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Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 29 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 30 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 31 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 29 Completo HD Online
00:00:04New uses a connoisseur species de la bolsa de Beranda revisar de la bolsa de bandera al niño neta
00:00:11a como una forma de manipulación
00:00:16Ya empezaron a sacar las uñas cada cual con su manera de ser consumer a la serie con su conciencia
00:00:23van a tener
00:00:25For not
00:00:27Hi, Estrategia, I complot
00:00:33Por favor ellos tienen pato y no dice que nosotros no lo vamos a usar vamos muy mal de tiempo
00:00:39vemos que el pato está todavía está congelado hermano entonces
00:00:43ni modo hacer una carne en su término tiene su chiste
00:00:48Si pero es que empiezan a ser burla de todo lo que
00:00:50Hay Dios mío y esta no va a ser la primera vez que no nos entendamos que pena pero yo también soy parte del equipo
00:00:57Yo puedo con esa carne a nadie le va a quedar mejor en este equipo la carne que a mí tengo derecho a opinar
00:01:01Estoy parte del equipo vemos un problema con la proteína no quiere alicia que le digamos nada todo el mundo sabe saben tanto que
00:01:09saben a
00:01:10Perdón chef estoy muy desesperado yo sé que estás desesperado pero no te
00:01:14solito todo el reto
00:01:16Son como que los únicos que cocinan no no no abandones resuelve claro que vamos a terminar aquí están otros dos y voy por el
00:01:22otro nuestros jueces
00:01:24siguen deliberando
00:01:26conoceremos a su decisión
00:01:29mañana en nuestro próximo capítulo
00:01:41Estamos todos los del equipo azul en la barra y por supuesto
00:01:44Yo le pregunto polito
00:01:47Te dejaron solo con todo el pastel y polo me hace así con sus ojotes
00:01:54Paty se le puso pero la verdad es que polo sacó el postre solo lo que se es papá lo que es del césar es
00:01:59El césar yo me quito el sombrero con polo se rifo un pastelote del solo
00:02:04Obviamente se quedó solo es porque teníamos nos alcanzó el tiempo y teníamos mucho trabajo por delante
00:02:10siempre estábamos en comunicación todos después de este como este
00:02:14paquete de eliminaciones
00:02:16vamos a quedar 10 no 10 una la competencia sigue en un nivel muy alto y luego el repechaje que vengan otros dos van a
00:02:23quedar 11
00:02:24seguramente va a ser una bomba atómica regresando participantes regresan dos participantes
00:02:28quien dijo
00:02:30así es el formato siempre siempre regresan dos participantes
00:02:33se llama la repesca
00:02:34vuelven o pueden meter a gente nueva también en la acaba se están haciendo los chismes de que va a haber un repechaje y que van
00:02:41a volver
00:02:43de nuestros compañeros que ya se fueron nati lo que es mariana y natalia
00:02:49una natalia pienso que por ahí está la cosa y qué sorpresa que el puma volviera
00:02:57se imaginan que regrese el puma
00:03:00eso podría ser
00:03:02buenísimo no porque me imagino que tienen que agarrar los que cocinan muy bien no
00:03:06aparte no porque ellos vuelven varios y lo pueden a competir entre ella y que se quedan la verdad es que
00:03:13cualquiera de mis excompañeros me encantaría tenerlos nuevamente
00:03:17a mí me gustaría que regresara la castro para nuestro imperio de maldad
00:03:21así que yo sé que la castro me ayudaría a destruir a galea porque tienes guantes
00:03:26son de colágeno yo para tocarte más suavemente
00:03:30sería todo lo contrario con tus manos
00:03:35Es colágeno mi amor y que no me has querido dar
00:03:40Y eso también está galán y todo lo que quiera pero
00:03:43pero la macha de la machado
00:03:47Es que tú y yo sabemos porque no te puedo dar colágeno
00:03:51Yo sé mi vida no te preocupes
00:03:53Te lo encontraste primero que a mi
00:03:55No, no se
00:03:56Es un niño muy cariñoso, muy dulce
00:03:58Somos amores platónicos
00:04:00Alicia y yo
00:04:02Chicos, ¿me escuchan?
00:04:06¿Qué pasó participantes?
00:04:08Está Carmen hablando
00:04:10No te hacen caso
00:04:13No pues ya vi
00:04:15No me escuchan, no me hacen caso
00:04:17Bueno pues que están esperando
00:04:19Vengan todos a la cocina
00:04:21Porque llegó el momento de luchar por la eliminación
00:04:33Estamos iniciando un nuevo día
00:04:35En este maravilloso programa
00:04:37Donde siempre nos reciben con mucha alegría
00:04:39Pero también con muchas sorpresas
00:04:41Vamos a la cocina de Top Chef VIP
00:04:43Hoy con mucha cuerda
00:04:45Con mucha energía
00:04:47Y con muchos nervios
00:04:49Carmen que guapa
00:04:51Hoy es una de las primeras veces
00:04:53Que llego super nerviosa
00:04:55No sabemos quién ganó
00:04:57Ni quién perdió
00:04:59Yo tengo la fuerte convicción
00:05:01De que merecemos y vamos a ganar
00:05:07¿Cómo están?
00:05:10Hoy llego contenta
00:05:14Con ganas de saber
00:05:16Qué va a pasar con el veredicto
00:05:18Listos para saber
00:05:20Qué equipo se va a eliminación
00:05:22Si el mostaza o el azul
00:05:24Participantes bienvenidos a la cocina más exigente del mundo
00:05:26La cocina de Top Chef VIP
00:05:28Por Telemundo
00:05:32Probablemente voy a reto de eliminación
00:05:34Probablemente no
00:05:36Yo vengo estudiado como si sí
00:05:39Tengo muchas ganas de quedarme en la cocina para que vean
00:05:41Una noche de eliminación
00:05:43En la que no sabemos qué equipo
00:05:45Es el que tiene que cocinar
00:05:47Los dos chicos de verdad
00:05:49Hicieron un trabajo titánico
00:05:51Atendiendo dos eventos desafiantes
00:05:53Y vivimos una noche única
00:05:55Vamos a confiar
00:05:57De que sí vamos a ganar
00:05:59Y de que no nos vamos a ir
00:06:01A reto de eliminación
00:06:03Pero llegó el momento
00:06:05De conocer la decisión de nuestros chefs
00:06:07Tienen Alonso, Toño Delivier y la chef Tita
00:06:09A ver qué pasa hoy
00:06:11Porque ayer
00:06:13No nos dijeron quién ganó el reto
00:06:15Si alguien perdió
00:06:17Si mi equipo perdió
00:06:19¿A quién le van a echar la culpa?
00:06:21Chefs, buenas noches
00:06:23¿Les parece si nos vamos directo al veredicto?
00:06:27Hay un nervio generalizado
00:06:33Por favor cuéntenos
00:06:36Y se salva esta noche
00:06:38De ir al reto de eliminación
00:06:40La capitaniada
00:06:42Estuvo muy buena
00:06:44Logramos entregar todos los platos
00:06:46Y eso para mí era lo más importante
00:06:48En nombre de Dios, ¡vámonos!
00:06:50Bueno, pues antes que nada
00:06:52Los queremos felicitar
00:06:54Porque cumplieron el reto
00:06:56Por lo general una boda
00:06:58Se prepara con muchos meses de antelación
00:07:00El banquetero
00:07:02Se previene con algunas semanas
00:07:05Y ya cuando llega el momento
00:07:07Dos días de trabajo arduo
00:07:09Para hacer mise en place
00:07:11Adelantar lo máximo
00:07:13Y ustedes lo hicieron en unas horas
00:07:15Una boda no se hace así
00:07:17Venga, una boda
00:07:19Realmente las comidas de la boda
00:07:21Los banquetes de la boda
00:07:23Es muy difícil que se cocinen en el momento
00:07:25Entonces creo que
00:07:27Como dicen en México, nos rifamos
00:07:29Entonces la verdad, felicidades
00:07:31Todo nuestro respeto
00:07:34Y un pastel de boda que era muy complejo
00:07:36El poder reconocer
00:07:38El gran sacrificio y esfuerzo
00:07:40Que fue hacer estas bodas
00:07:42Con muy poco tiempo de preparación
00:07:44Haber sacado adelante todo esto
00:07:46Tiene un mérito y que bonito
00:07:48Que nos lo puedan decir
00:07:50Bueno chicos, yo voy a hablarles un poquito
00:07:52Del equipo Mostaza
00:07:54Felicidades, la entrada estuvo maravillosa
00:07:56La tostadita
00:07:58Súper bien presentada
00:08:00Un poquito de ácido
00:08:02Para una boda
00:08:04Muchos de los invitados comensales
00:08:06Repitieron la entrada
00:08:08Check ahí, muy bien
00:08:10El fuerte sí sentimos que llegamos tarde a la boda
00:08:12Que ya habían comido todos
00:08:14Y como que nos aventaron ahí
00:08:16Tres pedacitos de carne como cortadita
00:08:18Muy mal tratada
00:08:20La proteína
00:08:22La verdad no era un platillo
00:08:24De boda
00:08:26No estoy de acuerdo con que el plato fuerte
00:08:28Fuera malo
00:08:31El pastel no era lo mejor del plato
00:08:33Pero creo que entregamos un plato bastante decente
00:08:35Y el pastel, la verdad
00:08:37Ahí sí dejaron solo
00:08:39Luchando en una batalla de titanes
00:08:41Al Don Polo
00:08:43Tal y como lo predije, ¿se acuerdan?
00:08:45O sea, este equipo iba a explotar
00:08:47A Pati y a Polo
00:08:49Porque son los únicos que cocinan
00:08:51Siempre que uno coge
00:08:53Así, porque así tienes control
00:08:55Si no, no tienes control, ¿ok?
00:08:57Estoy de acuerdo
00:09:00Y a Pati
00:09:02Perdón, chef, estoy muy desesperado
00:09:04Yo sé que estás desesperado, pero no te desesperes, todo bien
00:09:06Te dejaron solito
00:09:08O sea, que ellos cocinen
00:09:10Porque son como que los únicos que cocinan, ¿no?
00:09:12Me pareció que aunque ellos querían
00:09:14El pastel de Red Velvet con chocolate blanco
00:09:16Hiciste como un híbrido
00:09:18Pero el detalle de haber puesto
00:09:20Los colores, ¿no?
00:09:22Tan inclusivos para el evento que era
00:09:24Fue muy bueno
00:09:26Mucho trabajo
00:09:28Pero sí creo que trabajaste muy solo
00:09:30Todos entregamos el corazón
00:09:32Cumplimos el reto, hicimos lo mejor
00:09:34Que pudimos, y ya si el otro equipo
00:09:36Lo hizo aún mejor que nosotros
00:09:38Pues no pasa nada
00:09:40Bueno, a mí me toca ahora hablar un poquito
00:09:42Del equipo azul
00:09:44La entrada era una especie
00:09:46De croqueta de pescado
00:09:48Que quedó realmente muy pesada
00:09:50Muy compacta
00:09:52O sea, y nos pareció también
00:09:54Muy pequeña
00:09:57Quiero voltear a ver a Alicia
00:09:59Incluso creo que sí le he hecho una miradita
00:10:01Porque Alicia nos dijo
00:10:03No entienda la cheftita
00:10:05O sea, cuando le hace una grandota, porque está grandota
00:10:07Cuando le hace chiquita, porque está chiquita
00:10:09El plato fuerte me pareció maravilloso
00:10:11El medallón
00:10:13De filete de res
00:10:15Bien trabajado, buena cocción
00:10:17Excelente salsa
00:10:19Esa salsa tenía mucho sabor
00:10:21Muy buen espesor
00:10:23Les va muy bien en el plato fuerte
00:10:26Viceverso a nosotros
00:10:28Ahí vamos uno y uno
00:10:30El arroz tenía muy buen sabor
00:10:32Un arroz verde que nos sirvieron
00:10:34Creo que era con cilantro
00:10:36En el arroz se pasó un poquito de cocción
00:10:38Yo pensaría que más bien le faltaba un poquito
00:10:40No es que estaba crudo ni quemado
00:10:42Es como crocante
00:10:44Y con el postre de la torta
00:10:46Que quedó muy rica
00:10:48El tema del blueberry que utilizaron en la salsa
00:10:50Blueberry fresco
00:10:52Pero también utilizaron el blueberry
00:10:55Con el calor
00:10:57Se deshidrató
00:10:59Se hidrató la torta
00:11:01Y también tenía su suspiro
00:11:03Bien montado
00:11:05Estaba rica la torta de ustedes
00:11:07Estamos muy parejos
00:11:09¿Qué ganas mejor?
00:11:11Hemos tomado una decisión
00:11:17Véngase a ver que viene
00:11:19Estamos listos
00:11:25Es un momento
00:11:27De la vieja verdulera
00:11:29Que tiene de amiguito
00:11:31Si le tienes que decir algo a alguien
00:11:33Díselo a ese alguien
00:11:35Yo vengo aquí a cocinar
00:11:37Cada vez que pasa algo
00:11:39Me escuchan a mi
00:11:41Me resulta un poco cansado
00:11:43El sabor
00:11:45Lo tengo yo de nacimiento
00:11:51Hemos tomado una decisión
00:11:53a decision.
00:11:59Come on, let's see what's coming. We're ready.
00:12:10Well, there's no elimination today.
00:12:14What? A gift?
00:12:18Everyone is safe.
00:12:19Wow! How nice! I'm so happy.
00:12:28Bravo! I think it's great news for everyone.
00:12:33It was very exciting to see the order, to organize, not to fail, not to fail.
00:12:41Personally, I speak for my colleagues and I feel proud of you.
00:12:47Oh my God! We can breathe a little more.
00:12:55This is historic in Top Chef VIP.
00:12:58Chefs, so, let's see, just a moment. If no one leaves tonight...
00:13:05What does that mean? That we advance the fight for immunity?
00:13:08Let's go!
00:13:09Again, this cycle is repeated, this rise and fall of emotions begins again.
00:13:14Guys, today you are going to face two tests.
00:13:17And the first one will be a test of fire.
00:13:24If I'm honest, I feel a little unfair.
00:13:27The fact that I have already been immune and now there is no elimination.
00:13:31So I say, why was I immune?
00:13:39One of the most effective ways to learn is imitation.
00:13:43And if you imitate an adult, you become more than an adult.
00:13:49Imitation for me is one of my great resources in life.
00:13:53Today you will witness the work of a teacher.
00:13:57And if you manage to listen, understand and synchronize with your knowledge,
00:14:03you will be one step closer to immunity.
00:14:07I missed this dance.
00:14:10The boy tells me, hey Gabriel, you know that I dreamed that an invited chef was going to come,
00:14:16someone with a beard, and he was going to cook and we had to imitate what that person was doing.
00:14:23Academic, researcher, global icon of Mexican gastronomy.
00:14:29His kitchen is an affirmation of national identity.
00:14:34His restaurants, doors that connect with the past and transcend into the future.
00:14:41Convinced that in the simplicity and purity of the ingredient,
00:14:46there is our connection between the pleasure of eating and the respect for this world that feeds us.
00:14:55Let's welcome in this kitchen of Top Chef VIP, Chef Gerardo Vázquez Lugo.
00:15:08Look at the boy, and the boy, and what?
00:15:11And he looked at me.
00:15:12When I saw this man come in with this white beard, I fell in love.
00:15:18I fell in love.
00:15:20Good evening.
00:15:21What a pleasure to have you here in the kitchen of Top Chef VIP.
00:15:26How are you Gerardo?
00:15:27The Mexican chef Gerardo Vázquez, famous all over the country,
00:15:32and his restaurant is one of the most visited in Mexico City.
00:15:36Chef, welcome, really, what a pleasure, what a great honor to have you here with us.
00:15:41Who doesn't know him, really, we are nervous because whenever they bring us a Mexican,
00:15:47the Mexicans let us down. So, nothing, welcome old man.
00:15:52Chef, please tell us how the tradition mixes with the avant-garde.
00:15:57Well, I firmly believe that tradition feeds the avant-garde.
00:16:02If there is something absolutely traditional in Mexican cuisine,
00:16:06it is its constant evolution without losing the feet of the earth,
00:16:11and always tied to our roots with a view to the future.
00:16:15I think that Top Chef VIP this third season has given us great teachers.
00:16:19It is an honor, obviously, to have him here.
00:16:21Chefs, do you have something to tell us about our guest?
00:16:24Chef Belén.
00:16:25Well, he is an icon of Mexican gastronomy,
00:16:29who does not know Chef Gerardo, does not know Mexican cuisine.
00:16:33Our judges are the most excited about this visit.
00:16:37I am very, very excited to have a friend here, because I consider him a great friend,
00:16:42and I have always thought that Gerardo is someone who gave us the accordion to pass the exam,
00:16:49and opens up an immense panorama of what gastronomy is, as one thinks he knows it.
00:16:57I have to be honest, I had never heard of him,
00:17:00but the way they are presenting him, it looks like he is a crack.
00:17:04Well, I love Gerardo, I have known him for a long time,
00:17:08we spent a month in India cooking, he with the flavors of Mexico,
00:17:11and I with the Dominican Republic.
00:17:13It is a mandatory stop in Mexico whenever I go,
00:17:15and I also admire a lot that it is something generational,
00:17:19from his family, a restaurant that is more than 50 years old.
00:17:22So, what an honor to have you here.
00:17:27Learning from him, living an experience with him, is wonderful.
00:17:32Chefs, tell us what this challenge of salvation will consist of.
00:17:36Look, you have to follow the chef's rhythm and the recipe he is going to make.
00:17:41This is the challenge.
00:17:46You have to observe very well,
00:17:49and you have to imitate the step by step of the dish that the chef is going to make.
00:17:57He is going to indicate the instructions one by one, but check very well,
00:18:04he will not stop cooking.
00:18:10Well, today's rules are not easy at all,
00:18:12the time and the rhythm of cooking will be marked only by Chef Gerardo.
00:18:17And while he is cooking, he will answer your questions,
00:18:21but he will continue to cook, he will not stop at any time,
00:18:25and that is very good that you have it clear.
00:18:27For me it is not difficult to pay attention,
00:18:31to be aware of everything the chef does.
00:18:33And the challenge ends when the chef finishes cooking,
00:18:37you should all have finished too.
00:18:40It is as if we were watching on TV a common chef that we have as a guest today,
00:18:46and we cooking at home.
00:18:48In your stations you will have all the ingredients that the chef is going to use.
00:18:52Ok, what you will have to prepare will be your utensils, obviously, right?
00:18:57Keeping up with a professional chef,
00:19:00cooking with him on time,
00:19:02is going to be precisely a challenge,
00:19:04keeping up with a professional chef,
00:19:06cooking with him on time,
00:19:08is going to be precisely a challenge of skill.
00:19:10Chef Gerardo, any advice to our participants before starting?
00:19:14Well, as you have said, this is about enjoying the moment of cooking,
00:19:19I will go at a calm rhythm,
00:19:22calm for me,
00:19:26but I will not stop,
00:19:29then the questions will be asked,
00:19:31I answer them while I'm still working,
00:19:34but do not lose the focus,
00:19:36that all the emotions are transmitted to the dish,
00:19:39and we want this dish to be something that is enjoyed while eating and preparing.
00:19:44So, enjoy this challenge a lot,
00:19:46very carefully,
00:19:48very calmly.
00:19:51I'm going to take the word,
00:19:53whatever happens, I'm going to enjoy this dish.
00:20:00The ingredients will be in your stations,
00:20:02and the time will be set by the orchestra director,
00:20:06Chef Gerardo.
00:20:08So, get ready,
00:20:12very tasty,
00:20:14let's cook!
00:20:22My race, and as you know,
00:20:24Socopa Pancho Uribe is a ranchero man,
00:20:26who is under the hat,
00:20:28and the man of the chants,
00:20:30so my people, I'm going to tell you something quick,
00:20:32the hat, when I got here,
00:20:34did not have an owner, I did not steal it,
00:20:36then I'm going to talk to you, because that's the power,
00:20:38here I bring the recipes,
00:20:40but my people, if you do not want to miss the episodes,
00:20:42remember to go, please, to the Telemundo app,
00:20:45so that you do not miss the behind the scenes,
00:20:47how I stole it,
00:20:49well, I did not steal it, but hey,
00:20:51remember, through Telemundo,
00:20:53the house of realities,
00:20:55cheer up, we're back.
00:21:02Very tasty!
00:21:04Let's cook!
00:21:07If you have cooked before in this way,
00:21:09of course, on TV you can pause or return.
00:21:13What we are going to prepare today,
00:21:15is a recipe from the south of Mexico,
00:21:17it is Coastal Adobado fish.
00:21:25First we have to identify all the ingredients,
00:21:28I hope you have already reviewed those seasons,
00:21:32we have fresh ingredients,
00:21:34we have some aromatics,
00:21:36the protagonist of today,
00:21:39which is this beautiful fillet of sea bass.
00:21:46The chef starts and I like it,
00:21:48he has a positive vibe,
00:21:50he is enjoying the kitchen,
00:21:52and it shows that he does not come here just to screw us,
00:21:54or to try to get our foot in.
00:21:58I feel that in order not to get lost,
00:22:00the first thing is to listen.
00:22:02We start by putting cold water,
00:22:05to have the herbs of presentation very fresh.
00:22:11Water with ice.
00:22:19This is going to be hard,
00:22:21we have to put water, put ice,
00:22:23take things out.
00:22:25We are going to put water with salt.
00:22:32This is to refresh our sprouts,
00:22:35we have a jar with some sprouts of cilantro,
00:22:38some herbs that we are going to use for the final presentation.
00:22:42He is extremely organized when it comes to his ingredients.
00:22:52We have our fish,
00:22:54and we are going to prepare a salmuera.
00:22:57The proportion is approximately 30 grams of salt
00:23:02per liter of water.
00:23:04That is in the water.
00:23:06It seems to me a clear, difficult challenge,
00:23:08but I keep doing it.
00:23:10Trust me, I'll do well.
00:23:17We remove the skin from the fish,
00:23:19very carefully.
00:23:24They pull the skin,
00:23:26pushing the knife so that the whole skin comes out,
00:23:29without leaving half of the fish on the skin, please.
00:23:33Chef, if we cut it regularly,
00:23:35isn't it easier to remove the spine?
00:23:37Yes, of course, when you cut regularly,
00:23:39look for the part where the flesh of the fish is redder,
00:23:42that's where the spines are regularly.
00:23:52There I got a little stuck,
00:23:54my skin broke a little.
00:23:56We cut regular pieces,
00:23:59and the fish that we have already cleaned and verified,
00:24:03go to the salmuera.
00:24:10You have to keep the chain cold,
00:24:12especially with this type of product,
00:24:14and we leave it here,
00:24:17so that our fish rests.
00:24:25We return with the skin,
00:24:26and we start scraping all the flesh.
00:24:31Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch.
00:24:33I go mark by mark,
00:24:35sometimes I let it take a little longer,
00:24:37because at the end of the day, I'm doing other processes,
00:24:39I don't have the same utensils as him,
00:24:41I don't have the same space as him.
00:24:44We're going to make fish skin chicharron.
00:24:49There I am, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.
00:24:52You see, Rosy, for not paying attention.
00:24:56It has to be exaggeratedly clean.
00:24:58Exaggeratedly clean.
00:25:00Pure skin.
00:25:02Pure skin.
00:25:04Here we have it.
00:25:06Perfectly clean.
00:25:08I cut the edges.
00:25:10No way to concentrate or go at the same time,
00:25:12well, I'm always watching him too.
00:25:14The sauce is going to be a marinade.
00:25:16The marinade is a traditional Mexican preparation.
00:25:20It turns out that following Chef Gerardo
00:25:22is not as easy as we expected,
00:25:23or at least as it looked at the beginning.
00:25:28We have chile pasilla and chile chilhuacle,
00:25:30which is an endemic chile from Oaxaca.
00:25:35Wow, I said, my dish has to be one of those
00:25:37that the chef sees and says, I want to try this.
00:25:40Precisely that myth
00:25:42that all Mexican cuisine is spicy
00:25:44is for not knowing how to use the ingredient well.
00:25:47We can gradually minimize the spiciness
00:25:49by removing veins,
00:25:51which is this lighter part
00:25:53that it has inside the chili,
00:25:55and the seeds.
00:25:57The three chilies, chef?
00:25:59All of them.
00:26:01This chili smells delicious.
00:26:03I had never tried it.
00:26:05I have cleaned other chilies,
00:26:07so the thing cannot change so much.
00:26:15We already have chilies here.
00:26:17We are going to cut them.
00:26:19We already have them pre-heated.
00:26:21Let's check.
00:26:25This is a technique that we forget
00:26:27to lightly tatem the chilies.
00:26:29If you overdo it,
00:26:31if you overdo it,
00:26:33it becomes bitter.
00:26:41I think it is impossible
00:26:43for any Mexican to know how to tatem chilies.
00:26:45Tateming chilies or tateming things
00:26:47is a very Mexican technique,
00:26:49100% Mexican.
00:26:51We only put the chihuahua?
00:26:53Chihuahua and pasilla.
00:26:57Both, and we are going to be late
00:26:59because we are going to need to tatem
00:27:01some tomatoes,
00:27:06with everything and skin.
00:27:08Well, the mental retention
00:27:10was fundamental.
00:27:12And we are going to slice
00:27:14very thinly
00:27:16these onions.
00:27:17This is for decoration.
00:27:19So you have to have the retention
00:27:21that you are doing what he told you 20 seconds ago,
00:27:23but pay attention
00:27:25to what he is saying.
00:27:27The chihuahua,
00:27:29in Chile it is called?
00:27:33We take the chihuahua out of the pan
00:27:35that is toasted?
00:27:37When it is toasted, we take it out.
00:27:39I already have it here,
00:27:41clean, toasted.
00:27:43It was the first one we took out.
00:27:45And we are going to use
00:27:47the same environment.
00:27:49Ask him, did the onion put salt or something?
00:27:53He is fine, he is not grumpy,
00:27:55we ask questions,
00:27:57he answers them three times.
00:27:59So if it already has hot water,
00:28:01we put it right here
00:28:03to hydrate the chilies
00:28:05that we had previously roasted
00:28:07and we rescue a bowl.
00:28:14I already know that all that
00:28:15is going to be taken to a blender.
00:28:17So nothing else,
00:28:19I mean, I can do it from there,
00:28:21but I am also respectful,
00:28:23so I'm waiting for him to say,
00:28:25well, now we are going to grab the blender.
00:28:27We take out the garlic cloves.
00:28:30You have to remove
00:28:32just the skin.
00:28:34Already roasted,
00:28:36they come out, look.
00:28:38They come out alone.
00:28:41I feel like a good apprentice
00:28:43of a great chef, really.
00:28:45Let's go inside, there it is.
00:28:47I mean, I'm listening to him,
00:28:49I'm seeing what he's doing
00:28:51and I'm really doing it,
00:28:53but with my seasoning,
00:28:55with my feeling, with my rhythm.
00:28:57The surprise of the day, pineapple.
00:28:59We cut two very nice slices,
00:29:03because this is going to be part
00:29:05of the final presentation of the dish.
00:29:09We move forward, the minutes pass
00:29:11and I feel very comfortable.
00:29:12I don't know at what point,
00:29:14suddenly it can accelerate a little
00:29:16and one gets a little behind
00:29:18or the matter can get a little complicated.
00:29:20The rest, we are going to cut
00:29:22into rough pieces
00:29:24and we put them on top.
00:29:27Here we have the chilies,
00:29:29we are going to put them
00:29:31to blend.
00:29:39Try to imitate it as much as possible,
00:29:40follow step by step
00:29:42and make it tasty.
00:29:44The garlic of the pineapple
00:29:46is for the plating
00:29:48and the rest I put it to tatemar.
00:29:50The rest is tatemando.
00:29:52Ah, that also goes inside?
00:29:54Everything goes inside.
00:29:56A lot of oregano,
00:29:58they die.
00:30:00The chives too?
00:30:04And all the chilies?
00:30:08This kitchen does not waste anything.
00:30:10I want to put absolutely everything.
00:30:12I want to try it
00:30:14and I want to put my seasoning there
00:30:16to make it super tasty
00:30:18and not just replicate what the chef does,
00:30:20but put my own flavor.
00:30:23I'm going to try it
00:30:25and until I like it,
00:30:27until that moment,
00:30:29I'm going to stop seasoning the marinade.
00:30:31Now we are going to put
00:30:33oil in a saucepan.
00:30:35High fire, chef!
00:30:37High fire the oil.
00:30:38It's a Mexican tradition
00:30:40to fry the sauce.
00:30:42I never would have imagined
00:30:44that a sauce would fry in oil
00:30:46and this was great.
00:30:51A very consistent sauce
00:30:53with a lot of flavor.
00:30:57But the strainer,
00:30:59I didn't know it was like that.
00:31:01And what was it?
00:31:03Why did I get so red?
00:31:05My color did not come out
00:31:06like the chef's.
00:31:08I don't know what happened there.
00:31:10I loved this recipe for this sauce
00:31:12and I hope to put it into practice
00:31:14in a next challenge.
00:31:16And just when you're seasoning,
00:31:18is when we let ourselves be carried
00:31:20a little by the feeling.
00:31:24I'm not going to tell you how much,
00:31:26you put the seasoning you want.
00:31:30And despite the fact that
00:31:32we are all following the same recipe,
00:31:34believe me, all flavors are different.
00:31:36One teaspoon of vinegar, chef.
00:31:38By feeling.
00:31:40That's where you can lose
00:31:42or you can win.
00:31:44And then I start playing with my seasoning.
00:31:46I start putting a little more salt,
00:31:48a little vinegar,
00:31:50and trying to bring a flavor
00:31:52that I like.
00:31:54And now you'll know who looks good
00:31:56and who doesn't. I hope so.
00:31:58When are we going to know
00:32:00that the sauce is cooked?
00:32:02When the sauces stop
00:32:04generating this foam
00:32:06that means the sauce is cooked.
00:32:15This last spoonful is perfect.
00:32:20Wow, this isn't even spicy.
00:32:22Can someone tell me
00:32:24what I'm doing?
00:32:26A vinaigrette for the salad.
00:32:28That's right.
00:32:30There's nothing more frightening
00:32:32than a dish that they put
00:32:34in a restaurant
00:32:36and the lettuce
00:32:38or any other herb
00:32:40goes in without seasoning.
00:32:44I didn't know how to do it,
00:32:46it's not very difficult,
00:32:48but I liked it.
00:32:50What about the salad?
00:32:52Well, add some acidity.
00:32:54It was worth it.
00:32:58In this pantry
00:33:00there are between 50 and 60 species.
00:33:02And since I got here
00:33:04the second week of the show,
00:33:06I don't know what to do.
00:33:08But I want you to download
00:33:10Telemundo's app
00:33:12where you can find all the episodes
00:33:14and exclusive content.
00:33:16Hey, don't go anywhere
00:33:18because we'll be back
00:33:20with Top Chef VIP
00:33:22by Telemundo,
00:33:24La Casa de los Reales.
00:33:26What about the salad?
00:33:28Well, add some acidity.
00:33:30It was worth it.
00:33:32I'm lost,
00:33:34I don't know how to make the vinaigrette,
00:33:36but I'll do it.
00:33:38We're running late.
00:33:40We're doing well.
00:33:43Take out the fish fillets,
00:33:46very dry.
00:33:52At the very least,
00:33:54you can get rid of just one thing
00:33:56and you start accumulating everything
00:33:58and it becomes a snowball
00:34:00that ends up going down.
00:34:02A tablespoon of seasoning
00:34:04on each slice.
00:34:06I swear to you,
00:34:08my seasoning is amazing.
00:34:10We have pre-heated ovens
00:34:12at 200 degrees.
00:34:18Honestly, I'm very close.
00:34:20Almost the same,
00:34:22following the steps,
00:34:24almost stepping on the chef's heels.
00:34:27We have another pan heating
00:34:29without oil.
00:34:31Without oil.
00:34:33Without oil,
00:34:34to toast the pineapple.
00:34:40Another one.
00:34:42Honestly, it's not easy to concentrate
00:34:44because you're doing one thing
00:34:46and the chef is doing another.
00:34:48I'm very focused on what's mine
00:34:50and I'm careful
00:34:52not to lose a single moment.
00:34:56How much?
00:34:58Enough to coat the fish.
00:35:00The idea of adding cornstarch
00:35:02to the skin of the fish
00:35:04and frying it
00:35:06was spectacular.
00:35:12I don't understand.
00:35:14Pay attention, please.
00:35:16Oh my God.
00:35:18Pay attention, guys.
00:35:20Check if it's at temperature.
00:35:22I have the seasoning.
00:35:24Can I turn it off?
00:35:26I appreciate having a good memory.
00:35:27But I don't appreciate
00:35:29my slow hands
00:35:31because I turned around
00:35:33and my colleagues were four steps ahead.
00:35:35But it's okay.
00:35:37I have good retention and I'll catch up.
00:35:40It shrinks, right?
00:35:42It shrinks, so we help ourselves
00:35:44with two sticks
00:35:46and we stretch it
00:35:48and we keep frying our skin.
00:35:54I've done it at home
00:35:55a couple of times
00:35:57and it hasn't been particularly good.
00:35:59When I finish preparing
00:36:01and plating,
00:36:03you also have to finish
00:36:05cooking your dishes
00:36:07and plating.
00:36:09When he finishes plating,
00:36:11we also have to finish plating.
00:36:13Hey, I didn't make my dressing.
00:36:15The dressing was salt and sugar.
00:36:17He doesn't stop asking and making noise,
00:36:19so I feel like he's not doing very well.
00:36:21Salt and sugar, a little vinegar
00:36:23and oil.
00:36:25He's three steps behind.
00:36:27Do you want to flavor it
00:36:29with something else?
00:36:31In this competition,
00:36:33they could not tell me anything
00:36:35and we're competing.
00:36:37We're rivals, but we're friends.
00:36:39Ready to plate.
00:36:43You only have one.
00:36:45I did it in case I was wrong.
00:36:47Remember, I can't be bad.
00:36:49I hope they don't ask us
00:36:51to plate twice
00:36:53because then we won't have enough.
00:36:55Let's go.
00:37:00He's already plating
00:37:02and he's not telling us
00:37:04that this is going to end.
00:37:06Please, do it.
00:37:08Crispy fish skin.
00:37:10I think I'm doing it
00:37:12exactly the same.
00:37:14We only put
00:37:16a drop
00:37:18of extra marinade.
00:37:23And we have to solve
00:37:25the problem.
00:37:27I think it's time
00:37:29to put what we know.
00:37:31Chef, do you think
00:37:33we should give them
00:37:35two more minutes?
00:37:37They deserve two extra minutes
00:37:39and I thank you
00:37:41for this experience.
00:37:43Thank you, chef.
00:37:45Thank you very much.
00:37:47I feel like he said,
00:37:49poor guys,
00:37:51I'm going to help them.
00:37:53I think he wants to see us do well.
00:37:55Let's go.
00:38:06Where did you put the vinaigrette, chef?
00:38:08On the branches.
00:38:10Grab the leaves,
00:38:12dip it, shake it,
00:38:14and put it on the plate.
00:38:16I try to give it
00:38:18the same shape as the chef.
00:38:20My fish didn't cook.
00:38:22It didn't cook?
00:38:23Ten minutes, not eight.
00:38:25Ten minutes?
00:38:27And my fish?
00:38:29Like me on a Sunday.
00:38:33David is not doing well
00:38:35in the test.
00:38:37Check, because normally
00:38:39one of the big mistakes
00:38:41we make is that
00:38:43we overcook the fish.
00:38:45The fish, when it comes off,
00:38:47even if you see it
00:38:49wet on the inside,
00:38:51that's the right point for a fish.
00:38:53The extra ten minutes
00:38:55they gave us,
00:38:57there was no way
00:38:59my fish would finish.
00:39:01Ten, nine,
00:39:03eight, seven,
00:39:05six, five,
00:39:07four, three,
00:39:09two, one.
00:39:11Hands up!
00:39:16Bravo, chef!
00:39:21I think I'm going to be
00:39:23the worst of this challenge.
00:39:27you can all go to the cabin
00:39:29while the chef goes through the stations
00:39:31and selects the dishes
00:39:33that are going to be tasted.
00:39:35Thank you very much, guys.
00:39:37To the cabin, please.
00:39:41It's delicious!
00:39:45When you respect a recipe,
00:39:47it's very difficult
00:39:49to fail.
00:39:51I don't like the classes
00:39:53and I liked this one a lot.
00:39:55I have to do this again
00:39:57without following the chef.
00:39:59No, I didn't even add the chicharron,
00:40:01my fish was raw.
00:40:03I hope mine is.
00:40:05I grab more of the cookie,
00:40:07the thick ones weren't made.
00:40:09Let's go with everything, guys.
00:40:11Let the best one win
00:40:13or at least let the best one go right now.
00:40:15Frankly, I don't want
00:40:17this tasting to happen to me.
00:40:19I think I did well
00:40:22and I just hope
00:40:24my cooking doesn't go to waste.
00:40:26But I think Chef Gerardo
00:40:28has a very complicated decision
00:40:30because, in theory,
00:40:32all the dishes have to look alike.
00:40:34Oh, God, give me a pointer.
00:40:40Did you see how the oregano was?
00:40:44Because he made me a slander.
00:40:46Who made you a slander?
00:40:48After talking.
00:40:49Slanders don't work with me.
00:40:51To me, slanders
00:40:53are the lowest things in the world.
00:40:55I told you when I got here.
00:40:57I didn't say anything.
00:40:59No, I didn't say anything.
00:41:01I used oregano to make my food.
00:41:03The rice didn't have oregano
00:41:05and much less the fish
00:41:07because you don't add oregano to that.
00:41:09The kid has his things.
00:41:11He'll know what he's doing,
00:41:13how he's doing it.
00:41:15But with me,
00:41:17look how the universe is going.
00:41:19I'm with you.
00:41:21I know, my love, I know.
00:41:23You should check the kid's handkerchief bag.
00:41:27What happened?
00:41:29A bag of spices came out
00:41:31that he took out of his suitcase.
00:41:35Yes, I swear.
00:41:37It doesn't matter anymore.
00:41:39Those are the inventions
00:41:41of the old greengrocer
00:41:43you have as a friend.
00:41:45If you have to say something to someone,
00:41:47tell that someone.
00:41:49I already said that.
00:41:51If I had to say something to anyone else,
00:41:53I would say that everything
00:41:55was lost.
00:41:57But I am not saying that
00:41:59because I don't know how to do anything.
00:42:01I'm just being honest.
00:42:03That's all I'm saying.
00:42:05You have to be really honest
00:42:07in order to be a good worker.
00:42:09You have to be really honest
00:42:11in order to be a good worker.
00:42:13I never said I needed to do it
00:42:15because I didn't need to.
00:42:16The kid has his things, he'll know what he's doing, how he's doing it.
00:42:23But not with me. And look how the universe is going. Oregano, oregano.
00:42:27That's why, baby. I came with you.
00:42:29I know, baby.
00:42:31You should check the kid's handbag.
00:42:36What happened?
00:42:37A bag of spices was taken out of his suitcase.
00:42:41Yes, I swear.
00:42:42It doesn't matter.
00:42:43One, two...
00:42:47I can't hear what Jason says exactly,
00:42:51nor what Jason says to the kid.
00:42:54But the kid is going crazy.
00:42:57Hold on.
00:43:00If you have to say something to someone, say it to that someone, not to the others.
00:43:07Today the universe brought me fresh oregano, dry oregano, oregano everywhere.
00:43:11Because they started talking about me in the other challenge.
00:43:13That I brought an oregano.
00:43:15And the universe put oregano on me anyway.
00:43:17Well, I really don't know.
00:43:19I heard a rumor out there,
00:43:21that they said,
00:43:22that the kid took out a spice,
00:43:24and he threw it away, and that's forbidden.
00:43:27Honestly, I didn't see anything.
00:43:30Did you take it out or not?
00:43:31I never took it out, baby.
00:43:33I never took it out.
00:43:35And there's my witness.
00:43:36I didn't take out any oregano, baby.
00:43:38And I defend him.
00:43:39I used it for my food outside.
00:43:41Outside, I taught him everything.
00:43:44And you ate it.
00:43:45You ate it.
00:43:46I take it for my food.
00:43:51The kid was looking for Pancho and looking for Paty,
00:43:54so they would know that this invention was not true, that it never happened.
00:43:58Daliano, the one who made the bochinche.
00:44:01No, it wasn't him.
00:44:02Who was it? You?
00:44:04Who was it?
00:44:05Speak up.
00:44:06What do you want me to say?
00:44:07If you saw it, what do you want me to say?
00:44:12He's blaming Daliano.
00:44:13They blamed him on the account here.
00:44:15Poor my brother Daliano.
00:44:16He always blames him.
00:44:17Him and Alicia, they already caught her.
00:44:22The lady,
00:44:23I'm going to baptize him from now on,
00:44:26because here we all lack respect,
00:44:29or we all respect each other.
00:44:31But they say we're a mirror,
00:44:33we better be careful too.
00:44:36You contract because of stress,
00:44:38especially in this type of competition.
00:44:40He says they saw that you threw something at him.
00:44:42No, if you say it, it's fine.
00:44:43Who saw it? Who saw it?
00:44:45You say no, and you are aware that no.
00:44:48A hundred percent.
00:44:49I precisely called the boy and told him,
00:44:52hey kid, this is being rumored.
00:44:55I'm going to baptize him.
00:44:56I'm going to baptize him.
00:44:57I'm going to baptize him.
00:44:58I told him, hey kid, this is being rumored.
00:45:01Tell me the truth.
00:45:03I need to know if I defend you with a sword
00:45:07or if I say you're an idiot.
00:45:09My love is that I have the flavor.
00:45:11I have the flavor from birth.
00:45:14And with that you are born.
00:45:16With that you are born.
00:45:22You can go through all the culinary schools,
00:45:25but when you are born with something,
00:45:27it comes with that.
00:45:28And I was born with seasoning and flavor,
00:45:31even if you don't like it, baby.
00:45:34What did she say?
00:45:35She didn't use anything.
00:45:36No, she already scolded us all here.
00:45:39Your friend defended you.
00:45:43I don't know anything.
00:45:44How did it go?
00:45:45No, she said you saw it.
00:45:48She said you didn't see it.
00:45:49Who? Me?
00:45:50I didn't go.
00:45:51She wanted to blame me?
00:45:52Yes, Alicia and everyone else.
00:45:53You chose nothing.
00:45:54I said no.
00:45:55You should check the kid's handbag.
00:45:59What happened?
00:46:00He took a bag of spices out of his suitcase.
00:46:05Yes, I swear.
00:46:06It doesn't matter.
00:46:07One, two...
00:46:09The kid tells me that he accuses me
00:46:11because I arrived in an initiated conversation
00:46:13and I came to cook.
00:46:15Someone said it to detonate this.
00:46:17You don't have to say who said it.
00:46:18It's okay, you don't have to say it.
00:46:20We're not going to put...
00:46:22No, I didn't see it.
00:46:24She said it.
00:46:25I have a lot of character and I'm strong.
00:46:27And those who see me there every day know it.
00:46:30But I'm a good person.
00:46:32I don't give a f**k.
00:46:34I come here to cook and I don't give a f**k about gossip.
00:46:36But I don't give a f**k.
00:46:37If I don't open my mouth, I haven't said anything.
00:46:39I don't want to talk, really.
00:46:40I don't want to talk because I said that I
00:46:42didn't talk about certain people.
00:46:44Oh my God.
00:46:45Oh my God.
00:46:50Every time something happens, they accuse me.
00:46:52Well, I get a little tired.
00:46:53But I repeat, I'm not here for gossip.
00:46:58I came here to cook and that's why I'm here.
00:47:03It's time to taste.
00:47:05And only those selected by the chef
00:47:07will go to the jury table.
00:47:10Of them, only the best can fight for immunity.
00:47:15Chef Gerardo, how many are selected?
00:47:19Well, I really would like to be called.
00:47:21Seeing them with a magnifying glass
00:47:23and being extremely strict with what we saw,
00:47:26we select seven.
00:47:28I want to think that I will be among those seven people.
00:47:31Well, the chef says he's going to taste seven dishes.
00:47:34I feel that mine may be there.
00:47:36Chef, who do we start with?
00:47:38Who do we start with?
00:47:39Gary, please bring your dish.
00:47:43I'm the first.
00:47:44Well, this is already a win.
00:47:45Whether he likes it or not, they already passed me.
00:47:47And that also makes me very happy.
00:47:49Good, my brother.
00:47:50Let's see how the old man is doing.
00:47:59What's your dish called?
00:48:00The perfect orchestra.
00:48:03Because I was with you and I tried to make it
00:48:06almost, almost, almost the same as it was going to be.
00:48:09So please taste my dish well, because it's delicious.
00:48:14To the pineapple, in the end, you also added salt.
00:48:17I added a little sugar too.
00:48:20And the vinaigrette, I didn't want to put it on top of the salad.
00:48:26I put the vinaigrette on top and I didn't want to put it on top of the salad.
00:48:29I didn't want to put it on top of the salad.
00:48:31I put the vinaigrette on top and I started salting it in the bowl.
00:48:35And then I dried it a little bit to get rid of the excess salt.
00:48:38Well, I think the balance of flavors is perfect.
00:48:41Thank you, chef.
00:48:42The sauce is very well done.
00:48:44The pineapple, the roasted pineapple with that touch of sugar,
00:48:47you cut it quite a bit.
00:48:48The vinaigrette, very well.
00:48:50It contrasts this salad of the vinaigrette with the acidity of the sauce,
00:48:54but there was a detail in the point of cooking of the fish.
00:48:59It was missing, and indeed, the chicharrón is...
00:49:04It's like Cuevillo.
00:49:06A chicharrón that is not crunchy,
00:49:09like it's not chicharrón.
00:49:11Good, Gary.
00:49:12Good flavors on your plate.
00:49:15The sauce has a lot of power,
00:49:17and I like how you caramelized the pineapple.
00:49:20Thank you, chef.
00:49:21Thank you.
00:49:22Also, I agree with the colleagues,
00:49:24salt in the fish, rather.
00:49:26A wave, yes.
00:49:27Since it's such a thick fish,
00:49:29it always helps.
00:49:31For example, the salmon, also in the fish,
00:49:33it's great to put it in for half an hour.
00:49:35There's a very, very strong salmon.
00:49:38But, far from that,
00:49:40I think it's very tasty.
00:49:43Thank you, Gary.
00:49:44Thank you.
00:49:46Immunity, here I wait for you.
00:49:50I think Gary can be one of the chosen ones.
00:49:53The second person I want to introduce
00:49:57is you, Patti.
00:50:02Happy, grateful, proud, happy,
00:50:05that you chose my dish to try.
00:50:12The name of the dish.
00:50:14Mexico, beautiful and dear.
00:50:17What did you like the most about this challenge?
00:50:19I loved the whole challenge, chef.
00:50:21I was following it almost at the same time.
00:50:23I struggled a little bit to get all the meat
00:50:26out of the chicharron.
00:50:28That's what maybe made it a little more difficult for me.
00:50:30But, in itself, I enjoyed it a lot.
00:50:32These are the flavors that I like,
00:50:34the ones I'm used to,
00:50:36the ones I always try to bring,
00:50:38even if it's just a little touch of what I cook.
00:50:41And, of course,
00:50:42I'm going to try to do my best
00:50:44with what I cook.
00:50:46And I loved it.
00:50:48We've had about three dishes
00:50:50called Mexico, beautiful and dear,
00:50:52but it's obviously
00:50:54honor to our Mexico
00:50:56and a very beautiful song
00:50:58and it goes with the dish for the sauce.
00:51:00Taking the meat off the skin
00:51:02to make the chicharron
00:51:04was what complicated me the most.
00:51:06It didn't curl up because I saw
00:51:08that he put the stick on top
00:51:10and I stopped it there,
00:51:11but it was what I struggled the most.
00:51:13And when he put it on,
00:51:15it really feels like Mexico.
00:51:17It has power, but it has a balance
00:51:19between the acidity, the salt,
00:51:21the sweetness.
00:51:23And look, this is what I wanted you to see.
00:51:25It comes off.
00:51:27It looks like butter.
00:51:29Perfect cooking point.
00:51:31A round of applause.
00:51:33Thank you.
00:51:34The chef says he brought it to Mexico.
00:51:36So, like the name Mexico, beautiful and dear,
00:51:38now it's Pati's turn.
00:51:40I liked the fish cooking.
00:51:41It's very juicy.
00:51:42Congratulations, Pati.
00:51:43She is the queen of the sauce.
00:51:45She has worked a lot on this technique
00:51:47and she did a very good job.
00:51:49You did a great job, dear.
00:51:51That's all I have to add.
00:51:53Thank you very much.
00:51:54Thank you.
00:51:56Happy, happy, happy and grateful.
00:52:00Well, the third person
00:52:02I want to introduce
00:52:16I think it's very cool
00:52:18that they called him Jason,
00:52:20because, just like me,
00:52:22he followed the steps
00:52:24to the letter of the chef.
00:52:30He put a lot of effort
00:52:32and a lot of passion
00:52:34to make this dish.
00:52:36I think it's very cool
00:52:38that they called him Jason.
00:52:41He named his dish Jason.
00:52:50You have something very beautiful in front of you.
00:52:53A light.
00:52:54Of course, of course.
00:52:56Let's say there was a mirroring back there.
00:53:00It's a replica of what I was seeing,
00:53:02as it is.
00:53:03Happy and proud of what I'm delivering,
00:53:06Something you didn't like about this challenge?
00:53:08Cutting myself, I think.
00:53:12I didn't see when it was cut,
00:53:14but it came in a piece.
00:53:16And there are certain things,
00:53:18certain nuances, certain feelings,
00:53:20that I can recreate by observing it.
00:53:22For me, inside of me,
00:53:24something similar happened.
00:53:29Perfect cooking point.
00:53:31The vinaigrette, in fact, was corrected very well.
00:53:34The pork rind is divine.
00:53:38It's divine, salty, very delicious.
00:53:41Perfect contrast with the pineapple.
00:53:43Great job.
00:53:44Thank you very much, Chef.
00:53:45Very good.
00:53:46You did a good job.
00:53:47I really liked everything together.
00:53:49The vegetables were also well handled,
00:53:53And what I liked the most
00:53:55was the juiciness of your fish.
00:53:57The truth is that I'm seeing
00:53:59almost the same dishes, but hey.
00:54:02The cooking, the pork rind,
00:54:04I think it's one of the few
00:54:06that has done it well.
00:54:08Super good job.
00:54:09Very good, Jason.
00:54:10I'm going back.
00:54:14He's doing well and that's super cool.
00:54:16The fourth person
00:54:18I want to bring to the front
00:54:20is Carolina.
00:54:24Every time a woman comes,
00:54:26it makes me very happy.
00:54:30Oh, I'm so glad you called Carolina
00:54:32because she really puts a lot of effort into it.
00:54:40What's the name of your dish?
00:54:41Trato de Ser.
00:54:49I really liked the challenge.
00:54:51I'm very grateful that you're here with us
00:54:54because it's very good, very positive.
00:54:57And we learn a lot of things
00:54:59and they're flavors that I like a lot.
00:55:02I know perfectly well that it's going to go well.
00:55:04What's the biggest learning experience
00:55:06that this challenge left you?
00:55:07Well, following the rules,
00:55:09listening, paying attention.
00:55:11I think they evaluate you for absolutely everything,
00:55:13from the attitude, the look,
00:55:15how much attention you're paying.
00:55:17The pork rind is beautiful.
00:55:19It's so fluffy,
00:55:21crunchy, it's divine.
00:55:23Well, sister, open a pork rind shop.
00:55:26Very good seasoning.
00:55:28Very, very good seasoning.
00:55:29The sauce is delicious.
00:55:31The pineapple, the contrast, the sweetness of the pineapple
00:55:34with that touch of salt
00:55:36and a good balance with the vinaigrette.
00:55:38And for me, it also lacked a little seasoning to the fish.
00:55:42A touch and everything would have been perfect.
00:55:44The seasoning, everything.
00:55:46Well, my dear Karo,
00:55:47for me, it was the best pork rind I've tasted so far.
00:55:50The right one.
00:55:52And the marinade is great.
00:55:54The truth is, very good.
00:55:55The pork rind, they say it's the best so far.
00:55:58Wait for mine to arrive.
00:56:00I totally agree with my colleagues.
00:56:04Thank you.
00:56:05You can go back.
00:56:07But hey, I think everything went well for them.
00:56:09And what about me?
00:56:10I'm not going to pass or what?
00:56:11Well, the fifth person I would like to introduce
00:56:19Thank you.
00:56:21Polo, who is a love.
00:56:23I love him.
00:56:24And I will say it many times.
00:56:26I am very happy that he is in the top this time.
00:56:33What's the name of your dish?
00:56:34I put home-made flavor.
00:56:37I don't know if it's the same as yours.
00:56:40Obviously, I guess not yet.
00:56:42But when I tried it,
00:56:44what a thing.
00:56:45I really miss those flavors.
00:56:46The truth is, it's an honor.
00:56:48I already won.
00:56:49Learning to make Mexican cuisine,
00:56:51well done, I already won.
00:56:53I'm pretty nervous
00:56:54because I'm not so sure about the cooking of my fish.
00:56:56The sauce, indeed, it looks like you liked it.
00:56:59Prepare the sauce, because it's the same thickness.
00:57:02I think it's the one I feel more...
00:57:06More balanced in terms of the flavor of the pineapple,
00:57:08the tomato, the dried chilies so far.
00:57:11The fish is now like tataki.
00:57:15Yes, I'm seeing it from here.
00:57:16Raw on the inside.
00:57:17Excuse me.
00:57:18The fish lacked a little cooking.
00:57:20The fish, chicharrón,
00:57:21very crunchy as well.
00:57:23Super crunchy,
00:57:24but with a little bit of salt.
00:57:27The salt is the judge's angora cat.
00:57:31Be careful with the cuts of the fish.
00:57:34The cooking, because of the thickness it has.
00:57:36You always have to be very careful.
00:57:38I loved the dressing you used for your green mix.
00:57:42It's very tasty and well balanced.
00:57:45And the other thing,
00:57:46commented by the chef.
00:57:50I'm with everyone.
00:57:52Thank you very much.
00:57:53Go ahead, son.
00:57:56Here, no one leaves ready.
00:57:57If there's a mistake,
00:57:58you're always going to be criticized or something.
00:58:02Well, the sixth person
00:58:04who will present their dish here in front
00:58:07is Gabriel.
00:58:10Thank you.
00:58:11I feel very comfortable with my dish.
00:58:13I really like what I could present.
00:58:16I liked the flavors.
00:58:17I liked the cooking of the fish.
00:58:21What's the name of your dish?
00:58:23This dish is called Bachillerato.
00:58:27It reminded me a lot of my school days,
00:58:31where due to the lack of knowledge,
00:58:34at the time of presenting an exam,
00:58:36you had to copy a little
00:58:39from some of the people who were there.
00:58:43The child's colonel was tremendous.
00:58:45He liked to make the famous accordions.
00:58:47He liked to be copying too.
00:58:49You pull the fish,
00:58:50and it falls apart.
00:58:52I think several have achieved a perfect cooking.
00:58:56Yes, the truth is,
00:58:57I had said between 8 and 10 minutes,
00:58:59I opened the oven,
00:59:00and I said no.
00:59:01I feel like it needs a couple more minutes,
00:59:03and I left it there.
00:59:04They are very grateful when they manage
00:59:06to give a perfect cooking of the fish.
00:59:09They are very grateful.
00:59:11Gabito has a very good streak.
00:59:13Like all that,
00:59:14Gabito has a very good streak.
00:59:16Like all that bad that happened to him at the beginning
00:59:18is already turning around.
00:59:20And now everything goes well for him.
00:59:21They tell him that the cooking is spectacular.
00:59:23Good balance of flavors.
00:59:25Thank you, Chef.
00:59:26The pineapple, maybe,
00:59:27a little uneven,
00:59:29but I liked it.
00:59:30I liked the balance.
00:59:32And yes,
00:59:33the fish also lacked a little seasoning.
00:59:37More salt?
00:59:38A little.
00:59:39Only the fish.
00:59:41You, ma'am,
00:59:42with the beer in your hand,
00:59:43tell me,
00:59:44with what do you think these judges can come out
00:59:48that are really catatonic?
00:59:50The issue of the chicharrón,
00:59:51which is very crispy and very tasty,
00:59:53but it also feels a little salty.
00:59:56You have to be very careful
00:59:57when handling fish skin,
00:59:59because it absorbs the salt very quickly.
01:00:01Well, with the salt.
01:00:03the salt is always going to be
01:00:05the reason for the problem in this kitchen.
01:00:07Divine cooking.
01:00:09The seasoning,
01:00:10very tasty.
01:00:11The fish was just a little shy with the salt.
01:00:14I also agree.
01:00:15I think with a little more salt in the fish,
01:00:17everything would have exploded.
01:00:20Cheer up.
01:00:21You can go back, son.
01:00:23Very happy to present the dish.
01:00:24The truth is,
01:00:25I saw a lot of similarity with the chef's,
01:00:27to mine,
01:00:28some little details
01:00:29that I decided to adjust and present my way.
01:00:31So, well, happy.
01:00:33And finally,
01:00:38It was inevitable.
01:00:39It was inevitable.
01:00:40You have to try my dish.
01:00:42And you have to try my chicharro.
01:00:49Name of your dish?
01:00:50Chuleta seasoning.
01:00:54I'm confused.
01:00:55The chuleta is not pork?
01:00:57Because in my town,
01:00:58just like in some places I've heard,
01:01:00I thought it was only in Spain,
01:01:01but the chuleta is to copy.
01:01:03The chuletita,
01:01:04the boli,
01:01:05with the tip of the compass.
01:01:08We used to write in the bolibic,
01:01:10these transparent ones,
01:01:11we put them there.
01:01:12So, copying is the chuleta.
01:01:14Galeano comes to the front
01:01:16and starts to confuse us,
01:01:17as always, with his stories.
01:01:18Oh, what a complicated explanation.
01:01:22I think it was one of the most successful.
01:01:24The seasoning was not balanced.
01:01:26The sauce is very good,
01:01:27but it did lack a little bit of punch,
01:01:29a little acidity and a little salt.
01:01:31The fish, for me,
01:01:32it was one more minute short
01:01:34and it would have been perfect.
01:01:37But that last minute was missing.
01:01:39Probably the mistake was not to calculate the loin well.
01:01:43I should have cut it in half,
01:01:45made it finer.
01:01:46The chicharrón is absolutely perfect.
01:01:50Chicharrón, world champion.
01:01:52I got a pretty low fish in cooking.
01:01:56The chicharrón is really great
01:01:58because it is not salty at all.
01:02:00The seasoning of your salad is also great.
01:02:03Just take care of the cooking,
01:02:05what a shame, right?
01:02:06What a shame, really.
01:02:08I imagine the lady's dish was good.
01:02:13I got the tail of the fillet,
01:02:16so it was spectacular.
01:02:19I mean, great.
01:02:21With something missing,
01:02:22a little acidity also in the seasoning.
01:02:25Chicharrón, there you go.
01:02:27There you go.
01:02:28Very good, brother.
01:02:29You can go back.
01:02:30Thank you, chefs.
01:02:31Thank you.
01:02:32Today I left without any doubt.
01:02:34Today I took the spine out.
01:02:35Those who did not arrive
01:02:37had the pleasure of attending a master class.
01:02:43Those who did get it
01:02:45are in the hands of our judges.
01:02:47Chefs, it's time to release.
01:02:50Go ahead, please.
01:02:52Let's go.
01:02:55I see it as having to give a chance
01:02:56also to other colleagues.
01:02:57I think it's a very nice challenge.
01:02:59I took it as a learning experience.
01:03:00Thank God,
01:03:02this torture is over.
01:03:04Because if I had had to pass,
01:03:07I don't know what I would have had to say.
01:03:09My fish was very raw.
01:03:17Let me tell you something.
01:03:18I'm surprised.
01:03:20I really went through all the seasons,
01:03:22I tried all the sauces
01:03:24and they are of a beastly level.
01:03:27What was there?
01:03:29What was there?
01:03:30Different levels of seasoning.
01:03:31Each one's personality was imprinted.
01:03:35But in general,
01:03:36I didn't see a sauce that was bad.
01:03:38I'm confident that my adobo was perfect.
01:03:40The fish too.
01:03:41I mean, the truth is that I also did very well
01:03:43and I'm confident in that.
01:03:44No, in the seven dishes we tried,
01:03:46the vinaigrette was well balanced,
01:03:49good level of flavor, acidity.
01:03:52Also, the vegetables had good cooking.
01:03:54I mean, I liked that a lot.
01:03:57It was about seeing that putting greens on a plate
01:03:59is not just putting something that fills the plate,
01:04:02but that complements the dish.
01:04:04I wish with my soul to go fight,
01:04:06to cook,
01:04:07to win that immunity challenge.
01:04:10And the chicharrones,
01:04:11which I found the technique you taught incredible,
01:04:14but there were some
01:04:17that definitely didn't make chicharrones.
01:04:20They were like super elastic rubber
01:04:23and others that were very well done,
01:04:25but with a little salt,
01:04:26and some excellent ones.
01:04:27I feel like I'm going to do very well.
01:04:29The truth is that
01:04:30the comments in general
01:04:31is that the dish is very well done.
01:04:33I'm one of the few
01:04:34that the chicharron is quite crunchy
01:04:35and that the pineapple is tatemed.
01:04:37see you in the challenge.
01:04:38God, no.
01:04:40What I noticed
01:04:41is that
01:04:42they paid more attention than ever.
01:04:45The tatemed failure of the pineapple.
01:04:48That would have helped them a lot on the plate.
01:04:51I mean, even
01:04:52when a vegetable or a fruit is well tatemed,
01:04:56sometimes even the protein...
01:04:59they achieved perfect cooking points.
01:05:01Many of them.
01:05:02At the level of a restaurant,
01:05:04I would have applauded them.
01:05:06The truth is that yes.
01:05:10Well, I think there will be...
01:05:11Of those seven?
01:05:12Only five.
01:05:14How do you see it, Gerardo?
01:05:16there are two that didn't make it.
01:05:18Me too.
01:05:19Because of the protein, right?
01:05:21So, what's up?
01:05:22Shall we count them or what?
01:05:23Yes, let's go.
01:05:24Let's go there.
01:05:26why do you think my dish is called Bachillerato?
01:05:29I had very good comments.
01:05:31That means that I graduated thanks to copying me.
01:05:34There's my title, Mom.
01:05:37who managed to get close to the original recipe
01:05:40and will be able to compete tonight in the immunity test?
01:05:44Well, I have to confess that
01:05:46in the supervision I did alone,
01:05:49when I passed station by station,
01:05:51I did have the opportunity to try everyone's sauces.
01:05:55There was not a single one that I found that was wrong.
01:06:02Thank you.
01:06:04We decided to try only those that already stood out,
01:06:08which evidently did not reach a point
01:06:10like the fish cooking,
01:06:12which evidently had not yet arrived,
01:06:15or that the pork rind, frankly,
01:06:17all fell off.
01:06:19And I couldn't make it a pork rind.
01:06:22Those were the ones that didn't pass.
01:06:24But, in general, the level of the group
01:06:26is extraordinarily high.
01:06:31They return from deliberation,
01:06:33and the chef congratulates us all.
01:06:35It turns out that he liked all the sauces,
01:06:37and I already knew it.
01:06:38This competition is getting super, super rough.
01:06:42After deliberating hard,
01:06:44we have decided that
01:06:46those who pass the next challenge
01:06:49to obtain immunity
01:06:51are five people.
01:06:54Those who are going to compete.
01:06:56The fact that they have commented
01:06:58so positively about my dish
01:07:00definitely makes me think
01:07:02that we are in the group of five, without a doubt.
01:07:15After deliberating hard,
01:07:18we have decided that
01:07:20those who pass the next challenge
01:07:23to obtain immunity
01:07:25are five people.
01:07:29Those who are going to compete.
01:07:31The fact that they have commented
01:07:33so positively about my dish
01:07:35definitely makes me think
01:07:37that we are in the group of five, without a doubt.
01:07:46Thank you. Thank you very much.
01:07:48Bravo! I'm happy, excited, happy.
01:07:54Congratulations, my love!
01:07:55Well done, Pati. It was obvious. It was obvious.
01:07:58Gabriel is also moving on to the next challenge.
01:08:02Thank you.
01:08:05Gentlemen, thank you very much, my chef.
01:08:07We started with the foreigners in the Mexican dishes.
01:08:10And the truth is that this is a very good sign,
01:08:12because, look, as the good Chabela Vargas used to say,
01:08:15a Mexican is born wherever he wants.
01:08:18Thank you.
01:08:19You're on the right track.
01:08:21The third one, me, who is here.
01:08:24Well, I'm very happy for my two compatriots,
01:08:27my two beautiful Venezuelans.
01:08:30Jason, congratulations.
01:08:34Come on!
01:08:35Jason, with his fingers cut off,
01:08:38so much that...
01:08:40Look, Danko.
01:08:41The fifth and last person to move on to the next challenge is...
01:08:48It's you, Gary.
01:08:49Come on!
01:08:52I didn't understand anything, and I saw Galeano again,
01:08:54and I had a sad face because it wasn't going to happen.
01:08:58Look, you said it.
01:09:01Dude, you won, so I...
01:09:03Oh, no, Chabela.
01:09:06I always dedicate it to my mom and to my whole family,
01:09:09and besides, I always kneel.
01:09:11It's like a mark of mine.
01:09:12It's just that I see her and me again.
01:09:16But, well, unfortunately for me,
01:09:18I won't cook in the challenge to fight for immunity,
01:09:21but honestly, I feel that I deserved to be there.
01:09:25Patty, Jason, Carolina, Gabriel and Gary.
01:09:30Congratulations, guys.
01:09:35I think the five people are excellent.
01:09:38They are the ones who should be there,
01:09:40fighting for immunity here and from here.
01:09:43I send you good vibes.
01:09:45May the best one win.
01:09:46Really, guys.
01:09:47You will compete tonight for the precious immunity
01:09:51that will guarantee you one more time in this kitchen.
01:09:56It's going to be good,
01:09:58but we're going to see it with you,
01:10:00from the cave, Agustin Lara.
01:10:02A big round of applause for our chef, Gerardo Vázquez Lugo.
01:10:09I'm sad, not to say angry.
01:10:12Today I came with all the desire to cook
01:10:14in the second challenge for immunity,
01:10:16but I stayed out.
01:10:17I don't know very well how or why.
01:10:20Chef, thank you very much for allowing us
01:10:22to be witnesses of your kitchen.
01:10:24It's a real honor to have you here with us tonight.
01:10:27And may it be repeated.
01:10:29No, I'm here the day you invite me.
01:10:33Thank you very much.
01:10:34Thank you.
01:10:35It's an honor to be here.
01:10:36Thank you.
01:10:37See you.
01:10:39I think Top Chef VIP of this third season
01:10:41has given us great teachers.
01:10:43It's an honor, obviously, to have him here.
01:10:45Above all, to be able to follow a master class
01:10:47in a competition of his.
01:10:52Having a master, a person with so much experience,
01:10:55is a great pride.
01:10:57It gives me energy.
01:10:59Thank you.
01:11:01Bravo, Chef.
01:11:02And thank you for being here with us
01:11:04in Top Chef VIP.
01:11:06Guys, you can go to the table
01:11:08while we prepare everything for the next challenge.
01:11:10Thank you.
01:11:11Thank you.
01:11:14Thank you, Chef.
01:11:21Happy, excited.
01:11:22I think the people I'm going to fight immunity with
01:11:26are pretty strong people in the kitchen.
01:11:29I think it's the Carvalhiano, right?
01:11:31If you think it was me who said that,
01:11:33it wasn't me.
01:11:34I know who it was.
01:11:35With the needle and the oregano.
01:11:38Really, here...
01:11:41I mean, okay, I tell them to make up a drama,
01:11:43but I don't want them to make up a drama
01:11:45of those levels, like Kindergarten.
01:11:47I know who it was.
01:11:48You think I'm going to make this up?
01:11:50If he said it to his face.
01:11:55You know...
01:11:56He said,
01:11:57I know who it was.
01:11:58And I said,
01:11:59but how did you know about the oregano?
01:12:01What did he give me?
01:12:03Ah, because I said
01:12:05that maybe it could have been.
01:12:07If I have to leave here one day,
01:12:09I'm leaving with my head held high.
01:12:11Because everyone talks
01:12:13about the kid's seasoning
01:12:15even the enemies.
01:12:17Guys, can you hear me?
01:12:21Call me Carmen, I want to go.
01:12:23Jason, Patty, Carolina and Gabriel.
01:12:26Come, the immunity challenge is waiting for you.
01:12:30Let's go, Carolina!
01:12:32Carmen, you really don't want me to go?
01:12:34With my chicharron that I made?
01:12:35Let's go, Alejandro.
01:12:36Piece of chicharron that I made.
01:12:54We are what we eat.
01:12:57And the main ingredient of this challenge
01:12:59is the second most cultivated cereal on the planet.
01:13:02A seed that grows in adverse conditions,
01:13:05but with such great power
01:13:07that it could feed the whole world.
01:13:11who is the protagonist of this immunity challenge?
01:13:17is the bread of millions and billions of people every day.
01:13:21It's rice.
01:13:24My God, why didn't I get that challenge?
01:13:26You will have 60 minutes
01:13:28to prepare a delicious and tasty recipe
01:13:31with this universal and wonderful ingredient.
01:13:34I think that when rice is prepared,
01:13:36it is prepared in dough.
01:13:38time doesn't bother me this time.
01:13:40Time is fair
01:13:42and we are going to win that immunity with everything.
01:13:45It is very important that you know
01:13:47that rice should be the protagonist of your dish.
01:13:50And it depends on how you handle it,
01:13:52my colleagues,
01:13:53it can go very well or very badly.
01:13:55What a nice challenge!
01:13:56And I think that it will go very well for many people.
01:13:59There are many varieties of rice,
01:14:01each with different percentages of starches.
01:14:05Depending on the variety,
01:14:06you can mix it with different ingredients,
01:14:09you can make different rice,
01:14:11rice salad,
01:14:12rice with honey,
01:14:13rice with broth,
01:14:14a good paella,
01:14:18A great companion with chicken,
01:14:20with fish,
01:14:21with meat,
01:14:22with whatever you want to eat,
01:14:24rice is wonderful.
01:14:25The elaborations with rice are infinite.
01:14:27I'm talking to you,
01:14:28my mouth is watering.
01:14:31Because I really love rice.
01:14:33And it is one of the ingredients
01:14:35that we share in the whole world
01:14:37and that transcends from generation to generation
01:14:39and always stays alive.
01:14:41I knew some of them,
01:14:43but not really all this amount.
01:14:46There are different types of cooking
01:14:48for each type of rice.
01:14:50Depending on the preparation that you are going to make,
01:14:53it will depend on the rice that you are going to choose.
01:14:56So it's not that easy.
01:14:58What they have taught us,
01:14:59the two cups of water for one rice,
01:15:02only applies to white rice
01:15:04and other types of rice,
01:15:05but not for all.
01:15:06And I hope my colleagues know that.
01:15:08Please don't make a white rice.
01:15:10Don't even think about it.
01:15:11Do you know what I would do?
01:15:13One with milk, but a very special one.
01:15:15Here, creativity, cooking and flavors
01:15:17are what matters.
01:15:19Nerves can make you do a bad move
01:15:22and you can make any mistake with the rice.
01:15:26The point is that you have to present a recipe
01:15:30where the rice shines,
01:15:31that it is the protagonist.
01:15:33You present an impressive fish
01:15:36with the rice on one side,
01:15:38no matter how delicious it is,
01:15:39we are going to count it as a companion.
01:15:41And if many colleagues go crazy
01:15:43and get creative,
01:15:44the competition is going to be super rough.
01:15:46You will have 60 minutes
01:15:47and the market is open, guys.
01:15:49You must make a preparation
01:15:51where the rice shines.
01:15:53You must present three dishes
01:15:56exactly the same,
01:15:57one for each chef.
01:15:59I think it's a good time.
01:16:01I don't know how spectacular
01:16:05a rice can be in an hour.
01:16:10You must make a preparation
01:16:11where the rice shines.
01:16:13Are you ready?
01:16:16Are you sharp?
01:16:18Are you ready?
01:16:20Are you fighting for immunity?
01:16:22And are you tasty?
01:16:24Come on, come on, come on.
01:16:25Let's cook!
01:16:30Don't you think it looks good?
01:16:31No, bro.
01:16:32But what is it for?
01:16:33Oh, God.
01:16:34No, I don't want to be a bad person,
01:16:36but it looks like a diaper.
01:16:37It's a very simple preparation.
01:16:39It's not a dish for this competition.
01:16:41Who's winning?
01:16:42The least worst is very bad.
01:16:43For me, this was a disappointment.
01:16:55Are you ready?
01:16:57Are you sharp?
01:16:59Are you fighting for immunity?
01:17:01Are you fighting for immunity?
01:17:03And are you tasty?
01:17:05Come on, come on, come on.
01:17:06Let's cook!
01:17:07Let's cook!
01:17:18I'm running to get all my ingredients.
01:17:21I don't like going to the supermarket more than twice
01:17:24because it makes me waste my time.
01:17:26What are you making?
01:17:28Oh, my God!
01:17:30My rice!
01:17:32Another one.
01:17:33Another one.
01:17:34What happened to you?
01:17:35I'm giving kisses to the camera.
01:17:36Galeano already made that mess.
01:17:37Don't do it again.
01:17:39I know several types of rice.
01:17:41Basmati rice.
01:17:42I like it.
01:17:43Also, wild rice.
01:17:45It's hard to cook.
01:17:46I'm practicing.
01:17:48You know that in the Caba there's only Michelin stars.
01:17:51You know.
01:17:52I told you.
01:17:53I would think maybe of a rice soufflé
01:17:57or of some arancini.
01:18:01What's up?
01:18:02What are you going to do?
01:18:03I want to know everything.
01:18:04I'm going to do two things this time.
01:18:06What are you going to do?
01:18:07I'm going to make a seafood risotto.
01:18:10The truth is that Jason worries me a little
01:18:12because I know him.
01:18:13I know his face.
01:18:14But I see that he still hasn't decided well.
01:18:17And maybe he'll throw me a white rice,
01:18:19but with a cream.
01:18:21The truth is that I work the rice quite well.
01:18:23In fact, I give him some tips
01:18:25when we started working the rice.
01:18:29It's a dish for each chef.
01:18:31Now it turns out that you have to put three dishes.
01:18:33I don't understand why you have to put three dishes.
01:18:35I mean...
01:18:36But well.
01:18:37Come on, Inés.
01:18:38Take advantage and ask him what he's going to do.
01:18:39Oh, no.
01:18:40I'm not going to tell you.
01:18:43Look, I'm like this.
01:18:44Tell me everything.
01:18:45I'm not your competition.
01:18:46Do you like palm?
01:18:48Rice with palm.
01:18:50Rice with palm.
01:18:51I love making rice.
01:18:54My mom also loved making rice.
01:18:55So I'm very happy with this challenge.
01:18:58I still don't know, Inés.
01:18:59You still don't know?
01:19:00No, but today...
01:19:01And where do you decide that?
01:19:02On the way?
01:19:04But you're in the market, Cati.
01:19:05It's not that they're not listening to me.
01:19:06Oh, because they're listening to you.
01:19:07Yes, of course.
01:19:09I can give you ideas.
01:19:10But can you tell me by ear?
01:19:11I want to make a Chinese rice, but different, with chipotle, peanuts, and bananas.
01:19:18Let's see if I can do it.
01:19:20Let's see if I can do it.
01:19:21That sounds very good.
01:19:22Let's see if I can do it.
01:19:23Good energy, high-frequency vibration, so that it tastes good.
01:19:26I would make three different rice.
01:19:28There you go.
01:19:29There you go.
01:19:32We already saw it with Galeano.
01:19:33The same problem.
01:19:34He said three.
01:19:35The same thing you're saying.
01:19:36That he would have made two textures.
01:19:37No, three rice.
01:19:38Now go and talk to the camera and say the same thing.
01:19:39What rice are you going to make?
01:19:40I'm going to make a rice...
01:19:47We saw it until here.
01:19:55I think sushi has its magic.
01:19:59First, it's something different, it's something fresh.
01:20:01It's the skin of the fish.
01:20:04I'm also going to put it there and I'm going to make a tempura.
01:20:07A normal one.
01:20:08And why do you say it in secret?
01:20:10I mean, it's not like you're going to copy it at this point in the...
01:20:12Well, yes, yes, I copy it.
01:20:15I want to try the tempura.
01:20:16I mean, for this moment of the...
01:20:18Yes, they are already decided.
01:20:19You already have to know what you're going to do.
01:20:21I think Gabriel is super risky.
01:20:25I'm scared.
01:20:26Sushi can be extremely compromising.
01:20:41I think I'll put the rice in at once and leave the white rice aside.
01:20:45I put a rice in a sancochar with salt and that's it.
01:20:48I never wanted it to be the protagonist, well, there's your protagonist.
01:20:51I have a lot of love for rice.
01:20:53I grew up with rice with gris, I grew up with rice with chicken.
01:21:02And danco?
01:21:04And danco.
01:21:05I also said, without danco.
01:21:07You already have Danca's curse on you.
01:21:09Well, see how it's not going to cut, see how it's stinging.
01:21:13At this point in the game, you have to be careful with the way things are stung.
01:21:20We didn't even sting like this on day one.
01:21:22That's cutting the mushroom with technique.
01:21:26With Danca's technique.
01:21:28Danca's curse, the curse of the cuts.
01:21:31Look, I already have two fingers of ten.
01:21:33Let's hope we stop there, because if not, how are we going to cook?
01:21:36Look, I don't know the first person who doesn't like rice.
01:21:39I mean, personally, I haven't come across the first person who doesn't love rice.
01:21:46It may be that they don't like white rice or paella or whatever,
01:21:49but in some of their ways and preparations, they love rice, without a doubt.
01:21:53I also love white rice.
01:21:55I mean, I could eat white rice every day.
01:21:58I think making sushi rice is very complex, it is complicated.
01:22:03And that it gives you good levels of flavors is also complicated.
01:22:06So I think it has its easy touch, but also its magic.
01:22:11To all my beautiful people from the Caba, I send you many kisses, many hugs.
01:22:14Let's see how this rice comes out.
01:22:16I love you, I love you very much.
01:22:20Yay! Go, Gabriel!
01:22:22I think it's very, very brave that he tries to make sushi.
01:22:26With all the love I have for him, I bet my neck that he won't be able to do it.
01:22:38I want to make a rice that...
01:22:41This rice was taught to me by a Chinese man in my home country, a Chinese man.
01:22:47A Chinese man from the old days.
01:22:49Who invented confusion.
01:22:50Yes, the confusion.
01:22:51A Chinese man from the old days.
01:22:54We have the culture of China everywhere.
01:22:58However, in my home country, Chinese rice was something like, wow.
01:23:03In honor of Kong Chen, who studied with me.
01:23:08Well, I'm going to focus here, because this has a lot of preparations,
01:23:11so I have very little time and I hope to succeed.
01:23:15Good Venezuelan-style Chinese rice.
01:23:18I want to try it, see what it tastes like.
01:23:20No, the one who is going to win is Caro.
01:23:22Come on, Carolina!
01:23:25Imagine Rooster, it's Carolina.
01:23:27She has a taste, she is fast, she has a lot of knowledge.
01:23:32And now, it's time for Carolina to win.
01:23:46If Gary is so calm, it's because he knows what he's doing.
01:23:49Yes, if he's dancing, he feels safe.
01:23:51Gary is even dancing.
01:23:53And there is danger, because it means that he is at ease, he is happy, he is loving it.
01:24:00I have many favorite rice, among them is the yaki meshi, which is spectacular for me.
01:24:05But I already did it and I don't want to do it.
01:24:07I already made rice with chicken, I don't want to do it.
01:24:09So, I'm going to make a majestic recipe from my holy mother to heaven, which is rice with palm.
01:24:18The rice with palm is super classic in Costa Rica.
01:24:21And my mom is obviously the best rice with palm.
01:24:25I remember that I ate tons of rice with palm.
01:24:30There are two ingredients that those who do not consume will never trust in life.
01:24:35Rice and avocado.
01:24:38If someone does not eat rice, he is not trustworthy.
01:24:40He is definitely not a trustworthy person.
01:24:43I don't eat rice because of the diet.
01:24:47Because of the diet, because rice makes you fat a lot.
01:24:49No, but it makes you fat in the right places.
01:24:52Alicia was telling me that you have to be careful with the palm, because sometimes it gets bitter and stupid.
01:25:00So, let's wait for everything to go well.
01:25:08Let's go, Pati. I haven't seen what you're doing, Pati.
01:25:11Rice is never missing in Mexico, in all homes.
01:25:16In my family, it is not the exception.
01:25:18There is rice, white rice, rice with butter, rice with puree, rice with parsley, rice whatever, but normally there is always rice.
01:25:26Right now I took the white rice again, which is the one that takes me and automatically connects me with my mom, with my family.
01:25:34This rice that I want to prepare right now and I want it to stay the way I tried it years ago, is a fusion of Mexican rice with an Asian touch.
01:25:43If she knows the rice, I imagine it will be very tasty.
01:25:47Rice does not have very good antecedents in Top Chef VIP.
01:25:51Remember that Natalia left with an oriental rice.
01:26:04Hey, friends from the Caba.
01:26:10How are you?
01:26:14How are you?
01:26:18How are you?
01:26:22How are you?
01:26:26How are you?
01:26:30How are you?
01:26:35Pati with everything.
01:26:37Beautiful Pati.
01:26:39She is super focused and very intelligent in making a fusion.
01:26:43Let's go for that immunity.
01:26:45I hope so.
01:26:47Unless there is someone better, but well, that's how it usually happens.
01:26:49Let's hope so.
01:26:51Let's win it.
01:26:53And I go with everything.
01:26:55I wish it was delicious.
01:26:57My first dish here was a rice with chicken from my grandmother.
01:26:59The rice to the chorrera and my grandmother Alicia.
01:27:01Something is happening in this Caba
01:27:03that finally let go, relaxed.
01:27:05Even having Galeano and Alicia
01:27:07in the same armchair,
01:27:09you don't feel a bad vibe.
01:27:11I think there will finally be a moment of peace
01:27:13here between us.
01:27:21I'm profiling myself as a good apprentice
01:27:23as a cook, really.
01:27:25I think, here we go, here we go, here we go.
01:27:27Everything has a process.
01:27:30In this case, we have to prepare the rice.
01:27:32Let's say we have a few dishes in mind.
01:27:34I feel comfortable with the rice.
01:27:36The truth is that white rice suits me very well.
01:27:38I'm going to try to make two types of rice.
01:27:40And the one that suits me the best is the one we present.
01:27:42He is smart,
01:27:44he has two types of rice
01:27:46and two types of cooking.
01:27:48To give me immunity, the rice has to be very tasty
01:27:50and it's getting very tasty.
01:27:52Let's see how it goes.
01:27:54I see it extremely risky, but I trust him.
01:27:56I know it has a very good seasoning,
01:27:58and surely the final result will be good.
01:28:08That's his mother, what are you doing?
01:28:10Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:28:12Chef Belen arrives, my mother.
01:28:14My postiza mother, as I call her.
01:28:16I mean, you decided to take all the possible rice.
01:28:20She is cooking three rice at the same time.
01:28:22This is already the finish of the tomatoes.
01:28:24What are we doing here?
01:28:27I made rice with chicken.
01:28:29I also made yaunchequimachi,
01:28:31but a rice came to mind.
01:28:35Come on, try this.
01:28:37There was a very famous actor in Mexico
01:28:39who told all women,
01:28:41rice, Mauricio Garcés.
01:28:43I mean, what is this, tell me.
01:28:45Try it, I'm not going to say it first.
01:28:47It has palm trees, this thing.
01:28:49My mother made rice with palm trees.
01:28:51It's good, huh?
01:28:53Now imagine that mixed with rice.
01:28:55This is the base of a bechamel.
01:28:57They love bechamel in this show.
01:28:59No, no, but look, look, it's totally different.
01:29:01Mother sauce of all mothers, bechamel.
01:29:03It's totally different because I'm adding this.
01:29:05Godmother of all VIP chefs.
01:29:07She hates bechamel.
01:29:09They have told us on many occasions
01:29:11that they no longer want to see bechamel.
01:29:13They won't even feel like it's a bechamel.
01:29:15I mean, they're going to feel like it's a creamy rice
01:29:17with mozzarella.
01:29:19That rice is being prepared.
01:29:21My mother used to prepare it.
01:29:24It's going to be like a lasagna.
01:29:26No one is going to make rice with palm trees, no one.
01:29:28It's usually a rice
01:29:30that is very common in Central America
01:29:32and it's a typical dish of Costa Rica.
01:29:34But I see you have several types of rice.
01:29:36I want to see which one,
01:29:38I love basmati rice,
01:29:40but I don't know if I'm going to do well with this.
01:29:42Can you try a little bit of basmati for me?
01:29:48This is my favorite food on the planet.
01:29:50Onion, pepper and garlic, nothing else.
01:29:54We need a bald cat's hair.
01:29:56If I could put myself here
01:29:58like Pepito Grillo and tell him,
01:30:00brother, just leave a rice,
01:30:02don't complicate it.
01:30:04Personally, I sometimes cook
01:30:06two or three things at the same time
01:30:08because sometimes there is something
01:30:10that suits you better than something else.
01:30:12My mother used to do this.
01:30:14A bald cat's hair.
01:30:16Like a blessing.
01:30:18I bless you, I bless you.
01:30:20Let's hydrate it,
01:30:22bless you too, bless you.
01:30:24Bless you so you do well.
01:30:26They are pouring their holy water
01:30:28into the rice, but it is still a rice
01:30:30with a bechamel.
01:30:32It is creative and we are going to give it
01:30:34a good vibe and we dedicate it
01:30:36to your mother, this dish.
01:30:38Yes, because I didn't want to make a normal rice.
01:30:40Well, but it lacks a little bit of salt.
01:30:42No, no, no, of cooking.
01:30:44Yes, what, what?
01:30:46A little bit of bald cat.
01:30:48Egyptian cat, bye.
01:30:53And it will have a second minimum cooking
01:30:55which is in the sauté the cream
01:30:57and there it will finish cooking.
01:31:07My dear Patti.
01:31:09Hello chef.
01:31:11What's up?
01:31:13Well, nothing, here now trying to make a dish
01:31:15that I once made.
01:31:17What did you do?
01:31:19I made a chili with a little bit of corn, peanut,
01:31:21and let's see how it turns out.
01:31:23Ah, because she knows so much,
01:31:25she adds a lot of things, so
01:31:27I hope she doesn't have a bad day today,
01:31:29but if it's going to be good, it's going to be good.
01:31:31Maybe Patti is going to invent
01:31:33a new fusion
01:31:35that I hope the chefs love.
01:31:37Which corn, the corn from the doradito?
01:31:39Well, I hope it gives me time.
01:31:41ABS, not this one.
01:31:43I also brought it in case I didn't have time.
01:31:45I'm going to add, I think, this one because I don't have time
01:31:48Look, this, just so you know,
01:31:50this, which is really good,
01:31:52like snappy, what I would do
01:31:54is chop it a little bit
01:31:56because this
01:31:58against the size of the rice
01:32:00is too big, right?
01:32:02That's what I would do.
01:32:04These, to be honest,
01:32:06when you cook them again, they're going to be all crumbly.
01:32:08What do I do to defrost them? Pure water?
01:32:12Well, I'm going to put them back in.
01:32:14And I'm going to tell you one thing,
01:32:16that you're going to be able to cut them
01:32:18with the heat of the...
01:32:20And apart from that, they're going to release juice
01:32:22and they're going to release all their goodness.
01:32:24I'm glad Chef Toño gave me that
01:32:26very important and valuable tip.
01:32:28Here's your rice. Can I pick it up or not?
01:32:30I'd better pick it up.
01:32:32Imagine there's rice here, incredible.
01:32:34What rice did you use? White rice.
01:32:36Normal white? Yes.
01:32:38Not basmati or any of those beauties
01:32:40that we put in there. No, because I don't know them.
01:32:42Now, I'm going to mix it all up.
01:32:45I'm not going to use this. Here it is.
01:32:47Spices. Yes.
01:32:49Cranberries and other things. It also has fresh fruits.
01:32:51They go well with it. And the pineapples.
01:32:53Thank you, Chef.
01:32:55The consistency, everything that goes with it.
01:32:57I see her relaxed. Let's see what she's going to do.
01:32:59But I'm sure what she's going to do is delicious.
01:33:01Hello. Hello, hello.
01:33:03How's it going over here?
01:33:05Good, very good. It smells delicious.
01:33:07Yes, I'm making a Chinese rice,
01:33:09a Venezuelan one.
01:33:11So you have a Chinese influence in Venezuela.
01:33:13Very strong.
01:33:15It's very special for me,
01:33:17especially because it brings back beautiful memories
01:33:19of my childhood.
01:33:21How did you make the rice? Did you fry it with garlic and onion?
01:33:23I added the garlic.
01:33:25It has onion, olive oil, and salt.
01:33:27And that's it. I need it ready
01:33:29because I'm going to prepare it later.
01:33:31I have another preparation.
01:33:33You're going to make it like a sautéed egg.
01:33:35Yummy, yum.
01:33:37So far, it's the one that I like the most.
01:33:39Carolina has made rice a couple of times
01:33:42and she always does it very well,
01:33:44so I don't think she has anything to fear in this challenge.
01:33:46I like the idea of adding chicken,
01:33:48rice, and shrimp.
01:33:50It's going to be something mixed
01:33:52because you're also adding eggs.
01:33:54We couldn't miss the ham
01:33:56because that's very typical in this type of rice.
01:33:58But a dish with ham cooked inside,
01:34:00to me, that's like the 90s.
01:34:02It's like a very old thing.
01:34:04It's a 30-year-old grandmother's or aunt's food.
01:34:06It's not a dish for this level of competition.
01:34:08You're going to add soy sauce,
01:34:10sesame oil, or something like that, right?
01:34:12Yes, I'm going to add sesame oil
01:34:14and a little bit of black sesame,
01:34:16and a little bit of white sesame.
01:34:18Okay, and be very careful with the sesame flavor
01:34:20because it's very invasive.
01:34:22Yes, it's just a little touch.
01:34:24Perfect, I'm going to add the egg.
01:34:26I hope it's at the level
01:34:28of a VIP top chef
01:34:30because if not, it's just going to be a sautéed rice
01:34:32with vegetables and meat.
01:34:34Well, Carolina, I see you're very focused on your dish,
01:34:36so I'll leave you so you can stay very focused.
01:34:39Let's go, Carol!
01:34:41What I'm seeing looks delicious.
01:34:43It has a lot of flavor.
01:34:49What's up, my little guy? Tell me.
01:34:51How are you?
01:34:53Look, I'm trying to make two preparations.
01:34:57A shrimp risotto that may be able to finish.
01:34:59But look, I moved this.
01:35:01What is this?
01:35:03It's white rice, but it's going to have mushroom cream.
01:35:05I mean, two rice dishes.
01:35:07Because the one that serves two masters
01:35:09with one is not bad.
01:35:11This rice with a mushroom cream
01:35:13is a creamy rice.
01:35:15Obviously, with a sauté
01:35:17of some vegetables.
01:35:19And with mushrooms, I don't feel like it.
01:35:21At least it could be a risotto,
01:35:23but it's worth it.
01:35:25Let's see how it goes, my brother.
01:35:27The cream?
01:35:29And is your rice seasoned well?
01:35:31Yes, it's well seasoned.
01:35:33No, it's not that salty.
01:35:36Let's see.
01:35:41Let's go with the salt.
01:35:43Because that in the cold
01:35:45already tastes very well seasoned.
01:35:47But once it gets hot, the salt goes up.
01:35:49If it's not too salty, it's going to be great.
01:35:51Well, look at Jason,
01:35:53how he's inventing.
01:35:55You can see that he put mushrooms,
01:35:57that there's something creamy.
01:35:59Well, my dear Jason, you always surprise.
01:36:01This here is a rice that...
01:36:03This is basmati.
01:36:05But risotto with basmati?
01:36:07Don't you think it's too much?
01:36:09No, my dear. For risotto,
01:36:11there's a rice called arborio.
01:36:20This here is a rice that...
01:36:22This is basmati.
01:36:24To make a risotto.
01:36:26But risotto with basmati?
01:36:28Don't you think it's too much?
01:36:30No, my dear. For risotto,
01:36:32there's a rice called arborio.
01:36:35This is basmati.
01:36:37It's a rice that's used for something else.
01:36:39The best thing is to mash it.
01:36:41With butter, slowly.
01:36:43To cover everything with butter.
01:36:45Then you add the liquid.
01:36:47It saves everyone's life.
01:36:49I think it takes time
01:36:51to execute
01:36:53a more outstanding idea
01:36:55wanting to make various rice preparations
01:36:57and in the end the rice is going to be good.
01:36:59Now, the amount of water
01:37:01for a basmati
01:37:03for a white rice, a sushi rice,
01:37:05a rice...
01:37:07This, in general,
01:37:09if you use a lot of rice like this,
01:37:11you're going to use a lot of water.
01:37:13Let's go one at a time.
01:37:15A little more.
01:37:17A little more, right?
01:37:19Come on.
01:37:21I think the only complication
01:37:23in this cooking is to give
01:37:25this mushroom cream a touch
01:37:27so that it embraces and envelops the rice
01:37:29so that it's creamy.
01:37:32Pretty good.
01:37:38How are we doing here?
01:37:40Very good, how are you? What a good visit.
01:37:42Good, good. You look very calm, very relaxed.
01:37:44Yes, but you have to have
01:37:46several preparations ready.
01:37:48I want to make a wet sushi so it doesn't dry out.
01:37:50Ah, when you talk to me about sushi, tell me.
01:37:52I already told you.
01:37:54Are you going to make some makis?
01:37:58I think it's good
01:38:00because you're doing very basic things.
01:38:02I applaud you, Gabriel, for trying,
01:38:04but I've never taken less than two hours
01:38:06and it's very difficult to make it look good.
01:38:08I have salmon, I have tuna,
01:38:10I'm going to put
01:38:12the skin of the salmon,
01:38:14the skin of the crunchy salmon,
01:38:16to see if we can add some crunchiness.
01:38:18I made a teriyaki sauce, my chef,
01:38:20with this consistency.
01:38:22Here I put soy sauce, ginger water.
01:38:24Chefs' visits are always very productive.
01:38:26I do everything
01:38:29to listen to them.
01:38:31The only thing I can tell you
01:38:33is to find the balance in each roll you make.
01:38:35Ok, perfect.
01:38:37And also take care of the cuts you're going to make.
01:38:39And if you feel like making a little onigiri,
01:38:41then also.
01:38:43Try to make something mixed, I don't know.
01:38:45Let's see if it turns out well.
01:38:47They really don't know the degree of complexity
01:38:49of making a good sushi.
01:38:51I hope it turns out well.
01:38:53What did you flavor it with?
01:38:55With sugar, salt, and rice vinegar.
01:38:57Put a little more vinegar.
01:38:59Flavor it with a little more sugar.
01:39:01It doesn't have much flavor.
01:39:05If you want, you can put mirin,
01:39:07which is also liquid.
01:39:09You can flavor it with a little rice
01:39:11to give more strength to your preparation.
01:39:13The Japanese rice requires
01:39:15a lot of work.
01:39:17Give it a little touch with the vinegar,
01:39:19the dot.
01:39:21It's very, very difficult.
01:39:23I think it's super brave.
01:39:26Thank you.
01:39:28There is something that is fundamental
01:39:30to me in this competition,
01:39:32and that is to overcome myself first.
01:39:34It's clear to me that Gabrielito
01:39:36is taking a risk.
01:39:42Oh, look what Paty made.
01:39:44It's delicious.
01:39:46She chopped it all up.
01:39:52There's mirin.
01:39:54The fact that Tita helped me
01:39:56with the mirin
01:39:58and added a little more flavor
01:40:00is wonderful.
01:40:02I fell from heaven.
01:40:06It's super cool to see Jason
01:40:08in the challenge.
01:40:10He also looks confident.
01:40:12Oh, where's the blender?
01:40:14It's there, honey.
01:40:18How nice.
01:40:20And he understood.
01:40:23It's like an octopus.
01:40:25You just turn it around
01:40:27and it has like four pots,
01:40:29five things chopping,
01:40:31a blender,
01:40:33and your dish is going to be brutal.
01:40:35Oh, this is so good, man.
01:40:37He makes a scream
01:40:39that he's looking divine.
01:40:41He likes it.
01:40:43I'm going to sauté it
01:40:45for a long time with butter.
01:40:49And I also have the shrimp,
01:40:51the meat, the chicken.
01:40:53Mmm, good.
01:40:55Come on.
01:40:57The rice is calm in flavor.
01:40:59It's good.
01:41:01It's good.
01:41:03It's good.
01:41:05It's good.
01:41:07It's good.
01:41:09It's good.
01:41:12It's good.
01:41:14Karin has a pact with God
01:41:16and with the universe
01:41:18and it's probably her mom
01:41:20interceding with him.
01:41:22Let's hope that if God wants
01:41:24everything goes well for her.
01:41:28Those shrimp
01:41:30are done.
01:41:32I see Carolina very excited
01:41:34and doing a lot of things.
01:41:36A lot of mixing.
01:41:38When I saw the other white rice
01:41:40that I didn't want,
01:41:42I thought
01:41:44why not use this rice
01:41:46and make a rice cream
01:41:48to complement the dish
01:41:50and make it look nice.
01:41:52I didn't want to add
01:41:54another cream
01:41:56because the rice is already
01:41:58very creamy.
01:42:02The rice
01:42:04is good.
01:42:06The consistency of the rice
01:42:09is good.
01:42:11I don't remember
01:42:13how this story is.
01:42:15I'm not an expert in sushi
01:42:17and I've never done it.
01:42:19I did it once with a friend
01:42:21who knows how to do it
01:42:23and I was helping him.
01:42:25The fish burned.
01:42:27No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:42:29Colonel, no.
01:42:31Oh, God.
01:42:33The fish skin burned.
01:42:39This is...
01:42:41I dropped the water.
01:42:43No, don't worry.
01:42:45How is it?
01:42:47Very good.
01:42:49Very good?
01:42:51You're so stressed.
01:42:53What is it?
01:42:55It's a rice with palm.
01:42:57Try it.
01:42:59It doesn't have rice yet.
01:43:01The rice goes with everything
01:43:03like lasagna.
01:43:05It's a recipe
01:43:07from Costa Rica
01:43:09but it's a recipe
01:43:11that he's had in mind
01:43:13for several days.
01:43:15To decorate,
01:43:17I made a rice cream.
01:43:19This is pure rice.
01:43:23Do you like the idea?
01:43:25It tastes different.
01:43:27You're risking.
01:43:29I'm risking a lot.
01:43:31It's a challenge to do it.
01:43:33The one who doesn't risk doesn't win.
01:43:36To my Gary and all the guys,
01:43:38five minutes!
01:43:52I see Gary very well,
01:43:54very focused.
01:43:56It's difficult, very difficult,
01:43:58but I feel that my rice
01:44:00is very different from anyone else's.
01:44:02My dear Patti.
01:44:04How are we?
01:44:06Very good, and you?
01:44:08Everything's great.
01:44:10Everything's great.
01:44:12Thank God.
01:44:14I'm almost ready to serve.
01:44:16Why did Carmen leave
01:44:18at the last minute?
01:44:20I think to get everyone out of control,
01:44:22but she didn't get me out of control.
01:44:24I have practically everything
01:44:26and I just need to serve.
01:44:28Three minutes.
01:44:30Three minutes, guys!
01:44:34The way to plate it
01:44:36is with a bowl of creamy rice.
01:44:38You make this beautiful circle
01:44:40so that it has
01:44:42this crispy carrot around it.
01:44:50I see my rice
01:44:52very beautiful
01:44:54because I see it in many beautiful colors.
01:44:56I have my three
01:44:58typical cups of rice
01:45:00and I put it there
01:45:03like the Chinese do.
01:45:05I love that.
01:45:13One minute!
01:45:17It can't be!
01:45:19I don't have time!
01:45:21Run, girl, run!
01:45:24Come on!
01:45:26I'm going to plate it like lasagna
01:45:28and at the end I'm going to finish it
01:45:30with a blowtorch
01:45:32so that it's also burnt on top.
01:45:36In the name of the Father, the Son,
01:45:38and the Holy Spirit,
01:45:55In the name of God,
01:45:57in the name of the Father,
01:45:59in the name of the Son,
01:46:01and the Holy Spirit,
01:46:05I see Carolina.
01:46:07I like the plating.
01:46:09It's a lot of rice.
01:46:11This rice is stellar.
01:46:13Come on, Gabriel!
01:46:15Yes, but with four rolls.
01:46:17Do you think it's me?
01:46:19Six rolls.
01:46:21Gabriel is very daring.
01:46:23You can see that the rice is sticky,
01:46:25which is important.
01:46:27I think I trusted the timing a little bit.
01:46:29I said, look, it's not such a complex preparation.
01:46:31We can play with a lot of things.
01:46:37And what's Christmas going to be like?
01:46:42What's that?
01:46:44It's corn.
01:46:46It's going to be served like this on top.
01:46:5130 seconds.
01:46:55I'm nervous.
01:46:57I'm nervous.
01:47:10Let's distract Carmen.
01:47:2110, 9, 8,
01:47:237, 6,
01:47:255, 4,
01:47:273, 2,
01:47:31Hands up.
01:47:37Take the sauces off.
01:47:39Hands up.
01:47:41Time's up.
01:47:43And there are three dishes for each chef.
01:47:45With a good vibe,
01:47:47let's go for that immunity.
01:47:49They all seem to have finished on time,
01:47:51but I really wonder
01:47:53if this rice has already been cooked.
01:48:01Participants, if it's because of the smell,
01:48:03everyone wins immunity
01:48:05because it smells delicious.
01:48:07But that decision is up to our judges.
01:48:11it's time to taste
01:48:13who we started with.
01:48:20Help me, man.
01:48:22The truth is that the plating
01:48:24looks really nice.
01:48:28I don't see it.
01:48:30Jason, tell us,
01:48:32how did you put this rice dish
01:48:34and what rice is this?
01:48:36This is a rice cream.
01:48:40It's white rice.
01:48:42I couldn't make the risotto,
01:48:44which was my second idea.
01:48:46But here,
01:48:49I used salmon,
01:48:51which is a rice that's been cooked
01:48:53in a rice cooker,
01:48:55with rosemary, thyme,
01:48:57and salt and pepper.
01:48:59I cooked the white rice there
01:49:01and that same broth
01:49:03that I separated
01:49:05to make the mushroom cream,
01:49:07you have to find it
01:49:09because I put a lot of cheese
01:49:11in the rice.
01:49:13And they have a crispy carrot.
01:49:15Well, my dear Jason,
01:49:17I think it's going to go
01:49:19really well with Jason.
01:49:21I think you managed to cook the rice,
01:49:23but the flavor
01:49:25is like garlic with rice.
01:49:27It's not rice with garlic.
01:49:29So it's more like garlic
01:49:31with rice.
01:49:33Well, in the end,
01:49:35I see that you're presenting
01:49:37what Toño told you not to.
01:49:39I think the integration
01:49:41is what's missing here.
01:49:43It feels like it's integrated.
01:49:46I don't think Jason is doing well.
01:49:48I feel like he lost
01:49:50the original concept of rice.
01:49:52For me, it doesn't have
01:49:54any rice cream.
01:49:56The cream has the cream
01:49:58that you incorporated,
01:50:00but it's not a creamy rice
01:50:02because you don't feel
01:50:04that creaminess in your mouth.
01:50:06It's rather dry.
01:50:08Maybe if you had made
01:50:10a cheese cloth
01:50:12and stuck it here,
01:50:14the cream would have been
01:50:16with the bottom,
01:50:18the mushrooms, and all that.
01:50:20But for me, it's not well done.
01:50:22Sorry. You can go to your station.
01:50:26I think this rice cream
01:50:28lacked cream.
01:50:30The judges are tough.
01:50:32Obviously, it's for an immunity.
01:50:36I'm very happy
01:50:38with my dish because it smells
01:50:40and tastes delicious.
01:50:43Patty, tell me
01:50:45the name of your dish.
01:50:47My dish is called
01:50:53What a great name!
01:50:57I'm going to do a run.
01:50:59Chinaloa, Chinaloa.
01:51:01It's a fusion of Chinese rice
01:51:03with Sinaloa, the rice my mom
01:51:05made for me when I was little.
01:51:07I mixed flavors.
01:51:09It has three different peppers
01:51:11with carrots.
01:51:13It has pineapple, raisins, tequila,
01:51:15chipotle pepper.
01:51:17Inside, it has peanuts
01:51:19and almonds.
01:51:21And what I added at the end
01:51:23is toasted corn for the crunch.
01:51:25I'm sure it's good.
01:51:27I feel like I'm going to do well
01:51:29for Patty with Chinaloa.
01:51:31Your rice has a very good flavor,
01:51:33as it always characterizes you.
01:51:35It reminds me a lot of those
01:51:37rice you eat at Christmas.
01:51:39It's a very simple preparation
01:51:41for this challenge.
01:51:43You could have made the same rice
01:51:45but taking it to another level.
01:51:47Look at the eyebrows.
01:51:49We're not professional chefs.
01:51:51Obviously, we're going to do
01:51:53what's within our reach,
01:51:55what we've known, what we've eaten.
01:51:57It seems like a very simple dish
01:51:59for the level and height
01:52:01we're at at this point in the competition,
01:52:03and for you.
01:52:05I think the rice has a lot of flavor.
01:52:07Obviously, it's good. You cook it well.
01:52:09It's always important,
01:52:11at this point in the competition,
01:52:13to cut all the vegetables
01:52:15in the same way.
01:52:17There are square triangles here.
01:52:19The carrot has different cuts
01:52:21of different thicknesses.
01:52:23It's always very important
01:52:25because visually,
01:52:27you also catch the eye.
01:52:29I think the rice is a little overcooked.
01:52:31I think it's a rice
01:52:33that doesn't have a lot of science
01:52:35for what you can do.
01:52:41The challenge was about the rice.
01:52:43I didn't want the rice to be
01:52:45an accompaniment.
01:52:47I know, but the rice is like a nightstand.
01:52:49Patty! Patty! Patty!
01:52:51They should have played a little more
01:52:53with the rice.
01:52:55I think so. They have to demand a little more.
01:52:57Sometimes, we've stayed in the comfort zone.
01:52:59Thank you.
01:53:01But if it's not a challenge,
01:53:03then why do you
01:53:05put a rice challenge?
01:53:07I didn't understand anything.
01:53:09Carolina, come in, please.
01:53:11I loved that plating
01:53:13and that visually,
01:53:15it looked tasty.
01:53:17It's a dish
01:53:19of a mix,
01:53:21of 20,000 things.
01:53:23Come in, Carolina Tejera.
01:53:25The judges
01:53:27are already set up.
01:53:29What's the name of your dish, Carolina?
01:53:31Well, I wanted to name it
01:53:33after my friend Jack,
01:53:35who's called Con Chen.
01:53:41I studied with him for five years
01:53:43at the Pedro Emilio Coll School in Venezuela,
01:53:45my home country.
01:53:47And when I went to his restaurant,
01:53:49he showed me what a Chinese rice is,
01:53:51to the Venezuelan, to the Latino.
01:53:53I guess Carlos also has a lot of friends
01:53:55everywhere, like my friend Gali,
01:53:57he has friends on every beach
01:53:59and every corner of the world,
01:54:01with a restaurant near the coast.
01:54:03He brought me that memory,
01:54:05and I want to honor it,
01:54:07because I remember his family
01:54:09was super, super hardworking.
01:54:11It has shrimp, it has ham,
01:54:13it has meat, it has chicken,
01:54:15a touch of cilantro,
01:54:17it has a little bit of what is alfalfa.
01:54:19It's not alfalfa, it's bean sprouts.
01:54:21You have to say things right.
01:54:23There are some comments
01:54:25about the rice.
01:54:29It's a rice that you can eat
01:54:31with a fork, or you can eat it
01:54:33with chopsticks if you want.
01:54:35I see it a little bit like,
01:54:37we say, like apatado
01:54:39in Santo Domingo, like it's not grained.
01:54:41I think it's a rice,
01:54:43for me, it doesn't tell me much.
01:54:45It's like a Chinese rice.
01:54:47Like you said,
01:54:49Chinese food mixes 80 ingredients.
01:54:51Does it have soy sauce too?
01:54:53To my taste,
01:54:55it's too simple
01:54:57for this challenge.
01:54:59It was very badly judged
01:55:01to say it's a simple rice.
01:55:03It's good,
01:55:05I won't deny it's good,
01:55:07but I don't think it's up to it.
01:55:09Does it have eggs too?
01:55:11Yes, but with the infinite recipes
01:55:13there are with rice,
01:55:15I think it's like pañales.
01:55:17That's my comment.
01:55:19Hold on, hold on, hold on.
01:55:21I'm going to talk about flavor.
01:55:23First bite, oh, that's good.
01:55:27Second bite, oh, that's good.
01:55:29Third bite, you can't take it anymore
01:55:31because of the amount of sodium.
01:55:33They destroyed it.
01:55:35They finished the dish.
01:55:37And they pass the wire brush
01:55:39also to my dear,
01:55:41well, not to her, to her dish.
01:55:43Okay, I heard, chef.
01:55:45Thank you.
01:55:47Thank you.
01:55:49But it can be seen perfectly
01:55:51how every time she gets more angry
01:55:53and starts to open her mouth, her jaw,
01:55:55and she controls my respects
01:55:57because even though she looks like she's thinking
01:55:59super aggressive things, she just says,
01:56:01thank you, chefs.
01:56:03For me, today, the rice was the protagonist
01:56:05in my dish.
01:56:07Until now, Paty is winning.
01:56:09For the flavor.
01:56:11No, Paty was told
01:56:13that the rice was dry.
01:56:15But if not, who is winning?
01:56:17Who is the least worse?
01:56:25Gabriel, go ahead, please, brother.
01:56:27Thank you.
01:56:29Gabriel is
01:56:31super daring.
01:56:33I will always dare to keep doing
01:56:35new things.
01:56:37Wow, Gabriel.
01:56:39I take off the hat with you.
01:56:41Ah, and it's not Pancho's.
01:56:43Gabriel, what's the name of this dish you made?
01:56:45Ay sushi.
01:56:51We have two types of rolls.
01:56:53One with a little more salt
01:56:55and the other with a sweet touch.
01:56:57Teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, honey,
01:56:59brown sugar,
01:57:01water, ginger,
01:57:03and I also added sesame seeds.
01:57:05It looks like a face.
01:57:07I don't know if it's good or bad.
01:57:09For someone who is not a chef, like me,
01:57:11to show new flavors
01:57:13is something wonderful.
01:57:15I'm going to invite you, bro,
01:57:17to do this again.
01:57:19As soon as you have another challenge,
01:57:21come out and eat sushi
01:57:23here and there,
01:57:25because what I'm going to tell you is too much.
01:57:27It's very bad.
01:57:29Let them value it for doing something different.
01:57:31Because yes,
01:57:33in several aspects this is ...
01:57:35Yes, the truth is that doing something
01:57:37that you don't know,
01:57:39are completely different techniques.
01:57:41Yes, I know.
01:57:43But as I told Carmen,
01:57:45if I don't dare ...
01:57:47That's what I'm going to do.
01:57:49This helps you a lot as a lesson.
01:57:51So you can say,
01:57:53this is not how it's going to be.
01:57:57Exactly, with courage.
01:57:59Then, son, you come,
01:58:01you put us some sushi,
01:58:03and you shut us up.
01:58:05Okay, perfect.
01:58:07That's how it's going to be.
01:58:09I think with a couple more techniques,
01:58:11next time you're going to learn
01:58:13with your sushi.
01:58:15Good try.
01:58:17You left your comfort zone,
01:58:19although the result was not expected.
01:58:21I really appreciate
01:58:23that you wanted to do something different.
01:58:25Thank you, Chef.
01:58:27And well, we already know that he is not competing
01:58:29for this immunity,
01:58:31but it is valued that he took a risk.
01:58:33Now you have to learn to do it correctly
01:58:35and present it again.
01:58:39It shows, because to present this ...
01:58:49Gabriel, you have a secret advantage, right?
01:58:53It shows, because to present this ...
01:58:55No, I don't want to be a bad person,
01:58:57but for me,
01:58:59this was a disappointment.
01:59:01You can go back to your station.
01:59:05We love you!
01:59:07I know it's not the best sushi in the world,
01:59:09but my intention
01:59:11was always that
01:59:13doing something risky
01:59:15in a matter of time was worth it.
01:59:17Gary, please.
01:59:21Gary is very happy
01:59:23with his flavors.
01:59:25What interests me the most
01:59:27is that the chefs give me good comments,
01:59:29beyond winning.
01:59:31What do you think of your dish?
01:59:33I wanted to put picolindo.
01:59:39It is a typical dish from Costa Rica.
01:59:41The palm tree is used a lot there,
01:59:43but not only from Costa Rica,
01:59:45but from Central America.
01:59:47This dish is used a lot when families get together.
01:59:49I made two types of rice.
01:59:51While I was making the rice,
01:59:53I was making the sauté,
01:59:55which was red pepper,
01:59:59and when I told him it was a bechamel,
02:00:01he said, no, wait.
02:00:03I added mustard, herbs,
02:00:05and malibu.
02:00:07I said, this is going to elevate the flavor.
02:00:09It seems that you have a different proposal.
02:00:11The dots are decorative,
02:00:13but they have a good flavor
02:00:15because it is a rice that I put in the blender,
02:00:17I put cream cheese,
02:00:19I put mozzarella,
02:00:21I put chicken bouillon, butter.
02:00:23I think it's super cool,
02:00:25something new.
02:00:27In my country,
02:00:29we call it rice casserole.
02:00:31I find that it is a creamy preparation.
02:00:33I like that it plays with the theme of the palm tree,
02:00:35and that the bechamel sauce
02:00:37does not feel heavy
02:00:39in the elaboration,
02:00:41but the flavor is very rich.
02:00:43Thank you very much, chef.
02:00:45I sincerely believe
02:00:47that his mother is always with him
02:00:49in this competition,
02:00:51and at this point I have no doubt
02:00:53that she was a great cook, a great chef,
02:00:55and the truth is that those gifts were passed on to my compadre Gary.
02:00:57Well, Gary, first of all,
02:00:59I want to congratulate you,
02:01:01because you treated the rice differently
02:01:03than the rest.
02:01:05I really like the palm tree with your bechamel,
02:01:07it is very rich,
02:01:09and you treated the rice in a different way,
02:01:11not the typical one,
02:01:13a yaki-meshi rice,
02:01:15a rice with vegetables, with proteins,
02:01:17or sushi.
02:01:21Brother, you know I love you.
02:01:23I know you're angry with these things,
02:01:25I know you're not going to like it when I say this,
02:01:27but I feel it's not a dish
02:01:29to be at this competition.
02:01:31It's my humble opinion.
02:01:33To daddy Chotico, brother.
02:01:35He's going to be very happy.
02:01:37In the technical points,
02:01:39I agree with my colleagues.
02:01:41Thank you very much, son.
02:01:43Thank you.
02:01:45It was different,
02:01:47like the preparation of the palm tree.
02:01:49I can't help it, and I'll always say it,
02:01:51I don't want you to get bored,
02:01:53but again, my mom's energy was there.
02:01:55I think we have a winner.
02:01:57You've already tried all the rice,
02:01:59and you have to make decisions.
02:02:01Chefs, come on, please.
02:02:03Why are you leaving?
02:02:05Everyone was terrible, except Gary.
02:02:07The truth is that everyone's tasting
02:02:09was quite aggressive,
02:02:11except for Gary's.
02:02:13And again, I think we have to start
02:02:15making more berrinche for everyone,
02:02:17because I feel like they're already afraid
02:02:19of what's going to happen.
02:02:21I don't think there's anything negative
02:02:23and better flowers and flowers
02:02:25and flowers,
02:02:27as long as they don't get angry again.
02:02:29Well, one of my favorite challenges
02:02:31in the world and in the universe
02:02:33is that of rice,
02:02:35because I'm a great rice eater.
02:02:39I don't understand today's palates,
02:02:41but well, it happens, it happens.
02:02:43You work, you overcome, and you continue.
02:02:45But you have to see the technique
02:02:47of the rice, and I think that's what we have
02:02:49to decide in the end,
02:02:51because three great flavors came up.
02:02:53If I'm going to win with this dish,
02:02:55I just hope that immunity works.
02:02:57Do we agree?
02:02:59Yes, of course. Let's go there.
02:03:01Let's go, team.
02:03:03I think there are ways to cook
02:03:05suddenly products that are
02:03:07so basic.
02:03:09The product is basic,
02:03:11but sometimes the dishes
02:03:15You have already won immunity.
02:03:17Now the rice decides
02:03:19which was the best.
02:03:23at stake on a night
02:03:25that no one expected.
02:03:27Chefs, who
02:03:29is guaranteed a few more days in this kitchen?
02:03:35With my brother Gary, we still don't know
02:03:37the verdict, but I think he
02:03:39today wins the fourth immunity.
02:03:41First of all, let's congratulate
02:03:43the three dishes that stood out.
02:03:49Three dishes that are in favor.
02:03:51Carolina, Patty and Gary,
02:03:53their seasoning
02:03:55was incredible.
02:03:57Thank you, Chef.
02:04:01I don't know if I should take this
02:04:03as a good sign or a bad sign.
02:04:05We have decided
02:04:07that the winner of this immunity challenge
02:04:13you, Gary.
02:04:23We have decided
02:04:25that the winner of this immunity challenge
02:04:37you, Gary.
02:04:43You, Gary.
02:04:51I won!
02:04:53The fourth!
02:04:55The fourth!
02:04:59Come on, buddy!
02:05:03A balsam and a kick at the same time.
02:05:05I got home
02:05:07without a car.
02:05:09Gary, congratulations!
02:05:11Yes, I breathe,
02:05:13but more than anything, winning with a dish
02:05:15with a country as small
02:05:17as Costa Rica, we are four and a half million
02:05:21a country that has no army,
02:05:23a country that is pure life,
02:05:25and winning
02:05:27with a dish that my mom used to make for me
02:05:29and that is from Costa Rica,
02:05:31I can't ask
02:05:33for more.
02:05:37It's very nice. Thank you.
02:05:39Thank you.
02:05:45I'm so happy, I'm so happy,
02:05:47this is the fourth immunity
02:05:49you've won, Master,
02:05:51and none of them
02:05:53have come close to me.
02:05:55Look, Gary, I know
02:05:57your mom is not physically present,
02:05:59but I have felt her
02:06:01throughout the competition,
02:06:03because you make
02:06:05a lot of recipes
02:06:07and you say, my mom used to make it for me,
02:06:09my mom used to make it for me,
02:06:11I see you kissing the bandana,
02:06:13thanking her,
02:06:15so I firmly believe that your mom is here
02:06:17blowing you.
02:06:19Every time he cooks for his mom
02:06:21or honors his mom,
02:06:23he does well.
02:06:25It was very nice, and more than anything,
02:06:27I know I'm going to be a few more days
02:06:29in this competition, and I'm happy
02:06:31because I'm going to keep learning.
02:06:33Guys, you saw that anything can happen
02:06:35anything can happen.
02:06:37The only thing for sure is that
02:06:39tomorrow you will have new challenges,
02:06:41new recipes,
02:06:43and surely
02:06:45a surprise.
02:06:47It's time to go to rest,
02:06:49you can go to bed.
02:06:51Good night.
02:06:53Thank you.
02:06:59My friend Gary is one of the strong participants,
02:07:05I'm very upset
02:07:07because I didn't say anything else.
02:07:09That's as far as I can go.
02:07:15I love Gary very much,
02:07:17we've been very good friends
02:07:19since the beginning of the competition,
02:07:21I value his work,
02:07:23and I know he goes with everything.
02:07:25He is a great competitor.
02:07:27I've made sushi twice in my life,
02:07:29and I've been three f****** hours to eat it.
02:07:31It doesn't take time, you played it
02:07:33very bravely,
02:07:35and I know you had your details,
02:07:39For me and for all my teammates,
02:07:41those of us who were there
02:07:43and those of us who were in the cabin,
02:07:45it was something very obvious,
02:07:47and it had gone very badly for all of us,
02:07:49except for Gary, obviously.
02:07:51What I see is that
02:07:53that dish was praised
02:07:55as it should be,
02:07:57wow, it's great.
02:07:59And this one is very simple,
02:08:01I don't know, for a next challenge
02:08:03you really get worried,
02:08:05because imagine,
02:08:07you get affected.
02:08:09We say goodbye to La Cocina for today,
02:08:11the competition enters
02:08:13its last weeks,
02:08:15and the decisions will be more and more difficult.
02:08:17Change of plans.
02:08:19Whatever comes, you don't have to be afraid of it.
02:08:21What matters to him is to finish with this one.
02:08:23Don't be bad.
02:08:25I'm also going to dry you.
02:08:27I have some magical powders.
02:08:29We have a little problem.
02:08:31This can get very dark.
02:08:33They're going to want to get you out
02:08:35and they're going to keep hitting you with the same thing.
02:08:37We all have the right to think differently.
02:08:39I don't have a single word to say.
02:08:41We're going to go against it.
02:08:43I would like to send both of them to hell.
02:08:45That's how I feel.
