Jamie and the Magic Torch Jamie and the Magic Torch E011 The House of Wellibob

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00La vie de la maman
00:04La vie de la maman
00:19La vie de la maman
00:26La vie duGroc
00:36La vie duGroc
00:40La vie duGroc
00:46La vieetch
01:25Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
01:31Comme d'habitude, il fait chaud et soleil à Cuckoo Land,
01:34et Jamie et Wordsworth décident d'aller voir Wellybob.
01:37Ils n'ont pas vu un signe de lui,
01:39ni de personne d'autre pour cela.
01:41Oh! J'espère qu'il n'est pas parti pour l'anniversaire du banqueur!
01:44Mais il semblait l'avoir fait.
01:46Cuckoo Land est allé devant eux,
01:48mais il n'y avait aucun son, et rien à voir.
01:51Oh, la magie de la rabaisse va se répandre sur les montagnes!
01:54Mr. Bundy! Mr. Bundy!
01:57Bully Bundy, the magic rabbit of Cuckoo Land, had heard Jamie and stopped.
02:00Who hails Bully Bundy and stops him thus? Am I a taxi? Am I a bus?
02:06I wonder if you could tell us the way to Wally Bob's house?
02:09Can't say. Too busy. If you want to know the time, ask a policeman.
02:14Which, if Jamie had wanted to know the time, would have been a good idea, because just then, along came Officer Gotcha.
02:20Ah, yes. Jamie and Janison.
02:23Oh, Officer Gotcha, could you tell us the way to Wally Bob's house?
02:26Wally Bob? There's no mention of that here.
02:28All right, Barnpot E.B., said Wordsworth.
02:31The boy only wanted to know the way to Wally Bob's house.
02:37Anyway, said Officer Gotcha.
02:39I can't stand your arguing. I have a mystery to solve.
02:44Someone, some light-fingered criminal, is pinching our truncheons. They're all disappearing, but Gotcha will find him.
02:54He wasn't much help, was he?
02:56Oh, well, maybe Wally Bob's house is over there. Come on, Wordsworth.
03:00They hadn't gone far, though, when there was a familiar noise in the sky, and the submachine came throbbing along over the Blamonge groves.
03:07Hey, Wordsworth, look, said Jamie. It's the submachine. It's Mr. Boo.
03:16Well, I'm sure he'll know the way to Wally Bob's house. He knows everything.
03:20The submachine, Mr. Boo's strange craft that could travel in the air or underground, came gently down to earth.
03:26Mr. Boo threw open the hatch and looked about him.
03:29Oh, bother and blow, he said in a bad-tempered voice.
03:33Someone's been moving the mushrooms again. How can I keep my accounts straight? Let's see, that's 4,027.
03:40Jamie looked at Wordsworth.
03:42Can you tell us where Wally Bob lives, Mr. Boo? Everyone else is too busy.
03:46And so they should be. It's a pity you haven't got anything better to do, said Mr. Boo.
03:51I was at 265 or 562. Silly boy, now I've lost my mushrooms.
03:57Grinned Wordsworth cheekily.
03:59I reckon as though you ain't got all these chairs at home, neither.
04:02I heard that, said Mr. Boo, impertinent animal.
04:05And I have 17 chairs at home, including one with a broken leg. So there. And kindly don't interrupt me again.
04:12He slammed the hatch closed again and the submachine sank into the ground.
04:16Oh, dear. I couldn't help making him lose count.
04:20Now what?
04:21Oh, you're a look, said Wordsworth.
04:23You're saying help's brought Jojo, Master Jamie.
04:25As if I didn't have enough to do.
04:27Jojo, help was grumbling too.
04:28Lost mushrooms, Wally Bob's weather, and now you.
04:31Arr, Wally Bob, what is his house we're looking for?
04:36Come on, Wordsworth, Jamie sighed, and on they went.
04:40They walked for quite a way without seeing anyone, and then...
04:43Look, said Jamie, I don't remember this.
04:46Little did they know that they'd stumbled on Wally Bob's house.
04:50It was a house, you could see that, but it wasn't like yours or mine or Jamie's.
04:54All the furniture, all the rooms were outside the walls.
04:58From kitchen stove to television set, the sort of things that are supposed to be in rooms were in the garden.
05:04And in a rocking chair of sorts in the sitting room, or sitting garden if you like,
05:08was the owner, Wally Bob, the backwards cat, reading an upside-down newspaper.
05:13Oh, that explains it, said Jamie.
05:15Wally Bob does everything backwards.
05:17Coco, said Wordsworth.
05:19Blooming Coco.
05:20Oh, said Wally Bob, noticing them.
05:22It's you. Goodbye there.
05:24I'm just hearing a wee news of my read paper.
05:27Hey, I see Mr. Mushroom's lost a couple of booze.
05:31We've had an awful lot of trouble finding your house, said Jamie.
05:34Everyone was too busy to tell us the way.
05:36Ah, so they were.
05:38Hey, said Wally, coming out of his paper.
05:41Is that right? I'm delighted to hear it.
05:43Hey, Jamie, he added.
05:45Since you're here, you may as well mind your own business.
05:48Which Jamie suddenly realised meant take a look around.
05:51He looked out of, or rather into, the window.
05:54Wow, he said, what a wonderful room.
05:58How wonderful it was, because in there was the garden.
06:01The flowery carpet was real flowers,
06:03and the light hung like fruit from a tree that grew in the middle of the floor.
06:06A sort of flower room, said Jamie.
06:09More like a shower room, muttered Wordsworth.
06:12But no sooner had Wordsworth said that, than it suddenly stopped raining.
06:16Oh, it looks even nicer now, Mr. Wally Bob, said Jamie.
06:20And I like having the inside out and the outside in.
06:23Do you think Wordsworth and I could take a look out there?
06:25In there, now that it's stopped raining.
06:27Oh, aye, certainly not.
06:29Stopped raining, he yelled.
06:31Oh, jangs, that means the rain machine's mended again.
06:35I'll have to sit here and break it.
06:39That means, said Jamie, that the rain machine's broken and he's gone to mend it.
06:43And that's exactly what he meant.
06:45But as he told the two friends, he didn't know how to.
06:47Oh, I'll have it working again in a month of Wednesdays.
06:51And in his own backwards way, he explained the problem.
06:54Just take a look down there.
06:56He said, pointing upwards to a large cloud which hung at the top of the rain machine.
07:03That's that there cloud. That's broken.
07:05And I don't know how to mend it.
07:07Oh, Jamie, we've just got to get that rain back inside my house.
07:11It'll ruin my broccoli.
07:13Well, I just hope nobody comes along and tries to help us.
07:16Said Wally Bob.
07:19Oh, look, there's nobody there.
07:21It was Jojo help again. But as usual, he didn't look too anxious to help.
07:24Oh, not more trouble. I've got my head job to think about.
07:27I can't have his rest disturbed like this.
07:29But you're the odd job, man.
07:31How about popping down there and repairing my cloud?
07:34Ah, you must be joking. I've only got a low-level tool kit.
07:40It was a dreadful problem. The cloud was well and truly broken.
07:43And it was far too high for anyone to be able to mend it.
07:46Oh, jangs, said Wally Bob.
07:48I'm so glad nobody can help me repair my cloud.
07:51I'm glad? Oh, sorry. No, it's no use. I'm not doing it.
07:55Things looked bad. But then Jamie remembered his magic torch.
07:59He twiddled the controls.
08:01The lights flashed and...
08:03Stand clear, said Jamie. I'm not sure what might happen.
08:09But as they watched, the cloud was hit by the beam and slowly floated down.
08:15And once Wally Bob's cloud was down at ground level,
08:17it was no problem to repair it.
08:20Everyone was delighted, especially Wally Bob, of course,
08:23although he confused the others by booing,
08:25until they realised that it was his backwards way of cheering.
08:28Glad I could help, said Jojo, and went.
08:31That's terrible, Jamie, said Wally Bob.
08:33You've done a rotten job. Thanks a lot.
08:37Jamie and Wordsworth went back to Wally Bob's house
08:39and he invited them to stay inside.
08:41So they came outside, which is what he meant,
08:43and then he refused to give them cream cakes,
08:45which they enjoyed enormously.
08:47Well, said Jamie, he seems to be happy enough now, Wordsworth.
08:51Cuckoo, said Wordsworth.
08:53This is terrible, he shouted cheerfully.
08:55Why don't you stay inside?
08:58But there was no time to join him.
09:00Poor, now then, Master Jamie.
09:02What's that, Wordsworth?
09:04And there was the tree waiting for them.
09:06Ah, well, said Jamie, I suppose we'd better stay, er, go.
09:10Goodbye, Wally Bob.
09:11Goodbye, Wally Bob.
09:12Wally Bob waved back to them.
09:13Hello there!
09:14He shouted.
09:42Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
