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Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 34 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 35 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 36 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 34 Completo HD Online
00:00:00Hola y bienvenidos a Top Chef VIP por Telemundo, la casa de los realities.
00:00:06Nuestros participantes no lo saben aún,
00:00:09pero hoy tendrán que demostrar total independencia, autonomía y capacidad de decisión
00:00:15si quieren ganar la inmunidad.
00:00:18¿Quién dijo que la guía de los chefs les iba a durar toda la vida?
00:00:22Nadie, ¿cierto?
00:00:30Top Chef VIP
00:00:38I came here tonight with the attitude of letting myself be guided,
00:00:42of continuing to learn in order to move forward.
00:00:46I come here very well, with a lot of desire,
00:00:49prepared for any of the surprises that we have prepared here in the kitchens of Top Chef VIP.
00:00:57Hey, and the chefs?
00:00:59We were all very excited and there was no one.
00:01:03Oh, son.
00:01:07How are you?
00:01:12Come in, come in.
00:01:14Enjoy your home.
00:01:16What happened here?
00:01:24And what happened?
00:01:26Hoy llegamos a tierra de nadie porque en la cocina no hay nadie.
00:01:29Mercado cerrado.
00:01:32No hay jueces.
00:01:33¿Dónde están?
00:01:34Por favor, vuelvan.
00:01:35Está bien weird.
00:01:37¿Y Carmen?
00:01:51Me están llamando.
00:01:54Carmen está de nuestro lado, es que está ahí siempre.
00:01:57Carmen tampoco está.
00:01:59Yo creo que los jueces deben de estar tirados en alguna playa,
00:02:03encuerados, bronceándose, con un trago en la mano.
00:02:06Allá están los ingredientes, güey.
00:02:08Lucecitas raras.
00:02:12A simple vista, hay como una flechita donde los jueces se liberan.
00:02:16Yo creo que lo más inteligente es ir para allá.
00:02:18Allá están los ingredientes.
00:02:24Allá hay algo.
00:02:26Tenemos que hacer esto solos, sin dirección.
00:02:29Pero de lo que sí estoy seguro es que este reto definitivamente
00:02:32es de hacerle caso a tu intuición.
00:02:34¿En dónde?
00:02:37Mis compañeros que están al extremo izquierdo
00:02:40alcanzan a ver que hay despensa, que hay canastas.
00:02:49Tíranos, tíranos, ahí van, ahí van.
00:02:51Obviamente en Top Chef VIP, todo puede suceder.
00:02:57¡Ey, Gabriel!
00:03:02Y de repente, se pone el cronómetro
00:03:05y cuando yo veo que es eso, se pone en una hora.
00:03:12¿Qué pasa?
00:03:14¿Tenemos que ir ya a empezar la competencia ahí al mercado?
00:03:17Aquí ya está empezando la competencia.
00:03:19No voy a preguntar nada y en cuanto Polo dice
00:03:22ahí están las cosas, el primero en arrancar,
00:03:24mira, me llevo de calle a todos.
00:03:26Son pilos, fueron astutos, son pilos.
00:03:30Porque vieron la flechita.
00:03:33Ah, sí ven, no hay que estarlas repitiendo 10 mil veces.
00:03:36Boom, boom, boom, me fui con la manada.
00:03:38Cuando llegué, todo ahí el mercadito
00:03:41pasé de unos buenos postres.
00:03:50No hay canasta, muchachos.
00:03:52Espérense, espérense.
00:03:54Epa, necesitamos canasta.
00:03:56Pero ya va, ya va, espérense.
00:03:58Ahí sí dije, ya valí un postre.
00:04:02Estoy agarrando todo de verdad, no sé ni qué voy a hacer.
00:04:05Señora, yo le doy cualquier cosa.
00:04:07Bueno, como uno no sabe, uno está intuyendo,
00:04:10yo voy a coger de todo un poco.
00:04:12Deme el chance.
00:04:14Veo que se están todos como medio peleando por las cosas
00:04:17y digo, mira, no.
00:04:18Me voy a mi estación.
00:04:20¿Qué será, hombre?
00:04:23¿Qué será?
00:04:25Miro mi receta tranquilamente dos, tres minutos de más, de menos.
00:04:29Ya se pueden matar a todos ahí lo que quieran.
00:04:31¿Solamente hay harina de trigo en esta?
00:04:33Parecen pirañas.
00:04:35¿Qué es esto?
00:04:36Pues vamos a ver qué sale.
00:04:39Como una jungla, agarrar y agarrar y achocarse.
00:04:43Y yo me quedo hacia atrás y digo, pero, ¿qué es esto?
00:04:47David, agarra de estos.
00:04:49Bueno, sus de estos de cupcakes.
00:04:51Hay fruta, hay harina, hay azúcar, chocolates.
00:04:54Esto tiene que ser un postre.
00:04:56Y si nos ponen moldes de cupcakes
00:04:58y unas mangas con unas duyas,
00:05:00tienen que ser cupcakes.
00:05:02Pero no dice, no dice que había que hacer,
00:05:04no dice nada de cupcakes.
00:05:05No han dicho nada.
00:05:07Pienso en qué quiero hacer yo,
00:05:09qué se me antoja a mí,
00:05:11entonces pues decido agarrar
00:05:14de elementos para hacer como una crema catalana.
00:05:18¿Pero qué será el reto? ¿Solo hacer un cupcake?
00:05:20Pues no, no dice que sea cupcakes,
00:05:22yo voy a hacer otra cosa.
00:05:23Bueno, bueno, pero vamos a ver.
00:05:24Yo voy a hacer otra cosa.
00:05:25Bolo, no te dejes influenciar,
00:05:27haz lo que, tu idea del principio.
00:05:31Yo de verdad trato de compartirles a mis compañeros
00:05:34que yo intuyo que tenemos que hacer cupcakes.
00:05:46Creo que los jueces están esperando
00:05:49que hagamos un postre muy rico.
00:05:51Para mí sí, todos los caminos conducían a los cupcakes.
00:05:55Para mí era clarísimo,
00:05:57aparte estaban hasta los moldecitos de papel ahí
00:05:59que yo me llevé varios a mi estación.
00:06:01Espero que sí haya traído todos los ingredientes
00:06:04que necesito para la preparación y que quede muy rica.
00:06:07Yo creo que nos sentimos tan libres en ese momento
00:06:10que cada quien eligió con la misma libertad qué hacer.
00:06:18Bueno, mi idea hoy es hacer un pastel,
00:06:20un pastel de chocolate, pero meterle avellana.
00:06:24Pues nada, lo voy a intentar.
00:06:25Veo que muchos van a hacer cupcakes,
00:06:27así que yo me voy a arriesgar a hacer un poquito más.
00:06:29Vamos a ver qué tal.
00:06:32Y aquí tenemos a Galeano haciendo una lasaña,
00:06:34ah no, perdón, una lasaña dulce.
00:06:38Pienso también en hacer una especie de crumble con almendra.
00:06:43No extraño a nadie.
00:06:44Al ratito, al ratito, al ratito que vengan,
00:06:46al ratito que vengan.
00:06:47Así no vienen, no nos visitan, no nos presionan,
00:06:49estamos más tranquilos.
00:06:51Deberíamos dejarlo más tiempo, ¿ves?
00:06:54Que no extraña a nadie.
00:06:55Esto es como el mejor amigo de uno,
00:06:57o como el papá o la mamá, o como la pareja.
00:06:59Cuando pasas mucho, mucho, mucho, mucho, mucho tiempo con alguien,
00:07:03de repente está bien un respiro.
00:07:05Te voy a contar algo, Galeano,
00:07:06qué pena que no estamos ahí para decirte que estás mal en el reto,
00:07:09ya empezando con...
00:07:11O sea que sí te hacemos falta, pero está bien.
00:07:20Yo no sé lo que está pasando,
00:07:21pero como vine a cocinar, voy a cocinar.
00:07:24Me imagino que los chefs, no sé,
00:07:26deben estar en República Dominicana tomándose un apple martini.
00:07:31Pues en la playa sí estamos.
00:07:34Se supone que es postre,
00:07:35porque todo lo que yo vi ahí es postre.
00:07:37También hay algunas cositas como para salado también.
00:07:40Así que vamos a ver cómo nos va.
00:07:43Mi interpretación fue hacer de dos preparaciones a tres.
00:07:47Me basé en todo lo que tiene que ver con el dulce.
00:07:51Quiero ver qué está haciendo David.
00:07:52Yo también iba a decir, ¿qué estará haciendo David?
00:07:54Es la segunda vez en mi vida que voy a hacer un cupcake.
00:08:04Extraño mucho a los chefs.
00:08:06La vida sin los chefs es muy triste.
00:08:08Siento que hay un gran vacío en nuestros corazones.
00:08:11Ellos saben que los estamos viendo.
00:08:13Qué sarcástico.
00:08:14Por eso el rato está diciendo,
00:08:16¡Ay sí, me hacen falta, los extraño!
00:08:19Estoy divirtiendo con Gabriel.
00:08:21Yo sé que están ahí analizando de chismositos.
00:08:24Me encanta que no estén los chefs.
00:08:26Tienes toda la libertad del mundo para equivocarte.
00:08:29Y eso está bien,
00:08:30porque un cabezazo de vez en cuando
00:08:32también vale la pena.
00:08:41Pienso en hacer una masa quebrada
00:08:44para poder tener la opción de hacer galletas,
00:08:47crocantes, un pie de limón o de cualquier otra fruta.
00:09:03Extraño a Carmen.
00:09:04No sé si hoy la extraño porque hoy nos jugó a chueco.
00:09:09Me tienen a barrar.
00:09:11Por favor.
00:09:12Se están tirando duro.
00:09:13Me tienen a barrar.
00:09:14Tal vez ya no nos quiere,
00:09:15pero bueno, así pasa, así sucede.
00:09:17Estoy preparando unos cupcakes de chocolate.
00:09:19Sinceramente me agarraron en curva.
00:09:21Lo dulce no es lo mío, pero para nada.
00:09:24Pero ahí va, ahí va.
00:09:25Si no hubiera tenido la receta de esa mezcla de chocolate
00:09:28en mi cuaderno,
00:09:29yo no sé qué hubiera hecho, sinceramente.
00:09:32No sé.
00:09:40Che, mándanos aunque sea una señal,
00:09:42una letra, telegrama, Whatsapp,
00:09:45lo que quieran, o sea,
00:09:47aunque sea que nos escriban por sus OnlyFans,
00:09:50por donde sea.
00:09:53Claro que siempre es mucho más bonito
00:09:55que alguien te vaya diciendo por donde tienes que ir.
00:09:58Ya se está poniendo color de hormiga.
00:10:01El horno está libre.
00:10:03Cuidado, que está tan lleno, está tan lleno.
00:10:05Eso trema.
00:10:07¿Los tres?
00:10:08Si tuviéramos 100 hornos en esta pared,
00:10:11yo creo que Alicia y el niño ya hubieran ocupado 65.
00:10:15¿Y estos de quién son?
00:10:17No abre.
00:10:18Está vacío.
00:10:19Imagínate, después que tú duras casi media hora
00:10:22haciendo tu masa,
00:10:23que vengan y te lo abran,
00:10:25te dañan el trabajo.
00:10:26No lo haría para empezar,
00:10:27porque no soy ningún p***.
00:10:30No sé cómo otros.
00:10:39El horno está libre.
00:10:41Cuidado, que está tan lleno, está tan lleno.
00:10:43Eso trema.
00:10:45¿Los tres?
00:10:46Si tuviéramos 100 hornos en esta pared,
00:10:49yo creo que Alicia y el niño ya hubieran ocupado 65.
00:10:53¿Y estos de quién son?
00:10:55No abre.
00:10:56Está vacío.
00:10:57Está vacío.
00:10:58Imagínate, después que tú duras casi media hora
00:11:01haciendo tu masa,
00:11:02que vengan y te lo abran,
00:11:04te dañan el trabajo.
00:11:05No lo haría para empezar,
00:11:06porque no soy ningún p***.
00:11:08Reviso los hornos antes de abrirlos.
00:11:10No soy como otros.
00:11:22Ay, los polvos, los polvos.
00:11:23Los polvos mágicos del niño.
00:11:29Qué pila tiene el niño, ¿eh?
00:11:31Siempre, una algarabía y una cosa.
00:11:33Es el típico de los dominicanos.
00:11:35Hace falta en la chef Belén.
00:11:37Es la realidad,
00:11:38porque ella es la experta en postre.
00:11:43Para mí, quedaron preciosos
00:11:44y estoy segura que están muy ricos.
00:11:51Voy a tratar de practicar un par de cosas
00:11:53que sé que si me quedan bien,
00:11:54me puede ir mejor en la repostería.
00:11:56También tiene cupcake, mira.
00:11:57¿Pero ya ven cómo llenan los cupcakes?
00:12:00Ponen el capacillo en su mano y...
00:12:02Mira, mira.
00:12:03Oh, my God.
00:12:04Todo mal.
00:12:05Oye, mija, esto está...
00:12:06Bien, bien, bien.
00:12:07¿Es pantequilla?
00:12:10¿Son tamales?
00:12:11Hoy me hubiera gustado venir a...
00:12:13y que me dijeran,
00:12:14oye, Alicia, vas a hacer esto.
00:12:16Está bueno, yo lo hago.
00:12:17La verdad, tampoco sé muy bien
00:12:19para qué es este reto.
00:12:21No sé si es para inmunidad,
00:12:22para salvarme, ¿para qué?
00:12:24Me siento un poco como al garete.
00:12:26Pero está bien.
00:12:28Los va a poner sin molde.
00:12:30Pues no, sin molde.
00:12:32Eso es lo mío.
00:12:34Eso es mío.
00:12:35No me abren los hornos.
00:12:37No, estos no.
00:12:38A ver.
00:12:39Ah, no, este no.
00:12:40No, es que si abre uno...
00:12:42Ya le dieron la... a los demás.
00:12:44Se le van a bajar a los demás.
00:12:45Me van a quedar
00:12:46unas deliciosas galletas de pantequilla
00:12:48o me van a quedar unos deliciosos cupcakes.
00:12:55¿Cómo puedo hacer un petón de cacahuate
00:12:57o algo de cacahuate?
00:12:58¿De cacahuate?
00:12:59¿Qué le pongo arriba?
00:13:00¿Tiene que llevar algo arriba?
00:13:01¿Cómo arriba?
00:13:02Como un merengue, como un petón,
00:13:03como un algo.
00:13:04Tienen que engordar un...
00:13:05para que queden buenas.
00:13:06Puedes hacer un merengue
00:13:07y ponerle eso
00:13:08y te queda muy esponjoso.
00:13:09No quiero hacer un merengue,
00:13:10no le va a salir mal.
00:13:11O un buttercream.
00:13:12Nada más.
00:13:13O crema.
00:13:14Si crema la montas,
00:13:15crema para montar.
00:13:16Es que hay mil opciones.
00:13:17Mantequilla, azúcar glas.
00:13:18Pone cosas así de cacahuate.
00:13:23Listo, Polito.
00:13:24Really, really,
00:13:25hoy eres mi salvación.
00:13:26¿Y ese galeano?
00:13:27Sí, sí, sí.
00:13:28Sigo entregada con su preparación.
00:13:29A ver.
00:13:30Una galletita está haciendo.
00:13:31Está haciendo como una teja
00:13:32en el sartén.
00:13:33Está muy dulce.
00:13:34No sé.
00:13:35Yo, como siempre,
00:13:36mi cabeza se va a...
00:13:37a cosas un poco diferentes.
00:13:38¿Qué es eso?
00:13:39¿Qué es eso?
00:13:40¿Qué es eso?
00:13:41¿Qué es eso?
00:13:42¿Qué es eso?
00:13:43¿Qué es eso?
00:13:44¿Qué es eso?
00:13:45¿Qué es eso?
00:13:46¿Qué es eso?
00:13:47¿Qué es eso?
00:13:48¿Qué es eso?
00:13:55No sé qué hago.
00:13:57Alyssa está bloqueada.
00:13:58Cien gramos de claras
00:14:00son 200 de azúcar,
00:14:01o al revés.
00:14:02De verdad no sé.
00:14:03Ay, mi reina.
00:14:05Es el doble
00:14:06para hacer la crema pastelera.
00:14:08Y se está confundiendo
00:14:09con los merengues.
00:14:10Con los merengues, no.
00:14:11Que son la clara,
00:14:12el peso es el doble de azúcar.
00:14:13¡Es exactamente lo que quiero!
00:14:14Pero ella está hablando
00:14:15de una crema pastelera.
00:14:17You're going to be the pastry cream, baby.
00:14:20I'm going to see what he's up to.
00:14:24Don't get mad, guys.
00:14:25I didn't get the first one.
00:14:27God help me get the second one.
00:14:33That's a cupcake, right?
00:14:34Yes, yes.
00:14:35Yes, it's a cupcake.
00:14:36What did I put on top? White chocolate?
00:14:40I miss the chefs today, specifically,
00:14:42because the truth is that the sweetness is not very, very strong.
00:14:47Karen is making crepes with hazelnut cream and raw fruit.
00:14:53The typical ones they sell in stores.
00:14:55I had understood the cupcakes, that's why I made them with the mold,
00:14:58but there were also other things,
00:15:00so it could be the crepes, as it crossed my mind.
00:15:06Thank God, in a second it was done.
00:15:08Up, up, Pancho.
00:15:10Yes, it sank in the middle, but we're going to fill it up.
00:15:13Nothing happens here.
00:15:17They didn't work out to do what I wanted,
00:15:19but I have some cookies left.
00:15:26Look at this kid, this kid.
00:15:30You need a little mastery with the sleeve, but it's going well.
00:15:33Polo has it easy, because he's a tough guy.
00:15:35In fact, this, my mother made me.
00:15:39It's macadamia.
00:15:41I mean, just ground.
00:15:44It can't be Polo anymore.
00:15:46Now it's going to be San Polo.
00:15:48I would toast it.
00:15:49You still have time.
00:15:50Because he answers every one of the questions I ask him,
00:15:54and I ask him a thousand.
00:16:00As soon as you try my cupcake,
00:16:02you're going to have the recipe for the Dominican cake.
00:16:06One of the most famous in the world.
00:16:08It didn't arrive, it's very watery.
00:16:10Look, it's not there, it's raw.
00:16:12A water.
00:16:15We went to the bathroom,
00:16:17and that's still more liquid than my brain.
00:16:21And I start to worry.
00:16:23The recipe is a cream, not a soup.
00:16:26Even if they don't miss me,
00:16:27if I don't go and sing them the time,
00:16:29they'll stay there cooking forever.
00:16:31We'll turn everything off.
00:16:33One minute.
00:16:34Are you leaving, Carmen? Are you going to tell them?
00:16:36What do they have left?
00:16:37Who is this?
00:16:38Oh, Carolina.
00:16:39Because she had the crepes.
00:16:41She made two.
00:16:42Come on.
00:16:43She gave me time to make two plates,
00:16:45I mean, well.
00:16:49I have to grab the betún,
00:16:51put it inside this f***ing plastic bag,
00:16:54and I have to spread it on the cupcakes.
00:16:58Are you going to give me something?
00:16:59Did you miss me?
00:17:01You abandoned us.
00:17:03And why did Carmen show up?
00:17:05To hurry us.
00:17:07I think she's coming to...
00:17:09to give us the tip.
00:17:11To give us the tip.
00:17:13And you have 30 seconds left.
00:17:16What? There were five left.
00:17:21Plate, guys.
00:17:28I'm only going to plate three.
00:17:30I mean, since I didn't get any instructions,
00:17:32I could really just plate one.
00:17:3415 seconds.
00:17:38Well, at the moment of the plating,
00:17:39I feel good.
00:17:40I feel comfortable.
00:17:41I was really calm.
00:17:47No, Carmen.
00:17:49You said you didn't...
00:17:50You said you didn't miss me, Jason.
00:17:52You abandoned us.
00:17:58Not for the caress,
00:18:00for nothing.
00:18:02Carmen, wait.
00:18:03Hands up.
00:18:10He raised his hands,
00:18:11having put the betun on all of my cupcakes.
00:18:29We don't have the confidence to make it to the finals.
00:18:32Obviously, it's something that we all want
00:18:34and that we're trying and working hard for.
00:18:37I made a lot of cupcakes,
00:18:38but I only made three
00:18:40with a peanut butter cake
00:18:43with raisins and condensed milk
00:18:47on top of a strawberry sauce
00:18:49with blackberry and tangerine.
00:18:51And that's it.
00:18:53The cupcake was perfectly cooked,
00:18:57with that sweet on top
00:18:58that really,
00:19:00for me,
00:19:01matches perfectly.
00:19:02I hope they like it too.
00:19:05Try it.
00:19:17It's still hot, honey.
00:19:18I know, I just took it out of the oven.
00:19:20They were delicious.
00:19:21I was going to take them all to the cava,
00:19:23but they didn't let me either.
00:19:24When I saw that we had an hour to make dessert,
00:19:26I started grabbing everything to make tamales
00:19:28and then I said,
00:19:29there are no tamale leaves,
00:19:30what the f**k.
00:19:31No, but it didn't give you the time
00:19:33No, but it didn't give you the time
00:19:34to make the tamale.
00:19:35For an hour,
00:19:36it did give me time to make the tamale,
00:19:37I promise.
00:19:38The one who doesn't listen to advice
00:19:39doesn't get old.
00:19:40They opened the oven for me again.
00:19:42Oh, girl.
00:19:43No, it's a lie.
00:19:44Dude, I swear.
00:19:49They opened the oven for me again.
00:19:50Oh, girl.
00:19:51No, it's a lie.
00:19:52Dude, I swear.
00:19:53But how?
00:19:54I went, I looked around
00:19:55and there were these beautiful puffs.
00:19:56Of course.
00:19:57I said,
00:19:58I'll be back soon.
00:19:59And a hole like that.
00:20:03I can't.
00:20:04I can't.
00:20:05I want to think it was an accident.
00:20:09Did anyone open the oven?
00:20:10Well, what I do,
00:20:11really, I'm shouting.
00:20:12This is my oven, you know.
00:20:13I shouted, wait.
00:20:14I tied a cloth to the oven.
00:20:15Ah, imagine you.
00:20:17I saw David opening several ovens.
00:20:18And he was doing like this.
00:20:19Hey, hey, hey.
00:20:20But there I had an inconvenience
00:20:21with the ovens.
00:20:22I'm pretty sure
00:20:23they opened them for me
00:20:24and half got punctured.
00:20:25But I think it's about
00:20:27following my intuition.
00:20:28Polo, I owe you
00:20:29a drink wherever you want.
00:20:30I only owe you a pomegranate wherever you want it.
00:20:33No, no, no.
00:20:34What did you give him?
00:20:35It was my guardian angel.
00:20:36What did you give him?
00:20:37You gave me tangerines.
00:20:39I have no idea about anything.
00:20:40But the one who knows, knows.
00:20:41If they explain it to you, you do it.
00:20:43Yes, no, I didn't give him anything either.
00:20:44I mean, I just shared ingredients with him.
00:20:47And he did it all by himself.
00:20:48But that's why.
00:20:49Peanuts, with macadamia, with ...
00:20:51Whoever has it, has it.
00:20:53Yes, it was very tasty.
00:20:54Excuse me.
00:20:55How deep.
00:20:56If you don't have it ...
00:20:58What do you have?
00:20:59Leave a big one in the oven.
00:21:00I made it rustic because I didn't get cream cheese.
00:21:03Patricia, you have talent.
00:21:04But I didn't get cream cheese.
00:21:06That performance.
00:21:09You cook well.
00:21:10Several talents.
00:21:11I imagine with sex too.
00:21:15First and foremost.
00:21:20That's how good tongues say it.
00:21:22First and foremost.
00:21:27You made some breads, yours were lemon breads.
00:21:30Lemon and the other one, some crepes of chocolate, strawberry, apple and syrup.
00:21:34I can't stand you.
00:21:35I can't stand you.
00:21:37I mean, did you make breads and crepes?
00:21:41No, and I didn't have time for the cake.
00:21:42I made a small cake.
00:21:43It was good, but ...
00:21:46Well, simple, they won't be able to tell you.
00:21:48Now it was.
00:21:49No, simple.
00:21:50What do you do?
00:21:51I laugh my ass off.
00:21:52Let them tell you.
00:21:53Your preparations are very simple, dear.
00:21:58And whatever he does, they always tell him it's very simple,
00:22:00that he doesn't take risks, that he doesn't go to places beyond.
00:22:03And this time he has three different dishes.
00:22:06I think he's only going to present two, but he has three.
00:22:08This is like the wheel of fortune.
00:22:10Sometimes we can face challenges that we have strength and sometimes we all have weaknesses.
00:22:17So anything can happen and any of us right now can reach the final.
00:22:23Participants, can you see me?
00:22:27To the kitchen, please, everyone.
00:22:29Come here.
00:22:31Let's all go to the kitchen.
00:22:34Suddenly the chefs appear and in front of them some bells.
00:22:38Is the challenge not over yet?
00:22:40Are they going to give us more time to do something else or what?
00:22:42Did you miss us?
00:22:44Carmen more definitely.
00:22:46Carmen more definitely.
00:22:47A lot.
00:22:49Too much.
00:22:51I have other data.
00:22:52We don't believe you, do we?
00:22:54I don't miss the chefs.
00:22:55I don't miss Carmen.
00:22:56The truth is that I always appreciate the visits of the chefs.
00:22:59Yes, they miss the chefs.
00:23:00Well, I tell you that today they play for immunity and the best in this test that has just finished
00:23:06are going to classify and dispute that immunity in the second challenge of tonight.
00:23:11Come on, welcome to the test of immunity.
00:23:14As you can see, Gary does not accompany us.
00:23:17He missed the opportunity to have immunity.
00:23:21We hope you come back soon, Gary.
00:23:23We send you a kiss.
00:23:25We want you here as soon as possible.
00:23:26Without you, without your tantrums, it is not the same.
00:23:29If this is a challenge for immunity, it definitely plays in my favor that Gary is not here
00:23:34because he is the king of immunities.
00:23:36I know you are dying to know what this challenge consisted of and if you discovered it or not.
00:23:41No, no, no.
00:23:42Chefs, tell them, please.
00:23:45I suppose that in those bells is what we supposedly had to have done.
00:23:50Well, indeed, the idea was that with what they saw, they followed their intuition,
00:23:55that they created something delicious with what they found.
00:23:59So let's see how it went.
00:24:01Well, in creating, there is no mistake.
00:24:02After all, there is no reference.
00:24:05So you let yourself go completely.
00:24:07Well, guys, I have to confess that we had a lot of fun watching them.
00:24:14I did feel that they were watching us.
00:24:16Watching us make the ridiculous of the world, running like crazy.
00:24:20And really what we wanted was something delicious, pleasant, guilty, sweet.
00:24:25In the world of pastry, that is my safe place.
00:24:29And going into detail, what we expect is ...
00:24:32One, two, three.
00:24:34Here we are ready.
00:24:36Let's see.
00:24:37Cover both at once.
00:24:47And going into detail, what we expect is ...
00:24:50One, two, three.
00:24:52Here we are ready.
00:24:54Let's see.
00:24:55Cover both at once.
00:25:02Raise the bells for a cupcake.
00:25:05They saw the molds.
00:25:06They saw the cups.
00:25:08They saw the gratings.
00:25:09Everything was indicating and sending signals and clues so that they knew what it was.
00:25:16As they say, bad of much, consolation of fools, right?
00:25:19Well, today I am the most stupid of Top Chef VIP.
00:25:23Well, guys, whatever you have guessed.
00:25:27What do you think if we start with the tasting?
00:25:30Yes, yes, yes.
00:25:31Let's go.
00:25:33Well, let's go to the tasting.
00:25:34Where were you?
00:25:35Do you have raw faces there?
00:25:37We are going to try all the dishes and we will judge what you interpreted.
00:25:42I don't think the chefs have many expectations with me or with me or with anyone.
00:25:46I think they rather let themselves be surprised.
00:25:49Let's go to the stations or what?
00:25:50Let's go there.
00:25:51Yes, let's go there.
00:25:52You calm down.
00:25:53Let's go to you.
00:25:55We are ready to start the tasting with the good Panchini.
00:25:58Let's go.
00:26:00Well, my Pancho, we really weren't expecting this.
00:26:04I see another face.
00:26:05Well, I imagine a cake.
00:26:06And there it is.
00:26:08But what is it?
00:26:09And what is it called?
00:26:10Well, really, I saw the cupcakes.
00:26:12But, like, I don't know, I said, everything is going to be cupcakes.
00:26:17I want to do something different, something a little bigger.
00:26:20This is called the father of cupcakes.
00:26:22Yes, it is that they were all pinching a lot.
00:26:24It convinces you with the story.
00:26:26The father of cupcakes, well, that ball came down well, honestly.
00:26:31It was like, because I saw that everyone grabbed one of the cupcakes.
00:26:34And, well, I made this chocolate cake with hazelnut and blueberry filling.
00:26:43Unfortunately, he made a fun cake.
00:26:44He interpreted a big cake.
00:26:46Big, well, big in quotes.
00:26:48The idea was that it would be like a volcano, like inside, like this, soft.
00:26:52Oh, so this is intentional?
00:26:54No, yes, that it would be like this, watery, like this, in the middle.
00:26:56But if the challenge was cupcakes, I see it very far away.
00:26:59Well, try it.
00:27:00Well, it's a chocolate cake.
00:27:02It sank, right?
00:27:03Yes, yes, yes.
00:27:04But when I saw it like that, I said, nothing happens here.
00:27:07Here we come to learn.
00:27:08Definitely, Pancho is trying to hide the fact that his cake didn't come out.
00:27:14I think it's a defective cake.
00:27:19Because I feel like it sank.
00:27:23It came out with a hole.
00:27:24It has happened to all of us.
00:27:25The cupcakes, when they puncture, they puncture.
00:27:27I think he wanted to go back to his ranch, he made a lagoon there.
00:27:30The combination is good, the chocolate, the red fruits, the hazelnut, that's very good.
00:27:35But I think there was a defect here because it looks like a cake that had an accident.
00:27:43Nothing happens.
00:27:44Sometimes the defective ones, we're not so defective.
00:27:47Hey, Belén.
00:27:48The flavor is good, just like Belén says.
00:27:50I think everything is already combined.
00:27:52It's impossible to eat three bites.
00:27:55It's very sweet.
00:27:57I think so.
00:27:58As I did all the testing.
00:28:01Do you know what it looks like to me?
00:28:02It tastes like a brownie to me.
00:28:05I mean, because of how wet it is.
00:28:06I go back and emphasize, very sweet.
00:28:11But it looks like a brownie, the texture.
00:28:13A wet brownie.
00:28:14It has all that vibe.
00:28:15But with about seven kilos less sugar.
00:28:17Come on!
00:28:18Let's go.
00:28:20Pancho is not doing well because they tell him that he went too sweet.
00:28:23Well, nothing.
00:28:24Let's see what's next.
00:28:26Welcome, Chef.
00:28:27My Lord.
00:28:28Tell me, what is this beauty called?
00:28:30This is called divine guessing.
00:28:34I feel very happy because I feel like I made a cupcake.
00:28:36I say, well, from here, more or less saved, I am.
00:28:39And the issue of divine guessing, I always say that what I enjoy most about Top Chef
00:28:42is that they take us out of our comfort zone.
00:28:44This was a divine guessing.
00:28:45I didn't know anything, where I had to grab or anything.
00:28:47Here we have a lemon cupcake.
00:28:50What I did was that I inverted the icing.
00:28:52I decided to put the lemon icing inside.
00:28:55I made a little hole and put it inside.
00:28:57And on top, I made strawberries with mandarin juice.
00:29:02We made a dessert with a lot of love, with a lot of effort, with a lot of dedication.
00:29:06Look, there it is.
00:29:07Oh, well.
00:29:08The icing.
00:29:09The lemon icing is there.
00:29:11It had a wonderful factor, which is the surprise factor,
00:29:14that when you break the cupcake, it has something else inside.
00:29:17This little cake.
00:29:19It looks pretty, pretty good.
00:29:21It looks like this.
00:29:23What is the bread also, moist, very good consistency.
00:29:29The center is also very good.
00:29:33But yes, I think I would put up with two bites and a quarter.
00:29:40Because it is so sweet, the combination of everything.
00:29:44The thing is that it was a little sweet, says Toña.
00:29:48It's like a biscuit, really.
00:29:51I feel like it has a very good flavor.
00:29:54And the dough is very hydrated, very homemade.
00:29:58Very rich.
00:29:59I think it has good cooking.
00:30:01I loved that you admired how fluffy the pancake was,
00:30:05how delicious the pancake was.
00:30:08And the sweet thing.
00:30:10Sweet over sweet over sweet.
00:30:13It is good to always balance the elements you are going to use.
00:30:16And always remembering that less is more.
00:30:20You are absolutely right.
00:30:21I'm not going to say it, I think the jam was too much.
00:30:23I should have put a little fruit.
00:30:26The idea is not bad.
00:30:27The cake is very rich.
00:30:28And the biscuit with the filling.
00:30:30Azucarolas, as Toña says, some fresh fruits.
00:30:33And your jam, it would have been good.
00:30:36The cake, not the cupcake.
00:30:38Because cupcakes always have frosting.
00:30:40And this does not have frosting.
00:30:42Small detail.
00:30:43Very, very, very good.
00:30:45But it's not a cupcake.
00:30:48Without anything to add.
00:30:49If they let us do it again, I promise you that we will do it.
00:30:52I do it as I want.
00:30:54Thank you, Chef.
00:30:55I do not know, but judges never like it.
00:30:58But, however, I think they spoke very well of the dessert.
00:31:02And all the preparation, and the engineering, and the mechanics behind all that.
00:31:08Caro, tell me the names of the dishes.
00:31:11Because you presented two.
00:31:12Well, I put my script on it.
00:31:14Because it was what I interpreted.
00:31:20That's lemon.
00:31:21With lemon essence.
00:31:22They are the cupcakes.
00:31:23I put a little bit of frosting.
00:31:25And well, I also interpreted the crepes, which I thought was appropriate.
00:31:29It has apple, it has strawberry, it has hazelnut, it has chocolate.
00:31:34And well, that's the superclass.
00:31:37Well, let's start with the crepes.
00:31:39Let's see how you did.
00:31:42Carolina, they were the cupcakes.
00:31:44Why did you do 16 things?
00:31:48Well, Caro.
00:31:50Well, Caro.
00:31:51I think your crepes have a good thickness.
00:31:56They are well done.
00:31:58But, your dish lacks creaminess, umptuousness.
00:32:03You have chocolate that you tempered, but that does not make the crepe cake hydrate.
00:32:10So it feels a little dry with the apples and strawberries.
00:32:14It lacked a little bit of lubrication.
00:32:16Suddenly, like a little more of some sauce.
00:32:19They overflowed a little.
00:32:21The chocolate.
00:32:22I think you did it just like that.
00:32:25You tempered it in chocolate.
00:32:27But then you would have done more of a syrup.
00:32:29Like a cream.
00:32:31You could have done like a syrup.
00:32:33Because the chocolate like this, yes or yes, it's going to get hard.
00:32:35But the same.
00:32:36As they always tell us, the details are good, the details are not good.
00:32:40But there is something very delicious that these classic desserts do.
00:32:45Like the crepe sucette.
00:32:46These things that this in a type of syrup, like cognac or liquor.
00:32:52And orange.
00:32:54They come out.
00:32:55And so, they are one thing.
00:32:57With cheese.
00:32:58Forget it.
00:32:59I wanted to put a little liqueur on it and that.
00:33:00And suddenly sauté with a caramel.
00:33:02But I did not see the liqueur, at least that I liked for this type of crepes.
00:33:06Well, as soon as you tell me about these pasteles.
00:33:08Was that a second option?
00:33:10That was the other interpretation.
00:33:11What did you present?
00:33:12They are lemon.
00:33:13Let's say some pancakes that are very similar to the cupcakes.
00:33:17The sweet they have is what is on top.
00:33:19It has a little condensed milk too.
00:33:21They are like vanilla.
00:33:24But very citrus too, right?
00:33:26And I put a touch of mint on top.
00:33:28I think you achieved a good balance of flavors.
00:33:31There is no sugar or sugar in an invasive way.
00:33:37I really like that you used the lemon peel to flavor.
00:33:41It feels fresh.
00:33:43And it's right on point.
00:33:46I also find that the dough is rich.
00:33:48Thank you, chef.
00:33:49Some cupcakes without being a cupcake.
00:33:53If you look at it, your dough is dry.
00:33:55It is a dry dough.
00:33:56So these are called cinnamon because they take out the ice cream.
00:33:59They really have to go in drinks because so little quantity in the oven, the moisture goes away.
00:34:05I could have done it a little differently, but I liked what I did.
00:34:08The result seemed to me that I fulfilled the challenge.
00:34:12But I would recommend that for this type of dough mixture, you use another type of ...
00:34:19Mold, mold.
00:34:21Heard, chef.
00:34:23It is at the discretion of the chefs.
00:34:25And although sometimes we disagree, we have to respect their decisions.
00:34:31And this is a fantastic thing.
00:34:33This here.
00:34:34This golden one.
00:34:35More of those golden ones.
00:34:38Totally in agreement with my dear Belen and my aunt.
00:34:42Thank you, chef.
00:34:43Thank you.
00:34:44Cheer up.
00:34:45I don't know, there's something about her or there's something about her dishes that for some reason
00:34:49they don't end up pleasing the judges.
00:34:53But in general, I think it's not bad.
00:34:57I think I fulfilled the challenge.
00:34:59I mean, I feel that.
00:35:01Well, my dear Galeano, tell us.
00:35:03Isn't it a cupcake or is it a cupcake?
00:35:06I don't know, what is it?
00:35:08Let's see.
00:35:09This is a fake Christmas patty-style Sinaloan shrimp broth with Mediterranean floating islands.
00:35:20You have to try it.
00:35:22And well, obviously it's not a cupcake, it's a reinterpretation based on a recipe from
00:35:27a cousin of my friend Gagance, the French woman.
00:35:32Oh no, the man makes up stories.
00:35:34The screenwriter, I mean, I think, well, not even Spielberg dared so much.
00:35:39You know that I like to get out of the way.
00:35:41Try it, try it.
00:35:42Yes, of course.
00:35:43It's impressive.
00:35:44But I'm also afraid to try it, no kidding.
00:35:46I prefer that you try it first and then we'll comment.
00:35:50Today my intuition went to Algeciras, to my town.
00:35:55It didn't go anywhere else.
00:35:59He went to Zacatecas, I don't know where.
00:36:04It's very strange.
00:36:06I don't feel like it at all and I don't see the chefs liking the idea either.
00:36:11Well, I wanted to make a sweet soup.
00:36:18He wanted to make a sweet broth, right?
00:36:21Then he let himself go for a jocote.
00:36:23Ha ha, he didn't even like it.
00:36:25I can't find his feet or head, sorry.
00:36:27I know, I have to laugh so I don't cry.
00:36:29It was like a creme brulee that you were going to make or something like that.
00:36:32With the Catalan cream.
00:36:33No, no, it wasn't even that.
00:36:35The truth is that I wanted to make a cream.
00:36:37Yes, but you didn't like it.
00:36:39But I didn't like it, really.
00:36:40I mean, it's not for nothing, but don't you want a cream with pieces of floating cookies?
00:36:46That the cookie gets wet while floating in that.
00:36:49It turned out ugly.
00:36:50But remember that it is always good to measure the times well to be able to do well in a challenge like this, okay?
00:36:57So, thank you, Galeano.
00:36:59My apologies.
00:37:04Bye, but good luck.
00:37:06Thank you, chefs.
00:37:09Today is definitely not Galeano's day.
00:37:11But, well, here we have good, bad, regular days.
00:37:14Daughter, tell us how this beauty is called.
00:37:16It's called Dulce de Sacio.
00:37:18Like the novel?
00:37:19Like the novel?
00:37:21Where they ran super badly.
00:37:22Come on, but you're a novelist.
00:37:23I saw that, of course.
00:37:28The name is like a telenovela name.
00:37:30I mean, Pati and Caro exchanged personalities.
00:37:34Do you realize?
00:37:35Dulce de Sacio.
00:37:36Well, they are banana cupcakes with vanilla.
00:37:40I made a sweet on top, which is peanut with raisins.
00:37:47Pati's looks pretty good, honestly.
00:37:49A strawberry sauce with blackcurrant and mandarin lemon.
00:37:54Pati Navidad has told us thousands of times that she made something very simple, very rustic,
00:38:00which is not up to the competition, and then presents her sweet challenge.
00:38:05I wouldn't call this cupcake either.
00:38:08I think you made a cupcake that needs a little dry bread.
00:38:16That's why the sauce.
00:38:17It was baked a little bit, but honestly, for me, it's a cupcake.
00:38:24As is.
00:38:25I mean, you mixed two moods, two moods here that don't play very well for me.
00:38:33Do you understand?
00:38:35Something is like very winter and the sauce is like very summer and maybe they clash.
00:38:38I did like the contrast of flavors you achieved.
00:38:42With the issue of peanut, the acidity of the strawberry.
00:38:45It matched me perfectly.
00:38:47I loved it, just like Chef Tita.
00:38:50This up here is great.
00:38:52Very, very tasty.
00:38:54I don't think like Toño.
00:38:56I don't like a strawberry with peanut and banana.
00:39:00I mean, it makes me that the flavors clash.
00:39:03These are flavors that don't stick so much, but it has about 18 preparations.
00:39:06It has about 18 preparations.
00:39:08And I found the cake insipid.
00:39:10I mean, it doesn't taste like banana or sugar or anything.
00:39:12It tastes like a cake with vanilla.
00:39:14Indeed, take care that it doesn't go over sugar,
00:39:17because then they tell us that it's exaggeratedly sweet and that they don't like such sweet desserts.
00:39:21There we are.
00:39:23Thank you, Martí.
00:39:24Thank you.
00:39:25Thank you.
00:39:26Cheer up.
00:39:27Thank you.
00:39:28I still respect what the chefs tell me and I take note of the indications and well, nothing.
00:39:32Try to keep learning.
00:39:33Jason, tell us everything.
00:39:35Here we go.
00:39:36No, the truth is that I had a great time in this challenge.
00:39:38Honestly, they caught me off guard.
00:39:39I think everyone.
00:39:40It's good that I listened to Polo, because at first I was going to make tamales.
00:39:44What's it called?
00:39:45Tell me.
00:39:46Stone Cakes.
00:39:50Stone Cakes, because they're like made of stone?
00:39:52Because they look alike.
00:39:55Ah, or because they're hard?
00:39:56No, no, no.
00:39:57What happened?
00:39:58They look like stones.
00:39:59I gave it this name because the chocolate varnish that they have on the outside
00:40:03looks like they were made of chocolate stone, let's put it that way.
00:40:07It's made of cocoa, the pancake also has hazelnut cream, inside it has macadamia
00:40:13and they have a red fruit jam.
00:40:16Well, Jason, the jam you made is delicious.
00:40:19It has a good texture, it has shine, so it's well executed.
00:40:24And that he didn't have lemon to fix the acidity, it's good that he didn't order it
00:40:27and he liked the jam a lot.
00:40:29So, in terms of flavor, we're on the other side.
00:40:31If it's called Stone, Stone Cake?
00:40:33Stone Cake.
00:40:34Stone Cake.
00:40:35Yes, it can go, because it's pretty hard.
00:40:37No, it's pretty hard.
00:40:39It's a stone, really.
00:40:44This, beautiful people, look at this.
00:40:47With this, you can destroy anyone.
00:40:49For me, it's not a frosting, it's more like a frosting there.
00:40:52Well, it was the only thing that understood the challenge, but he did it wrong.
00:40:54I think he was missing something, a cream or something like that, so that the challenge was fulfilled.
00:40:58These are the rules of the game, I try not to cheat.
00:41:01If it's called Stone, Stone Cake?
00:41:03Stone Cake.
00:41:04Stone Cake.
00:41:05Yes, it can go, because it's pretty hard.
00:41:07No, it's pretty hard.
00:41:09It's a stone, really.
00:41:11I want to use Jason's Stone Cakes as a weapon, because with that, you can destroy anyone.
00:41:18The flavor is good.
00:41:20This chocolate donut, this chocolate cake, it's important to make a ganache.
00:41:25You make a ganache, so the thing is more moist.
00:41:28The pudding was not cupcakes, it was cake.
00:41:30We solved it.
00:41:31I think you knew how to recover in the middle of the way, and that also has its merit, okay?
00:41:38This is about solving.
00:41:39Technically speaking, I agree with my colleagues.
00:41:43Thank you.
00:41:44Cheer up.
00:41:45Well, the appearances deceive.
00:41:47That looked very stony, but apparently it's tasty inside, which is the most important thing.
00:41:52Well, Polo.
00:41:54Well found.
00:41:55Tell us, what's it called?
00:41:56You made cupcakes.
00:41:57I made cupcakes.
00:41:59Something like that.
00:42:00What's your cupcake called?
00:42:01Chai Cake, because it's chai.
00:42:02It's chai.
00:42:03Okay, and what's the frosting?
00:42:04Well, rather, the frosting is chai, more like vanilla with hazelnut.
00:42:07There is one that is filled with dulce de leche, and others that are filled with hazelnut.
00:42:14Ah, okay, okay, okay, okay.
00:42:19I filled them so that they weren't moldy, then I put a frosting, a chocolate, and I think
00:42:22it's done pretty well.
00:42:24And how did you make the frosting?
00:42:25Butter, right?
00:42:28Butter, icing sugar, chai, and vanilla essence.
00:42:32It's buttercream.
00:42:34And the top is chocolate, also with chai.
00:42:37I just put a lot of chocolate.
00:42:39So, now we're going to make the top.
00:42:41with white chocolate on top and bitter chocolate on the bottom.
00:42:45Basically, I'm the only one who presents cupcakes,
00:42:47and I hope he plays me a favor and that he doesn't do anything else.
00:42:50Well, he was the only one who understood the challenge, but he did it wrong.
00:42:53Your dough is fine. I like that you put different fillings, right?
00:42:58Probably the frosting is good.
00:43:01A little less frosting is important,
00:43:04because sometimes so much frosting beats the cake.
00:43:07Maybe I put too much frosting,
00:43:09but I don't think he can play me so much against me
00:43:11that I won't make it to the next round.
00:43:15Dear beautiful people, look at this.
00:43:18What a beautiful thing.
00:43:19This here, this here.
00:43:20Yes, a little burnt.
00:43:21Yes, a little burnt.
00:43:23I liked it a lot.
00:43:25A lot, a lot, a lot.
00:43:26Especially this one with dulce de leche.
00:43:28Dulce de leche, yes.
00:43:29Dulce de leche. This is incredible.
00:43:30He has a very, very good hand and good skill to make the sweets.
00:43:35It's very tasty.
00:43:36Wait, I'm going to get dirty, because I ate several times,
00:43:38because the flavor is good.
00:43:39It's very good.
00:43:40And the dough is well hydrated, you can feel the love,
00:43:42you can feel the love in those cupcakes, okay?
00:43:46Thank you, take it into account.
00:43:47Try it and like it.
00:43:48I'm already breathing.
00:43:49I think I'm going to continue in this competition for immunity.
00:43:53Davis, please tell us what it's called.
00:43:55What is this reason for suffering called?
00:43:56This reason for suffering.
00:43:57Because how do you suffer, huh?
00:43:58Oh, my people, you don't know when I saw that fucking table full of sugar.
00:44:04It's called Christmas of the Southwestern Pole, because without Christmas and without Polo,
00:44:08I don't know what I would have done, really.
00:44:16For me, this was the challenge of friendship,
00:44:18because really, whoever has friends has it all.
00:44:21Yes, because I have to honor Patty Christmas and Polo Morin,
00:44:25that thanks to them I achieved this challenge.
00:44:29I love you, David.
00:44:31Being able to return a little bit of what he gave me from the beginning of the competition made me feel very good.
00:44:35So, the cupcake is made of banana with chocolate, with chocolate chips,
00:44:40and this frosting that I made is made with macadamia, hazelnuts, and cocoa.
00:44:48Hey, brother, does it have crushed banana inside?
00:44:51No, in squares.
00:44:53I put banana in squares and I put the chocolate chips
00:44:57so that it would feel a little bit like a fruit, so that it would be half.
00:45:01His faces are telling me that my cupcakes are delicious.
00:45:06I think it's very good.
00:45:08I think you made the bread very, very well. It's a cupcake.
00:45:13To make the first cupcake, especially David's,
00:45:16David takes my hat off to you.
00:45:19Look, I really liked the combination.
00:45:22The combination of guineo, peanuts, peanuts, as you say.
00:45:27Guineo, banana.
00:45:29We call the guineo republic.
00:45:31I would present it with a little bit of volume and your macadamia would be ideal.
00:45:35It's just the way the frosting is worked.
00:45:39For me, it's not a frosting, it's more like a betuncillo there,
00:45:42like a ganache there, half loose, but the flavor is very good.
00:45:47Thank you very much.
00:45:48My cupcakes are perfect.
00:45:50I'm telling you because do you remember that I made 12?
00:45:52I presented 6.
00:45:53Where do you think the other 6 are?
00:45:56Well, welcome to the kid's mini cupcake.
00:46:01Where the flavor…
00:46:03Where dreams come true.
00:46:04Where dreams come true.
00:46:06It has to smell like this, look, so that it relaxes you.
00:46:09Do me a favor.
00:46:10It cleanses the thing.
00:46:11And where the magic powders come together.
00:46:13Those powders are there, look.
00:46:16But I want you to try this and tell me what it tastes like.
00:46:20What dough does this taste like?
00:46:22First, tell me the name, kid.
00:46:23I don't want to get carried away so fast.
00:46:25The name?
00:46:26La Familia Feliz Cupcake.
00:46:35I call my plate La Familia Feliz Cupcake
00:46:39because I made some mini cupcakes and they were too small.
00:46:42What did I get you?
00:46:43Dominican cake.
00:46:47I'm getting there.
00:46:48I nailed it here because I made a Dominican dough.
00:46:54We have one of the best cupcakes in the world,
00:46:57which is unique and unrepeatable.
00:47:00What is this?
00:47:01They're all different.
00:47:02I'm not understanding anything.
00:47:03It's the same base.
00:47:04You add almonds, blueberries.
00:47:07And this is the same dough.
00:47:09It has white chocolate.
00:47:10White chocolate.
00:47:11And if it has blueberry jam and you caramelized it,
00:47:15The nuts.
00:47:16Yes, the nuts.
00:47:18It's like if you go to a cupcake shop
00:47:21and there you have different ones.
00:47:23Strawberry, white chocolate.
00:47:26That was my intention.
00:47:29It's not a cupcake.
00:47:32But let me tell you that this dough is very rich.
00:47:36I feel it well hydrated, well balanced.
00:47:39It's not sweet and invasive.
00:47:41It's like a good representation of the authentic Dominican cake
00:47:46with that degree of humidity.
00:47:47For me, it was like a moment of great joy,
00:47:51of saying, wow, I did it.
00:47:53I'm here, I practiced.
00:47:56I think it was missing something, a cream,
00:47:58or a betun, or a sigh,
00:48:01or something like that, for the challenge to be fulfilled.
00:48:04And also, the cupcakes are a little low.
00:48:07You know they're a little higher.
00:48:10But your dish is very tasty.
00:48:12I've always said, less is more.
00:48:15But I'm not applying it to myself.
00:48:17I declare myself a fan.
00:48:19In Pedernivo.
00:48:21Of the Dominican cupcake.
00:48:22Of the Dominican cupcake.
00:48:24That Toño, being Mexican, tells me,
00:48:27I become a fan of the Dominican cupcake.
00:48:30What an honor.
00:48:31For me, it's a muffin, a magdalena.
00:48:33It's delicious.
00:48:34It's not the goal.
00:48:36It's very good.
00:48:37This sauce, a lot of acidity, very good.
00:48:39This is too much butter,
00:48:41or I don't know what you put in it,
00:48:43but I felt it.
00:48:45My heart did feel it.
00:48:47My heart and my arteries
00:48:49are feeling it right now.
00:48:51But in terms of flavor and dough,
00:48:53I think I was the one who won this challenge.
00:48:56Well, my dear Alicia.
00:48:58Are they cookies?
00:48:59Or are they the cupcakes?
00:49:01No, no, no.
00:49:02The dish is called Alicia's Cookies Cupcake.
00:49:05It was Salomón's idea.
00:49:07Because, well, Salomón realized everything that happened to me.
00:49:09The cupcakes, that I put them late and everything.
00:49:14I tried to make, with the cupcake mix,
00:49:17I tried to make some cookies.
00:49:19I made this strawberry and blackberry coulis.
00:49:23And I made a bitter chocolate truffle,
00:49:26which goes with this.
00:49:28I managed to make the cupcakes,
00:49:29but I put them on last minute.
00:49:31Unfortunately, they didn't tell me
00:49:33because they told me to raise my hands.
00:49:35I really liked how they turned out,
00:49:36but, well, those are the rules of the game.
00:49:38I try not to cheat.
00:49:39You managed to make a kind of jam.
00:49:42The shine is very beautiful.
00:49:44It's a very good combination,
00:49:45always bitter chocolate with red fruits.
00:49:48The fruit coulis work very well
00:49:50to decorate as well
00:49:52and to give moisture to the cupcakes
00:49:55or to certain cookies.
00:49:57As a cookie, it's very good
00:49:58because it has a lot of air and it's crunchy.
00:50:01The cookie, I like that it has that buttery flavor.
00:50:05It's sandy.
00:50:06It's tasty.
00:50:07It turned out well,
00:50:09but this challenge is not a cookie, dear,
00:50:11it's a cupcake.
00:50:12Yes, be very careful with the cooking
00:50:14because the edges burn a little bit.
00:50:16I knew something was wrong.
00:50:17I knew something wasn't looking good either.
00:50:22Combined, the three things taste very good.
00:50:25It tastes very elegant because of how bitter it is.
00:50:27It works.
00:50:28For me, it works.
00:50:29I give myself for being well served.
00:50:30I am very grateful that the judges
00:50:32have been very nice to me
00:50:34because they should have been nice to me.
00:50:36They should have been more strict, to be honest.
00:50:38You solved it.
00:50:39We're going to climb the mountain, mom.
00:50:42That's what we're going to do.
00:50:44Thank you.
00:50:45I think that this time,
00:50:46Polo's intuition and my hearing worked.
00:50:55A challenge where they showed that sometimes
00:50:58we give them more information than they need.
00:51:02Chefs, it's time to go.
00:51:05It's time to release.
00:51:06Go ahead, please.
00:51:10I'll leave it to the chefs.
00:51:11Let them do what they think,
00:51:13but if they choose me,
00:51:14I will also be very happy.
00:51:21There were participants whose intuition was very developed
00:51:24and others who were sleeping.
00:51:26I think there is a small possibility
00:51:28there at the last moment,
00:51:30in the corner of the world, of being able to pass.
00:51:33Polo's dough was very tasty,
00:51:35with its filling, very good,
00:51:37because it was juicy.
00:51:38Yes, sir.
00:51:39And David's cupcake was also very tasty.
00:51:42If they pass, or if they give us a chance,
00:51:45because of the shape,
00:51:46we already passed several.
00:51:48The cookie that Alicia presented
00:51:49was a cookie with a very tasty dough,
00:51:51to be honest.
00:51:52If it had been the cookie challenge,
00:51:53it would have gone very well.
00:51:55Patty's dough was very good,
00:51:56a little insipid for my taste.
00:51:58Well, I don't know what to think,
00:52:00but I hope they choose me.
00:52:03We have to say something,
00:52:04and it is that the doughs that many of them used,
00:52:07or that they made,
00:52:08were rich, spongy, with a good flavor.
00:52:12If I have to go for immunity,
00:52:14I go for all the marbles.
00:52:16Today I gain immunity.
00:52:17There are two who managed to make cupcakes
00:52:20that, I think,
00:52:21fulfilled this challenge of intuition,
00:52:23and four others who...
00:52:25Well, guys, but only one will pass the next challenge.
00:52:28Do you think we're going to tell him?
00:52:29Let's go.
00:52:30Let's go.
00:52:31I feel very calm,
00:52:32and I think this verdict has to play me a lot in favor,
00:52:35because only David Salomón and I
00:52:37fulfilled the challenge.
00:52:40Chefs, tell us,
00:52:42who will be able to compete for immunity?
00:52:44Polo, if I win today,
00:52:46ask for the marbles you want,
00:52:48and wherever you want.
00:52:50This challenge was purely by intuition.
00:52:54All the ways
00:52:55led them to make cupcakes.
00:52:58Well, here,
00:52:59who wants to get the sixth sense out of us,
00:53:01like the kid,
00:53:02what an intuition,
00:53:03what a guess,
00:53:04tell me what I have to do with that.
00:53:06There were two participants
00:53:08that I think we all know who they were,
00:53:11who were very intuitive
00:53:13and who were able to make the right decisions.
00:53:19Polo, David, congratulations,
00:53:21you move on to the next challenge.
00:53:23No way,
00:53:24I mean,
00:53:25I, with Polo,
00:53:27who was the one who coached me,
00:53:28the whole challenge.
00:53:30David, you owe Polo one.
00:53:32Well, no, you did like six,
00:53:33you owe Polo six,
00:53:38For me, it's a way to give him back
00:53:40everything he gave me in the world of salty food.
00:53:43Well, Carmen,
00:53:44I'll tell you that there are four others
00:53:46who handled the dough very well.
00:53:52Paris 2024
00:53:58Paris 2024 is getting closer and closer.
00:54:01Today we are celebrating
00:54:03just a month from the start
00:54:05of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
00:54:08A golden summer is coming,
00:54:10where our countries and athletes
00:54:12will give their all
00:54:13to achieve Olympic glory.
00:54:16And to start with a golden brush,
00:54:19Telemundo will broadcast
00:54:21the opening ceremony of Paris 2024
00:54:24completely live and live
00:54:26for the first time
00:54:27in the history of television in Spanish.
00:54:30We'll be waiting for you
00:54:31in a month live
00:54:32for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games
00:54:35here on Telemundo.
00:54:44Well, Carmen,
00:54:45I'll tell you that there are four others
00:54:47who handled the dough very well.
00:54:56Caro, Niño, Jason and Pati.
00:54:59You are also going to the next challenge.
00:55:04Oh, my God!
00:55:06Just because of the way!
00:55:08I knew my name would be there.
00:55:11Polo, David, Carolina, Niño, Jason and Pati.
00:55:19It seemed unfair to me
00:55:20that they put a hard, inedible dough,
00:55:23which was a stone.
00:55:24You are going to cook again
00:55:26and fight for the precious immunity
00:55:28in the next challenge.
00:55:30Gabriel has his face of
00:55:31why not me?
00:55:32But oh well.
00:55:33You will remember me
00:55:35in two more episodes.
00:55:36You'll see.
00:55:38Remember that I have an ace up my sleeve.
00:55:41For now, go all out
00:55:43while we prepare everything here in the kitchen.
00:55:45Thank you!
00:55:46Polo, David,
00:55:47see you in the next challenge.
00:55:49The next challenge is coming very strong.
00:56:00And he put Christmas,
00:56:01I don't know what,
00:56:02and I said,
00:56:03oh, it was because I shared the recipe.
00:56:04Christmas was Polo's highlight.
00:56:05Because you and Polo
00:56:06lit up the whole way.
00:56:08Very good.
00:56:09Well, David knew how to do it.
00:56:11He asked Polo for advice,
00:56:12he asked Patty for advice,
00:56:14and here's the result.
00:56:16If in the next challenge
00:56:17I have to help Polo,
00:56:19I'm going to do it
00:56:20with all the taste in the world.
00:56:22Let's go, Patty.
00:56:25No, I don't think so.
00:56:26Do you know why?
00:56:27I don't think so.
00:56:28Because of the level of complexity,
00:56:30I'm sure they're going to leave it
00:56:31for a challenge
00:56:33that's just that,
00:56:34when we're all there.
00:56:36And in 60 minutes?
00:56:37I think it's an immunity challenge.
00:56:39It's very complicated.
00:56:40It's complicated.
00:56:41It's complicated.
00:56:42It's complicated.
00:56:44almost everyone,
00:56:45says it's tamales,
00:56:46or ayacas,
00:56:47or moja cakes.
00:56:49We're in the cave,
00:56:50waiting to see
00:56:51what's going to happen.
00:56:53Zap, zap, zap, zap.
00:57:00I like it
00:57:01when he acts like a man.
00:57:02What did you say?
00:57:04Look at that.
00:57:05Did you see that?
00:57:06Oh, boy,
00:57:07you're going to get it.
00:57:13Come here.
00:57:14Come here.
00:57:18Come here.
00:57:20Let's go to the ranch.
00:57:21Let's go to the ranch!
00:57:23We're playing
00:57:25and having fun.
00:57:27You know,
00:57:28so the nerves go away.
00:57:29You're born dramatic,
00:57:31but how do you fall?
00:57:33I tell everyone,
00:57:34let it go.
00:57:35But I think
00:57:36everything here is personal.
00:57:37I mean,
00:57:39we can't forget
00:57:40that this is a competition.
00:57:41Even though we're friends,
00:57:42we get along.
00:57:43Did you see
00:57:44that this lady
00:57:45changed you?
00:57:48For who?
00:57:49For Patty.
00:57:50What do you think?
00:57:51She said,
00:57:52she's my wife.
00:57:53And I said,
00:57:54oh, look.
00:57:56Of course.
00:57:57She said Patty is her wife.
00:57:58I said,
00:57:59the wifey.
00:58:00She's my wife.
00:58:01She's my wife.
00:58:02The wifey.
00:58:03And I said,
00:58:05That's what the tigers say.
00:58:06No, of course
00:58:07I'm Alicia's husband.
00:58:08I'm Alicia's spiritual wife.
00:58:10You're my spiritual wife.
00:58:12You too.
00:58:13I called her wifey.
00:58:14How dare you?
00:58:15You're bad.
00:58:16I'm going to kill you
00:58:17with my own face.
00:58:19I'm going to kill you.
00:58:21The thing is,
00:58:22I wanted to help Patty,
00:58:24and we used,
00:58:25back in the Bronx,
00:58:26to say,
00:58:27oh, she's my wifey.
00:58:28You know,
00:58:29like when you have a lover.
00:58:31the kid has
00:58:32husbands and wives
00:58:34The kid doesn't know
00:58:3910 years later
00:58:51there are bosses
00:58:52who have made it
00:58:53past borders
00:58:54and become so popular
00:58:55that they broke
00:58:56time barriers.
00:58:57And even though
00:58:58they're modest,
00:58:59they have a high
00:59:00technical requirement.
00:59:04I imagine
00:59:05you're probably wondering
00:59:06what's under
00:59:07underneath those bells, right?
00:59:09If this bell has another one of those pastry jokes,
00:59:13I'm going to sit on the bell again and go to the cellar.
00:59:16From the flat to the next challenge. Bye.
00:59:18Guys, are you ready to unlock the three-digit number?
00:59:22One, two, up!
00:59:31I don't know what they're going to ask us to do with that chicken,
00:59:34but the chicken is something that I eat a lot.
00:59:39One advantage I have here is that it's complete,
00:59:41and the filleting goes pretty well.
00:59:43Chefs, tell us what this challenge will consist of
00:59:47for the Immune Code.
00:59:50What are we going to do with this chicken? Tell me.
00:59:53Well, guys, this preparation was born from the culture meeting,
00:59:57which is one of the needs of survival,
00:59:59and which helped thousands of families to earn a living.
01:00:03I don't know if I should worry more.
01:00:05Well, wait a minute. I'm going to take out the cantinflón.
01:00:09Well, guys, that dish is nothing more and nothing less than
01:00:14fried chicken.
01:00:16I feel like fried chicken is something more Latin
01:00:20or more American.
01:00:22In Spain, we don't eat a lot of fried chicken.
01:00:24We eat more grilled chicken.
01:00:26You will have 60 minutes, nothing more and nothing less,
01:00:30to present and prepare this fried chicken
01:00:34accompanied by a sauce of your choice.
01:00:38Barbecue de chipotle.
01:00:40It's complicated.
01:00:42Please, Celia Cruz, from the sky, light me up for the sauce.
01:00:45The first thing is, obviously, the chicken in pieces.
01:00:49Two thighs.
01:00:51Two thighs.
01:00:52Two wings.
01:00:53And the breast.
01:00:55Two breasts.
01:00:57Obviously, it's deep-fried.
01:01:00The difficult part of the fried chicken technique
01:01:04is the temperature.
01:01:06325 degrees.
01:01:08If it's the lowest temperature,
01:01:11the skin won't be crispy.
01:01:13The second thing, the delicious fried chicken,
01:01:17the characteristic that it's crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside.
01:01:21And to achieve that, it has to have a kind of salmon.
01:01:25What makes it so special
01:01:27is that the salmon is nothing more than water with salt.
01:01:30In this case, it's always made with some kind of acid dairy.
01:01:35It's made with yogurt, without sugar,
01:01:38or cream of milk and vinegar.
01:01:41I didn't know that, honestly.
01:01:43Thanks to Chef Toño, because he gave us this very important step
01:01:47for this preparation.
01:01:48You know, these crispy wrinkles
01:01:50in the chicken that makes it so special,
01:01:52it's pure flour.
01:01:53But there's something else.
01:01:55When you have about 20 minutes to swim, as they say.
01:02:00Honestly, if Chef Toño didn't tell us that,
01:02:02I wouldn't have known what to do.
01:02:03You're going to serve that and your sauce
01:02:06with what you're going to accompany it in these containers.
01:02:09Just check it out.
01:02:17I saw my curry and I thought it was super funny.
01:02:21Holy Mother of God.
01:02:23I mean, imagine me, David Salomón,
01:02:25with a chicken shop.
01:02:30We're going to take into account how they handle the chicken.
01:02:34Techniques so that there's no cross-contamination.
01:02:38It's dangerous.
01:02:39Well, frying a chicken, I think it's not as complicated
01:02:43as it seems, personally.
01:02:44I've made several things in the show,
01:02:46so I think it's easy, right?
01:02:49You have 60 minutes to cook
01:02:52and the market is completely open.
01:02:55The only thing I'm going to tell you is that the fried chicken
01:02:58that I'm going to make is going to have an extraordinary flavor
01:03:02because there's a little family secret there
01:03:05that I'm going to reveal in this challenge.
01:03:08Give it your all.
01:03:10If we win today,
01:03:12we'll be in the top ten.
01:03:15Yes, yes.
01:03:17Oh, yes.
01:03:18Immunities are becoming more and more appetizing
01:03:22and more desired.
01:03:24We're going to move on to a very important stage.
01:03:28The top ten.
01:03:29When I have my universes, I'll be the last candidate.
01:03:33You know there's a winner.
01:03:36Get ready.
01:03:38Get in line.
01:03:39Come on.
01:03:40Get ready.
01:03:42Let's cook.
01:03:44Let's cook.
01:03:49Get ready.
01:03:50Get in line.
01:03:51Come on.
01:03:52Get ready.
01:03:54Let's cook.
01:03:55Let's cook.
01:04:04Poch's pork rinds.
01:04:07Run, run, run.
01:04:09Run, run, run.
01:04:10Run, run, run.
01:04:12Run, run, run.
01:04:13Run, run, run.
01:04:15Run, run, run.
01:04:16Run, run, run.
01:04:18Run, run, run.
01:04:19Guys, fight for immunity.
01:04:22Because we're really eleven.
01:04:24Imagine, you're going to get immunity.
01:04:26That's great.
01:04:27David is picking up spices.
01:04:30Look at him, look at him. He's like 15.
01:04:32This immunity is very difficult.
01:04:41Where's the soy sauce?
01:04:43It's my first time doing it,
01:04:45but I have it very well identified
01:04:48in flavor, shape, and everything.
01:05:03Look, Jason, with the tangerine lemon.
01:05:05Very good.
01:05:09Jason grabbed the whole thing.
01:05:10How do you make it more liquid?
01:05:12If you put all the tangerine lemon in it,
01:05:15it's best to make it a mix.
01:05:17I like it, I like it. I think it's going to give it a good flavor.
01:05:20And you have to put spices, oregano, salt, pepper,
01:05:23to leave it there.
01:05:25Leave it in the albergue.
01:05:29No, he's making a mess.
01:05:32I cut all the chicken, all the strawberry.
01:05:35I got all the whole chicken.
01:05:37But I'm going to put a few, not all of them,
01:05:41so that they cool down well and are crispy.
01:05:47No, no, it's not expensive there.
01:05:50I have a little experience in chopping chicken,
01:05:54and making the most of the pieces.
01:06:00It's cut, look, look.
01:06:01We're almost done.
01:06:02Oh, I cut myself.
01:06:04Look, he's fainting, he cut himself, I swear.
01:06:06Well, the boy was a virgin in the cuts.
01:06:11And now he knows what it's like to be a virgin.
01:06:13I cut myself, I cut myself.
01:06:16I guess when it comes to cutting the pieces, it's not easy.
01:06:21Something happened, and the knives have a lot of edge.
01:06:25Oh, I cut myself.
01:06:28I cut myself, I cut myself.
01:06:31It was time for the boy to cut himself.
01:06:32We were about to finish, and he hadn't cut himself yet.
01:06:34It was time, he gave it his all.
01:06:36I can't see her.
01:06:37One thing I can see is that she's crying.
01:06:40He cut himself, look at his eyes.
01:06:41He's losing his life.
01:06:44This will be a sign of something,
01:06:47but they say that everything has to be cut.
01:06:51That we have to shed blood here in Tonchez.
01:07:03The truth is that I do dominate this protein.
01:07:06I feel comfortable, and the filleting goes pretty well.
01:07:11I'm not going to go around with knives,
01:07:13having a pair of scissors.
01:07:15Do you know what you can do with a pair of scissors?
01:07:18David Salomon with a pair of magic scissors.
01:07:24Look, he expressed it perfectly.
01:07:26I'm going to remove the skin, because I don't like it.
01:07:29Look, look, no!
01:07:30No, why?
01:07:32Because the skin gives it a crunch.
01:07:35That's it, it's golden, it tastes good.
01:07:38That's it, it's golden, it tastes good.
01:07:41We don't fight over that.
01:07:43Damn, it's thundering.
01:07:46I hate that bitch.
01:07:47No, no, no, look at me, look at me, I'm suffering.
01:07:49Look at his face, poor thing.
01:07:52I had a pet fox when I was 15,
01:07:54and I'm doing this to a chicken, I don't like it at all.
01:07:56It's thundering.
01:07:58I've never had to gut a chicken in my life.
01:08:02I don't like playing with dead birds.
01:08:08No, no, no.
01:08:09Son, you need humility, you need a ranch.
01:08:13You're all about Europe, come to the ranch.
01:08:16I'm going through one of the worst moments
01:08:18I've ever had in this competition.
01:08:29Are you going to fry it in the fryer or in oil?
01:08:31I put it here, I didn't put it in the fryer.
01:08:34I don't know what to do with it.
01:08:35I'm going to tell you something, I would have the fryer hot.
01:08:38It's fast, I've done very well with the fryer.
01:08:41The thing is, the fryer, the Fahrenheit,
01:08:45it makes me very nervous.
01:08:47I don't even know how to use this.
01:08:57Chris Mas, are you going to fry it in the fryer or in oil?
01:09:00I put it here, I didn't put it in the fryer.
01:09:02I don't know what to do with it.
01:09:03I'm going to tell you something, I would have the fryer hot.
01:09:06It's fast, I've done very well with the fryer.
01:09:09The thing is, the fryer, the Fahrenheit,
01:09:14it makes me very nervous.
01:09:16I don't even know how to use this.
01:09:18Are you going to do it here?
01:09:19No, no, no, look at how I'm doing it.
01:09:21Dude, I think I'll do the same as the old one.
01:09:23Oh, my God.
01:09:24So I prefer to put a pot with oil.
01:09:27And we're going to put the eye and be careful,
01:09:31with oil under this fry.
01:09:34The truth is that I am going to use it,
01:09:37because it maintains the temperature that it has to maintain.
01:09:39And I don't have to worry if it gets too hot or too cold.
01:09:43What's up, Polos?
01:09:45Here we go, here we go.
01:09:46Polo, what's good is the fryer.
01:09:49Because at 5 o'clock...
01:09:50You take it out so it drains.
01:09:52If it drains...
01:09:53You put it there, I mean...
01:09:54Take good care of your temperature, how hot is it now?
01:09:56180 degrees Celsius.
01:09:58180, that's going to burn you on the outside,
01:10:01because this requires about 18 minutes of cooking,
01:10:05what is the thigh and the leg, huh?
01:10:07This is Fahrenheit.
01:10:09I mean, it's Fahrenheit and centigrades.
01:10:12There's a... there with the measurements.
01:10:14The truth is that it has a little drawing there that has a little chicken,
01:10:17and I said, well, it has to be where the chicken is.
01:10:19But Chef Toño says no,
01:10:20that it's too hot and that it's going to burn me.
01:10:22So I obviously decide to listen to Chef Toño,
01:10:25because I imagine that Chef Toño knows more than the machine.
01:10:32How are we doing here, Jason? Tell me.
01:10:34Look, I have the chicken in the pan.
01:10:36We also have to make a sauce for this chicken that we're going to prepare.
01:10:40Honestly, I think I have a lot of options in sauces.
01:10:43I feel like making a yogurt dip with habanero.
01:10:45A sauce.
01:10:47A fried chicken with a pineapple and habanero sauce
01:10:49would be delicious, if the sauce is made well.
01:10:52But that depends on you.
01:10:54Okay, Jason?
01:10:55Thank you very much, Chef.
01:10:56I changed my mind, but I opened up another possibility,
01:10:58which would also be to make a sauce.
01:11:00So, thank you, Chef Tita, for opening up a new possibility to the world.
01:11:04By the way, that orange color looks great on you.
01:11:15Hey, what are you doing?
01:11:16An invention.
01:11:17No, it's not an invention.
01:11:18I'm making the fried chicken, but obviously with a Lebanese touch.
01:11:22Does it have mint?
01:11:23Of course.
01:11:24And parsley.
01:11:25Okay, are you making a chicharrón?
01:11:27In fact, there are some pieces of chicharrón that I'm going to put in the sauce.
01:11:30And some pieces of bacon.
01:11:32So that my fat, like all my fat,
01:11:36has this flavor that drives people crazy.
01:11:39Check it.
01:11:40It has to be at, how much did Toñito tell you?
01:11:42Three, six, five.
01:11:43Check it.
01:11:44The temperature is very important.
01:11:46Once it reaches the temperature, you put it in.
01:11:48The more pieces of chicken, the more it will cool down.
01:11:50This is key today with you.
01:11:52In life.
01:11:56Well, I wish you the best, my dear.
01:11:57David, fry one already.
01:11:59Fry it.
01:12:03How long do you leave it in the oil?
01:12:05Until you start calculating it, right?
01:12:09Ché Belén, thank you very much for coming to talk to me
01:12:11about all the topics related to temperature,
01:12:13to heat, and everything that has to do with the hot.
01:12:17But I prefer the old-fashioned way of cooking.
01:12:21Oh, the hand tester.
01:12:23You have me.
01:12:24They call him the hand tester.
01:12:25Like this and like this.
01:12:26Oh, no, I'll do it.
01:12:27We've seen you.
01:12:29But you can't do it like that.
01:12:30No, sir.
01:12:31It's with a spoon.
01:12:34You have to start changing your habits.
01:12:35I promise, from now on,
01:12:37you'll have to look for me as if I were a spoon.
01:12:40Because I've been trying, trying, trying.
01:12:42I loved it.
01:12:43It smells good.
01:12:45I loved your technique.
01:12:46First, I put it in like this,
01:12:47and I said, I'm going to take it from the chef.
01:12:49Let's see.
01:12:50And then?
01:12:51How are you going to bread it?
01:12:52I first pass it through here,
01:12:54then I pass it through the flour and I fry it.
01:12:56And the egg, what time was the egg?
01:12:58We do it like this.
01:12:59Where did you hear that about the egg?
01:13:01Did someone say egg?
01:13:02Oh, right, he didn't say egg.
01:13:04I'm used to first passing it through the egg,
01:13:07then through the flour,
01:13:09and so on,
01:13:10so that it stays a little more compact.
01:13:13It's more likely that you're going to drop everything you fry.
01:13:17It's true.
01:13:18That's the secret.
01:13:20There's the secret.
01:13:21Look, Tiki.
01:13:22Look, look.
01:13:23Tiki, Tiki.
01:13:25Look, do you see this?
01:13:26This fries, and what does it become?
01:13:32It makes you fat a lot.
01:13:34Of course.
01:13:36But apart from that,
01:13:38I'm going to add my seasoning.
01:13:49Tell me, do you feel tense?
01:13:51No, not anymore.
01:13:52Do you feel tense?
01:13:53No, I'm here, I have the neck,
01:13:55and I'm making the chips,
01:13:56and I'm waiting for this,
01:13:58and I'm going to make an orange sauce.
01:14:01Very nice.
01:14:02If you want to add a little bit of pepper,
01:14:04you can add a little bit of pepper.
01:14:05I think it's more oil.
01:14:07It tastes full, Tita, so you know.
01:14:09Tita, Tita knows more than fried fish.
01:14:11Tita knows more than cubes.
01:14:13She's going to be the humble one.
01:14:15I like her because she's always a very good person,
01:14:19very objective,
01:14:20who helps, supports, you know,
01:14:21like a common sense, right?
01:14:23It's colder than your heart.
01:14:27Carolina just made a big mistake,
01:14:30which is removing the base from the stove.
01:14:32If the temperature goes up too much,
01:14:35it can be annoying.
01:14:47Wow, you're already doing everything.
01:14:51Patty is going very fast.
01:14:54It's so good, you see?
01:14:56I think the person who is closest
01:15:00to the technique and faith of Patty Navidad.
01:15:03This Patty wants immunity.
01:15:05Yes, chef.
01:15:07Let's go.
01:15:08I'm Patty's.
01:15:09I saw a Patty connected to the chicken.
01:15:12It looks like she and the chicken were one.
01:15:14Patty, you look great.
01:15:15Make sure your chicken doesn't crack.
01:15:17Thank you.
01:15:18Even though it's the first time
01:15:20I'm making fried chicken,
01:15:21things are going very well.
01:15:25Take the heart out.
01:15:34In general, everything is going more or less well.
01:15:37The one I see a little bit complicated
01:15:40is Carolina, who has the oil
01:15:42with the flame of fire up.
01:15:47Did it burn?
01:15:48A little bit, yes.
01:15:50It burns very fast, that's the problem.
01:15:52When the flame comes out,
01:15:54you can't control the temperature of the oil.
01:15:58And look, it's burning!
01:16:13Did it burn?
01:16:14A little bit, yes.
01:16:15It burns very fast, that's the problem.
01:16:17When the flame comes out,
01:16:20you can't control the temperature of the oil.
01:16:23And look, it's burning!
01:16:27It's very hot, Carolina!
01:16:30Is the chicken going to be raw inside?
01:16:32Of course it's going to be very raw inside.
01:16:35If it lasts a minute in the oil, that's for sure.
01:16:38Check the temperature, Caro!
01:16:41My God.
01:16:42I didn't have an alternative.
01:16:43I either put it in or I put it out.
01:16:45Because I didn't have time to cool the oil
01:16:47or to heat up a new oil.
01:16:58Oh, no.
01:17:00How's it going with that chicken?
01:17:02You fried it?
01:17:05Oh, look!
01:17:06It has a nice color.
01:17:07I think it's ready.
01:17:09Some parts are left without crunch.
01:17:13Had you fried this chicken before?
01:17:15No, ma'am.
01:17:16No, but I hadn't done anything before this competition.
01:17:18I'm still here.
01:17:19Well, I'll leave it for you to continue.
01:17:21Thank you, Carmen.
01:17:23I hope Polo gets rid of that thing with the animals.
01:17:26Because he's going to have to keep cooking animals.
01:17:28And if he doesn't, he's going to leave.
01:17:31La Carobella, how are you?
01:17:33How's it going with that chicken?
01:17:35I'm good.
01:17:36How do you see it?
01:17:37It looks good.
01:17:39Yes, look, it's going well.
01:17:41It's a different frying style.
01:17:43Have you done it before?
01:17:44Once, yes.
01:17:45Once, and how was it afterwards?
01:17:47Good, of course, with more tranquility,
01:17:49but I'm trying to feel the same.
01:17:51In this kitchen, nothing is quiet, Caro.
01:17:53Well, good luck.
01:17:55Thank you.
01:17:55Let's see how it goes.
01:17:57The chickens don't smell bad.
01:17:58No, but it smells like oil to me.
01:17:59Besides, did you see the breast he put in?
01:18:02He made a crunch in three minutes.
01:18:04Do you think that in three minutes it will go inside?
01:18:06It's inside.
01:18:07Two minutes.
01:18:11Oh, this is going to end up in the line, man.
01:18:14Can I have some yogurt?
01:18:15Yes, please.
01:18:17I have nothing against fried chicken,
01:18:19to be honest.
01:18:20What I have against it is the fucking watch.
01:18:26Oh, fuck, it's not bad.
01:18:28How many pieces?
01:18:29Two, please.
01:18:30Two, please.
01:18:31Two, please.
01:18:32Two, please.
01:18:33Two, please.
01:18:34Two, please.
01:18:35Two, please.
01:18:36How many pieces?
01:18:37Three, right?
01:18:41One minute!
01:18:44Oh, yes.
01:18:48That's it, right, Patti?
01:18:50I already saw you with the face that you were super ready.
01:18:52Look at that.
01:18:54Patti, yes!
01:18:56My friends from the cabin,
01:18:58eat the children's chicken,
01:19:00because it has that flavor and that magical touch.
01:19:05Well, it's made with love,
01:19:07it's made with magical powders,
01:19:10and when you eat these things, you know...
01:19:14It tastes good.
01:19:15Watch out for the child.
01:19:17Thirty seconds!
01:19:26Patti did too well.
01:19:28I'm going for Patti.
01:19:28The child didn't do that bad.
01:19:30I'm going for Jason.
01:19:31I think Jason kind of weakened his technique.
01:19:34For the competition,
01:19:35it's best if the immunity is taken by someone who doesn't cook a lot.
01:19:41Look at my aunt going for the plate.
01:19:43Oh, my God.
01:19:45Oh, no, Caro.
01:19:47Ten, nine, eight,
01:19:50seven, six, five,
01:19:55four, three, two, one.
01:20:01Hands up!
01:20:07In the end, we all made fried chicken,
01:20:10and I think, at least in the end, I'm not here.
01:20:16Oh, look at this. Let's do this TikTok.
01:20:19I wanted to do this TikTok with you.
01:20:21With me?
01:20:24I wanted to do this one with you.
01:20:27In the previous challenge, I didn't do well with the cupcakes,
01:20:30and I feel relegated to being there,
01:20:34like a sad couple in a cage.
01:20:38I'm moving away a bit because I hate people
01:20:41who spend all their time listening to music on their phones at full volume.
01:20:47We should take our phones away from everyone in here
01:20:49so that we can all be quiet, in silence,
01:20:51and we can talk to ourselves,
01:20:54to our thoughts, to our reflections,
01:20:57to our self-criticism.
01:20:59And I ask you, do you listen to that song?
01:21:02Or do you want to do a TikTok?
01:21:04Why don't you do your TikTok, your little dance now?
01:21:07Do you want to kill all of us?
01:21:11What I don't like is that they have their phones at full volume.
01:21:15Because it's very annoying, I think it's disrespectful,
01:21:19I think it's disrespectful to others.
01:21:21What have I done to deserve this?
01:21:24The music is good, right?
01:21:27Oh, my God.
01:21:29Everyone here has headphones, everyone has them.
01:21:32Put your headphones on, don't bother the others.
01:21:34What the hell am I doing in here?
01:21:38Do I want to cook or go to hell?
01:21:40Imagine talking out loud like this all the time.
01:21:43Would it be normal for you to talk at this volume all the time?
01:21:48What are we going through? Look, pass me the salt.
01:21:50Mom, get me the soup.
01:21:52Dad, listen, please.
01:21:55Dad, listen, please, come here, we're going to eat.
01:21:57It's uncomfortable, right?
01:21:59It's time to try chefs.
01:22:01Who do we start with?
01:22:09Jason, come on in.
01:22:11Damn it, you're going to win me the name.
01:22:14Damn pastry chef.
01:22:15Put two, put two.
01:22:18The truth is, I'm pretty happy with the chicken pieces I made
01:22:21with coconut flour.
01:22:23I don't think it was meant to be risked and experimented with.
01:22:26What would your business be called if it were fried chicken?
01:22:29I feel like today is the day to put some chicken in it.
01:22:39They're breaded with coconut flour.
01:22:42They have a sweet and sour honey sauce
01:22:45with Serrano habanero and pineapple.
01:22:48And pineapple.
01:22:50Look at his face.
01:22:51Oh, it's so good.
01:22:53And with the sauce, I think the flavors are...
01:22:55I mean, mixed, they're going to be pretty good.
01:22:57The piece I chose
01:22:59was seasoned perfectly.
01:23:02Very good.
01:23:03The truth is, Jason,
01:23:04to never have made fried chicken,
01:23:06it's pretty good.
01:23:08The sauce, I like it too sour.
01:23:11But, well, I congratulate you because you came out of the box
01:23:14and breaded it with something else.
01:23:16That's a very good point for you. Thank you very much.
01:23:18You can go to your station.
01:23:19Thank you very much.
01:23:27I'm pretty happy with the chicken,
01:23:30even though, honestly,
01:23:32it's a good-bye.
01:23:33The restaurant is closed.
01:23:35Carolina, please.
01:23:42Please, chef, all three of you,
01:23:44don't tell me now that my chicken is simple,
01:23:46because there's nothing simple about it.
01:23:48Tell me the name of your chicken.
01:23:50My chicken is called Latin America.
01:23:54She doesn't have a nationality. She's from the world.
01:23:56Because she says she's from everywhere.
01:24:04My chicken went through several processes.
01:24:06First, I put it in salted water.
01:24:09Then I took it out of there and put it in another one
01:24:12with yogurt.
01:24:14I added wine. I added salt.
01:24:17I added mayonnaise, tomato sauce.
01:24:20I added a little bit of coconut powder.
01:24:23And, well, I made the chips,
01:24:25because I always say that a fried chicken without chips
01:24:28is not a fried chicken or a chip.
01:24:30And I sincerely hope she does well,
01:24:33because she's got a bad streak,
01:24:35and I see that she's kind of desperate
01:24:37for her to do well.
01:24:38Your chips are very good.
01:24:40Your barbecue sauce is good, too.
01:24:42It has a good thickness, it has a good flavor.
01:24:45It's a little sweet,
01:24:47but, yes, obviously, the chicken was undercooked.
01:24:55She didn't spice it up.
01:24:57Technically, it's bad.
01:24:59You eat that and you're going to...
01:25:01But they told her so much about the importance of temperature.
01:25:06I was so excited that I was going to eat it,
01:25:09and, well, nothing.
01:25:10But the chips were very good.
01:25:12You added a different topping,
01:25:14which is also very good, the chips.
01:25:16The sauce is good, it's sweet,
01:25:18but, yes, it's a shame.
01:25:20And the breading falls off.
01:25:22I mean, it doesn't stick well to the skin.
01:25:24Ask me.
01:25:26Wait, let me hear.
01:25:28Have they told you it's raw?
01:25:30The fact that they evaluated her,
01:25:32the chips and the sauce, well, it was a lot.
01:25:34I think they were, I repeat, very noble with her.
01:25:37Thanks, girl. You can go back.
01:25:38Thank you, doctor.
01:25:39Thank you.
01:25:45That chicken still makes you...
01:25:48Not cool.
01:25:50Goodbye, immunity.
01:25:51Next time.
01:25:53Next time.
01:25:56I'm alive!
01:26:00Carolina, definitely,
01:26:01today you don't win immunity.
01:26:03Raw chicken with tea.
01:26:05I have nothing against Caro.
01:26:07I was talking about her chicken.
01:26:10We're all very sensitive.
01:26:12I'm still surprised,
01:26:14because Caro, I repeat,
01:26:16dominates the kitchen.
01:26:18I doubt it'll be chicken again.
01:26:21Patty, please, come in.
01:26:26The truth is that Patty's chicken
01:26:29looks powerful, godfather.
01:26:31I think I'm going to shoot Patty.
01:26:33Let's see.
01:26:34Patty presents that commercial chicken
01:26:37from the chicken restaurant.
01:26:39I swear, I was in the kitchen
01:26:41and I was stealing the basket.
01:26:43Tell us what the chicken's name is.
01:26:45What's the chicken's name?
01:26:47Don Poyón.
01:26:48Oh, really?
01:26:49That's what my dad calls him,
01:26:51and they called me chicken since I was little.
01:26:53So everything was very round
01:26:55for me to be inspired and cook
01:26:57thinking about my family,
01:26:59my life, my childhood,
01:27:01connected to fried chicken
01:27:02that we enjoyed so much at home.
01:27:08I put it in a pan,
01:27:10for about 20 minutes.
01:27:12I took it out to put it in flour,
01:27:14in egg, and in the panko
01:27:16that was already seasoned
01:27:18with paprika, with pepper,
01:27:20with a little salt,
01:27:22with turmeric.
01:27:24And I put the chicken's cartilage
01:27:26to cook in a broth.
01:27:28With that broth, I made the cilantro sauce,
01:27:30which is the green one,
01:27:32and it has pisco.
01:27:34And the red one,
01:27:36which is more sour and sweet,
01:27:38which has tomato paste,
01:27:40soy sauce, mustard,
01:27:42chipotle, and honey.
01:27:44It's juicy, huh?
01:27:46It's good, it's juicy, look, look.
01:27:48A winner, a winner, no doubt.
01:27:50Those pieces of chicken
01:27:52look commercial.
01:27:54If the chefs try it and like it,
01:27:56we have nothing to do in this challenge
01:27:58because it looks divine.
01:28:00I have great competition
01:28:02with these two sauces,
01:28:04they look incredible.
01:28:06You can get a little salty,
01:28:08especially with this one,
01:28:10the barbecue one.
01:28:12How did you say it?
01:28:16Sour and sweet.
01:28:18Sour and sweet,
01:28:20is that a new word, Carmen?
01:28:26Carcaje is a new word for the dictionary.
01:28:28Soon in your favorite stores,
01:28:30my dear people.
01:28:32Thank you very much.
01:28:34It's a great job.
01:28:36I'm very happy with the result.
01:28:38Chef Toño congratulated me,
01:28:40he said it was a great job.
01:28:42Number one.
01:28:44It's a great job.
01:28:46It's a great job.
01:28:48It was my rooster,
01:28:50and there it is.
01:28:52Better than the brand that you and I know.
01:28:54Well, I'm coming now.
01:28:57The chef wants to take it home,
01:28:59she grabbed the boat,
01:29:00and she said,
01:29:02if I win immunity,
01:29:04she won't give it to me,
01:29:06because I love Pati.
01:29:08Great job, I liked it a lot.
01:29:10Thank you very much.
01:29:12Go back to your station.
01:29:14Thank you.
01:29:16I think Pati is immune.
01:29:18Come on, Pati, come on, come on.
01:29:20I'm so happy.
01:29:22Come on in, please.
01:29:24No, there's nothing to do, Pati.
01:29:26Give it to Pati already.
01:29:28The truth is that I would be fascinated
01:29:30because you wouldn't have to stress me out
01:29:32and suffer from the stomach pain
01:29:34and the bitterness I get
01:29:36every time I go to an elimination challenge.
01:29:38Tell us the name, and then why did you suffer?
01:29:40I put chicken,
01:29:42because I needed to put comedy in the challenge.
01:29:51There were the two legs,
01:29:53the two wings,
01:29:55and the breast, I made them into strips,
01:29:57and the sauce is made from pineapple
01:30:00tamarind, mezcal, habanero,
01:30:02and another chili of those that are dehydrated,
01:30:04which I'm not sure what it's called,
01:30:06but it smelled delicious.
01:30:08Oh, and I made a ranch-style dip.
01:30:10No, look, it's good.
01:30:12Sure, as long as it's not raw.
01:30:14Definitely, Polo didn't cook chicken.
01:30:16Polo cooked a quail or something like that,
01:30:20It's good.
01:30:22You threw yourself a different fried chicken,
01:30:24like those fried fish you see
01:30:26that are always accompanied with lemon and others.
01:30:28This is a way.
01:30:30It's a little dry, exactly, brother.
01:30:32I think that's the kind of
01:30:34skinny part of this chicken,
01:30:36but besides that, the flavor is very good.
01:30:40What happened to that chicken?
01:30:43Your chicken has a great flavor.
01:30:46The breading fell off a little bit
01:30:48on some sides.
01:30:50I think there was a slight technical failure,
01:30:52which was basically that,
01:30:54as was the temperature
01:30:56or the size of the protein.
01:30:58I thank you,
01:31:00and I'm going back to your station.
01:31:02Excuse me, thank you.
01:31:04That's because he doesn't have the practice
01:31:06of fried chicken,
01:31:08but the next time he does it,
01:31:10it's going to be a tremendous chicken.
01:31:12David, please.
01:31:15David can give you half a fight.
01:31:18I'm just thinking
01:31:20that this chicken fascinates them.
01:31:23Tell me the name of those chickens.
01:31:25This is called
01:31:27David's Chicken Hot Couture.
01:31:30Hot Couture.
01:31:38This is a fried chicken
01:31:40with an obviously Lebanese influence.
01:31:43Oh, God!
01:31:45Let it go, man!
01:31:47But why?
01:31:49Those are its roots.
01:31:51No, but I'm also from the ranch,
01:31:53and I'm not going to change it.
01:31:55The Lebanese recipe is going to run out,
01:31:57and what are you going to do?
01:31:58I'm going to make Lebanese chicken,
01:32:00Lebanese burritos, Lebanese hotchos.
01:32:02The only thing we're missing is Lebanese tostadas.
01:32:04Lebanese and Yucatecan,
01:32:06because the chicken is fried in oil
01:32:08with butter.
01:32:10And before putting the chicken in,
01:32:12I fried some chicharroncines.
01:32:14We already saw them.
01:32:16To give it more flavor,
01:32:18that fat.
01:32:20First, it was marinated in yogurt,
01:32:22with milk,
01:32:24with spices, with cumin,
01:32:26and then it's breaded
01:32:28with herbs and parsley.
01:32:30And accompanied by this sauce,
01:32:32which is like a yogurt veil
01:32:34with herbs.
01:32:40Of course, David's chicken
01:32:42is a high-seasoning chicken,
01:32:44and also a high-cooking chicken.
01:32:46I really like that you used
01:32:48that technique of flavoring the oil,
01:32:50the breading,
01:32:52making it different.
01:32:54Because whenever we add aromatic herbs
01:32:56to the breading,
01:32:58it adds a lot of flavor.
01:33:00But in this case,
01:33:02your chicken lacked a bit of cooking.
01:33:04Oh, don't tell me.
01:33:07This is like my worst nightmare.
01:33:10Not for me.
01:33:12Me neither.
01:33:14Unfortunately, Chef Tita
01:33:16got a raw chicken.
01:33:18It's impossible for there to be
01:33:20a piece of raw chicken.
01:33:22It must have been one of the last,
01:33:24Chef Tita,
01:33:26because he really took care of it.
01:33:28I think there's nothing more serious
01:33:30for this competition
01:33:32than a raw chicken.
01:33:34As my father would say,
01:33:36you have to run a stupid veil.
01:33:38Bye, David.
01:33:40Antonio and I got perfectly well-cooked,
01:33:44I was very sad,
01:33:46because I know it doesn't represent
01:33:48the work David did.
01:33:50I think it's a hot couture chicken
01:33:52because it comes with a very nice dress,
01:33:54the chicken,
01:33:56and I like how it looks physically
01:33:58and I love it a lot.
01:34:00But this time, it didn't go well.
01:34:02You can go back, Carlito.
01:34:04Thank you.
01:34:09It's raw.
01:34:11I think I should continue
01:34:13cutting cloth
01:34:15and someone else cut the chicken.
01:34:17I'm not good at this.
01:34:19My dear child, please come in,
01:34:21the prodigy child.
01:34:26Let's be honest,
01:34:28it looks good,
01:34:30but from what it looks like to how it tastes,
01:34:32there can always be a huge step.
01:34:34It looks good.
01:34:36My dear child,
01:34:38what's the name of your chicken
01:34:40and how did you make it?
01:34:42Toño y Niño Fried Chicken.
01:34:44Toño y Niño Fried Chicken.
01:34:46Because thanks to Toño,
01:34:48a spectacular chicken came out.
01:34:55Because I had never used
01:34:56that technique
01:34:58that I learned today,
01:35:00and it really fascinated me.
01:35:02I made the seasoning as you told me,
01:35:04but I added mine later too.
01:35:06And Toño went to the child and said,
01:35:08don't add eggs, do it like this,
01:35:10and he even helped her.
01:35:12In addition to having a very developed intuition,
01:35:14he also has a very developed ability
01:35:16to lick boots, I would say.
01:35:18It's a chicken very close
01:35:20to the one we famously know.
01:35:22The breading is very good
01:35:24because it's light,
01:35:26so that's a very good thing.
01:35:28The part that I got,
01:35:30I didn't get dry,
01:35:32I got very good.
01:35:34In general, a very good job.
01:35:36The child has his magical powers,
01:35:38he bewitches them out there.
01:35:40I particularly liked the sauce
01:35:42because it's also a little light,
01:35:44slightly spicy,
01:35:46and I think this chicken is good
01:35:48for any type of sauce too.
01:35:50From now on,
01:35:52the child's chicken goes like this,
01:35:54without eggs and without anything,
01:35:56because he's determined
01:35:58to lick Toño's boots.
01:36:00This is like a picapollo
01:36:02from Xochimilco,
01:36:04which is very popular.
01:36:06It's like the street picapollo,
01:36:08we could say.
01:36:10I also like the touch of
01:36:12the spiciness it has,
01:36:14but maybe you should take it
01:36:16to a pineapple barbecue
01:36:18to give it a little more flavor
01:36:20to the chicken.
01:36:22Go to your station.
01:36:24Thank you very much.
01:36:27I think this one is between
01:36:29Patty and the child.
01:36:31Chefs, it's time to decide.
01:36:33Go ahead, please.
01:36:35That it doesn't stay raw
01:36:37and that it's well breaded,
01:36:39that it's crispy on the outside,
01:36:41will be decisive to see
01:36:43who gets the immunity.
01:36:45Without a doubt, this immunity
01:36:47is not for me.
01:36:49Crossing finger,
01:36:51with my fingers crossed
01:36:53and one cut,
01:36:55the truth is that it's a very difficult challenge
01:36:58because it takes a lot of technique
01:37:00to be able to make a chicken
01:37:02that is golden on the outside
01:37:04and juicy on the inside.
01:37:06Fried chicken is not easy,
01:37:08not everyone can master it.
01:37:10Two, for me,
01:37:12took it out of the park
01:37:14very, very well,
01:37:16with certain flaws.
01:37:18But only one of them
01:37:20will be able to get the immunity.
01:37:22And the sauces,
01:37:24there's salt,
01:37:26there's lemon,
01:37:28there's stress,
01:37:30because there's an immunity in between
01:37:32and we all want to gain immunity.
01:37:34Let's go there and tell them.
01:37:36Let's go there.
01:37:38Let's go there.
01:37:40Who will be the winner?
01:37:42You tell them.
01:37:44The judges return
01:37:46to deliver what they don't even have to deliver.
01:37:50Chefs, tell us.
01:37:52Who will be the winner
01:37:54and please,
01:37:56have we made a decision?
01:38:01And the winner
01:38:03of the immunity
01:38:08Honestly, I don't think so.
01:38:10I doubt it too much,
01:38:12but the year is light.
01:38:14It's you.
01:38:19My daddy.
01:38:21Thank you.
01:38:22I'm so happy.
01:38:24I love fried chicken.
01:38:26Even though it's the first time I make it,
01:38:28I've known it my whole life.
01:38:30It's definitely an advantage
01:38:32to have immunity today.
01:38:34Patti, congratulations!
01:38:36Thank you, Carmen.
01:38:38Thank you very much.
01:38:40You've gained immunity tonight
01:38:42and you'll be out of danger
01:38:44until the next elimination.
01:38:48The others will continue to cook on Sunday
01:38:50and they'll do it for salvation
01:38:52with a lot of fun
01:38:54and a lot of surprises.
01:38:56As we like it.
01:38:58Of course.
01:39:00Guys, for now,
01:39:02you can go to the bar to rest.
01:39:04Thank you very much.
01:39:06Thank you.
01:39:08Have a good night.
01:39:10Let's say we're hungry.
01:39:12We're hungry for college.
01:39:20We also say goodbye
01:39:22to the kitchen.
01:39:24In the next challenge,
01:39:26we'll see if they're as lucky
01:39:28in love as they are in the game.
01:39:30Let's give a big round of applause
01:39:32to the semifinalists
01:39:34and finalists of season one and two.
01:39:36And the problems begin.
01:39:38Sebastián and David.
01:39:40Oh, yes, Sebastián in everything.
01:39:42People will come at us.
01:39:44We don't have mayonnaise.
01:39:46Three games?
01:39:48Three or two.
01:39:49You'll never forget
01:39:51all your screams and nightmares.
01:39:53Kid, if you want to get the dust out,
01:39:55I'll help you with the swearing.
01:39:57We need to know this is good.
01:39:59And if it goes wrong,
01:40:01it's all your fault.
