Charlies Angels S01E07

  • 3 months ago
00:00Once upon a time, there were three little girls who went to the police academy.
00:16And they were each assigned very hazardous duties.
00:22But I took them away from all that, and now they work for me.
00:26My name is Charlie.
01:19Congratulations, angels. You've done it again.
01:22Even I am forced to agree with you on this one, Charlie.
01:25The girls were superb.
01:27At great personal risk, Charlie.
01:30Yeah, how about lightening up on us on the next case, Charlie?
01:32I mean, we've had enough of the guns and knives bit for a while.
01:35I think you're overreacting, ladies.
01:37Now, after all, who'd want to kill an angel?
01:40Hey, it's no joke, Charlie.
01:42I'm beginning to feel like we're an endangered species.
01:45By the way, where's Kelly?
01:47Oh, she sends her apologies, Charlie.
01:49She had a date. Couldn't break it.
01:51Sounds serious.
01:53We think it is, Charlie.
01:54She's been acting very strange lately.
01:57Who is he?
01:58Oh, that's just it. She won't tell us.
02:00Just says we'll meet him when the time is right.
02:03Maybe the next sound we'll hear will be wedding bells.
02:06Could be. Kelly said he's just the kind of guy she always wanted to meet.
02:11Charlie, do you think we ought to start running an ad?
02:13Angel wanted.
02:15I don't think so, Bosley, but just in case, I'll start interviewing right away.
02:20Come in, my dear.
02:24Would you like to show me your resume?
02:55How you doing, cowboy?
02:59Are you ready?
03:02The park?
03:04The park it is.
03:06Let's go.
03:24Let's go.
03:47Yes, kid?
03:49Tell me this story again.
03:51About the princess?
03:52Don't you ever get tired of it?
03:54Okay, let's sit down.
04:00Once upon a time, there was a princess who was afraid of the dark
04:04because she thought it'd never be light again.
04:07When she didn't wake up, the prince brought her presents?
04:14A bouquet of fresh yellow sunshine flowers,
04:17a necklace of seaweed from the great ocean,
04:20a seashell with the sounds of the ages in it,
04:23and what the princess wanted most?
04:26A golden wedding band.
04:30Then, when the prince had all his gifts,
04:33he rode his white stallion, just like the one you're riding now,
04:37to where the princess lay asleep.
04:40And she awakened, and God blessed the prince and the princess,
04:44and they lived happily ever after.
04:51Thank you.
05:20Come on, let's go!
05:50Oh, my God.
06:47Skip, where did you get that?
06:53Skip, that's a real...
07:43I'm sorry, you can't go in there.
07:45Are you family?
07:47Oh, why, we're...
07:49Yeah, we're family.
07:51You can wait out here if you'd like.
07:56Oh, boy.
08:02Bosley's with the police. They don't know anything yet.
08:05It happened at an amusement park?
08:07Their date. I guess that's where they went.
08:09Yeah, well, then where the hell was he when she got shot?
08:16Who is he?
08:32Doctor, Kelly, the girl in there, how is she?
08:35Lucky to be alive.
08:36She'll be all right?
08:38Hard to tell for a while. She'll be unconscious for several hours.
08:45Listen, I just talked to the police at the amusement park.
08:48They found a man's body in the Tunnel of Horrors,
08:51just 50 feet from where Kelly was shot.
09:03Come on.
09:15Single gunshot, close range, no identification on him.
09:18We're taking statements from witnesses to your friend's shooting
09:21when the ride operator discovered the body.
09:23Now, the inside of that place is like a cavern.
09:26Wouldn't a shot have been heard by the people in the other cars?
09:29A silencer could have been used.
09:31Now, we found the gun that shot your friend.
09:33Ballistics will tell whether it's the same gun used here.
09:35Well, in the darkness and that train in motion,
09:38it wouldn't have been too hard to dump a body.
09:40You have no witnesses at all?
09:42Not to this one.
09:43But we do have somebody who saw the kid shoot your friend.
09:51Saw it. I was right on top of the whole thing.
09:54It was a kid. A little bit of a kid.
09:56Are you sure?
09:57No doubt about it.
09:58The boy was holding a gun. He was pointing it at her like it was a toy.
10:02And she was trying to talk to him, normal-like.
10:05Then all of a sudden, pow!
10:07Okay, could you give me a description of the little boy, please?
10:10Oh, yeah. Well, he, uh, toe-headed.
10:12You know, blonde.
10:14Kind of slender. And small.
10:16Small? How small?
10:18Small. Regular small.
10:19Regular small.
10:21And, uh, he was wearing a cowboy suit.
10:24Yeah. Listen, I gotta go hawk my peanuts.
10:27Let me hope all this shooting hasn't spoiled everybody's appetite.
10:29Yeah, look, pal, thank you. Thanks a lot.
10:31Okay, the boy's name is Skip.
10:33I just called Kelly's answering service.
10:35She left word this morning that she was going to Pacific Sanitarium.
10:38Yeah, but she told us she had a date.
10:39She did, with the little boy.
10:41I called the sanitarium.
10:43In her spare time, Kelly was working in a volunteer workshop with autistic children.
10:47Then her mystery man was this Skip?
10:50Yeah, they said she spent more time with him than the other children
10:53because she thought he needed more help than the others.
10:56Oh, I didn't love her before. I do now.
10:59But he's a little boy. What would a little boy be doing with a gun?
11:03Better yet, why is the boy firing that gun?
11:06Why Kelly?
11:07The doctor at the sanitarium said Kelly was the only one who could make contact with him.
11:11With everyone else, he's completely withdrawn and sometimes hostile.
11:15Then he could be dangerous.
11:17To himself or maybe somebody else.
11:22I've got to find Skip fast.
11:27Skip is the only name we have for him, ladies.
11:31This is his file.
11:33However, we know nothing about him before he came to us.
11:38Except that he was abandoned on a Westside shopping center when he was six.
11:42And he's been shunted from clinic to clinic since that time.
11:45We were pretty much the end of the line for him.
11:48What do you mean, the end of the line?
11:50Well, it's absurd.
11:52But it's a fact that our children here are counted as failures before they even come to us.
11:57They're children whose learning abilities are impeded and they require special methods of teaching.
12:03There's a note here.
12:05Oh, yes. That was attached to his jersey when he was found.
12:08Listen to this.
12:11I don't know how to help him anymore.
12:14Please, please take care of him.
12:18No signature and it's written on the back of a blank time card.
12:24That's the only clue we have to his past.
12:26Well, a blank time card isn't much to go on.
12:31Would Skip remember back that far?
12:34I mean, is it possible that he could remember anything about where he came from before he was abandoned?
12:41Well, I'm not sure.
12:43But if he does, it's quite possible that he might return to it.
14:16Hey, hey, come on, take it easy.
14:18Come on.
14:20Doctor said you're going to have to stay in bed for a few days, you know, just to be on the safe side.
14:25You dizzy?
14:27A little.
14:28It's okay.
14:29The doctor said there might be some temporary after effects.
14:32What about Skip?
14:34We've been searching for him, Kelly, but so far, no luck.
14:37He didn't go back to the city.
14:39What time is it?
14:41It's, um, nearly eight.
14:47He's so afraid of the dark.
14:49Hey, Kelly, come on now.
14:51The police are doing everything they can.
14:53They have an APB out on him.
14:55We found a photograph.
14:56It's been distributed to all the news media.
14:59Where could he be?
15:01The doctor at the sanitarium didn't rule out the possibility.
15:04They didn't say anything.
15:06The doctor at the sanitarium didn't rule out the possibility that he might try to go back to someplace he remembered.
15:12Something out of his past.
15:15This time card is all we have to go on.
15:17There's a note on it.
15:18Now, look, look.
15:19There's a printer's code number on here.
15:21Now, they'd have a job sheet on file.
15:23It would tell them which company they printed the card for.
15:26It's a long shot.
15:28But we're going to try it out first thing in the morning.
15:30That is, if the police haven't already found him by then.
15:33Kelly, could you tell us exactly what happened?
15:39I don't know.
15:42Um, I took Skip to the amusement park.
15:47And the next thing I knew, he had a gun.
15:50Kelly, where'd he get the gun?
15:53I don't know.
15:54Well, there was a man killed this afternoon.
15:57No more than 50 feet from where you were shot.
16:00His fingerprints identified him as a small-time bag man named Sam Howard.
16:06Ballistics says that the gun that was used to kill Howard is the gun that Skip found.
16:12He's Sabrina.
16:14Maybe the murder was committed in the Tunnel of Horrors.
16:17And then the killer threw away or lost the gun coming out of the park.
16:20And Skip found it, I know.
16:21Which means Skip may have seen him.
16:23Maybe he can identify him.
16:31If the killer's thinking the same thing, then Skip could be his next target.
16:39Kelly, it's okay. Take it easy. Come on.
17:01Very sloppy, Ricky boy.
17:03The cops found the gun after the kid shot the girl.
17:07The gun is clean.
17:09They're not going to be able to trace it back to us.
17:13But that kid, he was looking at me like he was doing a memory act or something.
17:18And that girl, she could have seen me too.
17:22What do you think we ought to do, Ricky boy?
17:25We can murder one for killing Howard.
17:29The way to make sure that doesn't happen is to make sure that there are no witnesses left alive to tell about it.
17:36The girl or the kid?
17:39Both of them.
17:42Sounds reasonable.
17:48Try not to lose it this time.
18:29A bouquet of sunshine flowers.
19:00I know it's three years old, but we'd really appreciate any help you could give us.
19:05I haven't used this particular stock in a couple of years.
19:08Do you have records of the companies that you made those cards for before you switched stock?
19:13Maybe I do, and then again, maybe I don't.
19:17I don't know.
19:19I don't know.
19:21I don't know.
19:23I don't know.
19:25Do you have records of the companies that you made those cards for before you switched stock?
19:30Maybe I do, and then again, maybe I don't.
19:34What's that supposed to mean, Mr. Galloway?
19:36You two are really interested in getting this info, aren't you?
19:39It's important, yes.
19:41Important, oh.
19:46Hey, I got a magazine a couple of friends of mine and I are just getting started.
19:54But we're going to start small and grow.
19:56Could use a couple of fresh models.
19:59With or without?
20:01The less you wear, the more you get.
20:03Let me get this straight.
20:05We take our clothes off and you give us the information we want, right?
20:08Is it a deal?
20:10Just a second. We'll talk it over.
20:12Just one minute.
20:16What's the penalty for pornographic propositioning?
20:18Gee, I don't know. That depends on if he's a first-time offender.
20:21Another 602.
20:22A 602?
20:24Oh, that's a little heavy.
20:25Hey, you two policewomen.
20:27You want to see our badge?
20:28Hey, no, no, no, it's all right.
20:30Hey, I was just kidding about that other stuff.
20:33Oh, it was a joke.
20:36Hey, I still service that account, only they use a different style card.
20:41Giovanni's Bar and Grill over on 7th.
20:44Thank you, Mr. Galloway.
20:45It's citizens like you that make our job a lot easier.
20:48I still think we should have busted him.
21:18What the...
21:59Just a kid.
22:29A necklace of seaweed from the great ocean.
22:33A seashell with the sounds of the ages in it.
22:43You headed to the beach?
22:46Hop in.
22:47You can wait forever for a bus.
22:52Come on, we'll lose the light.
23:21You little rascal, you must have spent the night from the looks of things.
23:51Had a kitten with him.
23:52Mr. Giovanni, is this a picture of the little boy you saw?
23:56Looks like the same one to me.
23:58Do you have any idea where he might have gone?
24:00He caught a ride with a young girl in a red convertible.
24:03I don't know what kind.
24:04Do you know which direction they were headed?
24:07She had one of those whatchamacallits on the back of her car.
24:10You know, that the kids use to ride the waves.
24:14A surfboard.
24:15You got it.
24:17Hey, most of the kids surf at Zuma Beach.
24:19Mr. Giovanni, this is one of your time cards, isn't it?
24:22An old one.
24:24Two, three years.
24:26Mr. Giovanni, do you think it would be possible for you to check back in your employee files
24:31and see if you could find anybody that worked for you two or three years ago who might have had a young son?
24:36Take me a couple of hours.
24:39Could you call us at this number?
24:41It's important.
24:43Thank you.
24:45Funny thing about this kid.
24:47The only thing that was missing from the restaurant was a bunch of sunflowers.
24:51Had them in his fist when he ran out of here.
25:02A necklace of seaweed.
25:18Who are the flowers for?
25:21Got a girl, huh?
25:48What in the world are you looking for?
25:51A seashell.
25:52The sounds of the ages in it.
26:18Hey, are you in some kind of trouble or something?
26:24Because if you are, maybe I can help.
26:33Skip, that's a real...
26:39What's the matter? Did you run away from home or something?
26:43Hey, wait a minute.
26:46Wait a minute.
27:11Something interesting?
27:13It says here the victim of the shooting, Miss Kelly Garrett, is in satisfactory condition at the city hospital.
27:19I've been thinking.
27:21Maybe we ought to forget about it.
27:23We got paid for the killing on Howard.
27:25Why not just split town and leave it be?
27:28Because I'm a professional.
27:30When I get hired, I guarantee a clean job. No loose ends.
27:34Witnesses are loose ends.
27:44What's the matter, Ricky boy?
27:46No pride in your work?
27:52Too bad about Miss Kelly Garrett.
27:56She sounds like an angel.
28:09Hi, honey.
28:11Hi, honey.
28:15There you are.
28:17I guess you girls wouldn't be caught dead without your makeup.
28:22Sorry, bad joke.
28:24Any word?
28:26No, not yet.
28:32Boss, it's me. We're close.
28:34We found the girl who gave Skip a lift to the beach.
28:37But she said something that spooked him somehow and he took off.
28:40How long ago?
28:41Oh, I don't know. Probably half an hour. Could have even been 40 minutes.
28:44Where are you now?
28:45Beach Highway at sunset.
28:47Boss, she said that he was collecting things.
28:51Collecting? What?
28:54He had some sunflowers, picked up some seaweeds, seashells.
28:58Like it was some kind of a secret game.
29:01Look, I'll meet you there in 20 minutes.
29:04Right. Oh, Bozzie, listen, you tell Kelly not to worry.
29:09Be sure to give her our love, okay?
29:11Sure, will do.
29:17That was the girls. They sent you their love.
29:20Apparently they tracked the kid to somewhere near Zuma Beach.
29:23He's just wandering around aimlessly collecting things.
29:26Sunflowers, seaweeds, seashells.
29:31It's a story I told him. Presents from the prince.
29:34I've got to find him, Bosley.
29:36No, listen, wait. Kelly, you just stay right where you are.
29:39You're in no condition to go anywhere.
29:42Look, I'm going to ask the nurse to give you a sedative.
29:45Just stay right where you are and rest.
29:47I'll call you the minute we find him.
30:37I think you must have the wrong room.
30:39Miss Kelly Garrett?
30:45I'm Frank Evans.
30:48The little boy who shot you, he's my son.
31:07I love you.
31:28Ready for lunch?
31:30I am starved.
31:39Who is it, Gail?
31:49Is that you?
31:54Do you want to come in?
31:59It's all right.
32:01If you want to come in.
32:04If you want to come in.
32:14Are you hungry?
32:16Do you want something to eat?
32:19I'll get you some milk.
32:25What is it, honey? Who is he?
32:28My son.
32:30Your what?
32:49I was in the service.
32:51My wife ran off with another man and...
32:54took Patrick with her.
32:57He was abandoned, according to the doctors at the sanitarium.
33:02That sounds like something she'd do.
33:06I've been heart sick, searching for them since I got back, but...
33:10with no luck until now.
33:12You know, I was so close, Mr. Evans.
33:15So close to bringing him to a point...
33:17where he could be self-sufficient.
33:20There must be something that I could do to help.
33:23Have the police come up with any leads that you know of?
33:29He was seen...
33:31somewhere around Zuma Beach just a short time ago.
33:34But he could be anywhere by now.
33:37Would he be heading anywhere in particular?
33:40Just seems to be wandering.
33:42Think. You've got to think.
33:51The doctor left instructions to give you a sedative, miss.
33:54Please, can't it wait?
33:56I have my instructions.
33:58Your visitor won't mind.
34:00No, no, not at all.
34:13I wanted to keep him...
34:16to try to get professional help, but...
34:22but Hal wouldn't listen to it.
34:26Our marriage...
34:28was being destroyed.
34:31I didn't know what to do.
34:34I didn't want to abandon him.
34:37I just couldn't.
34:39I didn't want to abandon him.
34:42I swear, Cliff, you don't know what I've been through.
34:45Oh, God.
34:51I tried to find him later, but I couldn't.
34:54I searched everywhere.
34:56Hey, hey, listen.
34:57Since I'm going to be a stepfather,
34:59don't you think I should meet him at least?
35:30He took my wedding ring.
35:33He took my wedding ring.
35:39I've thought and thought about where he might go,
35:43but nothing makes any sense.
35:47When you picked him up from the sanitarium,
35:50where did you usually go?
35:52Would you take him any special places?
35:55All I ever thought about was the amusement park.
35:59Every time I'd take him home from there,
36:02he'd want to know when we were going back again.
36:05Would he go back there, back to the park?
36:08I don't know.
36:10I didn't think so because of the shooting.
36:13But they said he was collecting things.
36:17Collecting things?
36:19What kind of things?
36:22Uh, seashells, flowers.
36:33Sunshine flowers.
36:35Seaweed from the great ocean.
36:38A seashell with the sounds of the ages in it.
36:52You sound kind of groggy. Are you okay?
36:55I'm fine.
36:57What about Skip?
36:58We found his mother. She lives in Malibu.
37:01She was a waitress at Giovanni's,
37:03the bar and grill we tracked the time card to.
37:05That's why Skip went there.
37:07His real name is Bobby Francis.
37:10He was here less than an hour ago,
37:12but we're still a jump behind him.
37:15Does his mother know where he was going?
37:17Nope. She has no idea.
37:19He just appeared out of nowhere,
37:21and he disappeared the same way.
37:23He also stole his mother's wedding ring
37:25to add to his collection.
37:31A golden wedding ring.
37:38What was that? What did you say?
37:40He took his mother's wedding ring.
37:42I don't know why.
37:43Look, I'll check in with you later
37:45if we have something, okay? Bye.
37:55When the prince had all his gifts,
37:57he rode his white stallion
37:59until the princess lay asleep.
38:15The amusement park.
38:17I'll go back to the amusement park.
38:19How can you be sure?
38:22It's a story I told him about a sleeping princess.
38:27It's so hard to explain.
38:29He won't understand.
38:32I know the way his mind works.
38:37I think Miss Garrett should get some rest now, sir.
38:40Yes, of course, nurse.
38:46Call Charlie Townsend.
38:48Townsend Investigations.
38:50Tell him to go to the amusement park.
38:52Mary, go around. Skip will go to the Mary, go around.
38:56Because of the story he remembers.
38:58The Mary, go around.
39:01I'll do that, Miss Garrett.
39:03Now you get some rest.
39:06And thank you.
39:16Mr. Evans?
39:18Skip's real name is Bobby Francis.
39:24Bobby Francis.
39:26Bobby Francis.
39:28Bobby Francis.
39:30Bobby Francis.
39:51Outside information, please.
40:01I need a Malibu listing for the last name of Francis.
40:06Oh, I'm sorry.
40:08I'm sorry.
40:10I'm sorry.
40:12I'm sorry.
40:14I need a Malibu listing for the last name of Francis.
40:23Um, Mrs. Francis?
40:26Is, um, Jill Monroe there or Sabrina Duncan?
40:29No, they just left with Mr. Bosley.
40:31Oh, do you know where they were going?
40:33No, I don't.
40:38Mrs. Francis, it's very important.
40:40You've got to help. Your husband was just here.
40:43Who is this?
40:44My name is Kelly Garrett, and I'm a friend of your son's.
40:48What kind of terrible joke is this?
40:51It's not a joke, Mrs. Francis.
40:53Your husband...
40:54My husband was killed in a plane crash eight months ago.
40:58Please don't call here again.
42:43You sure this is where you want to get out, lady?
42:46Place is closed down on Mondays,
42:48and you don't exactly look in condition to be traipsing around out here by your lonesome.
42:52Look, call Townsend Investigations.
42:55Here's the number.
42:56Ask for Bosley.
42:58Tell him I'll be at the merry-go-round.
43:00Bosley? The merry-go-round?
43:02Wait a minute, and just who would you be?
43:04My name is Kelly Garrett.
43:06Just tell him where I am. Please, tell him.
43:09I know, lady. A matter of life or death.
43:12Okay, lady. I'll tell him.
44:07When the prince had all of his gifts,
44:09he rode his white stallion to where the princess lay asleep.
44:33What's the matter, son?
44:35Don't be afraid.
44:38I'm not going to hurt you.
44:43Just want to talk to you, boy.
44:57Oh, boy, come on.
45:23Kelly! Kelly!
45:32Let's get out of here.
45:37It's okay. It's okay, honey.
46:44You thinking what I'm thinking?
46:48Take him.
48:12I guess we really ought to stop that thing, huh?
48:16Now, you wouldn't want to cheat him out of his full ride, would you?
48:31I've never seen him so happy.
48:33You should look in my mirror. I've never seen me so happy.
48:37Oh, Kelly, I love him so.
48:39Dr. Stafford is convinced you deserve another chance.
48:43So are we, you know.
48:45Oh, I'll do my best. I promise you.
48:48We know you will.
48:50How can I ever thank you?
48:53I'm kind of hungry.
48:56Oh, tuna fish sandwiches?
48:58Sure. Thank you.
49:10You know what, Kelly?
49:14Sabrina's right.
49:18About what?
49:22He is the nicest man you ever dated.