• 2 weeks ago
On May 28, 2019, Dr. Bob Thiel posted and predicted that the United Kingdom would lose the Chagos Islands, including Diego Garcia. He repeated that prediction on October 1, 2024. On October 3, 2024, the BBC reported that the United Kingdom was going to lose the Chagos Islands and give its sovereignty to the nation of Mauritius, thus confirming his predictions. US President Joe Biden praised the UK decision. Why did Dr. Thiel make that prediction? Was it based on several biblical prophecies? Have other predictions related to loss of 'sea gates' possessed by the UK and United State of America come to pass? Will the UK one day lose the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, and even Northern Ireland for their disobedience? What are some of the Bible prophecies that pointed to the attaining of sea gates and losses of territories to the end time descendants of Joseph, Ephraim (the company of nations, once the British Commonwealth) and Manasseh (a once great nation, the US). Does the Bible have the "more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19, KJV)? Were prophets and prophecies expected in the 'last days' according to Acts 2:17-18? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel discuss these matters. They also referred listeners to a free online book which helps identify various peoples that the Bible prophecies about titled 'Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America?' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/LostTribes.pdf

A written article of related interest is available titled 'UK to give up Chagos islands, including Diego Garcia, confirming prediction from COGwriter' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/uk-to-give-up-chagos-islands-including-diego-garcia-confirming-warnings-from-cogwriter/


00:00Greetings friends, this is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program with Dr. Bob
00:09Dr. Thiel, my brother-in-law was stationed at a naval base in a place known as Diego
00:15I've recently heard that area is now going to be released from British control, and I'm
00:20not real sure what the relationship is between them and us.
00:25Can you give me some clarity?
00:26Yeah, well, Diego Garcia has been an important military installation to the U.S. for decades.
00:31It's basically out in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
00:34On October 3rd, 2024, the BBC reported, quote, UK will give sovereignty of Chagos Islands
00:42to Mauritius.
00:45And they've had this for half a century, but they're going to turn it over to Mauritius.
00:49And this also will include what's called the Tropical Atoll of Diego Garcia, which is used
00:56by the U.S. government as a military base for ships, etc.
01:02And the UK, however, is going to be allowed to still have a military base with the U.S.
01:08there, supposedly for 99 years.
01:11And U.S. President Joe Biden welcomed this as a historic agreement.
01:15However, one of the people who lived there said that he feels betrayed and angry because
01:22the people who live there haven't been involved in negotiations.
01:25We're powerless in determining our future.
01:27Now, as it turns out, I predicted that the UK would be losing the Chagos Islands, including
01:33Diego Garcia, back on May 28th, 2019, which you can read online.
01:38And prior to that, I had an article called, Will the Anglo-Saxon Celtic Nations be Divided
01:44and Have Their People Taken as Slaves?
01:46And I warned that those of Indian heritage may end up with the naval base, Diego Garcia,
01:51and much of what is called the British Indian Overseas Territory.
01:56And actually, those of Mauritius are mostly of Indian heritage.
02:00And what's really interesting to me is this past Monday, I actually warned that the USA
02:05and UK would lose Diego Garcia in a post that I made.
02:11Now, I do not believe, by the way, that they're going to be there for the next 99 years.
02:16I don't think that's possible.
02:19But it's interesting that the people of the Chagos Islands weren't part of that negotiation,
02:23but feel betrayed by the UK.
02:25And it kind of reminds me of what's going on in Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands,
02:30because the people there want to remain part of the UK, but they're not going to.
02:34Gibraltar will ultimately end up under European, probably Spanish control, and the Falklands
02:39most likely under Argentinian control.
02:41No matter what the current habitants believe.
02:44And let me also add that Northern Ireland will one day become part of the European beast
02:51And it's likely that officially that the Republic of Ireland will assist in the governance of it.
02:58Dr. Thiel, you predicted the UK would lose the Chagos Islands.
03:03You maintain that the US will not keep Diego Garcia for the agreed upon 99 years.
03:09You also say it is likely Gibraltar will end up under Spanish control and that Argentina
03:14will likely control the Falkland Islands.
03:16And finally, you say Northern Ireland will be part of the European beast power.
03:21By what authority or understanding do you make those claims?
03:25Based on biblical prophecy, back in the book of Genesis, God promised Abraham that he was
03:33going to bless him and multiply him with nations, and that they'll have the gates of
03:39their enemies.
03:40That's in Genesis chapter 22.
03:43And then Rebecca, who had agreed to become the wife of Abraham's son Isaac, when she
03:52was told she was going to become the mother of thousands and ten thousands, and in Genesis
03:5824, verse 60 says, and may your descendants possess the gates of those who hate them.
04:04And many, what we would call sea gates, ended up in the hands of her descendants, but many
04:10no longer are.
04:12In the Church of God, we've been preaching for decades that the UK and USA would ultimately
04:17lose a lot of their sea gates, and that's happened.
04:20And why?
04:21There's also warnings, for example, in Deuteronomy chapter 28, starting with verse 58, that says,
04:27if you don't carefully observe all the words of this law that are written in this book,
04:32you may fear the glorious name, the Lord your God, cutting down to verse 63, be just as
04:37God rejoiced over you to do good and multiply you, the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy
04:42you and bring you to nothing, and you will be plucked off from the land where you're
04:46going to go to possess.
04:49And in Leviticus chapter 18, verse 24, God warns the descendants of Abraham and Israel,
04:58don't defile yourself, verse 26, you should keep my statutes and judgments, don't commit
05:02any of these abominations, verse 28, lest the land vomit you out, also where you defile
05:09it, just like it vomited the nations that were before you.
05:13And so the Bible is clear about such things, that there were various blessings that were
05:17promised to the descendants of Abraham and Israel, but they were subject to losing those
05:21blessings if they disobeyed God.
05:25As far as being plucked off the land, I also read an article you can read at cogwriter.com
05:29called Will the Anglo-Saxon Nations be Divided and the People Taken as Slaves?
05:35The verses you just read are directed to the sons of Jacob, yet it is the U.S. and the
05:40U.K. that are about to receive the curses.
05:43Could you biblically tie those two nations in with Israel a little tighter for us?
05:47Yeah, many people do not realize that the Anglo-American descended nations received
05:52their wealth and influence, partially because God had Jacob, also known as Israel, give
05:58certain blessings to descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh.
06:02If you go in your Bible and you turn to Genesis chapter 48, I'm going to read something related
06:09to the sons of Joseph.
06:11This is starting in verse 16.
06:15We read, bless the lads, let my name be named upon them.
06:19Now the one who's saying this, his name is Jacob, but God changed his name to Israel.
06:24So let my name be named upon them, so they could be called Israelites, and the name of
06:29my father, Abraham and Isaac, and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the
06:35Now going down to verse 19, he says, and he shall be of people, and he shall also be great.
06:40But his younger brother will be greater than he is, and his descendants will become a multitude
06:44of nations.
06:46So he blessed that day, saying, God, Israel will bless you, saying, may God make you as
06:52Ephraim and as Manasseh.
06:54Okay, so I think I understand this a little clearer now.
06:58Are you saying that the brothers Ephraim and Manasseh were adopted by Israel and therefore
07:03became his sons?
07:05And are you also saying that the kingdom, United Kingdom and the United States are those
07:10two brothers, all grown up?
07:12And therefore, by extension, are you saying that the United Kingdom and the United States
07:17are brothers?
07:19Yes, and British Empire, including the Commonwealth, was actually the biggest empire the world
07:25had ever seen.
07:26It consisted of a company of nations.
07:28And while the Chagos Islands, Falkland Islands, and Gibraltar are technically not separate
07:33nations, they are separate from the British Isles, do consider themselves to be British,
07:38and they are subject to the blessings and cursings given to Israel and his descendants.
07:43Okay, can you cite some additional points that would tie the biblical blessings of Ephraim
07:48and Manasseh to the United Kingdom and the United States?
07:52Well, back in 1913, there were 412 million people lived under control of British Empire.
07:59That was 23%, nearly one out of four people in the world populations at that time.
08:05It remains the largest empire in human history.
08:09And at the peak of its power in 1920, it had an astonishing 13.71 million square miles,
08:15about a quarter of the world's land area.
08:18But now the United Kingdom only has 93,628 square miles.
08:23That's a reduction in size by 99%.
08:25It's going to lose more territory, and one day it's going to be conquered.
08:30Now, despite British hopes for its future, loss of territories will one day include,
08:36as I've said before, Northern Ireland, Chagos Islands, Falklands, and Gibraltar.
08:44And one day, by the way, the actual United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
08:48will be no more.
08:50Now, back in the 20th century, the late Pastor General of the Old Worldwide Church of God,
08:55Herbert Henry Armstrong, he believed the previously attained Seagates helped demonstrate that
09:02the modern descendants of Joseph, who they were, and that they'd be lost.
09:06And he said in Genesis 22, 17, Abraham was promised by God that he'll end up with the
09:16gates of his enemies.
09:17And then he mentioned Rebecca, which is what I just mentioned before.
09:21He uses the Fenton translation, which was, your race shall possess the gates, plural,
09:28of its enemies.
09:30Herbert Armstrong said, the gates of enemy nations are strategic Seagates that entrance
09:36to and from these nations.
09:38And although wealth comes from the ground, prosperity and influence has often come from
09:43industry and commerce, and commerce is transacted a lot through sea lanes of the world by ships,
09:50and of course, by railroads and other things.
09:53And we saw the British Empire rising up around 1803, and it ended up with various gates,
10:02such as Gibraltar, Suez, Singapore, United States, Panama Canal, et cetera.
10:09The British and U.S. peoples ended up with basically most of the most important Seagates
10:14around the world, and we've lost many of them.
10:20And he says, and he said, by the way, Gibraltar would be lost, hadn't happened in his lifetime,
10:25but we did lose the Panama Canal.
10:27And then he says, why?
10:29Then he cites Genesis 39, which says the eternal was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man,
10:35the eternal was with him, and what he did, the eternal made it prosper.
10:39And God did prosper Joseph's descendants, Britain and America, with fabulous birthright
10:46and prosperous Joseph's sons, but again, with the blessings also came cursings, if you disobey.
10:53It's interesting.
10:54Knowing the modern-day identity of the individuals spoken of in the Bible sheds a whole new light
11:00on the understanding of the prophets and their prophecies.
11:03Where can we learn more about the historical beginnings of modern-day nations?
11:09We actually have a free book online called Lost Tribes and Prophecies,
11:14what will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand,
11:19and the United States of America.
11:21And you can find that free at csu.org.
11:25Now, you think about this, for many years, the major sea gates of the world were possessed
11:31and were controlled by the United States, such as the Panama Canal,
11:35and a lot of locations in the Pacific Ocean.
11:38And the British Empire had the Straits of Malacca.
11:42They used to have Singapore, and they used to have the Suez Canal,
11:46and what was called the Bab el-Mandeb, the Strait of Hormuz, Simon's Town,
11:52or the Cape of Good Hope, et cetera.
11:54Now, while that's no longer the case for many of them,
11:57they seem to be prophesied to be taken away for disobedience.
12:02And the British and U.S. nations certainly disobeyed God,
12:08as well as lost a lot of these sea gates.
12:12Now, therefore, I consider it's biblically logical to conclude that the remaining sea gates
12:18that the U.K. has, such as Gibraltar, Chagos Islands, Falkland Islands,
12:23are going to be separated from U.K. control.
12:25And, again, as was announced this past Thursday, the U.K. has agreed to give up the Chagos Islands.
12:33Now, the Bible, which we at Continuing Church of God rely on,
12:38has, according to 2 Peter 1, verse 19, and I'm going to read this from the Old King James Version.
12:46The Bible we rely on has, quote, a more sure word of prophecy,
12:51whereunto you do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place,
12:57until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts.
13:02Yes, we've been telling people prophetic things that are coming to pass,
13:07including one that happened this past week.
13:10Now, this is also consistent with something in the Book of Acts.
13:15So if you've got your Bible, you might want to follow along.
13:18We'll go to Acts chapter 2.
13:21I'm going to pick this up in verse 14.
13:25This is something that the Apostle Peter taught.
13:29He said, Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and heed my words.
13:36For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it's only the third hour of the day.
13:40But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel, verse 17.
13:45And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, I will pour out my spirit in all flesh.
13:51Your sons and daughters shall prophesy.
13:54Your young men shall see visions.
13:56Your old men shall dream dreams.
13:58And on my men servants and on my maid servants, I'll pour out my spirit on those days and they will prophesy.
14:04And that's a prophecy, as the Bible says, for the last day.
14:08Therefore, dreams and prophecy were expected for our day and prophecies are being fulfilled.
14:16Thank you, Dr. Thiel.
14:18For more interviews with Dr. Thiel, in addition to written as well as audio articles,
14:22visit our website at biblenewsprophecy.net.
14:25This is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program.
