• last year
There have been reports that the earth's inner core is slowing down and even going backward. Why? Could this be dangerous? Are scientists concerned? Could this be related to the earthquakes and troubles Jesus prophesied during the beginning of sorrows? Could electricity be affected? What about the volcano of Revelation 8? What about the biggest earthquake ever that is prophesied in the 16th chapter of Revelation? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie go over these matters.

A written article is available titled 'CNN: Earth’s core has slowed so much it’s moving backward' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/cnn-earths-core-has-slowed-so-much-its-moving-backward/


00:00This is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program with Dr. Bob Thiel.
00:08Dr. Thiel, with all this concern about wars and rumors of wars grabbing the headlines
00:12lately, climate change seems to have taken a back seat.
00:16Is all well with planet Earth?
00:18No, actually it's not.
00:20There's something unusual that I'd like to go over regarding planet Earth that a lot
00:23of people don't know about.
00:25But CNN actually reported about this, and here's something it had to say.
00:30It says, Earth's core has slowed so much it's moving backwards, scientists confirm.
00:35Here's what it could mean.
00:36Deep inside the Earth is a solid metal ball that rotates independently of our spinning
00:41planet, like a top whirling inside a bigger top, shrouded in mystery.
00:46The inner core's intrigued researchers since its discovery by Danish seismologists, seismologists
00:52study earthquakes, in 1936, and how it moves, its rotation, speed, and direction has been
00:58the center of a decades-long debate.
01:00A growing bite of evidence suggests the core's spin has changed dramatically in recent years,
01:06but scientists have been remaining divided exactly what happened, what's happening, and
01:10what it means.
01:11But they developed a promising model in 2023 describing an inner core in the past that
01:19spun faster than the Earth itself, but it's now spinning slower.
01:23For a while, scientists reported that the Earth's core rotation matched the Earth's
01:28spin, then it slowed even more until it was moving backward relative to the fluid layers
01:34around it.
01:36Now, then it says here, at that time, some experts cautioned that more data was needed
01:41to bolster this conclusion.
01:42But now, in 2024, another group of scientists has new compelling evidence confirming this
01:49hypothesis about the inner core's rotation rate.
01:53Research published June 12th in the journal Nature not only confirms the core's slowdown,
01:57it supports the 2023 proposal that the core deceleration is part of a decades-long pattern
02:04of slowing down and speeding up.
02:07What's the foundation or basis of this research?
02:11CNN basically said it was magnetic attraction.
02:14It said buried 3,220 miles or 5,180 kilometers deep inside the Earth, the solid metal inner
02:21core is surrounded by a liquid metal outer core.
02:23The inner core is made up mostly of nickel and iron.
02:26It's estimated to be hot as the surface of the sun.
02:30Earth's magnetic field yanks at this solid ball of hot metal, making it spin.
02:35At the same time, the gravity and flow of the fluid outer core and the metal drag at
02:41the core.
02:42Over many decades, the push and pull of these forces causes variations in the core's rotational
02:47Now, the sloshing of metal-rich fluid in the outer core generates electrical currents that
02:53power Earth's magnetic field, which protects our planet from deadly solar radiation.
03:01Scientists that study the inner core, they look to try to figure out how it connects
03:05to all the Earth's subsurface layers.
03:09The mysterious region where the liquid outer core develops, the solid inner core, is especially
03:15As a place where liquid and solid meet, this boundary is, quote, filled with potential
03:19for activity, which would be electrical, amongst other things, as are the core metal boundary
03:27and the boundary between the metal and crust.
03:30Now, final quote from the article, we might have volcanoes in the inner core boundary,
03:36for example, where solid and fluid are meeting and moving.
03:41Might all that inner core energy pose a risk to us humans living on the surface?
03:47I think so.
03:48And when I first heard about this, it brought to mind something a lot of people wouldn't
03:51think about.
03:52This is from Leviticus chapter 18.
03:55I'm going to read from the New King James Version, starting with verse 26.
04:02You shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments and shall not commit any of these
04:06abominations either on your own nation or any stranger who dwells among you.
04:13Now I want to cut down to verse 28.
04:15God says the reason you want to do this, one of the reasons is, lest the land vomit you
04:20out also when you defile it.
04:23So we see that sin causes the land to want to vomit off people.
04:29Couldn't worldwide sin be a factor of what's developing in the deep changes in the inner
04:36Now, there's something that Life Science reported about all this.
04:41That new study confirms the Earth's inner core has been rotating more slowly than usual
04:45since 2010.
04:47This mysterious backtracking could also end up slightly altering the planet's overall
04:52rotation, lengthening our days just slightly.
04:57The planet's been spinning unusually slowly the past 14 years, new research confirms.
05:02If this mysterious trend continues, it could potentially lengthen the Earth's days.
05:07Earth's inner core is roughly a moon-sized chunk of solid iron and nickel that lies more
05:14than 3,000 miles below our feet.
05:18It's surrounded by an outer core.
05:20A super-hot layer of molten metal similar to those of the inner core, which is surrounded
05:25by even more molten sea of molten rock, known as the mantle, and then the crust, which is
05:31what we're on.
05:32Then, although the outer planet rotates, the inner core can spin at different speeds because
05:39of the viscosity of the outer core.
05:41If the inner core's rotation continues to decelerate, its gravitational pull could eventually
05:46cause the outer layers of our planet to spin more slowly, altering the length of our days.
05:53Now, in August of 2023, somebody from Austria sent me something related to the core.
06:02It says, there's an extraordinary displacement and destabilization of the Earth's core, a
06:08sporadic and chaotic acceleration of the planet's rotation and a shift in its rotational axis.
06:14This scenario is compounded by a critical weakening, an emergence of atypical, that
06:19means odd, anomalies of the magnetic field and a change in the composition of the upper
06:24layers of the atmosphere.
06:27These events have culminated in extreme activation of magmatic foci.
06:32Now, magma is what we tend to see from volcanoes, and an accompanying increase in deep mantle
06:39earthquakes, bringing about a decrease in the thermal conductivity of the ocean.
06:45As a consequence, our oceans have lost their ability to function as a compensatory and
06:51cooling mechanism.
06:53All these laboring factors, according to this article, indicate only one thing, I think
06:56it's more than one, but whatever, to it.
06:58Our planet is on the verge of self-destruction, and humanity only has a few years remaining
07:04to avert this impending catastrophe.
07:06I want to read this verbatim here.
07:11We urgently need to establish a unified international scientific center, essentially an international
07:16interdisciplinary alliance of the world's best scientists, who will work on solving
07:20this problem.
07:21We need the brightest minds in this world, capable of thinking unconventionally and innovatively.
07:26We need people who are ready to collaborate and act in the interest of all humanity, end
07:33It's just my personal opinion, but I don't think a center for the consensus of the world's
07:38best scientists is the answer.
07:40Does the Bible offer an alternative solution?
07:44Now, they said they wanted innovative solutions, but when we propose biblical innovative ones
07:49to climate change, for example, which we've not done before, the Bible says there's a
07:53solution to this, but people need to repent of their sins, and they're not going to pay
07:59attention to that.
08:00They discount that.
08:01They think they know better than they do, but the Bible, by the way, in terms of climate
08:05goes, warns us in the book of Revelation that we're going to have higher heat than we've
08:09ever had.
08:10It warns about some other things, and the solution would be repentance and striving
08:15to follow the true God.
08:17The humans think that they can stop it in other ways if they know better, but they're
08:20in error, and they don't know everything.
08:23Now, here's something from a few years back.
08:27This Earth's magnetic pole is on the move, and we don't know why.
08:32Planet Earth is alive.
08:33Deep beneath its skin, it's lifeblood.
08:36Rivers of molten iron pulse around its core, and all this mobile iron is what generates
08:41the magnetic field which causes auroras that keep us alive, but according to something
08:47else in the journal Nature, something strange is going down below.
08:52It's causing magnetic North Pole to skitter, that was the word, away from Canada and towards
08:58The magnetic pole is moving so quickly that it's forced the world's geomagnetism experts
09:06into a rare move, Nature reports, and they're saying that it's affecting it so much that
09:13now they've got to figure out how they're going to geonavigate.
09:18Now, one thing this brought to mind was some of the words of Jesus.
09:22In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 13, the disciples asked Jesus about end time events, and one
09:32thing he said in verse 8 was, and there will be earthquakes in various places, meaning
09:37different places and places maybe you don't think about, and there will be famines and
09:44Sounds like we could have all kinds of troubles from this magnetic core thing, and these are
09:49the beginning of sorrows, and this is something Jesus prophesied was going to happen.
09:54How do earthquakes relate to the Earth's inner core?
09:59Changes in the inner core could be a factor in the production of earthquakes and volcanoes
10:03and troubles, because earthquakes tend to happen because of shifts in the tectonic plates
10:09that are below the surface of the Earth, and if those are getting affected, therefore we
10:13can have more earthquakes.
10:14Now, the Bible itself prophesies a really big earthquake in Revelation chapter 16, and
10:21I'd like to read about it, starting in verse 18, and there were noises and thunderings
10:28and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake, and such a mighty and great earthquake has
10:32not occurred since men were on the Earth.
10:36The great city was divided in three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and great
10:41Babylon was remembered before God to give her the cup of wine as a person of his wrath.
10:48Then, verse 20, every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
10:52Now, notice that earthquake is so big that the cities and nations fall, mountains are
10:57going to be leveled, and islands fled away.
11:01This seems to be the biggest earthquake that will ever hit the planet with humans on it.
11:07Now, oddly, there's a group of people who claim to believe the Bible, who call themselves
11:12preterists, and they say all these things in the book of Revelation have already happened.
11:18That is nonsense.
11:20Now, this earthquake, Revelation 16, is going to be bigger than all the scientists and usual
11:26experts have believed is possible.
11:29It's going to change the planet and should humble some parts of humanity.
11:36It does make sense that a moon-sized molten inner core sloshing around would lead to earthquakes.
11:42Any idea when we might expect this prophesied massive earthquake?
11:46Well, during the beginning of sorrows, which we're in now, we're going to have some, but
11:51this biggest of all earthquake seems to take place near the end of the day of the Lord.
11:56That probably cannot happen prior to 2028.
12:01Another thing about earthquakes is they also can trigger volcanoes, and the book of Revelation
12:07has a prophecy, Revelation chapter 8, starting in verse 8, that sounds like destruction from
12:14a volcano.
12:15Let me read about this.
12:17The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown
12:22into the sea.
12:24And a third of the sea became blood.
12:26The third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
12:31That's interesting.
12:33Are you suggesting that the great mountain burning with fire that was thrown into the
12:37sea, verse 8, is actually the ejection of a massive volcano?
12:42Yes, and it's not only my opinion, there are various people, scholars, who I don't agree
12:50with all their conclusions, have pointed to this and say, no, this is a prophecy for
12:55a volcano.
12:57Now, as far as volcanoes go, one of the times my wife and I were in New Zealand, we had
13:04a video about volcano risks, and that super volcanoes are a real risk to the planet.
13:11In the United States, for example, we've got stuff up in Washington, but we've also got
13:17And over in New Zealand, there's all kinds of ones in Rotorua that I've been to.
13:23And they are a potential threat.
13:24They can cause massive changes to the environment, they can cause death.
13:29And also, the other thing that can happen with all this core stuff is electricity can
13:35be affected.
13:36Electrical matters can be affected.
13:39And you know, we're highly dependent on electricity in the whole world, particularly the United
13:47This past week, by the way, we had what they call an outage, but we didn't have electricity
13:52in our house for 10 hours earlier this week, and that was frustrating, but at least that
14:00was temporal.
14:01Think of what would happen if there was a severe electrical outage, which could happen
14:05from perhaps the inner core, perhaps solar flares, or perhaps an EMP weapon from, let's
14:12say, Iran or something.
14:14So there are all kinds of risks out there, and the inner core certainly is one of them.
14:19But the problem is, most people are going to ignore the warning signs that are out there.
14:24Will you?
14:25Thank you, Dr. Thiel.
14:27For more interviews with Dr. Thiel, in addition to written as well as audio articles, visit
14:32our website at biblenewsprophecy.net.
14:35This is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program.
