Boost Your Business: How to Create a Course Membership Website with WordPress

  • 3 months ago
Boost your business's success with our comprehensive guide on How to Create a Course Membership Website with WordPress. In this video, we reveal step-by-step instructions and tips to help you set up a professional and fully functional course membership website quickly and efficiently. Whether you're a beginner or looking to expand your online presence, these insights will streamline your website creation process. Learn how to choose the right plugins, customize your site, add courses, and optimize for membership sign-ups to ensure you start selling right away. Stay ahead of the competition and watch your business grow as you implement these techniques. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more valuable tips!
00:00Hi guys today, we're going to see how you can create an online course website
00:03So let's say you want to create a website
00:05But you can add courses on any topic and anyone visiting your site can become a member on your site and access your courses
00:12You can do that by watching this video
00:14So after watching this video
00:15You will be able to create an online course website like this
00:18But you can add courses on any topic you want and the course page will look like this
00:23Now if a visitor wants to get any course on your site instead of buying it separately
00:27They can see your membership plans here and they can get any plan and access all the courses available in that plan
00:34So once they get your membership, they'll be able to see your course content like this
00:39Okay, next we'll also see how you can set up your new speed page like this
00:44But you can add posts about anything and your site members can like and comment on your posts
00:50Next we'll also see how you can create groups for your members like this
00:55Here you can give announcements post valuable documents images or anything that your members might like
01:02By doing this you will be able to interact with your members and build a member community
01:06Okay, then we will also see how you can provide certificates like this when someone completes your course
01:12Now finally, we will see how you can easily customize your site to any style you want
01:18Just by using drag-and-drop and the best part your site will be optimized for mobiles and tablets
01:23So your course will look good on any device. Okay, so let's get started
01:28I'm Bryan from website learners and let's start creating an online course website
01:31We're gonna create an online course website in just four parts. The first part is to launch your website
01:36So this is where you get a new website live on the internet. So to launch a website just click the link below this video
01:45And it'll take you to this website called make it
01:48This is the website which is going to help us launch our online course website
01:52Now make it WP is a platform built by website learners here. We have ready-made websites, which have all the features you need pre-installed
01:59So all you need to do is just launch a site and edit it to make your own
02:03Okay, so to launch a website here, you can find the online membership website. Now to see how the site looks just click view demo
02:13And here you can see the complete online course website that we are going to launch now if we go to courses
02:18We can see all the courses that we have and if you open a course
02:26You can see that we have the details about the course now just click view plans and
02:32The membership plans will be shown like this, okay, so to get the online course website just click launch site
02:41Then enter your details
02:43Click next step
02:46Now enter your payment details
02:49and click order now and
02:51Now we successfully purchased the website to launch our site. Click launch new site
02:58And it will take you to this page now here enter the website address that you want
03:05I'm going to enter the fresh links
03:08Now your website address will be the fresh links dot make it
03:12Now people will use this to visit your site now as you can see your online course website has already been selected
03:18Once you've entered a URL, let's click launch new website
03:25You can see our brand new website has been launched. So now if you click visit
03:30You can see that we have got the exact site that we saw on the link that we selected
03:34Okay. Now this is just a temporary link for your site. You can easily change this to your own dot-com domain
03:40We'll see how you can do that later in this video. Okay, so once you've launched your site now if we go to courses
03:48You can see that we have these sample courses here. Now, how do you add your own courses here?
03:53So next let's go to the second part of this video
03:55We will see how you can add your own courses to this site. To add your course
04:00We are going to do four steps
04:01The first step is to log into the admin area of our website
04:05Once you log in you will be able to edit all the contents of your site
04:08So to log in all you have to do is just go back to make AWP and then click admin
04:17As you can see we are now logged into WordPress and this is where you can control your site
04:22Now once you're logged in you can go to the next step, which is to remove these sample courses
04:26So to remove them just click courses
04:31Here you can see all the default courses that we have on our site. Now to remove them
04:35Just click here to select all the courses
04:39Now click here
04:42Select move to trash and
04:45Now if we click apply
04:47You can see that all the courses have been deleted. So now if we go to our site and click refresh
04:56You can see that we now have this blank page, which means we can now add our courses
05:02So once you deleted the sample courses next you can now go to step three, which is to add your course
05:07So to create your course, let's go back to this tab
05:11then click add course and
05:15Now it will take you to this page where you can add your course
05:17so now here we need to enter our course name, so I'm going to enter it and
05:22Let's enter a description for our course
05:26Next let's say you want to add a featured image to your course. So to add a featured image click featured image
05:33Now just drag the image you want from the computer
05:38You can see that our image has been added once you've added the details if you click publish
05:44Then go to our site and click refresh
05:49You can see that we now have the course which we just added and if we click on this course
05:56You will be able to view the details about the course
05:59You will be able to view the details about the course
06:01So now we have successfully added our course and in the same way you can add more courses to your site
06:06Now if we scroll down, you can see we don't have any topics here
06:10Next we're going to see how you can add the contents of your course like this
06:14So let's go to step 4, which is to add the topics to your course. So to add the topics
06:18Let's go back to the course page
06:21Then scroll down click launch course builder
06:28It'll take you to this page where you can add your topics to do that. First. Let's create a new section. Just click section
06:36And a new section will be added here. Now, let's give a name for the section. Just click here and
06:44Enter the name. I'm going to enter introduction
06:47Once you've done that next we need to add lessons under the section to do that. Click new lesson here
06:55The lesson will be added. Let's give a name for this lesson
07:01Once you've done that in the same way you can add more lessons and sections for your course
07:06once you're done now if we go back to our course page and
07:11Click refresh
07:13You can see that we now have more topics on our course. Okay. Now we'll see how you can add content in these lessons
07:20So now we've added the courses on our site and now if you see here
07:24We don't have any option to purchase the course we created. So how will you visitors get the courses on your site?
07:30Next let's go to the third part of this video where we'll see how you can set up membership plans on your site
07:36So once you set up membership plans on your site, your visitors can purchase your membership and get access to your courses
07:42So to set up memberships, we are going to do two steps. The first step is to create a membership plans
07:48So to create your plans, let's go back to our dashboard now click memberships
07:55And here you can see we already have the default membership plans to create our own plan
07:59We are just going to edit these plans. So first, let's edit the standard plan. Go here and
08:05Click edit
08:08Now scroll down and click auto enrollment
08:13And here we have our standard plan, so let's click it
08:20You can see the plan details. Well, let's say you want to change the title of this plan. Just click here and
08:27Enter the name you want
08:29Next let's add a price to this plan. Just click here and enter the price you want
08:35Now this is the price your visitors need to pay to get this plan
08:39Next here you need to select how you want your customers to pay for your membership. So just click here
08:45Now if you want your customers to pay for every month of your membership
08:49You can select this option. As I want only a one-time payment for this plan. I'm going to select this
08:55Once you've done that here, you need to select the expiry period for the plan
09:01I'm going to enter one and this means the basic plan will be valid for one month
09:06So after that your customers will not be able to access this course in the plan
09:10Now once you've entered all these details next you need to add the courses which you want to include in this plan
09:15So once you add the courses when someone purchases this plan, they'll be able to access the courses available on this plan
09:21So to add the courses just scroll up
09:24then click here and
09:26You can see all the courses you have on your site. Select the course which you want to include in this plan
09:31I'm going to select this course
09:36You can add more courses on this plan just click here and select the course
09:40Okay, so now we've successfully edited our plan
09:44let's click save and
09:47Our membership will be saved in the same way. You can edit the other membership plans on your site
09:52Okay, once you're done now if we go back to our course page
09:57click refresh
10:00You can see that we still don't have the option to get our memberships
10:04So to let customers purchase our courses, we need to add the membership plans to our courses
10:09So let's go to the next step which is to add the membership plans to our course
10:13Once you add the plan you will get a section like this. So to add the plan, let's go back to this tab
10:19Then click here
10:22Now click courses and
10:25You can see all the courses we have. Now go to the course where you want to add the plan
10:30Then click edit
10:33Scroll down and here we have the plans option. Now, let's click add new
10:40And enter a title for your plan section
10:44I'm going to enter get started. Now here enter the text which you want for this button
10:51I'm going to enter view plan. Now as we are not charging separately for our course, let's select this option and
10:57Here you need to select who can access this course so click here and
11:03As I want only the members of our site to access this course, I'm going to select this and
11:08Here you need to select the membership plan which you want to display here. So let's click here
11:14Select the plan and once you've done that click Save
11:19Now if we go back to our course page and click refresh
11:23You can see that we've got a section for our plan details
11:27Okay, so now we successfully set up the membership plans on our site. So next let's see how our membership works
11:32Just like a visitor would do let's try to purchase a plan and access our course
11:38just click view plan and
11:42We've got the plans page now, these are the default plan details that come with our site
11:46We'll see how you can edit these details later in this video
11:50Now, let's choose a plan
11:53Here the visitors have to create a new account, so let's enter our email
11:59Then give a password
12:03Enter our name now if we click buy now
12:08Here you can see it says there's no payment method available
12:11So now to allow people to make payments on our site and purchase a membership. We need to set up a payment method
12:16So next let's see how you can set up a payment method on your site in this video
12:20We're going to set up a stripe payment method on our site. So to set it up. Let's go back to our admin area
12:26Then go here
12:28click settings
12:30Now click checkout and
12:34Here you can see we have the stripe option, so let's click it
12:39Now to set up the payment method we need to enter these details and connect to our stripe account
12:43Once you connect to your stripe account, you'll be able to receive the payments directly to your bank account when someone purchases a plan
12:49So if you don't have a stripe account, you need to create one and connect it with your website
12:54So to create the account just click the link below this video
12:59Click start now
13:02Now fill in these details
13:07And click create account
13:09click open gmail and
13:13We have received a mail from stripe, let's click on it
13:18Just click here
13:20Once you have created your stripe account in order to receive payments using this account you need to activate the account
13:26so to activate it, let's click activate payments and
13:31Then fill up these details and click continue now enter your personal details
13:43And click continue
13:46Here enter your business details
13:51Click continue
13:54Now select these options based on your business
13:57Click continue
14:00Now here you need to add your bank account where you want to receive your payments
14:04You can either choose your bank here or you can enter the details manually. I'll select this
14:12Now just enter your account details
14:16Once you've entered these details just click save and click continue
14:25Just click submit
14:29And now we have successfully activated our stripe account
14:31So once you've activated the stripe account to let your customers make payments on your site
14:35You need to connect this account with your website. So to connect it just click here and
14:42Go to API keys
14:45And you can see the details needed to connect your account with the website. To connect the account
14:49We need to copy these details and paste them here
14:53so to copy these details just click here to copy and
14:57Then paste it here
15:03Now let's click here and paste it
15:11Once you've done that click save changes
15:16And our stripe account will be connected with our website
15:18So now we have successfully set up a payment method on our website to check it. Let's go to our checkout page and
15:25Click refresh
15:28You can see that we now have the card option to make the payment so like we did before let's enter these details
15:34Then enter our car details
15:40Now if we click buy now
15:43You can see that we successfully purchased a membership and this means we can have access our course. So now if we click view course
15:52You can see all the courses which are included in the plan that we purchased
15:55So this is how a customer can buy your membership. Now once someone gets a membership if you go to email inbox
16:02You can see that we have seen an email from our website saying someone has enrolled in our membership plan and
16:10We also got a mail from stripe
16:13Which shows us the money that we received. Okay. Now, let's go back and if you open our course
16:21We can see our course and the topics now if the visitor clicks get started
16:28You can see that we have our lessons here, but there is no content inside these lessons
16:33So next let's see how you can add the content into each of these lessons. So to add your content
16:38Let's go back to our admin area now go to courses
16:43Then go to the course where we want to add the content now click builder
16:49Now as you can see we have the sections we created before now to see all the lessons click on expand all
16:57Okay, now to add content to the lessons just go to a lesson click this icon
17:03Now here you can see we can add video content or audio content. I want to make a video course
17:08So I'm going to add a video to this lesson
17:10So to add a video we need to first enter the URL of the video here
17:14So to get this URL, we need to first upload the video to a platform called Vimeo
17:19If you're creating a video course, we recommend Vimeo, which will keep your course videos secure by blocking downloads
17:25So to upload the video to Vimeo just click the link below this video
17:31And it'll take you to this page now to upload our videos first we need to create an account
17:36So let's click join for free
17:39Then sign in with Google
17:43And it'll take you to this page
17:45So now if you see here, it shows we can upload only two videos per month and 25 videos per year
17:52So if you want to upload more videos, you need to upgrade your plan
17:55Okay. Now I'm going to upload videos. Just click upload and
18:00This is where we can upload our video. So now let's upload a video which we want for our course
18:05Just drag your video and drop it here
18:12As you can see our video has been uploaded now to get the URL of this video, let's click here
18:19Then copy the URL
18:22Go back to this tab and paste it here
18:28Now the video will be added to our lesson in the same way you can add videos to all your lessons
18:33now if we go back to our course page and
18:36Click refresh
18:39You can see that our video has been added to our course
18:43Now you know how to create a course like this and add content to it and also let people purchase your membership and access your
18:49Courses. Okay. Let's say people have started joining your membership
18:53Now what if you want to communicate with your members and keep them engaged on your website?
18:58You can do that with a newsfeed page on your site. So next let's see how you can use the newsfeed page
19:04Let's go to our website
19:06Now here you can see the newsfeed. So let's click it
19:09Now on this page
19:10You'll be able to add posts about anything and the members on your site can see your posts and they can like and comment on
19:17Your post. So let's say you want to add a post to your feed to add a post. Just click here
19:24Then enter the text for your post now if you want to add an image click here
19:30Then drag and drop the image you want
19:34And the image will be added now if you click post
19:39Your post will be added now if a member goes to the newsfeed page and clicks refresh
19:47You can see that they have got the post we added now they can like the post
19:54And if they want to comment we can click here and
19:58Add their comment
20:01Now if you click post
20:05Now if we refresh our page
20:09You can see that we've got the notification here which says a new comment has been added and here we can see their comment
20:17Okay, but your members can also post in this page and you'll be able to see their posts here
20:22So this is how you can use the newsfeed page
20:24Okay, next let's say you want to create a group for your members like this
20:27But you can give announcement posts share files media or anything that might interest your members
20:33So now let's see how you can create a group for your members to create a group. Just click groups
20:40Then click create a group
20:43Now here enter a name for your group then click create and continue and
20:49Here you can control the group settings now scroll down and
20:52Here you need to select who can join the group. I'm going to select organizers only
20:59You can make the changes according to your wish and once you're done scroll down
21:04click next step
21:06then again, click next and
21:08Here you can add an image for your group. Just drag and drop the image you want
21:15Now you can crop the image as you like
21:26Click crop photo and click next
21:33Here you can add a header image for your group, which will look like this
21:37So to add the image just drag and drop the image you want
21:43And it will be added now click next and then click finish
21:51And as you can see we've successfully created our group and now you can start posting here
21:57Let's say you want to add a document to the group to do that. Just click document
22:04Then click upload files and here you can enter any text you want
22:11Now drag and drop the document which you want to add
22:16Now if you click done you can see that our document has been added now if we go to feed
22:26You can see the post with the document we added now the people in this group can see this post and get your document
22:32Okay, so this is how you can create a group on your site next
22:35Let's go to the final part of this video where we'll see how you can edit any page on your site
22:40So let's go to our site. So let's see you want to edit the contents of this home page
22:44How can you do that? So to edit any page on your site? Just go into that page
22:49click edit with Elementor and
22:52It'll take you to this editing section. So this is where you can edit the contents of this page
22:57Okay, let's say you want to change this logo go to logo and
23:01Click this icon now click here and drag and drop the image you want
23:11And as you can see the logo is changed now, let's see you want to change this text
23:15All you have to do is just click here
23:18Now select this text
23:19Then enter your own text and as you can see the text has been changed
23:24You can change any text you want on this page. Just select the text
23:31And change it
23:34Now if you want to change the text on this button just select it
23:39enter your text here and
23:42Enter the text you want now, let's say you want to change this image just click it
23:49Select the image here
23:53Then drag and drop an image from your computer
23:58As you can see our image has been changed so in the same way you can change any image on your site
24:05Okay. So once you're done with all the changes to save our changes just click update
24:12Now if we go to our site
24:15Click refresh
24:17You can see that our page has been changed next let's click view plans
24:24These are the default details which came with our ready-made site. So next let's edit our pricing plan page. Just click edit with Elementor and
24:34Now let's say you want to change the title of this plan, so just select it enter your text here
24:43And as you can see the text is changed now if you want to change this price just click price here and
24:50And enter your price here
24:54Now if you want to change these points click feature
24:58Then click here and
25:01Enter the text you want
25:03In the same way you can edit the rest of the items once you're done click update
25:12And if we go to our site and click refresh
25:20You can see that the changes have been made so this is how you can edit any page on your site
25:25Okay, next let's say someone has completed a course on your site
25:28Now what if you want to give them a completion certificate like this?
25:31So next let's go to the bonus part of this video
25:34But we'll see how you can provide certificates to your members who complete your courses
25:38So to give certificates, we are going to do two steps. The first step is to create a certificate
25:43So to do that, let's go back to our dashboard
25:46Then go to engagements and click certificates
25:51As you can see we have a default certificate here. So let's edit this
25:57Just click edit
26:00Now here we need to change the name of our course. So click here
26:05And enter the course name for which we are giving the certificate once you've done that click update
26:12Now to see the certificate just click here
26:16This is how the certificate looks now if you want to change the design of the certificate just go back
26:23Click set background image
26:28Then drag and drop the image you want
26:33Now click update and if we go here and click refresh
26:41You can see the design has been changed. Okay, so now we successfully created the certificate
26:46Once you've done that, let's go to the second step, which is to add the certificate to our course. So to add it
26:51Let's go to our dashboard
26:54And click add engagement
26:58Now here enter a title for your certificate
27:01And then here you need to select when you want to give the certificate. So let's click here
27:06Now as I want to give the certificate when the student completes a course, I'm going to select this option
27:12Next here you need to select the course for which you're giving the certificate. So just click here
27:19And select the course
27:22As we are giving a certificate click here and select award a certificate
27:30Here select the certificate
27:32Now click publish
27:36So when someone completes our course, they'll receive the certificate. To check that let's go to our course
27:43Now let's say a student has completed the course and clicks mark complete
27:50Here you can see that the student has received a message saying they've got a certificate
27:55So let's click publish
27:58Here you can see that the student has received a message saying they've got a certificate. Now to see the certificate they can click here
28:07And they can download the certificate from here
28:10Okay, so this is how you can award a certificate to your students
28:13Now here you can see that our website address ends with
28:17Now instead of this, what if you want your website to have a simple address like, which looks more professional
28:24You can do that by getting your own domain name for your site
28:27So next let's see how you can get your own domain name for your website
28:31Now to get your domain name just click the link below this video
28:36And it'll take you to the home page of webspace kit
28:39So this is the site where we can buy our domain now here enter any name you want for your website
28:45Now if you click search
28:49You can see that the domain name is available
28:51So once you find your domain to get this domain click add to cart
28:57And click continue
29:00Now here it'll ask you to select a hosting plan and as we already hosted our site on make a wp let's click skip
29:09And it'll take you to the cart page now here you can see that we're getting this domain for one year
29:13And after one year you can renew your domain to keep using it. So to get this domain
29:18Let's fill up these details
29:21Select your payment method and then enter your payment details
29:25Now if we click order now
29:30You can see that we have successfully made our payment now if we click here
29:36You can see that we've got a domain so once you've got your domain, how do you connect this domain with your website?
29:42So next let's see how you can connect this domain to your online course membership website, which we just built
29:47So to connect this domain with our website
29:49We are going to do two steps. The first step is to add this domain to your website
29:53So to add the domain, let's go to
29:58Click on domains
30:01Now here you need to enter the domain name which you just purchased
30:06Once you've entered your domain name, let's go to the final step which is to add this ip address to your domain
30:12So to add it, let's go to this tab
30:15Then click domains
30:18Now select the domain which you purchased go to manage dns
30:24Now let's do this a record we need to add an ip address which is shown here, so let's go back to this page
30:32Copy this ip address
30:36Then come back to our domain
30:39And paste the ip address here
30:41Now let's go back to
30:46Once you're done click save changes
30:51Now let's go back to makewp
30:54And click connect domain
30:58So now we've successfully connected our new domain name to our website, so let's check it now if we open a new tab
31:06And type our new domain name
31:09And press enter
31:11You can see that we've got our online course website, which we just created and if we click here
31:19You can see the courses we added
31:21So now your visitors and customers can use this domain name to access your site
31:24So this is how you can get your own domain name for your website. Okay, so that's it guys
31:29This is how you can create an online course membership website
31:31Now if you're ready to make your website
31:33Just click the link below this video and it will take you to the make uwp page
31:37Where you can launch your site and start building your online course membership website
31:41Now if you have a business and you want to build a professional website
31:44That will help you attract your target audience and boost your brand image
31:48Then you should check out this video now if you like this video
31:51Make sure you hit the subscribe button to see more videos from us. So thanks for watching
31:55I'll see you guys in the next video until then take care. Bye. Bye
