Movin' On Episode 17 Fraud Jan 30th, 1975

  • 2 months ago
Movin' On Episode 17 Fraud Jan 30th, 1975
00:00Uh, you got any plans for tonight?
00:26Uh, no.
00:27How come?
00:33What do you mean how come?
00:35Oh, because the last time you went to bed early you were sent by your mother!
00:43You got a date tonight you're not telling me about?
00:49Well, let me put it this way.
00:50If you've got a date tonight you're not telling me about.
00:52No comment.
00:53No comment, all right.
00:54comment all right uh i'll express it differently have you got a date tonight you're not telling me
01:01about it yes yes yes what yes i got a date tonight with somebody i'm not telling you about okay you
01:08want to be that way i'll make it real funny i'm not going to ask you about her anymore look i i
01:11just don't want you to give me a hard time about it you don't want me to give you a hard time you
01:15can just say uh i have a date tonight with the so-and-so and i wish you wouldn't give me a hard
01:19time about it what's her name you promise promise yunus yunus
01:26the yunus yunus bernard you're not kidding i told you i told you you were going to come on
01:33my partner has a date with you my partner has a date with you i told you give me a hard time
01:41about it and you don't even know her oh no i think it's terrific don't get me wrong i'm so
01:46glad you got a date with yunus bernard just do your exercises will you
02:23hey fats come on come on we gotta pick up a load tomorrow morning you're supposed to be here at
02:28noon fast we told you we had to detour outside of flagstaff i bet what kind of perfume was she
02:34wearing kind of perfume that's funny very funny no loads except that after four o'clock and that's
02:39it we pulled into that dock at two minutes after four two minutes after four is two minutes too
02:44late hope you had a nice time fellas hey now come on no more jokes you gotta forget it the fat man
02:50doesn't change his mind or the rules let's drop the box and get out of here if we leave it at
02:54the dock you'll have to unload it first in the morning what about malaney's load all right we'll
02:58call him have him rent us a trailer oh two and a half cents a mile you want to muscle the fat man
03:03into changing his mind
04:02hey penny how's tricks pretty good mr pruitt uh what's your hall in this tent tv sets
04:09stereos in toilet seats out six thousand of them to santa carla which is some kind of a comment
04:15about santa carla but i'm not exactly sure what oh i got a message for you oh thanks gosh i hope
04:23you understood not to stay after school getting late i'll be at the hey teddy what's the slide
04:30trombone probably a malt shop no sir no way not the slide trombone some people call it the candy
04:37store yeah look we got some time to kill why don't we go downtown and uh see what's happening
04:43oh i want to take the stuff upstairs and uh change into something chic we're going out see you teddy
04:51right movies you don't like movies man i do too well the last time i heard you talk about
05:02movies was when you had that you know you showed me that picture of yourself and that girl in the
05:053d glasses look would you rather go to a massage man i don't have the energy for that oh come on
05:11you know layaway now for christmas come on what about that one oh those two turkeys i saw them
05:18in scully square when i was in college but look what else is on how did you know
05:35hey guy that was a champion move of course you should have seen it i slept through the whole
05:39thing see there's this young girl skier and she's she's terminal she's in love with this
05:43young intern right and the young intern's father he's running for state's attorney
05:47my head fruit where did you get this uh i sat on it
05:56through it you slept on my cigars um listen i gotta call units if you gotta die never mind look
06:05at this
06:24uh is a yunus bernhardt there oh yeah could i speak to her please
06:31oh hey yunus and sonny yeah how are you babe yeah listen uh i'd like to see you tonight but i just
06:42i'm really wiped out we went to see a movie to kill time and i slept through the errand thing
06:49yeah uh well listen why don't i call you tomorrow at school okay
06:53yeah okay good night babe
06:58she stays up late for a kid oh now come on she's not that young lay off don't get all sore like
07:02like i can't take a big wild night out on the town look you know the way i figure it we're
07:06about 15 blocks from the motel right so uh by the time we get there i'll be so wide awake i'll never
07:11go to sleep i'm sorry about the cigars wanna go to massage parlor let's just go home hey
07:19what motel is this way oh well let's just go home
07:22i'll buy you an id bracelet no well how about a monogram jacket
07:44oh hello what hey i i can't hear you what who is this
07:54hey will our trailer's on fire very funny hey come on he's serious
08:25we're trying to figure out what everybody's doing
08:51sonny pruitt that's my trailer where can you be reached
08:55give me where can i be reached i'm right here we'll want to talk to you later what happened
09:00all i know buddy is we got a call from a roving police car why look in the back there all our
09:03stuff is gone we didn't throw it up or was it taken out of there this is the way we found it
09:07well we got ripped off let's check with smoking you can get to work in about two minutes it's
09:13almost out okay what's that all about arson squad arson squad
10:38come in morning mr pruitt yeah my partner will chandler i imagine you're here to uh
10:46fill out these claim forms you heard about the fire already huh oh yes uh before you
10:50fill those out i'd like you to see our insurance adjuster mr bernard zach
10:58you know him you've had my business ever since i became a trucker because of him
11:03oh i see we have to get back on the road if you know what i mean today well i'm not so sure about
11:11today i haven't been paying you 300 bucks a month for nothing now you authorize me to get
11:18a trailer or i'm going to rent one and bill you for it today 300 bucks a month for 15 years
11:24mr bernhardt is in the last office to your left
11:45come in hey zach how you doing sonny uh like to meet my partner will chandler
11:54so how you been old buddy all right i guess you heard about the fire huh i saw it
12:04before you start filling that out i think we'd better go down there and talk about it
12:08hey well okay zach but you know we'd like to get back on the road today
12:12when did you get into town yesterday afternoon about four have you seen unis no we missed
12:17connections but i'm gonna call her zach i didn't come here to talk about you no of course not why
12:23do you think they sent the arson squad you don't think there's suspicion of arson no you possibly
12:31you're not saying something is that something that you think that we set the fire
12:35come on well the man's on i said he represents us i represent bunker hill
12:43zach we've known each other too long to play games
12:47zach there is another possible theory yes what theory the fire wasn't set to cover the robbery
12:53it was the other way around i don't get it the robbery was staged to cover the fire
13:06hey zach yeah kenny
13:16here's what we got so far all right thanks kenny
13:26hey zach i'm getting a feeling i don't like getting you carry a bolt cutter in your truck
13:31we sure we carry bolt cutters what are you thinking about i was just thinking about the
13:36last time you came through you and i and unis had dinner well what about it well you mentioned
13:41then that you wanted to get a new trailer but you couldn't afford it well now wait you don't
13:46anything to do with this do you did you hell no you have nothing to worry about yeah i got
13:51something to worry about i need a trailer to make a run to santa carlin back and you want to rent one
13:55and bill us for it right and by the way get out your oil and gas receipts for the last 90 days
14:00i want to have a look at them before and the receipts for any flares you might have bought
14:09hey come on zach you got to be putting me on i don't put people on i just find out who burns
14:26pick up the load haul it to santa carla make the turnaround and get back here and
14:31straighten out this business you like that guy asking us for the gas and oil receipts
14:37okay milanie where's the load on the road for about 20 minutes oh i'll load milanie
14:42we got a deal with you well that's before you started playing with matches
14:47i think you better spell that out milanie yeah maybe i better a couple of guys dumb
14:52enough to pull what you did my main office called back when i tried to clear coverage for you
14:58looks like you ain't gonna be driving for nobody bunker hill pulled your insurance
15:03the suspicion of arson you're out of business buddy
15:06what are you doing this is the name of that theater last night
15:14tower i'm gonna pin down where we were if they don't remember there's always units
15:36i'll see you
15:48eunice i don't believe it
15:52would you just look go on say it's fabulous you look fabulous
15:57hey oh that's my partner hi hi eunice he didn't remember you
16:04well if he had the 3500 i spent on my nose and having my ears spin back would have been wasted
16:09i've been this way for five months and i just love myself she's good look great how did it
16:13happen what'd you do sit down boss this is mine is this okay oh it's all right oh
16:20oh well did he tell you how much he means to me oh he tried but i wouldn't listen
16:30i don't blame you it's a pretty dull story up to now i was becoming your number one san diego
16:35wallflower every year i got blaner and duller and more depressed i went from 20 friends to 10
16:42friends to no friends except sonny every time he'd stop by we'd we'd plot like conspirators
16:49and how to change me take music take dance take charm take makeup sonny finally came up with the
16:55answer my mother's dead i was living at home with my father and working with him during the day
17:04we were never out of sight of each other i moved out
17:12i took that apartment and decided to go all the way nose hair ears makeup everything
17:19i've got two jobs now during the day i work at a nursery school nights here i i owe a fortune
17:27but i gotta tell you i'm living well you just look terrific hey why don't you get a girl for
17:32will and we'll all go out to dinner huh oh my um my free nights are booked for a month
17:40really that's great well we'll do it sometime sure you know you sounded kind of funny on the phone
17:50yeah well uh we got a problem
17:56i don't know how to tell you but uh
18:00your father suspects us of arson
18:04he what we got a phone call in the motel said our trailer was on fire
18:08and guess who thinks we set the fire oh come on that's not possible you well he's too thorough
18:15he doesn't make mistakes like that he made this one we were hoping you could speak to him for us
18:25we don't talk anymore he's sore at me why baby i'll go explain him he'll get over it someday
18:35he suspects you of arson i can't believe it we don't have any alibi we called the theater and
18:41they don't remember so i was hoping that you could verify the time that i called you last night
18:50i i don't remember oh i remember the phone call i just don't remember what time it was
18:56well he's gonna hang us that's nonsense look i worked with him for years i know how maddening
19:03he can be when he when he's digging for facts but the truth eventually comes out you know that
19:10we'll have eventually
19:38your office said you'd be here this is what i do all right we got some talking to do that so
19:43have you seen eunice yeah she said the way to appeal to you is by using cold hard logic
19:48that's right but not this time you made too many mistakes mistakes we didn't do anything
19:54facts say you did now what facts take your hands off me
20:01you set that fire and i'm gonna prove it two drivers conveniently late for a delivery on
20:06his set track this so it won't get burned trailer padlock is cut with the driver's
20:10bolt cutter because he doesn't want to use his key oh that's impossible impossible i suppose
20:14you think it's impossible that the wrappings from the flare that set the fire match the
20:18flares that you carry oh come on zach you can't do this to me that diesel fuel was used and it
20:23gave him kind of a spare can the truckers carry and that like all fire bugs you came out of nowhere
20:28to watch the fire which was not set to cover a robbery i woke out of a sound sleep to answer
20:34a phone with a guy yelling my trailers on all right who was the guy i don't know you don't
20:38know the music was so loud in the background i could hardly understand him i didn't even
20:41recognize the voice oh come on zach you can't do this ideal and facts if the facts convinced me
20:47that you should go to jail for what you've done that's where i'm gonna put you and don't lose
20:51your temper because if you do my loyal hanging assault charge on you so fast it'll make you dizzy
20:57now get out of here i got work to do and mr bernard and mr pruitt's legal representative i
21:02think i should tell you that we may have to go to your boss or the insurance commissioner to
21:05get your license revoked
21:39you know legally we don't have a thing to base our claim on so we have to work very carefully
21:43what do you mean you would just lay down and get run over i have to do his job better than he does
21:48hi baby hello boys what happened last night bonfire with a truck in it have any other uh
21:56ripoffs fires here in the last year just yours is there any bolt cutters here
22:03you trying to nail me for this i got a whole warehouse full of goods if i want to rip them off
22:09so why should i pick on you we didn't start that fire you don't have to convince me
22:15i don't even care but i'll tell you one thing i've never known zach burnhardt to be wrong
22:24where were you last night you the police starting to feel like a cop
22:32i was at a party with eight people level boy eight people so if you're trying to
22:38make a scapegoat out of me forget it just ain't gonna work
22:45you know what he just said yeah and the horse we rode up on
22:54come on
23:00you know it'll be all of us not just you oh honey i just can't look at this i love it
23:08makes me feel so good daytime i'm a human being night time i'm a money maker
23:13i couldn't do one without the other they go together i can understand that i just don't
23:19see what that's got to do with the three of us going to see your father
23:23took me five months to get it together i don't want it to all fall apart
23:30i am not going to apologize for what i've done and see his face go stone cold again
23:35it's not to apologize it's just to tell him you still love him will thinks that he blames me for
23:41everything that's happened it's like a vendetta i never even told him what sonny was saying
23:49then his imagination's been working overtime you know we've tried everything else the frame
23:53is going down we talked to the cops we talked to fats at the warehouse we tried to reach your
23:58father nothing worked i mean it's like they're building a box around us
24:02he always told me that i'd always be his little girl and he'd always be there and love me
24:19it's still got to feel that way
24:30i can't handle it
24:33i just can't do it i i just can't handle him he's too much for me okay right okay okay
24:54kingsley good morning yes ma'am just one moment
25:19man i hate to miss that load of santa carla
25:24well maybe we can pick one up first thing in the morning
25:32it's a little late for maid service
25:47all right punk you picked the wrong world freeze san diego police we got a tip we'd find some of
25:54the stereos taken off your truck last night the warrants we got more than that friend
26:02hey they weren't here before well they're here now and this is your room which one of you is pruitt
26:08i am what about me i'm the other guy not quite yet don't make any plans
26:16you and i are going to take a walk downtown get to work lawyer
27:00hey hi guy okay how are you uh this is mr brown it's bill bondsman he's a fantastic sensing human
27:06i'm with wetstone motor mr pruitt you're charged with arson you know
27:10my lawyer told me you know how much it is fifty thousand big ones and my company says you come
27:17up with a ten percent of fifty thousand dollars and you'll be walking the streets like a birdie
27:21ten percent that that's five thousand bucks i don't got that kind of money mr chandler gave us
27:25a check this morning for 500 bucks then your ex-wife huh she's another 500 at least four
27:32that's all you have to call a phoenix but uh it's the only way i could do it
27:36we're gonna put it in your truck if your bank says it's okay you're gonna be walking down the
27:40street champ give him the papers sign sign the bottom right for the truck you hear that's the
27:45important part says here the five thousand bucks is unrefundable you mean when they find me innocent
27:53i don't get the money back pruitt my fees have nothing to do with your guilt or innocence
27:57i'm putting fifty thousand dollars in your head if you split i'm out fifty thousand dollars right
28:01so you sign that paper because ten percent is not too much dough you can't get a deal like that any
28:05place in town i promise you five thousand bucks you're out of your head forget it all right
28:11it takes me five months to make five thousand bucks pushing that rig i'm not about to give it
28:15to you or some shyster bail bond company forget it you just hold the phone a second pruitt now
28:21listen don't you know we're being reordered your friend mr bernard is nailing us to the wall he's
28:25already got you behind bars and the rate he's going how much longer do you think i'm going to
28:28be free and then who's going to go for your bail sonny we need you free to work this thing out now
28:33sign that paper well that's five thousand bucks look if we prove that we were set up the insurance
28:38company will go for the bill yeah and if we can't prove it well then it won't make a whole lot of
28:42difference will it sign it you'll be walking the streets in about two three hours sign the paper
29:06i told you a lot of laughs
29:08all right he'll be in touch with me and as soon as you're free he'll be the first one to know all
29:13right enjoy the child yeah have a happy
29:41sonny's in jail
29:47found the stereo equipment in the motel room
29:50but how did he get there i don't know that's what i want to talk to you about
29:57sonny's in jail well i said look you know you know as much about this as i do maybe more but
30:02but you've got to take my word for it your father's manufacturing evidence
30:08look i want you to uh to help me think this through okay
30:24okay um
30:28that for all his shortcomings runs a very tight ship
30:31but one of his men could no it's too sloppy for an inside job beside your
30:36father and the arson squad agreed that the robbery was a phony
30:42street gang they're usually the ones the arson squad's first choice
30:48where was your trailer parked how many others were there well it was visible on the street
30:53there were others uh one had color television sets and the other had uh
30:58car stereo equipment which is much smaller and easier to carry than the stuff that we had
31:02were the locks on the other trailers tampered with not a mark that takes care of the arson
31:07squad theory that the fire was set to destroy property forget the street gang that brings us
31:13to our two favorite skinners sonny and will
31:19i have that from an unimpeachable source
31:22gunnery electronics kirkland washington who insured the cargo they did could they have
31:28over-insured that possibility has occurred to me they insisted on pointing out that they wanted
31:33to handle the insurance themselves they could have done everything including planning the
31:36evidence in our motel room i'll check that good that leaves us with one other suspect
31:45motive jealousy
31:50but no evidence
31:54where's he going
31:58well well you check out the things at gunnery electronics
32:00i'll check out the things at gunnery
32:04no evidence
32:12well you check out the things at gunnery electronics
32:14i'm going to check out the things in the last column
32:24man am i glad to see you i gotta
32:26get a shower don't get too close to me there's your breakfast hey thanks okay what's with zach
32:31what's with the insurance company what's been happening well i got some good news and some bad
32:34give me the good first all right how's this for detective work i realized what that song was that
32:38song was from here yeah i found a jukebox that has that song oh come on lots of jukeboxes haven't
32:43got that song there aren't a lot of places that have jukeboxes from which you can see a loading
32:46dock that's how he knew we were on fire and there's a public phone in the same place right next to the
32:51jukebox well i already know the bad news oh yeah you brought me tea instead of coffee oh no look
32:59over my shoulder
33:17thanks hello sonny what do you want pretty sloppy keeping that loot in your motel room come on
33:25i hear you think i'm off base go haunt somebody else
33:30i haven't done all this myself the arson squad has been going through those oil and gas receipts
33:36premium oil and gas station just outside of barstow they keep records even down to the
33:41five gallon can they sold you it had a serial number on it the can that started the fire
33:47was found under the loading dock they belong to you okay you'd like to tear me apart wouldn't you
33:57i can't he's out on bail but i'd like to just for your information mr adjuster
34:02we're going to adjust your claim so you never work again let's get out of here
34:17some kind of a new word game
34:32all right
34:37gunnery electronics did over ensure they made a mistake
34:42they called and corrected the amount two hours after you left the factory
34:50rotten businessmen they're honest
35:20sure i remember how could i forget he almost slugged somebody trying to turn that jukebox down
35:25can you describe him well he was uh tall lean uh he had a mustache very distinguished looking
35:33thing you and it's funny show her the photograph
35:46yeah yeah that could be him of course i i can't be sure but it but it sure looks like him
35:54thanks a lot sure i i hope i helped you
35:56thank you
36:01he did it did everything from the word go you know it makes sense he would have known that
36:04we were in town that we left our trailer with fads we always stay at the same place
36:08there's a piece of cake he took our bolt cutters our flares a gas can
37:16where's zach oh he went home june has been here well she stopped by looking for him but
37:21she left don't go i've been trying to reach you what do you got a new reason to throw me in jail
37:27no not really as a matter of fact i've got a check here for you for a new trailer for a
37:32new trailer all you have to do is uh sign this and that's all there is to it no questions asked
37:40what's this no questions asked well i uh took zach bernhardt off the case
37:48hooray holders what's the matter just hold it hereby absolve you of any and all
37:55malpractice or malfeasance or guilt pertaining to false accusation
37:59how about the bail money oh you'll be reimbursed for that
38:03you sign this you sign this and you waive your right to sue for damages
38:07you're kidding what about my reputation by now every trucker and shipper in the southwest
38:12thinks that i burned my own cargo we'll get in touch with every shipper you deal with
38:18no thanks far way ahead of you fella
38:41did you uh you pick up on what's behind all this
38:44this i mean what's behind zach right cops can make mistakes from here to forever but
38:51an insurance investigator makes one quote mistake unquote like this one
38:56a man it's all over i mean every case he ever worked on could be reopened
39:23daddy please let me come in you don't realize what's happened to you it's my fault i'm sorry
39:28i didn't mean to hurt you so much i tried to make a life for you but you wanted something else
39:34now look at you that's your affair but i don't have to like it all right daddy
39:40i'll change i'll come back look you don't understand
39:44something terrible has happened to you and you need me now
39:55miss is that what you really want to do come home
40:01for a second listen let me talk to you hey sonny
40:14i could shoot you and the police would probably thank me it's over zach sure sure it's over
40:23when you walk through that door you revoked your bail
40:26you're going back in sunny and you're going to stay in for a long time
40:31i don't think you understand zach we can prove you framed us but you set up the whole thing
40:43sure sure i got a witness zach who one of your truck driving friends a woman in a diner who saw
40:51you make that call to me in the middle of the night to tell me about the fire me oh she can't
40:58make a positive identification but there were a lot of people in the diner zach a lot of regular
41:02customers that she knows they all saw the man make the call and one of them is going to say
41:08that it was you a diner full of people you should have been more careful zach but you
41:15were probably all excited after starting the fire so why don't you just just put the gun down huh
41:24you're bluffing you're trying to nail me but it won't work that kind of a frame just won't hold
41:30water we're trying to frame you daddy i saw that woman she saw you she saw the man that made that
41:40phone call the one you told arson we never got but that's not possible all the evidence adds up
41:50but why are you going to such lengths you really think i was trying to frame you don't you
41:58got himself convinced we did it a diner full of people
42:12why didn't i see it
42:13why didn't i see it
42:19go with my door
43:43almost bernard don't you hello me you dirty lion
43:47even little
44:23don't you see it was teddy he was on switchboard that night he told me he never got a call that's
44:29why i'm so sure you were lying well why didn't you tell us because you only would have denied us
44:36hey easy easy
44:41okay here he is jacket that finally tipped me he never wore anything but a t-shirt
44:46take off that jacket you'll find a burned off hey
44:52what did i tell you i'm sorry mr prude i didn't mean it to go this far i had to tell you we were
44:58hauling stereos you planted that stuff in his room didn't you some guys i know i got nervous
45:03when the cops started coming around i never wanted to go to prison mr pruitt oh no nice
45:09friends you got just what do you know about friends
45:34well must have been somebody that looked like me made that phone call that's all i can figure
45:40you just made a mistake we both made a mistake jack i'm sorry sonny
45:46can we drop you someplace hey wait a minute i said i was sorry yeah we were friends
45:55that were
46:13Eunice remember what you said earlier about coming back
46:28well i don't think that'll be the best thing for you but maybe we could be friends
46:38sure sure
46:56hey how would you like to go to dinner with us someplace nice and quiet i'd love to but
47:05i'd really like to go home and take a hot bath to my hair
47:13i think your hair is beautiful and i think you're beautiful i think you're gonna be all right
47:33the box feels good yeah and it's got the new computer and i secured brakes on it too
47:39the suspension yeah i'm glad we're going to san francisco i like it up north
47:47what do you want to do when we get there
47:49i don't know you know uh the north beach hey jumping all night long right i'd like to take
47:57you to a movie there don't wake me till we get to fresno okay you don't mind if i smoke
48:06no firebug but just keep the fire extinguisher handy okay