Handy Manny S03E04 Mr Lopart Sails Away Pepes Agua Fresca Stand

  • 2 months ago


00:00I can't believe we finished all our repairs already!
00:03Yeah, and it's still morning!
00:06What should we do for the rest of the day, Manny?
00:09I'm not sure, Rusty.
00:11But knowing you guys, you'll think of something.
00:20Hi, Mr. Lopart.
00:22Oh, hello, Manny. Hi, Tools.
00:25It looks like you have big plans today.
00:28Oh, I sure do.
00:30Fluffy and I are going sailing.
00:34Sailing? That sounds like fun.
00:36It sure is. I bought a new sailboat.
00:40Well, it's not actually new, but it is in great shape.
00:44I checked it out myself.
00:46Oh, felicidades. Congratulations, Mr. Lopart.
00:49Fluffy and I are taking it out this afternoon for our first voyage.
00:53Would you and the Tools like to come aboard?
00:57Claro que sí! Of course! We'd love to!
01:00I mean, if it's okay with Manny.
01:04I think it sounds like a great idea.
01:10Don't we have other jobs to do?
01:12You know, like vacuuming or dusting or something?
01:17We can do those things later, Rusty.
01:19It'll be fun to go sailing.
01:21Besides, Mr. Lopart might need a few extra hands.
01:25Tools on deck.
01:28Well, Manny, you're welcome to be a part of my crew,
01:31but you won't have a lot to do.
01:33As you can see, I'm well prepared.
01:37Muchas cosas!
01:39Sí, that is a lot of stuff.
01:42Yep, all that's missing is Fluffy.
01:45Come on, Fluffy.
01:50Oh, dear.
01:52Why don't you let us take Fluffy, Mr. Lopart?
01:54She can ride in the truck with the Tools.
01:56They've enjoyed the company.
01:59Oh, all right, Manny.
02:00Don't worry, Fluffy.
02:02I'll meet you at Lake Nock and nail in.
02:04And I'll make sure everything's ship-shape before we set sail.
02:08Okay, Mr. Lopart.
02:10I just have to make a quick stop at Kelly's hardware store.
02:12Kelly borrowed me salvavidas.
02:14My life vest when she went canoeing.
02:16I'll need it back for our sailing trip.
02:18That's right.
02:20Safety first, sailors.
02:22See you soon.
02:23Vamanos, Fluffy.
02:34Huh, where's Kelly?
02:36Oh, I thought I heard someone come in.
02:38Hola, Manny. Hi, Tools.
02:41Oh, and hi, Fluffy.
02:43Oh, we're going sailing with Mr. Lopart.
02:45But he didn't have room for Fluffy in his car.
02:48He's coming with us.
02:50So I guess you'll be needing this.
02:55Si, salvavidas, your life jacket.
02:57I was just about to return it.
02:59Ah, gracias, Kelly.
03:01I wish I had a life jacket like that.
03:05I think Rusty's a little nervous about going on el velero, the sailboat.
03:10I think I know what might help.
03:15It's a doggie!
03:17Actually, it's a floatie.
03:19A flotation device.
03:21It's really meant for small children.
03:23But I think it's just the right size for your toolbox.
03:29This is embarrassing.
03:31It is the right size.
03:33Thanks, Kelly.
03:35You're welcome, Rusty.
03:37It's good to be safe whenever you're near water.
03:40Well, we had better go, guys.
03:42Mr. Lopart will be waiting on his velero.
03:47Hasta luego, Kelly.
03:49Bye, Manny. Bye, Tools.
03:51Goodbye, Kelly.
03:53Bye, Fluffy. Have fun.
04:01Ha ha, there she is.
04:06First mate Fluffy.
04:08Hi, Manny. Hi, Tools.
04:10Hi, Mr. Lopart.
04:12Hi, Mr. Lopart.
04:14So that's your new velero, your new sailboat?
04:17Is it safe?
04:19Oh, of course it's safe.
04:21I admit it's not as new or fancy as some other sailboats.
04:25But she is as solid as a rock.
04:28Ah, rocks don't float.
04:31The velero does look like it could use a little work, Mr. Lopart.
04:34Do you want us to check it out?
04:36Oh, don't be silly, Manny.
04:38I've already checked the boat.
04:40Inside and out.
04:42All that's left to do is to give her a name.
04:45It already has a name.
04:47It's called a sailboat.
04:50See, it's a boat, Pat.
04:53But people usually give their velero another name.
04:56That's right, Manny.
04:58I'm thinking...
05:00the Sweet Cruiser.
05:02Or maybe the Good Ship Candy Corn.
05:06I haven't decided yet.
05:08I see you're all set for our voyage, Manny.
05:11Aye, aye, Captain.
05:13We got our lining, we got our sunscreen, and we're all set.
05:16There's even a nice breeze.
05:19Well, then, what are we waiting for, crew?
05:22All aboard!
05:26Let's go, Tools.
05:28Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once.
05:37Hop, hop, jump, leap.
05:39Come on, let's go.
05:41Hop, hop, jump in.
05:43Sí, vámonos.
05:45Hop, hop, jump in.
05:47Don't go too slow.
05:48Keep up.
05:49Let's get to work.
05:51We got to go.
05:54So, have you ever been sailing before, Mr. Lobart?
05:58What a question.
06:01But don't you worry, Manny.
06:03I'm almost finished reading the manual.
06:06Everything's going to be fine.
06:09Just as soon as I untie the boat.
06:17Can I help, Mr. Lobart?
06:19No, no, no. I've got it, man.
06:28See? No problem.
06:31Are you sure you don't want some help, Mr. Lobart?
06:34We don't mind. Really.
06:37I appreciate the offer, Tools.
06:40But I've got everything under control.
06:46There. That's the way to do it.
06:48Right, first mate Fluffy?
06:54Does anyone want a sandwich?
06:56Mother packed us some lunch.
06:58She knows the sea air always makes me hungry.
07:02Mmm. Delicioso.
07:10See, Rusty?
07:12Sailing isn't so bad.
07:14It's a lot of fun.
07:16And it's a lot of money.
07:18And it's a lot of fun.
07:20See, Rusty?
07:22Sailing isn't so bad.
07:24Why don't you come out of there?
07:26Well, okay.
07:34Shoo! Shoo! Go away!
07:38Aw, that's so cute.
07:40I think the seagull's looking for a friend, Rusty.
07:43I don't want to be his friend.
07:46Not you, Rusty.
07:48Oh, a doggie.
07:53I guess that is kind of cute.
07:58That's right, Fluffy.
08:00The port side is the left side of the boat.
08:03While Starbird is the right side of the...
08:07Or is it? Maybe it's the other way around.
08:10Um, this is the port side.
08:12And it looks like we've sailed out pretty far, Mr. Lopar.
08:16That's Captain Lopar to you, sailor.
08:19Right, Captain Lopar.
08:22Maybe we should head back to shore, Captain Lopar.
08:26Um, we don't want to be sailing home in the dark.
08:31Hmm, maybe you're right, sailor.
08:34We need to turn this ship around.
08:38Oh, aha!
08:41Jive ho!
08:47Jive ho!
08:50The mast, it's in the water.
08:53That's not the only thing in the water.
08:55Tool overboard!
08:58Oh, no! Oh, no, not good.
09:01Don't worry, Rusty. We'll get you out.
09:09Thanks, little friend.
09:11Yay, Rusty! Thank goodness!
09:15Oh, dear, look at that mast.
09:18They sure don't make them like they used to.
09:21Can we fix it?
09:23Uh, I don't think so, Squeeks.
09:25But without a mast, we can't raise the sail.
09:29And without the sail, the wind won't be able to move the boat through the water.
09:33How will we get home, Manny?
09:36Captain Lopar?
09:38Well, we'll get home by...
09:41Oh, it doesn't say anything in here about being stuck out at sea.
09:46I guess the boat wasn't in such great shape after all.
09:50We'll have plenty of time to fix it up later, Mr. Lopar.
09:53But for now, we need to find another way back to the shore.
09:58There you are! I was worried about you.
10:01I thought you were paddling behind me.
10:05Paddling? That gives me an idea, Rusty.
10:10Si, we can paddle home.
10:12We just need to build los remos.
10:17These broken pieces will come in handy.
10:19They're perfect for making oars.
10:21Right! I was just about to suggest that, Manny.
10:24Now, all we need is something flat to attach to the ends of the oars.
10:32Huh, I think Fluffy has the answer.
10:35We can use a picnic basket.
10:37Dusty can cut it into pieces.
10:39So, what are we waiting for, crew?
10:42Let's get to work!
11:10Well, Mother won't be happy to see her picnic basket in pieces.
11:15But she will be happy to see that everyone's safe.
11:19Come on, let's start paddling.
11:21All aboard!
11:35We made it!
11:37Finally! Land!
11:44Oh, hi. It's you.
11:46Well, look at that.
11:47Rusty's new amigo, his new friend, followed us to shore.
11:51Aw, hello, friend.
11:55That's it. I know what to name my boat now.
11:59The Friendship.
12:01Aw, that's nice.
12:05I like that. The Friendship.
12:16Pepe's Agua Fresca Stand
12:23All right, tools. Time to shape up.
12:26Keep moving. Up, up, up, up.
12:34My turn. I want to jump higher.
12:45Maybe that was a little too high.
12:48Come on, tools. Back to your workout.
12:51Let's see some sit-ups. Up, up, up, up.
12:54All right, tools. I made a list of everything we need to buy at Kelly's Big Sale today.
13:00Hola, Animinus Repair Shop. You break it...
13:04We fix it!
13:06This is Manny.
13:07Hola, Manny. It's Lola.
13:09Mi hermana favorita, my favorite sister.
13:12¿Cómo estás hoy? How are you today?
13:14Muy bien, except for my mailbox.
13:17The hinge seems to be broken and it won't stick loose.
13:20No hay problema, Lola. The tools and I can come right over and put in a new hinge.
13:25Oh, that would be great, Manny. Thank you. Hasta luego.
13:30Hasta luego. See you soon.
13:33All right, tools. We need to help Lola before we go to Kelly's Big Sale.
13:37Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve.
13:45Up, up, jump in. Come on, let's go.
13:49Up, up, jump in. Sí, vámonos.
13:53Up, up, jump in. No, too slow. Keep up.
13:57And let's get to work. Muy rápido.
14:16Oh, there they are.
14:19Hi, Lola. Hi, Chico.
14:22Pepe, Pepe. And there's Pepe.
14:28Hola, Tío Manny. Hola, tools.
14:31Hola, Pepe. What are you doing?
14:33I'm working. I started a business selling agua fresca.
14:39¿Agua fresca? I love agua fresca. Es muy delicioso.
14:44Would you like to try some?
14:46Only if you insist. You do insist, right?
14:53Hold on here. What is this agua fresca and why is it so, uh, delicioso?
15:00It's a fresh fruit drink from Mexico.
15:02And it comes in lots of different flavors.
15:05This one is lemon, limón.
15:08Limón, limón.
15:13Es magnífico. Limón is definitely my favorite.
15:18And this one's melon, melón.
15:21Melón, melón.
15:26Es muy bueno. Melón is now my new favorite.
15:30And this one is strawberry, fresa.
15:36Oh, no. We have un problema.
15:39Now I can't decide which is my favorite.
15:42Maybe I should try them all again.
15:45Sorry, Felipe, but I think Pepe needs to save some for his other customers.
15:49But you're the only customers I've had all day.
15:53Really? No one else has bought your agua fresca?
15:56No one. I don't know where everyone is today.
16:00Usually there are lots of people walking and driving on this street.
16:06Hmm, you're right. It is pretty quiet here today.
16:10We could always buy some more. Just to help you out, of course.
16:15Gracias. But I wish I had some other customers, too.
16:20Maybe I should just stop trying to sell my agua fresca.
16:24No, Pepe. You're a great vendedor, a great salesperson.
16:28And you're selling a very good drink.
16:30I'm sure you'll get muchos clientes, many customers soon.
16:34I hope you're right.
16:36Or else we'll just have to help you drink all the extra that doesn't sell.
16:41Whoopsie. Lo siento, Pepe. I'm sorry.
16:46It's okay, Felipe. Since I haven't sold much, I have plenty more left.
16:52Don't worry, Pepe. You'll sell your agua fresca. Customers will come.
16:57Well, we better get that mailbag fixed.
17:04Hi, Lola. Hola, chico.
17:07Hola, Manny.
17:09Thanks again for coming over so quickly.
17:12No problem. We're happy to fix your mailbox. Ready, squeeze?
17:17Ready, Manny.
17:23I saw you talking to Pepe. How's he doing?
17:26Your son is going to be a great businessman someday.
17:29But apparently that day isn't today.
17:33Si, he hasn't had any clientes.
17:35I know. I haven't seen a single customer all day. I don't understand it.
17:41Well, your mailbox hinge works perfectly now.
17:44Thank you, Manny. I'm lucky to have such a handy brother.
17:48I feel bad leaving while Pepe's still having trouble selling.
17:53We could always stay. Maybe drink some more delicious agua fresca.
17:58That's it. I know how we can get Pepe a customer.
18:03Manny, do you still have that extra jacket in your truck?
18:07Yes, why?
18:15I'm not sure this was such a good idea.
18:18Yeah, me neither. And how did I end up on the bottom?
18:22Shhh! This is a great idea, and it'll really cheer Pepe up.
18:29Hello there, young man.
18:31Oh, hi, Dusty.
18:33I'm not Dusty. I'm...
18:35I'm a customer.
18:37Cliente, cliente.
18:40And I'd like to buy some agua fresca.
18:49There you go.
18:50What was that?
18:55Finally, someone turned on those lights.
18:58Oh, hi, Pepe.
19:00Hi, Tools.
19:01How'd you know it was us?
19:04Lucky guess.
19:06Tools was just trying to cheer you up, Pepe.
19:09I know, Tío Manny.
19:11But I need otros clientes, other customers.
19:20Maybe that's a customer now.
19:23It's Mr. Lopar.
19:25Well, hello, everyone. What are you all doing out here?
19:29Hola, Mr. Lopar.
19:31My son Pepe is selling agua fresca.
19:34Would you like one, Mr. Lopar?
19:36I have limón, melón, and fresa.
19:40Those do look tasty, but I'm in a big hurry running an errand for Mother.
19:47Oh, well, I suppose I have time for one glass.
19:50I'll take lemon.
19:55Wow, thanks, Mr. Lopar.
19:57Other than Manny and the Tools, you're the only customer I've had all day.
20:04Only customer? Well, that's not right.
20:07This is delicious. You should have lots of customers.
20:11Pepe, as you know, I own a booming candy store business.
20:16Let me offer you some advice from one businessman to another.
20:20Thank you, Mr. Lopar. I'd like that.
20:23What you need to sell your agua fresca, Pepe, is a catchy jingle.
20:29A what?
20:31A jingle. You know, a song.
20:33A little ditty that the customers will remember the next time they're thirsty.
20:37Something like, uh, oh, I don't know.
20:40Step right up for an ice-cold drink.
20:42The best are around. I know you'll love it.
20:44I think it needs work.
20:47Lee! Clientes will remember that.
20:51But not in a good way.
20:52Now you try, Pepe. Let's hear your jingle. Come on.
20:56Um, Mr. Lopar, I think a jingle's a great way to get customers, but...
21:03But there have to be some customers around to get.
21:06For some reason, there's nobody on the street today.
21:09Pepe, you have to think like a businessman.
21:12If there's no one on this block,
21:14you just have to make sure people can hear your jingle over on the next block.
21:20Step right up for an ice-cold drink.
21:23The best are around. You'll love it, I think.
21:28Well, I'd love to stay and help you some more, but I have to run.
21:32Where are you headed, Mr. Lopar?
21:34Kelly's hardware store, of course. Today's her big sale.
21:38I'd better hurry and get to the store before all the good deals are gone.
21:42Yeah, I'm sure everyone in town is going to be at Kelly's sale today.
21:47Adios, Mr. Lopar. Thanks for the help.
21:50Bye, everyone.
21:55Kelly's big sale. That must be where everyone is today.
21:59No wonder the streets are so empty.
22:02I guess I picked the wrong day to sell agua fresca.
22:06Or maybe you picked a great day.
22:10Well, sometimes you can't wait for the customer to come to you.
22:14You have to go to the customer.
22:16And there are probably lots and lots of clientes.
22:20At Kelly's hardware sale.
22:23I should have set up my stand over there today.
22:26It's not too late. We can put everything in my truck and go right over.
22:30Can I, Mama?
22:32Sure. Have fun with Manny, and good luck.
22:35Come on, Tulos. Help me load everything into the truck.
22:39You were right, Manny. It looks like the whole town is here.
22:43Yeah, there's Mrs. Bufant, and Mr. Ayala, and ooh, Kelly's here.
22:49Of course Kelly's here. It's her store.
22:53Oh, yeah. I knew that.
22:56I'm a hammer.
22:58Hi, guys. Here to buy some hardware at bargain prices?
23:02We sure are. But first, Pepe and I are going to the hardware store.
23:07But first, Pepe, do you have something you'd like to ask Kelly?
23:11Would it be okay if I set up my agua fresca stand outside your store?
23:16That way, after customers shop at your sale, they can get a delicious cold drink.
23:22That's a great idea. Of course you can, Pepe.
23:26Come on, Tulos. Let's help Pepe set up his stand.
23:29All right!
23:32Let's get going and fix it right
23:36Twist and turn
23:37Make it tight
23:38Trabajamos juntos
23:41We work together now
23:43Cut it, measure it
23:45Tap it flat
23:46Bend and twist
23:47Just like that
23:48Each of us has a special job
23:51We work together
23:52Todos juntos
23:54We can fix it right
24:04Thanks, Manny. Thanks, Tulos.
24:06Want some help?
24:08Yeah. We can be your assistant sales tools.
24:12Si. And we can start off by showing to clientes how delicious the agua fresca is.
24:18Which means we'll need to drink a little more.
24:23Of course, some limón.
24:25And after that, a little melón.
24:27And then some more limón.
24:29And then melón again.
24:31And then we need to...
24:38Each of Manny's tools has a different job when it comes to doing repairs.
24:43But two of them are from the same tool family.
24:46Can you guess which two?
24:48Is it Rusty and Dusty?
24:52Is it Squeeze and Stretch?
24:56Or is it Turner and Felipe?
25:02You're right! It's Turner and Felipe.
25:05They're both screwdrivers.
25:07Great job!
