00:00 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
00:03 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
00:06 Slow down Baloo, what's the hurry?
00:09 Oh, I just can't wait Mowgli
00:11 Today's the day my bananas will be ripe and ready to eat
00:15 It's a tradition Mowgli, Baloo's banana day
00:18 Exactly Bagheera, my favorite day of the year
00:22 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
00:25 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
00:28 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
00:31 A tasty little snack
00:39 If I'm not mistaken
00:43 Softly catchy monkey
00:55 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
00:59 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
01:02 Banana day today
01:04 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
01:07 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
01:10 And now little monkey, look into my eyes
01:22 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
01:25 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
01:28 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
01:31 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
01:34 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
01:37 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
01:40 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
01:43 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
01:46 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
01:49 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
01:52 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
01:55 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
01:58 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
02:01 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
02:04 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
02:07 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
02:10 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
02:13 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
02:16 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
02:19 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
02:22 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
02:25 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
02:28 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
02:31 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
02:34 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
02:37 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
02:40 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
02:43 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
02:46 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
02:49 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
02:52 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
02:55 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
02:58 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
03:01 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
03:04 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
03:07 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
03:10 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
03:13 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
03:16 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
03:19 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
03:22 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
03:25 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
03:28 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
03:31 They're nice and ripe and ready to eat
03:34 Hip hip hooray, it's banana day today
03:38 Come back! Get out!
03:40 Don't they know it's for loose banana day?
03:45 It's a tradition!
03:46 A tradition that the bandalog usually respect
03:50 Exactly! What's going on?
03:53 Your Highness, we bring you fruits
03:57 The finest bananas in all the jungle
04:00 We'll see. Peel one for me
04:05 Oh!
04:06 Not bad
04:10 You can take the rest to my quarters
04:14 Your Highness, we're hungry too
04:19 You will eat when I say you can eat
04:24 But that's not fair!
04:26 Do you dare to contradict me?
04:33 Je suis le roi des monstres
04:36 C'est vraiment bizarre
04:39 Je sais. Pourquoi pense-t-il que Car est le roi des monstres?
04:42 Est-ce que quelqu'un d'autre a un problème?
04:46 Très bien. Rappelez-vous que les fruits de la jungle sont tous les miens
04:54 Tous les miens, tu veux dire? J'ai mis du cœur et de la soule dans ces bananes
05:00 Qui a le courage de détramer le court du roi Car?
05:05 Intrudeurs! Arrêtez-les!
05:10 Car! Attends! C'est moi, Balloon!
05:20 Bambi! Mowgli!
05:22 Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de vous!
05:25 Prenez-les!
05:28 C'est bon!
05:30 Tout le monde va bien?
05:44 Juste à peu près
05:46 Je pense que oui
05:48 Il faut qu'on s'en sort!
05:50 Oui! Avant que mes bananes ne disparaissent!
05:55 C'est pas bon. Même moi je ne peux pas s'en sortir
05:58 Mettez-les là-bas avec les autres
06:04 N'avons-nous pas quelques-unes, votre highness?
06:07 Nous ne les avons pas tous
06:09 Non, les fruits sont tous les miens
06:12 Mais...
06:13 J'ai dit non!
06:17 Oh!
06:20 Oh!
06:23 Oh!
06:26 Oh!
06:29 Oh!
06:32 Oh!
06:58 Merci, mais pourquoi m'avez-vous aidé?
07:01 Pour que vous puissiez nous aider à se faire sortir de ce car de tyran
07:05 Il pense qu'il est le roi des monges
07:07 Mais pourquoi? Est-il en quelque sorte en transe?
07:11 Je suis le leader suprême, le roi de tout ce que je surveille
07:25 Il a l'air de s'être hypnotisé
07:28 Nous avons un plat de silver
07:30 Je comprends. Boulou, tu prends le plat et je vais le garder occupé
07:37 Oui! C'est bien d'être roi!
07:40 Car, arrête!
07:42 Qui es-tu?
07:44 Je suis un humain. Tu ne voudrais pas m'en manger?
07:48 Eh bien, je dois dire que tu as l'air assez délicieux
07:54 Même si les monges n'en mange pas souvent
07:58 C'est tout, Car
08:00 Tu n'es pas un monge
08:03 Tu es un escargot
08:05 Je suis un escargot
08:08 Oh! Des bananes! J'hate les bananes!
08:23 Ce que j'aime, c'est un bon monge sucré
08:28 Eh! Reviens! Tu es mon monge!
08:37 Eh bien, ça a été un bon jour de bananes, grâce à notre ami monge
08:51 Merci, Boulou! Ces bananes sont vraiment délicieuses!
08:56 Pas de problème. Il y a plein de choses à faire
08:59 Je me suis dit que l'année prochaine, tout le monde pourra manger des bananes au bananodé
09:04 As longtemps que vous n'en mangez pas, Boulou
09:07 Et nous partons maintenant