Boost Your Business: How to Make a Digital Products E-Commerce Website

  • 3 months ago
Boost your business's success with our ultimate guide on How to Make a Digital Products E-Commerce Website. In this video, we reveal step-by-step instructions and tips to help you set up a professional and fully functional e-commerce website for digital products quickly and efficiently. Whether you're a beginner or looking to expand your online presence, these insights will streamline your website creation process. Learn how to choose the right platform, customize your site, add digital products, and optimize for sales to ensure you start selling right away. Stay ahead of the competition and watch your business grow as you implement these techniques. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more valuable e-commerce tips!
00:00In today's fast-paced digital age, there's one thing that we all desire, passive income.
00:05And guess what?
00:06The easiest way to achieve it is by creating an e-commerce website to sell digital products
00:10such as e-books, pdfs, online courses, etc.
00:13Whether you're an entrepreneur or just starting out, selling digital products has numerous
00:18advantages over physical ones.
00:20First, creating a digital product website is very easy and there's no need for any technical
00:26Second, the cost is remarkably low since there's no need to invest in materials or inventory.
00:30That's not all, with digital product websites, you can easily reach a wider audience and
00:35customers can directly download the products from your site and enjoy instant delivery
00:39without shipping or waiting times.
00:41The best part?
00:42There's no limit for the number of products that you can sell.
00:45You're basically selling the same product again and again and earning a profit.
00:49So if you're ready to tap into the immense potential of e-commerce for digital products,
00:53stay tuned because in this video, I'll guide you through the entire process step by step.
00:58I'm Bryan from Upstake Learners and let's get started.
01:05To make a digital product website, we're going to do 4 parts.
01:08The first part is to launch your website.
01:10So this is where you get a new website live on the internet.
01:13So to launch your website, we're going to use a platform called MakeAWP.
01:16So go ahead and just click the link below this video, then scroll down and here you'll
01:23find the digital product website.
01:24Now to see how it looks, just click demo.
01:28And here you can see the complete digital product website that we are going to launch.
01:33So this will be our homepage.
01:35And you can see we have a search bar where visitors can search for any product they want.
01:39And if you scroll down, you can see the list of newly added products.
01:44Now if you see here, we have an all products page where you can find all the products.
01:52To view any product, just click view details.
01:58And here the visitors can see the details of the product and purchase it from here.
02:03Okay, so to get this website, just click launch site, then enter your details, click next,
02:18then fill up these details, scroll down, and then here, enter your payment details
02:31and click sign up now.
02:34And now we have successfully purchased the website.
02:36To launch the site, just scroll down, click launch new site, and it'll take you to this
02:44Now here, enter the website address that you want.
02:48I'm going to enter musicstrom.
02:50Once you have entered the URL, you can see that our digital products website has already
02:55been selected.
02:58So let's click launch new website.
03:02And your website will be launched.
03:04Now if you click visit, you can see that we have successfully launched our website.
03:11Okay, this is just a temporary link for your site.
03:15You can easily change this to your own dot com domain.
03:17We'll see how you can do that later in this video.
03:20Okay, so once you've launched your site, we can now go to the second part of this video,
03:24where we will see how you can add digital products to your website.
03:28Now if we go to our site, then go to all products, you can see that we have a sample products
03:36Now instead of these sample products, how do you add your own products?
03:40To add your own products, we are going to do three steps.
03:43The first step is to log into the admin area of our website.
03:47So to log in, all you have to do is just go back to make it WP and click admin.
03:56As you can see, we're logged into WordPress.
03:59This is the place where you can control your entire website.
04:02Okay, once you've logged in, next, let's go to the second step, which is to delete the
04:07sample products.
04:09So to delete them, go to products.
04:13And here you can see all the sample products that we have on our site.
04:16So to delete them, just click here to select all, then click here and select boot to trash.
04:26If you click apply, you can see that we have deleted all the sample products.
04:34Now if you go back to your site and click refresh, you can see our product page is empty.
04:43So this means you can now add your own product.
04:47Once you have deleted all the sample products, let's go to the final step, which is to add
04:51your products.
04:52So to add your own products, just go back to this tab, click add new.
05:01Then here you can add your products.
05:04The products that you add will be downloadable.
05:06So you can add any digital product you want, like an ebook, audio file or anything.
05:11I'm going to add a music file.
05:13So just enter the name of the song here and add a description.
05:20Now if you don't have any idea of what description to add, you can easily get it from a tool
05:24called gravity write.
05:25So just click the link below this video, then click on start writing for free.
05:32And here create your account on gravity write.
05:39Then you will go to the gravity write dashboard.
05:41Now go to ecommerce, then click on product description.
05:48Then enter exactly what you want to have in the description.
05:51Since I'm going to add a music file, I'm going to enter the music name, its genre, etc.
05:57Once you have done that, click on create content.
06:03And you can see how quickly we have got the description.
06:07You can go through the content and you can choose the one you like.
06:10So I'm going to choose this one.
06:12So let's copy it.
06:17Then go back to our dashboard and paste it here.
06:27So now we have added the title and description.
06:29Next let's enter the price of the product here.
06:34Then click here and select the format of your product.
06:39Since my product is a music file, let's select audio.
06:45Now scroll down and enter the product file name here.
06:50I'm going to enter VR1.
06:53Then click here and drag and drop your audio file.
07:00Click set.
07:03And the file link will be added.
07:05Now if you want to add a preview of the music, just click upload file.
07:11Then drag and drop your audio here and click set file.
07:16Then enter your audio format here.
07:18I'm going to enter MP3.
07:21Then you can add the other details about your product.
07:25Once you've entered all the details, next let's add an image for this audio product.
07:30Just click here.
07:34Then drag and drop the image from your computer and click on set download image.
07:41As you can see, the image has been added.
07:44Once you're done, scroll up and click publish.
07:48Now if we go back to our site and click refresh.
07:58You can see that we have got the product that we just added.
08:02In the same way, you can add multiple products to your website.
08:06Now if we click on it, you can see the details of the product.
08:11And if we click play, you can hear the preview of this music.
08:26Next let's try to order this product.
08:27So let's click purchase.
08:30Now if we scroll down, you can see that to allow customers to make payments and purchase
08:34the product on your site, we need to set up a payment gateway.
08:37So next let's see how to set up a payment gateway on your website.
08:41Once you set up a payment method, you will be able to receive payments directly to your
08:45bank account.
08:46So we're going to use Stripe as the payment method.
08:48To set up Stripe, first we need to select Stripe as the payment gateway.
08:52And to do that, let's go to our dashboard, then go to products, click settings.
09:01Now go to payment tab, select Stripe, click this dropdown and set Stripe as the default
09:13payment gateway.
09:15Then select the payment method icons you want on your website.
09:18I'm going to choose these and click save changes.
09:27Once you're done, next we need to connect our website with Stripe.
09:32To do that, let's click connect with Stripe and here it will take you to this page.
09:38Now here enter your email id, then click continue, enter a password and click login.
09:52Then enter your phone number, click send and enter a code which you have received on your
10:03And you will get this page.
10:05Now to get started, choose your business location and business type.
10:12Then click continue.
10:16Now here fill in your personal details.
10:21Once you're done, again click continue.
10:26Now here you need to select from where you want to receive the payment.
10:29So let's select website, then enter your website's URL and add a description.
10:41Then click continue.
10:44Next let's add the bank details where you want to receive your payment.
10:47So let's click here, enter your bank account details, click save and click continue.
11:02Now here we need to enter this information.
11:04So let's click edit, then click this dropdown and choose your industry type.
11:19Once you have done that, click save, then scroll down and click submit.
11:27Then it'll take you back to your WordPress dashboard.
11:30Now click sale changes and done.
11:34So now we have successfully connected the Stripe account with our website.
11:38Now if we go back to our site and click refresh, you can see that the payment method has been
11:49So let's continue to purchase this product.
11:51So let's fill in these details and click purchase.
12:01And you can see that we have successfully purchased the product and you can download
12:05the file by clicking here.
12:08Okay, once the customer purchases the product from our site, if we go to our inbox, you
12:15can see that we have received an email.
12:18Now if we open it, you can see the payment details of the order.
12:25The customer will also receive an email with the details of the order.
12:32Okay, so this is how your customer can order a product from your website.
12:36Next let's go to the third part of this video, which is to edit the content of your website.
12:41So let's say you want to edit the homepage.
12:43So just click edit with elementor and it'll take you to this editing section where you
12:49can edit any part of this page.
12:51If you want to change the heading content of this website, just select it, then enter
12:55your own text.
12:57But if you're unsure about what to add and want to add a catchy headline, you can easily
13:01get it from gravity right.
13:02So let's go there, then go to website content, click on create homepage and enter these details.
13:11Next let's enter the name of our product, then enter a short description about the product.
13:16Finally enter a few lines about who your ideal customer is and click on create content.
13:27As you can see, we have got the content.
13:29So let's copy this heading, go back to our homepage and paste it here.
13:37In the same way, we can change the remaining content.
13:40Now if you want to change the background image for this section, just go to the section and
13:43click on the blank area, then click edit section, go to style tab and click choose image.
13:53Now drag the image you want and drop it here.
13:55Click insert media and you can see that the background image has been changed.
14:01Now if you want to display your products on your homepage, just go to the place where
14:04you want to add them, then go here and click the plus icon.
14:10Now select a structure to display the products.
14:12I'm going to choose this one.
14:15Now click here, search for meiosis featured grid and drag and drop this element here.
14:24Now give a title for this section.
14:27I'm going to give featured products.
14:30You can now add the number of featured products you want to display here.
14:33I'm going to choose three and as you can see, our featured products have been added
14:39Just click update to save the changes.
14:43And now if we go back to our site and click refresh, you can see that all our changes
14:48have been applied.
14:49Okay, so now we have changed the background image, the content and added a few featured
14:54Next, let's see how we can change this logo.
14:56To change it, click customize, go to header and click logo.
15:04Now here we can change our logo.
15:07So just click remove, then click on select image, drag and drop your logo here.
15:16Click select.
15:19And as you can see, the logo has been added.
15:22So if you scroll down, you can see the sticky header logo is the same as the default logo.
15:28So let's change it to our logo.
15:30Like we did before, just click remove and click select image.
15:37Then drag and drop your logo here.
15:41Click select.
15:45And the sticky header logo will be added.
15:46Once you're done, click publish.
15:51And now if we go back to our site and click refresh, you can see that both our logo and
15:59the sticky header logo have been changed.
16:01Okay, so now we have successfully edited the content of our website.
16:04Now here you can see that our website address ends with
16:08Now instead of this, you definitely want your website to have a simple address like
16:14because it looks more professional.
16:16You can do that by getting your own domain name for your website.
16:19So next, let's go to the final part of the video, where we see how you can get your own
16:24domain name.
16:25If you need any help finding the perfect domain name for your website, you can find one from
16:29gravity right.
16:30So let's go there.
16:31Then go to idea generation and click domain name ideas.
16:37Now describe in a few lines about your website.
16:42Then enter .com as an extension for the site.
16:45And if you click create content, you can see we have got 100 unique domain names for
16:51our website.
16:53Once you've got the domain names, next we will check whether these domain names are
16:56available or not.
16:58To check them, let's click here to copy all these domain names.
17:07Then go to the video you're watching right now.
17:11Then click the link below this video and it'll take you to webspace kit.
17:16Now let's paste the domain names here and click check.
17:24And you can see the available domain names here.
17:25So just take a look and select the one you want.
17:28I'm going to choose this one.
17:30So let's click buy now and click on select and continue.
17:37Now here you can see that we're getting this domain for one year.
17:41And after one year, you can renew the domain to keep using it.
17:44So scroll down, enter your details here, then enter your payment details.
17:55Click on this checkbox and click order now.
18:01And you can see that we have successfully made our payment.
18:04Now if we click here, you can see we have got our domain.
18:11So once you've got your domain, let's see how you can connect this domain to your website.
18:14So to connect it, we are going to do two steps.
18:17The first step is to add this domain to your website.
18:20So to add a domain to your website, let's go to make it, go to domains.
18:28And here you need to enter the domain name, which you have purchased.
18:34And once you're done, let's go to the final step, which is to add this IP address to your
18:39To do that, let's go to this tab, click on domains.
18:46Now select the domain, which you purchased and click manage DNS.
18:52Then click here.
18:56Next to the A record, we need to add the IP address, which is shown here.
18:59So let's remove this, then go to this page, copy this IP address, then come back to webspace
19:11kit, paste it here and click save changes.
19:22Once you're done, go back to make it and click connect domain.
19:32And you can see that we've successfully connected our new domain name to our website.
19:36So let's check it.
19:38If you open a new tab and type in a domain name and press enter, you can see that we've
19:46got a digital products website, which we just created.
19:49And if we scroll down, you can see the products, which we added to our website.
19:55So this is how you can get your own domain name for your website.
19:58And your visitors can just go to your domain name to access your website.
20:02So now we have completed making a digital product website.
20:04Now you can use this website without updating the theme for as long as you want.
20:08However, if you wish to have the latest version of the theme, you can purchase it and update
20:13it to the latest version.
20:14So to purchase the theme, just click the link below this video, which will take you to this
20:20Now this is the theme which we need to purchase.
20:23So let's click add to cart, then go to checkout.
20:29And here it'll ask you to create an account.
20:31So just enter your details, then click here, enter your payment details
20:47and click pay.
20:50As you can see, we have successfully purchased the theme.
20:53Once you've got your theme, how will you know that you have got an update?
20:56To see the latest updates for your theme, you need to install a plugin called Envato
21:00market on your site.
21:01So to download it, just click the link below this video and click download.
21:07To install the plugin, just go to your dashboard, then go to plugins and click add new, then
21:19click upload plugin, drag and drop the plugin here, then click install now and click activate.
21:35As you can see, the plugin is now active on our site.
21:38So once you've installed the plugin, let's check if any updates are there.
21:41So to check for the updates, just click Envato market and it'll take you to this page.
21:49Now here it'll ask you to enter the token to get the updates for your theme.
21:52So to get it, just click this link, enter the name for your token here, then scroll
22:00down, check this box, then click create token.
22:08Now just copy it, go back to your dashboard, paste it here and click save changes.
22:26You can see that we've got two new tabs here.
22:28And now if you click themes, you can see the theme that we purchased.
22:33If you get any updates for the theme, you'll get a notification like this, which you can
22:38click on and your theme will be updated to the latest version.
22:41So that's it guys, you have now learned how to create a digital product website from start
22:45to finish.
22:46By following these steps, you can create your own digital product website.
22:49And also you can start selling your digital products and earn passive income.
22:53I have given all the links you need in the description below.
22:56So do check them out.
22:57Thank you for watching guys.
22:58I'll see you in the next video.
22:59Until then, take care.
