What a Wonderful Family!

  • 3 months ago
00:01:00Shut it I get my senka
00:01:07Sonnas fluke site a business damas a little moreってるんですかばかりしないでくださ
00:01:16Kareem, I'm your father
00:01:19I've been living with you for 15 years
00:01:24I'm sorry
00:01:26You can't I don't know what to do
00:01:29No, you can't ask her to eat. Oh, so can we look over hundreds? I need to go in the car
00:01:35Yeah, yeah, man. I'm not up to T.O
00:01:38Honey, you see when you have to look into it, but I don't gotta make sure I don't know you don't
00:01:45So no star
00:01:48You mean you didn't say what I thought you thought I don't you don't know what it is cut
00:03:23What's going on
00:03:26I'm sorry. I don't care
00:03:28You might have to make it again. I'm not gonna do number one. I didn't get it. Come on. She liked it
00:03:33I got any me I got it
00:03:36I'm not gonna come
00:03:38Let's go. Thank you. No, I got that key. That's over. But I'm not kind of a ninja loose
00:03:46Don't know don't get all of you know, so come on over here. Oh, yeah
00:03:51Say no more. No couchie. No, you know
00:03:54Genki got Joe he know what's up? I'm Genki Genki
00:04:01Mother it Russia no culture center
00:04:04Keep it clear. Oh, so suck choice. That's a
00:04:272 3 年前なくなったけどあらあのかっこいい小説かそう
00:10:09I'm going to go buy natto.
00:10:17I told you many times I didn't want to eat big-sized mitrattos.
00:10:21I'm sorry. They didn't have them in the supermarket.
00:10:23You could have asked the other shops to give you some.
00:10:26Buy some yourself.
00:10:28Don't be so noisy.
00:10:30I'm trying to negotiate with the government of Shanghai.
00:10:33I don't have time for natto.
00:10:35Aren't Chinese people supposed to eat natto with soy beans?
00:10:40It doesn't make any sense.
00:10:42You don't like it, do you?
00:10:43If you don't want to eat it, I'll take it.
00:10:45It's good with bread.
00:10:46No, I don't want to eat it.
00:10:49I didn't say I don't want to eat it.
00:10:55Hey, Tissue.
00:10:56Over there.
00:10:59Dad, dinner is ready.
00:11:01I'm going for a walk.
00:11:03I'm going for a dog walk!
00:11:17You're so nice.
00:11:21I'm so happy to see you taking a walk.
00:11:41Shota, what are you thinking about?
00:11:47If you look closely at Chopin's music,
00:11:51you'll see that a lot of discordant notes are used.
00:11:54In other words, discordant notes are needed to make beautiful music.
00:12:01What are you talking about?
00:12:04Dad, you're talking about discordant notes.
00:12:07What's going on?
00:12:10There's a lot going on at this age.
00:12:13Leave me alone.
00:12:15What I'm trying to say is that
00:12:17sometimes discordant notes are necessary
00:12:20for relationships and family.
00:12:24Please get along with your mother.
00:12:29What a big mouth you have.
00:12:32You're not even married.
00:12:36Wait a minute.
00:12:39You have a wife?
00:12:41She's your wife?
00:12:46I have a wife.
00:12:47She's a good girl.
00:12:50That's great.
00:12:51Take her with you.
00:12:55I will.
00:13:00I'll be back soon.
00:13:12Mr. Shimada, I found a woman trying to go to the bathroom.
00:13:17Please release her.
00:13:19Mr. Hashimoto, please observe her condition.
00:13:23Mr. Shirakawa, the police station was closed yesterday.
00:13:27She's being treated now.
00:13:30That's all.
00:13:32Thank you.
00:13:33We'll start now.
00:13:35Is there anyone sick?
00:13:37Please confirm your full name.
00:13:40Please confirm your full name.
00:13:43Thank you.
00:13:49What are you doing?
00:13:50I'm going home to sleep.
00:13:54I'm working at the Hino City Hall.
00:13:57It's close to Noriko's house.
00:13:59Can you come over for lunch?
00:14:01I need to talk to you.
00:14:04I'll make you lunch.
00:14:07That's great.
00:14:09I'll be waiting.
00:14:10It's at the Hino City Hall.
00:14:27Welcome home.
00:14:29Is someone here?
00:14:31I can see Mr. Shigeko.
00:14:34He wants to divorce you.
00:14:40He said you broke his plate.
00:14:45You idiot.
00:14:49You idiot.
00:14:56You broke his plate and now you want to divorce him?
00:15:03You don't deserve a divorce.
00:15:07It's not like that.
00:15:10It's not like that.
00:15:12It's not like that.
00:15:15He bought a plate from the Hino City Hall.
00:15:18It looked like it was very important to him.
00:15:21I was plowing the field.
00:15:23It fell on the floor and I broke it.
00:15:27Then he came running to me.
00:15:31He said,
00:15:33You broke my plate for 200,000 yen.
00:15:35That's what he said.
00:15:38He said it was 10,000 yen when he bought it.
00:15:43He said it was wrong to buy a plate.
00:15:46I can't forgive him for lying to me.
00:15:50I don't want to see his face again.
00:15:54Then let's break up.
00:15:58What did you say?
00:16:00Let's break up.
00:16:02Let's break up.
00:16:05Let's break up.
00:16:07Let's break up.
00:16:09Let's break up.
00:16:11Is that what you're going to say to your daughter?
00:16:15That's right.
00:16:22You don't understand how I feel.
00:16:28I won't see you again.
00:16:33You're an idiot.
00:16:42You're an idiot.
00:17:04I'm sorry.
00:17:11Good morning, Dad.
00:17:14Is Shigeto here?
00:17:21What did he say?
00:17:25He said he'd break up with you.
00:17:30What was the reason?
00:17:33He said you lied to him for buying a plate for 200,000 yen.
00:17:38He said it was wrong to buy a plate.
00:17:40That's right.
00:17:43Of course, I know.
00:17:45You're a good tax accountant.
00:17:49You can't buy a plate for 500,000 yen.
00:17:52But I really wanted it.
00:17:56This plate is perfect.
00:17:58It's a must-have.
00:17:59If you sell it, it'll be worth 500,000 yen.
00:18:09Where are you going?
00:18:10Why don't we go out for a beer?
00:18:13Let's do that.
00:18:18You're here.
00:18:19How's Shigeto?
00:18:21He's crying.
00:18:23Where are you going?
00:18:23He wants a beer, so I'm going with him.
00:18:29Is he angry?
00:18:30He said he'd break up with you.
00:18:32Let's go.
00:18:35I don't think I'm a bad student.
00:18:38Look ahead.
00:18:40I don't make much money, but I don't drink or smoke like my father.
00:18:45I don't ride a bicycle. My father has a seat belt.
00:18:48I don't play with girls. I don't go to school.
00:18:52I just want you to forgive me for being a little bit old-fashioned.
00:18:59I like being old-fashioned.
00:19:01I want you to forgive me for that.
00:19:04Are you lying about buying a 200,000-yen plate for 10,000 yen?
00:19:08I'm telling you, that was my only wish.
00:19:12You idiot!
00:19:16You idiot!
00:19:18I'm sorry.
00:19:20It hurt, didn't it?
00:19:23I was going to tell you one day.
00:19:25Actually, it cost me 200,000 yen.
00:19:27I'm sorry I lied to you.
00:19:33But I couldn't tell you.
00:19:37I told you, but you know how angry I was.
00:19:41Of course, I was scared.
00:19:44Why did such a kind mother give birth to such a scary daughter?
00:19:51The fear I had when I was angry was a devil.
00:19:58I understand.
00:20:00You understand?
00:20:02I understand.
00:20:04Thank you very much.
00:20:06We have to break up.
00:20:08It's for our own good.
00:20:11It's strange that a man like you would marry such a broken speaker.
00:20:19Break up! Break up!
00:20:21If I were you, I would never marry such a woman.
00:20:25I would never marry such a woman.
00:20:28Such a woman?
00:20:30Father, you don't have to say that to your own daughter.
00:20:37She's my wife.
00:20:40You want to break up, don't you?
00:20:43I didn't say that.
00:20:45Shigeko said that.
00:20:47So I said it.
00:20:49Stop talking nonsense and break up.
00:20:55Listen, Taito.
00:20:58I don't care what you think of me.
00:21:01I'm trying to be abandoned by my wife.
00:21:06Hey, did you hear that?
00:21:09That mother wants us to break up.
00:21:13She wants us to file for divorce.
00:21:25Mr. Hirata, it's not the time to drink beer.
00:21:31Let's go home.
00:21:33We have to talk to Shigeko.
00:21:35I don't want to go home.
00:21:37No, go home.
00:21:39And talk to your wife.
00:21:41Thank you.
00:21:44Let's go.
00:21:46Call a taxi.
00:21:48I have my own car.
00:21:50I don't want to know.
00:21:56What should I do?
00:21:58Hey, Shigeko.
00:22:00Wake up.
00:22:02It's a big deal.
00:22:04My father and mother are going to divorce.
00:22:08What are you talking about?
00:22:11I'm talking about our family.
00:22:15My father and mother?
00:22:18You're lying.
00:22:20I'm not lying.
00:22:23You're lying.
00:22:25My father said so.
00:22:27He said he was abandoned by his mother.
00:22:31Get out of bed.
00:22:39He said he was abandoned.
00:22:46I just heard.
00:22:49It's a joke.
00:22:51I can't believe you're going to divorce.
00:22:54Are you trying to scare us?
00:22:56That's right.
00:22:58I think you two had a little fight.
00:23:00You two get along so well.
00:23:02That's right.
00:23:04We fight all the time.
00:23:06I'm used to it.
00:23:09We're used to it.
00:23:11We were surprised.
00:23:13You two had a fight for the first time.
00:23:15That's right.
00:23:17Don't scare us.
00:23:20It's a joke.
00:23:27I want to break up with you.
00:23:30I'm serious.
00:23:32I'm going to sign the divorce papers.
00:23:34I'm going to sign my name.
00:23:38You'll be in pain.
00:23:40Kinichi and Shinsuke are young.
00:23:42You can feel it.
00:23:44I heard my grandpa and grandma will break up with me.
00:23:46I heard my grandma and grandpa will break up with me.
00:23:48I was so shocked that I couldn't focus on my studies, and I spent the rest of my life in a daze.
00:23:52Shinsuke is going to be in middle school next year, so he has an interview with his parents.
00:23:56What if they ask you where your grandparents are?
00:23:59They got divorced the other day.
00:24:01If you say that, you'll never pass!
00:24:04I don't care if I fail!
00:24:07You're so irresponsible!
00:24:10I'll tell my dad!
00:24:11You should tell your mother.
00:24:13She's the one who started it.
00:24:18Listen, I'm the victim here!
00:24:21I'm the victim!
00:24:23That's all!
00:24:29Are you okay?
00:24:38What a mess.
00:24:40Where's your mother?
00:24:42She's in the culture center's creative class.
00:24:48It's not the time to write a novel.
00:24:51It can't be helped.
00:24:54I'm Kanae.
00:24:57I went to the office the other day.
00:25:00I talked to the people in charge.
00:25:04It's a quiet rainy night.
00:25:07The heroine, Machiko's husband, Tsuya, is being treated.
00:25:12He's been released from his long-term illness.
00:25:16At the same time, Machiko is sitting in a corner.
00:25:23You're really good at describing these things.
00:25:27You're really good.
00:25:30In the corner of the car,
00:25:32there's a man with long hair.
00:25:35There's a familiar face next to him.
00:25:40Soon, the show begins.
00:25:43A man with long hair stands in front of Machiko.
00:25:46Mr. Machiko, it's me.
00:25:49Do you remember me?
00:25:53Machiko says,
00:25:55Oh, my!
00:25:58And then she goes back to her youth.
00:26:03It's an exciting start.
00:26:05It's called the reform method.
00:26:08It's a common method in novels.
00:26:11Did you find anything interesting?
00:26:15The heart of the first novel.
00:26:18I thought so.
00:26:21It's a sweet, sad,
00:26:23and somewhat sinful,
00:26:25beautiful story of youth.
00:26:27It's a wonderful novel.
00:26:31If I may,
00:26:33do you have any comments?
00:26:37I thought the last part was a little lacking.
00:26:42I agree.
00:26:43I think readers expect
00:26:46what will happen to Machiko and Masahiko.
00:26:49But in this work,
00:26:51Masahiko says goodbye and leaves.
00:26:55I'd like to expect a sequel.
00:27:00Ms. Hirata,
00:27:02is this your own experience?
00:27:06My husband is alive.
00:27:10I'm sorry.
00:27:13I'm sorry.
00:27:36I'm sorry.
00:27:42I'm sorry.
00:27:46Is Mr. Hirata working here?
00:27:52Yes, he is.
00:27:54I'd like to see him.
00:27:56This way, please.
00:28:00Turn left and go straight.
00:28:03Thank you.
00:28:07That's right.
00:28:09Ms. Hirata,
00:28:11could you tell Mr. Hirata
00:28:13I'll bring him some coffee?
00:28:15I promised him.
00:28:17I see.
00:28:36Thank you.
00:28:57Here's your lunch.
00:28:59Thank you.
00:29:07What does it say?
00:29:16Look at this.
00:29:20The apartment?
00:29:22I saw it the other day.
00:29:25You're moving?
00:29:31I've always wanted to ask you.
00:29:35Why did you stay at home for so long?
00:29:38Didn't you want to leave?
00:29:41Or did you?
00:29:45I didn't stay because I liked it.
00:29:47There's a reason why I can't leave.
00:29:51What is it?
00:29:53I used to live in an apartment when I was in college.
00:29:57My brother wants me to come back.
00:30:01My brother and my father are not on good terms.
00:30:04If I'm not there, the house will be torn apart.
00:30:07My brother is strong-willed.
00:30:10So you're an obstacle to your family.
00:30:15I'm an obstacle.
00:30:19Is it okay for you to leave the house?
00:30:24I've managed to do it so far.
00:30:27It's okay.
00:30:29My father is old.
00:30:32I want you to go with me.
00:30:37To the apartment.
00:30:44Why do I have to go with you?
00:30:52I see.
00:30:54I haven't told you the important thing yet.
00:31:01What is it?
00:31:08I'll say it again.
00:31:16I want to marry you.
00:31:20I want to live with you.
00:31:23That's why I want to go to the apartment with you.
00:31:27That's why.
00:31:32I'm happy.
00:31:35I was wondering when you'd say it.
00:31:42I'm happy.
00:31:54I'm sorry.
00:31:56I'm sorry.
00:31:58I brought coffee because I made a promise to you.
00:32:02I haven't seen anything.
00:32:04I haven't seen anything recently.
00:32:07I haven't seen anything.
00:32:11I'm sorry.
00:32:13You're black, right?
00:32:15What about your girlfriend?
00:32:17She's black, too.
00:32:19I made this cake for you.
00:32:22I want you to eat it.
00:32:24I'm sorry.
00:32:26Take your time.
00:32:31Are you okay?
00:32:33I'm fine.
00:32:35Who is it?
00:32:41I was embarrassed.
00:32:47I'm sorry.
00:32:54I'm sorry.
00:32:56I'm sorry.
00:32:58I'm sorry.
00:33:23Your luggage.
00:33:25Thank you.
00:33:28Thank you.
00:33:32Is she beautiful?
00:33:35Yes, she is.
00:33:37I wanted her to be my daughter.
00:33:41But she's not beautiful.
00:33:44How about my son?
00:33:47I like him.
00:33:49I don't want to be your relative.
00:33:52You say that a lot.
00:33:55Thank you for the food.
00:33:57Are you going home?
00:33:59Thank you for the food.
00:34:02She's beautiful.
00:34:04Yes, she is.
00:34:19This document.
00:34:21Thank you.
00:34:23I understand.
00:34:25I'm sorry.
00:34:27I'm sorry.
00:34:29It's okay.
00:34:31We're used to it.
00:34:33I'm sorry.
00:34:44Are you getting a divorce?
00:34:46My husband is a pervert.
00:34:48I know.
00:34:50It's easy to get a divorce.
00:34:52It's hard for a man and a woman to get a divorce.
00:34:56Do you understand that?
00:35:00I've been patient for a long time.
00:35:03I'm not going to live for another decade.
00:35:06Maybe you can't stand it.
00:35:09What do you mean?
00:35:11Do you have someone you like?
00:35:15That's impossible.
00:35:19Can I say something?
00:35:22What is it?
00:35:28My father had an affair.
00:35:31My mother found out.
00:35:33She said she wanted to break up.
00:35:36Your father had an affair?
00:35:38That's impossible.
00:35:40But your father likes to play.
00:35:43Unlike me.
00:35:45You're right.
00:35:50Golf, horse racing, mahjong, and alcohol.
00:35:53Alcohol is the problem.
00:35:55There's a bar called Kayo behind the station.
00:35:58I've known it for 10 years.
00:36:00I've never seen my father like that.
00:36:03I've never seen him like that.
00:36:06He looks like he's going to melt.
00:36:12There's a woman there.
00:36:15I've always thought it was strange.
00:36:18Maybe my mother found out.
00:36:21It's just a story.
00:36:25Look into it.
00:36:29There's a detective agency for that.
00:36:32It's expensive.
00:36:34I don't care about money.
00:36:37I can't stand it.
00:36:39Thank you.
00:37:01Boss, Kanai is here.
00:37:04I'll go after I eat this.
00:37:10The chief is coming.
00:37:26How much is the fee?
00:37:35You cheated on me.
00:37:39It's not a complicated case.
00:37:41It'll take three days.
00:37:44How much is it?
00:37:47It depends on the case.
00:37:50It's about three to six hours.
00:37:54It's a good deal.
00:37:57It's 60,000 yen.
00:38:01It's cheap.
00:38:05It's 15,000 yen for an hour.
00:38:12So it's a total of...
00:38:14It depends on the case.
00:38:17First, you get a picture of the person you cheated on.
00:38:24Then you get their features, hair, height and weight.
00:38:29Then you make a contract with us.
00:38:32Then you get a certificate.
00:38:35It's not a legal document.
00:38:42How much is it?
00:38:45The chief will tell you.
00:38:50What's he doing?
00:38:57Sorry to keep you waiting.
00:39:02It must be hard.
00:39:05Is it your wife's cheating?
00:39:07It's a common case.
00:39:12My wife's father-in-law.
00:39:14My father-in-law.
00:39:16I want you to find out if he's cheating on me.
00:39:20My wife doesn't cheat on me.
00:39:23What are you talking about?
00:39:25I'm sorry.
00:39:27It's okay.
00:39:29I'll give you 30 minutes to get a cab.
00:39:33I'll pay for the cab.
00:39:39I see.
00:39:41You don't have any friends.
00:39:50You're not coming?
00:39:52My wife has a cold.
00:39:55I'm worried.
00:39:57She's lying to me.
00:39:59It's annoying.
00:40:02Don't push yourself.
00:40:04You're not young.
00:40:06You can't leave at this hour.
00:40:10I'll go alone.
00:40:12I'll go with you.
00:40:16You're the only one who's nice to me.
00:40:22Wait a minute.
00:40:25Thank you.
00:40:27You're welcome.
00:40:32Come again.
00:40:37It's cold at night.
00:40:48What would you like to drink?
00:41:06Here you are.
00:41:11Thank you.
00:41:17Here you are.
00:41:19Who sent you the mail?
00:41:21My wife.
00:41:23She told me to come home early.
00:41:27Thank you.
00:41:29You're a good wife.
00:41:32I can't live without alcohol.
00:41:36Don't say that.
00:41:40Am I a bad husband?
00:41:44No, you're not.
00:41:47What's wrong with me?
00:41:51When I was young, I was lonely.
00:41:56I had a hard time.
00:41:59Everyone has a hard time.
00:42:02I was a hard-working employee.
00:42:09What's wrong with me?
00:42:13I didn't do anything wrong.
00:42:17You've been saying that for a long time.
00:42:21You don't do anything wrong.
00:42:27You love your wife.
00:42:32If you love her,
00:42:35it's important to tell her.
00:42:39I love her?
00:42:46I don't love her.
00:42:49Don't say that.
00:42:52I'm tired of it.
00:42:54I only love you.
00:42:58You're a bad man.
00:43:02Do you want something to eat?
00:43:23Hey, it's your sister.
00:43:31Oh, it's you.
00:43:39What a coincidence.
00:43:43How long has it been?
00:43:45When was it?
00:43:4720 years?
00:43:49No, 30 years.
00:43:52What a coincidence.
00:43:55Come here.
00:43:57I'm surprised.
00:44:01Come here.
00:44:06Do you know him?
00:44:08He was a bad boy in high school.
00:44:11We played doubles in the tennis club.
00:44:16Let's drink.
00:44:19Are you happy?
00:44:24I can't forget him.
00:44:27He was in the tennis club.
00:44:30Tell me about him.
00:44:32He was fair-skinned and tall.
00:44:35Everyone loved him.
00:44:37But when he got married,
00:44:40he was the one.
00:44:43We were so upset.
00:44:47How is she?
00:44:51She ran away.
00:44:53Ran away?
00:44:5420 years ago.
00:45:00She ran away?
00:45:03I'm sorry.
00:45:05I shouldn't laugh.
00:45:07I'm sorry.
00:45:10I see.
00:45:12She ran away.
00:45:14What's she doing now?
00:45:16She's happy.
00:45:18She got married to a rich man.
00:45:24Do you want something to eat?
00:45:27I'm full.
00:45:29It's my treat today.
00:45:36I miss you, Numata.
00:45:39I miss you so much.
00:45:44What are you doing now?
00:45:48You were in Otani Shouji, right?
00:45:53I used to be a doctor.
00:45:56Now I'm a doctor.
00:45:59It's hard.
00:46:01Are you a doctor too?
00:46:03I envy you.
00:46:06I can't eat.
00:46:09I'm doing many things.
00:46:12What are you doing?
00:46:18For example,
00:46:22something like this.
00:46:26Numata Detective Agency?
00:46:29Are you a detective?
00:46:32Speak louder.
00:46:34You're a detective?
00:46:39That's great.
00:46:41He's a detective.
00:46:44Don't you think it's strange?
00:46:47He has a big body.
00:46:50He's ugly.
00:46:52He's been doing weird things for a long time.
00:46:56I think he's doing the worst job.
00:46:59I think so too.
00:47:02You know that.
00:47:10Here you are.
00:47:13Thank you.
00:47:15Let's do it.
00:47:18Let's do it.
00:47:20Bring my bottle.
00:47:25Let's drink tonight.
00:47:46I'm drunk.
00:47:48You shouldn't drink so late.
00:47:53Did you read my e-mail?
00:47:56I read it.
00:47:58I read your e-mail.
00:48:01I read it.
00:48:04Be careful.
00:48:06I'm fine.
00:48:08I'm home.
00:48:11Your coat.
00:48:16Thank you.
00:48:18I'm fine.
00:48:24The bath is ready.
00:48:33I was surprised.
00:48:38I met a bad guy in high school.
00:48:42We were playing tennis.
00:48:45We talked a lot.
00:48:48Did you have fun?
00:48:52I'm glad.
00:49:01It's a bad joke, isn't it?
00:49:05It's a joke, isn't it?
00:49:15I'm serious.
00:49:23Do you want to take a bath?
00:49:26You shouldn't take a bath.
00:49:37Welcome home.
00:49:39I'm home.
00:49:42I'm tired.
00:49:45You took me to a good restaurant.
00:49:52I went to karaoke.
00:50:02Something terrible happened.
00:50:07I want to break up with my father.
00:50:10I want to get a divorce.
00:50:16Shigeko and Taizo came.
00:50:19They said they would break up.
00:50:23I heard what they said.
00:50:26I don't know what to do.
00:50:30I said it was a joke.
00:50:34I don't know what to do.
00:50:37What did she say?
00:50:39I don't know.
00:50:42She said,
00:50:44Do you want to get a divorce?
00:50:47If it's true,
00:50:49I'm in trouble.
00:50:51What should I do?
00:50:53They're crazy.
00:50:56Don't touch me.
00:51:01I'm going to take a bath.
00:51:09You're still up.
00:51:11I got this from school.
00:51:13Are you going to get married?
00:51:18I said,
00:51:20You can use this room.
00:51:23I asked if you were going to get married.
00:51:27What do you think?
00:51:29Shut up.
00:51:32It's not time yet.
00:51:34There's a bigger problem.
00:51:38The victim.
00:51:41The victim is here.
00:51:43What's the victim?
00:51:52Are you here?
00:51:54I'm here.
00:52:00Are you all right?
00:52:04Are you all right?
00:52:08I'm here for the poor old man.
00:52:14You've been drinking a lot.
00:52:18I'm the one who gets scolded by the doctor.
00:52:21I said,
00:52:23Bring it.
00:52:38Shut up.
00:52:54This area has changed a lot.
00:52:58It's an old house.
00:53:01I used to step on it when I was in high school.
00:53:04I stepped on it a lot.
00:53:06It's been replaced now.
00:53:08It's a shame.
00:53:11I always ask my mother to take good care of me.
00:53:16How are you?
00:53:18I'm fine.
00:53:21I'm fine.
00:53:23Thank you.
00:53:30Hurry up.
00:53:33It takes a long time to poop.
00:53:36I'll be late.
00:53:38Thank you for waiting.
00:53:46Let's go.
00:53:48Let's go.
00:53:54Where are you?
00:53:56I'm here to support the baseball team.
00:54:00It's a family meeting today.
00:54:02Family meeting?
00:54:04What's that?
00:54:07I told you last night.
00:54:10Didn't you hear that you were drunk?
00:54:14Shigeko told me to talk to you about your father.
00:54:19Shigeko told me to talk to you about your father.
00:54:22Shigeko told me to talk to you about your father.
00:54:26Can't you do it without me?
00:54:29You're the head of the Hiratake family.
00:54:36Go with your brother.
00:54:40It's a rare opportunity to spend time with children.
00:54:44Shin, I'm sorry I can't go.
00:54:46Please support me.
00:54:48Here's your lunch.
00:54:50Thank you.
00:54:51I'm going.
00:54:53See you later.
00:54:55I can't go.
00:54:56It's a family meeting.
00:54:58I'm glad.
00:55:00I'm embarrassed.
00:55:02I remember and support you.
00:55:07I'm glad you didn't come.
00:55:13I got this for you.
00:55:15Thank you.
00:55:19I'm going home.
00:55:24Baseball game?
00:55:26Do you want to go?
00:55:27Good luck.
00:55:28Where's the pitch?
00:55:29The pitch?
00:55:30The pitch is on the bench.
00:55:33I'm thirsty.
00:55:38Mr. Unashige.
00:55:39I'm Hiratake.
00:55:41I want you to deliver a package at noon.
00:55:49Seven, please.
00:55:52I'll do my best.
00:55:55I'll do my best.
00:55:58You've lived together for 50 years.
00:56:01You can't break up so easily.
00:56:04You're exaggerating.
00:56:06I was so excited to support you today.
00:56:13It's a rare opportunity.
00:56:15You have to communicate with your parents.
00:56:17It doesn't matter if your parents break up or not.
00:56:21It doesn't matter if your parents break up or not.
00:56:23It's because of the conflict between you two.
00:56:27Then my brother is fine.
00:56:30Even if my parents get divorced...
00:56:32It's just a conflict between you two.
00:56:34Just leave it alone.
00:56:35Even dogs don't eat.
00:56:37Right, Toto?
00:56:40Your mother seems to be serious.
00:56:42What are you talking about?
00:56:44You guys get excited when you get divorced.
00:56:49It's the same.
00:56:57Take a break and have some tea.
00:57:00I got it from Shigeko.
00:57:10Is Shota still not here?
00:57:13What do you mean?
00:57:17He's bringing his girlfriend today.
00:57:24So you should stay at home today.
00:57:29I went out early in the morning to pick her up.
00:57:34Shota, you're good.
00:57:36I can't say no to that.
00:57:38Why not?
00:57:40We're here today because...
00:57:44We want to talk about your divorce.
00:57:48Shut up.
00:57:50Did you hear that?
00:57:55Shota's marriage is important.
00:57:58But before that...
00:58:00We need to talk about your divorce.
00:58:06Even if I get divorced...
00:58:08He's still my son.
00:58:19Are you serious?
00:58:38I'm sorry.
00:58:57Who's that?
00:58:59Shigeko's husband.
00:59:01I see.
00:59:08Come in.
00:59:09Thank you.
00:59:14Shota's here.
00:59:16The two of them.
00:59:21You're all here.
00:59:25Let me introduce you.
00:59:28I'm Noriko Mamiya.
00:59:30How should I call you?
00:59:34You're going to be his wife, right?
00:59:39Nice to meet you.
00:59:45Your wife...
00:59:47And your sister-in-law.
00:59:50Did you come here for me?
00:59:55Come here.
00:59:59Have a seat.
01:00:01Here you go.
01:00:02Thank you.
01:00:06I'm sorry.
01:00:10What's your name?
01:00:12I'm Ken.
01:00:14Nice to meet you.
01:00:18Where are you from?
01:00:22How are your parents?
01:00:24They're fine.
01:00:25You must be worried.
01:00:27Why did you come to Tokyo alone?
01:00:31My father is in Fukuoka.
01:00:34But my mother is in Tokyo.
01:00:38Because I'm divorced.
01:00:46Did you hear that?
01:00:55I didn't know anything about it.
01:00:58But I heard there was a fight at home.
01:01:02I thought it was strange.
01:01:05I should go home.
01:01:07Maybe next time.
01:01:10You stay here.
01:01:12You'll be a part of our family.
01:01:16Okay, Konosuke?
01:01:33I told you before.
01:01:36I have someone I want to introduce to you.
01:01:41Thank you for coming.
01:01:43What do you like about him?
01:01:47Don't worry about it.
01:01:49You have a bad mouth.
01:01:54Everyone, sit down.
01:02:05It's been a long time.
01:02:07We haven't seen each other for a long time.
01:02:10That's right.
01:02:11You were in the hospital last year.
01:02:15How are you?
01:02:18I've become an old man.
01:02:22Shut up.
01:02:30What's going on?
01:02:36Don't you understand?
01:02:38Why are we here?
01:02:41I didn't ask you to come.
01:02:45We're not here because we're happy.
01:02:48Why are we having a family meeting on a nice day like this?
01:02:52I'm sick of company meetings.
01:02:54Why do we have to have a family meeting at home?
01:02:59Today is a different kind of meeting.
01:03:04A different kind of meeting?
01:03:06You're exaggerating.
01:03:08What's a different kind of meeting?
01:03:10You always say that.
01:03:13A company meeting is a different kind of meeting.
01:03:15You always say that.
01:03:19When did I say that?
01:03:21You always say that.
01:03:23There are times when I say that.
01:03:25It's not the time to argue.
01:03:27What's wrong with you?
01:03:29I didn't say that.
01:03:30You always say that.
01:03:32Calm down.
01:03:33I won't laugh.
01:03:35Calm down.
01:03:36It's unpleasant.
01:03:39Listen to your mother first.
01:03:44That's good.
01:03:51I'm surprised to hear this for the first time.
01:03:55Is it true that you want to get a divorce?
01:04:03What happened?
01:04:05Why didn't you tell me?
01:04:07Why didn't you tell me?
01:04:10I thought you were happy with your life.
01:04:16I thought you would be happy if I introduced you to your mother.
01:04:25I thought you would be happy if I introduced you to your mother.
01:04:28I didn't expect you to break up with your father.
01:04:34You're not crying.
01:04:39Talk to me.
01:04:41That's good.
01:04:50I'll talk to you.
01:04:59I've been having a hard time lately.
01:05:07I've been having a hard time lately.
01:05:12For example.
01:05:14In the morning, you meet a man with a loud voice in the bathroom.
01:05:20After that, you get used to it.
01:05:24In the past, I thought it was nice to be manly when I just got married.
01:05:29I was happy that it was the friendship of the couple.
01:05:35Lately, I don't like it.
01:05:40When you take off your pants and socks, you put them in the laundry basket.
01:05:47I don't like that.
01:05:49I've told you many times, but you don't fix it.
01:05:54The bathroom is wet.
01:05:56The lid of the toilet is open.
01:05:58The light is on.
01:05:59When you eat, you make a noise.
01:06:02Throw out the chopsticks.
01:06:05I used to like my father.
01:06:09But now I don't like him anymore.
01:06:14I'm stressed out because I'm with my father.
01:06:25I understand how you feel.
01:06:28It's my fault.
01:06:30I'm sorry.
01:06:31Shut up.
01:06:32Dad, don't say that.
01:06:34Shut up.
01:06:35I'd like to ask my brother to speak.
01:06:42Mom, do you want me to take off my pants and socks and put them in the laundry basket?
01:06:51No, that's not what I mean.
01:06:53Dad, don't say that.
01:06:56That's your father's inheritance.
01:06:58I don't want to inherit it.
01:07:02I didn't like it either.
01:07:04Then you should have said that.
01:07:05Stop fighting.
01:07:07You're listening to your mother now.
01:07:11Shota, what do you think?
01:07:17So you've been putting up with a lot of things for a long time.
01:07:21You didn't complain.
01:07:24I've been working hard for my children.
01:07:29I don't want to make them feel bad.
01:07:32I've been trying to accept their selfishness.
01:07:39But now I can't do anything for my children.
01:07:43My father is still healthy.
01:07:46I want to be free from my father and live the way I want.
01:07:53That's all I want to hear from you.
01:08:01Mom, you have to think realistically.
01:08:07How do you eat after you break up with your father?
01:08:11Where do you live?
01:08:13That's right.
01:08:16That's okay.
01:08:18I have a friend in the creative class.
01:08:21He lives alone in a big house in the countryside.
01:08:26He wants to live with me.
01:08:30He has a big yard and a red roof.
01:08:35It's a nice house.
01:08:37Mom, you're being deceived.
01:08:39I'm sure he's a bad person.
01:08:41He's after your mother's inheritance.
01:08:44I don't have an inheritance.
01:08:48If you get a divorce, half of the property will be yours.
01:08:53I don't need it.
01:08:59It's just a fantasy.
01:09:02You don't know anything about reality.
01:09:05Humans need to eat.
01:09:08They need money.
01:09:10That's okay.
01:09:15My brother, Kaoru.
01:09:19The novel he wrote is very popular.
01:09:23I have a lot of copyrights.
01:09:27That's why I can do it.
01:09:34He has a big house in the countryside.
01:09:37He has a big yard and a red roof.
01:09:40He has a big yard and a red roof.
01:09:43It's just a fantasy.
01:09:45Don't say that.
01:09:47I'm just saying what I think.
01:09:49I know how you feel.
01:09:51It's hard to take care of a big family.
01:09:55Thank you.
01:09:57You'll have Fumie soon.
01:10:03I'm doing my best to keep my family together.
01:10:08You don't know how hard it is.
01:10:13I've been listening to you.
01:10:15Do you agree with my mother's divorce?
01:10:18Don't say that.
01:10:20I don't agree.
01:10:22Calm down.
01:10:24You must be surprised.
01:10:27You don't want to get married at this age.
01:10:32No, I don't.
01:10:36You don't want to get married at this age.
01:10:40You'll marry me.
01:10:42I don't mean that.
01:10:45I've been listening to you.
01:10:49I envy you.
01:10:54I told you that my parents got divorced.
01:11:02My mother packed her things.
01:11:05I left home alone.
01:11:10I have a brother, but he doesn't care about me.
01:11:15I didn't have a chance to talk to my family.
01:11:25So your father left you?
01:11:30You should have told me earlier.
01:11:32I'm sorry.
01:11:34I feel sorry for you.
01:11:38Is your father a salaryman?
01:11:43It's the same.
01:11:47He works hard for his family.
01:11:51He's a troublemaker.
01:11:53He has strict rules.
01:11:55He's lonely.
01:11:57But he's patient for his family.
01:12:00He's happy to be free.
01:12:06I didn't do anything wrong.
01:12:10You always talk about yourself.
01:12:13But you don't want to understand your mother.
01:12:19That's right.
01:12:23Your mother knows that.
01:12:26But she wants to be alone.
01:12:30Right, mother?
01:12:32Don't talk nonsense.
01:12:36You're a servant of God.
01:12:40A servant of God?
01:12:46What's that?
01:12:50Shigeko fed you, didn't she?
01:12:55Dad, don't say that.
01:12:57I'm sorry.
01:12:58That was bad.
01:13:00I'll say it.
01:13:02Say it.
01:13:04You said you didn't do anything wrong.
01:13:07What's that place?
01:13:09It's over there.
01:13:13It's a bar called Kayo.
01:13:15I know it.
01:13:17I like alcohol.
01:13:19What's going on?
01:13:22Dad was talking to a woman.
01:13:26She said,
01:13:28She said,
01:13:30She said,
01:13:32She said,
01:13:34She said,
01:13:36She said,
01:13:38She said,
01:13:40She said,
01:13:42She said,
01:13:44She said,
01:13:59You're a spy!
01:14:02You're a spy!
01:14:17What's going on?
01:14:19Let's take her to bed.
01:14:22It's okay.
01:14:24Wait, everyone.
01:14:26She's a nurse.
01:14:28A nurse.
01:14:30She's used to this.
01:14:32Let her handle this.
01:14:34Don't move her.
01:14:41Mr. Hirata.
01:14:43Mr. Hirata.
01:14:45It's not my brother.
01:14:47Can you hear me?
01:14:49Hold my finger.
01:14:51Call an ambulance.
01:14:53Get a cushion.
01:14:55What should we do?
01:14:57The tanker will be here soon.
01:15:00Hold her legs.
01:15:02I'll move her body.
01:15:04One, two, three.
01:15:06What should I do?
01:15:08How long are you going to sleep?
01:15:10Call an ambulance.
01:15:12Mr. Hirata.
01:15:14Mr. Hirata.
01:15:16My father has passed away.
01:15:18How old is he?
01:15:20I don't know.
01:15:22His address?
01:15:24Is it my address?
01:15:33This way, please.
01:15:35This is the ambulance.
01:15:37Excuse me.
01:15:39There are a lot of shoes.
01:15:42Excuse me.
01:15:44It's my turn.
01:15:46Where is she?
01:15:48She's a nurse.
01:15:50Let's take her to bed.
01:15:57Let's see.
01:16:00Let's see.
01:16:05Mom, isn't this a divorce letter?
01:16:08I can't believe it.
01:16:10This is not the time to talk about it.
01:16:12Go to bed.
01:16:14I'll take a rest.
01:16:16I'll go to bed later.
01:16:18I'll go to bed later.
01:16:28Is it too tight?
01:16:30The mask is OK.
01:16:33One, two, three.
01:16:35I'll move her body.
01:16:37Can you hold her legs?
01:16:41Thank you.
01:16:43Excuse me.
01:16:45I'll go to the back.
01:16:47This is the medical certificate.
01:16:49I'll open the box.
01:16:51Her head has stopped.
01:16:53Dad, I'm sorry.
01:16:55Why are you crying?
01:16:59I killed your father with my words.
01:17:02He's not dead yet.
01:17:07I'm sorry.
01:17:18Ms. Hirata.
01:17:20I'm going to the hospital.
01:17:22I'll be there soon.
01:17:25How is she?
01:17:27I don't know if it's a high blood pressure or low blood sugar.
01:17:31But I'm glad that she was treated soon.
01:17:34She died when everyone was there.
01:17:37I'm lucky.
01:17:40Excuse me.
01:17:44Are you her son?
01:17:48That's strange.
01:17:50Your father is 47 years old.
01:17:52He's very young.
01:17:54My father is 73 years old.
01:17:58May I?
01:18:01Shimei Hirata Kounosuke.
01:18:05He wrote about himself.
01:18:09I'm sorry.
01:18:11Please wait.
01:18:14Thank you.
01:18:31I'm going to Shanghai tomorrow.
01:18:35I'm so worried.
01:18:38Can't you do something about it?
01:18:42I can't go back to Japan every day.
01:18:47I can't go back to Osaka or Nagoya.
01:18:49I can't go back to Shanghai.
01:18:51What will happen if you go back every day?
01:18:55It's a temporary thing.
01:18:57It's just a temporary thing.
01:19:00If my father goes back to Japan,
01:19:03he will come back at night.
01:19:09Come in from the front door.
01:19:13It's here.
01:19:15I like it here.
01:19:19Tomorrow night, we'll have a family dinner.
01:19:22We'll eat raw fish.
01:19:24And then?
01:19:26We'll have a funeral.
01:19:29The day after tomorrow, we'll have a funeral.
01:19:31The day after tomorrow, we'll have a funeral.
01:19:33The day after tomorrow, we'll have a funeral.
01:19:36It's going to take three to four days.
01:19:44I'll talk to the director.
01:19:46We're going to go together.
01:19:50At a time like this...
01:19:55Yes, this is Hiroto.
01:19:57Mr. Shota, have you arrived at the hospital?
01:20:01Tell me the name of the hospital.
01:20:07I don't know what to do.
01:20:10It's not decided yet.
01:20:12Don't give up hope.
01:20:14See you later.
01:20:16See you.
01:20:19Excuse me.
01:20:28Thank you for waiting.
01:20:31Thank you.
01:20:37An ambulance passed by.
01:20:39Did something happen?
01:20:41An old man fell down.
01:20:43I'm sorry.
01:20:45How much is it?
01:20:4724,500 yen.
01:20:58I'm sorry.
01:21:00I haven't slept well since last month.
01:21:04It's called eel climbing.
01:21:21Thank you.
01:21:23See you.
01:21:25I'm sorry.
01:21:34Hello, grandma.
01:21:36I'm on the 7th floor.
01:21:38My brother is in a pinch.
01:21:40It's a reversal.
01:21:42Do you know what's going on?
01:21:46I hit it.
01:21:48My brother is amazing.
01:21:50My brother is amazing.
01:21:52Good luck.
01:21:54My brother is amazing.
01:21:56Good luck.
01:22:00Good luck.
01:22:02Good luck.
01:22:05I hit it.
01:22:07My brother is amazing.
01:22:09I hit it.
01:22:11Can you hear me?
01:22:13I'm glad.
01:22:17How is it?
01:22:19Are you laughing?
01:22:21My brother is amazing.
01:22:52How is it?
01:22:54It was late.
01:22:56What were you doing?
01:22:58I went to a restaurant.
01:23:00It's close to my house.
01:23:02It takes about 20 minutes by car.
01:23:04How many people will come to your father's funeral?
01:23:08I was absent until recently.
01:23:11My relationship is also black.
01:23:14It's about 250 to 300 people.
01:23:17It's about 250 to 300 people.
01:23:20It's about 250 to 300 people.
01:23:22Is that so?
01:23:24Don't talk about the funeral.
01:23:27My father is still alive.
01:23:31What did the doctor say?
01:23:34MRI and CT results are not so bad.
01:23:38So it's a case that recovers within a few hours.
01:23:42If it doesn't recover, there may be other diseases.
01:23:46It's such a diagnosis.
01:23:48That doctor is unreliable.
01:23:51He looks like a comedian on TV.
01:23:55I think that doctor was on duty.
01:23:58Today is Sunday.
01:24:00It can't be helped.
01:24:02He accepted it right away.
01:24:04It happens a lot.
01:24:06He died in an ambulance.
01:24:10I was talking about it just now.
01:24:13It's a good thing that his whole family died.
01:24:19On his way home from the bar, he walked alone at night.
01:24:25Anyway, he was able to see everyone's faces at the end.
01:24:32It wasn't a very happy gathering.
01:24:36But it's like his father.
01:24:38He shouted and fell.
01:24:41I can't hear that voice anymore.
01:25:00The doctor told me to come to my family.
01:25:06Let's go.
01:25:10Hang in there.
01:25:12Don't cry so loudly.
01:25:15I know.
01:25:36Are they your children?
01:25:39My son's name is Konosuke.
01:25:42Nice to meet you.
01:25:46Mr. Hirata.
01:25:48Mr. Hirata.
01:26:00Do you want to get up?
01:26:02Do you want to get up?
01:26:04Yes, slowly.
01:26:08I saw the world over there.
01:26:15I'm glad to have a nurse on site.
01:26:20I'm glad the treatment was quick.
01:26:24I'm a little dazed right now, but I'll recover soon.
01:26:30You're dazed, aren't you?
01:26:32I've been dazed for a long time.
01:26:35See you.
01:26:39Wait a minute.
01:26:45I need you to stay in the hospital for a few days.
01:26:48Yes, sir.
01:26:52I need you to stay a little longer.
01:26:56But you can't drink alcohol.
01:27:04That's the hardest part.
01:27:16You fool.
01:27:18You're a fool.
01:27:20I thought you were dead.
01:27:23How long do I have to worry about you?
01:27:27I need you to stay in the hospital for a few days.
01:27:31Yes, sir.
01:27:38It's okay.
01:27:53There's no point in trying.
01:28:00Are you moving?
01:28:01Yes, I'm getting married.
01:28:06That's great.
01:28:09Are you still single?
01:28:11What? Me?
01:28:14I can't.
01:28:18I can't.
01:28:49How long have you been living here?
01:28:52I built this house when I was in elementary school.
01:28:56It's been over 20 years.
01:28:58It's changed a lot.
01:29:01There are fewer people now.
01:29:03There are many vacant houses.
01:29:05The owners are old people.
01:29:18I'm sorry.
01:29:27It's all over now.
01:29:33I'm getting married.
01:29:35You don't have to do that.
01:29:42I'm worried about you.
01:29:45I'll let Kenichi do the hard work.
01:29:49I'm worried about you and your mother.
01:29:53I want you to be happy.
01:29:56But I feel sorry for your mother.
01:30:01I wanted to talk to you before I left.
01:30:05I'm sorry I'm late.
01:30:08I think he's at the park.
01:30:12Aoba Park.
01:30:14There's a bench there.
01:30:16He smokes there.
01:30:18The doctor stopped him.
01:30:20Let's go.
01:30:41Thank you.
01:30:49Thank you.
01:30:56I envy you.
01:31:00Call me if anything happens.
01:31:21Thank you.
01:31:52Are you leaving?
01:31:59Please take care of this strange man.
01:32:05I understand.
01:32:11Let's get along.
01:32:20What are you going to do?
01:32:24I'm talking about your mother's divorce.
01:32:29What are you going to do?
01:32:34I've been thinking about it since I regained consciousness at the hospital.
01:32:41If you don't like it, we have to break up.
01:32:47Dad, is that okay?
01:32:51It can't be helped.
01:32:53He wants you to do that.
01:32:56Did you talk to him?
01:32:58You haven't talked to him yet.
01:33:00Shut up.
01:33:02I've already decided.
01:33:11I'm sorry.
01:33:21I feel sorry for him.
01:33:24I can't believe he's going to break up with his mother.
01:33:44I know I'm being cheeky, but please forgive me for being a member of your family.
01:33:52You told me the reason why you wanted to break up at the family meeting that day.
01:34:00Shouldn't you be the one to answer that?
01:34:08Shouldn't you be the one to answer that?
01:34:15Shouldn't you be the one to say that you miss your mother and that you need her?
01:34:24Shouldn't you be the one to say that you miss your mother and that you need her?
01:34:30And on top of that, you said you wanted to break up.
01:34:37I can't say that.
01:34:39I know I have to say it.
01:34:42It's not words, it's my feelings.
01:34:45It's words.
01:34:47You have to make your father's feelings into words.
01:34:50That's enough.
01:34:51I don't want to hear that kind of lecture.
01:34:58You guys go too.
01:35:00The police are here.
01:35:08Dad, I'll be back.
01:35:10Anyway, my feelings are...
01:35:12Hurry up and go.
01:35:20I'm sorry.
01:35:22I'm sorry.
01:35:23I'm sorry.
01:35:24I'm sorry.
01:35:25I'm sorry.
01:35:26I'm sorry.
01:35:27I'm sorry.
01:35:28I'm sorry.
01:35:29I'm sorry.
01:35:30I'm sorry.
01:35:31I'm sorry.
01:35:32I'm sorry.
01:35:33I'm sorry.
01:35:34I'm sorry.
01:35:35I'm sorry.
01:35:36I'm sorry.
01:35:37I'm sorry.
01:35:38I'm sorry.
01:35:39I'm sorry.
01:35:40I'm sorry.
01:35:41I'm sorry.
01:35:42I'm sorry.
01:35:43I'm sorry.
01:35:44I'm sorry.
01:35:45I'm sorry.
01:35:46I'm sorry.
01:35:47I'm sorry.
01:35:48I'm sorry.
01:35:49I'm sorry.
01:35:50I'm sorry.
01:35:51I don't know.
01:35:52I don't know.
01:35:53I don't know.
01:35:54I don't know.
01:35:55I don't know.
01:35:56I don't know.
01:35:57I don't know.
01:35:58I don't know.
01:35:59I have to go.
01:36:00I have to go.
01:36:01It's late.
01:36:02We heard you're suffering.
01:36:03Didn't you say you'd leave here regardless of your choice?
01:36:04Come on.
01:36:05I'm sorry.
01:36:06I'm sorry.
01:36:07It's all my fault.
01:36:08My dad.
01:36:09It's all my fault!
01:36:10It's all my fault!
01:36:11Well in any event, my dad isn't sent back these pozytphenzyphosphiantes
01:36:12to worry about you in jail or poverty.
01:36:13It's his own problem.
01:36:14There are people like him who shouldn't be in this situation.
01:36:16I knew it was you.
01:36:21You walked to the subway entrance and said your final goodbyes.
01:36:27She was wrapped up in a warm feeling and was about to go home.
01:36:32In this case, did she not feel love in her heart, Ms. Okano?
01:36:44I think this is where their story of sinful love begins.
01:36:49I'm sure the readers will look forward to it.
01:36:52I don't have that experience. My husband has it, too.
01:36:56He's at home every day, isn't he?
01:36:58Yes, he is. He's at home 24 hours a day.
01:37:01Oh, dear.
01:37:04That's a problem.
01:37:09If you don't have real experience, you can't write a novel.
01:37:12A novelist must experience both prostitution and murder.
01:37:21The most important thing is...
01:37:29...to imagine.
01:37:31In other words, writing a novel...
01:37:35...means sharing the world of imagination with the reader.
01:37:40Go ahead.
01:37:42So, are you going to write a novel about sinful love...
01:37:46...or are you going to imagine it?
01:37:52I'll leave it to your imagination.
01:37:55That's a good one.
01:38:40Excuse me.
01:38:47What's the matter?
01:38:49Mom, listen.
01:38:51They were playing catch in their room and broke the vase.
01:38:55Oh, dear.
01:38:59Good one.
01:39:01Shinsuke, I brought the newspaper.
01:39:04Whenever you want.
01:39:11I'm home.
01:39:21What are you reading?
01:39:24Ozuya Sujiro. Tokyo Story.
01:39:38You're more concerned about us...
01:39:43...than the child you gave birth to.
01:39:49Thank you.
01:40:04I've been thinking.
01:40:06I signed the divorce papers.
01:40:11I'll finish them when I get to Hanko.
01:40:18It's your fault.
01:40:20It's your fault!
01:40:21Shut up!
01:40:23Shut up and clean up!
01:40:36What is it?
01:40:38I've been looking after you for a long time...
01:40:41...so I thought I should do something for you.
01:40:44It's your wish to sign this...
01:40:48...so I thought it would be a good idea to make your wish come true.
01:40:56It seems to be a contradiction.
01:40:58It can't be helped.
01:41:01It's been 40 years.
01:41:04No, it's been 45 years.
01:41:10In other words...
01:41:15I'm glad I got to be with you.
01:41:18That's how I feel.
01:41:24That's all.
01:41:27Is that how you really feel?
01:41:35Yes, I do.
01:41:43I signed the divorce papers.
01:41:52That's enough.
01:41:54I've heard enough.
01:41:58I'll be with you until the day I die.
01:42:02I don't know which way to go.
01:42:18I'm home.
01:42:20Welcome home!
01:42:21Welcome home!
01:42:26I'm so sleepy.
01:42:28It's always a mess when I'm in a taxi.
01:42:33I'm tired.
01:42:37Where's your parents?
01:42:39The second floor.
01:42:41So, what happened after the divorce?
01:42:44I don't know.
01:42:46That's a cold answer.
01:42:49But he's your father, right?
01:42:52Why don't you ask him?
01:42:57Hey, will Mom be okay?
01:43:01One day, when I retire,
01:43:04I want you to give me half of the rice.
01:43:07That's all I want.
01:43:09I don't know if you can keep it that long.