THE Batman - S04 E03 - Clayfaces (720p - HMax Web-DL)

  • 2 months ago


00:00A drop or two of Joker Serum into each can of dog food, and every Rex, Rover, and Fido
00:21in Gotham will laugh like a hyena!
00:28The kids will love it!
00:30Pardon me, sir, your plan, how does one put it, stinks on ice.
00:35I must concur, Jude.
00:38Okay, one, you never, ever talk to me like that, and two, when did you two ever talk at all?
00:52Oh, yes!
01:58It's time you finally pay for making me into this monster, Joker.
02:12Hey, you should thank me.
02:14Detective Bennett was so blah.
02:16This is an improvement.
02:18This is a curse.
02:28This time, Joker, there's no escape.
02:40How about we put me down and settle this like gentlemen?
02:45Oh, we'll settle it all right.
02:51Don't do it, Playface.
02:53Hey, Bats, been expecting you.
02:55Who's the kid?
02:57The name's Robin.
02:58Allow me to introduce my foot to your...
03:00Put him down.
03:05He's all yours.
03:07Just finishing up some old business.
03:09Before I turn myself in as well.
03:16I thought Ethan Bennett was gone for good.
03:19Me too, but a criminal isn't who I am.
03:22I'm ready to pay for my crimes.
03:25We're not gonna trust this crook.
03:27Are we, Batman?
03:28Who do you think tipped off the police?
03:39Freeze! Gotham PD!
03:45Two for one.
03:46Good work, Batman.
03:47Thank Detective Bennett.
03:48He made the collar and turned himself in.
03:52Take him away.
03:58Well, that was easy.
03:59Why don't we knock off early?
04:00Catch a movie?
04:05Next, please.
04:09Basil Carlo.
04:12You can stop the auditions because you are looking at the new face of Waggytime Dogfood.
04:18Yeah, we'll need to read you anyway.
04:20Just a formality.
04:25It's magic time.
04:28Waggytime is the only premium dog food that's good enough for my best friend.
04:33It has the rich, meaty taste that dogs crave.
04:38It's waggerific.
04:42Okay, we've seen enough.
04:45I'm afraid you just don't have the right look.
04:50What is it now?
04:52My nose?
04:53Last time, my ears were too big.
04:55Before that, I was too short.
04:56What am I gonna do to get a stinkin' part?
04:59Maybe you should think about acting classes.
05:02Acting classes?
05:04You wouldn't know a good actor if you tripped over one.
05:07One day, everyone in Gotham will know this face.
05:17I met Ethan when I was a little younger than you.
05:19We got left behind at the Natural History Museum on a school field trip,
05:23and spent the rest of the day exploring Gotham on our own.
05:26We've been best friends ever since.
05:28Until Joker turned his mind into mud.
05:30You said he tried to go straight once before.
05:32Think you can trust him this time?
05:34I once trusted Ethan enough to nearly reveal my secret to him.
05:38I'm not so sure anymore.
05:53Nice to see a friendly face around here.
05:55I have good news.
05:56Wayne Industries is this close to a cure.
05:59Soon, Clayface will be just a bad memory.
06:02That's great, Bruce.
06:03But I'm not so sure I want to be cured.
06:08I always thought what happened to me was a curse.
06:11But taking down Joker made me think.
06:14What if I serve my time and come back on the force as Clayface?
06:18The bad guys wouldn't stand a chance.
06:20We've been down that road before, Ethan.
06:22Your powers lead to abuse.
06:24The only way to bring Ethan Bennett back fully is to rid you of Clayface completely.
06:39Maybe I need a new headshot.
06:44Now there's a face only a mother could love.
06:48Oh, sorry.
06:50Just bring me the usual.
06:53After capturing Joker, Clayface turned himself in to Gotham police.
06:57Detective Ethan Bennett terrorized Gotham City as Clayface
07:01with his ability to change his shape and mold his features.
07:05Man, what I'd give to be able to mold this mug.
07:09Wayne Industries has isolated the mutagen that gave Bennett his extraordinary powers
07:14and report they are close to developing a cure.
07:17Huh? A cure?
07:19What a waste.
07:23Wayne Industries, huh?
07:36Okay, people, where are we? Let's go. Talk to me.
07:39Can I help you, Dr. Norvoff?
07:43Somebody point me to the Clayface mutagen.
07:45I need to run an electron scan stat.
07:49Can I see your clearance?
07:52I got your clearance right here, Hoindexter.
07:55Hey, come back!
08:02Highly unstable sample coming through. I need to get to the electron chamber stat.
08:06Stop right there.
08:14Aw, nuts.
08:16Calm down, buddy. There's nowhere to go.
08:24Too late.
08:28Better call an ambulance.
08:34Code red in sector eight.
08:41He's crazy. He took my purse. He went that way.
08:44Intruder heading north.
08:49What a performance.
09:05The suspect ingested a highly concentrated form of the Clayface mutagen Ethan was exposed to.
09:10I don't get it. Why would anyone willingly down a dangerous toxin?
09:14There are a lot of troubled people out there, Dick.
09:17Once we find our man, we'll find our answer.
09:20We have a match. Basil Carlo.
09:23He's an actor.
09:25That is, if starring in Revenge of the Atomic Clone qualifies as acting.
09:31Twenty years ago, I was thrown out of the university for crimes against nature.
09:36Why? Because of my work to create a race of biogenetic supermen.
09:42Can't understand why he hasn't worked in over ten years.
09:45We are so watching that movie.
09:53Has that rich, meaty taste that dogs crave?
09:56Waggy time. It's wag-rific.
10:00Thank you, Brock. I think we've seen enough.
10:04So, when do we start shooting?
10:08I'm sorry, but you're just not right for the role.
10:11Really? Because of my look is the problem.
10:14That I can change.
10:24I can even play the dog.
10:30Three people were hospitalized today
10:33following an assault by a man with the powers of the supervillain Clayface.
10:38What have I done? My life is ruined.
10:41With Ethan Bennett in custody, police have turned their attention to a second Clayface,
10:46a man identified by victims as actor Basil Carlo.
10:50Great. They know it's me.
10:54They know it's me?
11:00Basil Carlo, seen here in this high school production of Rent.
11:03Carlo was born in Denver.
11:05The actor has been in...
11:06To create the race of biogenetic supermen,
11:09beings of unthinkable strength and power.
11:18It's him! Clayface!
11:29A star is born.
11:39It's magic time.
11:42Clayface, a most pitiable freak of nature.
11:46But it was not the mutation that turned him into a monster.
11:50Rather, his fellow man, who viewed this troubled soul as a pariah.
12:00And though he knew it was too late,
12:03he secretly hoped for a chance at redemption.
12:09Show's over, Carlo. It's not too late to get help.
12:12It is too late for acting lessons, though.
12:15Sorry, Batman, but this is the role I was born to play.
12:30Oh, no!
12:55You're not a criminal, Carlo.
12:58these powers to become one.
13:00Because that's what the role is, isn't it, Batman?
13:05Now that I'm a celebrity, I'll need the cash
13:07to start living like one.
13:09Now, answer me a question.
13:12How long can your little buddy hold his breath?
13:28Clayface 2 continues his week-long crime spree
13:35with a robbery at the Gotham Jewelry Exchange.
13:37I interviewed Carlo yesterday at an undisclosed location.
13:41My mother, she walked out on us kids when I was five.
13:45We had to beg on the streets.
13:46My sister, little Susie, used to ask why.
13:50She had to go to bed hungry every night.
13:53I'm sorry.
13:55Are you crying?
13:57What about the Batman?
13:58Hey, this isn't about Batman.
14:01It's about me.
14:02Then you're not concerned the Dark Knight will stop you?
14:04Look, lady, Gotham's got a new leading man.
14:09No one's been able to stop Carlo, not even the Batman.
14:12It'd just be a temporary reassignment
14:14if you could just put in a good word for me.
14:16Don't even ask, Ethan.
14:18Bruce, you once said you trusted me like a brother.
14:21I need you to trust me now.
14:23I need a chance to prove myself.
14:26It takes a Clayface to stop a Clayface.
14:38Dinner time, Mr. Bennett.
14:42No, it's not possible.
14:52You called it, Bruce.
14:54Think he's going after Carlo?
14:55Sometimes Ethan's his own worst enemy.
15:00Wayne Industries has just finished a dose of antidote.
15:02I'll go there to pick it up.
15:04You track down Bennett.
15:18This should get me on the national news.
15:25You're late.
15:27Some of us don't have jet-propelled cars.
15:30Gordon just got a tip about Carlo's whereabouts.
15:32Gosh, Batman, let's go clobber that creep.
15:50Gotcha, bat-jerk.
16:04Knew you couldn't resist the chance
16:06to take down the Batman.
16:07How did you know it was me?
16:09My grandma can do a better robbing than you.
16:28Why are you even here?
16:30You're not a cop anymore.
16:31I am a cop.
16:33Always was, always will be.
16:36And I will not rest until I bring you down.
16:40Not going to happen.
16:54You see, I've been practicing, and this Clayface sequel
16:58is bigger and better than the original.
17:22You should have stayed in Arkham.
17:46I can explain.
17:49The antidote.
18:00Come on.
18:01Take the serum.
18:02Sorry, Bats.
18:03I didn't mean to.
18:04I'm one of the good guys now.
18:06The good guys don't break out of Arkham.
18:29Bats, you need me on this one.
18:32Take the antidote and sit this one out.
18:36I say we let him help.
18:40Bats, trust me.
19:19That doesn't sound good.
19:43Oh, hey, Bats.
19:51I think we did it, Bats.
20:03It's magic time.
20:07Pull back.
20:08We need to regroup.
20:10Just get the antidote ready.
20:44What are you doing?
20:46Get out of me.
20:52Now, Bats, the antidote.
20:55End it.
21:22Welcome back, Ethan.
21:30The doctors say even though you shared a single dose
21:32of antidote, your tests show a complete remission
21:34of the mutated cells.
21:36When I get out of here, what do you say we shoot some hoops?
21:38Count on it.
21:40I know I have a long way to go.
21:42But I hope I can earn back your trust.
21:50Checkmate, clay boy.
21:52They say you're cured.
21:54But I think you're still a little soft in the head.
