you think we've got?
32:13Not long.
32:14What are we going to do?
32:16Run? Right. Fuck, run.
32:18What am I going to tell Alan? What are you going to tell your lot?
32:20So I tell the truth. Like you said, they'd find out eventually.
32:23Christ. I've got to get Alan.
32:27But someone was coming to get them.
32:30Officer Two, who no longer wanted to just be Officer Number Two,
32:35but Celebrated Officer Two.
32:48Do you know what time he's going to be back?
32:50I've got something really important to discuss with him.
32:52He's not in till lunch.
32:53He's liaising with the council for the planning of the funerals.
32:56Well, I think he'll want to know what I've got to say.
33:00Is it more or less important than planning the funerals
33:02of our fallen colleagues?
33:07Yeah, I'll come back.
33:52It's OK. Not everyone's born to be a potter.
33:56And just like that, Guy's dream died as quickly as it had begun.
34:16Hey. You made it. That's good.
34:21Listen, look, I'm sorry I wasn't there.
34:23There was, um, something I needed to do.
34:28But believe me, I'm well and truly over it now.
34:31How you doing, anyway?
34:33I've never been better.
34:35Well, that's great.
34:36And look, I'm going to clean MS up.
34:39I'll call you when it's sorted.
34:41Remember what we said, eh?
34:43Solutions, not problems, right?
34:49Everything I've done,
34:52everything I am,
34:55it makes sense.
34:59You sure you're OK?
35:01Oh, my friend.
35:03I am...
35:07Je suis amoureux.
35:09I'm in love.
35:23You didn't take the dog.
35:30I've been lying to you.
35:34I don't want you to hate me, really.
35:36But you might hate me.
35:38I just... I didn't mean...
35:41What did you do?
35:44I stole a boatload of cocaine,
35:46and then I sold it to a drug dealer.
35:49A drug dealer.
35:50And then they came after us,
35:52and then they turned up,
35:53and we thought we could get them to kill each other.
35:55But they...
35:56There was...
35:57There was bodies everywhere.
35:59Oh, God, love.
36:01I didn't mean for it to happen.
36:03I just... I just...
36:04I just wanted us to be OK.
36:05Stop it, Samuel.
36:06You're not making any sense.
36:08OK, I...
36:09I gambled away everything.
36:11It's me.
36:12Not Sally.
36:13I am the gambling addict,
36:15and I lost it all.
36:16Everything's gone,
36:17everything's gone,
36:18and now they're going to kill us.
36:19Who's going to kill us?
36:20I don't know his name.
36:21He's the tailor.
36:22He's just called the tailor.
36:23Slow down.
36:24Just slow down.
36:25No, I...
36:26I stole a boatload of cocaine,
36:28and now these people are coming after us,
36:29and they're going to kill you,
36:30and they're going to kill Anya
36:31if we don't leave.
36:33We need to pack.
36:38We'll go to an airport.
36:41It doesn't matter.
36:42We can just fly somewhere.
36:43Where do you want to go?
36:44OK, just slow down and talk to me,
36:46and just tell me what the hell is going on.
36:48We don't have any time.
36:49We need to leave now.
36:50No, I'm not just going to pack up my life
36:52and leave until you explain.
36:54You need to pack your bags.
36:56You wouldn't.
36:57Believe me.
36:59You can't even...
37:01OK, let me show you.
37:03Come on.
37:04Come on.
37:05Come with me.
37:09life was getting confusing for Pat, too.
37:12Taylor telling her
37:13that he was shot randomly in the street
37:16made Pat a little bit more curious
37:18about everything that day.
38:09That's best.
38:10Get back.
38:11Pasties to bake.
38:14I'll bring fresh tomorrow.
38:26I'll be back for dinner.
38:46What was that?
38:51What do you want?
38:52I need to talk to Peter.
38:53Well, he's not here.
38:55He's not here either.
38:56Where is he?
38:57He's playing his tuba over at the church hall.
38:59OK, can you tell Peter to call me?
39:01It's an emergency.
39:03Oh, and your friend was round here looking for you.
39:05What friend?
39:06You know, the big guy that you came to the pub with.
39:09What did he want?
39:10He was looking for Alan.
39:12Just about 20 minutes ago.
39:15Did you tell him where we were?
39:16Yeah, why?
39:18OK, just...
39:20Just call Peter and tell him to go and get Alan now!
39:31Will you stay in the car?
39:33I mean it.
39:34You stay in the car.
39:35There's dead bodies.
39:36There's, um, blood.
39:38The people that tried to kill us.
39:40Mr Taylor.
39:41Mr... No, the...
39:42The Taylor.
39:43Look, I wouldn't show you this if there was any other way.
39:47Stay in the car.
40:03Stay behind me.
40:08Stay behind me.
40:30I told you to stay in the car.
40:31What are you doing here?
40:33Well, because of all the dead bodies.
40:36There were so many.
40:38They were right here.
40:39Look, I...
40:40I think that maybe you should talk to someone.
40:42No, no, I'm not crazy.
40:44No, let us help you.
40:48You need to believe me.
40:49If we don't go on the run, you are not safe.
40:52Let's just go home.
40:58OK, wait, wait, wait.
41:06In here.
41:09It was then that Samuel did what he had to do for his family.
41:14You'll be safe here!
41:16No, Sam!
41:19He locked them in a steel container.
41:22And ran away.
42:09Oh, dear.
42:11The bathroom's there.
42:12The laundry's there.
42:13The living room's flat.
42:39Get in the beauty and Alan anywhere.
42:40It's all right, love.
42:43Sorry, is Alan...
42:49Where's Alan?
42:50Where's Campbell?
42:51Have you seen him?
42:52He was here before.
42:53He played beautifully.
42:54Well, where is he?
42:55He's usually the last one out.
42:56He's always packed up his stuff there again.
42:58He's not here.
42:59He's not here.
43:00He's not here.
43:01He's not here.
43:02He's not here.
43:03He's not here.
43:04He's not here.
43:05He's not here.
43:06He's not here.
43:07He's always packed up his stuff very carefully.
43:08Was there another bloke here at all with black hair you'd have noticed him?
43:11I don't know.
43:12I'm not sure.
43:13Well, then fucking think, would you?
43:24Afraid not.
43:26Time's up.
43:27Oh, no, no, no.
43:28No, you can't.
43:29You can't hurt him.
43:30He's my boy.
43:31I won't.
43:33Just as long as you don't get the police involved.
43:34I won't.
43:35I won't.
43:36I won't.
43:37You know, I should never have let you two wander off.
43:38That's on me, that one.
43:39But believe me, my head is straight now, and I'm going to tie up all the loose ends, and
43:40I'm going to bring you in for the boss.
43:41Look, what do you want us to do?
43:42Meet me at your place.
43:43How do you know?
43:44Because I'm not stupid.
43:45Your place.
43:46And Alan?
43:47Come there.
43:49Just the two of you.
43:50And I promise you'll still be breathing.
43:53I promise we'll be there.
43:54Just please.
43:55I promise.
43:56I promise.
43:57I promise.
43:58I promise.
43:59I promise.
44:00I promise.
44:01I promise.
44:02I promise.
44:03I promise.
44:04I promise.
44:05Just be there.
44:06Just please.
44:09I'm begging you.
44:20Where are you?
44:22Right here.
44:35I'm starting a new life.
44:44Today, I leave this place.
44:47I leave my father and my brother where they are.
44:51And I'm starting a new life.
45:06Hold on. You can't leave, sir.
45:10I'm fine.
45:11No, you really aren't fine.
45:13The consultant, he...
45:15I'm more fine than I've ever been.
45:19When you face death, you face yourself,
45:22you see your own ending.
45:24I've seen mine.
45:27Everything that is happening...
45:31is happening for a reason.
45:34I know where I need to be.
45:39All right, Ben.
45:45Where's the boss?
45:46On the bog.
45:47Thank you.
45:52I'm a bit busy.
45:54It's two, sir. Constable Ben Two.
45:57Can't this wait?
45:58No, sir, it can't. I've cracked it.
46:01The scumbags have killed our friends.
46:03I know who they are and I know where they are.
46:05I need a team.
46:07Excuse me?
46:08Officer Two, this isn't the first time you've barged in
46:10saying that you've cracked the case of the century.
46:12The flasher on the 79 bus, remember that?
46:15You thought it was Judge Lateef.
46:17And we all look like absolute shitheads.
46:19This is different, sir. I heard him.
46:21Bring me evidence.
46:22I heard him with my own ears!
46:23This isn't the time, Officer Two.
46:28OK, then.
46:30OK, then.
46:31I'll go by myself. Then you'll see.
46:48The tide was coming in.
46:50And no-one was going to get away without being pulled under by it.
46:55Daniel, get up. Get up!
46:57Come on, we've got to go.
47:00OK, wait. Let's just consider what we're doing.
47:02There's nothing to fucking consider. They've got the boy.
47:04OK, well, maybe we should call the police.
47:06The pol...
47:08He's going to kill him. That is what he said.
47:10We have to go. We've got to go now.
47:12We can't.
47:13You're just going to run away.
47:14Do not fuck me over, Samuel.
47:16I asked you one thing. Do not fuck me over.
47:19I'm not saying we should run away.
47:20She's going to let my boy die.
47:21He's going to die anyway.
47:23We go there, we meet Guy, we're all dead.
47:26These are the people who executed an entire police station
47:29just to get to an evidence locker.
47:35There must be something we can do.
47:37Where are your family? Are they OK?
47:39They're safe.
47:41How do you go up against someone who's prepared to hurt the people you love?
47:56Oh, my God.
47:57Oh, my God.
47:59Oh, God.
48:25Oh, love.
48:27I was trying to call you.
48:29You'll never guess what happened to the tailor.
48:31I've cracked the case.
48:32What case?
48:33All those cops that died staking out the Chinese restaurant.
48:35I've cracked it.
48:37What, they just walked into the restaurant and said they'd done it?
48:39Yes, actually, Mother, they did.
48:41I'll have a number 42, black bean and prawn, and I kill ten coppers.
48:46Are you sure, love?
48:47I did all my follow-up. I followed up on their work.
48:49I got the licence plate, everything. It's all in here. All of it.
48:56I'd hoped you'd be proud.
48:57I'm just protective, love.
48:59So, if you say you've cracked the case, then you've cracked the case.
49:04Thanks, Mummy.
49:06Do you think you've got a medal?
49:07No, no, no, no.
49:09I don't think so, no.
49:13Wouldn't that be something?
49:17I just can't believe I've finally done something good.
49:23Go get them, tiger.
49:26Come on.
49:32Like a tiger, he went on his way to go get them.
49:37Except there was a lion there, waiting for him.
49:53Ha! Go on, go for it.
49:57Cos that horn's the most important thing you've got going on right now, innit, eh?
50:01It's a tuba, not a horn.
50:07You know, I saw you play it before I grabbed you.
50:10You're fucking good. I mean, really good.
50:16You love it, don't you?
50:22So, why is that, then?
50:28Come on, you can tell me.
50:30I mean, I'm not being funny. We could be sitting here all day.
50:33I love that it's me and this...
50:39..this thing someone invented hundreds of years ago.
50:44Something that's all my own.
50:47I know exactly what you mean.
50:53Must be so nice to be turning it.
50:57Right, get up. Get in that back room.
51:01You say so much as a word, I'll start shooting. Do you understand me?
51:05You stay here and you keep quiet.
51:17See you on the other side, boss.
51:19It's Ben, by the way.
51:21Ben, too. I work for you, just to be...
51:39I'm coming in.
51:41Put some clothes on if you're indecent, Miss Campbell.
51:51Oh, God.
51:53What are you doing here?
51:55It's me, remember? You know, from the bench.
51:58Oh, right, right, yeah.
52:00Yeah, you remember. You told me about your system.
52:03You know, the old four bends.
52:05I've been using it an honour.
52:07I'm rating everything out of guys, and you were right.
52:10It is a lot of fun.
52:12Now, get inside.
52:15Shut the door and get inside. Move.
52:23Are you working with him?
52:26Janet and Samuel.
52:28Oh, my God, he's so twisted.
52:31I don't think so.
52:34You know what left us behind?
52:36I waited at that Chinese restaurant, day after day, night after night.
52:41Then Janet and Samuel came right in and I heard everything.
52:44Me, Mr Nobody.
52:47So you figured it out.
52:49Mr Nobody.
52:51So you figured it out all by yourself, eh?
52:53Oh, yeah.
52:54And they'd laugh at me like they always do, so I kept it quiet.
52:58I did the work.
52:59Cos I knew...
53:01I knew I was right.
53:03Which means I decided better.
53:07You got no backup, have you?
53:10No, look, I told my boss where I was going.
53:13I wonder where I've got to.
53:15Why does this shit have to be this way?
53:19I mean, you wanted to be that other guy for a change, yeah?
53:23You know what we talked about on the bench?
53:26You thought that you could break out and you could be that hero.
53:30That hero just once.
53:32And look at me, I'm trying to talk to you.
53:33Yeah. Yeah, right.
53:37No more being a bit part of everyone else's story.
53:43Except look where it's got you.
53:46You've walked straight into the man with a gun and no backup.
53:49You see, I wanted to try something different.
53:52I wanted to try something that I've been dreaming about for...
53:54Fuck, for so long now.
53:56I thought I could be more than this.
53:58And somehow I could have a different ending.
54:00You can't. Anyone can.
54:02No, they can't.
54:03You see, that's the trouble these days.
54:05Everyone thinks that they can be whatever they want.
54:08Like it's their right.
54:10But they can't.
54:11Because not everyone can dance.
54:14Or can.
54:15Or read.
54:16Or sing.
54:17Or fucking run.
54:18Or turn a pot so delicate and perfect that...
54:23It makes your heart want to burst in your ribcage.
54:26You know, maybe if everybody knew their place, everyone would be happier.
54:30I mean, look at you. You're a traffic cop and I'm a fucking gun.
54:33Traffic's only part of my remit.
54:35You seem like a really nice bloke.
54:37And for what it's worth, and I mean this for what it's worth...
54:41I'm proper sorry, you know.
54:46Then please don't.
54:49They're outside.
54:51The officers, they'll come.
54:54There's no one outside, Ben.
55:00It's just you and me.
55:11You won't come tonight.
55:16The snow is falling.
55:19And my heart turns black.
55:24It's silky as silk.
55:28All in white tears.
55:31Try not to move.
55:37My brother.
55:39My father.
55:40I called an ambulance.
55:43Don't fall asleep, okay?
55:54Who are you?
55:59My name is Madame Bétune.
56:02Madame Bétune?
56:04Nice to meet you.
56:09It was the first time I had seen him.
56:12The love of my life.
56:14The spring of my winter.
56:16Three years passed before our first kiss.
56:19But that kiss would serve us for life.
56:22Until we had to walk on our armchairs along the canal at noon.
56:29It's so good to feel the sun on my skin, Benoît.
56:34What a beautiful day, Benoît.
56:36What a beautiful day to drink lemonade in a park under a parasol.
56:41To play ball with your dog.
56:46What is it, Madame Bétune?
56:48You should enjoy life.
56:52Don't waste it with me.
56:54Old enough to be your grandmother.
56:57Age is just a number.
56:59You are much more than a name to me.
57:02You are the first face I saw after the accident.
57:05You cured me and taught me how to live.
57:09Of course.
57:13Just one second.
57:15It was the least I could do.
57:18One minute.
57:22Who are you?
57:23Shut up.
57:27What are you doing?
57:32What are you doing?
57:39The end is coming.
57:44You can feel it too, right?