MY FIRST KISS Alex Dorame - YouTube

  • 3 months ago


00:00Hi, oh
00:07It went away anyways, hello
00:10Hi, why am I so bad at this right now?
00:12So today I'm going to be doing a tumblr tag thing and this one is called my first time tag
00:18And it's just gonna be me telling you about a bunch of my first time doing things
00:23Did I say that weird? I definitely said that weird
00:26Also while I'm on my phone check out my phone case because if catacombs aren't the cutest thing you've ever seen
00:31You're probably lying. Okay, so I screenshotted the questions. I don't know who made this tag
00:37I just know that I found it on tumblr and I was like, I'm gonna do this
00:40Alright, so the first question I'm going to answer is who is the first person you subscribe to on YouTube first person
00:46I ever subscribed to was captain dustess and he is still one of my favorite youtubers
00:50He's super funny and a very nice dude, and it's got good taste in games and movies
00:55Next question is do you still talk to your first love?
01:00The next question is first kiss my first kiss was super awkward and I wasn't expecting it
01:05I was at Warped Tour and a random person walked up to me and grabbed my face
01:10It was the worst but my first actual kiss actually has over 2 million views on YouTube for some reason and I've never watched the video
01:17It's the most embarrassing thing I've ever heard of and or seen I don't know
01:20I've never even watched it
01:21But it was awkward and I never want to watch it in my life first alcoholic drink, right?
01:26I'm not even gonna lie
01:27I'm just gonna be super honest when I was little there was like alcohol in my house and I took a drink of it
01:32and I did not like it and I
01:34I'm not I'm not a drinker. It's not my thing
01:36Also a long time ago my sister like asked me to take a drink of it was something with orange juice
01:41It had to be like vodka with orange juice and I took a drink of it and I like immediately spit it out because it
01:46Was disgusting he did that to teach me like drinking is gross
01:50Don't ever do it and I really have never wanted to drink so I can never really see me being a drinker
01:56I'm not into alcohol or anything. It's not really my thing first car
02:01You guys all know that I've got like the coolest car ever. Yeah, we all know that, right?
02:05I actually I think you have to have a driver's license first to get a car and I don't have one of those so
02:12That can tell you how cool my car is and I
02:16I don't have one. I don't know the next question is first job
02:20My first job was YouTube and it still is my job and I hope it can be my job for a while
02:24The funny thing is when I was little I actually was like so against doing anything in like entertainment all my friends were like
02:30Oh, I want to be an actress. Oh, I want to be a singer. I want to be a rapper Eminem
02:35Yeah, but I was literally just like I want to help little animals seem to be a veterinarian
02:41I even remember at one point in my life
02:42I was saying that I wanted to be like an elf and I knew that couldn't be a thing
02:47but I hoped I didn't even know if that was a job, but I
02:51Wanted it. I wrote it on a school paper once so it's legit my first pet when I was like five or six
02:57My mom actually let me adopt a ferret
03:00I don't know if you guys know what a ferret is
03:02But if they're like little long weasel looking type things and they're so cute. Oh my gosh
03:07I love ferrets and I loved my ferret. It was like white. It was a pure white ferret
03:11It was albino so it had creepy red eyes, but I remember in my old house
03:14We used to have like wood floors
03:15And so I would literally like the ferret would get on a blanket and I would just pull it around places
03:20I didn't hurt it, but it was my buddy and I missed the little guy
03:24Who was my first celebrity crush Jesse Eisenberg was probably my first celebrity crush
03:28I watched a zombie land like crazy all the time when it first came out and so I I liked Jesse Eisenberg
03:34I I don't know
03:36The next question is who was your first real boyfriend and I gotta say my first only ever boyfriend is my boyfriend right now
03:42And I'm pretty sure that's all I need so
03:48Who is the first person to text you today, all right well
03:50I'm gonna tell you something super sad the only two people at all to text me today were our apartment
03:56Letting us know that there's construction going on and that we have to move our car
04:00Which we don't have and the other was our Postmates, and they were delivering Panera, so
04:06You know I've got lots of friends. Who was your first grade teacher
04:09How am I supposed to remember that that was like 12 years ago um my first grade teacher?
04:14I remember my third grade teacher, but that's all because she was awesome
04:18And her name was miss Loma Lee, and if you're watching this somehow you rule you were the best teacher ever
04:23And you probably don't remember me, but I was the one who always read Aladdin read the book Aladdin
04:29I also read the Hobbit book where was your first sleepover my sleepovers were always at my house because my mom didn't want me to
04:35Go to like other people's houses because she doesn't trust other people's parents
04:39So my first sleepover was at my house, and I really I don't really remember it. Oh, yeah
04:44I do it was actually pretty late in my life because I didn't have friends until I was like in sixth grade
04:49And it was with one of my friends Deanna
04:50It was good
04:51And I will sum it up by saying she slapped me in the face with a microwavable burrito
04:56And it was the greatest time of my life. What was the first thing you did this morning first thing
05:00I did this morning was run to the kitchen to shut off my alarm because we slept on the couch
05:04I've been trying to fix my sleep schedule lately and by sleeping on the couch
05:08It's less comfortable than our bed, so I slept on the couch, and it didn't work. We still woke up at 1 p.m.
05:13But you know we tried. What was the first concert you ever went to I think the first concert
05:18I ever went to was um a
05:21I set to kill concert in 2010 they're very talented, and I haven't listened to their stuff in years
05:27But I'm I mean I liked them back in the day
05:29So I'm sure they're they're still good first broken bone never broken a bone
05:32And I hope I never will if you thought you got me there tumblr
05:36You didn't first movie you remember seeing I went to see Nemo in theaters first sport you were involved in I have never done
05:43Sports unless you count cheerleading which I guess that's a sport. I did cheerleading when I was like little or
05:50Very little or but I literally like refused to do sports, so I'm not an athletic person at all
05:56I just prefer pizza and Taco Bell and sleep and
06:00Netflix and YouTube and World of Warcraft
06:03And the last question is first piercing and the first piercing I ever got was my ears and like the first facial piercing I ever
06:10Had was my lip and everyone always asks about this little scar under my lip
06:14And they're like that's where she got her lips done
06:16I have never got my lips done if I got my lips done. I would probably have lips
06:19I have like small lips okay, so yeah, that's it for that tag
06:23I hope you guys enjoyed it, and if you liked it give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel
06:27I got some cool stuff coming up, so make sure you stay tuned, and I will see you guys again very soon