• last year
It is reported that 2205 insects are being eaten around the world in 128 countries as part of the food supply. This is being pushed by the World Economic Forum, United Nations, and the government of the United States of America? Does the Bible endorse eating any insects? If so, which? Some people promote "cockroach milk" as well as larvae-derived "Entomilk." Does France have the biggest insect farm? Are there thousands of insect farms in Thailand? Does the New Testament support that Christians are to be holy and not eat unclean meats and insects? Could God have had health reasons to tell His people not to eat certain creatures? What are some health issues that eating insects, mealworms, etc. have reportedly caused? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie address these matters.

A written article of related interest is available titled ' 2205 insects now in food supply–will this stop famine?' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/2205-insects-now-in-food-supply-will-this-stop-famine/


00:00Greetings, friends. This is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program with Dr. Bob
00:09Thiel. Dr. Thiel, the other day I was walking up a hill at my house when a mosquito flew
00:13into my mouth. It was nasty. Do people really eat bugs?
00:19Yes. Not only do they eat them, the consumption of bugs is being actually advocated by groups
00:26such as the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. And there's also governments
00:30involved. For example, in Singapore, in July of 2024, they actually approved the consumption
00:36of 16 bugs for human consumption, including beetle grubs and various other things like
00:44that and various things that feed on waste. Now, in the U.S. this week, Dr. Joseph Mercola
00:52put out an article and the headlines are kind of interesting. The push for bug-based
01:01diets continues. Proponents market insects as sustainable and culturally diverse food
01:07with over 2,000 varieties to be consumed. Insect-based products like cockroach milk
01:14and larva-derived ento-milk are being developed despite production challenges and potential
01:20allergy risks, especially for those, by the way, who have shellfish allergies.
01:25Now, it's really hard for me to believe there are production challenges in milking cockroaches.
01:31Who's behind this idea? Dr. Mercola says the push for insect consumption
01:36is part of a larger green agenda being promoted by organizations like the United Nations Food
01:42and Agricultural Organization. They claim insects are more sustainable protein sources
01:47than traditional livestock. He comments that the movement's part of a globalist agenda
01:53to control the food supply alongside with synthetic meats, aiming to replace traditional
01:59farming with patented ultra-processed foods. Control and patented seem to be key words
02:06behind that idea. Is there more? Yeah, Dr. Mercola says mealworm meatball is
02:13anyone. He says, while humans did traditionally eat insects from time to time, it was mostly
02:21for survival, not just for general health maintenance. Michael Snyder also this week
02:28had brought up this whole topic about eating bugs. He writes, people all over the globe
02:34are already eating bugs on a regular basis. He says, are you ready to eat the bugs? For
02:39a long time, it has been said that eating bugs is a conspiracy theory. Now, we've got
02:44over two billion people in the world eating them on a regular basis. There's a report
02:49that came out in a major scientific journal, he says, that mentions 2,205 bug species are
02:57being consumed all over the globe. It's a 2024 report titled, The Global Atlas of Edible
03:05Insects, Analysis of Diversity and Commonality in Food Systems and Sustainability. It mentions
03:11the 2,205 insects being consumed in 128 countries. Asia had the most edible insects, according
03:21to them, 932 species, followed by Mexico and North America, with Mexico at 452 species,
03:31Thailand, 272 species, India, 262 species, China, 325 species, and Japan, 123 species.
03:39Well, I can add to that list that one mosquito was consumed in America the other day. Where
03:45do they get all these bugs? Well, in Europe, France is the center of this. There's a biotechnology
03:51company over there called InnovaFeed. It's the world's largest insect farm. It spans
03:5855,000 square meters, and it produces 15,000 tons of insect protein per year.
04:10What else is happening in Europe?
04:13Well, over in Germany, they've now got this app for products at grocery stores that,
04:17amongst other things, will tell Germans how many bug parts are in things that they're eating.
04:23Also in Europe, over in Wales, it opened its very first insect restaurant.
04:30They say they focus on sustainability, and they have things like mule worm, hummus,
04:38and various insects mixed with vegetables. Now, over in Thailand, they've got 20,000 insect farms.
04:45These are smaller than the ones in France, but they're producing over 7,000 tons of
04:52insects per year. In one region of India, silkworms are really popular. Let me read
05:00this from this article. Silkworms are considered a delicacy in some northeastern states of India.
05:08In Nagaland, a state at the Myanmar border, silkworms are available at every known market.
05:16Known as iripuka. To me, it sounds like puka. In Nagamese, the silkworms are fried and tossed
05:25together with spices and vegetables and bamboo shoots. These are becoming common snacks in that
05:33state. A common but true saying in the United States is, follow the money. Where does this
05:41money trail lead us? Well, we're not so sure if it's so much on that side of the money trails.
05:47This is a climate agenda. In the United States, they actually spent over $2 million taxpayer
05:53dollars to set up something called the Center for Environmental Sustainability through Insect
06:01Farming. They've got 16 multinational companies being involved, including Mars. They make candy
06:08bars and stuff, and Tyson Foods, which is also known to be a big political contributor.
06:15One thing Michael Snyder says is that these farms are not going to make a dent in the coming
06:21famines. We know the Bible prophesies famines. Jesus said we're going to have famines. We know
06:26with the rise of the horsemen of the apocalypse. But Snyder concludes his article with numerous
06:34long-term trends are combining to create a perfect storm for global food production
06:39that's unlike anything that's ever been witnessed in human history. And certainly,
06:44telling people to eat all these bugs is unique. What does the Bible have to say about all this?
06:50Well, while the Bible does allow for the consumption of crickets and grasshoppers,
06:55things like black flies, mealworms, and silkworms are biblically unclean. I want to read this from
07:02the Bible, from the book of Leviticus chapter 11. We're going to start in verse 20, and I'll be
07:08reading from the New King James. All the flying insects that creep on all fours shall be an
07:15abomination to you, that you may eat of every flying insect that creeps on all fours and have
07:21jointed legs, such as the locust after its kind, the cricket after its kind, the grasshopper after
07:27its kind. But all other flying insects which have four feet shall be an abomination to you.
07:35Then verse 29 of Leviticus 11, it says, these also shall be unclean to you among the creeping
07:41things that creep on the earth. God's people really aren't supposed to eat bugs. Now you say,
07:48but that's all Old Testament. Let's go to the New Testament. I want to go to 1 Peter chapter
07:541, starting in verse 15. Apostle Peter was inspired to write, but as he who has called
08:01you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct. Because it's written, be holy for I am holy.
08:10Now, when the Apostle Peter wrote that, what was he doing? He was quoting part of the Hebrew
08:16scriptures that were against eating unclean creeping things. So I'm going to go back to
08:22Leviticus 11, picks us up in verses 44 and 45. God says, for I am the Lord your God, you shall
08:30therefore consecrate yourself and you shall be holy for I am holy. Neither shall you defile
08:36yourselves with any creeping thing that creeps on the earth. Well, holy people do not intentionally
08:43conduct themselves in a way to eat biblically unclean creatures.
08:49Are there any health problems with eating bugs?
08:54Yes. I saw this. This is from July of this year. Thousands of bug eaters are getting new
09:02incurable diseases, doctors warn. Thousands of bug eaters around the world are developing rare
09:09and incurable diseases, according to doctors who warned the act of eating insects is harmful to
09:15humans. The article says, as the consumption of eating bugs has risen in popularity in recent
09:22years, thanks to the push by the World Economic Forum to replace meat with insects, people who
09:28die on bugs are increasingly being diagnosed with horrific illnesses as a result. The Bible
09:34instructs us in Leviticus 11, 20 to 23 not to eat insects with the exception of locusts, crickets,
09:40and grasshoppers. Even so, this is permission to do so. It wasn't a reference to Israelites making
09:47insect offerings or Jesus encouraging his disciples to eat them. Eating these in a survival situation
09:54like that of John the Baptist is one thing, but to have insects discreetly added to our food
09:58or touted as the future of the human diet, as is happening in Europe, North America, and abroad,
10:04is a threat to our health and is disgusting, this article says. Well, I can certainly agree
10:10it is disgusting, but tell us more about the threat to our health. Well, the article says
10:15that bioaccumulation of poisonous heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, and others,
10:23and pesticides, including herbicides, have been documented to occur in insects used for food.
10:29This means as these insects grow and develop in a contaminated environment, or if they eat
10:33contaminated plant matter, heavy toxic metals or other toxins build up in their bodies over time.
10:40And mealworms can get contaminated by astragalus, a common fungus that causes mycotoxins,
10:50and cooked or dried insects can reabsorb humidity and cause these other types of things.
10:56Now, the European Union allows a maximum of 15 micrograms of aflatoxin per kilogram
11:03of plant-based foods, but this is an issue. There's a paper that was published in
11:08Clinical Toxicology talking about histamine poisoning from insects in Thailand,
11:15and they're finding that one of the causes of things has been eating things that are in silkworm
11:22larvae, and insect exoskeletons are made of something called chitin,
11:30and this can cause problems. And this stuff is also commonly in shellfish,
11:36and this causes a variety of health issues. And this article, which is from the People's Voice,
11:43concludes with, God had a reason to command us not to eat crustaceans and most insects.
11:50It's misguided to believe that science is likely to fully elucidate the medical reasons for God's
11:55instructions regarding food, especially considering a plethora of factors involved
12:00in human health that complicate dietary scientific analysis, and sometimes delayed
12:06health effects attributable to various factors. The idea of eating insects is disgusting.
12:11The best thing to do is to refuse to heed World Economic Forum's head,
12:16Klaus Schwab's, exhortation to eat Z-bugs.
12:21Do American politicians want consumers to know about this?
12:26Well, maybe some do, but not all do. In Minnesota, state Democrats blocked an
12:33amendment that would require food-containing insects to be labeled. Apparently, we're not
12:40trying to be partisan here, but in this case, the Republicans argued that insects should be listed
12:45in the ingredients of food products to inform consumers. For reasons that are not immediately
12:50clear, this article said the Democrats were pushing to keep bugs as a hidden ingredient.
12:55What happened was the Minnesota Senate passed this bill, SF-4225, an Ag Bill. But before it
13:03was passed, a Republican wanted an amendment to say on food labeling, and he wanted it to say
13:09if insects are in there or if they put cell-cultured food like lab-grown meat.
13:16But the author of the bill, Senator Whitman, shut it down. But here's the funny thing.
13:24He insists that although consumers should know what they are consuming, the issue of labeling
13:29insect products was a future problem. He falsely claimed that insect-based foods and lab-grown
13:36meat are not available yet, therefore don't need to be addressed. Does the Bible address the claim
13:44that Senator Putnam was being less than honest? Yes. In the New Testament, in Romans chapter 1,
13:51verse 18, the Bible warns about ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth
13:56and unrighteousness. And not letting people know that biblically unclean meats are impacted food
14:02is a wrong suppression of truth. Hopefully others in Minnesota will finally realize this.
14:08And, you know, the Bible is clear that Christians are supposed to be holy in our conduct.
14:13When the Apostle Peter quoted that, that part of the Old Testament he's quoting about being
14:18holy was specifically telling us not to eat unclean meat, biblically unclean bugs. We need
14:23to believe the Word of God, be a real holy Christian, and not intentionally eat unclean
14:28meats and unclean bugs. Thank you, Dr. Thiel. For more interviews with Dr. Thiel, in addition to
14:34written as well as audio articles, visit our website at biblenewsprophecy.net.
14:41This is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program.
