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Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 26 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 27 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 28 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 26 Completo HD Online
00:00:00We're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're
00:00:30going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going
00:01:00to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to
00:01:30play a game of tag and we're going to play a game of tag and we're going to play
00:01:49Gary senorita
00:01:51ganas de nuevo la imunidad
00:01:53gracias a dios y comienza a sonar la alarma de la ventaja secreta
00:01:59Conseguiste dormir
00:02:01Ya no lo ponga nervioso
00:02:03Más o menos más o menos es obvio que voy a estar preocupado que me pueda quitar la inmunidad es parte de chicos
00:02:09desde ayer los tenemos en suspenso
00:02:12no finalizamos el capítulo con un misterio
00:02:16Una ventaja secreta que fue revelada únicamente a quien la ganó mi querido jason
00:02:29A ver si es cierto que es ventaja porque ninguna ventaja ha sido ventaja hasta ahorita
00:02:44Que no me quites la inmunidad
00:02:47El tomo su decisión chicos y ahora vamos a conocer que decía y cómo va a influir
00:02:55en la competencia
00:02:58Jason vente para acá
00:03:03Relajado y no atraiga cosas negativa
00:03:06solamente te quiero recordar
00:03:08Que estamos en tus manos
00:03:16Jason por favor te pido que leas toda la ventaja a tus compañeros
00:03:22Ay dios cuando vaya a abrir la ventaja que no vaya a salir mentido por la culata el espejo
00:03:28Dicen que los espejos son elementos mágicos a veces para bien y otras para mal
00:03:34reflejan nuestras virtudes y resaltan nuestra belleza
00:03:37No obstante Narciso se enamoró de su reflejo y acabó ahogándose en el agua
00:03:42Hay quien piensa que son portales hacia mundos paralelos
00:03:45Pero nadie sabe cuál de los dos lados es mejor
00:03:49No no no no no señores que les puedo decir ese mensaje era
00:03:54La biblia en el espejo de esta ventaja secreta hay dos lados
00:03:58Y aunque las personas que hay a cada uno de esos lados son diferentes el destino es el mismo
00:04:04Hace unos segundos los jueces otorgaron uno de los premios más codiciados en esta competencia
00:04:10La inmunidad
00:04:12Amigari como que
00:04:14Siente que se la quitan la tiene agarrada muy muy fuerte y siente que se le va por los dedos
00:04:20En el espejo se refleja un rostro diferente al del ganador o la ganadora de esta noche pero ambos obtendrán el mismo beneficio
00:04:27la pregunta es
00:04:29De quién es el reflejo que se ve en el espejo
00:04:35De quién es el reflejo que se ve en el espejo que es lo que refleja Gary inmunidad
00:04:42Entonces digamos que en esta ocasión es inmunidad se duplica por el reflejo
00:04:50El mío
00:04:51Ahí dice Jason para qué nos hacemos tontos todos hubiéramos hecho exactamente lo mismo
00:04:58Raro hubiera sido que hubiera elegido a otra persona que no hubiera sido él
00:05:01Yo también me habría cogido a mí
00:05:03Yo también me hubiera puesto ahí
00:05:05Ninguno de nosotros somos tontos
00:05:07Fue una gran sorpresa saber que él también está inmune por el reflejo
00:05:12Bien bien la verdad que eso sí
00:05:15En este momento hay dos inmunes
00:05:19Y por supuesto Jason
00:05:21Pues Jason yo habría hecho lo mismo
00:05:23En esta ocasión tuve una ventaja que sí es ventaja gracias
00:05:26Fue una ventaja muy yo creo que una de las mejores
00:05:30Sabía que pensaba que se la iba a quitar
00:05:32Está salvado el viejo
00:05:34Felicidades compa ánimo
00:05:37Gary a la cava
00:05:41Gary que tenía la inmunidad y él son uno mismo
00:05:44Tú y yo somos uno mismo se reflejaron en el espejo
00:05:48Y los dos se fueron a la cava inmunes
00:05:50Tan tan se acabó esto
00:05:51La maravillosa ventaja que tienen todos
00:05:54Es que nadie les quitará los profundos y maravillosos conocimientos de cocina
00:06:00Tampoco las habilidades técnicas y mentales que día a día los acercan a la final
00:06:07Esas habilidades que hoy les pueden dar la salvación
00:06:11Pero para ganarla deberán enfrentarse antes a una prueba de fuego
00:06:23Alicia no nos acompaña en este reto
00:06:25No podrá salvarse pero esperamos que vuelva pronto
00:06:29¿Dónde andar esta niña?
00:06:31Famosos, poderosos, deliciosos
00:06:34Une culturas y acortan fronteras
00:06:37Por sí solos son una fiesta
00:06:41Un platillo igualitario
00:06:43Porque hay para todos los gustos
00:06:46De manteles, de esquina o de pueblo
00:06:50Han cruzado mares
00:06:52Y los han comido hasta en el espacio
00:06:56Me estoy refiriendo a
00:06:59Los tacos
00:07:12Los tacos wey, si ahorita que los vi dije
00:07:14No hay nada más lindo en el mundo que un taco
00:07:17La verdad
00:07:18Y para que se inspiren y aprendan un poco más de este platillo tan característico
00:07:23Hemos traído a una especialista
00:07:26Una rockstar del taco y del fuego
00:07:30Desde sus inicios en el mundo de la cocina
00:07:33Se ha dedicado a experimentar con ingredientes locales del desierto de Sonora
00:07:39Fusionándolos con técnicas innovadoras
00:07:42Cada una de sus creaciones son una obra de arte de sabor
00:07:47En su restaurante Boca, las salsas son las estrellas
00:07:51Dos veces finalista en los James Beard Awards
00:07:55Mejor dicho, los Oscar de la cocina
00:07:59Esto es invitada de lujo
00:08:03Desde Tucson, Arizona
00:08:05La ex participante de Top Chef Estados Unidos
00:08:09La chef María Mazón
00:08:22Desde que entra, ella como que ilumina el set
00:08:29Qué maravilla, vamos a aprender más definitivamente
00:08:32Y la competencia de hoy también va a estar muy exigente
00:08:35Qué rico tenerte aquí
00:08:37Qué orgullo estar acá
00:08:39Deciden traer a una cuarta chef
00:08:42Que encima es famosísima por sus tacos
00:08:45Y nos va a dar consejitos que espero que nos sirva muchísimo
00:08:48Chef, qué te dejó a ti como profesional
00:08:50Haber participado en Top Chef en Estados Unidos
00:08:53Bueno, híjola
00:08:55No sé cómo están ahorita de pie
00:08:57Ni con la cabeza pegada
00:08:59Porque la verdad es una competencia
00:09:01Que te prueba desde lo físico, lo mental
00:09:06Y lo que es uno hecho, ¿no?
00:09:08Que haya participado en Top Chef
00:09:10Donde entiende lo que sufrimos
00:09:12Y lo que se tiene que vivir detrás de la cocina
00:09:15Se me hace maravilloso
00:09:17Sin duda alguna un regalo caído del cielo
00:09:20Yo como criadora
00:09:22Para nosotros los chefs pues es
00:09:24Lo vivimos en la sangre, ¿no?
00:09:26Y me dicen que mi platillo no me gusta
00:09:28Es como que me dijeran que mi hijo está feo
00:09:30Y mi hijo está precioso
00:09:31No hay que tomarse nada a pecho
00:09:33No hay que tomarse nada personal
00:09:34Chef, ¿en un taco qué será lo más importante?
00:09:37En un taco
00:09:38¿El relleno, la tortilla o la salsa?
00:09:42Vuelvo al balance
00:09:43El taco es la carta de presentación de un buen mexicano
00:09:47Un buen mexicano
00:09:49Un taco
00:09:50Pero también dándole un twist
00:09:52A ese...
00:09:54Algo tan sencillo como taco, tortilla y carne
00:09:57Pero también quiero elevar el taco
00:09:59Entonces una buena tortilla
00:10:01Que se desbarate y no se desbarate
00:10:03No se fuste
00:10:04O sea, se puede desbaratar
00:10:06Y sigue siendo igual
00:10:07Pedimos otra y hacemos otro taco
00:10:09Es que puedes esconder un relleno debajo de la salsa
00:10:14Pero una tortilla mala no puedes esconder
00:10:17La salsa es algo que te lleva a viajar
00:10:21Es algo que si tú le das la oportunidad a una salsa
00:10:25A elevar
00:10:26No se ciclen en la típica tomatillo, tomate, chiles
00:10:31Hacer un buen taco es básico en el currículum de cualquier mexicano
00:10:34Y no quiero que eso me vaya a salir mal
00:10:36Entre dulce, salado
00:10:38Tiene que haber balance
00:10:39Tiene que haber umame
00:10:42Dulce, enchiloso, salado
00:10:44Y también la salsa muy enchilosa es muy peligrosa
00:10:47Porque también tiene que tener sabor
00:10:49Nomás no me vayan a quemar la lengua
00:10:51Y sin sabor
00:10:52Y pues, pa' su casa
00:10:53¿Qué podría ser otra salsa que no sea así de picante?
00:10:56¿Una salsa de tamarindo?
00:10:57Uy, sí
00:10:58Una salsa de tamarindo que te c***
00:11:00Puede ser ranito, pero tatemado
00:11:02Tal tamarindo, tal tatemado
00:11:03Yo la haría de mango también
00:11:06Pues, chefs
00:11:08Es momento de saber en qué va a consistir este reto
00:11:13Bueno, pues todos tenemos una memoria gustativa
00:11:16¿Quién no ha comido un taco?
00:11:18Una representación fidedigna de México
00:11:21Si tú dices taco, México
00:11:23No hay vuelta de hoja
00:11:25Es como decir tequila, México
00:11:27Ron, República Dominicana
00:11:29Bueno, aquí viene lo bueno
00:11:31Tienen que hacer cuatro tacos, nada más
00:11:34Para nuestra queridísima chef invitada
00:11:37Y para nosotros tres, jueces
00:11:39He comido muchos tacos
00:11:42Pero no lo he hecho realmente
00:11:44Sí quiero ser sincero
00:11:46No es lo mismo comerlo que hacerlo
00:11:48Para eso tendrán muchísimo tiempo
00:11:5160 minutos
00:11:53¿Está bien, no?
00:11:54Está bien, está bien, está bien
00:11:5560 minutos se oye hermoso
00:11:58Para una persona normal
00:12:00Pero Rosy Rivera es muy lenta
00:12:02Me lo dijo mi madre y le creo
00:12:07El taco no está completo sin la salsa
00:12:09¿Ok? ¿Ok?
00:12:11El alma de un buen taco es la salsa
00:12:16Tres tipos diferentes de salsa
00:12:19Para ese taco
00:12:22Y a ver, unas buenas salsas
00:12:25Porque si no hay salsas, no hay tacos
00:12:27Así que, ¿estamos listos?
00:12:29Bueno chicos, les tengo una buena noticia
00:12:31El mercado estará abierto para que no se limiten
00:12:34Y puedan crear y hacer
00:12:36Y utilizar mucha diversidad de productos, de ingredientes
00:12:39Tengo varios compañeros que son mexicanos
00:12:41Entonces, pues, a ver
00:12:44Tienen toda la ventaja del mundo
00:12:46Sin embargo, yo conozco mucha gente que no es italiana
00:12:49Y supera platos italianos
00:12:51Puede pasar en todas las nacionalidades, ¿no?
00:12:54¿La tortilla de cero?
00:12:56Bueno, como quieran hacerla
00:12:58¿Hay tortillas ahí?
00:13:01Para los que no somos mexicanos
00:13:03Como tú quieras, Puma
00:13:05¿La hago? ¿Me adviento?
00:13:07Para que no digan
00:13:09Yo les traje tortillas de harina de Sonora
00:13:14¿Y harina de qué?
00:13:16De sobra
00:13:17Pero en cuanto la chef dice que trajo de Sonora
00:13:20¿Para qué?
00:13:21Si yo sé que son las más ricas del mundo
00:13:23Ay viejona, qué chulada que nos visite gente de norte
00:13:26Chicos, nuestra chef invitada María no solamente probará
00:13:31Tendrá el privilegio de escuchar su concepto sobre su comida
00:13:36Y nos ayudará a elegir el mejor taco
00:13:41Uy, debe tener un paladar pa'l taco fino, fino, fino
00:13:45Bueno, chicos, atención que esto es super importante
00:13:49¿Uno de ustedes no cumplió un reto el día de ayer?
00:13:51Desde ya te digo que es un reto no logrado
00:13:54No tiene la yema, no tiene el huevo, no tiene la holandesa
00:13:57No queremos que vuelva a pasar eso
00:14:00La próxima vez que nosotros como jueces veamos que no se cumplió un reto
00:14:04Va a haber consecuencias muy duras
00:14:08Obvio están hablando de Pancho
00:14:10Pues bueno, ya todos sabemos que anoche entregó un abocado toast
00:14:13En un reto de hacer huevos benedictinos
00:14:15Y pensamos que les había causado mucha gracia a todos
00:14:18Pero ya vimos que no a todos
00:14:20Y entendemos perfectamente que hay platillos que ustedes no dominan
00:14:24Pero para eso tienen tiempo
00:14:26En vez de estar chacoteando, que se pueden poner a estudiar
00:14:30Realmente yo que conozco a Pancho les puedo decir que no lo hizo
00:14:33Porque no le importe
00:14:35Si no los pudo hacer es porque no los pudo hacer
00:14:37Y porque realmente no tenía el conocimiento de hacerlos
00:14:39El nivel de esta competencia ya tiene que subir
00:14:43Estamos alcanzando la mitad de la competencia
00:14:47Y estas cosas no pueden pasar
00:14:50Y si pasan no las vamos a tolerar
00:14:53Si estoy estresada, me están saliendo granitos
00:14:56Se me está subiendo el azúcar, sudo como coche
00:14:59Más seriedad
00:15:01Y para nosotros es una falta de respeto
00:15:04Que se lo cojan a risa cuando ni siquiera se ha terminado un reto
00:15:08Vamos a cogernos la cosa como debemos de cogerla
00:15:12Chicos pueden pasar a sus estaciones, gracias
00:15:17Antes iba a ser individual, tienes razón, ¿no?
00:15:20Si es individual
00:15:22Ánimo Raza que hoy me voy a inventar
00:15:24Los tacos más perrones que hayan probado estos chefs
00:15:33Bien, sabrosos
00:15:36Más o menos
00:15:39¡A cocinar!
00:15:53Bien, sabrosos
00:15:56Más o menos
00:15:59¡A cocinar!
00:16:13Yo estoy emocionado porque hoy me traigo a Yucatán a Top Chef VIP
00:16:23No, la Patti la tiene más clara
00:16:25Si, bueno
00:16:26Es de las pocas personas que yo ya sé que cuando dice a cocinar
00:16:29Tiene tan maquinado el platillo, el emplatado
00:16:38Voy a hacer unos tacos de pescado empanizado con marina, huevo y panko
00:16:43Estoy tranquila, es de salvación y quiero salvarme
00:16:47Pero teniendo aquí a Patti Navidad y Pancho
00:16:51Que sabe mucho de la carne, del sazón, de las salsas
00:17:02¿Qué creen que ya llegué?
00:17:04Para no irme nunca más
00:17:06¿Ah, sí?
00:17:07Sí, mi amor, van a tener que apretar y tragar
00:17:10Pues mi querida Alicia la recibimos en la cava
00:17:12Ella no tuvo que cocinar porque tenía un problema con los dientes
00:17:15Y ahorita viene súper sonriente
00:17:18Con los dientes biónicos ya puede echarse los dulcecitos que nos ponen ahí en la cava
00:17:23Hubiera pagado por estar en este reto
00:17:33No lo puedo abrir
00:17:34¿Alguien me puede ayudar?
00:17:36Dos, perdóname
00:17:37¿Alguien me puede ayudar?
00:17:38A ver, a ver
00:17:39No lo puedo abrir
00:17:40Aquí, la paisana
00:17:41No lo puedo abrir
00:17:43Muchas gracias
00:17:44¿Qué? ¿No eres de Sinaloa?
00:17:45Soy de Sinaloa
00:17:46¿Ves? Somos vecinas
00:17:47Sí, sí, chef
00:17:49Somos de Sonora y Sinaloa, vecinas y todas somos buena onda
00:17:52Pórtese linda, chef
00:17:53Primero empecé por las salsas porque no llevan más tiempo
00:17:56Una de mango con mezcal
00:17:58Le puse un poquito de habanero, ajo
00:18:00Todavía no he terminado de sazonarla
00:18:02Todavía no
00:18:03Tengo otra de tomate con ajo, cebolla morada
00:18:06Me falta la piña y el aguacate que voy a poner en pedacitos
00:18:09Y el cilantro
00:18:10Y esta que es de guajillo también con tomate
00:18:12A mí me encantaron, no pican mucho
00:18:15Mi carnita que es oso buco
00:18:17Y ahorita voy a intentar hacer las tortillas a ver si me da tiempo
00:18:20Pero eso no es oso buco, me dijiste filete de res
00:18:22No, eso no es oso buco
00:18:24Oso buco es el redondo
00:18:26Y trae hueso el oso buco
00:18:27Y trae un hueso
00:18:28Ese accidente creo que te va a ayudar mucho porque un oso buco
00:18:31Te tarda mucho más
00:18:33Bueno, yo lo que vi fue la carne que podía estar rápida
00:18:35Más bien, acerté en el error de tomar la otra
00:18:39Gracias, gracias
00:18:40Respira y no se te olviden las tortillas
00:18:42Sí, no
00:18:43Ahí te traje
00:18:44Ay, ay, ay
00:18:50Vamos aquí a Chamolandia
00:18:54Ay, qué linda
00:18:55Mi chef Belén últimamente se ha tomado a pecho mucho la visita conmigo
00:19:00Gracias, mi chef
00:19:01Que nos explique
00:19:02Mira, me estoy arriesgando un poco
00:19:04Con unas costillas de carne de res
00:19:06En la olla express
00:19:07En olla express
00:19:08Está bueno, unos de costilla
00:19:10No está nada mal
00:19:12Aquí estoy haciendo un gastric de piña
00:19:14Que de repente las paso un poco con el gastric
00:19:16Igual lo estoy haciendo como para salsa
00:19:18Pero si de repente le puedo hacer una pasadita
00:19:20Y elevar un poquito más el sabor de la carne
00:19:22Este gastric de piña lleva su cebollita, su ajo, mantequillita
00:19:26Un poquito de aceite ahí para que se haga
00:19:28Luego azúcar
00:19:30Pero acuérdate del balance
00:19:32Si me estás dando piña acá, no me des piña acá
00:19:34O ponle acá un tomatito para que balance, balance
00:19:38Y mi consejo ya que deshebres esto
00:19:40Ponle aquí aceite para que se dore un poquito
00:19:44Porque la costilla usualmente nosotros es un crunch
00:19:47Esta carnecita tiene que quedar suave
00:19:49A la buena de Dios
00:19:51Te dejamos
00:19:53Vamos a hacer una oración antes para que salga la costilla
00:19:56Que los dioses de los tacos estén contigo
00:19:59Ya sé que no me van a dejar mal
00:20:01Vámonos mis dioses
00:20:02Denme ese taquito como Dios manda
00:20:09Ojo, voy a hacer las tortillas desde cero
00:20:12En el refri hay tortillas, pero no
00:20:14Quiero exigirme más
00:20:16Quiero entregar un plato rico
00:20:18Así que voy a hacer mis tortillas a mano
00:20:20Mi ciudad entera ahorita va a estar temblando
00:20:23Que estoy aquí con este señorón
00:20:25Al lado del Puma
00:20:26El Puma
00:20:27Tú vas a ir tú a un venezolano haciendo tacos
00:20:29No, pero todo se puede
00:20:32No lo veo mucho cocinado
00:20:34No, pero todo se puede
00:20:37No lo veo mucho cocinando tacos
00:20:39Creo que es un poquito difícil para él
00:20:42Porque el taco tiene como ciertas mañas
00:20:45Voy a hacer tres salsas
00:20:47Una de mango
00:20:49Una de queso azul
00:20:51Y una de nata
00:20:53Aprendí una salsa
00:20:54Que es una salsa para cualquier proteína de mar
00:20:58¿Y cuál es la proteína que vas a utilizar para tu taco?
00:21:01¿Me preocupa el queso azul?
00:21:03Sí, tal vez
00:21:04Ten mucho cuidado con el queso azul
00:21:05Descartaba el queso azul
00:21:06Porque como que el queso azul nadie lo invitó a la fiesta, ¿verdad, Chef?
00:21:09Descartaba el queso azul
00:21:10Sí, como que...
00:21:12Descartamos el queso azul
00:21:14Pero sí me hubiera gustado con queso crema, por ejemplo, para otro sabor
00:21:17Pero no
00:21:18La dejé clean, como la dejé limpia y como estaba
00:21:21Y le dejé el sabor libre solamente
00:21:24A ver
00:21:25¿Usted qué mexicana quiere por esta salsa?
00:21:26A ver, a ver, a ver, a ver
00:21:30Nada más le voy a probar a la chef mexicana
00:21:32No, no, perdón
00:21:33No te preocupes, Puma
00:21:35Está rica
00:21:37¿Qué tal?
00:21:40Bueno, concéntrate, Puma
00:21:42No te confíes
00:21:44Ya estoy avanzando un poco más, creo yo
00:21:57Señor mío
00:21:59Ay, no más, mire
00:22:00¿Qué estamos haciendo?
00:22:01Estamos haciendo unos tacos de relleno negro
00:22:05Me vienen a visitar el chef Toño y la chef María
00:22:09Híjole, me encantan
00:22:10Porque es una gran oportunidad para hablarles del relleno negro
00:22:14Obviamente con su chile cut
00:22:16Que es como le decimos en Yucatán
00:22:18Al chile que está asado
00:22:20Con cebollita, picadito
00:22:22A ver qué tanto aguantan los chefs invitados
00:22:24Ok, gracias
00:22:25A ver, a ver
00:22:26El relleno negro es un guiso que se hace en Yucatán
00:22:29Que se hace con un recado
00:22:30Y lo más lindo es que existe picoso, no picoso y casi nada picoso
00:22:36Mira, mira, mira con su relleno negro
00:22:38Bro, es que p***
00:22:40Yo nunca los había probado y nunca los había escuchado en mi vida
00:22:44Como no hay naranja, agrega tomate y toronja
00:22:47Y limón
00:22:48No, pero sabes una cosa
00:22:49Pero hay limón mandarino
00:22:51Ya, aquí está
00:22:52Ya le puse limón mandarino, toronja y...
00:22:54Puedes hacerlo a la chef
00:22:55Porque olvide esto, eh, mi chef
00:22:56Mira nomás esto
00:22:58Qué envidia de despensa
00:23:00Nomás para que, mira, para que te quede más claro
00:23:02Checate eso nomás, huele eso
00:23:04El puro olor es extraordinario
00:23:06Como aquí no hay naranja agria
00:23:08Que la naranja agria es yucatiquísima
00:23:11Pues bueno, buscamos con qué suplirlo
00:23:13Pero el sabor les encantó a los chefs
00:23:17¿Cómo va?
00:23:20¿Cómo estamos?
00:23:21Alicia, ¿ya llegaste?
00:23:23Ya, ¿cómo está mi amor?
00:23:25¿Ya lista?
00:23:27Lista, mi amita
00:23:29¿Cómo sigues?
00:23:30¿Cómo te sientes?
00:23:33¿Estás lista para lo que viene?
00:23:34Sí, muy bien
00:23:35Con todo el respeto del mundo
00:23:37Espectacular es la palabra de cómo se ve Carmen el día de hoy
00:23:52Se enrollan estos plásticos
00:23:55Estoy sudando porque quiero hacer las tortillas de maíz
00:23:58Porque a mí me interesa mostrar las tortillas hechas en máquina a mano por mí
00:24:02Pero desgraciadamente el plástico en esta ocasión no me gusta
00:24:05Los plásticos no deben ser así
00:24:07La parte en B
00:24:09Mira, David
00:24:19Se enrollan estos plásticos
00:24:22Estoy sudando porque quiero hacer las tortillas de maíz
00:24:25Porque a mí me interesa mostrar las tortillas hechas en máquina a mano por mí
00:24:29Pero desgraciadamente el plástico en esta ocasión no me gusta
00:24:32Los plásticos no deben ser así
00:24:34La parte en D
00:24:36Mira, David
00:24:38Yo sé que ustedes se estarán pensando, Darid
00:24:41¿Vas a hacer las tortillas a mano?
00:24:44Y la verdad, no
00:24:46Si ya hay tortillas hechas
00:24:47Si hay alguien que ya hizo tortillas
00:24:49¿Por qué yo le voy a quitar el trabajo a esa persona?
00:24:58Bueno, ahora vamos caminando por el mapa
00:25:02Hacia una bellísima isla
00:25:04República Dominicana
00:25:07Me encanta siempre que los chefs vengan
00:25:10Y más, esta chef invitada, María
00:25:12A ver, ¿qué nos vas a estar preparando?
00:25:14Bueno, mira, estoy haciendo una salsita diferente con estos frijoles
00:25:19Aquí puedes aprender, María
00:25:21Nunca subestimes
00:25:22Porque quiero que tome el sabor de la carne
00:25:26¿Y ya están cocidos, niño?
00:25:27Claro, mi amor, ya tengo, ya todo el tiempo
00:25:30Frijolitos, qué bueno que lo hizo con frijolitos
00:25:33Nadie lo está haciendo con frijoles, sin un taco con frijol
00:25:35Así empatadito
00:25:36¿Cómo son esos frijoles? ¿Cómo le dices? ¿Rafritos?
00:25:40No, no, pero hay... ¿Cómo se llaman esos tacos, güey?
00:25:43Los de asada, los de asada llevan frijoles
00:25:45Ah, bueno, con carnecita también son ricos los taquitos
00:25:48¿Qué estás haciendo, niño?
00:25:49Estoy haciendo en medio un taco, tostón, pero qué...
00:25:52Está haciendo tostón
00:25:53Pero está bonito
00:25:54Pero lo quiero grande, lo quiero grande, lo quiero...
00:25:56Sí, no, no me va a salir
00:25:58Ten cuidado
00:25:59Anda, niño
00:26:00Nomás córtalo por la mitad
00:26:01No, yo sé por la mitad, yo sé
00:26:02¿Está bueno?
00:26:03Bueno, te dejamos
00:26:04Nos vamos y deseamos que te salga todo muy bien
00:26:08Gracias, mi amor
00:26:09Thank you
00:26:10Ya no estaba en el punto, así que I'm sorry, no me salió
00:26:21Hola, chef
00:26:23Mucho gusto
00:26:24Ay, por fin marisco
00:26:25Sí, sí, sí
00:26:26¿Qué estamos haciendo?
00:26:28Beer batter, yo hablo más en inglés
00:26:30Ah, yo también
00:26:31Mi familia es de Sonora, tengo familia también
00:26:33¿De qué parte?
00:26:34De Hermosillo, Sonora
00:26:35Navajo a Sonora
00:26:36Ah, qué chévere
00:26:37Sí, Hermosillo, Sonora y tengo primas en Tucson, en todo Arizona
00:26:41Luego me las mandas a mi a favor
00:26:43Y todas saben cocinar
00:26:44Es súper padre encontrarme con alguien del mismo estado de México
00:26:49Y me encanta su energía, o sea, son como mis primas
00:26:52Siento un poquito de mi mamá, de mis tías, de esa familia que tanto extraño
00:26:56Veo que tienes una salsa de mango
00:26:58Tengo tres diferentes salsas
00:27:00La verde ya la tengo ahí abajo
00:27:02Está con varios chiles, serrano, jalapeño
00:27:05Asegúrate de que tu salsita tenga buen sabor
00:27:08Que tenga algo fresco, tu taquito también
00:27:10O sea, que concéntrate y sobre todo
00:27:12Ten cuidado con la temperatura del aceite porque está bien caliente
00:27:15Luego se te va a quemar
00:27:17Sí, hasta no me gustó
00:27:18Y no se te va a cocinar por dentro
00:27:19¿Qué harina estás usando?
00:27:20¿De arroz?
00:27:21De arroz, ¿no?
00:27:22¿De harina regular?
00:27:24Pues yo te aconsejaría harina regular
00:27:27Para que no te quede así, como decimos por acá, mealy
00:27:30Para que no te quede eso
00:27:31Vale, voy
00:27:32Harina de trigo
00:27:34Ambas chefs me ayudan
00:27:35Mi aceite está muy caliente y tengo que cambiarla de harina
00:27:38Así se puede
00:27:51Este es el mejor hijo que cualquiera que se grande aquí
00:27:54¿Cómo estás?
00:27:56¿Es el bebé?
00:27:58Cuéntame, por favor, ¿qué es lo que vas a preparar?
00:28:01Pues mira, ya tengo ahí el lomo de cerdo
00:28:04Lo estoy marinando en un adobito que hice
00:28:07Quiero hacer lo que comúnmente se conoce como una gringa
00:28:10Pero es un taco, porque si le digo gringa
00:28:12Van a decir que no cumplo el reto
00:28:14Entonces va a ser un taco de pastor con queso
00:28:16¿Este es tamarindo?
00:28:18Eso es tamarindo, lo estoy aflojando para una salsa
00:28:20¿Y este?
00:28:21Esos son chiles que hidrate
00:28:24Bueno, sí sé que quiero una de piña, habanero
00:28:27Oye, pero ahí no piensas utilizar tomatillo, tomate
00:28:32Porque el hecho de que te habíamos dicho
00:28:34No se vaya por lo fácil, no quiere decir que no puedas utilizar
00:28:37Estamos dando dos frutas agridulces
00:28:40La chef invitada como que no está tan convencida
00:28:43Dice que una de piña ya es agridulce
00:28:46Y una de tamarindo ya es agridulce
00:28:48Y que debería de recurrir a otra salsa salada como para balancear
00:28:52Entonces le puedes agregar un tomatito
00:28:54¿Sabes lo que pasa, chef?
00:28:55A ver
00:28:56¿Son tan aplicados estos chamacos?
00:28:58Si les mencionamos
00:28:59Oiga, pues mira, podría estar padre que tomatillo, tomate, lo que tú quieras
00:29:02Pero ¿pueden sorprendernos?
00:29:05Nadie, creo que va a ser difícil
00:29:06No he visto ningún tomate
00:29:07¿Sí me entiendes?
00:29:09No se me asusten
00:29:10Solo tenemos un ganador
00:29:12Como apoyo al chile
00:29:15Y bueno, pues voy a tratar de tomar su consejo
00:29:17Pero el tiempo tampoco así que digas
00:29:19Uy, me da chance de ir a buscar ingredientes
00:29:21Y reformular toda mi receta
00:29:23Pues no
00:29:31¡Ay, aquí venimos!
00:29:32Mira, mija, aquí el del norte
00:29:34Arriba el norte y abajo el sur, ya que no lo vea que va el mapa
00:29:37Así nomás
00:29:38Es Disney, pero somos todos juntos, ¿eh?
00:29:40Aquí no se permiten las distinciones
00:29:42No, nada de eso ya
00:29:43A mí siempre que me visiten en mi estación
00:29:45Siempre son bien recibidos
00:29:47Pásenle para adentro y sálgase para afuera
00:29:49Como dicen por ahí
00:29:50Este es un menjurjito
00:29:53Que hace mi suegra en Michoacán
00:29:55Es un estilo Michoacán, es un sobuco
00:29:57¿Y mis saltitos?
00:29:59¡Ay, ay, ay, ay!
00:30:00Hice unas tortillitas a mano
00:30:01¿Así hiciste tú?
00:30:02¡Ay, nada!
00:30:03¡Te paseando!
00:30:04Son cuatro, ¿cuántas llevamos ahí?
00:30:05No, ahorita voy a hacer más, acá tengo más, mira
00:30:07Ah, es que conté tres
00:30:09Yo soy el único que las hice a mano
00:30:10Así que creo que ahí hay un puntito extra
00:30:13¿Y ahora qué tiene?
00:30:16Es que no nos quiere decir
00:30:17No, ahí le va
00:30:19Lleva sal, lleva pimienta grande
00:30:21Lleva laurel, cebolla, ajo, tomillo, piña, naranja
00:30:25Lleva muchas cosas
00:30:26La suegra lo va a desheredar
00:30:29Es el toque
00:30:30No nos van a regresar
00:30:31No, no por la salsa
00:30:32Por cómo trata la mujer
00:30:34No, si yo la...
00:30:35Mire, mire chef
00:30:37La tiene tatuada, chécate, chécate, qué guapa es
00:30:39Eres fan de tu mujer
00:30:41Ya, ya, esto es un programa familiar
00:30:46A ver, le falta algo
00:30:49¿Mucha sal entonces?
00:30:51Pues vamos a hacerle caso
00:30:52Yo como les digo, si me dicen que le falta sal, le pongo sal
00:30:58No somos hipertensas
00:31:00O sea, ahí está
00:31:01Más vale poco a poco
00:31:03Hay que ir
00:31:05Pian, pianito, compa
00:31:06Ok, cierro
00:31:07Bueno, ahí le va
00:31:08Así nos entendemos
00:31:09¡Que venga el norte!
00:31:11A veces a la chef ella no le creo porque dice como que
00:31:13Le falta, le falta y ha entregado así
00:31:16Dice, mmm, está bueno
00:31:17Así que lo voy a probar a ver qué tal
00:31:27¿Cómo estamos?
00:31:29Bien, ¿y tú?
00:31:30Más tranquila que tú
00:31:31Yo estoy peleando porque
00:31:33¿Por qué?
00:31:34Esta corvina se supone que es lomito pero tiene espina
00:31:37Entonces imagínate, querida María, como mi esposa de Hermosillo Sonora
00:31:41¿Tienes esposa sonorense?
00:31:44Me extraño
00:31:45¿De verdad?
00:31:46Hoy me he sorprendido yo a mí mismo diciéndole a la chefita y a la chef María
00:31:50Hola mis niñas guapas, bienvenidas a la estación
00:31:52Entonces estás trabajando con pescado, vas a hacer los tacos con pescado
00:31:56Sí, voy a hacer los tacos con pescado pero le echo un
00:31:59Una marinada o algo así
00:32:02De Marruecos
00:32:04Con cilantro comino
00:32:06Ok, ok
00:32:07Qué linda la chef, es un amor
00:32:09Porque galeano no es así
00:32:10Todo así
00:32:11Hard rock
00:32:12Sí, ¿verdad?
00:32:13Ahorita está, ahorita está
00:32:15Se lo voy a recamar
00:32:17Tienes toda la razón
00:32:18Le voy a hacer
00:32:22He hecho una mayonesa de chipotle con piña
00:32:27He hecho una salsa, me he volado la cabeza, como una movida de
00:32:31Con crema de coco
00:32:33Estoy cocinando galeano, ¿qué tiempo está pasando?
00:32:37Estoy nerviosísima
00:32:39¿Tú crees que galeano sea grosero?
00:32:41Son groseritos, lo que pasa que cuando uno les contesta piensan que es que la grosera es una
00:32:45No, pero él no es grosero
00:32:47A veces sí
00:32:48No, pero conmigo jamás
00:32:49Conmigo sí, bebé
00:32:52Eso es entre ustedes que son participantes
00:32:54No, pero él siempre se ha portado divino
00:32:56Solo que cuando pasó a la estación no me atiende porque está cocinando
00:33:00No sé, no sé
00:33:21¡Que está cocinando!
00:33:22No sé, para uno puede ser una grosería, para otro no
00:33:25Creo que también son perspectivas totalmente diferentes
00:33:27Entonces es desde los ojos que lo veas y de cómo lo sientas
00:33:31Bueno parece interesante lo que tienes aquí
00:33:33Vamos a ver cómo nos llega ya
00:33:35Bueno, chef Mira por la visita
00:33:41Gracias por la visita niñas guapas
00:33:43Nos tengo que ir por a cocinar
00:33:51Ay, un tomate.
00:33:52Un tomate!
00:33:54Bueno, aquí estoy haciendo...
00:33:56Sí, la ollita express.
00:33:57Tengo dos tipos de carne ahí para desmenuzar.
00:34:00Bueno, picarla.
00:34:01Aquí estoy haciendo una salsa.
00:34:03Puse un toque de azúcar, de tamarindo.
00:34:06La voy a mezclar con, bueno, con tomatillo,
00:34:08que yo sé lo que usted dijo,
00:34:09pero le voy a poner un poquito de picante.
00:34:11Es lo que le estamos justamente diciendo a la Polo.
00:34:13No porque hayamos dicho es que...
00:34:15No se vayan por lo fácil,
00:34:16no quiere decir que no puedan utilizar...
00:34:18Que no se puedan, sino que hay otras cosas.
00:34:20Estoy haciendo uno de piña acá.
00:34:22Aquí está de piña.
00:34:23Y esta que es diferente,
00:34:25que es bien rica, a mí me encanta.
00:34:27Qué chiles.
00:34:28Es como...
00:34:29Todavía no le he puesto el chile.
00:34:30Ya voy para allá,
00:34:31pero le puse ajo, cebolla.
00:34:33Como un chimichurri,
00:34:34lo que hice como tercero,
00:34:35que no tiene mucho picante,
00:34:37prácticamente nada.
00:34:38¿Qué tipo de carne tienes aquí?
00:34:40Tengo rib-eye.
00:34:43¿Rib-eye hoy exprés?
00:34:45No, no es rib-eye.
00:34:46¿Cómo se llama el otro?
00:34:47A ver, a la mitad de esta competencia
00:34:49no saben lo que es un rib-eye todavía.
00:34:51No, sí sé lo que es un rib-eye,
00:34:52¿cómo no lo voy a saber?
00:34:53Cuando a veces estamos en el supermercado,
00:34:54se confunden.
00:34:55El orden se pierde
00:34:56y uno como que se tiene que dejar llevar
00:34:58por el instinto
00:34:59y lo que uno conoce
00:35:00de las tipos de carnes.
00:35:02Pero es el lomo.
00:35:03Agarré el lomo y agarré...
00:35:04¿Lomo de res o cerdo?
00:35:05Lomo de res, de res.
00:35:07¿También hoy exprés?
00:35:09Sí, sí, sí.
00:35:10Ya, hombre.
00:35:13Yo creo que el chef
00:35:14quiere lo mejor
00:35:15para todos nosotros,
00:35:16los participantes,
00:35:17y simplemente me está dando
00:35:19un consejo y un recordatorio
00:35:21de cuidado que sabes.
00:35:22Cuando vayas a escoger,
00:35:23escoge bien, ¿no?
00:35:24Pero hoy la llevas,
00:35:25no te vamos a quitar más tiempo.
00:35:26Tú tranquila.
00:35:27Va a ser como un estilo al pastor,
00:35:28me gusta mucho.
00:35:29Tú tranquila y nosotros nerviosos.
00:35:33Dura como la gelatina.
00:35:34Creo que es una cosa
00:35:35para estar yo pendiente.
00:35:40La costilla se hizo, señores.
00:35:41Está suavecita.
00:35:43Tiene un saborcito
00:35:44al pastor delicioso.
00:35:47les quedan cinco minutos.
00:35:50Puma, tacos venezolanos.
00:35:54Eh, más o miércoles.
00:35:56Más o miércoles.
00:35:58Seguro que sazón
00:35:59se iban a tener.
00:36:00Eso sí.
00:36:01Eso sí.
00:36:02No me alcanzó el tiempo
00:36:03para hacer cuatro tacos.
00:36:05Hice tres solamente.
00:36:06Y no me alcanzó el tiempo
00:36:08para hacer tres salsas diferentes.
00:36:10La traté de disfrazar
00:36:12con le puse mango a una,
00:36:13piña a otro,
00:36:14y otro de palena libertad.
00:36:19No, ¿sí qué?
00:36:20Yo tengo una queja.
00:36:21A ver.
00:36:24Yo estaba en la cava.
00:36:28Ay, pero muy lindo,
00:36:29sonriente con la chef invitada
00:36:30y la cheftita.
00:36:31Hasta te detuviste
00:36:32en tu cocinada.
00:36:33Es porque la chef María...
00:36:35Sí, ¿qué aporta?
00:36:37No, la chef...
00:36:39La chef María es de Hermosillo,
00:36:41es de Sonora como mi esposa.
00:36:43Entonces, bueno, hay que hacerle...
00:36:44O sea que tengo que ser de Sonora
00:36:45para que me atiendas en tu estación.
00:36:47Un poquito.
00:36:48¿Un poquito?
00:36:49La chef está un poquito sentida.
00:36:51Ella está un poquito sentida
00:36:52de que cuando pasa por mi estación
00:36:53yo no le hago mucho caso.
00:36:55Yo sé que al final,
00:36:56al final,
00:36:57te terminarás ganando mi cariño.
00:36:58Todavía te falta un poco.
00:37:00Pero al final lo vas a conseguir.
00:37:01Ah, bueno.
00:37:02Poco a poco.
00:37:03Todavía nos faltan mucho,
00:37:04pero aquí la pregunta es...
00:37:06O sea, ¿tú te has ganado el mío?
00:37:08Esto es toma y dame, galeano.
00:37:11¿Para que te digo que no?
00:37:12Sí, sí.
00:37:13Voy a poner lo mejor de mí
00:37:15con todo mi cariño,
00:37:16con todo mi amor,
00:37:17para que la próxima vez que vengas
00:37:19sí vienes con el tiempo adecuado.
00:37:22Si quieres te cargo en brazo
00:37:25y te acuno incluso como un bebé.
00:37:27Te quiero.
00:37:28Tres minutos.
00:37:38¿Tres salsas?
00:37:39¿Qué pasó en esa cara?
00:37:41Llevo dos salsas.
00:37:42¿Dos salsas?
00:37:45Yo creo que si tienes dos salsas,
00:37:47emplatas las dos salsas y entregas algo.
00:37:50Recuerda lo que acaban de decir los chefs
00:37:51con respecto a no cumplir.
00:37:54Yo lo que quiero es entregar.
00:37:55Parece ser que no voy a ganar este reto
00:37:57porque la tercer salsa,
00:37:58pues la voy a tener que improvisar,
00:37:59pero tengo que entregar.
00:38:03Le pongo la hoja de plátano ahí
00:38:05con mi representación,
00:38:07pero no era mi idea.
00:38:10Siento que me puedo salvar.
00:38:12Me siento confiado.
00:38:13Tengo mis salsas.
00:38:15Agarré un plato gris
00:38:16porque no quedan muchos platos también,
00:38:17pero un plato negro ha quedado espectacular.
00:38:30¡Va muy rápido!
00:38:33Yo creo que les va a gustar.
00:38:35La verdad, me salió rico el batter.
00:38:38¡Espérate, Carmen!
00:38:43¡Manos arriba!
00:38:46Yo estoy feliz con mis tacos.
00:38:47Probé la carne.
00:38:48A mí me encantó.
00:38:49Las salsas también.
00:38:50Creo que todos lo hicieron bien, wey.
00:38:52Va a estar difícil ese...
00:38:55Esto está rico.
00:38:56Está el taco divino.
00:38:58Todo queda en manos de los chefs,
00:39:00de su paladar,
00:39:01pero yo estoy definitivamente,
00:39:02estoy contento con el trabajo.
00:39:05Los chefs pasarán a degustar por sus estaciones, chicos.
00:39:10Adelante, por favor.
00:39:12Confíen que a los jueces les va a gustar.
00:39:15Hola, hola.
00:39:16Hola, bienvenida, Patty.
00:39:18Gracias por estar en mi estación.
00:39:20Soy la primera que tengo la visita de los chefs.
00:39:23¿Cómo se llama tu taquería?
00:39:24Mi taquería se llama Bienvenidos.
00:39:30Uno debe darle la bienvenida a los clientes con mucho amor.
00:39:34Y está hecha de esa manera,
00:39:36con un filete que se deshace,
00:39:38mantequilla en la boca.
00:39:40Las tortillas de Sonora que nos trajo aquí la chef.
00:39:43Y lleva una capa abajo de chicharrón de queso.
00:39:47Bueno, el queso que lo puse,
00:39:48que quedó tipo chicharrón, queso Monterrey.
00:39:51Las salsas.
00:39:52Tengo aquí una de piña con aguacate, cebollita.
00:39:57La otra de ella es de chile guajillo con ancho,
00:40:00un chilito de árbol y unos tomatitos cherry,
00:40:03La de acá de mango con habanero, tequila.
00:40:06Ay, esta desgraciada, de verdad, no falla.
00:40:10Con permiso.
00:40:11Pásale a lo barato.
00:40:12¿Cuál es la más picantica, la gente?
00:40:14Ninguna pica mucho.
00:40:15Siempre ha hecho diferentes tipos de salsa.
00:40:18Tiene una inventiva muy grande.
00:40:20Así que la creo ganadora.
00:40:22Como ella prepara y como ella trabaja en la cocina mexicana,
00:40:25es casi insuperable.
00:40:27Está fuerte el aceite, el aceite de mina.
00:40:32La jonjolí.
00:40:33Y la verdad es que la jonjolí
00:40:35podría llegar a ser en cierto punto muy invasiva.
00:40:38Pensé, la verdad, que no iba a estar la carne,
00:40:40pero sí está.
00:40:41Una hora más no te hubiera dañado,
00:40:43pero como sabemos que es competencia.
00:40:45¿Una hora?
00:40:46Pero si la carne se deshacía.
00:40:49Come un poquito salado.
00:40:51No sé cuál es.
00:40:52Puede ser esta, yo creo.
00:40:54Esta está fuerte, Sona.
00:40:55Esta es la más fuerte, creo.
00:40:57Bueno, no sé.
00:40:58Esta es la de tequila, ¿no?
00:41:00No tiene absolutamente nada de salada.
00:41:02Al contrario, lleva miel, lleva mango.
00:41:06Lo sé porque yo hice esta salsa anteriormente con ella
00:41:09en un reto y sé que esa salsa es dulce.
00:41:11Pero, o sea, overall, me gusta.
00:41:16Bueno, desde aquí de la cava se veía muy rico,
00:41:18pero bueno, otra cosa es probarlos.
00:41:21Yo sí me gustaría ver un poquito esto no tan entero,
00:41:25porque a veces a mí me resultaría incómodo comer un taco.
00:41:29Las proporciones de cuando uno corta, ¿no?
00:41:31Por ejemplo, cuando tienes un taquito al pastor,
00:41:32es delgadita la piña.
00:41:34No es un cuadrado así grande.
00:41:35Entonces yo nada más tendría cuidadito con eso.
00:41:38Los tacos al pastor, la piña tiene los pedazos mucho más grandes.
00:41:41Y este, no entendí el comentario del chef Belé.
00:41:46No me dio tiempo para el cuarto de tacos.
00:41:48Sabe mucho a clavo.
00:41:49Como si fuera un baño de lodo terapéutico.
00:41:51¡Qué rigor!
00:41:52La tortilla parece chancla vieja.
00:41:55¿Qué es esto?
00:41:56Esta parece así comida de bebé.
00:41:58El que gana este reto es...
00:42:09Yo sí me gustaría ver un poquito esto no tan entero,
00:42:13porque a veces a mí me resultaría incómodo comer un taco.
00:42:16Las proporciones de cuando uno corta, ¿no?
00:42:18Por ejemplo, cuando tienes un taquito al pastor,
00:42:20es delgadita la piña.
00:42:22No es un cuadrado así grande.
00:42:23Entonces yo nada más tendría cuidadito con eso.
00:42:26Los tacos al pastor, la piña tiene los pedazos mucho más grandes.
00:42:29Y este, no entendí el comentario del chef Belé.
00:42:32Pero lo respeto.
00:42:33Pero como dice la chef, overall, bien.
00:42:37Ok, gracias, chef.
00:42:38Uy, si a Patti le está yendo así es porque vienen bien filosos.
00:42:42Gracias, Patti, al contrario.
00:42:44Gracias, gracias.
00:42:45Pues resulta que a Patti le va bien, pero no tan bien como se ve.
00:42:49Creo que lo que le dijeron es completamente lo contrario a lo que ella maquinó e hizo.
00:42:54Y pues si no les gustó, pues, insisto, para gustos colores.
00:42:59En fin.
00:43:00David, ¿cómo estás?
00:43:02Hola, chatita, bienvenidos.
00:43:03¿Cómo te fue en este reto de tacos?
00:43:04La verdad, muy bien, lo disfruté mucho.
00:43:06La verdad, mis tacos se ven buenísimos.
00:43:10Este plato se llama Mi Lindo Yucatán, en honor, obviamente, a todos los yucatecos que me están viendo en el mundo.
00:43:16Esto es chile cut, que es típico de Yucatán, que es el chile tatemado habanero.
00:43:21Que este es en honor de mi amiga Lucila, porque pican como los de ella.
00:43:26Pican mucho.
00:43:27Tener a Yucatán conmigo me hace sentir confiado, me hace sentir seguro y me hace sentir querido.
00:43:33Y esta es una salsa de mango con tomate de árbol, honrando a mis queridos amigos de Colombia.
00:43:44A los que también, mis ángeles de la guarda, les mando un beso y hierbabuena, para que tuvieran algo un poco más refrescante.
00:43:51Y obviamente el taquito, la cara de María, bueno, eso fue un poema.
00:43:57Entonces este relleno tiene chiles tatemados, ¿qué más tiene?
00:44:00Es un recado que se hace, que es con chiles tatemados, y por eso es todo negro, porque son como cenizas de chiles.
00:44:06Pero no pica, el relleno negro realmente, o sea, dependiendo de la artesana que te lo venda, puede picar o no picar.
00:44:13Chef Belén, con los ojos así, lagrimita de candy.
00:44:16Chef Belén, o sea, usted dice ser master del chile y se enchiló con esto.
00:44:22¿No le picó?
00:44:23Sí me pica, pero pica rico.
00:44:25¿Con qué poco chile me suda, Chef Belén?
00:44:28Esta está genial.
00:44:30El chile cut está picante, buen balanceado, tiene, mira.
00:44:36Lo que ellos buscaban es equilibrar todas las salsas con el sabor del chile.
00:44:40Lo que ellos buscaban es equilibrar todas las salsas con el sabor del taco, y creo que él lo logró.
00:44:44Esta no la he probado y ya está mi lengua que arde.
00:44:47No, no, no, no pica tanto, de verdad. O sea, sí pica, pero no pica tanto.
00:44:50La chef pica, que se está todavía enamorando del chile mexicano.
00:44:54¿Qué mejor piropo que me estoy acabando el taco?
00:44:57Nos tienes que dar la receta.
00:45:00La chef María, literal, lo único que le faltó fue chuparse los dedos.
00:45:06La verdad, todo está buenísimo.
00:45:08El aguacate, cremoso, corta el chile.
00:45:12La cebollita curtida, perfecta.
00:45:14Si quieres un poquito dulce, no te quieres enchilar.
00:45:16El recado negro, el relleno.
00:45:19David Salomón le vuela la cabeza a los no tres, ahora cuatro chefs que están degustando.
00:45:25Madre de Dios, qué rico está.
00:45:27Muy bueno, eh.
00:45:28Muchas gracias.
00:45:30Gracias a ti.
00:45:31Por favor, tienen que estar emocionados por mí, porque esto me hace muy feliz.
00:45:36¡Bravo, David!
00:45:38Lo único, lo único malo es que yo no lo probé. La neta, yo sí lo quería probar.
00:45:42Mi David, congratulations.
00:45:44Pues yo creo que va a ser insuperable eso, eh.
00:45:47Ahora, que si Pancho se reventó un buen crutecito y una buena salsa, sí le anda pegando un tiro, eh.
00:45:55Por fin es mi turno, y espero que se haya quedado con tantita hambre la chef,
00:45:59que se acaba de comer el taco entero de David.
00:46:01Polito, ¿cómo le llamas a tu taquería a estos tacos?
00:46:04Empezando por los tacos.
00:46:05Ahorita me dices esto, va.
00:46:07Bueno, son los tacos Polo, porque así siendo...
00:46:09Tacos Polo.
00:46:10Este es de puesto.
00:46:11Así se llama siempre, el taco como el taquero.
00:46:17Son tacos de cerdo adobado.
00:46:20Ahí te baila.
00:46:21Ahora sí.
00:46:22Por favor, vamos salsa por salsa, mi niño.
00:46:23¿Esta salsa de qué es?
00:46:25Ok, tengo que...
00:46:27Confesarles algo.
00:46:28Confiesa todo.
00:46:29Esa no le pongan tanto.
00:46:30¿Por qué?
00:46:31Porque la verdad es que yo...
00:46:33O sea, justo acaban de decir que tenemos que completar los retos.
00:46:37Pero esta la terminaste, pues.
00:46:38Ahí está la receta.
00:46:39Está ahí presentada.
00:46:40¿Cómo se llama esta?
00:46:41¿De qué es?
00:46:42Esa es con la pasta de mole, aceite, salecita, y apenas iba a empezar ahí a darme vuelo.
00:46:47Y entonces ahí está atorada.
00:46:48¿Y esta?
00:46:49Esa es de piña.
00:46:51¿De piña?
00:46:54¿Y esta, mi niño?
00:46:55Esa es de tamarindo.
00:46:57Pues prueban, yo estoy muy ilusionado con mi cerdo adobado.
00:47:01La carne sabe mucho a clavo.
00:47:05Hay una especie muy fuerte.
00:47:07Claro, los clavos tienen un olor bastante fuerte y sal le puso mucho.
00:47:12Esta salsa de piña con habanero, muy sabrosa.
00:47:16Y la de tamarindo, me gustó por balance.
00:47:20Si lo sirves así con poquita salecita, perfecto.
00:47:23Bueno, no todo está perdido.
00:47:25Te voy a hablar de dos cositas aquí para que te sirva después, ¿no?
00:47:29El achiote sobre todo, así solito nada más.
00:47:33Si le pones demasiado achiote, más los chiles, todo se convirtió en una pasta
00:47:37que lo está cubriendo como si fuera un baño de lodo terapéutico.
00:47:41Dios, qué rigor, chef.
00:47:44Lo que quieres que sepa es a puerco con adobo, no adobo con poquito de puerco.
00:47:47¿Me entiendes?
00:47:49Ahí la llevas.
00:47:51¡A la escuela!
00:47:52Y bueno, la verdad es que no me quise dar por vencido.
00:47:55Se entregó, yo hice lo mejor que pude.
00:47:57A mí sí me gusta el sabor, pero si a los chefs no, pues habrá que mejorarlo.
00:48:01Bueno, Carolina, cuéntanos qué hiciste, por favor.
00:48:04A mí me encanta el taco del pastor, pero esto no es taco del pastor.
00:48:07Este es el primo del taco del pastor.
00:48:09Primo hermano.
00:48:10Primo hermano.
00:48:11¿Les pusiste el nombre, Nicaró?
00:48:13Sí, Mi Corazón de México.
00:48:15Hice tres tipos de salsa.
00:48:20Bueno, la carne la sazoné en la olla de presión, le puse tres pimientos, cebolla, ajo, cilantro
00:48:27también, la piña porque me encanta la piña.
00:48:31Qué lindo que pudiste presentar un plato tan bonito.
00:48:34Yo lo vi desde lejos, estábamos muy cerca de las estaciones y la verdad se veía sumamente
00:48:39Esta salsa es de piña.
00:48:40Tiene tres tipos de...
00:48:41Está fuerte, para mí está fuerte.
00:48:43Esta es de tamarindo, le puse un toque de azúcar y también tiene chile.
00:48:48Y este es como un mo, nosotros le llamamos como un mo, que es como una mezcla de pimiento,
00:48:53tomate, cebolla.
00:48:55¿Y ya habías hecho tacos alguna vez?
00:48:57Sí, en México.
00:48:59Me familiarizó muy bien con el tema de la gastronomía mexicana.
00:49:03El relleno, pues me recuerda un poco al primo hermano lejano del taco del pastor.
00:49:09Para considerarlo yo un taco, taco no tendría que estar tan frita la tortilla para mi gusto,
00:49:13no sé, porque me refiere más mi cerebro a una tostada.
00:49:17Pero entonces no son tacos.
00:49:20Pero bueno, se puede doblar como tacos.
00:49:23La salsa de tamarindo está muy rica.
00:49:26Esta que hiciste a mí me recuerda más a una vinagreta que una salsa que se le pone
00:49:30muchos mariscos.
00:49:31Y esta para mí está como plana, le falta un punch ahí duro.
00:49:36Tiene varias deficiencias ahí en el plato, varios problemas,
00:49:39varias cosas que no encajan.
00:49:41La carne está un poquito dura, pero tiene buen sabor.
00:49:45Faltó como un poquito, pero bueno.
00:49:47Esta está dulce, pero quiero más, pues.
00:49:51¿De qué rico se ve? Se ve buena.
00:49:54Para nosotros los chefs tenemos dos oportunidades de conquistar al cliente,
00:49:59es esa mordida, y si ya vas por la segunda es que ya la enamoramos.
00:50:04Pues, viniendo de una chef invitada que diga que tu salsa en el primer bocado
00:50:09quieres ir por el segundo bocado, para mí fue muy enriquecedor.
00:50:13Gracias, Carolina.
00:50:15Yo hubiera hecho unos tacos de pollo, como con una tinga de pollo.
00:50:19Pero en términos generales me gustó la opinión de cada uno de los chefs.
00:50:24Bueno, mis chefs, bienvenidos a la taquería Tacontento.
00:50:30Sí, claro.
00:50:35Preparar costilla es muy complejo, costilla de res,
00:50:39pero tenía fe de que se iba a lograr.
00:50:41¿Qué valor de Gabriel cuando veo que hace costillas?
00:50:46Porque varios ya lo hemos intentado.
00:50:49Ojalá que sí, les resulte.
00:50:51Para la salsa hice un gastri de piña.
00:50:54Tengo otra salsita, un toque más mexicano,
00:50:57que es tatemado todo y luego lo que hice fue licuarla con el caldo
00:51:02que me quedó de la olla de presión.
00:51:04Y por último, pues bueno, un picadillo de aguacate, el clásico,
00:51:11que siempre es bueno como acompañarlo con la carnita.
00:51:14No nazco ni vengo de esa tradición, para mí es algo muy nuevo.
00:51:18Y hacer salsas con chile, esta era la primera vez que lo hacía.
00:51:22Creí que no se te iba a hacer la carne.
00:51:25Estaba asustada.
00:51:26Se hizo.
00:51:27Bien, ya eso es un logro, créame mi chef.
00:51:30La tortilla, pues mira, no quiero ser bien grosera,
00:51:34pero pues parece chancla vieja.
00:51:41Creí que no se te iba a hacer la carne.
00:51:44Estaba asustada.
00:51:45Se hizo.
00:51:46Bien, ya eso es un logro, créame mi chef.
00:51:49La tortilla, pues mira, no quiero ser bien grosera,
00:51:53pero pues parece chancla vieja.
00:51:56Porque está muy grande, es todo.
00:51:58Wow, le dijeron que parecía una chancla vieja.
00:52:03A mí el aguacatito me gusta, le falta un poquito más de acidez.
00:52:07Esta está muy fuerte.
00:52:09Tal vez las semillas de los chiles, o tal vez el mismo chile,
00:52:12lo pasaste, lo quemaste un poco más, y no sé, cuando lo mezclaste,
00:52:16tal vez te amargó.
00:52:17Creo que puede ser eso.
00:52:19Pero bueno, así es esta vida.
00:52:21Bueno, sí, fue una buena idea hacer las tres salsas.
00:52:25Una untuosa, te aporta cremosidad.
00:52:27Una salsa dulce, te aporta ese salvador dulzol.
00:52:31Siempre una salsa con mucho más cuerpo,
00:52:33eso parece más una vinagreta.
00:52:35Siento que la carnita está un poquito seca del taco,
00:52:39y también al igual la tortilla está un poco seca.
00:52:43Creo que le quita unos puntos a Coronel.
00:52:46Pues bueno, estaré pendiente.
00:52:47Bueno, gracias.
00:52:49Gracias, amigo.
00:52:51Él está contento, está en no callo, ya.
00:52:53Bueno, al menos Gabriel no creo que esté muy contento.
00:52:55Pero así es, así es este mundo.
00:52:58All right, Francois.
00:53:00Llévele, llévele, llévele, y pásele, y pásele.
00:53:02Así que, pues déjese caer.
00:53:04¿Cómo se llama tu taquería?
00:53:05Mi taquería se llama Con sabor a mi rancho.
00:53:07Con sabor a tu rancho.
00:53:09Así es, señor.
00:53:16Son unos taquitos de barbacoa con tortilla hecha a mano.
00:53:20¿Tortilla hecha a mano?
00:53:21Tortilla hecha a mano.
00:53:22¿No de refri?
00:53:23Te dije, te dije.
00:53:25Te dije, viejo.
00:53:27Realmente, la velocidad de Pancho es admirable.
00:53:30Lo hice, lo preparé en la olla, en la olla express.
00:53:34Es oso buco, o chamberete también como le llaman, ¿no?
00:53:40Güey, te prometo que sí está buena, güey.
00:53:44Se ve una vaina loca.
00:53:48Va muy bien.
00:53:49Él es muy bueno en los tacos.
00:53:51Bueno, es una receta que la hice con mucho corazón.
00:53:55Porque es una receta que me pasó mi suegra.
00:53:57Un abrazote.
00:53:59Pancho está súper seguro de sí mismo.
00:54:01Ya me dijo por aquí atrás de cámaras
00:54:03que él está seguro que va a ganar este reto.
00:54:05De verdad que, y también antes que nada,
00:54:07quiero pedirles una disculpa por ayer que no terminé el reto.
00:54:10Sé que es un compromiso grande y de verdad,
00:54:12admiro mucho su trabajo.
00:54:14Lo di todo hasta el final, de verdad.
00:54:16Creo que eso ahí está y bueno, pero...
00:54:19Disculpas aceptadas.
00:54:20De verdad, de corazón.
00:54:21Saben que respeto mucho su trabajo y bueno.
00:54:23Creo que como que sí le caló un poquito el comentario
00:54:25a la chef Belén y ahí pidió disculpas.
00:54:27Así que muy bien el panchito.
00:54:29Fierro, vámonos.
00:54:30Para barbacoa.
00:54:31Fierro, venga.
00:54:32Vamos a darle.
00:54:33Barbacoa estilo Michoacán.
00:54:34Tengo tres diferentes salsas.
00:54:35Una con guacamole, la salsita con chile de árbol
00:54:38y una con chile verde.
00:54:39Pues te felicito con la tortilla recién hecha.
00:54:41Muchas gracias.
00:54:42La verdad.
00:54:43Por dos.
00:54:44Ahí cambia toda la situación, la cambia.
00:54:47Ahí a mano, que eso es una gran ventaja.
00:54:50Yo nada más veo cómo se está rompiendo por abajo
00:54:52y yo digo, bueno, a mí no me sumaría puntos
00:54:54si está mal hecha, la verdad,
00:54:55pero se le valora el esfuerzo.
00:54:56Esta salsa me gusta tomatillo crudo.
00:54:58A mí me gustan mucho las salsas crudas.
00:55:02Guacamole está un poquito saladito.
00:55:06Me gustó la idea del caldito.
00:55:08Eso lo puse ahí extra.
00:55:10Sí, ahí la llevas.
00:55:12Muchas gracias.
00:55:13Ahí la llevas.
00:55:14Creo que la invitada de hoy,
00:55:16especialidad de los tacos,
00:55:17le gustaron mis tacos.
00:55:19A mí, lo que aquí no me cuadra, carnal,
00:55:21es una cosa.
00:55:22¿Qué es el dulce que tiene esto?
00:55:24Tiene piña.
00:55:25Ahí está la cosa.
00:55:26Bueno, a mí en lo particular,
00:55:27creo que esto arruina,
00:55:30pues ya no es más barbacoa,
00:55:31ni manchamanteles, ni otra cosa.
00:55:33Es un guiso de res con algo de fruta.
00:55:36Pues un caldo de res con algo de fruta.
00:55:38Discúlpeme, Che Toño,
00:55:39pero ahora sí,
00:55:40sabe que yo nunca lo contradigo,
00:55:41pero pues así la hace mi suegra,
00:55:43le pone la piñita.
00:55:45Para mí, pata sal.
00:55:47Nada más.
00:55:48Y la revienta el muchacho este.
00:55:50Muy bien por Pancho.
00:55:52Me encanta.
00:55:53Y enhorabuena.
00:55:54Hiciste mil puntos con la suegra.
00:55:56No, ya.
00:55:57Ya con esto.
00:55:58Y si paso, más ahorita.
00:55:59Hay que darle mil puntos.
00:56:01Gracias por la visita.
00:56:03Estiendo presión.
00:56:06Así, compa.
00:56:08Lo bueno fue que les gustó,
00:56:10así que me quedo contento.
00:56:12Bienvenido a Taquería del Más Allá.
00:56:15Oh, wow.
00:56:24La Taquería del Niño que era del Más Allá,
00:56:26ojalá y no lo manden hasta allá.
00:56:28Quise hacerlo de plátano abajo,
00:56:31pero los plátanos estaban medio maduros
00:56:33y se me rompieron.
00:56:34Entonces, imagínense ustedes.
00:56:36Es también entendible porque es de la República Dominicana,
00:56:40tal vez nunca ha hecho tacos,
00:56:43es un poco diferente,
00:56:44pero su presentación muy bonita.
00:56:46¿De qué es esta salsa?
00:56:47Esa salsa es de frijoles
00:56:50y la otra salsita es de tomate,
00:56:53un poquito de chipotle,
00:56:56tiene chile de árbol,
00:56:58chile guajillo.
00:57:01Niño tiene muy buen sazón
00:57:03y yo creo que puede hacer tacos deliciosos.
00:57:06¿Y esto es una salsa?
00:57:07Esto es como el jugo concentrado.
00:57:09Pero no es una salsa.
00:57:11No, porque como esto quedó muy...
00:57:13Pero entonces te falta una salsa.
00:57:14Pero si usted, señor,
00:57:16bien ha probado esos tacos,
00:57:18se me venden, se me venden,
00:57:20ahí no se queda uno.
00:57:22Esto para mí no es una salsa,
00:57:25para mí son como frijoles refritos de México,
00:57:27serían frijoles refritos.
00:57:29Entonces para mí,
00:57:30igual si se lo hubieras puesto un poco más líquido,
00:57:32porque una salsa también,
00:57:33el nombre implica lo que es,
00:57:35la consistencia.
00:57:36Tiene que ser un poco aguado,
00:57:38y los encuentro un poco salados.
00:57:40¿Los frijoles son muy fácil que se pasen de sal?
00:57:42Son frijoles.
00:57:44Solo en Los Ángeles decimos bean dip,
00:57:47que se puede meter como una tostadita en unos frijoles
00:57:50y aún así no es salsa.
00:57:52Me va muy bien el puerco con la harina,
00:57:54con la tortilla de harina,
00:57:56eso que ni qué,
00:57:57tu abuela debe estar muy orgullosa.
00:57:59Sí están muy salados.
00:58:00Como siempre me dicen que le falta sal a la cosa,
00:58:04vengo y le pongo una pizca de sal
00:58:05después que ya estaba todo listo.
00:58:07Pero bueno.
00:58:08En general,
00:58:10muy bien.
00:58:12Nomás que te encargo la sal.
00:58:14Está bien.
00:58:15Ve probando, poco a poco.
00:58:17En esta ocasión al niño no le va bien,
00:58:20considerando que él tiene muy buen sazón.
00:58:24Ahora ya nos pusimos de acuerdo.
00:58:26Hola Rosy.
00:58:27Bienvenidos a Saavedra's Tacos.
00:58:30Mi familia de Sonora se apellida Saavedra.
00:58:39Les hice tres salsitas diferentes.
00:58:42Le hice caso chef,
00:58:44empecé de nuevo con la harina
00:58:46y le bajé el aceite.
00:58:48Jamás he hecho tacos mucho menos,
00:58:50beer battered fish tacos,
00:58:52o sea un pescado empanizado.
00:58:54Una es aguacate,
00:58:55una es más chinita,
00:58:57que es el aceite del chile
00:58:59y con sriracha, mayonesa,
00:59:01y esta es dulcecita de mango con habanero.
00:59:04Para mí,
00:59:05presentar eso con tres salsas
00:59:07es algo.
00:59:08Es algo y estoy feliz de presentárselo
00:59:11a esta chef que me cae muy bien.
00:59:15No sé qué falló aquí con el tema del empanizado,
00:59:17que tal vez un empanizado que fuera como,
00:59:21me hubiera gustado como más tempura,
00:59:23o algo así con un poquito más de aire,
00:59:25que se pegara menos al pescado
00:59:27para poder sentir mejor el pescado.
00:59:29A mí me gustó
00:59:30y obviamente sé muy poco de esto
00:59:33y le tomo el comentario con mucho respeto.
00:59:36Esta está muy sabrosa.
00:59:38A mí no me gusta el mayonesa y está buenísima.
00:59:41Un poco salada.
00:59:42Me sorprende que algo me salga salado.
00:59:46Me voy como del extremo, ¿no?
00:59:48Gracias, Rosy.
00:59:51Como que le va medio bien,
00:59:53no le va mal, pues,
00:59:54pero así que tú digas bien, bien, bien,
00:59:56uy, yo quisiera que me calificaran así, tampoco.
00:59:58Hola, hola, joven.
00:59:59¿Qué tal, cómo están?
01:00:00Bienvenidos a los tacos del loco.
01:00:07Estos son unos tacos de corvina,
01:00:10empanizados y en última instancia en panko,
01:00:14y luego he hecho tres salsas,
01:00:16una mayonesa de chipotle con piña,
01:00:20otra es una crema de coco,
01:00:23lleva también temacha,
01:00:25lleva canela.
01:00:26¿Qué salsas?
01:00:28¿Qué, qué, qué?
01:00:30Te hice unos ojos de...
01:00:33Y el tercero hice una cremita de aguacate
01:00:35con granada y me la jugué,
01:00:38porque yo no, yo con los chiles soy como muy así.
01:00:41En este caso los mexicanos
01:00:43indudablemente tienen una gran ventaja
01:00:45sobre los que no lo somos.
01:00:47El concepto del taco de pescado está bueno.
01:00:49Se me hace que te quemó un poquito el pescado
01:00:52con el panko,
01:00:54pero podemos voltear para otro lado.
01:00:56No creo que estuviera quemado,
01:00:58creo que se doró un puntito de más,
01:01:00creo que es muy diferente.
01:01:01La cuestión es de las salsas.
01:01:03Esta, con todo el respeto,
01:01:05parece así comida de bebé.
01:01:09La crema de aguacate,
01:01:10como que el chile que utilizaste
01:01:12le dio una papilla, pues.
01:01:16Ya la tenemos.
01:01:17El pancho como lo...
01:01:19Ah, sí, comida de bebé.
01:01:21Comida de purecito de bebé.
01:01:25Rica estaba y sabor tenía.
01:01:28Esta está sabrosa
01:01:29y esta como que me intriga.
01:01:34¿Tiene ostrión ahumada?
01:01:37¿Algo de aquí tiene ostrión ahumada?
01:01:39¿Algo de lata? ¿Algo de nada?
01:01:41¿Salsa de ostra?
01:01:45¿No le has puesto salsa de ostra?
01:01:47Esto se acaba de convertir en...
01:01:49Te intriga, ¿verdad?
01:01:50Me intriga, o sea,
01:01:51que una ostrión ahumada vegana.
01:01:52Yo con eso me quedo,
01:01:53ni siquiera necesito el...
01:01:55el elogio.
01:01:56Esto está intrigante.
01:01:58Está piratón.
01:01:59O sea, yo quiero...
01:02:00Pero bien nomás, güey,
01:02:01o sea, piratona bien.
01:02:02Es que así se...
01:02:03Las cosas en la cocina
01:02:04sí suelen pasar.
01:02:05Son los accidentes
01:02:06más hermosos de la vida.
01:02:07Piratón significa canalla,
01:02:08significa diferente,
01:02:09significa arriesgado,
01:02:12¿Qué es esto que hay aquí?
01:02:14Este es uno de los accidentes
01:02:16más bonitos que puede ser hecho.
01:02:19Este de acá.
01:02:20Sí, bueno.
01:02:21La crema de coco, ¿eh?
01:02:22Te felicito.
01:02:25Este cuate,
01:02:26¿cómo le hablan de bonito?
01:02:27¿Por qué a él le hablan
01:02:28siempre tan bonito
01:02:29y a uno a veces
01:02:30le tiran tan duro?
01:02:32¿Qué es esto que hay aquí?
01:02:34Este es uno de los accidentes
01:02:35más bonitos que puede ser hecho.
01:02:37Este de acá.
01:02:38Sí, bueno.
01:02:39La crema de coco, ¿eh?
01:02:40Te felicito.
01:02:43Este cuate,
01:02:44¿cómo le hablan de bonito?
01:02:45La crema de coco.
01:02:46¿Por qué a él le hablan
01:02:47siempre tan bonito
01:02:48y a uno a veces
01:02:49le tiran tan duro?
01:02:50Sí, bueno.
01:02:51Este es uno de los accidentes
01:02:52más bonitos que puede ser hecho.
01:02:54Este de acá.
01:02:55Sí, bueno.
01:02:56La crema de coco, ¿eh?
01:02:57Te felicito.
01:03:00¿Por qué a él le hablan
01:03:01siempre tan bonito
01:03:02y a uno a veces
01:03:03le tiran tan duro?
01:03:04Ah, a Galeano sí le sabe,
01:03:05sí le sabe muy...
01:03:06Si en el vato se nota que es...
01:03:07Hombre, ¿qué le va a saber?
01:03:08Nada, está igual que nosotros.
01:03:09Haz una que otra buena.
01:03:10Hola, Puma.
01:03:12Pasa, por favor.
01:03:13Hola, cómo estás?
01:03:14Nos estás...
01:03:15¿Cómo se llama
01:03:16tu taquería, Puma?
01:03:17La taquería se llama
01:03:20Y el plato se llama
01:03:21Benetacos me sabe bien.
01:03:23¿Qué es esto?
01:03:24Este es uno de los accidentes
01:03:25más bonitos que puede ser hecho.
01:03:36Benetacos me saben bien,
01:03:37por lo menos a mí.
01:03:38Yo estoy así
01:03:39como que star struck
01:03:40porque pues no dejas
01:03:41de ser el primo.
01:03:43Ahorita yo voy a colgar,
01:03:44voy a terminar de aquí
01:03:45y le voy a hablar a mi mamá
01:03:46que yo probé
01:03:47los tacos del primo.
01:03:48Pero le mandamos
01:03:49un video,
01:03:50le mandamos...
01:03:51Ay, sí.
01:03:52...una cadena...
01:03:54...la pachachamos.
01:03:55Oye, Puma,
01:03:56¿y de qué son las salsas?
01:03:57Hay una salsa de mangos,
01:03:58Another with pineapple, and another one free like the wind.
01:04:02Because the three of us...
01:04:04I suddenly remembered Luis Miguel.
01:04:06The sun of Mexico.
01:04:13This is delicious.
01:04:15Did you like it, my chef?
01:04:16You should bottle it. Pineapple El Puma.
01:04:19Did you like it, my chef?
01:04:21Try the sauce, and then, then, almost without tasting it,
01:04:24we pack it and sell it.
01:04:26I want to know something.
01:04:28I don't know if any of us is not hungry,
01:04:30because you're missing a taco, my Puma.
01:04:32Or is it because you gave us too much weight?
01:04:35What happened here?
01:04:36No, I knew you were going to...
01:04:37This is number 10.
01:04:38All the tacos have gone in.
01:04:39Oh, it was for good people.
01:04:40I think they're full.
01:04:41No, I really didn't have time for the fourth taco.
01:04:44Well, my Pumita is missing a taco.
01:04:47My God, Puma.
01:04:49And Belén doesn't have anything hidden.
01:04:51She tells you everything.
01:04:53I would have given...
01:04:54I would have seasoned the shrimp a little more
01:04:56so that the flavor...
01:04:58Of course.
01:04:59...feels more of the shrimp.
01:05:00I tried it, but I'm not going to argue with my dear Belén.
01:05:03She knows more than I do.
01:05:04And the sauces really have a good flavor.
01:05:06Very good flavor.
01:05:07They have a very good flavor.
01:05:08They have acidity, but they have...
01:05:10They're spicy.
01:05:11I know that Puma is studying.
01:05:14I congratulate you.
01:05:15I really liked the sauces a lot.
01:05:18It's good.
01:05:20It was better than my sauces.
01:05:24Yes, I would have seasoned the shrimp a little more
01:05:26and I would have put fresh herbs on it.
01:05:29A coriander, a basil, mint.
01:05:32Yes, I was missing herbs because I didn't have time.
01:05:35But the truth is, I'm not angry because I liked it.
01:05:39Very good, chef. Thank you.
01:05:41To you.
01:05:42How nice.
01:05:43Excuse me, young people.
01:05:45Bye, Puma.
01:05:46Thank you, brother.
01:05:47Cheer up.
01:05:48So, Puma, you can do it.
01:05:51I'm going to Puma.
01:05:52I'm going to Puma.
01:05:53It's time to make decisions, chefs.
01:05:56You can go to deliver, please.
01:05:58Thank you.
01:06:01We all had some observation.
01:06:03There is no perfect dish for now.
01:06:05Let's wait.
01:06:06Cheer up.
01:06:07Just one is saved tonight.
01:06:09We continue.
01:06:10Here we are.
01:06:12Paisana, dear.
01:06:14Tell me, please, how did you like it there with these guys?
01:06:17This artistry.
01:06:19There are people who, the truth is,
01:06:21you can see that they are giving it their all.
01:06:25That is, they are learning,
01:06:26they are not taking it as a game.
01:06:28We are here,
01:06:29now we are giving the best for the public
01:06:31and, in passing,
01:06:32we are also learning many more things.
01:06:34And what did you think of the tacos, the sauces?
01:06:36What did you think of the food?
01:06:38What did you take?
01:06:39I know you're going to take a sauce.
01:06:42Look, I was inspired by the dedication of some.
01:06:45I was also impressed.
01:06:47There are some who, like,
01:06:49the kitchen is not their thing.
01:06:51I'm happy.
01:06:52I am satisfied with what I do in this challenge
01:06:56and I know that others did better.
01:06:58We threw three strikes at them
01:07:00and they hit it and they didn't throw it to the ball.
01:07:03It's fine.
01:07:04It's fine.
01:07:05It's fine.
01:07:06They didn't throw it to the ball.
01:07:08It's fine.
01:07:09But there are a few who did throw their good hits.
01:07:13And then, ah!
01:07:14I think I had never been so cool with the chili.
01:07:18Well guys, we are more than clear.
01:07:20Is there a winner?
01:07:21I think so.
01:07:23Let's tell him.
01:07:24Let's go there.
01:07:25Let's go there.
01:07:26Let's tell him I'm taking him to Mexico.
01:07:27Let's go there, Maria.
01:07:28Look, if they grab two or three,
01:07:30I could think until I could be inside.
01:07:32We all also want to gain immunity.
01:07:34It's a salvation.
01:07:35It's a tranquility.
01:07:37And who doesn't want it?
01:07:39Chefs, who served the best taco
01:07:43and the best trio of sauces tonight?
01:07:46I was very impressed with the flavors.
01:07:50There were flavors that you say, well,
01:07:52it needed a little more time,
01:07:54a little more concentration,
01:07:56a little more texture in the sauces.
01:07:59But the truth is,
01:08:00to not be professional chefs,
01:08:02they did very well.
01:08:03And in the work of these three,
01:08:05the truth is, it's difficult.
01:08:07I think Chef Maria is still very fresh
01:08:11when she had to be on this side.
01:08:13And that generates an immediate empathy with us.
01:08:17If there is someone who,
01:08:19from the first bite,
01:08:21conquered me
01:08:23and I wanted to give him a second,
01:08:25third and fourth bite.
01:08:27That's what cooking is.
01:08:30Conquering someone in the first bite.
01:08:33David! David!
01:08:36Well, the one who wins this challenge
01:08:38and gets out of elimination is...
01:08:46The safest thing is that I beat him.
01:08:47He's Mexican.
01:08:49I'm kind of confused between Patty and David.
01:08:58Well, the one who wins this challenge
01:09:00and gets out of elimination is...
01:09:07The safest thing is that I beat him.
01:09:08He's Mexican.
01:09:11I'm going to give this one to my beloved Peloncito.
01:09:14She has gone through a lot of challenges.
01:09:16She has never been immune.
01:09:20David has never won anything.
01:09:21I'm kind of confused between Patty and David.
01:09:30I'm really very, very excited.
01:09:39Well deserved, David.
01:09:40It gives me a lot of pleasure.
01:09:45It was your turn, my friend.
01:09:46Yes, it was his turn.
01:09:48Since when?
01:09:49Bravo, David!
01:09:51It was your turn, my friend.
01:09:53Since when?
01:09:54Bravo, David!
01:09:55Bravo, David!
01:09:56I'm very happy for David.
01:09:57Because, really, David's flavors and seasonings
01:10:01are very well deserved.
01:10:02David, congratulations!
01:10:04Thank you very much.
01:10:05Finally, you not only obtained the first salvation,
01:10:09you have been rated as the best taco like the chef,
01:10:14Maria Mazón.
01:10:16How does it feel, David?
01:10:19Carmen, I'm super excited.
01:10:21It's a taco challenge.
01:10:22I'm Mexican, but I'm also Yucatan.
01:10:25So, bringing Yucatan here...
01:10:29I'm very excited.
01:10:30The truth is, a lot.
01:10:31Because I always say that Mexico is not only mariachi,
01:10:35charro and piñata, but we are also that other Mexico,
01:10:39the part of the southeast.
01:10:40Because for me, bringing the black stuffed taco to this challenge
01:10:45is bringing my land, my house, my people.
01:10:49Representing your state with just one bite,
01:10:51really says more than a thousand words.
01:10:54I congratulate you, really.
01:10:55It's an honor.
01:10:56Thank you very much, Chef Maria.
01:10:57Thank you very much.
01:11:00Wow, wow.
01:11:02I take off my hat.
01:11:03She teaches us all part of her land,
01:11:06and I would love to try one.
01:11:09So, the fact that I won goes beyond the yes.
01:11:13It goes much further.
01:11:15Maria has been a true champion.
01:11:18Maria, it has been a true pleasure to have you here
01:11:21in the kitchen of Top Chef VIP.
01:11:23We say goodbye with a big round of applause.
01:11:30Thank you very much, Chef Maria, for your visit
01:11:33and for those beautiful words you have for us.
01:11:36Thank you very much.
01:11:40Thank you very much.
01:11:42Thank you for coming here and sharing your advice with us.
01:11:44God bless you, and we'll see you soon in Arizona.
01:11:46Animo, bendiciones, pa echarnos un taquito.
01:11:49While we prepare the kitchen for the salvation test,
01:11:52guys, you can go to the cabin.
01:11:54Thank you.
01:11:55Excuse me.
01:11:57It's my turn to cook again,
01:11:59and I'll be here to give it my all, gentlemen.
01:12:01Let's go.
01:12:03I'm not going to force myself to make tortillas by hand
01:12:05because last time I made them by hand,
01:12:07and they didn't go through.
01:12:09Today I'll make freshly made tortillas,
01:12:11and I won't win either.
01:12:12So, no, I'd better go grab the fridge.
01:12:18Gary came and said,
01:12:19hey, hey, hey,
01:12:20because Galeano was told
01:12:22that his sauce looked like baby food,
01:12:25so we said,
01:12:27we can't waste it.
01:12:29It's part of the...
01:12:30Oh, yes, sponsorship of...
01:12:31Oh, yes, sponsorship of baby food.
01:12:34We brought the baby food to the party.
01:12:36You didn't know what you could do.
01:12:37I didn't know who was going to give me baby food.
01:12:40Didn't you like it?
01:12:41It was baby food.
01:12:42It was baby food.
01:12:45Mr. Papillas.
01:12:48Mr. Papillas, Mr. Empanada,
01:12:52I don't know.
01:12:53They've already screwed up the show many times.
01:12:55And the next ones.
01:12:56I'm sure they're going to do more, but...
01:12:59We have no right to make mistakes.
01:13:01Soul of God.
01:13:03Because if you have a tender meat,
01:13:05they tell you it's missing an hour.
01:13:07An hour.
01:13:08Why didn't you do it like that?
01:13:10And the meat was...
01:13:11I was...
01:13:12I was eating the pieces.
01:13:15I already have a problem with...
01:13:16Do you remember the quesadilla?
01:13:17I made a sauce...
01:13:18It's the same sauce we made together.
01:13:20The mango one was really good.
01:13:22Honey, the sauce was delicious.
01:13:24Yes, I'm a sauce specialist.
01:13:25Well, I know.
01:13:26Oh, but I don't know.
01:13:27Well, yes.
01:13:28The truth is that we're not professional chefs.
01:13:31Everyone knows that.
01:13:34But, well,
01:13:35it wasn't salty,
01:13:36and the meat wasn't hard either.
01:13:37It was soft like butter.
01:13:39Guys, you're in jail.
01:13:41Except for David, Jason, and Gary.
01:13:44Come to the kitchen, please.
01:13:47Come on, come on, come on, come on.
01:13:50Oh my God,
01:13:51this is going up more and more.
01:13:56I enter this challenge
01:13:57with the expectation of...
01:13:59saving myself.
01:14:01I'm glad you're back in the kitchen.
01:14:03Thank you.
01:14:04Everything okay?
01:14:05Everything is wonderfully fine.
01:14:08Let's continue with everything.
01:14:10Very good.
01:14:11I arrive with the best of energy,
01:14:13and, well, excited.
01:14:15Let's see what we get.
01:14:16Guys, for this salvation test,
01:14:19you're going to be able to pursue something very difficult.
01:14:22Many chefs spend their entire professional life
01:14:26trying to achieve it.
01:14:27And surely, for everyone,
01:14:29it can have a meaning
01:14:31different from what it is.
01:14:35What could it be?
01:14:37I mean perfection.
01:14:42First of all,
01:14:44we're going to look for the perfect couple.
01:14:48I don't think it exists.
01:14:50The perfect opportunity to become friends again
01:14:52is today,
01:14:53in the salvation challenge.
01:14:56And that search
01:14:57will be made by your teammates who are in the tub.
01:15:02We're going to be the couple?
01:15:04Jason, Gary, and David.
01:15:06You have to make the perfect couple, guys.
01:15:11No, not me!
01:15:15Here are ten of your teammates.
01:15:18All I ask is that you treat me well.
01:15:21Let's go.
01:15:22There you have a pencil and paper
01:15:24so you can make those five couples.
01:15:28Let's see who they are.
01:15:30The ones in the tub are like magicians.
01:15:33And they make dreams come true.
01:15:36They can make us do terrible things.
01:15:40They say that opposites attract.
01:15:42They attract each other.
01:15:45Call her Alicia.
01:15:48But I didn't say it.
01:15:50I take thousands of seconds to write it down.
01:15:54I just throw it in the air.
01:15:55What a great show!
01:15:57We're going to have a blast today!
01:16:01Gary Galeano.
01:16:03Gary Galeano is going to be a show today.
01:16:06It's going to be a beautiful poem.
01:16:08Come on, Gary!
01:16:10Very happy.
01:16:11I have to confess.
01:16:12I wash my hands with these names.
01:16:17I wash my hands with these names.
01:16:19It could be a...
01:16:20I also wash my hands,
01:16:22but in the end that was the guy who did it all.
01:16:25Don't justify yourself,
01:16:27and go back to hell with your partners.
01:16:29Go ahead.
01:16:31Carmen, there's a saying that says,
01:16:33explanation not requested, accusation manifested.
01:16:36Go to hell.
01:16:37I had nothing to do with it.
01:16:38The criminal mind is my dear David.
01:16:42Here are the couples that put together
01:16:45David, Jason, and Gary.
01:16:50They all make a deal.
01:16:53Like a trio.
01:16:54They're crazy.
01:16:56The one who kills the cow is sorry,
01:16:58but the one who grabs the leg is.
01:16:59The first couple is made up of...
01:17:07Why are you laughing?
01:17:08Why are you laughing?
01:17:17I love you.
01:17:24You're going to have to put up with me, beauty.
01:17:28It's a puddle of cold water in my head.
01:17:34Look at her face.
01:17:37You're going to have to put up with me, honey.
01:17:42I'm not here to be anyone's pincher.
01:17:45People have to know how to be.
01:17:47And they have to learn to swallow their ego
01:17:50and be humble.
01:17:51It's going to cost us what we're doing here.
01:17:54But it's all because they have fun like us.
01:17:57We're going to have a good time.
01:17:59I think she has no problem working with me.
01:18:01I do with her.
01:18:02The second couple is made up of
01:18:16I think we have a lot to save tonight.
01:18:19It's going to be very interesting.
01:18:20We already talked about it.
01:18:21So we're hands on deck.
01:18:23The third couple is made up of
01:18:35I was very calm when I found out
01:18:37it was with Polo that I was going to cook.
01:18:39I know he believes in me.
01:18:41I believe in him.
01:18:42It's so nice when people accept each other.
01:18:45The fourth couple is made up of
01:18:51I knew it.
01:18:58My boyfriend won.
01:18:59That means that the fifth and last couple is made up of
01:19:05and Caro.
01:19:09She's a little bit of what she says,
01:19:11how she says it.
01:19:12So, well, let's see how it goes with her.
01:19:22That's Gary's lyrics.
01:19:23That's Gary's lyrics, right?
01:19:24This is Gary's lyrics.
01:19:33Niño has good taste.
01:19:34And Carolina has a lot of experience in the kitchen.
01:19:37It's going to be complicated.
01:19:38I think it's going to be a little bit difficult.
01:19:40The center of attention of all of us is going to be,
01:19:44Alicia and Galeano.
01:19:47we're all dying to know
01:19:49what this challenge for salvation is going to be.
01:19:53Well, guys,
01:19:54perfection can be subjective,
01:19:58but perception,
01:20:01and planning
01:20:03must be clear and objective.
01:20:05We want you to achieve flavor,
01:20:09and to condense all of that
01:20:11in one bite.
01:20:15You only have one chance to make it taste good.
01:20:17We're already in the pot,
01:20:18we can't wait to boil it.
01:20:20Well, here I have where
01:20:22you're going to plate.
01:20:24The entrance.
01:20:26When they put the bells,
01:20:27the truth is that it's worrying.
01:20:29And under this bell,
01:20:30I have where they're going to plate
01:20:32the main course.
01:20:34And since dessert or guilty pleasure
01:20:36can never be missing,
01:20:38here I have where they're going to plate
01:20:40the dessert.
01:20:42but I'm so glad I got Rosy.
01:20:44I can support Patty in that aspect.
01:20:47What could be under this bell?
01:20:50On the count of three.
01:20:51One, two, three.
01:20:55That's it.
01:20:59That's why they said that in one bite,
01:21:01we have to find perfection.
01:21:03Technically, I don't see it that complicated.
01:21:05They're going to prepare a three-step menu,
01:21:07or three times,
01:21:11Not on the wood,
01:21:13On the spoon.
01:21:15A challenge that has its difficulty.
01:21:19It has an advantage,
01:21:20because we're not going to do much.
01:21:21We want a micro-plate experience
01:21:25with a macro-mouth experience.
01:21:30That's what makes it complicated.
01:21:32Well, each couple will have the same spoons to serve.
01:21:36Nine in total.
01:21:37Small spoons.
01:21:39I think my Polo won't have any problems,
01:21:42and I know perfectly well that it's going to be a great dessert
01:21:45and very good dishes.
01:21:46They're going to have the market open.
01:21:48We're going to make three dishes in pairs.
01:21:51I think you can do it.
01:21:52And for that, guys, you're going to have 60 minutes.
01:21:56Find perfection.
01:21:57Under a stopwatch,
01:21:59I think it's going to be a challenge,
01:22:01a pretty tough challenge, I guess.
01:22:03The couple that stands out in this challenge
01:22:07will be saved.
01:22:10There are four or five eliminations,
01:22:12and the truth is,
01:22:13I want to save myself.
01:22:15Last chance before you go to the elimination day.
01:22:18The others will have to face the elimination day tomorrow.
01:22:23It's not for us.
01:22:24Another participant will have to say goodbye to this competition.
01:22:29My best wishes and all my blessings, guys.
01:22:38Let's cook!
01:22:46Give me five minutes and I'll bring it.
01:22:47I'll wait for you.
01:22:48Yes, yes, my love, yes, okay.
01:22:49The puree didn't come out.
01:22:51You didn't give her the puree?
01:22:52Alicia, you didn't give her the puree?
01:22:54I'm not resentful,
01:22:56but it's hard for me to forget.
01:22:57What's this menu called?
01:22:58Cooking with your enemy.
01:23:14Let's cook!
01:23:36Apollo is happy because he knows that everything he proposes will say yes.
01:23:38Well, the truth is, I think it's fair because Apollo hasn't had to work with Puma.
01:23:44Or should I say, work for Puma.
01:23:47This type of man is like a Galeano.
01:23:49You have to give them his side.
01:23:51You have to tell them yes, yes, yes, my love, yes, okay, yes, my love, yes.
01:23:54Come on.
01:24:02Have some butter.
01:24:03Well, I've worked with Pancho a couple of times.
01:24:06It's not the first time that we both sit in the kitchen.
01:24:09I thought it was very good.
01:24:11These four little tits can't stand Gabriela.
01:24:18How do I make the Greek yogurt more watery?
01:24:21With milk cream or regular milk?
01:24:23I would do it with milk.
01:24:24The bite that Rosie is going to make, I imagine it's going to be a dessert delight.
01:24:30Does Rosie master dessert?
01:24:32I can feel it.
01:24:33David was in our favor.
01:24:36Patty is stronger in the kitchen than me, but I also bring what's mine.
01:24:40And I know we're going to do well.
01:24:42It's a feeling.
01:24:55Try it, man.
01:24:56I feel it, man.
01:24:58Oh, you dropped the salt again.
01:25:00Pancho, it's a salsa, isn't it?
01:25:01It's a mousse, it's a mousse.
01:25:02It's going to be mango mousse.
01:25:03And it's a puree.
01:25:05It's going to be the mousse I make.
01:25:06It's going to be mango mousse.
01:25:08But if you want it right, you have to put it in the freezer.
01:25:13I liked it, huh?
01:25:15The cookie goes up.
01:25:17For the end.
01:25:19What's tastier?
01:25:20Listen to me one thing.
01:25:21The truth.
01:25:22That is, the ranch and Venezuela come together to give it flavor, flavor, color.
01:25:29The trick.
01:25:35Ten minutes with the mousse.
01:25:37One alone.
01:25:38So you're going to take more.
01:25:39No, just in case.
01:25:40Two is enough.
01:25:45Come on, Galeano!
01:25:48That's it, Galeano.
01:25:50Galeano doesn't even lift his face.
01:25:53I barely look at her.
01:25:54Because I know that if I stop looking at her a lot, I'm going to want to tell her,
01:26:00don't you think I should put a little more of...
01:26:11Oh, it smells like a woman.
01:26:14It's the power that we women have.
01:26:17That's it.
01:26:19And no one peels it for me.
01:26:20No, it's not true, Pati.
01:26:21No, yes, yes.
01:26:22It's a joke.
01:26:23We just came to deconcentrate you for a while.
01:26:25I want to know what you are doing for the umpteenth time.
01:26:29Yes, we are doing...
01:26:30Look, here I already have a tartar.
01:26:33Oh, that looks...
01:26:34Orange, tangerine, sesame oil, a little bit of soy sauce, lemon, and some dried chilies of fish.
01:26:41That looks great.
01:26:42This is the entrance.
01:26:44Well, judges, when they taste that entrance that has so many combinations of flavors,
01:26:50and then comes that creamy pasta with the shrimp and the crispy bacon, there is a continuity.
01:26:58Let's see, and what are you doing, Rosi?
01:27:00The dessert.
01:27:01Something molecular.
01:27:03A mango jelly.
01:27:06I already made it, I'm going to try it.
01:27:09They are very modern, right?
01:27:11It's just that they said perfection, and I thought, if I'm going to make dessert, something that looks perfect.
01:27:17Before I got to Top Chef, I didn't know anything about molecular.
01:27:21But I'm going to do it.
01:27:22What do I have?
01:27:23I have a responsibility with Patty.
01:27:25Okay, you are very confident in what is happening here.
01:27:29I notice you very at peace.
01:27:31I think it's a great couple.
01:27:32Yes, we are calm.
01:27:33The harmonics are flowing.
01:27:35So it's a good group here.
01:27:37I think so.
01:27:38Do you like this group?
01:27:40Nice to meet you.
01:27:41Excuse me, I'm going to…
01:27:42Come in, come in.
01:27:43Patty, good luck.
01:27:44Thank you, Chef.
01:27:45I do enter this challenge more safely.
01:27:48It gives you peace of mind.
01:27:49Me too.
01:27:51And we go with everything.
01:27:57What are you preparing?
01:27:58Chef, well, we have a mushroom risotto here.
01:28:01Here I made a broth to start adding it, to give it more strength.
01:28:07I think it's perfect, because apart from the mushrooms, now they also play a fundamental role,
01:28:11like a protein, so to speak.
01:28:13But you need a broth that will release flavors.
01:28:16Okay, so you're going to make risotto with a strong dish and an appetizer?
01:28:20With a strong dish and an appetizer, a tropical ceviche of shrimp and fish.
01:28:25That's going to be with lemon, orange, and we're putting…
01:28:28And you're going to put the ceviche there.
01:28:30And also with the broth.
01:28:32Okay, look, you can't break the cold chain.
01:28:36Look, you're breaking it there.
01:28:37You already chopped that, you have to have a bowl with ice, put a bowl on top to straighten it well.
01:28:43So it's going to be like a kind of ceviche.
01:28:45Ah, a ceviche with shrimp and fish.
01:28:48But you understood what I explained, right?
01:28:50Yes, yes, yes, we're going to put it in the fridge right now.
01:28:52Quickly, I'm going to the freezer, grab the ice, and there it is.
01:28:56Do you want it cold? We'll give it to you cold, girl.
01:28:59And what's the dessert?
01:29:00For dessert, we have a passion fruit mousse.
01:29:02Ah, the mousse is already in the fridge.
01:29:04The mousse is ready, it's already there, it's really delicious,
01:29:06and we're accompanying it with some cookies to give it a crunchy touch.
01:29:10Okay, and how are you going to roll it, or something like that, to make it round?
01:29:14Remember that the presentation is also worth a lot in this test.
01:29:20Thank you, chef.
01:29:21Well, the truth is that here we are in charge of everything.
01:29:23I make the dessert, he buys the risotto, and the ceviche between the two.
01:29:26That's it, well, well, well leveled everything.
01:29:28This is the champion league, this team.
01:29:35How are you guys?
01:29:36Very good.
01:29:37I love the idea.
01:29:39How good, what a joy.
01:29:42Well, good luck.
01:29:44Tell me, please, what are you going to present?
01:29:47Who makes the entrance?
01:29:49Who is the strong one?
01:29:50The gentleman.
01:29:51We are irreparably united by hand.
01:29:53What are you going to do in the entrance?
01:29:55Is it a ceviche or what are you going to do?
01:29:56Yes, a ceviche.
01:29:57Is it the entrance?
01:29:58Yes, the entrance.
01:29:59A mango.
01:30:01Is this the cut of the ceviche?
01:30:02No, no, no, my chef.
01:30:03I'm going to make it small.
01:30:04Come on.
01:30:05I just have it seasoned there.
01:30:06I'm happy because I'm making my ceviche.
01:30:07I already explained to you that obviously in the presentations I'm going to put them like
01:30:08the barbie, right?
01:30:09All small.
01:30:10Now, and then, with what is the ceviche going with?
01:30:11Some tiger milk or just lemon?
01:30:12Yes, of course.
01:30:13No, no, tiger milk.
01:30:14Here it is, look.
01:30:15I'm going to strain it.
01:30:16Oh, it's this one.
01:30:17Of course.
01:30:19I'm going to strain it.
01:30:20I'm going to strain it.
01:30:21I'm going to strain it.
01:30:22I'm going to strain it.
01:30:23I'm going to strain it.
01:30:24I'm going to strain it.
01:30:26I understood that this is all creamy and really creamy.
01:30:39The ingredients are really nice.
01:30:42Because you have an ingredient that machines to make the semolina.
01:30:51But you have to ground it into a mill.
01:30:55and a cream that's going to make Alice.
01:30:57The dessert, tell me.
01:30:58It's getting cold.
01:30:59They're corn popcorn.
01:31:01Corn popcorn.
01:31:03And they're liquefied with milk cream,
01:31:05with white chocolate,
01:31:07and they have a toasted banana
01:31:09with butter,
01:31:12and ground pistachio on top.
01:31:14It's already in the fridge.
01:31:15The dessert is what it is,
01:31:17and it's in the fridge,
01:31:19getting tempered.
01:31:22Concentration, harmony,
01:31:24a lot of harmony, a lot of harmony, please.
01:31:26A lot of love, a lot of love.
01:31:27Cheer up.
01:31:28Thank you, chef.
01:31:29Thank you, chef.
01:31:30Thank you so much.
01:31:31Well, really, the couple
01:31:32that I thought wasn't going to be harmonious,
01:31:34up to this moment,
01:31:35is being harmonious,
01:31:36Galeano and Alicia.
01:31:37I hope it goes well for us.
01:31:38I really would like to save myself with Galeano
01:31:40and to show that maybe
01:31:42we can work together again,
01:31:44and maybe he's like that,
01:31:45he's taking me a little bit more
01:31:47of confidence.
01:31:50Give me five minutes
01:31:51and I'll give you the...
01:31:52I'll give you the...
01:31:53I'm waiting for you to pass it to me
01:31:55so I can plate it.
01:31:56Give me five minutes.
01:31:57Don't worry, don't worry.
01:31:58Go ahead.
01:31:59I'll wait for you.
01:32:04What are you doing?
01:32:05Let's start with Mr. Puma.
01:32:07He's making an entrance and an exit.
01:32:09I mean, an entrance and an exit.
01:32:11And a strong plate.
01:32:12He threw us the star once again.
01:32:15Yes, sir.
01:32:16What are you making, Puma?
01:32:17Tell us.
01:32:20Ah, okay, with a sauce of...
01:32:21A sauce of...
01:32:22Carrot, garlic, onion.
01:32:28Today is the word.
01:32:29Tru-cu-tru of Puma.
01:32:30The lobster cooks very fast.
01:32:32It's like the shrimp.
01:32:34The shrimp is three minutes.
01:32:35Less than three minutes.
01:32:36Two minutes.
01:32:37And well,
01:32:38I like it.
01:32:42They're making panarabe.
01:32:43It smells great.
01:32:44Yes, but I left it there fermenting.
01:32:45Oh, okay, okay.
01:32:46You're very elegant.
01:32:47Let's see.
01:32:48Let's see if the toast is enough.
01:32:49And what about the mango?
01:32:50Mango mousse.
01:32:53I see your cookies here.
01:32:54For the desserts, yes.
01:32:55My job is the entrance and the exit.
01:32:57So I have to organize my times,
01:32:59make the tzatziki,
01:33:00make mango mousse,
01:33:01make the cookie.
01:33:03Let's see,
01:33:04because there are many preparations
01:33:05and not so much time.
01:33:06And the panarabe,
01:33:07what is it going to be like?
01:33:08Like a miniature?
01:33:09But to make it soft,
01:33:10it's going to be hard, right?
01:33:12Because you're going to have to
01:33:13go back and forth.
01:33:16Well, let's see.
01:33:17Let's see.
01:33:18Let's see.
01:33:19I would always recommend
01:33:20that you put a wet cloth
01:33:21to ferment a dough.
01:33:22It's okay.
01:33:23Humidify it and put it wet,
01:33:25because it's dry
01:33:26and your dough will dry out.
01:33:28I wanted to put it
01:33:29to ferment in the oven,
01:33:30but it's too late.
01:33:31Good luck.
01:33:32Take care
01:33:33and I wish you
01:33:34a great success.
01:33:35Thank you.
01:33:37As far as I can go.
01:33:38He advises me
01:33:39that I better
01:33:40moisten that cloth
01:33:41with which I have it covered
01:33:42a little
01:33:43so that my dough
01:33:44does not dry out so much.
01:33:46Carolina and Nino.
01:33:47Hello, my love.
01:33:48How are we doing here?
01:33:49I want to give you a taste.
01:33:50We went a little this way.
01:33:52Be careful with that
01:33:55I see it.
01:33:57Try it.
01:33:58It may be black.
01:33:59It's very white.
01:34:01Tell me.
01:34:02They're making
01:34:03a tiger's milk.
01:34:04A tiger's milk
01:34:05with a ceviche
01:34:06with white shrimps
01:34:07and we made a pudding.
01:34:08It's very good.
01:34:09It's very good.
01:34:10It's very good.
01:34:11It's very good.
01:34:12It's very good.
01:34:13It's very good.
01:34:14And now I know
01:34:15because I have experience
01:34:16of cooking,
01:34:17and I know
01:34:18we're going to make
01:34:19an octopus
01:34:20that we're going to
01:34:21taste this Japanese
01:34:23which I remember.
01:34:24Sometimes I have
01:34:25left over,
01:34:27You're very
01:34:28experienced, Nino.
01:34:29My love.
01:34:30And very experienced.
01:34:31Let the show
01:34:32end so you can see.
01:34:33Caro and the boy,
01:34:34the truth
01:34:35is that the boy
01:34:36cooks quite well
01:34:37because he always,
01:34:39and you have seen it
01:34:40from home,
01:34:41he has this homemade
01:34:44This is Galician style, remember.
01:34:46Remember how I made the sauce?
01:34:48Exactly, I made the sauce.
01:34:50After the main course, we go with the octopus.
01:34:53And the dessert that I see you are making?
01:34:54The dessert is a cream with strawberries.
01:34:58But potent.
01:34:59We have to agree, my love.
01:35:01From Asia to Germany, there is a very long way.
01:35:05Be very careful, guys, with the assembly, with the plating, with the flavors they put there.
01:35:10Yes, yes, yes.
01:35:11I think it has to have an explosion in the mouth.
01:35:14When you try it, I think it has good ingredients.
01:35:17I think it's a good decision.
01:35:18Let's look for a plate.
01:35:19So she said, well, it's going well, it's going well.
01:35:32You may be wondering, is it complicated to cook with the puma?
01:35:38Do you like it like that?
01:35:40A lot?
01:35:43And I also put flowers there and such, in case you want to put some ...
01:35:45You put it, you put it.
01:35:46The truth is that it is not complicated.
01:35:48Because one never cooks with the puma.
01:35:52One cooks and there is the puma.
01:35:57Oh, my little boy, how he dominates it.
01:36:00Brother, did you put white wine on it?
01:36:03Oh yeah, brother, everyone?
01:36:05Everyone is brother now or what?
01:36:08Tell me?
01:36:09Everyone is brother now?
01:36:18Brother, did you put white wine on it?
01:36:21Oh yeah, brother, everyone?
01:36:23Everyone is brother now or what?
01:36:28Tell me?
01:36:29Everyone is brother now?
01:36:30Stay with father.
01:36:31Ah, fuck.
01:36:35Tell me, my heart.
01:36:36That the mashed potatoes came out.
01:36:39The race of 100 meters begins for running through sparrows, running through pots.
01:36:47It tasted amazing, only it didn't have the consistency of mashed potatoes.
01:36:50It was a little more creamy.
01:36:54Forget it, forget it, forget it.
01:36:55No, I don't want any more.
01:36:56Try it, what you need is a little thickness.
01:36:59I'll try it, but I'm putting this.
01:37:02It's a job, I don't know.
01:37:03I'm putting the other one aside.
01:37:07You didn't give her the puree?
01:37:08Alicia, you didn't give her the puree?
01:37:09It seems that Alicia had to give a puree or something to Galeano.
01:37:13Okay, what are you going to put under it?
01:37:15Seven minutes to run out of time.
01:37:19But with the crunches, it's not bad.
01:37:22Don't you like it?
01:37:23It's not good in taste, it doesn't have a pinch of salt.
01:37:26It doesn't look like a puree, it doesn't taste like a puree, it doesn't taste like anything.
01:37:29I'll change it with cornstarch and salt.
01:37:31Don't worry, I'll try to get this one out and if we do it right, we'll put yours.
01:37:36You won't have time, the asparagus are raw, they don't cook in six minutes.
01:37:40Don't worry.
01:37:41Well, there you have the proof of what has been happening to me every time I work with him.
01:37:47But do I have to take that well?
01:37:50Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
01:37:54If I'm the one who tells him, no, no, wait for me, I know what I'm doing.
01:37:58Oh, look at Machado, how toxic, how conflictive, she doesn't know how to work in a group.
01:38:04But when they do it to me, you see it.
01:38:15I think we already have the corn up like this, pretty.
01:38:22Before the hands up, you must leave all the spoons on the tray.
01:38:30Did you hear me?
01:38:33Puma has already finished his strong dish and tells me to tell him more or less how to plate.
01:38:37And I decide to trust him, it's his strong dish, let him plate it as he wants.
01:38:44Thirteen minutes.
01:38:47Yes, there it is.
01:38:49Juati and Rosy, how are you doing?
01:38:51Good, super good.
01:38:52I already have the other one in the silverware.
01:38:53Oh no, that's already better, super good.
01:38:59Where are you going here?
01:39:01Alicia didn't deliver the puree that Galeano needs, man.
01:39:04I started improvising something with asparagus and like no, no, no, more for Machado, no, no, but this is still not enough, let me do this, not like this, man.
01:39:11That's going to kill you, man.
01:39:13The face of Galeano is a poem.
01:39:18Perfect, let's go.
01:39:19Alicia didn't give him the puree she asked for.
01:39:33Put the jelly down.
01:39:35The jelly?
01:39:36This, this, this.
01:39:37Put it there.
01:39:38There's Galeano.
01:39:41One minute!
01:39:43One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
01:39:50It's the first time we've done something so small.
01:39:53You have to get used to it, to perfect it.
01:39:57It has to be all on top.
01:39:59Gabriel and Pancho, now?
01:40:0230 seconds.
01:40:07If he doesn't give it to us, Galeano is going to go crazy.
01:40:11He's going to go crazy.
01:40:16It's done, it's done.
01:40:20Put it on.
01:40:21We're off!
01:40:22Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
01:40:37Spoons on the trays and hands up.
01:40:43Okay, good, good.
01:40:46And hands up.
01:40:48I feel a little disappointed and I hope I don't disappoint my partner
01:40:52about the Arabic bread that I couldn't finish.
01:40:56I think, I don't know, that the plating looks good.
01:40:59I think...
01:41:00I liked how we plated it, how we put it.
01:41:02I mean, I see that it's super delicate.
01:41:06There it is.
01:41:07The nine dishes, the nine spoons, so that the chefs can go crazy.
01:41:13I think it's too much.
01:41:15Well, now I'm just going to say, in the name of God.
01:41:18You can put your hands down.
01:41:24Let's see, Gary and Jason know that Galeano and Alicia don't get along.
01:41:30What happened there?
01:41:31I'm going to talk to them right now because it's not okay.
01:41:35Dude, did you see whose letter it was?
01:41:38Yes, but...
01:41:40Don't look at me again because it's not my letter.
01:41:42My people, just as I was presenting this great chapter to you right now,
01:41:47wait for the next chapter where Gale gets rid of me, Gary and David.
01:41:51You could all do less with him.
01:41:53Don't look at me again.
01:41:55And if he gets upset, nothing happens.
01:41:57Nothing will happen to him.
01:41:58That's how relationships work.
01:42:01One and one like the cards.
01:42:04Who came up with the idea of Alicia with Galeano?
01:42:08It wasn't me.
01:42:10Did you see?
01:42:13Don't mess with me.
01:42:14If it was me, don't mess with me.
01:42:20For me, the intellectual actor of the couples is David.
01:42:24We were just helping.
01:42:27Chefs, tell us.
01:42:29Who are we going to start this delicious tasting with?
01:42:33We have to give it to them.
01:42:35Carolina and Niño, please come in.
01:42:38I think we focused on flavors.
01:42:41Between Niño and I, I think we did a good job.
01:42:44Well, I consider that between the two, there is a lot of flavor.
01:42:48Well, guys, tell us. What did you prepare?
01:42:51Flavors from Asia, Peru and the world.
01:42:55Okay, it's globalized.
01:43:03The ceviche is fish with shrimp.
01:43:06It has several types of peppers, olive oil and pineapple milk.
01:43:11It's the typical classic ceviche that everyone knows.
01:43:15It has no invention.
01:43:16The octopus is made with a sauce from Toraj.
01:43:20She is an expert in octopus.
01:43:25You are very bad with names lately.
01:43:27She is nervous.
01:43:28No, no.
01:43:32What? I don't understand.
01:43:34It has sriracha, it also has aji panca.
01:43:38And a little...
01:43:39And sesame.
01:43:40And the sesame that I put on it.
01:43:42And underneath it has a little potatoes.
01:43:46These potatoes that are very small.
01:43:48Creole potatoes.
01:43:49Creole potatoes of the little ones.
01:43:51There are no flaws with the child, never in the seasoning.
01:43:53What is the dessert?
01:43:54The name is inspired in Germany.
01:43:56There was a thing called strawberries with cream.
01:43:59Is that from Germany?
01:44:00I didn't know.
01:44:02I love strawberries with cream.
01:44:04Strawberry cream.
01:44:05They started to water that all over Latin America.
01:44:08And we love it with the touch of chocolate that is in the background.
01:44:12It doesn't seem like a very comfortable dish or very attractive or anything, really.
01:44:17I don't know.
01:44:18The ceviche is good.
01:44:19I feel that there is a little bit of cilantro.
01:44:22Well, I put very little.
01:44:23It's just things that one says, if I put a lot, one says, hey, yes, like yes.
01:44:28But it's just that a little touch was put on it, which is how little is put on it.
01:44:31I think the potato lacked seasoning, which is a very important element in a strong dish.
01:44:37The way they express, how they say the dishes, how this, if this has a this, a the other.
01:44:44They have to know what they are referring to.
01:44:47Of course.
01:44:48My bad.
01:44:49I am very, but too bad for the names.
01:44:52Because many times I get something neither in English, nor in Spanish, nor in Chinese, nor anything.
01:44:57Not just a little flavor and to lift a little bit of this, a little bit of the other, which is divine, is beautiful.
01:45:02But it's a competition and you have to get up to it.
01:45:05The next time what I'm going to do is that I'm going to write everything.
01:45:08And as in school, well.
01:45:10Gentlemen, chef and jury.
01:45:12My sauce, which has this thing well, I don't know what, was formed in the 1800s.
01:45:17In addition to taking care of the aesthetics, it has to be something practical.
01:45:21For example, that merengue with the strawberry and the tempered chocolate,
01:45:24which may be mangled up to finish and use a cookie,
01:45:29which they could easily have used a ready-made cookie and cut it with a cutter.
01:45:34And on top of that cookie, assemble the meringue, assemble the fruit and assemble the chocolate.
01:45:38And it was worth it.
01:45:40It looks good.
01:45:42The judges are just nightmares.
01:45:44I felt that they were cruel with the candy.
01:45:47Because being a bite, you have to break it in your mouth and feel the flavors, the contrasts,
01:45:52and feel something hard, something more crunchy, something more.
01:45:55Always play with that, okay?
01:45:57They did something very simple and apart from that, the mistake of the chocolate, which is crystallized there.
01:46:02It's very complicated.
01:46:03Well, thank you guys.
01:46:04Thank you.
01:46:09No, I'm already at the level of relaxation.
01:46:12No, because when you do something with a lot of love and a lot of dedication and a lot of things,
01:46:17and they tell you something like that, it really seems to me that it is strong.
01:46:20Alicia Galeano.
01:46:21Go ahead, please.
01:46:23Oh, my God, please, please, please.
01:46:28Do you remember the opposite poles?
01:46:31These are completely two poles.
01:46:33Completely opposite.
01:46:35And here you will destroy.
01:46:37What's the name of this menu?
01:46:39I can't think of a name.
01:46:40Do you want me to say it?
01:46:42There is a very famous movie from the 90s that I liked a lot and that today I have revived it.
01:46:47The movie was called Sleeping With Your Enemy.
01:46:53Hey, Galeano, that's a declaration of war.
01:46:55What I like most about this whole story is that the two are clear about the sentimental situation that happens between them.
01:47:01They know they don't love each other.
01:47:02In this case, the menu is called Cooking With Your Enemy.
01:47:18In this case, the menu is called Cooking With Your Enemy.
01:47:25These are sentimental jokes.
01:47:32Well, the starter is a classic ceviche of tuna and white fish with mango and tequila.
01:47:42I hope it goes well.
01:47:44The albondiguita is a Chinese albondiguita.
01:47:47And underneath the base it has an asparagus soup.
01:47:51And the dessert is a madness of popcorn and white chocolate.
01:47:55It's a powdered corn popcorn.
01:47:58The truth is that I find it very interesting.
01:48:00I think it's very tasty.
01:48:02It looks very tasty on camera.
01:48:03Everything is very beautiful.
01:48:05Everything in the combination of what he did.
01:48:07I'm going to tell you about the starter.
01:48:09At first glance, it seems like a very nice hit.
01:48:14The starter is delicious.
01:48:15You can taste that it is a fish, that it is a tuna.
01:48:19So I think they got a good start.
01:48:22Thank you.
01:48:23Thank you.
01:48:24Thank you.
01:48:25We are doing you a favor because this challenge was also to be patient.
01:48:29And look, he had it.
01:48:30Thank us.
01:48:31They are having very good comments with the dish.
01:48:34Well, the strong one, which is the albondiguita.
01:48:37The truth is that the spices are felt a lot.
01:48:40Many times you also have to be careful with their use.
01:48:43Because they can't play you in your favor.
01:48:45I think it has a good flavor, but in retrospect I feel a little bitter.
01:48:53Well, I was astonished, amazed.
01:48:56I had never tried crushed popcorn.
01:48:59The idea is good, but I would have crushed them a little more.
01:49:03Because you can sometimes feel the shell.
01:49:07And that is uncomfortable to the palate.
01:49:09Because it never fails to get in your teeth.
01:49:12But the flavor works very well.
01:49:14When you don't get along with someone, cooking with someone is difficult.
01:49:18No, but the judge's opinion with his dish was good.
01:49:20It's positive.
01:49:21Thank you very much, you can return to your station.
01:49:23Thank you, chefs.
01:49:24Thank you.
01:49:25In general, sincerely and thanks to the Lord, it was good for them.
01:49:30And speaking seriously, I don't remember saying it.
01:49:33Oh, no, f***, Gary.
01:49:36Hey, no, no, no.
01:49:38I supported you, yes.
01:49:39But it wasn't born of me, really.
01:49:41It was born of s***.
01:49:43Who are we going to give it to?
01:49:47But I didn't say it so seriously.
01:49:49Check the video.
01:49:50Alicia, give it to Alicia.
01:49:52But I didn't say it.
01:49:56Olay Puma, please.
01:50:00I tried absolutely everything and I love the flavors.
01:50:04I think each one has its essence.
01:50:06They are flavors that go hand in hand and are very balanced.
01:50:09I hope this time the chefs agree with me.
01:50:12Our plating was very good.
01:50:15Well, guys, tell me what the name of your menu is.
01:50:18The menu is called compatibility of characters.
01:50:25The starter is a cucumber salad with tzatziki sauce and fresh dill.
01:50:30Tzatziki is very difficult.
01:50:33Tzatziki is difficult to make.
01:50:37The lomito is a sautéed lomito.
01:50:39And the sauce is in a bed of mashed potatoes and carrots with leek, onion, garlic.
01:50:49Two pieces of lomito in one spoon.
01:50:52And for dessert we made like a mango mousse cake.
01:50:57Polo, we know that he also has many faculties in desserts, but also in savory.
01:51:03Well, guys, I'm going to tell you about the starter.
01:51:06I think the tzatziki is very good, but I find it so simple.
01:51:11It's just thinking and always a little further.
01:51:15I try the judges a little more serious and more determined and with more character.
01:51:20The flavor is fine, it is a little high in seasoning in terms of sodium chloride.
01:51:27The cuts are important, make them symmetrical and they will present something like this.
01:51:32Cold but tasty.
01:51:33I'm going to tell you about the dessert.
01:51:35I think the base, to begin with, is too simple.
01:51:51I'm going to tell you about the dessert.
01:51:53I think the base, to begin with, is too simple.
01:51:59For something like that, right?
01:52:00It's like, oh, but it wasn't so easy for me to prepare it.
01:52:06And that Polo is for you, right?
01:52:08Yes, yes, yes.
01:52:09My impression is that, I don't know if they made the crumble, they ground it too much, I don't know.
01:52:14It gives me the impression that it is raw.
01:52:16What is the crumble, the bottom part, is the feeling it gives.
01:52:19Chef Toño didn't like this challenge.
01:52:22Now yes, as it was said with Juan Gabriel, what you see is not judged.
01:52:27And this matter of putting a little detail, it looks very nice and everything,
01:52:31but if you are going to use flowers, the stem is not tasty to eat.
01:52:37I know you have to remove the stem, but how would you put it standing without the stem?
01:52:41You can go back, kids.
01:52:45I think we did a good job.
01:52:46Me too, I really did a good job.
01:52:47For us, yes, for the judges, no.
01:52:50My dear Patty, Rosie, please come in.
01:52:55I'm safe.
01:52:56As it should be, Rosie.
01:52:58Good evening, chefs.
01:53:01It was delicious.
01:53:02Yes, it's delicious.
01:53:03We have no doubt about that.
01:53:04That's right.
01:53:05Security and face up.
01:53:08Tell us the name, in parts, and how did you prepare this?
01:53:14It's female power.
01:53:16The entrance is a fish tartare with sesame oil, soy sauce, tangerine, lemon, a touch of honey, and it has some serrano peppers.
01:53:33I feel like it's going to go very well.
01:53:36Visually, it looked delicious.
01:53:39The main course is a pasta in an avocado cream, with shrimp, butter, and chives.
01:53:48And all together, it's perfect.
01:53:51The dessert is mango flavor, lime flavor, and a little bit of yogurt.
01:53:58With the three together, you'll find that they complement the acidity of the entrance and the seafood of the tartare.
01:54:06Of the tartare.
01:54:08Patty always has a very good seasoning for the salty, and Rosie always has a very good seasoning for the sweet.
01:54:13It's a great combination.
01:54:15I'm going to tell you about the entrance.
01:54:17For it to be tartare, it has to be raw.
01:54:21And it's cooked with the lemon.
01:54:23So it's not tartare.
01:54:25It's so good.
01:54:27But it's hard.
01:54:28The flavor is very rich.
01:54:30I would just modify the subject of the cut and the name.
01:54:33Thank you.
01:54:34Thank you.
01:54:35I don't know what to call it.
01:54:36A lemon-cooked tartare.
01:54:39I'm going to tell you about the entrance.
01:54:41Although the flavor is very good, I don't know if it was the best choice.
01:54:45This was made for a spoon.
01:54:47But it has a very good flavor.
01:54:48That's for sure.
01:54:49But they also fulfilled the goal of making the bite delicious.
01:54:55The dessert comes with everything.
01:54:57I liked it a lot.
01:54:59As you know, the sweet mango, but also the green mango.
01:55:02You can feel the two flavors.
01:55:06The acidity of one, the sweetness of the other.
01:55:09I think the yogurt is also good to soften the flavors.
01:55:15Thank you.
01:55:21It can be.
01:55:23Pachito, Gabriel, please come on.
01:55:27Well, we are very happy with what we did.
01:55:29I think there are three dishes that the chefs will enjoy.
01:55:34Let's see how it goes.
01:55:36Because these judges are tough.
01:55:38Yes, they are tough.
01:55:40This menu is called Los Compas.
01:55:42Los Compas.
01:55:44No, this way, Los Panas.
01:55:46Los Compas.
01:55:47Los Companas.
01:55:48Los Companas.
01:55:49Los Companas.
01:55:52We start with a tropical ceviche of fish and shrimp.
01:55:57Everything is always wet.
01:56:01It is a tropical ceviche.
01:56:03It has white onion, purple onion, red pepper to give it color.
01:56:07It has cilantro, orange, lemon.
01:56:10We put a touch of mango.
01:56:12And a touch of ginger.
01:56:14I love the ceviche.
01:56:16And apart from the tropical part, with the mango and everything,
01:56:19it makes me something like the juice.
01:56:21Drinking the broth makes me very rich.
01:56:23For the main dish, we have a mushroom risotto.
01:56:24We use three different mushrooms to have that mixture of flavors.
01:56:30Everything they prepared is like a soup.
01:56:34And finally, the dessert.
01:56:37It is a fresh dessert.
01:56:41It has milk cream, condensed milk, a touch of cinnamon.
01:56:45It has passion fruit.
01:56:47Yes, it is a passion fruit mousse.
01:56:49A passion fruit mousse.
01:56:50I think that, from my humble opinion,
01:56:54they went for a very basic menu in general.
01:56:57I am going to tell you about the entrance of the ceviche.
01:57:00Because the pieces are very small,
01:57:03it becomes like a sponge,
01:57:06but with a lemon diluted in water.
01:57:10What the orange did here
01:57:12is make it feel like lemon with water.
01:57:16It tastes like water, I don't know what.
01:57:18No, no, no.
01:57:20Well, guys, I'm going to tell you about the main dish.
01:57:22I think it was a bad choice to make a risotto
01:57:25to serve it on a spoon.
01:57:29Let's see, how can it not be a good idea?
01:57:31I would have made an arancini.
01:57:33What is that?
01:57:35The arancini.
01:57:37The arancini.
01:57:39No, the arancel.
01:57:41We don't want anything with the arancel.
01:57:43What is that?
01:57:45It's like a croquette of rice.
01:57:47There is no time for that.
01:57:48No, no, no.
01:57:50No, no, no.
01:57:52There is no time for that.
01:57:54I think it's a little high in seasoning.
01:57:56If you try it, you can see that it's a little salty.
01:58:02Well, guys, I'm going to tell you about the dessert.
01:58:07It went from friendly to simple.
01:58:12The mousse was a little simple,
01:58:14but it was very tasty.
01:58:15A mousse has to have volume,
01:58:19it has to incorporate air so that it is a mousse,
01:58:23because this is a cream.
01:58:25Is there a way to tell you,
01:58:27your dish is a piece of crap,
01:58:29without being told directly that it is a piece of crap?
01:58:31You can go back to your station.
01:58:33Thank you.
01:58:35All wrong.
01:58:37Everything, from the name to the dessert.
01:58:39Who will be the couple in search of the perfect bite?
01:58:46So far,
01:58:48even if you don't believe it, and it's not because of Jujuy,
01:58:51but Gale and Elisa have had a good time.
01:58:54Compared to all the others.
01:58:56Is it better than Puma and Apollo?
01:58:58Of course, I feel like they did well, really.
01:59:00It's time to release the chefs.
01:59:03Please, go ahead.
01:59:07Definitely, the chefs are more strict today.
01:59:10I feel like they're going to start adjusting the belt.
01:59:16Well, what did you think of this challenge,
01:59:19that we took you out of your comfort zone,
01:59:21simply with the plating?
01:59:23I feel that we did everything we could do,
01:59:26and we are not chefs.
01:59:28This type of pressure that we can give you,
01:59:31or some don't get it,
01:59:33they grab it, they take it to heart,
01:59:36and they will be able to continue in this competition.
01:59:39I think we do have possibilities.
01:59:41Because the most important thing is the flavor, definitely.
01:59:43And all three have a very good flavor.
01:59:47When you serve it on a spoon,
01:59:49it's a banquet and catering menu,
01:59:51and I really think they thought about us well,
01:59:53and they gave us good choices in the dishes.
01:59:55It's very subjective, and it depends on the eyes that look at it,
01:59:58and the taste buds that taste it.
02:00:00I have nothing to comment on,
02:00:02nothing to tell you.
02:00:04Hey, notice that I saw some hope out there,
02:00:06in this challenge,
02:00:08of plating on a spoon,
02:00:10that fulfilled the challenge of a bite,
02:00:11or nothing,
02:00:13I just think, I leave it to your discretion,
02:00:16that it be for flavor,
02:00:18what we chose today.
02:00:20It's not for flavor.
02:00:22Tell her, please, Tita, where are we going?
02:00:24Totally agree.
02:00:26The one that had the best flavor,
02:00:28that couple, I think.
02:00:30I'm thinking of one too, I think it's the same.
02:00:32I think that today,
02:00:34many things are going to move in Top Chef VIP.
02:00:36Let's go there.
02:00:38The judges are the judges.
02:00:41Kitchen is kitchen.
02:00:43I think that Galeano
02:00:45is not going to
02:00:47redirect the word again.
02:00:51No, no, Galeano is pissed.
02:00:54Please, please, please,
02:00:56let them pass, because if not, Galeano,
02:00:58Galeano is going to let us come
02:01:00with all the fury, Holy Father.
02:01:05They are very angry.
02:01:07You think?
02:01:08Something, something is going on there.
02:01:12who has been the perfect couple
02:01:14that will be able to win salvation?
02:01:21Well, the moment has come,
02:01:23family, the moment of the verdict.
02:01:26Please, Galeano.
02:01:28Oh, God, please,
02:01:30have mercy on your servants.
02:01:33We must take into account
02:01:35that they have all gone very far,
02:01:38we are more demanding
02:01:40and we will be more demanding
02:01:42and the one who wins
02:01:44is the one who gets more and more involved.
02:01:47Come on, we're going to have to study that.
02:01:50Yes, yes.
02:01:52They are raising a lot of lines,
02:01:54no way.
02:01:56Take this into account,
02:01:58we are halfway,
02:02:00we will continue to repeat it to you.
02:02:02Halfway through this competition,
02:02:04where there is a lot of money involved
02:02:06and a lot of prestige,
02:02:08more and more
02:02:10we will be making
02:02:12easier mistakes.
02:02:14That is why we have to
02:02:16tune in
02:02:18in everything, in the speech.
02:02:20I know that you are indirect to me.
02:02:22In the presentation
02:02:24and in the flavor.
02:02:26I have never discussed the judges' opinion,
02:02:28but they come thick,
02:02:30they come cutting tail and ear.
02:02:32When we, the cooks,
02:02:34for example, create a dish,
02:02:36and I have an event,
02:02:38and I make, for example,
02:02:40a sketch of what I'm going to present.
02:02:42As soon as we finish,
02:02:44the sketch is over.
02:02:46We present the sketch.
02:02:48That's how it's going to be.
02:02:50That's how it was.
02:02:52Forget that we are chefs.
02:02:54They are demanding a lot from us.
02:02:56That kind of thing,
02:02:58you have to start thinking about it
02:03:00at the level we are at
02:03:02so that you can advance
02:03:04and continue to develop
02:03:06at that level.
02:03:08There were a lot of mistakes.
02:03:12And a couple won
02:03:14for flavor.
02:03:16The only one who did a little bit well,
02:03:18who can be there with us,
02:03:20is Rosie and Patty,
02:03:22because the others, zero.
02:03:24We have a chance.
02:03:26I think so.
02:03:28The winning couple
02:03:30to be saved from the elimination challenge
02:03:36The winning couple
02:03:38to be saved from the elimination challenge
02:03:42Who will be the couple
02:03:44who did less wrong,
02:03:46because the truth is
02:03:48that there is no other word,
02:03:50to the one who was less worse
02:03:52in this spoon challenge?
02:03:54The winning couple
02:03:56to be saved from the elimination challenge
02:04:00Who will be the couple
02:04:02who did less wrong,
02:04:04because the truth is
02:04:06that there is no other word,
02:04:08to the one who was less worse
02:04:10in this spoon challenge?
02:04:12To you, Rosie.
02:04:20They were the ones who made the least mistakes.
02:04:22It was the least worse.
02:04:24It was the least worse.
02:04:26I thought it was going to be us,
02:04:28but we were saved.
02:04:30Rosie, Patty, congratulations!
02:04:32Thank you, thank you.
02:04:34They won for flavor
02:04:36one more time in this competition, girls.
02:04:38Congratulations, really.
02:04:40Thank you.
02:04:44Two women saved.
02:04:46We are achieving it.
02:04:48The others to prepare their best weapons
02:04:50to face the elimination day.
02:04:52Here we continue
02:04:54to put the batteries,
02:04:56to put truncheons,
02:04:58to keep cooking
02:05:00and to give it our all
02:05:02because we all want to stay a little longer.
02:05:04I hope
02:05:06you all go to bed
02:05:08and rest.
02:05:10Thank you, good night.
02:05:12We continue and tomorrow, girls,
02:05:14we are going to save ourselves.
02:05:16Tomorrow we are going to save ourselves
02:05:18with a great dish.
02:05:20No problem.
02:05:22We continue to give it flavor.
02:05:24It doesn't matter if it was for flavor.
02:05:26I think you do love me.
02:05:28Thank you, David.
02:05:30Perfect synonym.
02:05:32Let's go with everything.
02:05:34Family is family
02:05:36so I'm not resentful.
02:05:38I'm not.
02:05:40I'm not a resentful person
02:05:42but it's hard for me to forget.
02:05:44I can understand that he's a little upset
02:05:46but he'll get over it.
02:05:48They won, but they were there in the fight.
02:05:50In the fight of the dishes.
02:05:54Maggie was the best.
02:05:56She wasn't the best.
02:05:58No, I can imagine.
02:06:00But I love her.
02:06:02I love her.
02:06:04I love you.
02:06:06I can imagine.
02:06:08Shut up.
02:06:10You said I was your neighbor.
02:06:12I heard you through the camera.
02:06:14No, I didn't say specifically.
02:06:16I said everything.
02:06:18What can I say, David?
02:06:20How funny.
02:06:22Galeano is a flyer.
02:06:24We said we had to be careful.
02:06:26I know that they
02:06:28may be taking it as a game
02:06:30but for me,
02:06:32they did it out of bad faith.
02:06:34So, what can I say?
02:06:37Maggie was the best.
02:06:39I know it.
02:06:41I know it.
02:06:43I know it.
02:06:45I know everything.
02:06:47It's okay.
02:06:49Tomorrow is the elimination.
02:06:51I'm afraid.
02:06:53I didn't want to work with her.
02:06:55I know.
02:06:57I didn't argue with her
02:06:59because she didn't say anything.
02:07:01If it wasn't for Patty,
02:07:03you would win in the comments.
02:07:04Then I thought,
02:07:06it's better
02:07:08that you work with her
02:07:10at this moment
02:07:12so that you don't get caught later.
02:07:16You're right.
02:07:18You're one of those men
02:07:20that as a woman
02:07:22it's better
02:07:24to listen to you
02:07:26and say yes to everything.
02:07:28Because when you say yes to everything,
02:07:31it's easier
02:07:32to convince you
02:07:34and make you do what you want in the end.
02:07:38You're one of those men
02:07:40that as a woman
02:07:42it's better to say yes.
02:07:46We say goodbye to La Cocina for now.
02:07:49Tomorrow, in a new elimination test,
02:07:51they will have to bet
02:07:53so that luck is on their side.
02:07:55An elimination night
02:07:57is not pleasant at all.
02:07:59I love you very much.
02:08:00The alliance is over.
02:08:02Aren't you going to applaud me?
02:08:04No, I don't like that.
02:08:06I'm not going to comment on that.
02:08:08I think it's not fair.
02:08:10The dish that Galeano didn't present.
02:08:12And it's not humble
02:08:14or human or anything.
02:08:16I don't like anything.
02:08:18I think this is the top chef.
02:08:20I thought the comment was very rude.
02:08:22The answers were very bad.
02:08:24They're going to humiliate me.
02:08:26I really want to leave.