The Sooty Show E00- Want A Pet

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
00:30Look at this lovely, quiet, domestic scene.
00:32Sooty and Sue reading a book together.
00:34I wonder what the book's about.
00:36It says here, Sooty, that gerbils can make good pets.
00:38It's a good job we've got this book, otherwise choosing a pet would be even more difficult.
00:42Ah, they're choosing a pet.
00:44Sue seems quite keen on having a gerbil.
00:46I wonder what Sooty's going to suggest.
00:51You think we should have a pet zebra?
00:53No, I don't think that's a very good idea.
00:55Think again, Sooty.
00:57Oh, a pet rhinoceros.
00:59Yes, Sooty, Matthew wouldn't like a rhino walking over his vegetable patch.
01:03Ah, a pet lion.
01:05Well, they are very cute and cuddly when they're little cubs.
01:07But it wouldn't be long before it became a handful and we became a mouthful.
01:11Think again, Sooty.
01:13Oh, a pet monkey.
01:15Well, yes, that's a thought.
01:17Unfortunately, Matthew says there are already three little monkeys in this house,
01:21so I don't think he'd allow another one.
01:25Oh, hello, sweet.
01:27What are we doing?
01:29Well, we're having a look at this book here about pets
01:31and trying to decide what animal to have as a pet.
01:33What, sweet?
01:35Get a dog?
01:37Oh, no, sweet, we don't want a dog.
01:39Everyone has dogs.
01:41And they're so...
01:43They're so...
01:45They're so boring.
01:47Yes, boring, sweet.
01:53Not all dogs are boring.
01:55Really? Well, they may not all be boring,
01:57but I still don't fancy one as a pet.
01:59Why not?
02:01Well, apart from most of them being boring,
02:03there's that smell.
02:07Yes, that sort of musty, damp, doggy smell,
02:09like a pile of old, wet towels.
02:13Old, wet towels, yes.
02:15Come on, Sooty, let's go and see if Matthew can help us choose a pet.
02:27Just having a look through this hobbies magazine.
02:29You see, the thing is, I really require
02:31some other interest in my life,
02:33you know, something like a hobby,
02:35but the problem is deciding exactly what.
02:37Hello, Matthew.
02:39Oh, hi, Sue. What can I do you for?
02:41I expect you're going to say no,
02:43but we'd like you to help us choose a pet.
02:45Choose a pet.
02:47A pet! That's it, a pet.
02:49Now, I could choose a pet,
02:51and the pet could become my hobby.
02:53I don't know about it, and that would be it, my new hobby.
02:55Let's have a look in the book, shall we?
02:57Well, let's see what we can choose.
02:59What is it, Sweet? You'll have to wait a minute.
03:01I'm busy choosing a pet at the minute.
03:03I could choose a dog.
03:05No, I don't want to have a dog.
03:07Dogs are so...
03:11Boring! Exactly right, Sue.
03:13Can you smell the funny smell?
03:15It's like wet towels.
03:17Anyway, never mind the wet towels.
03:19Let's have a look in the book.
03:21So, see, we are not choosing a hedgehog,
03:23because the last one we had, we fed it for three weeks
03:25before we discovered it was a hairbrush.
03:27No, no, no, we need a pet
03:29that we can all get to know and get to love.
03:31Something that would fit in with our way of life.
03:33But that's really difficult.
03:35That's the difficulty, is choosing something
03:37that will share our way of life.
03:39Sweet, what is it?
03:41We could get a dog.
03:43Sweet, would you come here, please?
03:45Listen, you're being extremely boring.
03:47I do not want a dog because dogs are ordinary.
03:49No, they're not.
03:51Yes, they are.
03:53Dogs are boring, they're commonplace.
03:55Every man and his dog has got a dog.
03:57That's a good one, isn't it?
03:59Look, will you lot go and use the bathroom
04:01and try and think up a suitable pet?
04:03Go on, off you go.
04:05Come up with some suggestions.
04:07We're definitely not having a dog.
04:09Well, that really is weird.
04:11Matthew is actually agreeing that we can have a pet.
04:13Never thought he would, did you, Sooty?
04:15No, the trouble is, we're still no closer
04:17to deciding what sort of animal we want.
04:19Come on, Sooty, you're usually the one
04:21who has the bright ideas.
04:23Have you got any more suggestions?
04:25Oh, yes, Sooty, that's horrible.
04:27A giant centipede.
04:29I don't want to make a pet of a thing like that.
04:31It is so ugly.
04:35What, Sweet?
04:37What's going on?
04:39Sooty's brought this horrible centipede thingy in here.
04:41Just look at it. It's horrible.
04:43It's so ugly.
04:45You're right, Sweet, it is very ugly.
04:49Yes, I know it's disgusting.
04:51I wouldn't want that as a pet.
04:55You expect we'd rather have a dog?
04:57Oh, no, it's not that disgusting.
04:59I imagine we could grow fond of it in time.
05:03Go on, Sooty.
05:05Come along then, boy.
05:07Who's a good boy then?
05:09There's a good boy.
05:11Poor old Sweet, all alone.
05:13It seems that the poor little chap
05:15is in need of a good friend.
05:17Fortunately, being such a clever little dog,
05:19he knows exactly where to find
05:21his best friend.
05:29Ha! Cracked it.
05:31I've only cracked it, that's all.
05:33Come on, Sooty, come on. Great news.
05:35Matthew, I'm afraid we still haven't got any real suggestions
05:37as to what we should have as a pet.
05:39Don't worry, Sue, because I am going to tell you
05:41that we are going to have...
05:43Ready for this? A dog.
05:45Yes, a dog.
05:47Am I sure? Yes, but it won't be any sort of mongrel dog.
05:49It's going to be a special pedigree job.
05:51Calm down, Sweet, calm down.
05:53But Matthew, we all agreed...
05:55Yes, Sue, don't worry, don't worry. That was different.
05:57This is going to be a pedigree dog.
05:59The sort that I can take to a show and train up.
06:01And then, as well as being a family pet,
06:03he will also be my hobby.
06:05Great idea. Yes, it is. Thanks a lot, Sweet.
06:07But there are two problems. They're quite big problems.
06:09First of all, we've got to decide which breed of dog to get.
06:11And secondly, and this is the biggest problem,
06:13when we get the new dog,
06:15what shall we do
06:17with the old dog?
06:19What do you mean, pardon? I said...
06:21Watch my lips.
06:23When we get the new dog,
06:25what shall we do with the old dog?
06:27What, Suzy?
06:29Are we definitely getting a new dog?
06:31Oh, yes, definitely. Definitely on.
06:33I mean, it's funny, really, but, you know, Sweet was telling us all along
06:35to get a dog, and here we are, getting one.
06:37It was a great idea of yours, Sweet.
06:39He says he's changed his mind.
06:41Changed his mind? No, no, no, no, no.
06:43We're definitely going to get one.
06:45All we have to do is decide which breed to get.
06:47So, give me a hand looking through the books, Suzy.
06:49Let's see what we can find. What, Sweet?
06:51Dogs are awfully boring.
06:53No, they're not, Sweet.
06:55Some of the fellas in this book look as bright as buttons.
06:57Sweet, where are you going to go?
06:59I said, where are you going to go?
07:03Well, when Matthew gets his new dog
07:05you'll have to move out. Where will you go?
07:07You don't know?
07:09Well, I should give it some thought
07:11because it's only a matter of time.
07:13What, Sweet?
07:17We don't need a new dog?
07:19Oh, we do, we do. Look, some of these are actually quite fantastic.
07:21Do you like looking at that one?
07:23What, this one? Yeah, OK. This is called the Shih Tzu.
07:25And I'll read what it says about it.
07:27It says, a small, statured dog
07:29but remarkable for courage, charming personality
07:31and an almost comical arrogance of bearing.
07:33Has got a very strong sense of humour.
07:35You've got a strong sense of humour.
07:37Have you?
07:39Well, I didn't...
07:43The chattering teeth is hardly a strong sense of humour, is it?
07:45What other ones have I seen?
07:47There was one back here that actually marked the page.
07:49This sounds very... I like the sound of this one.
07:51Listen to this. Strange name.
07:53Laza Apso.
07:55That's a funny name, isn't it?
07:57Listen, they are gay and jaunty little dogs.
07:59Now to be seen at most of the major English and American shows
08:01they have a remarkable coat.
08:05You've got a remarkable coat?
08:07Matthew, you're not really going to get rid of Sweep, are you?
08:11No, no, I'm only kidding him, Sue.
08:13Shh, he's coming back, he's coming back.
08:15So sweet.
08:17That isn't what they meant by a remarkable coat.
08:19What other dogs are there?
08:21Well, look, there was one here
08:23and I think this is probably the one.
08:25It's just here.
08:27Now, this is the one for me. Listen to this.
08:29Listen to what it says.
08:39Oh, he sounds lovely.
08:41Yeah, he does sound like...
08:43What? You like the sound of him.
08:45Well, he's the one for me, that's the one.
08:47When shall we get him?
08:49Oh, as soon as possible, Sweep. We're going to rush out and get one straight away.
08:51I'll just find out approximately how much we'll have to pay.
08:53What does it say? Oh, yes, it says...
08:59Not on your nelly.
09:01I'm not paying £300 for a dog stand-up, Satie.
09:03Does that mean you can stay?
09:05Of course it does, Sweep.
09:07I've only been teasing you.
09:09Mind you,
09:11I would have quite liked a dog
09:13to show and train.
09:15We could show you.
09:17Who could we show you to? Come over here.
09:19We can't show you. You're all scratty.
09:21And you smell of wet towels as well.
09:23Oh, Matthew, I'm sure I can fix that.
09:25He only needs a good scrub.
09:27Really? What, Satie?
09:29And you'd help me to train him?
09:31Would you really?
09:33All right, Sweep. You're on.
09:35I'm going to train you and I'm going to show you
09:37in fact you can become my new hobby.
09:39Come on, old stinky poo.
09:41Let's get you washed. Come on.
09:45What, Sweep?
09:47How long does this stuff stay on?
09:49Well, not long now, Sweep.
09:51It's nearly time to rinse it off.
09:53What is it exactly?
09:55It's a special shampoo, Sweep.
09:57Specially formulated to get rid of fleas.
09:59Yes, fleas.
10:03You haven't got fleas?
10:05Well, it works very well then, doesn't it?
10:07Now then, let's give you a good rinse.
10:11Hold still, Sweep.
10:13There we are.
10:15That's it.
10:19That feels better, doesn't it, Sweep?
10:23There we are.
10:25Jolly good.
10:27Now then, put your nose on here.
10:29Hold still.
10:31I'm just going to pluck out a couple of those whiskers.
10:39There we are. All done.
10:41Now you can get out.
10:43What, Sweep?
10:45You've made a little puddle on the floor.
10:47Oh, don't worry, Sweep.
10:49Dogs are always making little puddles on the floor.
10:53Oh, hello there.
10:55It's nearly time for Sweep's first dog training session.
10:57Matthew! Matthew!
10:59Hi, Sue.
11:01Here he is. And he's a good boy.
11:03He's a good, good boy.
11:05Who's a clever boy, really.
11:07Sue's talking funny.
11:09No, she's not. That's the way that people talk to dogs, Sweep.
11:11That's how they do it. Sue, are you going to stay for the training session?
11:13Oh, no, I'm afraid not.
11:15I've got to get back to the bathroom.
11:17He's left puddles all over it.
11:19What? Oh, who's a bad boy?
11:21Naughty, naughty, naughty boy.
11:23No, no, no, Matthew, no. The water dribbled off his ears.
11:25Don't fret. I'll go and mop it up.
11:27Oh, I see. Now I understand.
11:29All right. Well, look, Sweep, we're going to start the dog training.
11:31Start with something nice and easy.
11:33OK, well, shall we start with...
11:35Let's start with an easy command, the sit command.
11:37So, listen, Sweep. Sit.
11:41He's not doing it.
11:43No, he obviously hasn't heard correctly.
11:45Sweep, listen, listen.
11:47Sit. Sweep!
11:49Well, why aren't you sitting?
11:51You haven't got a chair?
11:53Well, dogs don't need chairs.
11:55They're supposed to sit on the ground, then.
11:57Well, it's because... Oh, never mind.
11:59Just forget that.
12:01Let's do something else instead.
12:03The retrieve. OK, well, we haven't got a stick.
12:05We'll have to use a pen.
12:07Sweep, I've got a pen here. You see this pen?
12:09You can see it. Smell it.
12:11OK, do you smell it?
12:13Now watch where it goes. Watch where it goes.
12:15Over there. And...
12:17Good boy. Fetch it. Fetch it.
12:23Because I want it. OK?
12:27There's another one there.
12:29Yes, I know, Sweep, but I don't want that one.
12:31I want that one. OK?
12:33There's no difference.
12:37I'm sure this can't be normal.
12:39The other dogs don't argue with their masters during dog training.
12:41Come on, stand up. Oh, hi, Sue.
12:43Terrible! He hasn't learned anything at all, Sue.
12:45I don't know. Well, why don't you take Sweep to see your mate Peter Hurd?
12:47Then he could see some well-trained dogs.
12:49Yes, of course, my mate Peter Hurd.
12:51Why didn't I think of that?
12:53My friend down at the police dog training centre.
12:55It's a great idea, Sue. Are you going to join us?
12:57Oh, no. I promised a friend of mine I'd do a spot of babysitting.
12:59Earn myself a bit of extra pocket money.
13:01Babysitting, eh?
13:03All right, off you go.
13:05So that just leaves you two.
13:07Come on, Sweepy. And you, Sweep.
13:09Heel, boy. Heel.
13:11You are a sausage brain.
13:13Come on.
13:15I'd better put my shoe on.
13:17Come on, Sooty. Come on, Sweepy.
13:19Up you come.
13:21Well, here we are at the Metropolitan Police Dog Training Establishment.
13:23And here's my friend Sergeant Peter Hurd.
13:25Hi, Peter.
13:27Hello, Matthew.
13:29Nice to see you. This is Sooty. This is Sweep.
13:31Hello, Sooty.
13:33You recognise him? Yes, I'm sure you do.
13:35Listen, they've got some questions that they want to ask you.
13:37You'll do the asking. I'd better ask on your behalf.
13:39Sooty wants to know, how many dogs do you actually have here at this establishment?
13:41We've got 24 under training.
13:43Really, 24 dogs? And that's about an average number, is it?
13:45No, it varies from the availability of dogs that we can train at the time.
13:49I see. So, I'll ask him that as well.
13:51How long does it take to train a dog?
13:53About 14 weeks.
13:55Is that all? That's all, yeah.
13:57And after 14 weeks, they're ready to go on the streets?
13:59Yeah, they become operational after 14 weeks.
14:01Wow, only 14 weeks.
14:03Which dogs make the best police dog?
14:05We found the German Shepherd dog was the best.
14:07That's the dog that we know as being the Alsatian dog, is it?
14:09Do you have other sorts of dogs?
14:11Yes, we train Labradors, Retrievers and Spaniels.
14:13You're a bit like the Spaniel, with those long black ears.
14:15Would you like to see the dogs?
14:17OK, Peter, can we go and see the police dogs in action?
14:19Certainly, they're our guests.
14:21Thanks very much.
14:23Come on.
