The Sooty Show E00- Snuffles

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00What are some problems?
00:03Well, it's early in the morning, but it's not too early for Sooty, Sweep and Sue to be awake. I wonder what they're up to.
00:09Oh, Sue is playing with a little toy rabbit.
00:12Come on, bunny. Hoppity, hoppity, hop. There's a clever bunny.
00:16And Sooty's got his toy bunny, too. He's giving it a cuddle.
00:22And it sounds as if Sweep is singing a lullaby to his toy bunny, too.
00:27Oh, no, you're not. It's a bone.
00:32Hello, you three. Up and about already, are you? What are you all up to?
00:35Well, we're playing with our little toy bunny rabbit. Hoppity, hoppity, hop.
00:40I tell you what, you like little bunny rabbits, don't you, Sue?
00:42Oh, yes. I wish you would let us have a real one, Matthew.
00:45Well, I'm not letting you have a real one. Well, not to keep anyway, because there's enough animals around here already, Sue.
00:49But I tell you what I've got. Look at this. Come on up. Come on. Up you come. Look at this. Look.
00:54This is Snuffles. Oh, she's lovely. Yes, she is lovely.
00:58What do you want? Who does Snuffles belong to?
01:01Well, actually, Sweep, she belongs to Mrs. Pike, who lives down the road.
01:04I said I'd look after her for the day, but Mrs. Pike did warn me that Snuffles has got the most enormous appetite, eats absolutely everything.
01:10Anyway, look, go and use the bathroom, and then you can play with Snuffles after breakfast, OK?
01:14Good. What's Snuffles?
01:16Oh, all right. She says that she wants to use the bathroom first to get washed. OK, then. All right, Sue?
01:20I thought I was first.
01:22Well, yes, you were, Sue, but Snuffles is the guest. Anyway, you said that you like rabbits.
01:26Yes. Oh, all right, but I hope she won't be too long.
01:29I'm sure she won't. Go on. It's down the corridor, Snuffles. Go on. Off you pop.
01:33Right, you three wait and use the bathroom when she's finished, then come out for breakfast, OK? Come on, then.
01:37Come on, then, boys. Let's go and form a queue outside the bathroom and wait for Snuffles to finish.
02:23Oh, hello, sir. Come on. That's it. Have you been washed?
02:26You got washed in the downstairs cloakroom?
02:28Well, that seems an odd thing to do, since you've got a nice new bathroom upstairs.
02:31Where's Snuffles? Oh, here she is.
02:33Hello, Snuffles. You feel better now, do you?
02:35Good. Well, I've got your breakfast ready. Look, cornflakes for all of you.
02:38Sweet, sweet. Where's Sue?
02:40She won't be here for ages.
02:42Why not?
02:43I don't know.
02:44I don't know.
02:45I don't know.
02:46I don't know.
02:47I don't know.
02:48I don't know.
02:49I don't know.
02:50She won't be here for ages.
02:51Why not?
02:53Because of that rabbit.
02:55Oh, that's very rude, sweet.
02:57Get on with your breakfast, Snuffles. Come over here, sweet.
02:59Listen, you mustn't refer to Snuffles as that rabbit.
03:02That's very, very rude.
03:04You don't think so? Well, I think so.
03:06You don't hear people talking about you and saying,
03:08that dog, and things like that.
03:10Talking to somebody and saying, that bear.
03:12Remember to be nice to her, because Snuffles is our guest.
03:15Yes, she's our guest. Do you understand?
03:17Right, go and get your breakfast, then. Go on. Off you go.
03:19I've cleared that little lock-up now.
03:21What's the matter?
03:22He's eaten your breakfast.
03:23What? Don't eat him with the dish.
03:27Look, be careful.
03:28He didn't eat your breakfast, sweet.
03:30He was standing over here with me.
03:32I think I know who has eaten your breakfast.
03:34Snuffles, have you eaten their cornflakes?
03:38She has.
03:40Sweet, come back. Come back.
03:42It doesn't matter about the cornflakes.
03:44Don't worry, because I've got another box here.
03:46I did the shopping yesterday.
03:49There's a hole in these cornflakes.
03:51Sussie, have a look. See if there's any cornflakes left.
03:54Come on out of the box. Are there any left?
03:56There aren't.
03:57Well, how did that hole get in the cornflakes?
04:00Looks like a rabbit's gnawed its way...
04:02A rabbit gnawed its way...
04:05Snuffles, have you eaten this entire box of cornflakes?
04:08She has.
04:10Sweet, sweet, come back here. Come back.
04:12Never mind. Never mind about the cornflakes.
04:14There's a whole box of groceries over here that I bought yesterday.
04:17You can choose what you want for breakfast.
04:19I'll tell you what we've got.
04:20A half-eaten piece of cheese.
04:22Or you could have...
04:24an old banana skin.
04:27Or you can have an apple core.
04:29Or you can have one little grape to share between the two of you.
04:33Or an old bun case.
04:36Look at this. The box is completely empty.
04:39Snuffles, have you eaten our whole box of groceries?
04:43She has.
04:45Sweet, sweet, sweet.
04:46No, no, just leave her alone.
04:48Tell you what I think we'd better do.
04:49We'd better go out and get her some proper rabbit food.
04:51Otherwise, she's going to eat us out of house and home.
04:53All right, come on, sweet, into the van.
04:55And you, sweetie, we'll go and get her some proper rabbit food.
04:57See you later, Snuffles.
05:05Do you know, I've never known a rabbit eat as much as that Snuffles.
05:08Mind you, I did say we'd look after her.
05:10So we'd better collect this rabbit food.
05:12What did we say that rabbits ate?
05:15As much as possible.
05:16We could collect dandelion leaves.
05:19That's right, and some grass to nibble on.
05:22Yeah, grass to nibble on.
05:23And all sorts of weeds, anything you can find, all right?
05:25Okay, come on.
05:29Right, I'll put the box down here.
05:31The three of us will soon fill it.
05:32Come on, sweetie, come on, sweet.
05:33Let's get these weeds picked, shall we?
05:35Come on.
05:48This should keep that little rascal happy for a while.
05:51There we are.
05:52Oh, well done, sweetie.
05:53That's a nice armful of grass.
05:54Throw it in the box.
05:56But, sweet, sweet, I'm not very sure rabbits like thistles.
06:01Well, it's a good idea to pick it with a tong.
06:03Take those away.
06:04Look, we'll get one more load.
06:05Well done.
06:06We'll get one more load.
06:07We'll get one more load.
06:08We'll get one more load.
06:09We'll get one more load.
06:10We'll get one more load.
06:11We'll get one more load.
06:12We'll get one more load.
06:13We'll get one more load.
06:14Well done.
06:15One more load.
06:16Press it down, then we'll all get off home, OK?
06:17Come on, then.
06:29Who'd have a rabbit?
06:30Give me a teddy bear any day.
06:45Right, let's get...
06:47This box is nearly empty.
06:49Sooty, Sweet, look it's nearly empty.
06:52Is that...
07:05Sweet, have you moved all of the stuff from out of this box?
07:08It must have been the wind.
07:14Qu'est-ce que c'est?
07:24C'est venu de l'intérieur de la boîte, ce bruit drôle!
07:27Tu peux entendre ce bruit étrange?
07:30Voyons voir ce qu'il y a dedans.
07:32Ah! C'est pour ça que tout le nourriture de lapin a disparu!
07:36Je pensais que nous t'avions laissé chez toi!
07:38Tu pourrais bien avoir tout ça aussi!
07:40Et tu aurais ton déjeuner, ton déjeuner et ton dîner en un coup!
07:46Je ne sais pas vraiment!
07:48Oh, salut Sue!
07:49Salut Matthew! Où est Sotty et Sweep?
07:51Ils viennent, Sue, ils viennent!
07:53Et Snuffles?
07:54Ah, non! Tu seras heureux de savoir que nous avons laissé Snuffles à Mme Pikes à l'entrée.
07:58Elle mange trop! Tu sais, elle mange tout ce nourriture de lapin!
08:01Oui, je le sais! Et j'ai peur qu'elle ait aussi mangé tous nos trucs de thé!
08:05Oui, il n'y a rien de reste pour le thé!
08:07Oh, non, Sue!
08:09Oh, il y a quelqu'un à la porte! Rien de reste pour le thé?
08:12Rien du tout, Matthew!
08:14Qu'est-ce que c'est? Hey, Sue, regarde ça!
08:17Oh, Matthew, qu'est-ce que c'est?
08:18C'est une énorme boîte remplie de nourriture!
08:21Laissée sur la porte, n'est-ce pas fantastique?
08:23Attends, il y a une note ici!
08:25À Sotty, Sweep et Sue de Mme Pikes et Snuffles!
08:28Oh, salut Sweep, viens ici!
08:29Oh, il y a Sotty aussi!
08:30Regarde ça, une boîte de nourriture!
08:32Attends, on va lire le reste de la note!
08:33Merci d'avoir cherché Snuffles!
08:35Elle a acheté cette nourriture avec son propre argent!
08:38Elle dit qu'elle est désolée d'avoir mangé toute ta nourriture!
08:41Oh, n'est-ce pas gentil Snuffles?
08:43Regarde ce qu'il y a ici!
08:44Il y a des biscuits là, Sue, et un roulis de jam!
08:47C'est fantastique!
08:48Il y a quelque chose qui bouge là-dedans!
08:50Oh, c'est Snuffles!
08:53Bonjour, Snuffles!
08:54Merci beaucoup pour tout!
08:55Je vais acheter toute la nourriture, Snuffles!
08:57Est-ce qu'elle peut rester pour le thé?
08:59Oui, elle peut rester pour le thé parce qu'il y a suffisamment de nourriture ici pour nourrir un armée!
09:03Hey, on va voir!