The Adventures of T-Rex E040

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Est-ce que c'est sûr que c'est en sécurité?
00:02Oh, Ada, on a vu le film d'entraînement! On a pratiqué de sauter de l'agence!
00:06On a même sauté le truc sur maman pendant qu'elle dormait et on l'a sauté de la garage!
00:10Maintenant, qu'est-ce que c'est que votre problème?
00:11Oh, je ne sais pas! Peut-être que j'ai juste manqué de maman!
00:15Oh, elle sera bientôt à la maison! Le médecin a dit qu'il ne restera que quelques semaines!
00:18Allons! Faisons l'entraînement!
00:31Try to ice them! I'll call in the alarm!
00:35You ice them, I'll grab the loot!
00:42Three, four, five...
00:45Oh, I told you this wasn't going to work!
00:48Oh, you liar! You did not! You said it wasn't safe!
00:51I hate it when you do that! And it's perfectly safe, isn't it?
00:55And it's going to work as soon as I make one minor technical adjustment!
00:58Okay, madame! You're going to do that before or after T-Rex leaves?
01:06After! We'll do it after!
01:08For now, we'll just jump back onto the roof and beat it!
01:11Oh, good! Because I'm getting so sick!
01:16Oh, nothing like going up on the roof for lunch!
01:20Neat trick, but what's the point?
01:22Say, are you all right?
01:28Oh, and I wanted to be the one to show those guys the door!
01:41Oh, no!
01:42Oh, no!
01:43Oh, no!
01:44Oh, no!
01:45Oh, no!
01:46Oh, no!
01:47Oh, no!
02:18That's not all she's twisted!
02:21Hey, easy on the furniture there, Flo-babe!
02:24Don't you babe me! I've spent half my life in this business,
02:28and now I hear you promised your little five-and-dime floozy,
02:31the biggest diamond in Rep City!
02:33Where's this money coming from, and where's my raise?
02:37Now, is this any way to ask for money?
02:40Or do I sense a bit of jealousy?
02:44Jealous? Me?
02:50Of course not! I'm just trying to protect myself here and get what's my due!
02:54Good! Then you won't mind arranging all the wedding stuff for me!
02:59For a price, of course!
03:01Shall we say the second biggest diamond in Rep City?
03:09Brothers? Those vaudeville guy brothers?
03:12Why do we want them at Big Boss's bash?
03:15Because they're the best cabaret act in Rep City!
03:18Why do you think the Dragon Company is packed every night?
03:22Because of murder?
03:24Yeah! That's what I thought!
03:26Hey, what a knockout!
03:28Isn't there one male rep in this whole stinking city who doesn't think like a dinosaur in heat?
03:33Well, now that you mention it, it is kind of hot in here!
03:37Ha! Ha! Ha!
04:08And besides, you're all gonna get a reward!
04:11A reward?
04:13Axe, you're getting a set of solid gold Ginzor steak knives!
04:17Sherman, Bradley, you're each gonna get a 24 carat diamond horn stud!
04:22Add or matter, anything you want!
04:24Oh, gee, thanks, pal! But what's our job?
04:28You steal the knives, the horn studs, and anything you want!
04:31Ought to be easy enough with those new bungee things we bought you!
04:34Oh, and pick up two of the biggest diamond rings in Rep City while you're at it!
04:39Ah, generous twofold, that Flo is!
04:43Hey, Bubba, I bet you can't say iced ink five times fast!
04:48Iced ink! Iced ink! Iced ink! Iced ink! Iced ink! Iced ink!
04:51I know! So why don't you take a bath?
05:05Hey, great bit, boys!
05:08Especially like the kicking part!
05:10Axe! What are you doing here?
05:13Locking the doorway!
05:15What Bubba means, Axe, is can we help you in some way?
05:18Yeah, yeah, yeah! Boss Graves is tying the knot again!
05:21And he wants you guys to sing, dance, maybe make a couple of jokes!
05:25Hey, what's going on here?
05:26Well, it seems Boss Graves is inviting us to entertain at his wedding!
05:31Oh, nix on that!
05:32No way, Jose!
05:33Not so hasty, my brothers!
05:35What kind of money are we talking about, Axe?
05:38Uh, uh, uh, uh, a grand!
05:44Oh, wait! I'll be glad when this job is over!
05:47Yeah, we've been real lucky so far!
05:49I'd have bet a garden pea to a tub of rutabaga ice cream that Boss Graves would have tried to hit us!
05:54With the kind of protection we got, you gotta be kidding!
05:57There's enough coolers out there to end the world as we know it!
06:00No way the corporation...
06:01Hey, don't count your parasols before the hedge!
06:04Oh, we got a long way to go before we reach the Rockefeller Museum!
06:08And this is gonna be the most valuable loan we ever gotted!
06:12Boss Graves will try to steal it! You'll see!
06:23Forget it! Put it out of your mind!
06:25If you got a mind, that is!
06:27No way a couple of squirts like you is gonna take the Rockefeller collection!
06:31They got enough coolers riding hard on that convoy to chill every dinosaur in the city!
06:36And then some!
06:37Yeah, but, uh...
06:38No buts, Bradley! Forget the buts!
06:41Yeah, get the buts right out of here!
06:46Oh, cool it, Sherman!
06:48Ander was just kidding!
06:49Boys, boys, boys! We're all on the same side here!
06:52We all got the same objective!
06:54We all want the same thing!
06:56To rip off the Rockefeller collection!
06:59Right! Now you got the plan, snakes!
07:02Get to it!
07:15Ah, well, if we're gonna do it...
07:18Let's do it!
07:26Ready, set, and go!
07:57We're almost at the museum, Top Cop!
07:59You've got to stop this heist, Bugsy!
08:01The Rockefeller jewelry collection is priceless!
08:05No problem!
08:06Ed's invention here ought to take the bounce out of there, Bridgers!
08:09You sound tired! Run down!
08:11And burning the candle at both ends?
08:17Thanks! I needed that!
08:18While we were up all night rehearsing our act for the wedding!
08:21I know it's a big sacrifice to ask of you,
08:23but this could be a chance to get a look at Graves' operation from the inside!
08:27Or a look at Graves from the inside!
08:31Whoops! Gotta go! Looks like the heist is going down!
08:34And up! And down!
08:42But I did get longer cords this time!
08:45I even tied them off in triple knots!
08:47That would be triply safe!
08:49Triple knots?
08:51That takes three times as much cord adder!
08:54What's your point, madame?
08:58Mind if we cut in?
09:00Be my guest!
09:03It works!
09:06Last one to the roof is a scrambled turtle egg!
09:12Hey! It ain't working!
09:15But I am!
09:18Uh! Sort of!
09:25Cut in!
09:33Hit the roof or take him!
09:35You take the stairwell and I'll take the airwell
09:37And I'll get some matter up for ya!
09:40It's skittish what I have!
09:42It's just Bach!
09:43Would you just do it?
09:45You jealous?
09:50Hold it right there, adder!
09:52I'm madder!
09:53And who could blame you?
09:55But you'll have plenty of time in prison to work through these feelings!
09:59Ah well, when you've gotta go, you've gotta go!
10:04And I think it's time you went!
10:06Hey! I put up a real fuss, but I'm all tied up at the moment!
10:10I wouldn't do that if I were you, adder!
10:13Get it right! I'm madder!
10:15But we all matter, adder! That's why hurting others is wrong!
10:23Oh! I thought it was a lovely sentiment, Bugsy!
10:36Quick! Tie her up!
10:39Spread your arms or you'll slow down!
10:41Easy for you to say!
10:45It's no use! It's too tangled!
10:47Okay! Plan B, Buck! Hit it!
10:58Why Bruno, I never knew you cared!
11:01I always care about you, little brother!
11:06Hey! Nice view up here!
11:08Enough with the view already!
11:09We gotta go to Big Boss' wedding rehearsal!
11:11Somehow, this just doesn't sound right!
11:15Greetings! I'm Waldo Winch!
11:17And we're here to celebrate the nuptial co-joining of...
11:21Hey! None of that talk! Save that stuff for the bachelor party!
11:24Now start again!
11:27So I says to him, I says,
11:29Honey, it's touched me very deeply to see how hard you're working on all these wedding preparations!
11:35What a dimwit!
11:36I just know this will last forever!
11:39Yeah, right!
11:40Then we'll hit him with the juggling act!
11:45That looks like Madder and Adder just did a juggling act!
11:48With their hands tied behind their backs!
11:50I got a feeling Boss Graves just gave them a job performance evaluation!
11:54Think they're going back for another try?
11:56Does a triceratops play with a mean horn section?
12:01Ah! We'll be right back, Ax!
12:03Ah! We'll be right back, Ax!
12:05We left our punchlines in our other suits!
12:08Ah, right!
12:10Take ten!
12:11And on your right, a miniature model of our fair metropolis made entirely out of earwax.
12:16Mr. Rappafeller commissioned the work late in the last century,
12:19by which time his lights were on, but no one was home.
12:21And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!
12:24Our next exhibit is a true civic treasure!
12:27The brilliant and awe-inspiring...
12:36Good morning, Mr. Wesley.
12:38I thought you said you'd be gone by sunrise.
12:41Well, we won't charge you for the overtime.
12:43I guess we were wrong about the Snake Brothers making another try for the jewels.
12:47Look, if you need to get in touch with us...
12:53I think he needs to get in touch with us.
12:55Oh, don't worry, Madder.
12:57We should have more than enough cord this time.
13:00But, Adder, more than enough is...
13:04...too much.
13:06You grab the jewels and meet the axe out front.
13:08I'll hold off these clowns.
13:11Back off, T-Rex, or I'll...
13:15Stonely reprimand us?
13:16Repulse us with your dirty fingernails?
13:18Poke us into submission?
13:24Bubba, get Madder!
13:25I think you mean Adder!
13:27I think I mean go!
13:37Uh-oh! Uh-oh!
13:40Uh-oh! Uh-oh! Uh-oh!
13:46Let go! Let go! Let go!
13:48Do as he says, Bruno!
14:27That's it! No wedding!
14:30I've been so looking forward to the honeymoon!
14:33No honeymoon!
14:35You promised me the biggest diamond in Rep City!
14:38I told all my friends!
14:40But worse than that, far more humiliating to me personally,
14:43I told my mom!
14:46It's off!
14:48It's off!
14:56And let her call it off.
14:58You'd like that, wouldn't you, you withered-up witch?
15:01Yes, you simpering little salamander, I would!
15:05Girls, girls, calm down!
15:08Shut up, Big Boss!
15:10I'm sick of trying to put this no-ring circus together!
15:13You? But I thought...
15:15I mean, you told me...
15:20I'm already on it, BB!
15:22You want Adder and Madder, right, BB?
15:24I got you, BB!
15:28Bugsy here!
15:29Oh, it's Bessel!
15:33Oh, you don't say!
15:36Ten-four, Commodore!
15:38Let's hit it!
15:49T-Rex is the name!
15:51Can't climb mountains!
15:52A sacred institution!
15:53Not to be entered into lightly!
15:54A commitment for life!
15:56Requiring sacrifice, patience, love...
15:58And lots of sleep!
16:19Oh, I'm starting to wish Big Boss wasn't getting married, Madder!
16:22We've got a choice, Adder!
16:24Either there's going to be a wedding, or there's going to be a funeral!
16:27We're just lucky Wesley got scared and decided to move the whole collection out tonight!
16:32Okay, Birdman, take her down about thirty feet and keep your meter running!
16:36I'll be back in a minute!
16:38I'll be back in a minute!
16:39I'll be back in a minute!
16:40I'll be back in a minute!
16:41I'll be back in a minute!
16:42I'll be back in a minute!
16:43I'll be back in a minute!
16:44I'll be back in a minute!
16:45Take her down about thirty feet and keep your meter running!
16:48Pushing up, sliding in, and shooting the car!
16:56We've got it! We've got it!
17:00I think it's got us, Adder!
17:03But how can this be?
17:07Could be the thousand pounds of iron in here with me!
17:17Get us out of here!
17:19Bird, step on it!
17:33Right! Take him away!
17:36And that's that!
17:38I just love it when I can take dangerous criminals off the streets!
17:41But what about the ones in the sky?
17:46Hey, stop! On it! Wait! Come back! Hey, wait for me! On it!
17:51Things could be worse, Madder.
17:53At least Boss Krabs can't get his hands on us while we're in here.
18:01The wedding's off!
18:03I guess that means we're off the hook, Madder.
18:06I don't think so. Me called it off.
18:09No rings, so no adieu's.