• 2 months ago
Although there is a British song from 1939 that has the line "There will always be an England," is that true? Some have noted cultural dissolution, enough so that they have wondered if England will remain. Does the Bible point to the end of England? While the British Empire was the world's largest, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has less than 1% of its 1920 empire. Will the UK lose more land such as Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, and the Falkland Islands? Will it be conquered? Do biblical and Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies point to the end of the UK? Could the British people be descendants of Joseph's son Ephraim? Why does the Bible show it will be conquered? Dr. Thiel and Stever Dupuie go over these matters.

A written article of related interest is available titled ‘Will There Always Be an England?’ URL:https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/will-there-always-be-an-england/

A free online prophetic book was mentioned titled, Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America?, which you can read at the following link: https://www.cogwriter.com/LostTribes.pdf


00:00We, for the Bible News Prophecy Program, with Dr. Bob Thiel.
00:07Dr. Thiel, it was once said, the sun never sets on the British Empire.
00:11Is that still the case?
00:13Well, they don't really have that empire anymore, but someone sent me a link to an article that
00:19I thought was really interesting.
00:20The title was, Will There Always Be an England?
00:23Now, this is by an American.
00:26He says, we Americans like the Brits.
00:29Yeah, we fought against them since the Revolutionary War, but otherwise, we've really tended to
00:33like them.
00:34He said, it's shocking but painful to see what's happening to the land that gave us
00:39the Magna Carta and some other positive things throughout history.
00:44Then he goes and he refers to what he calls a patriotic song from 1939, which is basically
00:51when Britain was getting involved in World War II.
00:56The title of this song was called, There Will Always Be an England.
01:01Here were some of the lyrics that he quoted here.
01:03There will always be an England, and England shall be free, if England means as much to
01:08you as England means to me.
01:09He said, but now that really seems like a sentimental claim.
01:14He said he heard from a friend of his who was a respected member of the British establishment.
01:20He wrote him and said, things aren't getting any better, and there's no way the country
01:26can come back from this.
01:28We faced wars, recessions, and pandemics for centuries, but this is different.
01:33You can't reverse the slow dissolution of an entire culture and people, which is what's
01:38happening to the English.
01:42In this article, he says that what's going on in Britain is also being watched by all
01:47of Europe, particularly those who are having issues with migration, crime, and national
01:55This summer in the UK, there have been various protests and counter-protests and government
02:00comments and people arrested.
02:03People have wondered if there will always be an England.
02:08Who else has wondered about the fate of England?
02:13The old Worldwide Church of God did, based upon various biblical prophecies.
02:17They had an article back in 1976, it talked about empires coming and going, said the British
02:25people have maintained for decades there will always be an England.
02:30So far, they've been right, but do we have any reason to think that in our age of history
02:35that this may change?
02:37Can things continue?
02:39Then this particular article started to talk about Jesus' discourse on the Mount of Olives
02:44in Matthew chapter 24.
02:46We talked about wars and persecutions and famines, etc.
02:50Then he goes down to verse 21, where Jesus said, for then there'll be great tribulation
02:55such as not been from the beginning of the world until now, nor shall ever be.
03:01And this author wrote, either we collectively change our ways or we prepare ourselves for
03:06a rather grim scenario.
03:09Then there was a booklet that came out in 1976 that said, from the Worldwide Church
03:14of God, said today nations of the Western world, especially the United States, Britain,
03:20Canada, Australia, and South Africa have gone after strange gods.
03:27These aren't the type of gods made out of sticks or metal or stone, but these are typified
03:32by ideas, concepts, and institutions.
03:37And they're moving further away from the Bible and they hope that this is what they're
03:41doing is going to solve them.
03:44They still have this, there will always be in England, concept.
03:49This booklet says if the English-speaking people of the world think they continue to
03:55blindly follow these new ideas that are not biblical ones, they're wrong.
04:03They're not going to bring them to where they need to be.
04:07And the article says there's catastrophes promised in the Bible, such as Leviticus 26,
04:14and that people should repent.
04:18And I want to read the final words from this part here that says, there's still time for
04:23many to come out of the religious Babylon that currently deceives the world.
04:28If you as an individual are interested, why not go back and take inventory of your current
04:33religious beliefs, study them in the light of what God says in the Bible.
04:39What else has been said about the future of England?
04:42Well, the late Herbert W. Armstrong, with the old Worldwide Church of God, referred
04:48to Daniel 11, 31, and Matthew 24, 15, and wrote, that'll be a time when the United Europe
04:57shall appear.
04:58There'll be a revival of the old Holy Roman Empire, we shall be warned, the Philadelphian
05:05Christians are taken to a place of refuge and safety from the Great Tribulation.
05:10Forty-five days later, the Beast Armies are going to surround Jerusalem.
05:13Thirty days later, the Great Tribulation will probably start with a nuclear attack on London
05:18and Britain, and probably the same day or immediately thereafter, on the United States
05:23and Canadian cities.
05:24The Great Tribulation, we shall fully then realize, is the time of Jacob's Trouble, spoken
05:29of in Jeremiah 30, verse 7.
05:31Now, Jacob's name was placed on Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manasseh, which Ephraim is prophetic
05:39Britain and Manasseh is United States.
05:41At that time, a third of the people of our nations will die from famine, disease epidemics,
05:47and various wars, according to Ezekiel, and a reigning third will be carried into the
05:53land of our enemies as slaves, according to Ezekiel 5, 12, end quote.
05:58Are there any additional verses that support Mr. Armstrong's position?
06:02Yeah, he referred to Daniel 12, it talks about different times for days, and that's how he
06:09came up with 45 days and 30 days.
06:11But if you go to Leviticus 26, verse 33, the Bible warns for those who disobey, I will
06:18scatter you among the nations and draw a sword out after you, your land will be desolate
06:24and your cities waste.
06:25Now, with nuclear and other high-tech weapons like electromagnetic pulse bombs, et cetera,
06:32you can make the land of modern cities very waste.
06:36For example, there's a prophecy in Deuteronomy 29, verse 23, says the whole land is brimstone,
06:42salt, and burning.
06:44That happens from a nuclear attack.
06:47And Isaiah 9, starting verse 19, talks about the wrath of the Lord of hosts, the land is
06:53burned up, people are fueled for the fire.
06:59People eat the flesh of their own arm.
07:02It talks about the US turning against England, England against the US.
07:09And in Ezekiel 6, there's this warning, in all your dwelling places, the city shall be
07:14laid waste.
07:16So there will not always be in England, nor by the way, United States for that matter,
07:21you can read that in Daniel 11, verse 39.
07:24Now, I want to read something about the old British Empire from an article that's actually
07:31in our free online book about the Lost Tribes.
07:35It says, in 1913, 412 million people lived under the British Empire.
07:41That was 23% of the world's population at that time.
07:44It remains the largest empire in human history.
07:48And at the peak of its power in 1920, it covered an astonishing 13.71 million square
07:55miles, about a quarter of the world's land area.
07:58Now, I looked this up this past week.
08:01The United Kingdom now only has 93,628 square miles of land.
08:08That is a reduction of over 99%.
08:12And the UK is going to lose more territory as well as one day be conquered.
08:17Where in the Bible does it talk about the UK losing additional land?
08:22Well, in the book of Leviticus, chapter 18, there's blessings and cursings and people
08:30are warned, starting verse 24, don't defile yourself by how these other nations are defiled.
08:36If you do, the land will vomit out its inhabitant.
08:41And verse 28, lest the land vomit you when you defile it.
08:45So that's one warning.
08:47I'd like to go to Deuteronomy 28.
08:50You read, starting verse 58, if you don't carefully observe all the words of this law
08:55that are written in this book, and that you may fear this glorious and awesome name eternal
09:00your God, God is going to bring upon you extraordinary plagues and says in verse 63, and you shall
09:09be plucked off the land which you go to possess.
09:13Now these territorial losses are going to include Northern Ireland and Gibraltar, as
09:18well as the Falklands, and eventually Wales and Scotland and England itself will be conquered.
09:25Yes, one day, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will be no more.
09:32How are you tying England in with the verses you just read?
09:37The Bible ties the British people in with the descendants of Joseph's son, Ephraim.
09:46And we've got this in this free online book you can get at ccog.org, titled Lost Tribes
09:51and Prophecies, what will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand,
09:57and the United States of America.
09:58Again, free at ccog.org.
10:02Is the reason for England's downfall sin?
10:06Yes, but it's not only sin.
10:09The Bible specifically talks about lack of repentance is the reason that the king of
10:13Assyria, now he happens to be the final Babylonian king of the North Beast power, is going to
10:18become Ephraim's, England's, king.
10:22We can read about this in Hosea chapter 11, verse 3 says, I taught Ephraim to walk, verse
10:305, but the Assyrian will be his king.
10:34Because they refused to repent.
10:35The sword shall slash his cities, devour his district, and consume them.
10:41The people are bent on backsliding from me.
10:44Now, this prophesied shame is starting to come upon the Anglo-American powers, who instead
10:51of repenting, have more and more embraced and promoted various sins.
10:56By the way, this Assyrian king is also prophesied to eliminate the United States, in Isaiah
11:02chapter 10, verses 5 through 12.
11:05Are there other sources that might support this idea?
11:09Yes, interestingly, there are Greco-Roman Catholic seers, who have pointed to various
11:18things happening to the British people, and close to in our timeframe.
11:23For example, here's this old English prophecy that says, when pictures look alive and movements
11:31free, a Catholic writer says, hey, you're talking about TV and movies.
11:35When ships, like fish, swimbled beneath the sea, submarines, when outstripping birds can
11:41soar in the sky, jets and rockets, half the world drenched in blood shall die.
11:49And so will pay the piper.
11:55That's amazing.
11:56Are there any more biblical prophecies, or non-biblical prophecies, I should say?
12:01Oh yeah, quite a bit.
12:03For example, there's St. Codaltus, around 500, said the great monarch, this is the king
12:10of the north, will conquer England and other island empires.
12:17And then one of their priests, who died in 1420, says, woe to the people of the island
12:23England, because the Lord will abandon them.
12:27Here's one from a priest, Decoe, who died in 1772.
12:32England shall begin to wane in power.
12:38And then here's another one from their St. Edward, the 11th century, said the extreme
12:44corruption wickedness, the English nation have provoked it, the just anger of God.
12:49With malice has reached the fullness of measure, and God and his wrath will send the English
12:54people evil spirits, will punish and afflict them with great severity.
13:00And here's one from a nun called Mother Shepton, who died in 1551.
13:07England will tremble and quake.
13:10London shall be destroyed forever after.
13:15London and the kingdom governed will be appointed by the royal great monarch, who will set England
13:21right and drive out the heresy.
13:22Now, some of the reasons I mention this is, you know, Satan knows the Bible.
13:28Satan knows who the descendants of Joseph's son, Ephraim, are.
13:33He knows, therefore, these prophecies are going to happen that the Bible talks about,
13:40and he is setting people up to punish or to destroy England, because he knows the Bible
13:44says that's going to happen.
13:46And so people who question what's called British Islaism, having considered there's a whole
13:52lot of divine or supernatural things, Satan inspiring these people to say these things,
13:58which are consistent with the Bible, I believe helps also show that he knows who the descendants
14:04of Ephraim are.
14:06For example, they have their Saint Columbine, who died in 597, says the enemies of England
14:13will be—the English will be aroused in battle, and the English will be defeated and be harassed
14:18in every quarter.
14:20The English will dwell down to a disreputable people.
14:24And then they keep various things that their monarch is going to come in and set England
14:33the right way.
14:34And I want to just say there's something else by their Blessed Maria Tagge.
14:45She talks about whole nations are going to come back to the church, and basically England
14:49will be conquered and become part of it.
14:51So anyway, according to biblical prophecies, England are going to be one day conquered.
14:56According to Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies, they will as well.
15:00It will not always be in England, and one day it will be conquered.
15:05Thank you, Dr. Thiel.
15:06For more interviews with Dr. Thiel, in addition to written as well as audio articles, visit
15:11our website at biblenewsprophecy.net.
15:14This is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program.
