• last year
What happens to babies when they die? Do they go to Limbo like the Church of Rome once taught? Do they go to heaven if they have not reached the 'age of accountability' like many Protestants teach? Do they go to fry in Gehenna fire for eternity for the 'seed of sin' in them as John Calvin asserted? Do all have to accept Jesus as Saviour to be saved per Acts 4:1-12? Will all babies that die be resurrected? Could there be a regeneration that lasts 100 years involving babies and others who were uncalled in this life? What about the Great White Throne judgment? What have Eastern Orthodox Catholics taught? What does the Continuing Church of God teach about babies who have died? What does the Bible teach? What did early Christians teach? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel address these matters.

A short article of related interest is available titled ' Can babies that die attain salvation? What about Limbo?' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/doctrine/can-babies-that-die-attain-salvation-what-about-limbo/