'Why Hide That?': Michael Burgess Grills Nadler On DOJ Blocking Release Of Audio Of Biden Interview

  • 3 months ago
At a House Rules Committee hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) questioned Rep. Jerry Nadler about the audio of President Biden's

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00:00Other thoughtful testimony today, I'll just ask a question, Representative Hageman and Chairman Comer,
00:08do you have any confidence that the actual interviews, the taped interviews, still exist?
00:19Or are those likely to have disappeared somewhere?
00:22I would assume they still exist. They should.
00:25I don't think they should, but there's obviously so much energy being expended to prevent the public from hearing these.
00:40And you have to ask yourself, why is there so much energy being—clearly it's not executive privilege.
00:46I mean, that was waived with the production of the transcribed interviews.
00:50If there's this much energy being placed to put a wall between the American public and the substance of these—or the transcripts of these—
00:59I'm sorry, the audio of these interviews, clearly there's something that they desperately want to prevent from going to the hands of the American people.
01:07Did I answer the question?
01:09Mr. Burgess, I would say something in response to that.
01:11If they don't exist, I would say that someone has actually destroyed evidence.
01:17And that would be a very serious concern if someone actually did something with those audio tapes.
01:24I also think it's very important that we clarify some of the testimony that has been provided,
01:28which is there is the repeated claim that the transcript and the audio are identical, and that's not true.
01:34And in fact, it has been admitted over the last two weeks that there are differences between the transcript and the audio that they will not release.
01:42And it's one of the reasons why we absolutely have to have that audio,
01:46because they are not identical, and anyone who claims to the contrary is being disingenuous.
01:50I agree with Chairman Coleman.
01:52Yeah, and I agree with everything she said.
01:55And another point that my colleagues to my left forgot to mention,
02:00when they said that it's the House Republicans that want these audio tapes,
02:06the Associated Press, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Reuters, Bloomberg, and the Washington Post,
02:17as well as other mainstream media outlets, have all sued to get the recordings as well.
02:23So the American people want to see those audio recordings, in addition to the investigators in the House of Representatives.
02:32So I think that's a very important point to note.
02:37I'm sorry, Ranking Member Nadler, you had wanted to say something?
02:41Yes, I want to say a few things.
02:44The basic reason the Department doesn't want, I think, the basic reason the Department doesn't want to release the transcript
02:51is because they have good reason to believe that the Republican leadership on the Judiciary Committee would alter the transcript,
02:58as they did with the Nina Jankiewicz matter.
03:05She told us that in her deposition of April 2023, the Judiciary Committee altered,
03:13by cutting and pasting, altered the meaning of what she had said.
03:17And I assume that's the reason that the Justice Department doesn't want to release the transcript.
03:24But I would also point out that the Republicans are claiming that the DOJ waived the ability to claim executive privilege by producing the written transcripts.
03:33Legally, that's simply wrong.
03:35Audio recordings have distinct features and law enforcement uses.
03:38Release of audio would have a unique chilling effect on future DOJ investigations.
03:43Also, finding a waiver here would punish DOJ for cooperating with Congress.
03:49And I don't think we want to punish the DOJ for cooperating with Congress.
03:52I would also point out, contrary to some of the insinuations we heard from my two colleagues to my left,
04:00to my right rather, I'm sorry, God forbid to my left, my two colleagues to my right,
04:05that Mr. Herr, who is a Republican, who used to work for Bill Barr,
04:13conducted a thorough investigation and found there was no basis for
04:17charging the President with improper retention or mishandling of classified documents.
04:23Whereas, of course, the special prosecutor has indicted former President, or
04:27got a grand jury to indict former President Trump for mishandling classified documents, and he will have to go to trial.
04:33So it's a world of difference, and we should not be-
04:39I'm going to interrupt you there.
04:41It is a world of difference because President Trump was President.
04:45These documents were procured when Vice President Biden was, they were under his control.
04:54He did not have the same ability as the President to declassify these things.
04:59I'm not going to debate that with you.
05:00I will simply point out that the special prosecutor, Mr. Herr, found no basis for
05:04indicting Mr. Biden, while the special prosecutor, Mr. Smith, was afraid of the grand jury to indict Mr. Trump.
05:12By your own admission, Mr. Nadler, you said that Mr.
05:15Herr's comments, when he related the status of this interview, was that the President seemed well-meaning, but confused.
05:27And I think, and you said yourself, you characterized that.
05:32I think the American people deserve the opportunity to be able to hear that for themselves.
05:37People are smart.
05:38They can make that discernment on their own.
05:41His report made very clear that there were multiple reasons for not indicting Mr. Biden.
05:51His gratuitous comment about Mr. Biden's...
05:56I'm sorry, I'm interrupting you.
05:57I'll give you a chance to respond, but you're characterizing that as gratuitous is in and of itself gratuitous.
06:03I mean, you do not get to have that.
06:05You can judge that.
06:06I don't think it's gratuitous.
06:08His comment was gratuitous because, if you read his report, that's not why the President was not indicted.
06:18There are ample reasons given in the report for not indicting the President.
06:22And given that, not including that, and given that fact, to make that observation was gratuitous.
06:29But why not then clear the air and make the actual audio of the interview available?
06:37Why should the American people be the deciders here?
06:40Why hide that from them?
06:42People are sensitive because they were told that, say, a certain laptop was Russian disinformation
06:48and 51 members of the intelligence community signed a letter to that effect.
06:52And then it turns out, well, maybe it was not.
06:56Because the chairman of the Judiciary Committee has already been caught altering...
07:01May I respond?
07:02No, not until I finish.
07:04Has been caught altering verbal, electronic transcripts in the case of Nina Jankowicz.
07:13And we have every reason to believe, or let me retract that, we have no reason to believe
07:19that he wouldn't do so again.
07:22If I may respond.
07:23Please, I wish you would.
07:24That is absolutely untrue.
07:27Neither Jim Jordan or anybody on the Judiciary Committee made any changes to Nina Jankowicz's
07:33interview transcript.
07:34That's absolutely a false statement.
07:36There's one other point that I think needs to be clarified, which is that Special Counsel
07:39Robert Hurst stated on page one of his report, our investigation uncovered evidence that
07:45President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency
07:52when he was a vice president.
07:54The reason that he recommended against prosecuting President Biden was not a gratuitous statement.
08:01It was the reason as to why he refused to recommend prosecution.
08:06And it was that because, because, because Joe Biden is a, quote, sympathetic, well-meaning
08:14elderly man with a poor memory, Mr. Hurst was concerned that a jury would not be willing
08:19to convict.
08:21Anyone who wants to see what Mr. Hurst actually found and his explanation of what he did,
08:27you can go and you can watch the hearing before the Judiciary Committee.
08:30But one thing is very clear, and I will go back to it again.
08:34The folks on the other side of the aisle keep wanting to say the transcript and the audio
08:38are identical.
08:39There is no reason why, if you have the transcript, you're entitled to the audio.
08:44As a long-practicing attorney, they are not the same thing.
08:48The audio is the best evidence of what he said, how he said it, the time that it took
08:52for him to say it, and in what ways they may have altered that transcript.
08:56The moment that they released the transcript and said, this is the interview, they waived
09:01their ability to claim any kind of a privilege.
09:04And they don't have a legally valid privilege in addition to that.
09:08And it's for that reason that we believe that Mary Gardner needs to be held in contempt
09:12of Congress.
09:13I will agree with her.
09:14I will agree with her.
09:15I will agree.
09:16The gentleman will suspend.
09:17I firmly believe that the American people are entitled to hear this, and I'm grateful
09:22that you brought this today.
09:23I'll give you a chance to respond, Mr. Nadler, but then we need to move on to Mr.
09:26I will agree with Ms. Hageman that there is no evidence that the transcript was altered
09:32The transcript wasn't altered.
09:35But in Ms. Hageman, I'm sorry, Ms. Jankiewicz's case, the transcript wasn't altered, the video
09:42was altered.
09:43And that's what we're concerned about.
09:44We're not arguing the Jankiewicz case, we're arguing
09:46No, but if the Judiciary Committee
09:48The American people deserve the ability to see that and make this decision on their own.
09:53They are sick and tired of being lied to by agencies.
09:56If the Judiciary Committee was dishonest enough, the leadership, to manipulate the video in
10:03the Jankiewicz matter, it is dishonest enough to manipulate the video in this matter.
10:07And that is a good reason to withhold it.
10:10Thank you.
10:12Thank you.
10:13Ranking Member Raskin, Ranking Member Nadler, Chairman Comer, and
