"Discover the Best ChatGPT Prompts from Chrome Extensions that You Can't MISS!

  • 2 months ago
Discover the Best ChatGPT Prompts from Chrome Extensions that you can't MISS! In this video, we delve into the top ChatGPT prompts that will revolutionize how you use Chrome extensions. Whether you're looking to boost productivity, enhance creativity, or simply explore new possibilities, these prompts are game-changers. Learn how these powerful prompts can transform your workflow from writing assistance to task automation. Stay tuned as we reveal hidden gems and expert tips to make the most out of your ChatGPT experience. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more exciting content and updates. Hit the bell icon to never miss an update!
00:00Hi guys, have you ever felt like you're talking to a robot when you use ChatGPT?
00:05Like you're pouring your heart out and all it's giving you is generic responses?
00:09Well, I know how it feels.
00:11But don't worry, I'm here to help you make the most out of a robotic friend.
00:15So welcome to my video on how to use ChatGPT correctly, or as I like to call it, how to train your robot.
00:21You see, using ChatGPT is a lot like training a pet.
00:24Except, instead of giving it treats, you give it prompts.
00:27And instead of wagging its tail, it gives you a response.
00:30So the bottom line is, the better prompts you give, the better response you get.
00:34So in our video, we're going to be looking at how to give the right prompts to get the best possible results from ChatGPT.
00:40And not just that, I'll show you some tools and extensions that let you use ChatGPT in different ways.
00:46And it's going to save your day.
00:47So without much delay, let's get started.
00:50Now you might be thinking, if ChatGPT is so smart, why can't it generate high-quality content on its own?
01:01The truth is, ChatGPT is only as good as the prompts that you give it.
01:05If you give it a vague or poorly written prompt, it won't generate a high-quality content.
01:10But if you give it a clear and well-structured prompt, you'll be amazed at the quality of content it can produce.
01:16Let me give you an example.
01:17Say you want to write an article about the benefits of meditation.
01:21So if you give ChatGPT a prompt like, write an article about meditation, you're going to get something like this.
01:28Which is just a bunch of information.
01:30But if you give it a more specific prompt like this one, where I've asked it to write an in-depth article with some positive effects of meditation,
01:38and also add some practical tips, you can see that we've got much better results with proper headings, good outline, and a well-structured article.
01:47Impressive, right?
01:48Now instead of creating the prompts by yourself, you can check out websites on the internet that has pre-written prompts for almost all the requirements that you may have.
01:55So I browsed through and found some cool websites.
01:58Here's an example.
01:59Here you can get prompts for any topic like marketing, business, web development, etc.
02:04All you need to do is go to the category you want, and you can see different prompts.
02:09Just copy the one you want, paste it on ChatGPT, and you can fill this space with your requirement.
02:16And that's all. Your perfect result is ready.
02:18Now there are many websites like this, and I've found some very interesting prompts too.
02:22Check this out.
02:23There are prompts that make ChatGPT act like an English teacher, be your psychologist, your personal trainer, and anyone.
02:30And trust me, it does a really good job.
02:32So let me know in the comment section below which one you like the most.
02:35Alright guys, now if you don't want to go through all the websites and find the prompts you want,
02:39there's a Chrome extension that works directly on ChatGPT, that is AIPRM.
02:44I've given a link in the description, so you can add it, and once you do that, your ChatGPT screen will look like this.
02:50You'll get different types of prompts here.
02:52Now you'll get these new options where you can set the writing style, the tone for the output that you want to get.
02:58Now here you can search for any type of content you want to create, or you can also select any topic here.
03:03Say you want to create an SEO-optimized article.
03:06You can select this, and that's all.
03:10Now you just have to enter the keywords for your article.
03:14And there you go, we've got the content.
03:18Now if we compare this content with the result from a normal prompt, you can see this is much better.
03:23Okay, so guys, now you have an idea of how to get better results with the right prompts.
03:29Next, let's look at some more Chrome extensions that can help you get the most out of ChatGPT.
03:34One such extension is ChatGPT Writer.
03:37This one helps you write emails quickly and more effectively.
03:41Let's see how it works.
03:42Just add the extension.
03:44Now if you go to Gmail and compose a mail, you can see here we have the icon of the extension.
03:51So just click on it, and here, enter what your mail is about.
03:56Now if you click generate, the content for your email will be ready.
04:00And if you click here, it will be added to your email.
04:04It's that easy.
04:05Now more interestingly, with this extension, you can also reply to any email.
04:10So let's try it out.
04:11Let's open an email here and click reply.
04:15Now if we click on this icon, you can see it has automatically read the content of the previous email.
04:22And if you just enter what you want to reply and click here, your perfect reply will be ready.
04:29Amazing, right?
04:30Okay, let's go to the next extension, which is ChatGPT for Google.
04:35Yes, as the name says, with this extension, you can use ChatGPT on Google.
04:40So just add it.
04:43Now if you go to Google and search for something, you can see along with the search results,
04:49we're also getting the ChatGPT response for our search.
04:52Now this will be helpful for people who constantly use ChatGPT.
04:55So instead of opening a separate tab, they can just go to Google and search for what they want.
05:00And now it's bonus time.
05:02Now instead of creating the prompts by yourself, you can make ChatGPT create the prompt for you.
05:07I'm not kidding.
05:08I found this prompt on the internet.
05:09And if you use it on ChatGPT, it'll ask you the questions to understand what you're looking for.
05:14And it'll create you the perfect prompt for your requirement.
05:17So let's try that out.
05:18Now here you can see it is asking us what our prompt should be about.
05:22So I'm going to create a prompt for the same meditation article we created.
05:25So I'm going to enter that.
05:27And it asks you for more questions.
05:29This time, it asks me what my article is about and who are the target audience.
05:33Let me enter that here.
05:35And it's going to keep asking you for more information to give you a detailed prompt.
05:40So you can enter all the details you want here.
05:43And as you can see, it has generated a long prompt.
05:47So let's see what kind of result we can get from this prompt.
05:50Just copy this.
05:52Go to a new chat.
05:54And paste it here.
05:55Hmm, we got a very detailed and a comprehensive article.
05:58The best part is, it gave us the content according to our needs and not just a generic one.
06:03So I've given the prompt to generate prompts in the description.
06:06Okay, so that's about it guys.
06:08I hope this video was helpful for you.
06:10And I've added the links to all the websites and extensions we saw today.
06:14Do check them out and leave a comment if you like them.
06:16Now, if you're specifically looking to create blog posts,
06:20there's an amazing AI tool called GravityWrite which helps you create top-notch content.
06:25If you want to know more about it, check out this video.
06:27So thanks for watching.
06:28I'll see you guys in the next video.
06:30Take care. Bye-bye.
