Touche Turtle and Dum Dum Touche Turtle and Dum Dum E028 – Kat-napped

  • il y a 3 mois


00:11It's Touche Battle!
00:21Help! Help! Save me someone! Help! Help!
00:25Save your breath, boy. There's no one home but you and me.
00:29And soon there'll only be me.
00:32At the dinner, that is. Which is where you come in.
00:37Now let's see here. Bring to a slow boil and...
00:42Help! Help! Someone help!
00:45This kid don't need help. He does all right.
00:49Operator, get me the big hero Touche Turtle and hurry!
00:55Take that, and this, and that, you vile villain.
00:59I'm right behind you, Touche.
01:04Excuse me, I have a call.
01:07Touche here. Yes.
01:10A cat, huh? Chasing a canary?
01:13Well, I'm kind of busy, but I'll cut this one short. Be right over.
01:18Well now, I'll just let you off with a warning this time from Touche Turtle.
01:24Touche, away!
01:28Some days, I just can't seem to get off of the ground.
01:33Help! Help! Help someone! Help!
01:38What a wonderful way to wake up an appetite.
01:44Now what? If that's another guy asking to find the lady of the house, he's gonna get a broom on the noggin.
01:51Ain't you guys kinda early with the trick-or-treats?
01:54We had a report of a delinquent cat. Maybe you've seen him.
01:59He sure gave himself away that time.
02:05I'll just swing into an open window and apprehend him.
02:09Touche, away!
02:13This will fix that turtle's wagon.
02:17Oh, dear.
02:20Nice of you to drop in, pal.
02:23Too bad you can't stay.
02:27I'm really sore now. All over, in fact. Ouch!
02:33He's not looking, Touche. Now's your chance.
02:37Well, he asked for it.
02:39Oh, no! Not your deadly sword, Touche!
02:43I know, Dum-Dum, but this is war.
02:48Help, Touche! Help!
02:50Hold it! Unhand that bird, or I'll run you through and through.
02:54Do me a favor, pal. Hold this.
02:58Oh, he's a cagey one.
03:00Help, Touche! Help! Help!
03:03Will you stop with the help, help, help?
03:05I like my meals in quiet.
03:07All right, Touche. This means potato soup for you, see?
03:13I'll manhandle this. Relax.
03:16All right, you. Choose your weapon.
03:19All righty. I'll choose this one.
03:24If he knew how mad he just made me, he'd head for the hills fast.
03:29Hey, now. That gives me an idea.
03:35I don't know where I get these brainstorms.
03:39That cat won't bother you any more with this eagle around.
03:43Well, my job's done, so I can go.
03:46I'll go.
03:48I'll go.
03:49I'll go.
03:50I'll go.
03:51I'll go.
03:52I'll go.
03:53I'll go.
03:54I'll go.
03:55I'll go.
03:56I'll go.
03:57J'ai terminé mon travail, alors Touche, au revoir !
04:01Tu es un héros !
04:05Tu l'as fait encore, Touche !
04:09Un peu de triche !
04:12Maintenant quoi ?
04:14Touche est là !
04:16Quoi ?
04:17Pas de blague !
04:18Et vite, s'il te plaît !
04:20Je vais sortir de l'extinction !
04:22Aidez !
