At his weekly press briefing on Thursday, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) spoke about President Biden's chances in an election.
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00:01After the last two weeks, even with all of that, there was at least one public poll today
00:02that suggested that Biden and Trump are still relatively neck and neck.
00:03Is there a case that you have made or that you can make for staying the course with Biden
00:04as the nominee?
00:05And then on top of that, if you don't follow what the concerns are of some of these members
00:06that are coming out and speaking, and don't call on Biden to resign, and he loses, you
00:07don't get the House, you don't become Speaker, why should the members trust your political
00:09We're going to work as hard as we can to win back control of the United States House of
00:34Representatives in November.
00:39And I think at the end of any election cycle, people are going to evaluate what the performance
00:48of House Democratic leaders has been in achieving the objective.
00:53That involves candidate recruitment, that involves how much resources the DCCC is raising
01:01relative to our counterparts on the extreme Republican side of the aisle, and it also
01:08involves what happens in any high-profile special elections that may occur during the
01:15course of the 118th Congress, including ones that may happen to emerge in your own backyard.
01:21The record will speak for itself.
01:23I'm not going to characterize it at this moment, but all of this information is in the public