
  • 3 months ago


00:00The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective.
00:11The people who make 76 gasoline and Triton Motor Oil, Union Oil Company, present...
00:21The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:31The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:36When Mike Shane isn't burning the midnight oil over some unsolved crime,
00:40he's generally doing the next most interesting thing, talking about one.
00:44Right now, he's leaning back in his easy chair, doing a powerful lot of talking to his old friend, Inspector Faraday.
00:50It's a stag session, for Mike's assistant, Phyllis Knight, has gone home early this evening.
00:56Of course, Faraday, I don't know much about the case, except what I've read in the papers,
00:59but it seems to me that you're going after the wrong guy.
01:02Mike, this Joe has got a prison record as long as a kangaroo's tail.
01:06Why should he sidestep a little thing like murder?
01:08Just because he has got a prison record as long as a kangaroo's tail.
01:12Look, I remember a case back in New York that's almost a carbon copy of this.
01:17I've got some newspaper clippings on it in the file, so I'll read them to you in just a second.
01:22You don't get the point, Mike. This killing is gruesome, horrible.
01:26It would take a hardened criminal to carry it through.
01:28Doggone it, they're here in the file somewhere.
01:31Now, Phyll could turn right to it.
01:33Yeah, she went home kind of early this evening, didn't she?
01:35Yeah, she's got a girlfriend staying up at the apartment with her.
01:38Went home to help her pack up.
01:40Friend from out of town?
01:41Uh-huh. Girl had a fight with her fiancé and wants to play hermit for a few days.
01:46I know. The old feminine trick. Goodbye forever.
01:49Till next Saturday night.
01:51I'll get it, Mike.
01:55Mike, thank heavens you're still there.
01:57This is Faraday, Phyllis. Mike's ransacking his files. I'll get him for you.
02:00Wait a minute, wait a minute. You'd better hear this too, Inspector.
02:03Maybe it's your business.
02:04What's wrong, girl? You sound scared blue.
02:06I am. I know something's happened. I don't dare look.
02:09All right, but what is it, Phyll?
02:11Wait a minute. Let me talk to her.
02:12Here. She sounds like she's going to cry.
02:14Hello, Angel.
02:15Oh, Mike. Mike, get over here quick.
02:17Now, wait a minute. Calm down, honey. Now, tell me what's wrong.
02:19Well, you know Lois was leaving my apartment tonight and I came home to help her pack.
02:24Yeah, sure, sure.
02:25Well, Mike, she's not here. At least I don't think so.
02:27Now, please, Angel, wait a minute. I can't tell what you're talking about.
02:30Well, I found her trunk already packed and locked.
02:34And I think...
02:35Yeah? What, honey? What?
02:36I think her body's inside.
02:48Well, at last. I thought you'd never get here.
02:50Honey, we came as fast as we could.
02:53Where's the trunk?
02:54In the bedroom.
02:55All right. Now, tell me what happened.
02:57Well, I found the hall door off the lock, so I expected she'd be right back.
03:00I kept waiting and then I started to worry.
03:02She had that row with Nelson. He threatened her.
03:05You see what I mean, Faraday? A woman's intuition.
03:08Well, the baggage man came. He started to take the trunk, but then...
03:12then I heard it.
03:13Heard what?
03:14Something slumped inside, and the trunk seemed so heavy, I...
03:17I told the man to leave it. We weren't going to send it after all.
03:20Oh, great.
03:21I looked at it real close, and... and when I saw the padlock...
03:24Oh, that's when I phoned you, Mike.
03:28Well, I see a smear of blood on the lock.
03:30That's not unusual, honey.
03:32Maybe she cut her hand when she closed the trunk.
03:34Oh, for heaven's sakes, I'm no child.
03:36Look here in this closet.
03:39There are all those things.
03:43There are all Lois's dresses, still on the hangers.
03:46They weren't packed in the trunk.
03:47It just means that she hasn't finished packing.
03:49I thought of that, too, Mike.
03:51I started to push the trunk back against the wall, but it wouldn't budge.
03:55There's something inside of it, and it isn't clothing.
03:57Well, let's see.
04:01I'll say.
04:02It's loaded with something.
04:07There, you hear that?
04:08Something slumped inside.
04:10Just as you tipped the trunk, Faraday.
04:12Okay, I guess the only way we can satisfy you is to open it, if we can find the key.
04:16Here, I've got it.
04:17It's here in her purse.
04:18That's another thing that scared me, Mike.
04:19Lois's handbag.
04:20Just laying here on the dressing table.
04:22Let's have it, Phil.
04:25Honey, wasn't that the hall door?
04:27Of course.
04:28There's your girl now.
04:30Oh, it's about time that she...
04:33No, it's Nelson.
04:35Let's see.
04:39You looking for somebody, partner?
04:41Oh, I...
04:42I didn't think there was anybody here.
04:43Do you always walk right in when there's nobody home?
04:46Well, I meant...
04:47I thought Lois was here alone.
04:49I'll come back again.
04:50No, no, no, no.
04:51We'd like you to stay.
04:53She may be in any minute.
04:54Well, I really...
04:55Come in a minute.
04:56Come on in.
04:57We'd like to talk to you ourselves.
04:58Come on.
04:59Come on.
05:00I don't understand.
05:01You're friends of Lois?
05:03This is Mike Shane and Inspector Faraday.
05:05I don't understand.
05:06You don't have to.
05:07Okay, Phil.
05:08Let's have that key.
05:11Hey, here.
05:12What are you doing?
05:13That's Lois' trunk.
05:14You haven't any right to go in there.
05:15Maybe not, but we like to open surprise packages.
05:18Oh, I hope I'm wrong.
05:21I hope it's a mistake.
05:22All right, Mike.
05:23Let's swing her open.
05:33What's inside?
05:34No, no.
05:35Don't look.
05:36I'm afraid you were right.
05:53Karn is on his way.
05:55Oh, it doesn't seem real.
05:58Just a few hours ago I was talking to her and now...
06:01I know, honey.
06:02I know.
06:03It's hard to take.
06:04Young fellow, what's your name?
06:06Nelson Carter.
06:08Supposed to be the girl's fiancé, huh?
06:10You don't seem to be particularly upset.
06:13I'm stunned.
06:15What brought you here?
06:17I came to see Lois.
06:19I was here this afternoon and we had another fight.
06:22I came back to apologize.
06:25That's something new.
06:26First time you ever apologized for anything.
06:29You drove the poor girl half crazy.
06:31If it was her fault, she wouldn't listen to me.
06:33I was right from the very start.
06:34Oh, sure.
06:35So right you never let her have a thought of her own.
06:37You hounded her with your rightness.
06:39That's why she moved in with me.
06:40To get away from you and your pestering phone calls and your fights.
06:43That's a lie.
06:45You came between us.
06:46Lois told me this afternoon you said she should forget me.
06:48I told her so at breakfast.
06:50But she couldn't.
06:52She was still in love with you.
06:54She was going back to her apartment tomorrow morning.
06:56There's something I don't get.
06:58If Lois was using Phil's apartment as a sort of hideout,
07:02how did this fellow know she was here?
07:03That's my business.
07:04It's also ours, son.
07:06What time did you come here this afternoon?
07:08Why, about 4.30.
07:11The girl's been dead three or four hours.
07:13Say, look here.
07:14If you're trying to pin this on me, you're crazy.
07:17Lois told me about your insane temper.
07:19You threatened to kill her.
07:20I did not.
07:21Oh, you're a pack of fools.
07:24But I think I do know who did it.
07:29Wait a minute.
07:30Who can that be?
07:31Oh, it's too soon for the counter.
07:33I'll answer it.
07:37Good evening.
07:38Good evening.
07:39I'm sorry to bother you at this hour,
07:40but we had some trouble about a pickup at this address.
07:43Oh, what kind of a pickup?
07:44Why, a trunk.
07:46I'm the traffic investigator for the transfer company.
07:49We gave one of our drivers a pickup order at this apartment,
07:52but he didn't bring it in.
07:54In fact, he's disappeared.
07:55Oh, wait a minute.
07:56I can explain part of it.
07:58I told your driver I'd changed my mind.
08:00I didn't want the trunk sent.
08:01Oh, I see.
08:03Oh, you're Miss Phyllis Knight.
08:05That's right.
08:06Haven't I met you somewhere before?
08:08Your voice sounds familiar.
08:09It ought to, Mr. Shane.
08:11You used to hear it every day.
08:13Going up, sir?
08:14Floors, please.
08:15Elevator operator.
08:16In the Rust Building.
08:18Well, I'm sorry I disturbed you,
08:20but we're just trying to locate our driver.
08:22Good night.
08:24Good night.
08:26That's funny.
08:28Why should a baggage company driver disappear?
08:31Right after he came for this trunk.
08:34I wonder...
08:35All right, kids, let's get back to business.
08:37Now, Mr. Carter, you start to say you knew the killer.
08:41Lois' old boss, Joseph Spiegel.
08:43He's head of the Spiegel Chemical Laboratories.
08:45She told me this afternoon he was coming to see her.
08:47Yeah, but he doesn't know she was here.
08:49Lois quit her job with him last week.
08:51Assuming he did know,
08:52why should our next boss want to kill the girl?
08:54Because he's a crook.
08:55I used to work in Spiegel's laboratory,
08:57and I discovered he was stealing formulas from other companies.
08:59So I quit.
09:00But not Lois.
09:02She was his private secretary,
09:03and her boss was just the soul of Anna.
09:05That's what started our fighting.
09:07Yes, but when she learned you were right, she did quit.
09:09Three days ago.
09:10All right.
09:11But it sounds like a pretty flimsy reason to kill a girl.
09:14Not if Lois had the goods on him.
09:16He wanted to stop her tongue.
09:17You weren't fighting about that this afternoon?
09:20No, she told me she was going to go to work for another chemical company.
09:23I told her when I married, I didn't want my wife working.
09:25Well, we both got pretty mad.
09:27She said she'd never marry me.
09:28I can imagine how you took that with your conceit.
09:31How about it, Mike?
09:32I don't know.
09:33I'm a little worried, Faraday.
09:35This is Phil's apartment.
09:37She's been living here alone up until the past few days.
09:40Lois and Phyllis are about the same height, same color hair.
09:45Maybe somebody thought he was killing Phyllis.
09:49Who'd want to?
09:50I haven't an enemy in the world.
09:51Oh, you've got hundreds of angels, as many as I've got.
09:53My chain and Phyllis Knight have sent plenty of lugs up the river.
09:56Yeah, but Lois and I don't really look alike, Mike.
09:58A killer would be awfully certain before he did it.
10:01Why should he, honey?
10:02Yours is the only name on the mailbox.
10:04If some crook hired a gunman to come to this address and knock off the girl living in apartment 616...
10:09Listen, Mike.
10:10That stuff doesn't happen in San Francisco.
10:12Those are the old Al Capone days.
10:15Well, maybe I'm a nervous nelly.
10:17I just don't want Phil running any danger.
10:21Come here a minute, look here.
10:23Here, this ashtray.
10:25I see what you mean.
10:27Mr. Carter, do you smoke?
10:29Uh, yes, a pipe.
10:32There's a cigar butt in this ashtray.
10:35He smokes them all the time.
10:36I told you he was coming here.
10:37Maybe we should check that right now.
10:38You know where he lives?
10:39Yeah, he's got an apartment at his plant.
10:41It's next to the laboratory.
10:42That's on Bay Street.
10:43Okay, suppose Phil and I mosey over there right now and swap formulas with Dr. Spiegel.
10:47Good, and if the coroner gets through here in time, I'll join you.
10:49Oh, Mr. Shane.
10:51Have you got a gun?
10:52You think I'll need it?
10:53You might.
10:55Spiegel's a huge man with a cunning, fiendish mind.
10:58Well, thanks for the warning.
11:00I'll be ready with a few shenanigans of my own.
11:04In just a moment, we'll rejoin Mike and Phyllis in their adventures.
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12:53It is a dark and foggy street in San Francisco's commercial district.
13:00Light streams out into the night through an open door.
13:03The entrance to the Spiegel Chemical Laboratories.
13:06In the doorway is the huge silhouette of a man.
13:09Shane? Michael Shane?
13:11Yes, sir.
13:12I do not know you, sir.
13:13I'm aware of that, Dr. Spiegel, but Miss Knight and I would like to talk to you. It's very important.
13:16Impossible. Tonight I'm working in my laboratory.
13:19It's about Lois Lavers, Doctor.
13:22Lois? Oh. Come in. Close the door, please.
13:27We will talk in the laboratory. I must get back to my experiment.
13:32This way, please.
13:33Thank you.
13:35Jeepers. He is a giant, Mike.
13:38Mm-hmm. And those thick glasses make him look like a movie horror man.
13:41You said it.
13:42Mr. Shane, you are a detective?
13:45How did you know that?
13:46Well, I rather expected Lois might talk to someone.
13:49She's a very neurotic girl. She imagines things.
13:52I'm afraid she's past that, Dr. Spiegel.
13:55She's dead.
13:59It's a pity.
14:00She had a fine brain.
14:02But too much imagination?
14:05My laboratory.
14:07I caution you both not to handle the tubes or retorts. They are very fragile.
14:13Golly, it's an elaborate place.
14:16What are you experimenting on?
14:18That, madam, is my business.
14:19Doctor, I believe you knew Nelson Carter, Lois' fiancé?
14:23He used to work here. Capable, but a wild temper.
14:27And very jealous.
14:29Of you, perhaps?
14:32I used to take Lois to dinner so I could continue my work without interruption.
14:36Nelson misunderstood.
14:40I should not be surprised if he killed her.
14:44You saw Lois this afternoon, Doctor.
14:46About what time?
14:48A very good detective.
14:50About five o'clock, I would say.
14:52How did you know she was staying in my apartment?
14:55One moment.
14:56There is trouble with this retort.
15:02How did I know?
15:03It is very simple.
15:05Lois telephoned me.
15:06Her last paycheck was incorrect.
15:08I brought her a new one.
15:09Is that all you went to see her about?
15:12Also, I asked her to come back.
15:14She was an excellent secretary.
15:16Mr. Shane, what are you doing?
15:19Just admiring your laundry in the sink.
15:24Does your experiment include bleaching of blood-soaked handkerchiefs, Doctor?
15:28Good heavens!
15:29Yes, they are my handkerchiefs, yes.
15:32But the blood is not from Lois' veins.
15:35She was strangled, then stabbed to death by a sharp instrument, Doctor.
15:40Like this surgical knife here.
15:43Perhaps I show you how I use that knife.
15:48In this cage...
15:51Rats! Hundreds of them!
15:53One hundred, madam.
15:55Diseased, very sick rats.
15:57When my experiments are concluded, they go in here.
16:04Into this bin.
16:06Oh, no.
16:09Very dramatic, Doctor.
16:11But it doesn't fool us.
16:13Sure, you wanted Lois to come back to work, but she told you she was going to another chemical company.
16:18That scared you, Doctor?
16:20If she told about your stolen formulas and your other cookery...
16:23Oh, she did talk.
16:25I thought this was a trick.
16:26Don't you reach for your gun, Mr. Shane.
16:28My hand is already in my pocket.
16:30You killed her.
16:31You lie.
16:32She's not dead.
16:33It's a trick to get something on me.
16:35Get out.
16:36Get out of here, both of you.
16:46Now you will forget you ever came here.
16:49You will drop this investigation.
16:51I don't take orders from you, Doctor Spiegel.
16:53This time you will.
16:55Your young lady has sense if you have not.
16:58Good night.
17:02I thought he was going to keep us in there and experiment on us.
17:07He's a cold-blooded baby.
17:10The inspector.
17:12He's parked in that police car.
17:14With Nelson?
17:17He's got here in time to see the bomb's rush.
17:19What are the odds?
17:20I don't know, Inspector.
17:21He's devilish enough to commit murder.
17:23Should I take him in for questioning?
17:24No, no, not yet, not yet.
17:25He'll be here.
17:26He doesn't scare out.
17:27Mike found handkerchiefs soaking with blood.
17:29He said he was experimenting with rats.
17:31I think he was sincere, though.
17:33He figured we were on the trail of those stolen formulas.
17:35He killed her, I tell you.
17:36If the police don't get him, I will.
17:38Oh, stop acting.
17:39You're too dead anxious, dependent on Spiegel.
17:41Yes, yes, and the good doctor threw the honor right back at Nelson.
17:46I'm on the fence.
17:47Spiegel had the motive.
17:48Nelson had the jealousy and the temper to do it.
17:50Each saw the girl about the time she died.
17:53If you ask me, you're passing up a bit.
17:56The killer stuffed Lois into the trunk
17:58so her body could be smuggled out of the building.
18:00Find where the trunk was going
18:02and perhaps we'll have the address of the murderer.
18:04But she ordered the trunk picked up herself, Phil.
18:06Maybe she didn't.
18:07Anyway, it's worth a try.
18:09Hop in, Angel.
18:10We're heading for that transfer company.
18:12We appreciate it, sir.
18:25You're coming down and opening the office at this time of the night.
18:27Lucky my wife saw you were a policeman
18:29or she'd never have let me out of the house.
18:32This is our dispatch office.
18:34Oh, by the way, have you located your missing driver?
18:37Missing driver?
18:38I don't understand.
18:41Your traffic investigator came to the apartment.
18:43The driver that was to pick up the trunk had disappeared.
18:46He was checking up.
18:47Well, that's impossible.
18:48All of our men checked into that.
18:50And we don't have a...
18:51What did you call him?
18:52A traffic investigator?
18:54He was a fake.
18:56That's not so good.
18:57Probably never ran an elevator in the Rust Building either.
19:00This thing is getting screwier by the minute.
19:02Oh, here we are.
19:03Here's the pickup order on the trunk.
19:05It's under the name...
19:06Oh, yes.
19:07Phyllis Knight.
19:08Not under Lois Lavers.
19:10Well, let's see.
19:11It was a phone order.
19:13Received 5.25 p.m.
19:16Trunk to be sent to 9053 Jennifer Street.
19:20Seems to me I've heard that address before.
19:229053 Jennifer.
19:249053 Jennifer.
19:26Yeah, there's something about it.
19:27I should hope so.
19:28It's the address of Michael Shane.
19:41Yeah, I was talking to him about that the other night.
19:45I was right, Inspector.
19:46I was right.
19:47Lois was killed by mistake.
19:48It was intended to be Phil.
19:49Well, if that's the case,
19:50then Carter and Spiegel cancel out.
19:52Correct, honey.
19:53The murderer had planned to kill Phyllis,
19:55send her body in her trunk to my apartment,
19:56and leave me to explain it to the police.
19:58All right.
19:59Maybe so.
20:00Say the motive is revenge.
20:01You got a hundred enemies, Mike.
20:02One of them poses as a transfer company investigator.
20:05But who is he?
20:06He didn't leave a single fingerprint in Phil's apartment.
20:08Where do we start looking?
20:09Oh, if I could only remember the guy.
20:11I know his voice.
20:13Where have I heard it?
20:14When did I?
20:15I must know him.
20:17Well, he didn't know me very well,
20:18or he'd never have killed the wrong girl.
20:20Lois and I were the same height,
20:22same color of hair, Mike,
20:23but that's all.
20:25Maybe he figured you changed a lot, honey,
20:28if he hadn't seen you in a long time,
20:29if he'd been away,
20:30if he'd been...
20:33Yeah, if he'd been away in prison.
20:35Kids, we're going to make a phone call right now.
20:38Hello, give me San Quentin.
20:41Phil, honey, close that door to the other room.
20:42I can't hear a thing.
20:44Hello, Inspector Faraday, San Francisco calling.
20:47Yes, I want to speak to him personally.
20:49Mike, get on that extension phone.
20:51Yeah, okay.
20:53Hello, Faraday.
20:54What's on your mind?
20:55Plenty, sir.
20:56We need a list of all prisoners
20:57you've released from your little sanatorium
20:59in the past two weeks.
21:00Past two weeks, huh?
21:02I'm afraid it'll hardly make a list, Faraday.
21:05Only one man.
21:06What's his name?
21:07Let me see.
21:09That was Ford.
21:10Harold Ford.
21:11That mean anything to you, Mike?
21:13Never heard of him.
21:14Who's that on the phone, Mike Shane?
21:16Well, you got sharp ears, sir.
21:18We figured maybe you had released a prisoner
21:20who had a grudge against me.
21:21Some old enemy of Mike's
21:22who might try his hand at revenge.
21:24Oh, that's the only release we've had lately.
21:27In fact, Mike,
21:28you can subtract one enemy from your book.
21:30He died here last week.
21:31Al Smock.
21:32Al Sm...
21:34Holy jumping.
21:35Now I remember.
21:36It's Al Smock's brother, Jack Smock.
21:38That's right.
21:39He had a brother.
21:40Came up here and claimed the body.
21:41Does that mean anything to you?
21:43Does it?
21:44Set an extra plate in your dining room, chief.
21:46We're sending you a new border.
21:47Goodbye, sir,
21:48and thanks a million for your help.
21:51Jack Smock.
21:52Jack Smock.
21:53He must have dyed his hair and put on glasses.
21:55Phil, Phil, you remember the case?
21:57The two brothers about four years ago?
22:00Yeah, vaguely.
22:01It was manslaughter.
22:02You helped send the one called Al Smock up for 20 years.
22:05You'd be right.
22:06Jack was supposed to be brother's alibi.
22:09But our testimony tied him up in bone knots.
22:10Yeah, that's right.
22:11So Al died in prison.
22:12Now brother Jack is out for revenge.
22:14Oh, fine.
22:15But where is brother Jack right now,
22:16and how do we catch him?
22:17Got it, honey.
22:18Jack claimed the body,
22:19so he must have buried him.
22:20Now we got to find that body.
22:22We'll return to Mike Shane and his adventures in just a moment.
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23:24and greased with special equipment.
23:27With each bearing snugly sealed
23:29in a smooth, sturdy coating of Union Oil ball roll grease,
23:32your front wheels are all set for months
23:35of well-lubricated, easy rolling.
23:38The cost for the entire service is nominal,
23:40so for safer, easier driving,
23:42just stop in wherever you see the sign
23:44of the big orange and blue 76,
23:47and ask for Union Oil front wheel bearing service.
23:51Thank you.
23:56At police headquarters, Mike and Inspector Faraday
23:59each hold a telephone in his hands.
24:01They have checked every cemetery in the book.
24:04Well, here's the last one.
24:07Shadow Mountain Cemetery.
24:13Yes, sir.
24:14Here it is.
24:15Albert Smock entered last Friday.
24:18The plot was bought by a Mr. Jack Smock.
24:21Swell, Swell, what's his address?
24:23Our records show it as 1960 Waterfront.
24:36This is it, kids.
24:37Looks like a busted-down rooming house.
24:39And somebody's head sticking out of every window.
24:41Yeah, there. There's a sergeant at the entrance.
24:45Good work, sergeant.
24:46Anybody try to leave the building?
24:48No, sir. I got two boys at the back door,
24:50two in the alley, and two by the fire escape.
24:52Okay, let's go in, Mike.
24:53I'm coming, too.
24:54You are not.
24:55You want a hole in your head?
24:56I might get one just standing here, Smarty.
24:59Smock may be in that crowd across the street.
25:01Something to that, Mike.
25:02Sergeant, your job will be to take care of Miss Knight.
25:04We're all going in.
25:07Come on.
25:08Oh, jeepers, it's dark again.
25:11Why don't they light these stairs?
25:13Quiet, honey, quiet.
25:15He's on this next floor.
25:17If he's in his room.
25:19The landlord said room 305.
25:23Now, let me see.
25:25That'd be here to the left.
25:29Keep close to the wall.
25:31There it is.
25:32That door there.
25:34There's no light shining under it.
25:36Maybe he's playing possum.
25:37Sergeant, you and Phil stay here.
25:40Lighten out against the wall.
25:41Yes, sir.
25:44You ready, Fanny?
25:50He's playing cards.
25:51Open up, Smock.
25:52You're completely surrounded.
25:54Okay, so you won't open up.
25:57All right, Fanny?
25:59So that's his answer.
26:00Okay, Mike, let's go.
26:03Down there.
26:08Mike, Mike.
26:09Wait a minute.
26:10Wait a minute, I'll get the light.
26:11Hurry up, hurry up.
26:12Something's happened.
26:13Here it is.
26:15Oh, he's flat on the floor.
26:16Mike, are you all right?
26:18Yeah, I guess so.
26:20Okay, Inspector, okay.
26:21Climb out from under that table.
26:23I knew somebody got hit, but who?
26:26He shot the gun right out of my hand.
26:27Yeah, I know.
26:28I didn't know where to aim in the dark until he fired and I saw his flesh.
26:32Thanks to you, Mike, I'm still breathing.
26:33Yeah, well, this man on the floor won't be unless we get an ambulance, quick.
26:38You found her?
26:41I didn't think...
26:42You're right, buddy.
26:44You didn't think, period.
26:46Revenge doesn't take much in the way of brains.
26:49Just an awful lot of lives.
27:06Don't be silly, fellas.
27:08Mrs. Farrity will be glad to put you up for a couple of nights.
27:11Here, drink this down.
27:12He's right, honey.
27:13Stay out of your apartment for a few days till you sort of forget what's happened.
27:17All right.
27:19I was just thinking.
27:20You know, this was a freak case.
27:22Everything stacked up so strongly against Nelson Carter and Dr. Spiegel.
27:26And yet at the last minute, it turned out to be almost a complete stranger.
27:30Because we were looking for the wrong motive.
27:32Yeah, I'm worried about that guy Spiegel.
27:34He looks to me like a guy who'd commit plenty of murders.
27:37And will before he gets through with his career.
27:39No, you can spike that, Farrity.
27:41Lock him up for stealing chemical formulas.
27:43That'll keep him quiet.
27:44Hey, not a bad idea.
27:45Keep him so busy making little ones out of big ones that he can't make dead ones out of live ones.
27:51Well, I hope, honey, that this little episode won't scare you out of the detecting business.
27:55Nearly getting bumped off by your boss's enemies.
27:58He's got plenty more enemies besides Jack Smock.
28:00Oh, I don't know.
28:01I'd stick anyway.
28:03My boss forgets the attractions of the job.
28:09Why, honey.
28:10Ha ha ha.
28:32Tune in again next week at 8.30 for another adventure with Michael Shane, Private Detective.
28:37Starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
28:40And Joe Forte as Inspector Farrity.
28:44Tonight's story was written by Richard DeGraff and based on the character created by Brent Holliday.
28:49Music was composed and directed by Bernard Katz.
28:53This is John Lang saying goodnight for the people who make 76 gasoline and Triton Motor Oil.
29:00Union Oil Company.
29:07This is the Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System.
