Unbelievable! How to Boost Your Email Open Rates with this SIMPLE Trick!

  • 2 months ago
Unbelievable! How to Boost Your Email Open Rates with this SIMPLE Trick! Discover the secret to skyrocketing your email open rates with one easy and effective technique. In this video, we'll reveal a simple trick that can transform your email marketing campaigns and significantly increase your engagement. Learn step-by-step how to implement this strategy and see immediate results. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this tip will help you achieve better performance and reach more of your audience. Don't miss out on this game-changing advice! Watch now and start boosting your email open rates effortlessly.
00:00Do you want your emails to get opened every single time?
00:03In this video, I will show you how you can transform your dull, overlooked emails into
00:08attention-grabbing headlines, so that your emails are never left unread.
00:12As a bonus, at the end, I will also show you how you can write email subject lines automatically
00:17with the help of AI.
00:18So let's get started.
00:22The first thing you need to do is send useful emails that people want to open.
00:26Assume something valuable in the email so that the person will want to open your email
00:30next time.
00:31Avoid just asking for something in the email at the beginning itself.
00:34From name is the most important.
00:37If you convey that you're a person from whom they can get value, then the people can't
00:41help but open your emails next time.
00:44But if your first email to someone is about asking for something, then there's a chance
00:49that they might not open the next email you send.
00:52So always make sure your email is about the other person and how you can help them.
00:57Next, let's come to the subject line.
00:59You need to make your subject lines look attractive.
01:02Because let's face it, in an inbox full of emails, if you don't stand out, you're gonna
01:06get ignored.
01:07So to make your subject lines attractive, you can follow these three principles.
01:12The first principle is to keep it short and sweet.
01:15Try to convey a key message in just four to six words.
01:18That's enough, because less is more.
01:21The second principle is to use numbers.
01:24Numbers can grab attention and create curiosity.
01:27So try to incorporate numbers in the subject lines wherever needed.
01:30Principle three, use emojis if needed.
01:33Emojis can convey the tone and emotion of your email, even in short subject lines.
01:37So don't hesitate to use relevant emojis to enhance your subject line and make it visually
01:42Using these principles, you can make your subject lines look more attractive and stand
01:46out from the crowd.
01:47All right, now we know what an attractive subject line looks like.
01:50But what type of content will make your audience open your emails?
01:54Well, here are some subject types that you can follow.
01:57Type one, personalization.
01:59Use your recipient's name in the subject line.
02:01Imagine opening an email that says, John, exclusive offer inside, or Sarah, a special
02:07gift just for you.
02:08Instantly, it feels like the email is just for you, right?
02:11This will attract the viewer.
02:12Type two, urgency.
02:13Create a sense of urgency by using words like limited time offer, expire soon, or last chance.
02:20These are like magnets for your emails that can make a massive impact.
02:23Type three, curiosity.
02:26Make your viewers curious about the subject lines, like what's inside will amaze you.
02:30This will make your readers want to know what's inside the email.
02:33Type four, social proof.
02:35Show off your social proof.
02:36Let your recipients know that others are already interested in what you're offering.
02:40Use numbers like, join 10,000 plus happy customers today, or testimonials like, top 25% of marketers
02:46swear by this.
02:48This makes your email irresistible.
02:50Type five, be benefit-oriented.
02:52Highlight the benefits of opening your email.
02:55Exclusive discounts, new product announcements, or useful content.
02:58Let your recipients know what's in it for them.
03:01Type six, question.
03:03Ask a question that piques your recipient's curiosity.
03:06Have you ever found the perfect gift, or what's the plan for the weekend?
03:10They can't help but click to find out what.
03:12Type seven, invitation.
03:15Last but not least, use invitations.
03:17Invite your recipients to something valuable or interesting.
03:20You're invited, join us for an event, or join our VIP circle today.
03:25These are like golden tickets to your email content.
03:27So there you have it guys, you've got the seven types of subject lines to choose from.
03:31Pick the one that fits your message best and get creative.
03:34Now if you're wondering how to actually come up with these subject lines, there's a tool
03:38which can automatically come up with the best subject lines.
03:41Here's the tool.
03:42Let's search for email subject lines.
03:46So here, all you need to do is enter what your email is about, then choose the type
03:51of subject line you want.
03:53So just select one.
03:56Now if you already have your email content, you can paste it here and click create content.
04:02And there you go.
04:03We've got our subject lines here.
04:05You can pick the subject line which you think is the most attractive or suitable for your
04:10If you want to test these subject lines before you use them, you can use an online tool called
04:16So just copy the one you like, then click the link below this video, paste it here,
04:23and click test now.
04:25The tool will give you a score.
04:27If it is above 70, it means your subject line has a good chance of being clicked on.
04:32You can select the subject line that works best with you for your email you're writing
04:36and not worry much about the score generated here.
04:38Now if you scroll down, here you can see the character count.
04:40Using these results, you can decide which subject line works the best for you.
04:44And there you have it.
04:45A simple and quick way to craft amazing subject lines.
04:48So that's it guys.
04:49I hope you found this video helpful.
04:50If you did, don't forget to hit that like button, share and subscribe.
04:54I'll catch you in the next video.
04:55Until then, take care, bye bye.
