4th of July Stream!!! 5:5

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00Yeah, go ahead.
00:00:05I beg your pardon, but could you leave Hinata Miyake alone?
00:00:09You've seen her, but she doesn't want to see you, so what are you still doing here?
00:00:16Still not sure whether she's holding a grudge against you three?
00:00:20Maybe you wanted to see if she was suffering, or feeling sorry for herself.
00:00:27Well, she's not.
00:00:29That's not true at all!
00:00:30Hinata is awesome!
00:00:31She's doing so much cool stuff!
00:00:32The kind of stuff you could only dream of doing!
00:00:33And you know what?
00:00:34I bet she doesn't even remember what your dumb names are!
00:00:36She's an adult!
00:00:37And she's moved on with her life!
00:00:38She's taking steps toward a great future!
00:00:39And she doesn't need you or your help!
00:00:40I don't care!
00:00:41I don't care!
00:00:42I don't care!
00:00:43I don't care!
00:00:44I don't care!
00:00:45I don't care!
00:00:46I don't care!
00:00:47I don't care!
00:00:48I don't care!
00:00:49I don't care!
00:00:50I don't care!
00:00:51I don't care!
00:00:52I don't care!
00:00:53I don't care!
00:00:54I don't care!
00:00:55I don't care!
00:00:56I don't care!
00:00:57I don't care!
00:00:58I don't care!
00:00:59I don't care!
00:01:00I don't care!
00:01:01I don't care!
00:01:02I don't care!
00:01:03I don't care!
00:01:04I don't care!
00:01:05I don't care!
00:01:06I don't care!
00:01:07I don't care!
00:01:08I don't care!
00:01:09I don't care!
00:01:10I don't care!
00:01:11I don't care!
00:01:12I don't care!
00:01:13I don't care!
00:01:14I don't care!
00:01:15I don't care!
00:01:16I don't care!
00:01:17I don't care!
00:01:18I don't care!
00:01:19I don't care!
00:01:20I don't care!
00:01:21I don't care!
00:01:22I don't care!
00:01:23I don't care!
00:01:24I don't care!
00:01:25I don't care!
00:01:26I don't care!
00:01:27I don't care!
00:01:28I don't care!
00:01:29I don't care!
00:01:30I don't care!
00:01:31I don't care!
00:01:32I don't care!
00:01:33I don't care!
00:01:34I don't care!
00:01:35I don't care!
00:01:36I don't care!
00:01:37I don't care!
00:01:38I don't care!
00:01:39I don't care!
00:01:40I don't care!
00:01:41I don't care!
00:01:42I don't care!
00:01:43I don't care!
00:01:44I don't care!
00:01:45I don't care!
00:01:46I don't care!
00:01:48Oh, no!
00:01:50Damn you, Pavon!
00:02:15I better
00:02:16I'm gonna get ready.
00:02:26And so, another year draws to a close.
00:02:30Oh, is this the broadcast from home?
00:02:32It's a recording of last year's.
00:02:35Finally! He texted me!
00:02:38It's you! He texted! He loves me!
00:02:42Hey, we should do that. Do we have a bell?
00:02:44Not exactly.
00:02:46But we have this.
00:02:47Then what are we waiting for? Time to bash!
00:02:50I'm kinda worried we might break it.
00:02:52So what? It's just a cargo drum.
00:02:56Good point.
00:02:57Okay, let's do the first one together!
00:03:01One, two!
00:03:06Aw, we didn't get to see it go bong.
00:03:12I feel cheated.
00:03:13I swear!
00:03:15Oh, this one hits way too close to home.
00:03:18I feel that anime's best poly kill is great.
00:03:30There's a punch me right in the heart.
00:03:34Oh, this one hit way too close.
00:03:37Oh boy, it's time for the...
00:03:40Mari doesn't really have anything to resolve other than going on an adventure.
00:03:45We just did Yuzuki. We just did Hinata.
00:03:49You know who's next?
00:03:55Oh boy.
00:04:09Oh boy.
00:04:40Why can't I wake up is all I could think.
00:04:44And that feeling never faded.
00:04:51Even now, still.
00:05:03For three weeks?
00:05:04It's not too far, but we can't get there by helicopter.
00:05:07That means we take the snow kit?
00:05:09That's right!
00:05:10Yes! We finally get to take one!
00:05:12It's not particularly fun.
00:05:14They're super slow.
00:05:16We also have to avoid all the crevices and other dangerous stuff.
00:05:19So we'll go one way, and then the other.
00:05:24That was a choice! An on-purpose one!
00:05:26I mean, you're always complaining about what a pain in the ass long hair is, right?
00:05:30Well, it's better than when Takako used to cut it, at least.
00:05:34You coming?
00:05:43Can I?
00:05:45That's why we invited you, silly.
00:05:51Could you give me time to think about it?
00:05:55Of course.
00:06:00What's going on with her? I thought she'd jump at the chance.
00:06:04Remember the hole in the ozone layer?
00:06:06It was actually discovered during an expedition over here.
00:06:09They were the first in the entire world to report it.
00:06:12Weather balloons, like the one you can see right behind us,
00:06:15are released into the atmosphere twice a day simultaneously
00:06:18in over 900 locations all around the globe.
00:06:21Three, two, one, release!
00:06:34Well, from here it looks like a weather balloon.
00:06:36I think it's just a lens layer.
00:06:38I think it's just a lens layer and some dust.
00:06:41She probably needs time to be alone and think.
00:06:43She's been pretty distant since the captain made the offer, so...
00:06:52Well, I'm gonna dip out. I got some shit to do.
00:06:55Alright, see ya.
00:07:04The rich snack station is back in business, huh? Got beer?
00:07:08Yeah, I think...
00:07:09Here you go. Nice and cold.
00:07:12Perfect, thanks.
00:07:14Thank you.
00:07:17Why are you here?
00:07:19Oh, well, we finished up recording, so just saying hi.
00:07:25So, it's pretty warm today, isn't it?
00:07:27No, if anything I'd say it's chilly for summer.
00:07:30Uh, gotcha, gotcha.
00:07:35Man, imagine what this must be like for Jyn.
00:07:37It's basically like,
00:07:38oh god, if I get her daughter killed as well I'm gonna fucking lose it.
00:07:44Ooh, yeah.
00:08:03They released a weather balloon earlier. Could you see it from here?
00:08:08Ah, I heard the tree for today is on fire.
00:08:18Uh, nothing, don't worry about it.
00:08:21Just like, I don't know, I wanted to.
00:08:29Know what I mean?
00:08:31No, actually I don't at all.
00:08:35About my mother?
00:08:36Kimari, you gotta think things through if you don't wanna trash fire.
00:08:39Why did you offer to talk to her in the first place?
00:08:43Because I...
00:08:49I'm not particularly depressed or stressed about it.
00:08:53I actually feel pretty normal.
00:08:55Maybe even too normal.
00:08:58Like how?
00:08:59I have this...
00:09:22Any other brand.
00:09:25Find yours at toyota.com.
00:09:28Let's Go Places.
00:09:31Thoughts, Martin?
00:09:32Ah, shoulda bought Dixie.
00:09:34These weak store brand plates are risky business.
00:09:40Next time, get Dixie Ultraplates.
00:09:42Three times stronger than the leading store brand.
00:09:44Dixie, make it right.
00:09:47Mi gente, mi gente, it's your coach Rad,
00:09:49and this is just an intro to what you can expect in one of my Peloton strength classes.
00:09:53We ready?
00:09:54Let's start off with some squats.
00:09:55Make sure your head and chest are up, you're feeling that confidence.
00:09:58We get into some bent over rows.
00:10:00Pull those elbows up into the ribcage, that's what I'm talking about.
00:10:03Meet me on the mat, let's get into some bicycle crunches.
00:10:06And you're giving me the elbow to the knee.
00:10:08Really engage and flex the abs.
00:10:10Excellent work, just let it go.
00:10:12You can join me, your coach Rad, on Peloton for more strength classes.
00:10:16I'll see you there, yeah?
00:10:19Pedals to the metal!
00:10:21Belly to the metal!
00:10:23Belly to the metal!
00:10:25Belly to the metal!
00:10:45Mari argues with her.
00:10:49Mothra is waiting for her and-
00:10:55Seriously? Mara, you can't be that dumb. You can't be that dumb. You're on a- you're on a fucking- you're on an
00:11:03Antarctic expedition!
00:11:11Like, you're supposed to be brilliant! To be brilliant!
00:11:19I get it. Like, why come this far if I'm not going to finish what I started? But-
00:11:28But what?
00:11:30I feel
00:11:31like once I finally do make it there
00:11:34it's all over.
00:11:36If I go and still nothing changes, I know in my heart
00:11:42I'll have to spend the rest of my life feeling this way.
00:11:49Let's see. One more thing before we head inland.
00:11:52I'd like to talk about the civilian research projects that will follow Challenge for Antarctic. So give me like 30 minutes, okay?
00:11:58I'm freezing to death. So is my beer. I'm kidding. The captain has just a few simple words to say. Dean?
00:12:07Let's do it. Cheers!
00:12:12Okay, this one's cooked.
00:12:15Why is it cold? Yeah, that happens. If you don't scarf it down, it'll go cold in no time.
00:12:19I'm the meat master! But that's the thrill of the Antarctic barbecue.
00:12:24I dropped my marshmallow! You got it too close. By the way, I heard Shirase might not be joining us.
00:12:31She's not coming? Huh?
00:12:33Yeah. I see.
00:12:36Giving her space?
00:12:38So quick!
00:12:41Action is not synonymous with compassion. True compassion can lie in inaction. Great, more nonsense again.
00:12:49So yeah, she'll come back when she's ready.
00:12:54Impressive. I envy you guys. Recognizing when to give each other some breathing room? That's proof of a strong friendship.
00:13:18We're being good friends. Yay!
00:13:31I love these four.
00:13:38Felt this... I haven't felt this emotional since your lie in April. I don't know what that is.
00:13:56Aren't going to join them? You should know by now that I'm not exactly the party animal type.
00:14:03What do you think?
00:14:08Mom. If you have to ask me that question, you shouldn't go.
00:14:29As much as I don't want to believe it, the fact is that Takako is dead.
00:14:35I could go on about dying wishes and what she would have wanted, but none of us know any of that for real.
00:14:41We can't know.
00:14:42It's impossible.
00:14:45why did you come back to Antarctica?
00:14:47Because that's what I wanted to do.
00:14:50Because that's what Takako wanted me to do.
00:14:53It's the idea I latched on to.
00:14:56At the end of the day, those ideas aren't enough to motivate us.
00:15:01But in this unfair and cruel reality,
00:15:04sometimes those ideas are all that can cut through the noise,
00:15:07make the impossible possible,
00:15:10and keep us walking forward.
00:15:14You're saying I should make my own decision on this? Yes, but...
00:15:20That's how you've always lived your life, isn't it?
00:15:44Newspaper delivery.
00:15:45I know all that! I know what I'm asking for is unreasonable!
00:15:54Traffic surveys.
00:16:04But I have to go!
00:16:08She's there.
00:16:10My mother is waiting there.
00:16:13Okay, not to like ruin the moment, I actually have to go, I spaced out and I need to go back and do this over.
00:16:21Come back to it.
00:16:22I want to believe it.
00:16:31As much as I don't want to believe it,
00:16:34the fact is that Takako is dead.
00:16:37I could go on about dying wishes and what she would have wanted,
00:16:41but none of us know any of that for real.
00:16:43We can't know.
00:16:45It's impossible.
00:16:47why did you come back to Antarctica?
00:16:50Because that's what I wanted to do.
00:16:53Because that's what Takako wanted me to do.
00:16:56It's the idea I latched on to.
00:16:59At the end of the day, those ideas aren't enough to motivate us.
00:17:03But in this unfair and cruel reality,
00:17:06sometimes those ideas are all that can cut through the noise,
00:17:09make the impossible possible,
00:17:12and keep us walking forward.
00:17:16You're saying I should make my own decision on this?
00:17:19Yes, but
00:17:22that's how you've always lived your life, isn't it?
00:17:38The last time I was here, a homeless guy kicked in our front door.
00:17:40This is the state of this house and how it looks.
00:18:44Newspaper delivery.
00:18:45I know all that! I know what I'm asking for is unreasonable!
00:18:54Traffic surveys.
00:19:04But I have to go!
00:19:08She's there.
00:19:10My mother is waiting there.
00:19:22Whoa! Awesome!
00:19:24Isn't it? It's hand-drawn, too!
00:19:26It's a good luck charm we can take with us on our trip inland!
00:19:31Look at how they drew her!
00:19:39That is so precious! Look at them!
00:19:42Look at them all!
00:19:51Awww, babies!
00:19:56Trigger pappies!
00:20:42Ice desert.
00:21:13Ice desert.
00:21:16Ice desert.
00:21:19Ice desert.
00:21:22Ice desert.
00:21:25Ice desert.
00:21:28Ice desert.
00:21:31Ice desert.
00:21:34Ice desert.
00:21:37Ice desert.
00:21:39Ice desert.
00:21:42Ice desert.
00:21:45Ice desert.
00:21:48Ice desert.
00:21:51Ice desert.
00:21:54Ice desert.
00:21:57Ice desert.
00:22:00Ice desert.
00:22:03Ice desert.
00:22:06Ice desert.
00:22:09Ice desert.
00:22:12Ice desert.
00:22:15Ice desert.
00:22:18Ice desert.
00:22:21Ice desert.
00:22:24Ice desert.
00:22:27Ice desert.
00:22:30Ice desert.
00:22:33Ice desert.
00:22:36Ice desert.
00:22:39Ice desert.
00:22:42Ice desert.
00:22:45Ice desert.
00:22:48Ice desert.
00:22:51Ice desert.
00:22:54Ice desert.
00:22:57Ice desert.
00:23:00Ice desert.
00:23:03Ice desert.
00:23:06Ice desert.
00:23:09Ice desert.
00:23:12Ice desert.
00:23:15Ice desert.
00:23:18Ice desert.
00:23:21Ice desert.
00:23:24Ice desert.
00:23:27Ice desert.
00:23:30Ice desert.
00:23:33Ice desert.
00:23:36Ice desert.
00:23:39Yeah, we might be in for a bad one, but don't worry as long as we stay in here
00:23:55Same over here. That's right. This is your first time seeing a real one
00:24:09When my mother went missing, was it storming like this?
00:24:25I think she went back because she left something at the Inland Station
00:24:29Or maybe she just lost her footing
00:24:38I looked back and she was gone, but the blizzard became too severe for us to stay outside
00:24:50It's beautiful
00:24:57It's just so beautiful
00:25:27Shirase? Are you okay?
00:25:48Can't sleep?
00:25:49Nah, I was sleeping fine. I just woke up
00:25:56Kimari, do you like it here?
00:26:00Mm, I do
00:26:04But I'm not sure I'd still feel that way if I came here all by myself
00:26:10Why's that?
00:26:12You guys make it special. As long as we're together, I could be happy anywhere in the world
00:26:21So, hey, thank you for inviting me here
00:26:25Because of you, I can proudly say I'm living my life
00:26:34Dear Mom, I've made a few friends
00:26:40I thought I'd be fine by myself forever, but I have real friends
00:26:48They're all a little weird, a little bit of a pain, a little broken
00:26:55But you know what? I have friends who are willing to travel to Antarctica with me
00:27:02It's little and broken, but still good
00:27:05We cried, we ran into trouble
00:27:09But they've been willing to stick with me through it all
00:27:13Just to reach this faraway place where you once were
00:27:19And when I think about it, I was only able to come this far because of them
00:27:25I wonder what you can see from wherever you are right now
00:27:31And I wonder what I'll get to see
00:27:34Will they be the same things you saw?
00:27:38I'm coming, Mom
00:27:40I'll be there soon
00:27:53Been a while, huh?
00:27:56We're sorry
00:27:58But it'll be a bit longer
00:28:00It's supposed to look like that, or what?
00:28:03Of course not, we're just getting started
00:28:05We need to carry in supplies piece by piece, fix the foundation, repair the building, put together a whole telescope
00:28:13It'll be a while before the Kubuchizawa Observatory is done
00:28:18But still
00:28:22She's probably remembering visiting this place with my mother
00:28:36I don't know
00:28:42It's not like we're going to find any traces of her here
00:28:45It was three years ago
00:28:48We're sorry
00:28:50But it'll be a bit longer
00:28:52It's supposed to look like that, or what?
00:28:54Of course not
00:28:56We're sorry
00:28:58But it'll be a while before the Kubuchizawa Observatory is done
00:29:01But still
00:29:05She's probably remembering visiting this place with my mother
00:29:18Oh gosh, she named it after her girlfriend
00:29:21It's not like we're going to find any traces of her here
00:29:22I don't know
00:29:24It's not like we're going to find any traces of her here
00:29:35I'm going to find any traces of her here it was three years ago
00:30:01we won't find anything you can't give up without trying
00:30:09we can do this i know we can it's fine there's nothing left here there's no way to know that
00:30:18just stop making it here was more than enough
00:30:23i accomplished the goal i set for myself i made it to the place my mother was
00:30:28thank you it's okay now no it isn't you've come all this way you finally made it so
00:30:38we're gonna find something okay we will there has to be proof your mother was here there has to be
00:30:45just now didn't leave for this but lily seems to have warmed up to anime at least for you
00:30:48you said people bombard you for this uh positive or negative uh negative right i'm not i'm not sure
00:30:55um i haven't warmed up to like anime as a concept it was never really about as a concept
00:31:05a lot of my distaste for anime was inflated to basically
00:31:09was inflated to basically make weebs stay the fuck away from me
00:32:02sorry i keep rewinding it but like this is the process of writing a script
00:32:07oh yeah we're gonna find something okay we will there has to be proof your mother was here
00:33:43oh god she still uses windows 7
00:34:05oh wait no sorry windows vista oh shit
00:34:17oh that's every letter shirase sent her only just now loading
00:34:29cave woman
00:34:30when she opens up her email email and it's the first time time it's checked for new messages
00:34:42messages in a very long time in a very long time so it loads every single letter
00:34:52shirase sent her her over the last three years last three last three years all of them unread
00:35:28you want to roar at the rain
00:35:33Oh my god
00:36:59Keep being told
00:37:01Lily's racist for a check's notes calling out weed culture in the anime industry. No watching the show in a language. She doesn't speak with ing
00:37:08No watching the show
00:37:10As well, that's how you know
00:37:14Let's see we catch up on the chat
00:37:26Stalkers kept keep popping up on my tumblr feed they mad about the shonen diss
00:37:31Yeah, just recently it basically did say it's like hey, it's like how do I find good anime avoid shonen and
00:37:37I mean, I'm not wrong
00:37:42No, you're not I
00:37:45Have never been wrong once in my life
00:38:01Shonen is where all the weep shit happens
00:38:20I got the perfect lazy girl menu up my sleeve. I
00:38:27Think that's it for the watch report. Sorry. Are there any questions? Um, yeah, I've kind of felt like the pre-made calpis is too thin lately
00:38:35It's too strong. Just drink water. I don't like plain water
00:38:41Person in charge. Yeah. Hi the person on duty yesterday made it not me, but I'll see what I can do for you
00:38:47All right, you know, whatever
00:38:50I did say it was gonna be windy today
00:39:04I could probably sing till 11
00:39:22Those high school girls were so cute before now, they're awful doesn't take much for you to flip on people want some tea
00:39:29No, I want reassurance that you girls will be able to reintegrate with society menu up my sleeve
00:39:39Showing up late for watch duty makes trouble for everyone
00:39:50I got the perfect lazy girl menu up my sleeve. I
00:39:57Think that's it for the watch report. Sorry. Are there any questions? Um, yeah, I've kind of felt like the pre-made calpis is too thin lately
00:40:05It's too strong. Just drink water. I don't like plain water
00:40:13Yeah, hi the person on duty yesterday made it not me but I'll see what I can do for you or you know, whatever
00:40:20Hey, it's cold. They did say it was gonna be windy today
00:40:41Come on you know that I hate this kind of seaweed I
00:40:45Don't care if you like it or not. I'm told you've been a little anemic lately. So eat it you meanie
00:40:52Those high school girls were so cute before now, they're awful doesn't take much for you to flip on people want some tea
00:41:00No, I want reassurance that you girls will be able to reintegrate with society
00:41:14I don't know. I think she's always been like that
00:41:19Why does the sound of a vacuum cleaner always make me think of home
00:41:23Where have you been? I invited me out. So I did some interviews
00:41:28The island stroll. Yeah, cool. They took me shit. I'll stay out there to do that yesterday
00:41:37Because you were on watch duty today
00:41:45The ice operation later
00:41:50Yeah, it's almost time for the meet-up we're all going on the ice operation later
00:42:00Came out of here teenagers heading out to join the ice separation over roger that be safe girls
00:42:08So which one of these are we taking?
00:42:30There's a split back then otaku consider themselves saner than wheezy because they watch things other than anime
00:42:34No, no the terms mean completely different things
00:42:37Otaku are like people are like basically men in Japan who are just who are just obsessed with watching cartoons all day and
00:42:44Weebs are what we call those guys over here in the over here in North America
00:42:54Or rather weeb is an insulting term for an orientalist
00:42:59So you're just shaving chunks off these big ice blocks
00:43:03Yep, it's forbidden to take anything organic from Antarctica like eggs soil or moss, but the ice we can take freely
00:43:12From tens of thousands of years ago. So as it melts it might get fizzy
00:43:17Want to eat some?
00:43:20Sometimes you'll get a chunk full of carbon dioxide from tens of thousands of years ago. So as it melts it might get fizzy
00:43:27Want to eat some?
00:43:30So you're just shaving chunks off these big ice blocks
00:43:33Yep, it's forbidden to take anything organic from Antarctica like eggs soil or moss, but the ice we can take freely
00:43:41Sometimes you'll get a chunk full of carbon dioxide from tens of thousands of years ago. So as it melts it might get fizzy
00:43:48Want to eat some?
00:44:06Even surrounded by ice end-of-summer traditions are hard to break
00:44:11Yeah, I guess so
00:44:13Soon it'll be autumn and then winter
00:44:17What do you do for fun out here during the winter all kinds of things board games drinking games
00:44:26Of course our research still takes precedence over everything else, but once June rolls around it's nighttime all day no light
00:44:34So oh, yeah
00:44:39During the day, there's a faint brightness along the horizon, but that's pretty much the only change you see
00:44:45Otherwise, it just stays night for a long long long time
00:44:51It is a little odd but the stars make it worth it the polar lights, too
00:44:56I bet they do
00:45:00Cuz it only got dark here for like 10 seconds we got photos of penguins and we ate shaved ice
00:45:05We totally miss the stars and stuff. I'm telling you. It's too bright now to see him
00:45:16You really stink but I love
00:45:22I'm telling you it's too bright now
00:45:26The expedition is rounding up and
00:45:31Ready to leave taking
00:45:35Taking polar ice eating polar ice
00:45:40Doing we're doing weird competitions of the snow
00:45:45In the snow Shiraz a is being mobbed by penguins
00:46:06Yeah, I stole a bunch of VHS tapes from one of the for my guy like that oh wow
00:46:18Even funnier
00:46:21Yeah, they had like VHS tapes of like really old untranslated studio Ghibli films
00:46:39Funny part is those say today if I never done that those things would have been worth so much fucking money
00:46:50Oops, you know whenever you think about it any time you take any time you had something taped and then you taped over it
00:47:01You probably created lost media that day
00:47:06Fuck and it's dusted
00:47:11What good hey, what's what's stronger
00:47:14What's stronger
00:47:16What's stronger?
00:47:18The desire of a collector to collect and hoard things that might be worth money or the sheer and utter indifference of a six-year-old
00:47:29Part of tape trade me anime ring when I was like 12
00:47:38Was a friend of my mom's oh
00:47:48Did tape over them with I
00:47:56Think an airing of the Lion King
00:48:07I'm not going over there
00:48:09Well, I need to get back to work, but you girls take it easy. Okay, this will be your last day on the frozen sea
00:48:29I'm surprised we got used to all this so quickly. It feels weird to leave
00:48:43Well, I mean
00:48:53Mean it's not like they're gonna need our rooms and we can keep shooting and sending videos, right?
00:48:57So there's no real reason we have to leave right now. Is there?
00:49:05No, you're gonna get my nose I will not
00:49:12If we don't go back now, we'll be stuck here all year do this
00:49:15Yeah, I know. I already thought about all that and I bet that once it gets perma dark
00:49:19I could catch up on sleep in no time. Okay, but what about school?
00:49:23We'd miss our own graduation
00:49:25Yeah, but like and what about all our families and Yuzu show?
00:49:34Sorry, I do understand not wanting to go home after all this so you'd come back someday
00:49:40Oh, I guess so. Then let's do it for the winter trip. Well, you might as well
00:49:44You better mean it you better not let me down. Yeah
00:49:49I'm missing for real. I'm answering for real
00:50:06So what's our last request
00:50:08Hmm remember what miss Toto said if there's anything we want to do before we leave we should tell her now
00:50:20Before we leave
00:50:24The American Prohibition of the 1920s, what's up with this weed black market?
00:50:28like here's the thing before it became clear to companies that like
00:50:32Dubbing was actually that dubbing anime and sending it over like, you know, they call it the 90s anime boom for a reason
00:50:40Right that like dubbing anime and exporting it over was actually financially viable
00:50:45What used to happen is basically people would would
00:50:49Is you would just it was this era of like fan subbing and trading tapes. So like
00:50:56Collectors would basically
00:51:01Creaking it's thanks for following up. So
00:51:05So people would actually like fan translate would like fan translate
00:51:10anime and give it let and give it like fan made subtitles and then they would copy them onto tapes and then trade them off and
00:51:17That's that's just that's just what it was before like before the 90s and before the anime boom in the 90s
00:51:23That's just what it was now
00:51:25fan subs
00:51:27Were terrible
00:51:30They were absolutely fucking horrible like, you know
00:51:50You know this meme
00:51:52That's where that comes from because fan subs would do this shit all the fucking time and it drove absolutely
00:52:00Basically, the person who wrote that the the subtitles was trying to flex how much they knew
00:52:07Which is why like and that's like which is why
00:52:12Which is why the
00:52:13Translation for anime is often just so bad and oftentimes words get left
00:52:19Untranslated and certain turns of phrase are just left in as is
00:52:24Because you would basically have some fucking some you'd have some bedroom programmer
00:52:30Flexing how much random Japanese trivia they knew and it just became like part it
00:52:34it just became part of this it just it just became accepted practice, which would
00:52:40Make any professional translator roll over in their fucking grave
00:52:48This whole time I thought it was just someone just pulling a prank. I didn't think that was an actual thing. My god
00:52:55Oh, no, you know, here's the funny thing
00:52:58Dubs never really like dubbing way back in the 90s didn't ever really change as much as people claim it claim
00:53:05It would change like I think
00:53:07Pokemon and one piece like the one thing they did each stands out and card captors and Sailor Moon stand out
00:53:14but aside from that it was actually very rare to see significant changes from like from the original show to
00:53:21to an English dub
00:53:23What would often be very different is the fan sub version which would add in tons and tons and tons of swearing
00:53:32Hang on a second
00:53:56So a lot of fan translations like for basically any Japanese media regardless of the target audience
00:54:02would just add in shit loads of mature of just like
00:54:07Rated M for mature crap like swearing sex jokes adult or adult oriented
00:54:13Dialogue and shit like that and then it would pass them off as parts of the script that got balder eyes by the
00:54:19By the dubbing team, that's what they would do. They did that a lot
00:54:25So like
00:54:2790% of the attitude behind of the
00:54:30Aversion to dub it to like a dubbing team is basically was caused by weebs lying their fucking ass off
00:54:36this is why I'm always getting on people's case for this whole sub over dub thing because like
00:54:41That whole debate is predicated on bullshit
00:54:49You know what that actually does explain a lot that explains a lot
00:54:59You like to show off the people who know the least yep
00:55:11Reminds me of the your but that's our thing bit. I basically made the remark
00:55:16It's like wow, it's like, you know, it's like what did the two of you like to call each other?
00:55:20I call her your your but that's our thing and I would just made up when it went on a big day
00:55:26Well, not a big tangent. I just cracked a joke and how it's like that's our fucking name, dude
00:55:32and then I got a bunch of weebs in my comment section going well, you see that joke doesn't translate well because
00:55:38Because basically because in Japan you don't use a name without any without any additional terms unless there's a really intimate relationship
00:55:45With someone to which I had to basically say Oh
00:55:49like a spouse
00:55:53You know like it wow we maintain 30 subs the whole the whole stream amazing so yeah like a spouse and
00:56:00So the joke works either way because Yuri's a fucking wackadoodle and of course we find out the next episode
00:56:07Yes, he is a fucking wackadoodle
00:56:09So, I don't know why the hell y'all were correct
00:56:12We're trying to correct me on shit because it was in the literal next episode that you had access to and I didn't
00:56:23Because apparently we think they're so smart with with their big wheat brains
00:56:35Western weebs cover up all gay and trans rep an anime best they can with lies, of course. Oh, yeah
00:56:41Cough cough Bridget guilty gear cough cough. Oh, yeah, like weebs were
00:56:48Bullshitting their weebs went through the usual. We the you every weeb excuse. They basically cried
00:56:55Translation all the translators are shoving in their agenda. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope as is always the case
00:57:04Daisuke literally came out and said no. She's a girl y'all are fucking tripping
00:57:11And they they're still coping anyway
00:57:21You really sure that's all you want from us
00:57:45He still hasn't given up I think he'll do it doubt it game is our very own Antarctic 19 pinstripes
00:58:04Don't look so scared, you know who could hit him your mom
00:58:14Then they haul every single person out play baseball
00:58:25You better be watching
00:58:41That's gone all games over already
00:58:47What right now if you were gonna cut it you should have done it when we got here
00:58:51Didn't get the urge until now. Let me do it down the clippers and back away. Huh?
00:58:56up to where
00:59:00Huh, seriously
00:59:08Dude you're running out of time get over there and ask her before she leaves for good
00:59:21You guys made that just for us who the guests of honor have arrived line up for me winter, okay
00:59:31Hold up
00:59:38Well, how do I look
00:59:43You were your mother's daughter
00:59:46Right down to that smile
00:59:49She's fine, but in a way, I guess she kind of did stop crying
00:59:59Did she go through a breakup now, she's fine, but in a way I guess she kind of did
01:00:05stop crying
01:00:08I guess
01:00:09Normally, this is when we'd be changing places with the winter team
01:00:12But since there's no one to swap in this year, it's just a farewell party for the departing summer team. Miss Toto
01:00:24It's a beautiful day for a departure
01:00:26but to start things off I want to mention what an incredible job you've all done here in
01:00:32Particular I would like to acknowledge Japan's first-ever high school aged team members on a research expedition
01:00:39Having them on board was a major experiment and I'm sure they were all nervous about it at first
01:00:45Almost as much as the rest of us were I'd imagine
01:00:49But they held their own and very quickly made themselves indispensable
01:00:54As much as we all wish they could stay these ladies have school and work and families to return to
01:01:03It's time to say goodbye and start pulling your own weight
01:01:08Over to her her goggle tan finally
01:01:15Thank you for everything
01:01:18Even when you're safe and warm at home. I hope you'll still think of us
01:01:22Here in the darkness far over the horizon and during the long and silent winter
01:01:29Because I know we'll be thinking of you
01:01:39Guilty free applause, I believe Shirase Kubo Chizawa would like to say a few words. Yes
01:01:51Thank you
01:01:53Good morning, everyone
01:01:56As I'm sure all of you are aware my mother was a member of your original expedition here
01:02:03She loved Antarctica and in her obsession. She left the home she had built forever
01:02:10Truthfully, it was hard to have any positive feelings for this place at all
01:02:14But eventually I realized I wanted to change that
01:02:17So I decided I had to see it for myself
01:02:24Place further than the universe the place where she or all of you really found a second home found yourselves
01:02:34Because this place strips everything bare
01:02:37No matter where you look. There's nowhere to hide
01:02:40Not from the environment. I swear if they give me a shot of a skeleton. I'm gonna be mad. Everything is exposed
01:02:46Everything we're embarrassed about
01:02:49Everything we want to hide and so at a certain point
01:02:53We're forced to come face to face with who we really are inside
01:02:58And in the middle of it all we've had to overcome trial after trial together
01:03:04So I think I get it now
01:03:06My mother didn't love this place just because of the scenery or the sky or the wind
01:03:12But because of what being here will teach you she thrived in this atmosphere
01:03:17In this community
01:03:19Where you have no choice, but to honor the humanity of your team and where once you do that you can do anything
01:03:27And now I love it here, too
01:03:30Good luck over the winter
01:03:33I'll come back someday. I swear
01:03:54No, oh god
01:04:08How is that not immediately freezing
01:04:23Did you make these just for us with our leftovers, of course
01:04:31Yeah, sorry, but what do you take this back to my boyfriend in Japan
01:04:39Smell like alcohol, please excuse her
01:04:56Like a real idol how many of these did you sell would you three please cease your babbling here?
01:05:08What's wrong your show I'm so excited even though I won't get to see it for a little while
01:05:22People are actually looking forward to it. Of course. They are better record
01:05:29Right, oh that was weird
01:05:35Idol culture is fucking weird
01:05:42You take care, thank you
01:05:45Honestly, I should be thanking you. Do you remember that first day when I picked you up in the van?
01:05:52You girls helped me rediscover my courage cuz when I saw your faces I
01:05:57Realized we couldn't let this trip get canceled for any reason you still thought that could happen
01:06:03Yep, but as a grown-up you learn there's a time and a place for brutal honesty
01:06:11Please take care of the captain while I'm gone. You hear that? Look at you taking charge
01:06:17Go on pile in
01:06:21Will you keep this
01:06:25I think my mother would be mad if you didn't let her stay for the winter
01:06:30I don't need it. I'd rather she be with you
01:06:47Oh my god
01:07:20And they're gone
01:07:32They're gone
01:07:35The average age of this place just skyrocketed
01:08:00Oh, there was an unread message in the outbox
01:08:09When we first got here it all seems so foreign but now
01:08:13Right, that's how you know, it was a really good trip. Yeah, but the trips far from over
01:08:18We still have some pretty rough water to make it through
01:08:22Yeah, I'll probably throw up again I bet I will too I'll be crying and sweating and puking all my guts up like
01:08:30Okay, it's all part of the experience
01:08:36Fuck it music again
01:08:41God damn fucking music when you get more perspective
01:08:49Is this what we're gonna wear the last report gonna make it special somehow, okay
01:08:54This will be my final catchy way into the chill report for you from the Antarctic Circle
01:08:57Don't know it now
01:10:58So basically so evidently like right before she died like, you know how her last words were it's so beautiful
01:11:06Mm-hmm. So she she saw the Aurora and tried to send a photo of it to Shiraz. I
01:11:15Was the best is saying the real thing the real thing is
01:11:19The real thing is much more beautiful. And of course, she's sitting under it right now. Oh
01:11:28Oh, that's that's so sweet
01:11:35Outbox outbox, which is a photo of the photo of the
01:11:44She took before she does she took
01:11:47Just before she died and tried to send it to send it to her say saying the real thing
01:11:58Oh my mom
01:12:16And sure I'll say sitting under it right now
01:12:28All her wallpapers the photo she took with the banner, huh?
01:12:39Hey, no
01:12:57Wait, look I'm calling it. I don't think it ever gets quite that bright
01:13:19Doctor movie
01:13:37Let's say goodbye here
01:13:39right now
01:13:41So does that mean we won't be together anymore? No way. We have to go to different places
01:13:47But we don't have to be together to be together. You know, we're always gonna be
01:13:52Where'd that quote come from? You sound like Hinata. Yeah, that looks pretty good
01:13:59Guess we do have a lot to take care of on our own. Yeah, but when we're done doing that stuff
01:14:04Let's go on another journey
01:14:07That sounds good to me. Yeah
01:14:10Still has a million yen and I've got all my savings. No, that's gone now. I
01:14:15Left it there
01:14:18In the place further than the universe
01:14:27Learn a lot when you go on your first big adventure
01:14:31You learn that even the scenery of your hometown can be beautiful. Oh god
01:14:36That people change the whole world changes even when you're not looking
01:14:48It's a rushing hog from her mother from her mother well, it's about damn time. Well, it's about damn time
01:15:08Finds that her boss
01:15:11Hung up all her new all her news broadcasts
01:15:17On the window
01:15:20You won as a gift
01:15:23That your house has its own cozy smell
01:15:33Mari is getting a welcome a welcome home par
01:15:50But if you want to learn those things you have to start moving
01:15:55Discover what you think is beautiful and grab it with both hands
01:16:00But don't worry if it doesn't stick the world is so big there will always be something new for you to find out there
01:16:07Studying out can be scary, but it's always worth it. So don't worry
01:16:37Oh my god, she went to the Arctic
01:17:08Tell her that she's home home only to hear here. Oh
01:17:13Only to hear that. She went to the Arctic
01:17:27She went to the Arctic
01:17:40God like fuck even even that little or even that little relief punches me right in the heart
01:18:05What am I supposed to do
01:18:27Fuck that was a journey
01:18:38You still haven't seen this whole thing from start to finish I
01:18:42Have not I saw up to episode 3 before today and then I just saw what?
01:18:49What I just came in on
01:18:57Holy shit, I haven't seen anything that good in a long fucking time
01:19:18You know what this weirdly reminds me of hmm the terminal I
01:19:27Can kind of see that
01:19:32But only if that was that a proper watch through
01:19:51That was so satisfying
01:19:54Elaborate, okay. So terminal is a Tom Hanks movie about a
01:20:05Man from a made-up Eastern Eastern here. I'm trying to remember what his actual turn over his actual name was
01:20:12Victor yeah, Victor what?
01:20:25No, Vorsky, okay
01:20:26So Victor no Vorsky is a is a traveler from from the fictitious Slavic nation Krakow. Ja and
01:20:36He get and just while he's in the air while he while he's traveling to New York City while he's in the air
01:20:43His country undergoes a military coup and the u.s. Suspends
01:20:48And I'm sorry like the embassy suspends all
01:20:51Krakow passport, so he's now stuck in the airport
01:20:54He can't go home, and he can't go it to New York City, and he is stuck there for nine months
01:21:00until the war ends
01:21:07Seeing this with my mom and the reason he's there the reason he's so determined to go to New York to New York City is
01:21:12because his father was a big jet was a big fan of jazz and
01:21:21He basically wrote to a bunch of different jazz musicians to get their autographs
01:21:27All except one what was it what was the name of the last one?
01:21:38Benny Golson
01:21:40anyways looking at the all except one and so basically and so like as
01:21:44It when his father died when his father died Victor decided to go to New York City to get Benny Golson's autograph and finish his father's
01:21:57And he ultimately does in the end, but yeah, he basically stays in New York City for nine fucking months
01:22:09Having to live in the terminal yeah
01:22:22And it's just another one of those like big emotion feel-good drama movies
01:22:31I'm back from work and very sunburnt love welcome back
01:22:58Such wholesome 8-bit music. Oh, yeah all of my all of my all of my stream alerts do that. They're all hem Taro themed
01:23:22Let's all right, let's see let's we'll run. I'll just test run all of them so you can see
01:23:41Alert box
01:23:44So you saw the subscription, this is the follow
01:24:05How do I test these
01:24:14Oh here we go
01:24:18This is a test donation for $15
01:24:36Now how do I test oh here we go test variation, so this is so that's the basic one
01:24:42This is what you get if you tip $10 or more
01:24:46This is a test donation for $55
01:24:56And once that goes away, I'll show you the $50 one which is ironic cuz
01:25:04This is a test donation for $73
01:25:18Wait, sorry, there's bits as well
01:25:31This is a test donation for $5. Oh, what's there?
01:25:42Likes you don't need a five that is running. This is a test donation for
01:25:52God I saw a chance to be funny and I took it
01:26:05All right, well it has been a long night I will see you all later