Painter Sprayed White Paint on the Black Roof_! _ Part 2-(720p)

  • 3 months ago
Transforming darkness into light with a touch of white paint ✨ #RoofMakeover #SprayPainting #720p
00:00And I absolutely don't believe you.
00:02That's fine.
00:03Let's start with that.
00:05She informed me, Your Honor,
00:07that Chad had been in North Carolina
00:09to assist some relatives
00:11who sustained damage from Hurricane Florence.
00:14Hurricane Florence was way north of Augusta
00:17and the other hurricanes...
00:18Just a second.
00:19So now we are acknowledging, sir,
00:21that you had a conversation with her.
00:23Just a minute.
00:24Now we are acknowledging
00:25that you had a conversation with her.
00:27And in that conversation,
00:28the word hurricane came up.
00:30No, ma'am, it did not.
00:32You just informed me, Mr. Hanson,
00:34that she said to you
00:35that Chad was someplace else
00:38assisting relatives because of a hurricane.
00:40Pay careful attention.
00:42I said to you,
00:43the word hurricane came up.
00:45The word hurricane may have come up
00:47if we had that conversation,
00:49but her conversation was
00:50that Chad's cell phone had been stolen.
00:53That was why he was not communicating with me
00:56and why I had to contact him only through Internet.
01:00I actually informed him
01:01that while Chad was on the roof
01:02painting one of the peaks
01:04on the roof of the dialysis building,
01:06his new iPhone X had actually fallen
01:08out of his pocket and down the roof.
01:10So my number was what Mr. Hanson had.
01:12Just a second.
01:13Your Honor...
01:14Listen, Mr. Hanson.
01:15Yes, ma'am.
01:16Show me a picture
01:17of what you're complaining about.
01:19I'm complaining about...
01:20How much was he...
01:21...the overspray on the shingles
01:23that were only six years old.
01:26Paint left on the brick building
01:29and unfinished work on the portico
01:32by the entrance to the building.
01:34Your Honor, the reason that was unfinished work
01:36is because when I got to about 85% of the job being complete,
01:40I received this email
01:42and did not receive an email
01:43until I received a letter to come to court.
01:47He was supposed to paint just the white trim,
01:50not anything that had to do with the roof.
01:52That's correct, Your Honor.
01:54Mr. Hewitt, you did a lousy job.
01:56Yes, ma'am.
01:57I was told to paint the gutters as well.
02:00You did a lousy job.
02:03It's a terrible job.
02:04Yes, ma'am.
02:05Well, if you did a terrible job,
02:07I can understand him firing you
02:09and I can understand
02:10because this shouldn't have happened.
02:12But at the end of every paint job that I do,
02:15I go back, I pressure wash,
02:16and I clean everything up.
02:18Just a second.
02:19You can't clean paint up.
02:20Yes, ma'am, you can.
02:21Well, then if you're gonna power wash it, sir,
02:23what you're gonna do is
02:24you're gonna loosen all this stuff.
02:25What you're supposed to do is protect the roof.
02:27Well, most of it's already coming down.
02:29You're supposed to protect the roof.
02:31Yes, ma'am.
02:33Well, that's what's supposed to happen.
02:34Now, you don't have to be a genius to figure that out.
02:36Yes, ma'am.
02:37Do you have a bill for somebody to fix this?
02:38Yes, ma'am, I do.
02:39Just answer my questions.
02:40I'd like to see the bill for somebody to fix this job.
02:42Can I say one thing?
02:45In the contract that he and I both signed,
02:47it states that I'm not liable
02:48for any damages that may occur.
02:51That's ridiculous.
02:52They cannot be more than the actual job itself's worth.
02:55May I please see?
02:56Yes, Your Honor.
02:57May I please see the estimate to fix this job?
02:59The contractor that I hired...
03:00May I see?
03:01That's it.
03:02That's all I have.
03:04Excuse me for just a second.
03:06This goes with that.
03:07You'll notice that in both of those proposals,
03:10the contractor excluded the damage to the rain gutters.
03:15Listen to me very carefully.
03:16The only damage that I've seen
03:18so far is the overspray.
03:20Now, clean paint off brick.
03:22I don't see any paint on the brick.
03:24Make wood repairs as needed.
03:26Clean previous paint off brick, which I don't see.
03:29Gutter repairs.
03:30No, no, no, no, no.
03:31Right now, all I want to see
03:33is to take care of the work on the roof.
03:36Well, Your Honor...
03:37Just a second.
03:39It's a total job.
03:40No, no, no, sir.
03:41Listen to me carefully.
03:42I'm looking at photographs.
03:44Yes, ma'am.
03:45The only photograph that you showed me
03:47that I can see where he didn't use reasonable care
03:52was when he sprayed white paint on the roof,
03:56which is black.
03:57Now, we're not gonna be talking about a total job.
04:01And so far, this bill that you gave me, sir,
04:03has nothing to do with the roof.
04:06Or maybe I'm just not reading it.
04:08How he's going to fix...
04:10Your Honor...
04:11Don't nod, Your Honor.
04:12I know who I am.
