• last year
Final Spark, a technology firm based in Switzerland, reportedly "has successfully launched Neuroplatform, the world’s first bioprocessing platform where human brain organoids (lab-grown miniaturized versions of organs) perform computational tasks instead of silicon chips." Basically, they make a type of small "human" brain out of stem wells and use electrical impulses to have it perform various computational tasks. Reportedly, this uses a million times less energy than silicon chips. Could love of money be a factor here? Is this a type of cyborg abomination? What is a cyborg? Does any of this bring to mind the fictional alien species called 'The Borg' in 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'? 'Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence' considers this an important breakthrough for scientists to learn from and build upon. Michael Snyder says that these organoids are enslaved and that "these miniature human brains are tortured until they learn to obey" and that these 'organoids' are literally worked to death." What about human-monkey and human-pig genetics? Could these "inventors of evil things" be fulfilling last days' prophecies? Are we in the last days? Should Christians consider these human brain computers an abomination? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie address these issues and more in the light of the BIble.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Inventors of evil things? Cyborgs? ‘They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers’' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/inventors-of-evil-things-they-are-using-lab-grown-human-brains-that-they-have-enslaved-called-organoids-to-run-computers/


00:00Greetings friends, this is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program with Dr. Bob
00:09Dr. Teal, not too long ago the technology was developed to create lab-grown meat to
00:15replace hamburgers for human consumption.
00:18What's the latest on this type of technology?
00:20Well, actually we're seeing an abomination that's much worse than this.
00:24Microsoft Network reported the following, quote, 16 lab-grown brains run world's first
00:31living computer in Switzerland.
00:34Swiss technology firm, FinalSpark, has successfully launched Neural Platform, the world's first
00:41bioprocessing platform where human brain organoids, which are, quote, lab-grown miniaturized versions
00:47of organs, perform computational tasks instead of silicon chips.
00:54And now they claim that this uses a million times less power than their silicon counterparts.
01:03And so they say that replacing silicon chips with bioprocessors could dramatically save
01:09energy and so now they've got a computer brain that's supposed to be, that's now part human
01:21To be able to run computers with a million times less energy has to result in a huge
01:26increase to the profit margin.
01:29Wouldn't you agree?
01:31You know, and the Bible warns in 1 Timothy 6 verse 10, for the love of money is the root
01:36of all kinds of evil.
01:38Anyway, don't be deceived about what they're doing.
01:41There are ethical ways to deal with energy that don't require blending living human brain
01:47tissue with electronics.
01:49Now as far as being lovers of money, I want to talk about something that happened with
01:56This is in Luke, Luke chapter 16, starting in verse 14, it says, now the Pharisees, who
02:02were lovers of money, heard what Jesus had to say and they derided him, they talked against
02:08And Jesus said to them, you are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows
02:14your hearts.
02:15For what's highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.
02:21So yes, scientists who were putting together this abomination are actually highly esteemed.
02:28And as it says in Romans 1 verse 22, professing to be wise, they became fools.
02:39Are these verses telling us then that without God, we are simply fools?
02:45Pretty much.
02:46Now, the Apostle Paul warned about those who didn't want to retain God in their knowledge
02:51that they'd become inventors of evil things.
02:53You can read that in the book of Romans, Romans chapter 1, starting verse 28.
03:00And even as they did not want to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to
03:05a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting.
03:09Verse 29, being filled with all unrighteousness, evil mindedness.
03:17Verse 30, proud boasters, inventors of evil things.
03:24That's what's going on with this.
03:26Now frontiers in artificial intelligence report about this breakthrough.
03:33And they said that the neural platform enables researchers to run experiments on organoids
03:42for up to 100 days.
03:45They're using this 24-7 with electrical stimulations.
03:49That over the past three years, the neural platform was utilized with over a thousand
03:54brain organoids, enabling a collection of more than 18 terabytes of data.
04:02This is furthermore, the infrastructure supports entirely remote use.
04:07Currently in 2024, the system is freely available for research purposes, and numerous research
04:12groups have begun using it for their experiments.
04:16That's incredible.
04:18It's almost as if nothing will be withheld from them is coming true.
04:23How should Christians view the use of this technology?
04:26Well, it's an abomination.
04:28I'd like to read something from a Protestant writer by the name of Michael Snyder, quote
04:33in the headlines, they're using lab-grown human brains that they have enslaved called
04:40organoids to run computers.
04:42Anyway, he mentions it was a company in Switzerland, I mentioned before, called FinalSpark, says
04:49they've constructed a bizarre hybrid biocomputer that combines lab-grown miniature human brains
04:55with conventional electronic circuits, supposed to save a lot of energy, but the problem is
05:02the human brains keep wearing out and dying, so they have to grow new ones to replace them.
05:08And they use stem cells in order to make these things.
05:11He says it sounds like something from a science fiction movie, but it's really happening now.
05:17He says, but what about the lab-grown human brains that are enslaved to run the neural
05:23Each of these is composed of about 10,000 living neurons, and they are kept alive by
05:28a micro-fluid system which supplies water and nutrients to the cells, and instead of
05:37merely integrating biological concepts into it, they're actually using human brain cells.
05:43Anyway, he writes, during their short lives, the mini-brains are literally trained to perform
05:50certain tasks using a reward and punishment system.
05:53The enslaved mini-brains do what they're supposed to do, they're rewarded with lots of pleasure.
05:57But if they don't do what they're supposed to do, they get hit with lots of irregular
06:02electrical activity.
06:04That's insane.
06:06It's as if these scientists are trying to create man in their own image and likeness,
06:11with a little help from Satan.
06:13Please continue.
06:14Well, Michael Snyder also said, in other words, these human brains are tortured until they
06:19learn to obey.
06:20He says that should make us all sick.
06:23What these scientists are doing is so incredibly evil, that they think this is a great thing,
06:29but the brains keep dying.
06:31So basically, the organoids are worked to death.
06:34They're hooked up to electrodes and worked until they can work no more.
06:37He says creating miniature human brains and using them to power a computer may be a way
06:42to save a lot of energy, but shows how far our society has fallen.
06:47We are crossing lines that should never be crossed.
06:50Eventually, we'll pay a very great price for the crimes that our scientists are committing,
06:54end quote.
06:56Is the rest of the world okay with this?
06:59Pretty much yes.
07:02The abomination is wrong on so many fronts.
07:05I want to read something that God said that he had the prophet Ezekiel record.
07:10This is from Ezekiel 9, verse 4.
07:14Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on
07:17the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry for all the abominations that are done within
07:24And this brain electronic merging is not the only abomination we've been seeing involving
07:29human tissues.
07:31Over a decade ago, I warned about monkey-human experimentation.
07:36They're making these Frankenstein monster type things in the lab.
07:41Then we actually did a video called Half-Human, Half-Pig.
07:44What's the difference?
07:45Because they're putting human cells with pigs.
07:47Now we're seeing human brains merge electronics.
07:51But back in 1960, the term cyborg was coined by Manfred Klein and Nathan Klein, related
08:00to a being that's both organic and biomechatronic.
08:07So what they're doing now is kind of a type of cyborg.
08:11Anyway, thinking cyborgs actually reminded me of something called the Borg.
08:16That was in a show called Star Trek to the Next Generation.
08:22And the Borgs are basically an alien group.
08:26They're a type of cyborg organism.
08:30They have a mind called a collective, and it's all hooked in together.
08:34So the Borg were human-like things, but with this part of their brain that was different.
08:41And their ultimate goal, by the way, was, quote, achieving perfection.
08:46The Borgs were cyborgs having the outward appearance of showing both mechanical and
08:52biological body parts.
08:54Well, you know, it would seem as if the Borg's goal of achieving perfection is the
08:59right thing to do.
09:01But is this the right way to go about it?
09:04You know, Jesus said we're supposed to be perfect as his father in heaven is perfect
09:08in the Sermon on the Mount.
09:10But instead we're seeing an enslaved cyborg now being developed to run computers.
09:15Now, look, I don't have any problem if they have electronics that can help somebody
09:21who's paralyzed or make their brain work functional, particularly if they've got
09:25brain issues.
09:26Okay, that's one thing.
09:28But that's not what they're talking about doing here.
09:32They're basically, as Michael Snyder put it, they're enslaving cells until they
09:38work them to death.
09:40You know, those of us who read the Bible shouldn't be surprised that humans are
09:45going the wrong way with a lot of aspects of genetic research.
09:50And I want to read about some things that the Bible warns.
09:54You alluded to this, but you didn't quote it directly.
09:57This is from Genesis chapter 11, verse 6.
10:02And the Lord said, Indeed, the people are one and they all have one language.
10:07And this is what they begin to do.
10:09Now, nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.
10:13So this happened at the Tower of Babel.
10:15This is why we have multiple languages.
10:17And this slowed down human progress, which is not always progress.
10:22But increase in knowledge was prophesied.
10:26In Daniel chapter 12, verse 4, we read, But you, Daniel, shut up the words and
10:33seal the book until the time of the end.
10:36Many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.
10:40With jet airplanes, people can go to and fro, including myself.
10:45I did it a lot.
10:46And knowledge can be increased.
10:48And things such as properly sharing data on the Internet, for example,
10:52actually helps with that.
10:54So that's a prophecy that knowledge would be increased.
10:57On the other hand, in 2 Timothy chapter 3, starting in verse 1, I want to read
11:04something from the Apostle Paul, a warning, a prophecy.
11:09He writes, But know this.
11:11In the last days, perilous times will come.
11:16Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters,
11:23proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
11:28certainly taking other cells, human cells, and doing this.
11:33They're not doing it to help those cells.
11:36They love their money or prestige, the boast,
11:39be proud about their so-called scientific accomplishments.
11:44A lot of people think what they're doing is so good and they're so wise.
11:48Yet in verse 5 of 2 Timothy 3, Paul warns that they're having a form of
11:55godliness, but they deny its power.
11:58They don't think it comes from God.
12:00They think they're just so smart and all this.
12:03The Bible then says, To imitate them?
12:07It says, And from such people, turn away.
12:13Dr. Teal, are you suggesting that we are now in the last days?
12:19Early Christians believed that God had a plan that the world would be here for
12:266,000 years before Jesus would return.
12:29And if that's accurate, then 6,000 years is pretty close to being up.
12:35And therefore, yes, we're in the last days.
12:39And we're seeing things that are consistent with last days prophecies.
12:43You know, how much love do sciences have for this intersplaced human animal
12:52stuff that they're making or human electronic brain stuff that they're
12:55sometimes creating?
12:57These are brutal experiments.
12:59They destroy most of them.
13:02And we find out that this is how they've been.
13:06Now, I'm going to quote Romans 1 again.
13:10But this time I want to use the Old King James.
13:15Romans 1, verse 28.
13:18Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over
13:22to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient.
13:25Verse 31.
13:26Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection.
13:33And getting back to 2 Timothy 3, also from the Old King James.
13:38This know also that in the last days men shall be, quote, without natural
13:45Those who wish to use human brain cells to do this type of work lack natural
13:52This is going in the wrong direction.
13:55We need to turn away from such things.
13:59And the Bible, in the Old Testament, Proverbs 14, verse 12, warns that there's
14:03a way that seems right to a man, but it ends the way of death.
14:07Blending human and monkey DNA as well as human brains with electronics this
14:11way is simply not right.
14:14But we're seeing these abominable things in these last days, and they should
14:18be denounced.
14:20Thank you, Dr. Thiel.
14:22For more interviews with Dr. Thiel, in addition to written as well as audio
14:26articles, visit our website at BibleNewsProphecy.net.
14:31This is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program.