
  • 2 months ago
00:00The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detectives.
00:11The people who make 76 gasoline and Triton motor oil, Union Oil Company present...
00:20The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detectives, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:31The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detectives, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:39As San Francisco's busiest private detective, Mike Shane can be found at almost any hour, at almost any spot in the city.
00:46Except one, perhaps. His apartment.
00:49Yet right now, that is just where we find him.
00:52Of course, he's there only long enough to pick up his overcoat and two theater tickets.
00:56Waiting impatiently in the hall doorway is his attractive assistant, Phyllis Knight.
01:00Mike, what's keeping you?
01:03I can't find the tickets.
01:05Oh, fine, fine. Master detective.
01:08Oh, I know, I know. I left them in my other suit.
01:11Say, Mike, somebody's coming up your stairs. A strange woman.
01:16Yeah? I don't know any strange women.
01:18You better not. Your date's with me tonight.
01:22Good evening. Is this the apartment of Michael Shane?
01:26Yes, it is.
01:28And you're Mrs. Shane?
01:30Well, no, no. I'm his assistant, Phyllis Knight.
01:34Oh, I'd like to see Mr. Shane. It's very, very important.
01:38Well, we were just going out.
01:40I'm sorry to impose, but I'm afraid it's a matter of life and death.
01:43Would you tell him that, please?
01:45That's all right. I heard it.
01:47Oh, Mr. Shane, you are Mr. Shane?
01:50Yes, yes. Come in, come in.
01:55My name is Mary Noble.
01:57I arranged to be in your neighborhood tonight, Mr. Shane. I had to talk to you.
02:01Yes. Won't you sit down?
02:03Thank you.
02:04I brought my friends to visit some people across the street at the El Tovar apartments.
02:09Then I slipped away so I could see you without them suspecting.
02:13I don't understand. Without who suspecting?
02:15Mr. and Mrs. Pringle and Chico.
02:18That's Mr. Saavedel.
02:20I told them that I'd stay in the car, that I needed fresh air.
02:23You see, Uncle Briggs lets me go out only with his friends.
02:28People who will spy on me and tell him what I do.
02:31Chico says he loves me, but I know that I'm not pretty.
02:35He wants my money.
02:36Now, just a second.
02:37You said Uncle Briggs. Would that be Briggs Noble?
02:41Yes, the rich, the upright Mr. Briggs Noble.
02:44I'm his niece, and he's trying to poison me.
02:47Oh, now, really.
02:48You don't mean that, I'm sure.
02:49But I do.
02:50For the past two weeks, I've had strange sick spells.
02:53I'm sure it's the poison.
02:54What does your doctor say?
02:56I haven't had a doctor.
02:59I've never told anyone, but I can't stand it any longer.
03:03Uncle Briggs wants me out of the way.
03:05I'm a burden.
03:06I can't imagine you being a burden to a millionaire.
03:09That's what's so strange.
03:11He's rich, yet he wants more and more money.
03:15Next month I'll be 21, and then I inherit my father's money.
03:19It's in trust for me.
03:21Uncle Briggs wants my money.
03:23That's the only way I can explain it.
03:25And just what do you want me to do?
03:27Talk to my uncle.
03:28Warn him that you know everything.
03:30You'll protect me.
03:31Be my bodyguard.
03:32Oh, now, Miss Noble, I'm not that kind of a detective.
03:35You don't believe me, do you?
03:37Well, I can't say.
03:38I'm not sure.
03:39I might talk to your uncle, but I'm certain you've imagined things.
03:42I see.
03:43I thought you really helped people.
03:45But I was wrong.
03:47No one will help me.
03:48No one.
03:49Miss Noble, now, if you'll tell me...
03:50Wait a minute.
03:51Miss Noble.
03:52Well, that gal certainly got off the merry-go-round backwards.
03:57She seemed perfectly reasonable when she first walked in.
04:00But that talk of being a burden on a rich uncle,
04:02spied on by his friends and poisoned...
04:05I don't know.
04:06She walked the fence between sanity and, well, the opposite.
04:09She was scared, Blue, anyway.
04:11She almost got me going.
04:13People do talk strangely when they're in terror.
04:16She said those friends were across the street.
04:20The Altavar?
04:21Yeah, that's right.
04:22I'll tell you what.
04:23Let's go after her.
04:36There she is, Mike, crossing the street.
04:38Miss Noble.
04:39Mary Noble.
04:42Mary, stop!
04:44Mike, that taxi!
04:53Honest, mister, she fell right in front of my cab.
04:55I didn't run over her.
04:56Listen, she's dead, isn't she?
04:58I'm telling you, I saw her fall.
05:00You mean she tripped.
05:01No, no, she slumped in a heap right in front of me.
05:03I didn't hit her.
05:04Maybe he's right, Mike.
05:05Look at her dress here.
05:07There's no dirt from the wheels.
05:09She wasn't dragged.
05:10Sure, I stopped in time.
05:11My bumper hardly touched her.
05:14Yes, it's Mary.
05:15Maria, Maria.
05:16Good heavens.
05:18What happened?
05:19Is she...
05:20She's dead.
05:21She's dead?
05:23Oh, William, I told you we shouldn't have left her in the car.
05:25Well, she said she wanted some fresh air.
05:26Oh, no.
05:27How could we know this would happen?
05:28I, uh, I think if you are Mr. and Mrs. Pringle...
05:30Why, uh, yes.
05:32Do we know you, sir?
05:33No, I'm Mike Shane, a private detective.
05:35This girl just left my apartment.
05:37Oh, so that's where she went.
05:39She got out of the car and said she wanted to take a walk.
05:41You her chauffeur?
05:42Yeah, that's right.
05:43I, I don't understand, sir.
05:45Why did Mary go to you?
05:46She thought somebody was trying to kill her.
05:48That her life was in danger.
05:49Ah, rubbish.
05:50Tommy Rot.
05:51The girl imagined things.
05:52Maybe not, Mr. Pringle.
05:54You're a good friend of my boss, but I don't mind saying...
05:56Oh, shut up, Dan, for heaven's sake.
05:57Please, gentlemen, gentlemen.
05:59Oh, Mary.
06:00She lies dead.
06:02What must we do?
06:03We must go call an ambulance.
06:05We'll call more than an ambulance, honey.
06:07We'll call the inspector.
06:23Don't misunderstand me, Mike.
06:25It's a sad case, but you admit yourself she was neurotic.
06:28This poison business was all in her mind.
06:30Possibly, inspector, possibly.
06:31But the only way you can be sure of it is to investigate.
06:34Thanks for an autopsy, Mike.
06:35All right, I've ordered it against my own judgment.
06:37That's as far as I can go.
06:38You know, we really don't have any proof, Mike.
06:41Maybe she just had a heart spell and fell in front of the taxi.
06:44Police certainly can't investigate Briggs Noble on such weak evidence.
06:47He comes from one of the oldest families in San Francisco.
06:50He's rich, society.
06:51Murder isn't his line, Mike.
06:53All right, inspector, all right.
06:55But will you do one thing more for me?
06:57What is it?
06:58Go out with us to see Briggs Noble.
07:00Oh, Mike, you're the most stubborn...
07:01We've got to know what we're talking about first.
07:03I'll do the talking if you want.
07:05I'll take the blame.
07:06But I want you there in case.
07:09Wait a second.
07:12Autopsy report, sir, Mary Noble.
07:14Examination of stomach shows heavy dose of poison.
07:16Mike, you were right.
07:18Sergeant, what was the poison?
07:20Well, I can't tell, sir.
07:21Autopsy surgeon says the victim's hands are clenched tight and toes turned under.
07:26He says they're the same symptoms of a rare native poison from South America.
07:29I see.
07:30Mike, is there anything you want to ask him?
07:33Just tell him if they find anything else to call you at the home of Briggs Noble.
07:47In just a moment, we'll return to the adventures of Michael Shane.
07:55Ladies and gentlemen, sludge in an engine is terrible stuff.
07:59It sticks to the pistons, valves, and other working parts,
08:02and it slows down and interferes with smooth engine performance.
08:06The sludge formed by some oils is so sticky
08:09that it doesn't ordinarily drain out when the oil is changed,
08:12but continues to accumulate.
08:14The only way to get rid of it is to have your engine flushed out occasionally.
08:19Your Union Oil Minute man can perform this service for you quickly and cheaply.
08:23He has a special solvent action flushing oil known as cleanse oil.
08:27Now, cleanse oil is harmless to your engine, but it cuts the sludge in a hurry.
08:31So when the cleanse oil is drained out, the sludge flushes right out with it,
08:35leaving the engine nice and clean.
08:37Then with a fresh supply of pure paraffin-based Triton motor oil,
08:41you're all set for hundreds of miles of clean, safe engine operation.
08:45Just drive in wherever you see the sign of the big orange and blue 76
08:50and ask for Union Oil Engine Flushing Service.
08:53Thank you.
08:58Mike, Phyllis, and the inspector have just entered the ornate library of Briggs Noble.
09:04Noble stands in front of the fireplace.
09:06This is the first time I've had the pleasure of meeting you, Mr. Shane.
09:10I'm told you already know my friends here?
09:12Yes, yes, but the inspector doesn't.
09:14Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Pringle, Mr. Sabadell, and of course my chauffeur, Dan Casey.
09:19How do you do?
09:20I imagine, Mr. Shane, that you've come here to tell me my niece appealed to you for protection.
09:26Yes, she did, Mr. Noble. I told your friends that.
09:28Yes. Oh, poor girl. I never understood her.
09:32She was so moody. I tried to make her happy.
09:35I gave her everything she asked for, except the one thing she really wanted, a pretty face.
09:41So she chose the final remedy.
09:43You mean she committed suicide?
09:45What else? She threw herself under a taxi cab.
09:47It's not that simple, Mr. Noble. The autopsy shows she was not killed by the taxi.
09:52No, she was poisoned.
09:56Quite bent on death, wasn't she?
09:58Perhaps not, sir. You see, we think she was murdered.
10:01Oh, no.
10:02Did she have any enemies, Mr. Noble?
10:04None, nor many friends. I suppose that was the trouble.
10:08Do any of you know if she was sick during the past couple of weeks?
10:11Why, yes, I remember one day I was driving her and Mr. Sabadell. She almost fainted. You remember it, sir?
10:18I remember.
10:20I remember.
10:21Did she tell you, Mr. Sabadell, that she planned to see a detective tonight?
10:24No, I come in, Mr. and Mrs. Pringle are with her. I give Maria a box of candy. We make small talk.
10:31She keeps saying we must all go visit some friend. That is all. It's difficult to remember.
10:37Mr. Noble, your niece said she was to come into an inheritance on her 21st birthday. Where will that money go now?
10:44Well, I'm the last member of the family. It will come to me.
10:47Oh, I see.
10:48Our family has had a tragic history. All violent death. My brother Edward died in a shipwreck off China.
10:55My nephew, Grant Noble, disappeared in his plane over Brazil. Dodd Noble, Mary's father, was crushed in a train wreck.
11:02Aren't the women alive?
11:03No. Edward and Dodd married, but their wives are gone, too. It's been very, very difficult.
11:09Mr. Noble, it's time to be frank with you. Your niece came to me for protection from you.
11:15She said you were trying to poison her.
11:17Why, that's fantastic, Mr. Noble.
11:19She thought that about me. Poor girl. I told you she had strange moods.
11:24It's a very weak explanation, sir. You admit she had no enemies and that you would inherit her estate.
11:29Why should I want her money? I have more now than I want. You gentlemen don't realize the penalties of wealth.
11:35Neither here nor there, sir. Mary Noble was poisoned. She named you. It's my duty to determine the facts.
11:40I see, Inspector, that you're determined to make me out a murderer. All I can say is this. I'm not guilty.
11:46But, Mr. Noble...
11:47Furthermore, if you insist upon bringing charges against me, I'm a man of wealth and power.
11:52I can employ the best legal counsel. I think you'd look very embarrassing in court. It would not benefit your reputation.
11:59I see. Thank you for the warning, sir, and good night.
12:04Well, I don't mean to tell you boys your own business, but why didn't you search the house for poison?
12:10Well, for one thing, the killer would be smart enough to remove it. Second, I don't think Noble is our man. He has no motive.
12:16Now, don't tell me the brave inspector is scared out of me.
12:18No, no. Look at it this way, Mike. Poison is one of the subtlest types of murder.
12:23It's not a crime. It's not a crime. It's not a crime.
12:27Now, don't tell me the brave inspector is scared out of me.
12:29No, no. Look at it this way, Mike. Poison is one of the subtlest types of murder.
12:33The killer figures that because nobody sees him actually give the victim poison, no jury will convict him on circumstantial evidence.
12:40Noble has a perfect alibi. She committed suicide. He ought to know. He's her uncle.
12:45If it were suicide, the girl would hardly run to Mike to protect her life and then take poison.
12:50Unless she hated her uncle enough to try to frame him with her murder.
12:54Well, let's get rid of this suicide alibi right now.
12:57Inspector, if she took poison, it must have been in some container.
13:01Now, we didn't find anything suspicious in her purse, but she would have to leave the bottle someplace.
13:07Now, where was she just before she died?
13:09In your apartment. But she didn't swallow anything there.
13:13And before that, she was in her car. So how about giving that a quick once-over, huh?
13:16Okay by me. Suppose it's the car over there by the driveway?
13:19Well, we'll find out.
13:22Uh-huh. It's a limousine with a chauffeur's compartment.
13:26Here. Here's the light switch.
13:29See anything, Mike?
13:31Hmm. Magazines, lap robes, newspapers and stuff.
13:37Now, there's nothing under this cushion.
13:41No, no bottle.
13:43Well, then she didn't have any poison with her in the car.
13:46That still doesn't rule out suicide.
13:48Hey, wait a minute, Inspector.
13:51We've been a couple of dopes.
13:53Mary accused her uncle. We accepted that and forgot everyone else.
13:56Got anybody in mind?
13:57Yes. The autopsy report said Mary's hands and toes were curled up tight, the symptoms of a South American poison.
14:03Who in that house there is a Latin?
14:05Sabadell, of course.
14:07That's enough for me, kids. We're making a round trip right now.
14:20But, of course, gentlemen, I am from South America. My father was a trader on the Amazon River.
14:26Then maybe it's more than coincidence that Mary was killed by a rare native poison from South America.
14:32Why, you didn't tell us that.
14:33A poison from Santa Maria. Gentlemen, this is bad.
14:38You're telling us.
14:39No, you do not understand. You have not been in this room before.
14:43Look on the walls.
14:45Mr. Noble has poison spear, poison arrow, poison darts.
14:49All from South America.
14:51What about this, Mr. Noble?
14:53It's true.
14:54Oh, fine.
14:55Pringle brought them to me from Ecuador.
14:57They were poison, but not now. I had the stuff all soaked up when I mounted them.
15:01Mr. Pringle, is it possible to use that poison after it's been removed?
15:05Well, I don't know. The natives in South America use a number of poisons.
15:09They act in different ways.
15:11I can assure you that Mary did not die of poison from this collection.
15:14Ah, where she procured it?
15:15That's a question for you detectives.
15:17You still insist it was suicide?
15:19I do.
15:20Mike, maybe there's another way we can settle that.
15:23Yeah, what is it?
15:24Well, Mary seems to have been a very lonely girl.
15:27It's very common for lonely girls to keep diaries.
15:31Well, if Mary kept one, perhaps it would tell us what she intended to do.
15:34Yes, yes, yes. I gave her a diary for Christmas.
15:37She always kept it on the top of the desk up in her room.
15:40Well, then up to the bedroom we go.
15:51That's her desk over there by the window.
15:53And we'll find it on top, huh?
15:55That's right. It's a big green and gold book.
16:01Well, I don't see it, Mike.
16:03Maybe it's in the drawer.
16:07No, just the usual stuff.
16:10Well, it's not here, Mr. Noble.
16:11Oh, that's very strange. Could she have hidden it?
16:13Well, I don't know if it's important enough to make a search right now.
16:16We'll go on with the questioning.
16:17Er, Noble, do you mind if...
16:19You're going?
16:20Well, yes. My wife and I'd like to get home.
16:22If there's nothing we can do for you, we'll say goodnight.
16:25Well, the inspector may not have done with you.
16:27Oh, I think so.
16:28If we need you, Mr. Noble can give us your address and phone number.
16:31Yes, of course. Well, goodnight, then.
16:33Um, Mrs. Pringle.
16:35One moment, please.
16:37Your purse.
16:39Hasn't it taken on weight very suddenly?
16:43May I look inside?
16:47Well, Mrs. Pringle?
16:50A diary.
16:51Well, I didn't know.
16:53Mr. Noble motioned to me to open my purse and he slipped something in.
16:56I didn't know it was a diary.
16:58You see, it's a different color.
17:00I'll admit it.
17:02I misled you all.
17:03I slipped the diary into her purse while you were searching the desk.
17:06It certainly doesn't help your case, Mr. Noble.
17:08I didn't know what peculiar ideas Mary might have written down.
17:11I wanted to protect her memory.
17:13And, yes, my reputation.
17:15Mike, did you read anything in it?
17:17Nothing very unusual so far.
17:19No mention of suicide.
17:21Mr. Savardell, I gather that you proposed to Mary.
17:24Oh, many times.
17:26We never followed up our questions with you either, sir.
17:29I know what you have in mind, but you were wrong.
17:32Did I kill the girl I love? No.
17:34Mr. Inspector, excuse me.
17:36I realize this diary episode with my wife looked suspicious.
17:40But since Mr. Noble has admitted the fault, I think we're cleared.
17:44Would you let us go home now?
17:46Tonight's been a great strain on my wife.
17:48Well, we'd all like to go home.
17:49Well, I wouldn't ask it, sir, but my wife is not in good health.
17:52I see.
17:53What do you say, Mike?
17:54Certainly, by all means.
17:55All right, Mr. Pringle.
17:56Thank you very much.
17:57Good night, everybody.
17:58Good night.
17:59Good night.
18:01And now, Mike.
18:06Now, Mr. Noble, if you please, the address of Mr. and Mrs. Pringle.
18:21I suppose you boys know this may be a wild goose chase.
18:24Oh, I don't think so, Angel.
18:26The Pringles were a little too anxious to get home.
18:28And I'm still not satisfied about that diary in the purse.
18:31They put on quite an innocent act the way Noble came to their rescue.
18:35There, there's the house, number 1511.
18:37Yeah, but it's all dark.
18:39That's funny.
18:40We drove slowly so we'd get here ahead of them.
18:42We wanted to catch them with whatever they're up to.
18:45Wait, Inspector.
18:46There's a light in the garage.
18:48Okay, stop your engine, Mike.
18:52Close that door gently, Mike.
18:59Now, leave us walk on the grass so they won't hear us.
19:03And keep in the shadows.
19:07Look, look.
19:09They're both in the garage.
19:12Let's cross the driveway.
19:17What in blazes are they doing?
19:19They got a bucket of...
19:23Pringle's got some of those javelins.
19:25Poison javelins.
19:26Soaking them in the bucket.
19:28All right.
19:29Let's make an entrance.
19:30This water isn't hot enough.
19:32It's got to be boiling.
19:33I'll go heat a kettle there.
19:34Don't bother, Mrs. Pringle.
19:36You're in enough hot water right now.
19:41What's the meaning of this?
19:42Sir, you cooked the spear points in hot water to extract the poison.
19:45I don't know.
19:46I was just trying to find out to see if it still had power.
19:49Mike, there's a car coming up the driveway.
19:52Who is it?
19:53Why is he blowing the horn?
19:55Oh, I don't...
19:56Hey, cut it out!
19:58Get off that horn!
19:59There's something wrong.
20:00Come on.
20:04There's a man slumped over the steering wheel.
20:06I'll pull him off the horn.
20:09Okay, mister.
20:10Raise up.
20:12Holy jump.
20:13It's Sabadow.
20:16But how?
20:18Here's the answer.
20:19Remember the symptoms of that South American poison?
20:22Tight, clenched hands?
20:36We'll return to Mike and Phil in just a moment.
20:40Friends, it's pretty safe to say that carbon is the number one enemy of your automobile engine.
20:45Carbon burns valves, gums up piston rings, and may lead to expensive repair bills.
20:51Therefore, anything that reduces carbon formation is of interest to careful drivers.
20:56And that's just what Triton motor oil does.
20:59Yes, that's right.
21:00Triton motor oil cuts down carbon.
21:03Well, nearly all of the oil in the world is carbon.
21:08Well, nearly all carbon comes from the lubricating oil,
21:11and not from the gasoline, as so many people think.
21:14But all lubricating oils are not the same in their carbon-forming tendencies.
21:19In fact, in a recent comparative test made with the seven leading motor oils sold here in the West,
21:24Triton contained 38% fewer carbon-forming elements than the next best oil,
21:3086% less than the average.
21:33The secret of Triton's superiority lies in the Union Oil Company's exclusive propane-solvent refining process,
21:40a process so valuable that it's been patented by Union Oil Company.
21:45So, friends with mechanics as scarce as they are today,
21:48why not take advantage of the extra protection
21:51the 100% pure paraffin-based Triton motor oil will give you against carbon?
21:57You can buy Triton motor oil at all Union Oil Minuteman stations.
22:02Just look for the sign of the big orange and blue 76.
22:06Thank you.
22:11An ambulance has carried the unconscious Sabadell to the hospital.
22:15Mike, Phyllis, and the inspector have returned to the Pringle garage with Mr. and Mrs. Pringle.
22:20I, uh, I know it looks bad, gentlemen, but you didn't give us a chance to explain.
22:24Well, you've got your chance now, Mr. Pringle. Make the most of it.
22:26You were out here in your garage trying to get poison off two South American hunting spears.
22:30What for?
22:31Well, because they're the same type spears I brought Noble from Ecuador.
22:34I wanted to collect the poison and send it to the police.
22:37So you people could compare it with the poison found in Mary's stomach?
22:41You're suddenly very helpful, Mrs. Pringle,
22:43after you tried to smuggle Mary's diary away from the police.
22:46But I didn't mean to.
22:48That's what made William and I think Mr. Noble might be guilty after all.
22:51Looks to me like all three of you are in the same boat.
22:53At least we don't have to consider Sabadell any longer.
22:56Yes. As I see it, Sabadell was really in love with Mary.
22:59He tore over here to the Pringles for the same reason we did,
23:02because he figured they were in cahoots with Noble.
23:04Then collapsed in his car from the same poison.
23:06Okay, but which of these three did it?
23:09And is the poison from these three spears?
23:11Wait a minute. I got a new angle, Inspector.
23:13Mary was killed by the poison.
23:15Sabadell got enough of it to send him to the hospital,
23:17but nobody else has keeled over tonight.
23:20That's right.
23:21Then what did Mary and Sabadell eat or drink that nobody else touched?
23:25Did all of you people eat dinner together?
23:26Yes, we did.
23:28Not the food.
23:29Did either of you see Mary or Sabadell drink anything which you didn't?
23:32Not that I remember.
23:33Well, they must have a food or drink or something that...
23:36Wait a minute.
23:38Wait a minute. How about candy?
23:39Sabadell said he brought Mary a box tonight.
23:41Oh, he always did.
23:42Mary was a candy fiend.
23:43Ate chocolates all day long.
23:44Did you eat any tonight?
23:45Oh, no. They're much too sweet for me.
23:47And you, Mrs. Pringle?
23:48I never touched chocolates.
23:49Then they did eat something which you didn't.
23:51If Mary always ate chocolates, that would be an ideal way to give her the poison.
23:55The sugar in the stuff might slow down the effect.
23:57We may be wrong, but we've got to find that box of chocolates.
24:00Well, the last I saw of it, Mary and Mr. Sabadell had it with them in the car.
24:04But we searched the car, Mike.
24:05Yes, honey, yes, but we were looking for a bottle of poison.
24:07We weren't thinking of candy.
24:09There was an awful lot of stuff in that car.
24:10We've got to look again, and it better be fast.
24:24I put the car in the garage here just a minute ago.
24:26If I'd known you fellows wanted to look at it...
24:28That's all right, Dan. That's all right. Thanks for letting us in.
24:30Sure. Anything else I can do for you?
24:32No, thanks, Dan.
24:33Okay, if you want me, I'll be in my room. It's right overhead.
24:35All right. Okay, Dan. Thanks.
24:38We better look good this time, Mike.
24:42You need more light in there?
24:43No, no.
24:45Did you find anything, Inspector?
24:46Uh-uh. No.
24:48Oh, all right.
24:50That's the same stuff I found before.
24:52Uh, it's hopeless, Mike.
24:54No killer would poison the girl, then leave a box of chocolates high and dry for the police.
24:58He wouldn't be that dumb.
24:59It isn't a question of dumbness, Inspector. It's a question of time.
25:02But he'd still get rid of the chocolates.
25:04We don't know where to look for them.
25:05Now, let me think.
25:07He wouldn't throw the chocolates out of the car.
25:09Somebody might pick them up and eat them.
25:10That means he must have brought them back here.
25:12Think, Inspector, think.
25:13Would he destroy the chocolates or hide them?
25:15He'd destroy them.
25:16That means the box, too. He'd have to burn it.
25:18I saw an incinerator on this side of the garage.
25:20Lead us to it, Angel.
25:30Mike, you got a hold of something?
25:32Well, pull it. Come on, pull it out.
25:35Here you are.
25:36The box of chocolates.
25:37Open it up.
25:39They're mashed up a bit, but we can analyze them.
25:42And if the fingerprints aren't too musty,
25:44Wait a minute, honey.
25:46Back at my apartment, didn't Mary say she had told no one else but you and me
25:49that her uncle was trying to poison her?
25:51Yeah, yeah, that's right.
25:52Yet, yet one other person tonight seemed to know something about it.
25:56When we were looking at Mary's body, he made a crack about Noble.
26:00It was Dan Casey.
26:17Oh, Mr. Shane.
26:19Yeah, do you mind if we come in for a minute, Dan?
26:21Why, glad to have you.
26:22Dan, Dan, tonight when we found Mary Noble's body,
26:26I heard you start to tell Mr. Pringle that your boss could stand some investigating.
26:30I guess I was right, wasn't I?
26:32Perhaps, but before Mary came to me, she hadn't told her fears to a living soul.
26:37Yet you were able to name Briggs Noble.
26:40Well, you know, that's just one of those things.
26:43Mind if we take a little look around your room, Dan?
26:45Now, hold on.
26:47What is it you want?
26:48Well, here's one thing we want on your dresser.
26:51There's a dish of chocolates here.
26:52What of it?
26:53Miss Mary gave them to me.
26:54You mind eating a piece?
26:56No, of course not.
26:58Hmm, that's it.
26:59Oh, by the way, I got a few more chocolates here in my pocket.
27:02It's the same kind.
27:03They had a few ashes on them, but I cleaned them off.
27:05Good as new.
27:08Yes, yes, from the incinerator.
27:10But I'll just add them to your dish here and mix them all around like that.
27:14Now, would you eat another?
27:17Go on.
27:18Eat a piece.
27:19Eat two or three.
27:21No, I won't.
27:23I didn't think you would.
27:25Okay, Inspector, I think this is where you take over.
27:29I insist.
27:30You must have a drink.
27:31A cup of peace between the Inspector and myself.
27:33Well, I guess I would drink to that.
27:35I can understand your suspicions of me, gentlemen, when I kept telling you it was suicide.
27:39But what gets me, Mr. Noble, is how you could employ a chauffeur for months and not recognize him as your own nephew.
27:45You forget I hadn't seen him for over a year.
27:47I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
27:49I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
27:51I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
27:53I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
27:55I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
27:57I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
27:59I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:01I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:03I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:05I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:07I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:09I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:11I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:13I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:15I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:17I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:19I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:21I don't think I've seen him for over a year.
28:23Is the store open at this hour? I'd like to buy Phil a box of chocolates.
28:25Is the store open at this hour? I'd like to buy Phil a box of chocolates.
28:27No, thanks, no. After tonight, I've lost my sweet tooth.
28:29No, thanks, no. After tonight, I've lost my sweet tooth.
28:31Oh, but maybe when you see him on a nice, big, luscious bonbon.
28:33Oh, but maybe when you see him on a nice, big, luscious bonbon.
28:35My shame you haven't given me a box of chocolates in years.
28:37If you do it now, I'll know what to expect.
28:39Oh, no you won't, Angel. Oh, no you won't.
28:41Oh, no you won't, Angel. Oh, no you won't.
28:54Tune in again next week at 8 for another adventure
28:56with Michael Shea and Private Detective
28:58starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis
29:00with Joe Forte as the inspector.
29:05Tonight's story was written by Richard de Graff
29:07and based on the character created by Brad Halliday.
29:09Music was composed and directed by Bernard Ketz.
29:12This is John Lang saying goodnight
29:14for the people who make 76 gasoline
29:16and Triton Motor Oil.
29:18Union Oil Company.
29:20This is the Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System.
