
  • 3 months ago


00:00The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective.
00:11The people who make 76 gasoline and Triton motor oil, Union Oil Company present...
00:20The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:30The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:39Many an exciting case crosses the desk of our detective friend, Mike Shane.
00:43Right now, there's something special on that desk.
00:46Bending over it are Mike, his assistant Phyllis Knight, and Inspector Faraday.
00:50Shh! Watch.
00:52Mike frowns grimly, then slowly, carefully, he turns to the next page of Lear magazine.
00:58Oh, no. Oh, no.
01:01Oh, Mike. Where did they get that picture of you?
01:04Oh, no. A day from the life of Mike Shane, San Francisco's sophisticated sleuth.
01:11Oh, anything for a story. If they were going to write about me, why didn't they interview me?
01:16What are you kicking about? It's publicity.
01:18That super sleuth, that maestro of the clue, that glamour boy of detectives.
01:22Yeah. Hey. Hey, here's a picture of both of us.
01:25Handsome detective inspects scene of society murder.
01:28The willowy damsel on his left is Mike's current heart in...
01:32Hey, current. I like that.
01:35Sure, sure. It seems Mike is a wizard with the ladies.
01:38But read all about it on page seven. I'm packing my bags and heading for the mountains.
01:42Spare the suitcase. This may be a client.
01:46Hello? Yes, this is his secretary.
01:50I'm sorry, he's busy right now.
01:52Who is it?
01:53Who is it?
01:54Oh? Oh, yes, yes.
01:58Who is it?
01:59Shh. Tonight. 7.30.
02:02Well, I'm sure he'd be delighted to come.
02:04Honey, honey, I'd be delighted to what?
02:07Certainly. Certainly, I'll tell him. Thank you very much, Miss Melton.
02:13Now, what have you got me into?
02:15Your magazine story is paying dividends already, Mr. Shane.
02:18You and I are going to attend one of the exclusive parties of Miss Sherry Melton.
02:22Oh, no, not that sob, sister.
02:24But, of course, she gives such different parties and her newspaper column.
02:28Why, she might write you up, too.
02:30Yeah, well, I can skip that.
02:31Kids, I don't like this setup. I don't like it at all.
02:33You can say that again.
02:34No, Mike, you don't understand. I'm invited to the same party.
02:38Yes, she called me up.
02:39I told her I liked parties, but being Inspector of Homicide, I never know about my evenings.
02:43Then she said I had to come because she was going to recreate a murder.
02:47Oh, one of those things.
02:48Mike, I'm leery of this sort of stuff. Something always goes wrong.
02:51What do you mean?
02:52It seems someone always gets hurt.
02:54Well, but why is she doing it? What's her reason? What goes?
02:57Not what, darling. Who goes? And the answer? We do.
03:14Say, you know something? This is a real party and it's such an attractive house.
03:18Don't you think so, huh, Mike?
03:20My collar's too tight. I told you I can't wear a tuxedo. I feel like a pallbearer.
03:25Ah, Mr. Shane.
03:27Why, you're much handsomer than in that magazine.
03:30You should wear a tuxedo on every case.
03:34Miss Melton, this is my... well, this is Miss Phyllis Knight.
03:38How do you do, Miss Melton?
03:39Oh, yes, yes. Well, come on into the lounge. I want you to meet everybody.
03:44You know, the party tonight is just a mad inspiration.
03:48The other day I was having lunch with Freddie.
03:50Oh, you know Freddie, the senator from Kansas or Florida or someplace.
03:55And I said, darling, I'm going to give a party.
03:58And, oh, wait, here's a man I want you to meet.
04:01Yes, my little butterball.
04:03Miss Knight, this is Sherwood Armstrong.
04:05Oh, the mystery story writer. How do you do?
04:08Rather bored up to this moment, but now I see possibility.
04:13Sherwood, before you ask her out onto the balcony to talk over her story ideas,
04:18you better check with Mr. Shane here.
04:20I'm glad to know you, Mr. Armstrong.
04:21Wish I could say the same, sir.
04:23I've always admired your ability, and now your good taste.
04:26Oh, go away with you, you wretch.
04:28I want these people to meet somebody really important.
04:31Well, I'll be back.
04:32Oh, there's our man, the one with the big glasses and bushy hair.
04:35Dr. Kaler.
04:37Dr. Kaler, Michael Shane and Miss Phyllis Knight.
04:40How do you do?
04:41How do you do, madam?
04:42Mr. Shane.
04:43Dr. Kaler studied psychology in Vienna,
04:46and he writes all those fascinating books on dreams and why people commit murder.
04:51Oh, Miss Melton, please.
04:52Of course, we've all heard of you, doctor.
04:54One of our best criminologists.
04:56Mike, you must read some of his books.
04:58Yes, I must.
04:59Sherry, may I see you a moment, please?
05:02Oh, Ray, I almost forgot you.
05:04Ray and I used to work on the same newspaper in Chicago.
05:07Look, darling, I want you to meet a publisher.
05:09Dr. Kaler, I'd love to read some of your books.
05:12You must tell me which one to start on first.
05:14You are very kind, madam,
05:15but I'm afraid you would find them very technical and perhaps dull.
05:18Oh, no, no.
05:19If I can't understand what you mean, I'll ask Mike to explain it to me.
05:23He's a wonderful student, you know.
05:25You should see his library.
05:26You really should, doctor.
05:28He's got a complete file of Esquire.
05:30Well, I was wondering where you were.
05:31Oh, get you.
05:32Tuxedo and paddle-leather shoes.
05:35Oh, by the way, doctor, how are you coming with that next book?
05:38Indeed, thank you.
05:39Well, then you two know each other.
05:40Oh, sure.
05:41Dr. Kaler's helped me out with several cases.
05:43Now, jealous, are you?
05:44Oh, of course.
05:45Hey, wait a minute.
05:46Miss Melton's trying to say something.
05:48We are now going to have a buffet supper.
05:50After that, I have a surprise for you.
05:52I won't tell you what it is, but I'll give you a hint.
05:55It's murder.
06:09So much to eat.
06:10Quiet, everybody.
06:11Quiet, please.
06:13I've brought all of you upstairs to this bedroom because we're going to play a game.
06:17Oh, I don't care what Faraday says, Mike.
06:19This is going to be fun, huh?
06:20Now, I want four of my guests to pay particular attention.
06:23Inspector Faraday.
06:25Mr. Shane.
06:27Dr. Kaler.
06:28I'm ready.
06:29And Sherwood Armstrong.
06:30And Sherwood, will you look around this room and tell us what you see?
06:34Besides people.
06:36Well, let's see.
06:37A double bed.
06:43Two chairs and a bureau.
06:45Does anything about it look familiar to you?
06:49How about you, Dr. Kaler?
06:50It's a complete mystery.
06:52Inspector Faraday?
06:53Well, the arrangement and spacing of furniture does look familiar to me.
06:57Reminds me of the bedroom of a man who was recently murdered.
07:00You're right, Inspector.
07:02The bedroom of John Himes.
07:04Oh, yes.
07:05I've arranged everything to duplicate his bedroom.
07:08And tonight, we're going to reenact the murder.
07:10Mike, that killing's never been solved.
07:12As you all know, I like to give unique parties.
07:16So I've invited four famous crime experts here tonight
07:20to give us their own solutions of this unsolved mystery.
07:23Mr. Shane, do you know the details of the case?
07:26Well, fairly well.
07:28It happened about two months ago.
07:30John Himes was a rich old miser.
07:32He was found shot to death in his bedroom
07:34with the doors and windows locked from the inside.
07:37The only suspect was his secretary, and he had a watertight alibi.
07:42Is that right, Inspector?
07:43It is.
07:44All right.
07:45Now, you, Dr. Kaler, will be John Himes.
07:48Lie down on the bed, please.
07:50Oh, now, hurry up, hurry up.
07:52Don't be so shy, Doctor.
07:54And you, Sherwood, you will be the killer.
07:57Stand outside the door till we call you.
07:59This is very exciting.
08:01Now, as Inspector Faraday tells us what happened that night,
08:04Dr. Kaler and Sherwood will act it out for us.
08:08Now, if you please, Inspector.
08:09Well, it's about midnight.
08:11John Himes is in bed, probably asleep.
08:14Doors and windows are locked.
08:16Somebody comes to his hall door.
08:18All right, Sherwood.
08:20Himes thinks it's his secretary.
08:22He gets out of bed, goes to the door,
08:24he unlocks and opens it.
08:29The killer enters.
08:30At first, there's no struggle, no outcry.
08:32Oh, careful, Dr. Kaler.
08:33Put on your glasses.
08:34You can't see where you're going.
08:36Of course not, madam.
08:37Neither could Mr. Himes.
08:38If he had worn his glasses, he would have seen it was not his secretary.
08:41Correct, Doctor.
08:42The killer advances into the room,
08:44demands the old man hand over the cash he has hidden in the house.
08:47The old fellow refuses.
08:49The killer insists.
08:50He raises his gun and then...
08:52Mike! Mike!
09:06We'll return to the adventures of Michael Shane and Phyllis Knight in just a moment.
09:14Simply because your automobile engine is rated at a certain horsepower
09:18doesn't mean it's delivering that rate.
09:20Worn or burned out spark plugs, for example,
09:23can actually cut down the horsepower of your engine,
09:26even at full throttle.
09:28Many high-compression engines demand complete, instant firing.
09:32If any of your spark plugs are worn or improperly adjusted,
09:35you get a weak, sputtering fire,
09:37which fails to ignite all the gasoline.
09:40So serious is this loss
09:42that engineering tests prove
09:44faulty spark plugs can waste
09:46one tankful of gasoline out of every ten.
09:49So, friends, if you're not absolutely certain
09:52your spark plugs are firing properly,
09:54why not play safe
09:56and have your Union Oil Minute Man check them.
09:58The performance of each separate plug
10:00is accurately measured on a scientific tester,
10:03and you can see the results for yourself.
10:05If your plugs are dirty,
10:07the Minute Man will clean and adjust them to the proper setting.
10:10If they're burned or worn out,
10:12he can furnish you with a new set.
10:14Union Oil spark plug service takes but a few minutes
10:18and costs but a few cents,
10:20a cost you'll soon save in extra mileage.
10:23You'll find Union Oil Minute Man
10:25ready to serve you wherever you see the sign
10:27of the big orange and blue 76.
10:30And remember, next Monday night,
10:32Michael Shane comes to you one half hour earlier,
10:358 o'clock instead of 8.30.
10:42An unsolved murder is being reenacted
10:44at Cherry Mountain Society Party.
10:46Suddenly, at the very climax of the scene...
10:48Mike! Mike!
10:50Everybody stay where you are!
10:51Who fired that shot?
10:52Armstrong did. He had the gun. I saw him.
10:54Don't be ridiculous, Ray.
10:55I was just faking a gun with my pipe.
10:57Please, has anyone hurt?
10:58Oh, no, no, your dignities.
11:00Four famous crime experts,
11:02and they don't know a fake gunshot from the real thing.
11:04What? You mean it was a phony?
11:06Of course.
11:07I slapped this yardstick here on the bed pillow.
11:10Oh, for heaven's sake.
11:12Very amusing.
11:13A perfect example of mass psychology and suggestion.
11:16Now let's get on with the crime.
11:18You've been shot, Dr. Kaler,
11:19so stretch out on the floor.
11:21Yes, perhaps like this beside the bed.
11:23Oh, that's perfect.
11:24You make a very convincing corpse, Doctor.
11:26And now, Inspector, if you'll just go on.
11:28Well, there's nothing more to tell.
11:30The killer didn't find the money he was after,
11:32so he slipped out of the house again.
11:34Perfect crime, eh?
11:35Well, if the police couldn't solve it, I can.
11:38Oh, at least I will in my next book.
11:41That's where a writer has it all over.
11:43Oh, we'll solve it, Mr. Armstrong.
11:46In fact, just this evening,
11:47I got a fresh angle on the case,
11:49which I can't tell anyone yet.
11:51Wow, that means a neat headline.
11:53Sherry Melton's Party Gives Police Answer to a Puzzling Murder.
11:57Oh, always the newshark, Ray.
11:59But meanwhile, let's play my game.
12:01You four masterminds have 30 minutes to solve the mystery.
12:04You're each to go to a different room
12:06so you can't compare notes.
12:08In 30 minutes, we'll vote who has the most exciting solution.
12:11And the prize?
12:13Champagne, of course.
12:22Hurry up, Mike.
12:25We've got just 10 minutes to go.
12:27Oh, honey of all the dimwit stunts, this is it.
12:29Come on, come on.
12:30We can spend all night dreaming up solutions,
12:32but none of them will be right.
12:33Crimes aren't solved by slapstick.
12:35It's just a game.
12:37Think up something really dramatic.
12:39I want you to be brilliant tonight, Mike.
12:41We've got a famous criminologist and a mystery story writer.
12:44Show them what we can do.
12:45Oh, we?
12:47What was that?
12:49Mike, what was that?
12:50Sounded like outside.
12:51Come on, come on.
12:54Mike, it's an accident or something outdoors.
12:56Let's go.
12:57I'm coming, too.
13:02It can't be an auto smash-up.
13:04There's nothing on the street.
13:05It sounded closer to the house.
13:07Anyway, maybe here on the ground.
13:12Can I help, gentlemen?
13:13I don't know, doctor.
13:14We've got to search the garden.
13:15I've got a flashlight in my car.
13:16So have I, inspector.
13:17I'll get it.
13:18Okay, let's spread out.
13:19Let's search both sides of the house.
13:21I'll take the left wing here.
13:22No, no, Angel, not you.
13:23But, Mike, I want to.
13:24No, no, you're not going to prowl around through bushes in the dark.
13:26Now go on, go on.
13:27Beat it.
13:28All right, you old worrywart.
13:40Who's that?
13:41Answer me.
13:42Who is it?
13:43An elk looking for his lodge.
13:44Oh, Faraday.
13:45Well, did you find anything on your side?
13:46No, too dark.
13:47Ray was supposed to bring me his flashlight.
13:48I got tired of waiting.
13:49Well, come on, let's go get our own flashlights.
13:52Where are you?
13:53Coming, coming.
13:54Maybe we're just chasing our own tails.
13:55This is another one of that woman's party gags.
13:56It isn't.
13:57It isn't, Faraday.
13:59What I just found doesn't belong at any party.
14:00Found what?
14:01On the running board of Faraday's car.
14:02A dead body.
14:03Stand back, everybody.
14:20We can't see what we're doing.
14:21Looks like he was knocked out first and then strangled with his own time.
14:25But who would want to kill Ray and why?
14:27What was he doing on my running board?
14:29He said he was only going to get the flashlight from his car.
14:32Well, that's fairly simple, Inspector.
14:34Miss Melton says that's his sedan right behind yours.
14:37Looks like a riddle.
14:39But it's the same make, model, and year.
14:41Sure, he thought he was getting into his own car.
14:43Did, uh, did any of you people see anybody come near this car?
14:47Not me.
14:48Only this night.
14:49We were all looking for the cause of that crash.
14:51Oh, oh, I forgot.
14:52I found the cause.
14:54Here's what's left of it.
14:56Looks like a table lamp.
14:57An expensive one, too.
14:59It was at the end of the hall upstairs.
15:01Somebody must have thrown it out the window.
15:03The cook found it in a flower box.
15:05That's it.
15:06Smashed on purpose to get us outdoors.
15:08But, but why?
15:10I'm the only person Ray knew in town.
15:12I invited him here to the party so he, well, so he wouldn't be lonely.
15:17I invited him to, to his death.
15:20No one saw the killer.
15:21No one has a motive.
15:23Where do we go from here?
15:24First off, to the telephone.
15:25I gotta call headquarters.
15:26Uh, just a minute, uh, Inspector.
15:28Phil, stay here and see that nobody touches the body.
15:30All right, Mike.
15:32Now, Faraday, what is it you know about the murder of John Himes?
15:36What is it the killer's afraid of?
15:38I don't get you, Mike.
15:39Did you take a good look at Ray Rogers' body just now?
15:42Of course.
15:44No, you didn't.
15:45Not a good look.
15:46Ray Rogers was just about your height.
15:48He had the same stooped shoulders, same gray hair.
15:51Holy jumping, and he was getting into my car.
15:55Somebody made a mistake, Inspector.
15:58Somebody wants to kill you.
16:15This is the window right here, Mr. Shane.
16:17You can see it's still raised.
16:19The lamp fell into the flower box on the ground floor.
16:22Yeah, but it's so smashed up.
16:24And you've handled it.
16:25I guess fingerprints are out.
16:27But we know that the killer was here on the second floor.
16:29Miss Melton, can you place everybody at the moment you heard the crash?
16:33Well, no.
16:34I was in my bedroom fixing my hair.
16:36Where is your bedroom?
16:37Through this door here.
16:38Oh, but Sherwood, you were in the room across the hall.
16:40Take it easy, Sherry.
16:41You put me in there because of the contest.
16:43I was cooking up a solution for the murder.
16:45I mean, of John Himes.
16:46Well, how about you, Dr. Kaler?
16:48You were in the next bedroom down the hall.
16:49I cannot oblige, madam.
16:51I also was deep in thought.
16:52Well, I guess no one saw the man then.
16:54The inspector and Mr. Shane were downstairs, so were all the other guests.
16:57As a writer of murder thrillers, I'd say the man came here with no idea of killing.
17:02Ray was strangled with his own tie, so the man was without a gun.
17:05You assume the unknown, Mr. Armstrong.
17:07The victim was strangled, which is a masculine technique in murder.
17:11Therefore, a clever woman with a strong arm might choose that very method.
17:15Yes, yes, a red herring.
17:16That's very clever, Dr. Kaler.
17:18Miss Melton, I know you're famous for unusual parties.
17:21But why did you decide to reenact a murder tonight?
17:23Well, it was just an inspiration of mine.
17:26Then Sherwood suggested we do the case of John Himes.
17:29I interviewed the old man once, and yes, I even covered his inquest for my paper.
17:34I see.
17:35Sherwood Armstrong suggested it.
17:37When we entered your contest, you asked all of us if the room and furniture looked familiar.
17:42You, Mr. Armstrong, said not at all.
17:44Well, that was just an act.
17:47Sherry and I knew you'd made sketches of the actual scene,
17:50and we wanted to trip you up if we could and get a laugh.
17:53But why did you pick the particular murder of John Himes?
17:56I knew him. He was a fan of mine, read all my books.
17:59So you and Miss Melton both knew him.
18:01That is hardly a crime, Inspector.
18:03I, too, knew Mr. Himes.
18:05We were members of the same club.
18:07However, it is disturbing that they should choose that particular unsolved crime.
18:12As a psychologist, I know the subconscious desire of every killer to confess his murder.
18:17Some return to the scene, some even talk about it to strangers.
18:20The criminal's subconscious feels cheated of the drama, the notoriety,
18:24which comes with his confession or capture.
18:26Look here, I don't like the drift of this talk.
18:28Well, I apologize, my friend. I'm always going off into a lecture.
18:31I'm sure neither of you is guilty.
18:33None of us is. We have no motives.
18:36Ah, here come my boys. Well, it's about time.
18:38You ready, Mike?
18:39All set. Honey, get your coat.
18:40Are we leaving?
18:41Ah, the answer to Ray Rogers' death isn't here.
18:43It's in a house that's been padlocked for two months.
19:01This place is dusty.
19:03Did you expect John Himes' ghost to meet us with a vacuum cleaner?
19:06If I remember right, this is the bedroom.
19:10Yeah, it is.
19:14We left everything in place. Nothing's been changed.
19:17The old guy was a miser, all right. Not enough furniture for a dollhouse.
19:20Inspector, you told us tonight you had a new idea about this case.
19:23What was it?
19:25That's the bloodstain over there, Mike, in front of the telephone stand.
19:29Inspector, what was it? Maybe it's our solution.
19:32Don't bother him, honey.
19:34Hey, there's the print of a shoe here on the edge of the blood.
19:37Yeah, the killer made it.
19:40Wore tennis shoes.
19:42We tried to trace it.
19:43How about fingerprints?
19:44All identified.
19:46Well, except for one.
19:48Probably an old print.
19:50Maybe some visitors.
19:51Couldn't match it up with our files anyway.
19:53You said a secretary lived with Himes.
19:55You sure of his alibi?
19:57Positive, Phil.
19:58Nice young fella.
19:59He got a phone call in the afternoon that his uncle was dying down at Carmel.
20:03He got to Carmel in the evening and it turned out to be a fake call.
20:06The murderer just wanted him out of the way.
20:08Well, he could have sneaked back that night and...
20:10No, no, he had witnesses.
20:12In fact, he telephoned long distance about midnight to tell Himes he'd be back in the morning.
20:16Yeah, I remember it now.
20:17The operator said somebody answered the phone but didn't say a word.
20:20Just hung up.
20:22We figure the murderer picked up the receiver to hear who was calling.
20:25He cleaned the receiver afterwards and put it back.
20:28That's when he stepped in the blood.
20:30That doesn't add up, though, Inspector.
20:32There's only one shoe print.
20:33Now, he couldn't possibly stand here and reach over to the phone on that table.
20:36It's too far.
20:37Well, does it matter?
20:39Wait a minute.
20:40Wait a minute.
20:41Let me try something.
20:42If I put one foot on the bloodstain here and then my knee on this chair, I can...
20:50Now I can reach it.
20:51Say, come to think of it, that's where we found the stray fingerprints.
20:55Right where you got your hands right now, on the back of that chair.
20:58Okay, now we're clipping coupons.
21:00That fingerprint belongs to the killer of John Himes and Ray Rogers.
21:03All right, but whose print is it?
21:05The inspector doesn't know.
21:06Well, we'd better know and in a hurry.
21:08The murderer tried to get Faraday once tonight.
21:09He'll try again, and the next time, who knows?
21:22In just a moment, we'll rejoin Mike and Phyllis in their adventures.
21:31A few minutes ago, we mentioned some of the advantages of Union Oil's spark plug service.
21:37Now, as a featured part of this service, the Minutemen will also inspect your ignition cables.
21:43These are the small, thin wires which deliver electricity to the spark plugs.
21:47Naturally, if any of them are defective, even brand-new spark plugs won't receive enough juice for proper firing.
21:55In other words, a faulty ignition cable will leak electricity.
21:59So, for a complete, accurate check on your car's firepower, have the Minutemen service your spark plugs and ignition cables.
22:08You'll notice the increased power and snap in your engine as soon as you drive away.
22:13You'll find Union Oil Minutemen ready to serve you wherever you see the sign of the big orange and blue 76.
22:24It is midnight. Mike, Phyllis, and Inspector Faraday are at headquarters.
22:28Mike and Phyllis are bent over a desk studying a police file.
22:35No luck, kids.
22:37Boys, recheck those fingerprints. None on record.
22:39But we've got to have it, Faraday. Your life may depend on it.
22:42All right. There are 130 million people in the United States.
22:45Shall I ask every one of them to mail me their prints?
22:47Oh, easy, Inspector. Easy.
22:49Well, we're stymied. That's all there is to it.
22:51Well, we'll keep on trying.
22:52Phil and I have been going through the coroner's report here. So far, nothing new.
22:56The bullet entered skull immediately below right ear. Death was almost instantaneous.
23:02Deceased fell to floor and position shown in photographs.
23:06The eyeglasses held in his left hand were crushed and embedded in his palm.
23:10In the opinion of the doctors...
23:11Wait a minute. Hold it. Hold it.
23:13What was Himes doing with the eyeglasses in his hand?
23:16He was nearsighted.
23:17Oh, we covered that at the party tonight, Mike.
23:19He probably never put his glasses on.
23:21That's why he mistook the killer for his own secretary.
23:23Why do we have to assume that? Why not the opposite?
23:25Opposite? What do you mean?
23:26Well, perhaps Himes was taking his glasses off.
23:28So what? Does it make any difference?
23:30Does it make any difference?
23:31Look, Farideh, look. All we need to get this killer are three things.
23:34A pair of tennis shoes, a set of fingerprints and an address.
23:37That's all. We'll just sit down and write ourselves a letter to Santa Claus.
23:41No. No. We'll get the fingerprints from the police files.
23:43But we just looked.
23:44Not everywhere, Inspector.
23:46We'll get the address from the phone book and the tennis shoes at that address.
23:56Well, Farideh doesn't sound quite as lively as he did a few hours ago.
23:59Mike, that paper sack. Everybody will know they're shoes.
24:03Carry it like a bottle of champagne.
24:05Quiet, quiet. Here comes our hostess.
24:07Well, at last. We thought you'd never get back.
24:09My guests want to go home.
24:10Oh, they can shortly. Where are they?
24:12In the bar, most of them.
24:13Sheer escapism, gentlemen.
24:15I'm sure they'll be happy to see you.
24:17I'm sure they'll be happy to see you.
24:19I'm sure they'll be happy to see you.
24:21I'm sure they'll be happy to see you.
24:23I'm sure they'll be happy to see you.
24:24Sheer escapism, gentlemen.
24:26Personally, I prefer this book of poetry.
24:28Shakespeare's sonnets. How nice.
24:30What's wrong with a copy of Sherwood Armstrong?
24:33Any luck, boys?
24:34Well, I think so. How about it, Inspector?
24:36Dr. Kaler, you're an expert on fingerprints.
24:39I have in these cards two sets of fingerprints.
24:41Will you examine them and tell us if they're identical?
24:46This world here and the lines.
24:49Hmm. They're identical.
24:50Do you recognize them?
24:52Mr. Armstrong, do you recognize them?
24:54No, I... No, I don't.
24:56And Miss Melton?
24:57Why, no. But I'm not an expert.
24:59May I ask where you got these prints?
25:01From the back of a chair in the bedroom of John Himes.
25:04The second card is from the file of honorary members of the police force.
25:08Oh. I mean, isn't that strange?
25:11You were about to say, Miss Melton,
25:12that you, too, have been an honorary policeman for the past three years?
25:15I... Yes.
25:17Oh, but surely you don't think that I...
25:18I never did like the idea of your parlor entertainment, Miss Melton.
25:21When I came here tonight, I expected that something might go wrong,
25:24or at least that the murderer of John Himes might be present.
25:27Now, just a minute, Inspector. I think your boy...
25:28I told you people I had a new angle on the murder.
25:31Actually, I didn't know a thing.
25:33It's an old trick, making the murderer think you have the answer.
25:36He'll stampede and give himself away.
25:38Which is exactly what happened.
25:39The killer tried to remove the inspector,
25:41but he made a mistake out there in the dark.
25:43He got the wrong man.
25:46Now, I have here in this paper bag
25:48a pair of tennis shoes worn by the murderer.
25:51May I... may I ask you, gentlemen, what size shoes you wear?
25:55A number nine.
25:56Also a nine.
25:57I see.
25:58But, uh, the night you killed John Himes,
26:01you wore an eight-and-a-half, Dr. Kaler.
26:03The night I...
26:04Sir, this is a joke.
26:05Is anyone laughing?
26:07The sole of this left shoe shows traces of blood,
26:09the blood of John Himes,
26:10the blood you stepped in when you answered the phone in that bedroom.
26:13No, they are not my shoes.
26:14I do not play tennis.
26:15You bought them because they were noiseless, Doctor.
26:18We found them in the closet in your room at your club.
26:20And the fingerprints are from your honorary police card.
26:23You convicted yourself, Doctor, when you reenacted the crime.
26:26You pointed out to us that Himes mistook the visitor for his own secretary
26:30because he hadn't put on his glasses.
26:33The crime was so vivid in your memory
26:35that you unconsciously repeated it to the last detail.
26:39Your own subconscious was what trapped you, Doctor.
27:02Golly, Mike, I wish that magazine had waited a few days.
27:05Well, they really have something to write about.
27:07Mike Shane, Outwith's famed criminologist.
27:10Well, I'd say the honors go equally to our friend and companion, Inspector Fowler.
27:14Oh, I don't know.
27:15But all I did was to smoke him up with a big Wise-A.
27:18No, it gets me, kids. It's why Kaler did it.
27:20He hardly knew John Himes. He had no motive.
27:23He told us the motive, honey.
27:24His own vanity.
27:25The great criminologist commits the perfect crime.
27:28He, uh...
27:29It's like a case out of the last book he published.
27:32Mike Shane, you didn't tell me you'd read any of his books.
27:35Every one of them, honey.
27:36And I can show you a book at my apartment he wrote back in 1937.
27:40And on one of the pages I scribbled,
27:42Someday this man's gonna commit a murder.
27:44Oh, and I thought I was the only one who suspected him.
27:49Oh, now look, Angel.
27:50Why, you were draped on Kaler's arm all evening.
27:53What, Doctor Kaler?
27:55How clever of you.
27:56Shakespeare's sonnets.
27:57How utterly wonderful.
27:59Oh, I was just playing up to him, I knew.
28:02Oh, you did?
28:04Mike Shane, I suspect any man who parts his hair in the middle.
28:19This is Mike Shane again.
28:20And this is Phyllis.
28:21Both reminding you that next Monday evening we'll be on the air one half hour earlier.
28:26Same night, same station.
28:28Remember, won't you?
28:29Mike and Phyllis at 8 o'clock next Monday.
28:32Good night, all.
28:34Good night.
28:50Tune in again next week at 8 o'clock for another adventure with Michael Shane, Private Detective.
28:56Starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
28:59With Joe Forte as Inspector Faraday.
29:02This story was written by Richard de Graff and based on the character created by Brett Halliday.
29:07Music was composed and directed by Bernard Katz.
29:11This is John Lang saying good night for the people who make 76 gasoline and Triton Motor Oil.
29:18Union Oil Company.
29:20This is the Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System.
